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International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Volume 2
Volume 2, Number 1, January 1988
- David J. Hartzband, Laura Holly:
The provision of induction in data model systems: II. Symmetric comparison. 1-13 - Thomas Whalen:
Mixed-initiative, goal-directed dialog in a fuzzy knowledge based consultant system. 15-27 - Bruce D'Ambrosio:
A hybrid approach to reasoning under uncertainty. 29-45 - Andrew J. Hinkle, James T. P. Yao:
Linguistic assessment of welded structures with fatigue damage. 47-63 - Didier Dubois, Henri Prade:
On the combination of uncertain or imprecise pieces of information in rule-based systems-A discussion in the framework of possibility theory. 65-87 - Manton M. Matthews:
Logics for artificial intelligence: Raymond Turner, Ellis Horwood Ltd., West Sussex, England, First Printing 1984, Second Printing 1985. 89-90
Volume 2, Number 2, April 1988
- J. L. A. Chameau, James T. P. Yao:
Guest editors' preface. 93 - Salwa Ammar:
A fuzzy set-theoretic approach to decision making. 95 - Michael J. Baldwin:
Integrating expert systems using fuzzy numbers. 95 - András Bárdossy, István Bogárdi, W. E. Kelly:
Fuzzy regression for electrical resistivity-hydraulic conductivity relationships. 96 - Paul J. Chang, Robert L. DeLaPaz, Ralph Bernstein, Jetendra V. Dave:
Approximate fuzzy C-means (AFCM) cluster analysis of medical Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) data. 96-97 - Stephen L. Chiu, Masaki Togai:
A fuzzy logic programming environment for real-time control. 97 - Karen C. Chou:
Reliability of existing framed structures using fuzzy sets. 97-98 - Rosanna Degani, Giovanni Bortolan:
The problem of linguistic approximation in clinical decision making. 98 - Wei-Min Dong, Felix S. Wong:
On fuzzy probabilities and interactive fuzzy variables. 98 - Didier Dubois, Henri Prade:
On incomplete conjunctive information. 99 - Augustine O. Esogbue:
Fuzzy medical diagnosis decision making revisited. 99 - Kenneth M. Ford, Frederick E. Petry:
An approach to the automated acquisition of production rules. 99-100 - Robin Giles:
A utility-valued logic for decision making. 100 - James A. Givens, Hossein Tahani:
An improved method of performing fuzzy arithmetic for computer vision. 100-101 - Lawrence O. Hall:
On the choice of ply operators for modus ponens generation in fuzzy intelligent systems. 101 - Nancy Green Hall:
Field testing the STRATASSIST prototype. 101 - Kenji Ikejima, Dan M. Frangopol:
Risk assessment for gas pipelines using fuzzy sets. 102 - Can Isik:
Inference engines for fuzzy rule-based control. 102 - C. Hsein Juang, S. N. Kalidindi:
Development and implementation of a fuzzy system for bid tender evaluation on microcomputers. 103 - Cerry M. Klein, Sencer Yeralan:
Network flow models with fuzzy auxiliary edge and vertex attributes. 103 - George J. Klir, Mark J. Wierman:
On properties of the V uncertainty. 103-104 - M. Luisa McAllister:
An unusual property of a square matrix of fuzzy sets. 104 - Asghar Nafarieh, James M. Keller:
Incorporating confidence measures into fuzzy classifier. 104-105 - Hongjie Qiu, James M. Keller:
Multiple spectral image segmentation using fuzzy techniques. 105 - Tadeusz Radecki:
A comparison of fuzzy set theory and rough set theory in the context of automatic object classification. 105-106 - Singiresu S. Rao:
Fuzzy sets approach to the design of engineering systems. 106 - Eugene Roventa, Adrian Gulesiu:
Fuzzy decisions in building investments. 106-107 - Elke A. Rundensteiner, Lois Wright Hawkes, Wyllis Bandler:
Set-valued temporal knowledge representation for fuzzy temporal retrieval in ICAI. 107 - Juan Carlos Santamarina, J. L. A. Chameau:
Decision making and fuzzy windows. 107-108 - Brian Schott, Thomas Whalen:
Backward chaining with fuzzy goals and rules. 108 - Shahram Seyed, P. A. Ramamoorthy:
A new concept of fuzzy rule-based expert systems. 108-109 - Adnan K. Shaout:
On fuzzy graph searching. 109 - Marian S. Stachowicz, Maria E. Kochaska:
Fuzzy process modeling. 109 - Massimo Squillante, Aldo G. S. Ventre:
Extending features of the fuzzy integral. 110 - Minsoo Suk, Adnan K. Shaout:
Matching attributed fuzzy graphs and applications in scene analysis. 110 - L. D. Xu:
Fuzzy multicriteria programming in economic systems analysis. 111 - Maria Zemankova:
Application of possibility theory to learning in knowledge-based systems with an imperfect teacher. 111-112 - Rami Zwick, Thomas S. Wallsten:
