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NeuroImage, Volume 243
Volume 243, November 2021
- Elizabeth Huber, Aviv A. Mezer, Jason D. Yeatman
Neurobiological underpinnings of rapid white matter plasticity during intensive reading instruction. 118453 - Vanessa Siffredi
, Younes Farouj, Anjali Tarun, Vicki Anderson, Amanda G. Wood
, Alissandra McIlroy, Richard J. Leventer, Megan M. Spencer-Smith
, Dimitri Van De Ville:
Large-scale functional network dynamics in human callosal agenesis: Increased subcortical involvement and preserved laterality. 118471 - Tiago Bortolini, Bruno Melo, Rodrigo Basilio, Ronald Fischer
, Roland Zahn
, Ricardo de Oliveira-Souza, Brian Knutson
, Jorge Moll:
Striatal and septo-hypothalamic responses to anticipation and outcome of affiliative rewards. 118474 - Anna Gábor
, Attila Andics, Ádám Miklósi, Kálmán Czeibert, Cecília Carreiro, Márta Gácsi
Social relationship-dependent neural response to speech in dogs. 118480 - Genevieve Quek
, Bruno Rossion, Joan Liu-Shuang:
Critical information thresholds underlying generic and familiar face categorisation at the same face encounter. 118481 - Davood Karimi, Camilo Jaimes, Fedel Machado-Rivas, Lana Vasung, Shadab Khan, Simon K. Warfield, Ali Gholipour:
Deep learning-based parameter estimation in fetal diffusion-weighted MRI. 118482 - Amin Azimi, Zahra Alizadeh, Maryam Ghorbani
The essential role of hippocampo-cortical connections in temporal coordination of spindles and ripples. 118485 - Raphael Underwood, Eva Tolmeijer, Johannes Wibroe, Emmanuelle Peters
, Liam Mason:
Networks underpinning emotion: A systematic review and synthesis of functional and effective connectivity. 118486 - Nessa V. Bryce, John C. Flournoy, João F. Guassi Moreira
, Maya L. Rosen, Kelly A. Sambook, Patrick Mair, Katie A. McLaughlin:
Brain parcellation selection: An overlooked decision point with meaningful effects on individual differences in resting-state functional connectivity. 118487 - Ralica Dimitrova, Maximilian Pietsch, Judit Ciarrusta, Sean P. Fitzgibbon
, Logan Z. J. Williams, Daan Christiaens
, Lucilio Cordero-Grande
, Dafnis Batalle, Antonios Makropoulos, Andreas Schuh, Anthony N. Price, Jana Hutter, Rui Pedro A. G. Teixeira, Emer J. Hughes, Andrew Chew, Shona Falconer, Olivia Carney, Alexia Egloff, Jacques-Donald Tournier, Grainne M. McAlonan, Mary A. Rutherford, Serena J. Counsell
, Emma C. Robinson, Joseph V. Hajnal, Daniel Rueckert, A. David Edwards, Jonathan O'Muircheartaigh:
Preterm birth alters the development of cortical microstructure and morphology at term-equivalent age. 118488 - Anisa Azad, Ryan P. Cabeen, Farshid Sepehrband, Robert Kim, Claire E. Campbell, Kirsten M. Lynch, J. Michael Tyszka, Megan M. Herting:
Microstructural properties within the amygdala and affiliated white matter tracts across adolescence. 118489 - Owen T. Carmichael
, Sreekrishna R. Pillai, Kori Murray, Preetham Shankapal, John Caldwell
, Oshin Vartanian, Claire E. Berryman, J. P. Karl, Melissa Harris, Jennifer C. Rood, Stefan M. Pasiakos, Harris R. Lieberman:
Effects of testosterone administration on fMRI responses to executive function, aggressive behavior, and emotion processing tasks during severe exercise- and diet-induced energy deficit. 118496 - Qing Gao, Yu Xiang, Jiabao Zhang, Ning Luo, Minfeng Liang, Lisha Gong, Jiali Yu, Qian Cui, Jorge Sepulcre, Huafu Chen:
A reachable probability approach for the analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics in the human functional network. 118497 - Ladan Moheimanian, Sivylla E. Paraskevopoulou, Markus Adamek
, Gerwin Schalk, Peter Brunner:
Modulation in cortical excitability disrupts information transfer in perceptual-level stimulus processing. 118498 - Audrey Henry
, Delphine Raucher-Chéné