Combining stochastic uncertainty and linguistic inexactness: Theory and experimental evaluation. 112 - Robin Giles:
A utility-valued logic for decision making. 113-141 - Rosanna Degani, Giovanni Bortolan
The problem of linguistic approximation in clinical decision making. 143-162 - Stephen L. Chiu, Masaki Togai:
A fuzzy logic programming environment for real-time control. 163-175 - Can Isik:
Inference engines for fuzzy rule-based control. 177-187
Volume 2, Number 3, July 1988
- Tod S. Levitt:
Guest editor's preface. 193-194 - Henry E. Kyburg Jr.:
Higher order probabilities and intervals. 195-209 - Judea Pearl:
On probability intervals. 211-216 - Tod S. Levitt:
Choosing uncertainty representations in artificial intelligence. 217-232 - Laveen N. Kanal, Donald Perlis:
Uniform accountability for multiple modes of reasoning. 233-246 - Eric Horvitz, John S. Breese, Max Henrion:
Decision theory in expert systems and artificial intelligenc. 247-302 - Paul R. Cohen, David S. Day:
The centrality of autonomous agents in theories of action under uncertainty. 303-326 - John B. Bacon:
An interesting uncertainty-based combinatoric problem in spare parts forecasting: The FRED system. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 327 (1988) - Thomas O. Binford:
Bayesian inference in model-based machine vision. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 327-328 (1988) - Gautam Biswas, Tejwansh S. Anand:
Using the Dempster-shafer scheme in a diagnostic expert system shell. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 328 (1988) - Paul K. Black:
Is shafer general bayes? Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 328 (1988) - Piero P. Bonissone:
Using T-norm-based uncertainty calculi in a naval situation assessment application. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 328-329 (1988) - Lashon B. Booker, Naveen Hota, Gavin Hemphill:
Implementing a bayesian scheme for revising belief commitments. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 329 (1988) - Jack S. Breese:
Integrating logical and probabilistic reasoning for decision making. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 329-330 (1988) - Wray L. Buntine:
Decision tree induction systems: A Bayesian analysis. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 330 (1988) - Rich Caruana:
The automatic training of rule bases that use numerical uncertainty representations. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 330-331 (1988) - Yizong Cheng:
A study of associative evidential reasoning. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 331 (1988) - Homer L. Chin, Gregory F. Cooper:
Stochastic simulation of Bayesian belief networks. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 331 (1988) - Stephen L. Chiu, Masaki Togai:
Compiling fuzzy logic control rules to hardware implementations. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 332 (1988) - Paul R. Cohen:
Modifiable combining functions. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 332 (1988) - Paul R. Cohen:
Steps toward programs that manage uncertainty. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 332-333 (1988) - Gregory F. Cooper:
An algorithm for computing probabilistic propositions. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 333 (1988) - Bruce D'Ambrosio:
Combining symbolic and numeric approaches to uncertainty management. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 333 (1988) - Norman C. Dalkey:
The inductive logic of information systems. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 333-334 (1988) - Chris Elsaesser:
Explanation of probabilistic inference for decision support systems. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 334 (1988) - Stephen I. Gallant:
Automated generation of connectionist expert systems for problems involving noise and redundancy. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 334 (1988) - I. R. Goodman:
A measure-free approach to conditioning. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 334-335 (1988) - Peter Haddawy, Alan M. Frisch:
Convergent deduction for probabilistic logic. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 335 (1988) - Gregory D. Hager, Max Mintz:
Estimation procedures for robust sensor control. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 335-336 (1988) - Steve Hanks:
Temporal reasoning about uncertain worlds. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 336 (1988) - David Heckerman, Holly Brügge Jimison:
A perspective on confidence and its use in focusing attention during knowledge acquisition. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 336 (1988) - Max Henrion:
Practical issues in constructing a Bayes belief network. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 337 (1988) - Michael C. Higgins:
NAIVE: A method for representing uncertainty and temporal relationships in an automated reasoner. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 337 (1988) - Eric Horvitz:
Reasoning about beliefs and actions under computational resource constraints. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 337-338 (1988) - Daniel Hunter:
Dempster-shafer versus probabilistic logic. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 338 (1988) - Henry E. Kyburg Jr.:
Higher order probabilities. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 338 (1988) - Henry E. Kyburg Jr.:
Objective probability. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 339 (1988) - Kathryn Blackmond:
Belief in belief functions: An examination of Shafer's canonical examples. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 339 (1988) - Ze-Nian Li:
Comparisons of reasoning mechanisms for computer vision. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 339 (1988) - Mary McLeish:
Nilson's probabilistic entailment extended to Dempster-Shafer theory. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 339-340 (1988) - Donald H. Mitchell:
A knowledge engineer's comparison of three evidence aggregation methods. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 340 (1988) - Eric Neufeld, David L. Poole:
Towards solving the multiple extension problem: Combining defaults and probabilities. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 340-341 (1988) - Judea Pearl:
Do we need higher-order probabilities, and, if so, what do they mean? Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 341 (1988) - George Rebane, Judea Pearl:
The recovery of causal poly-trees from statistical data. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 341 (1988) - Matthew Self, Peter C. Cheeseman:
Bayesian prediction for artificial intelligence. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 342 (1988) - Ross D. Shachter, David M. Eddy, Vic Hasselblad, Robert Wolpert:
A heuristic Bayesian approach to knowledge acquisition: Application to analysis of tissue-type plasminogen activator. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 342 (1988) - Ross D. Shachter:
Efficient inference on generalized fault diagrams. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 342 (1988) - Thomas B. Slack:
Advantages and a limitation of using LEG nets in a real-time problem. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 343 (1988) - Spencer Star:
Theory-based inductive learning: An integration of symbolic and quantitative methods. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 343 (1988) - Richard M. Tong, Lee A. Appelbaum:
Problem structure and evidential reasoning. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 343-344 (1988) - Silvio Ursic:
Coefficients of relation for probabilistic reasoning. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 344 (1988) - Michael P. Wellman:
The role of calculi in uncertain reasoning. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 344-345 (1988) - Ben P. Wise:
The role of tuning uncertain inference systems. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 345 (1988) - Ben P. Wise:
Satisfaction of assumptions is a weak predictor of performance. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 345-346 (1988) - Lei Xu:
Structuring causal tree models with continuous variables. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 346 (1988) - John Yen:
Implementing evidential reasoning in expert systems. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 346 (1988) - John Yen:
Can evidence Be combined in the Dempster-shafer theory? Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 346-347 (1988) - Mingchuan Zhang, Su-Shing Chen:
Evidential reasoning in image understanding. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 2(3): 347 (1988)
Volume 2, Number 4, October 1988
- Ewa Orlowska
Logical aspects of learning concepts. 349-364 - Keh-Hsun Chen, Zbigniew W. Ras, Andrzej Skowron
Attributes and rough properties in information systems. 365-376 - Bart Kosko:
Hidden patterns in combined and adaptive knowledge networks. 377-393

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