, Alexandre Obert, Pamela Gobin, Ksenija Vucurovic, Sarah Barrière, Séverine Sacré, Christophe Portefaix, Fabien Gierski, Stéphanie Caillies, Arthur Kaladjian:
Investigation of the neural correlates of mentalizing through the Dynamic Inference Task, a new naturalistic task of social cognition. 118499 - Stefanie Verstraelen
, Koen Cuypers
, Celine Maes, Melina Hehl
, Shanti Van Malderen, Oron Levin
, Mark Mikkelsen
, Raf L. J. Meesen, Stephan P. Swinnen
Neurophysiological modulations in the (pre)motor-motor network underlying age-related increases in reaction time and the role of GABA levels - a bimodal TMS-MRS study. 118500 - Tudor M. Ionescu, Mario Amend, Rakibul Hafiz, Bharat B. Biswal
, Andreas Maurer
, Bernd J. Pichler, Hans F. Wehrl, Kristina Herfert
Striatal and prefrontal D2R and SERT distributions contrastingly correlate with default-mode connectivity. 118501 - Kurt G. Schilling, François Rheault, Laurent Petit, Colin B. Hansen, Vishwesh Nath, Fang-Cheng Yeh
, Gabriel Girard, Muhamed Barakovic, Jonathan Rafael-Patino, Thomas Yu, Elda Fischi Gomez, Marco Pizzolato
, Mario Ocampo-Pineda, Simona Schiavi
, Erick Jorge Canales-Rodríguez
, Alessandro Daducci, Cristina Granziera
, Giorgio M. Innocenti, Jean-Philippe Thiran
, Laura Mancini
, Stephen J. Wastling, Sirio Cocozza
, Maria Petracca, Giuseppe Pontillo
, Matteo Mancini, Sjoerd B. Vos, Vejay N. Vakharia, John S. Duncan
, Helena Melero
, Lidia Manzanedo, Emilio Sanz-Morales, Ángel Peña-Melián, Fernando Calamante, Arnaud Attye, Ryan P. Cabeen, Laura Korobova, Arthur W. Toga, Anupa Ambili Vijayakumari
, Drew Parker, Ragini Verma, Ahmed M. Radwan
, Stefan Sunaert
, Louise Emsell
, Alberto De Luca
, Alexander Leemans, Claude J. Bajada
, Hamied A. Haroon, Hojjatollah Azadbakht
, Maxime Chamberland
, Sila Genc, Chantal M. W. Tax, Ping Hong Yeh, Rujirutana Srikanchana, Colin D. Mcknight
, Joseph Yuan-Mou Yang
, Jian Chen, Claire E. Kelly, Chun-Hung Yeh
, Jérôme Cochereau, Jerome J. Maller, Thomas Welton, Fabien Almairac, Kiran K. Seunarine, Chris A. Clark, Fan Zhang, Nikos Makris, Alexandra J. Golby, Yogesh Rathi, Lauren J. O'Donnell
, Yihao Xia, Dogu Baran Aydogan, Yonggang Shi, Francisco Guerreiro Fernandes
, Mathijs Raemaekers, Shaun Warrington
, Stijn Michielse
, Alonso Ramirez-Manzanares, Luis Concha, Ramón Aranda
, Mariano Rivera Meraz, Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga, Lucas Roitman, Lucius S. Fekonja
, Navona Calarco
, Michael Joseph, Hajer Nakua, Aristotle N. Voineskos, Philippe Karan, Gabrielle Grenier, Jon Haitz Legarreta
, Nagesh Adluru, Veena A. Nair, Vivek Prabhakaran, Andrew L. Alexander, Koji Kamagata
, Yuya Saito, Wataru Uchida, Christina Andica, Masahiro Abe, Roza G. Bayrak, Claudia A. M. Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott
, Egidio D'Angelo
, Fulvia Palesi
, Giovanni Savini
, Nicolò Rolandi, Pamela Guevara
, Josselin Houenou, Narciso López-López, Jean-François Mangin, Cyril Poupon, Claudio Román
, Andrea Vázquez, Chiara Maffei
, Mavilde Arantes
, José Paulo Andrade
, Susana Maria Silva
, Vince D. Calhoun
, Eduardo Caverzasi
, Simone Sacco
, Michael Lauricella, Franco Pestilli
, Daniel Bullock, Yang Zhan, Edith Brignoni-Pérez, Catherine Lebel, Jess E Reynolds, Igor Nestrasil
, René Labounek
, Christophe Lenglet
, Amy Paulson
, Stefania Aulicka, Sarah R. Heilbronner, Katja Heuer
, Bramsh Qamar Chandio
, Javier Guaje, Wei Tang, Eleftherios Garyfallidis, Rajikha Raja, Adam W. Anderson, Bennett A. Landman, Maxime Descoteaux:
Tractography dissection variability: What happens when 42 groups dissect 14 white matter bundles on the same dataset? 118502
- Luisa Raimondo
, lcaro A. F. Oliveira, Jurjen Heij
, Nikos Priovoulos
, Prantik Kundu, Renata Ferranti Leoni, Wietske van der Zwaag
Advances in resting state fMRI acquisitions for functional connectomics. 118503 - Eli J. Müller
, Brandon Munn, Holger Mohr
, Hannes Ruge
, James M. Shine
Brain state kinematics and the trajectory of task performance improvement. 118510 - Antonino Errante, Settimio Ziccarelli
, Gloria P. Mingolla
, Leonardo Fogassi:
Decoding grip type and action goal during the observation of reaching-grasping actions: A multivariate fMRI study. 118511 - Juanli Zhang, Mina Jamshidi Idaji
, Arno Villringer
, Vadim V. Nikulin:
Neuronal biomarkers of Parkinson's disease are present in healthy aging. 118512 - Seyedeh-Rezvan Farahibozorg
, Janine D. Bijsterbosch, Weikang Gong, Saâd Jbabdi, Stephen M. Smith, Samuel J. Harrison, Mark W. Woolrich:
Hierarchical modelling of functional brain networks in population and individuals from big fMRI data. 118513
- Mengjin Dong, Long Xie, Sandhitsu R. Das, Jiancong Wang, Laura E. M. Wisse, Robin DeFlores
, David A. Wolk, Paul A. Yushkevich:
DeepAtrophy: Teaching a neural network to detect progressive changes in longitudinal MRI of the hippocampal region in Alzheimer's disease. 118514 - Xin Hao, Taicheng Huang, Yiying Song, Xiang-Zhen Kong, Jia Liu
Development of navigation network revealed by resting-state and task-state functional connectivity. 118515 - Brandon J. Lew, Emily E. Fitzgerald
, Lauren R. Ott, Samantha H. Penhale, Tony W. Wilson
Three-year reliability of MEG resting-state oscillatory power. 118516 - Hasan H. Eroglu
, Oula Puonti, Cihan Göksu
, Fróði Gregersen
, Hartwig R. Siebner, Lars G. Hanson
, Axel Thielscher
On the reconstruction of magnetic resonance current density images of the human brain: Pitfalls and perspectives. 118517 - Raphaël Liégeois, B. T. Thomas Yeo
, Dimitri Van De Ville:
Interpreting null models of resting-state functional MRI dynamics: not throwing the model out with the hypothesis. 118518 - Salvatore Bertino, Gianpaolo Antonio Basile, Alessia Bramanti
, Rosella Ciurleo, Adriana Tisano
, Giuseppe Anastasi, Demetrio Milardi
, Alberto Cacciola:
Ventral intermediate nucleus structural connectivity-derived segmentation: anatomical reliability and variability. 118519 - Natalia Gass
, Zeru Peterson, Jonathan Rochus Reinwald, Alexander Sartorius, Wolfgang Weber-Fahr, Markus Sack, Junfang Chen, Han Cao, Michael Didriksen, Tine Bryan Stensbøl, Gabrielle Klemme, Adam J. Schwarz, Emanuel Schwarz, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, Thomas Nickl-Jockschat
Differential resting-state patterns across networks are spatially associated with Comt and Trmt2a gene expression patterns in a mouse model of 22q11.2 deletion. 118520 - Florian Krause
, Nikos Kogias
, Martin Krentz, Michael Lührs
, Rainer Goebel
, Erno J. Hermans:
Self-regulation of stress-related large-scale brain network balance using real-time fMRI neurofeedback. 118527 - Britta U. Westner, James I. Lubell, Mads Jensen
, Sigbjørn Hokland, Sarang S. Dalal
Contactless measurements of retinal activity using optically pumped magnetometers. 118528 - Alexandra M. Cross, Reshma Ramdajal, Lien Peters
, Matthew R. J. Vandermeer
, Elizabeth P. Hayden
, Jan C. Frijters, Karen A. Steinbach, Maureen W. Lovett, Lisa M. D. Archibald, Marc F. Joanisse
Resting-state functional connectivity and reading subskills in children. 118529
- Susie Yi Huang, Thomas Witzel, Boris Keil
, Alina Scholz, Mathias Davids, Peter Dietz, Elmar Rummert, Rebecca Ramb, John E. Kirsch, Anastasia Yendiki
, Qiuyun Fan, Qiyuan Tian, Gabriel Ramos-Llordén, Hong-Hsi Lee, Aapo Nummenmaa, Berkin Bilgic
, Kawin Setsompop, Fuyixue Wang
, Alexandru Vlad Avram
, Michal E. Komlosh, Dan Benjamini
, Kulam Najmudeen Magdoom, Sudhir K. Pathak, Walter Schneider, Dmitry S. Novikov, Els Fieremans, Slimane Tounekti
, Choukri Mekkaoui, Jean Augustinack, Daniel R. Berger, Alexander Shapson-Coe, Jeff Lichtman, Peter J. Basser, Lawrence L. Wald, Bruce R. Rosen:
Connectome 2.0: Developing the next-generation ultra-high gradient strength human MRI scanner for bridging studies of the micro-, meso- and macro-connectome. 118530 - Hua Xie, Roger E. Beaty, Sahar Jahanikia, Caleb Geniesse, Neeraj S. Sonalkar, Manish Saggar:
Spontaneous and deliberate modes of creativity: Multitask eigen-connectivity analysis captures latent cognitive modes during creative thinking. 118531 - Momicronnika Gergelyfi, Ernesto J. Sanz-Arigita
, Oleg Solopchuk, Laurence Dricot, Benvenuto Jacob, Alexandre Zenon
Mental fatigue correlates with depression of task-related network and augmented DMN activity but spares the reward circuit. 118532 - Janine D. Bijsterbosch, Sofie L. Valk
, Danhong Wang, Matthew F. Glasser:
Recent developments in representations of the connectome. 118533 - Jennifer Pomp, Nina Heins, Ima Trempler, Tomas Kulvicius, Minija Tamosiunaite, Falko Mecklenbrauck
, Moritz F. Wurm
, Florentin Wörgötter, Ricarda I. Schubotz
Touching events predict human action segmentation in brain and behavior. 118534 - Sung-Ho Lee, Margaret A. Broadwater, Woomi Ban, Tzu-Wen Winnie Wang, Hyeon-Joong Kim, Jaiden Seongmi Dumas, Ryan P. Vetreno
, Melissa A. Herman, A. Leslie Morrow, Joyce Besheer, Thomas L. Kash, Charlotte A. Boettiger, Donita L. Robinson
, Fulton Crews, Yen-Yu Ian Shih:
An isotropic EPI database and analytical pipelines for rat brain resting-state fMRI. 118541 - Giuseppe Marrazzo, Maarten J. Vaessen, Béatrice de Gelder:
Decoding the difference between explicit and implicit body expression representation in high level visual, prefrontal and inferior parietal cortex. 118545 - Vincent Bazinet
, Reinder Vos de Wael, Patric Hagmann, Boris C. Bernhardt
, Bratislav Misic:
Multiscale communication in cortico-cortical networks. 118546 - Jiaji Lin, Xiaopeng Kang, Yongqin Xiong, Dekang Zhang, Rui Zong, Xinguang Yu, Longsheng Pan, Xin Lou
Convergent structural network and gene signatures for MRgFUS thalamotomy in patients with Parkinson's disease. 118550 - Christina B. Young
, Susan M. Landau, Theresa M. Harrison, Kathleen L. Poston
, Elizabeth C. Mormino:
Influence of common reference regions on regional tau patterns in cross-sectional and longitudinal [18F]-AV-1451 PET data. 118553 - Alexander D. Cohen, Catie Chang, Yang Wang:
Using multiband multi-echo imaging to improve the robustness and repeatability of co-activation pattern analysis for dynamic functional connectivity. 118555
- Xue Xia
, Anton Fomenko, Jean-François Nankoo, Ke Zeng, Yanqiu Wang, Jian Zhang
, Andres M. Lozano
, Robert Chen:
Time course of the effects of low-intensity transcranial ultrasound on the excitability of ipsilateral and contralateral human primary motor cortex. 118557 - Kelly A. Vaughn, My V. H. Nguyen, Juliana Ronderos
, Arturo E. Hernandez
Cortical Thickness in bilingual and monolingual children: Relationships to language use and language skill. 118560 - Nevena Kraljevic
, H. Lina Schaare, Simon B. Eickhoff, Peter V. Kochunov, B. T. Thomas Yeo
, Shahrzad Kharabian Masouleh, Sofie L. Valk
Behavioral, Anatomical and Heritable Convergence of Affect and Cognition in Superior Frontal Cortex. 118561 - Anna S. Huang, Baxter P. Rogers, Julia M. Sheffield, Simon N. Vandekar, Alan Anticevic, Neil D. Woodward:
Characterizing effects of age, sex and psychosis symptoms on thalamocortical functional connectivity in youth. 118562 - Kelong Lu, Xinuo Qiao
, Qiang Yun, Ning Hao
Educational diversity and group creativity: Evidence from fNIRS hyperscanning. 118564 - Lianrui Zuo, Blake E. Dewey, Yihao Liu, Yufan He, Scott D. Newsome, Ellen M. Mowry, Susan M. Resnick, Jerry L. Prince, Aaron Carass:
Unsupervised MR harmonization by learning disentangled representations using information bottleneck theory. 118569

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