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IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, Volume 2014
Volume 2014, 2014
- Yalin Chen, Jue-Sam Chou:
Comments on: EIBAS - an efficient identity broadcast authentication scheme in wireless sensor networks. 1 - Kuan Cheng:
Pseudorandom Generator Based on Hard Lattice Problem. 2 - Xi Xiong, Haining Fan:
GF(2n) Bit-Parallel Squarer Using Generalized Polynomial Basis For a New Class of Irreducible Pentanomials. 3 - Igor A. Semaev:
MaxMinMax problem and sparse equations over finite fields. 4 - (Withdrawn) The analysis of the Keccak with the new method called parity. 5
- Prastudy Fauzi, Helger Lipmaa, Bingsheng Zhang:
Efficient Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge Arguments for Set Operations. 6 - Ethan Heilman:
One Weird Trick to Stop Selfish Miners: Fresh Bitcoins, A Solution for the Honest Miner. 7 - Annelie Heuser, Sylvain Guilley, Olivier Rioul:
A Theoretical Study of Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distinguishers: Side-Channel Analysis vs. Differential Cryptanalysis. 8 - Nilanjan Datta, Mridul Nandi:
Characterization of EME with Linear Mixing. 9 - Ali Mahmoodi, Javad Mohajeri, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh:
A Certificate-Based Proxy Signature with Message Recovery without Bilinear Pairing. 10 - Yanis Linge, Cécile Dumas, Sophie Lambert-Lacroix:
Maximal Information Coefficient Analysis. 12 - (Withdrawn) A Novel Modular Adder for One Thousand Bits and More Using Fast Carry Chains of Modern FPGAs. 13
- Felix Günther, Bertram Poettering:
Linkable Message Tagging: Solving the key distribution problem of signature schemes. 14 - Jooyoung Lee:
Tight Security Bounds for Triple Encryption. 15 - Bart Mennink, Bart Preneel:
Triple and Quadruple Encryption: Bridging the Gaps. 16 - (Withdrawn) Two-round password-only authenticated key exchange in the three-party setting. 17
- Yehuda Lindell, Eran Omri, Hila Zarosim:
Completeness for Symmetric Two-Party Functionalities - Revisited. 18 - Martin R. Albrecht, Jean-Charles Faugère, Robert Fitzpatrick, Ludovic Perret:
Lazy Modulus Switching for the BKW Algorithm on LWE. 19 - Markulf Kohlweiss, Ueli Maurer, Cristina Onete
, Björn Tackmann, Daniele Venturi:
(De-)Constructing TLS. 20 - Susan Hohenberger, Brent Waters:
Online/Offline Attribute-Based Encryption. 21 - Sourav Das:
Ultra-lightweight 8-bit Multiplicative Inverse Based S-box Using LFSR. 22 - Gengran Hu, Yanbin Pan, Feng Zhang:
Solving Random Subset Sum Problem by lp-norm SVP Oracle. 23 - Ivan Damgård, Jesper Buus Nielsen:
An Efficient Pseudo-Random Generator with Applications to Public-Key Encryption and Constant-Round Multiparty Computation. 24 - Amir Moradi:
Side-Channel Leakage through Static Power - Should We Care about in Practice? -. 25 - Maël Berthier, Yves Bocktaels, Julien Bringer, Hervé Chabanne, Taoufik Chouta, Jean-Luc Danger, Mélanie Favre, Tarik Graba:
Studying Potential Side Channel Leakages on an Embedded Biometric Comparison System. 26 - Mike Hamburg:
Twisting Edwards curves with isogenies. 27 - Colin O'Flynn, Zhizhang (David) Chen:
Channel Equalization for Side Channel Attacks. 28 - Frederik Armknecht, Tommaso Gagliardoni, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Andreas Peter:
General Impossibility of Group Homomorphic Encryption in the Quantum World. 29 - Leonardo C. Almeida, Ewerton R. Andrade, Paulo S. L. M. Barreto, Marcos A. Simplício Jr.:
Lyra: Password-Based Key Derivation with Tunable Memory and Processing Costs. 30 - Yongge Wang:
On the Design of LIL Tests for (Pseudo) Random Generators and Some Experimental Results. 31 - Jean-Sébastien Coron, Tancrède Lepoint, Mehdi Tibouchi:
Scale-Invariant Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Integers. 32 - Adeline Langlois, San Ling, Khoa Nguyen, Huaxiong Wang:
Lattice-based Group Signature Scheme with Verifier-local Revocation. 33 - Chase Manny:
Authenticated Encryption with SPECK. 34 - Abderrahmane Nitaj, Mohamed Ould Douh:
A new attack on RSA with a composed decryption exponent. 35 - Gary Belvin:
A Secure Text Messaging Protocol. 36 - Yong Li, Sven Schäge, Zheng Yang, Florian Kohlar, Jörg Schwenk:
On the Security of the Pre-Shared Key Ciphersuites of TLS. 37 - Ralf Küsters, Enrico Scapin, Tomasz Truderung, Juergen Graf:
Extending and Applying a Framework for the Cryptographic Verification of Java Programs. 38 - Yarkin Doröz, Yin Hu, Berk Sunar:
Homomorphic AES Evaluation using NTRU. 39 - Zhengjun Cao, Ruizhong Wei, Xiaodong Lin:
A Fast Modular Reduction Method. 40 - Boaz Tsaban:
Practical polynomial time solutions of several major problems in noncommutative-algebraic cryptography. 41 - Jintai Ding, Chengdong Tao:
A New Algorithm for Solving the Approximate Common Divisor Problem and Cryptanalysis of the FHE based on GACD. 42 - Mehdi Tibouchi:
Elligator Squared: Uniform Points on Elliptic Curves of Prime Order as Uniform Random Strings. 43 - Lichun Li, Michael Militzer, Anwitaman Datta:
rPIR: Ramp Secret Sharing based Communication Efficient Private Information Retrieval. 44 - Mohsen Alimomeni, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini:
Human Assisted Randomness Generation Using Video Games. 45 - Yalin Chen, Jue-Sam Chou:
Crypto-analyses on "user efficient recoverable off-line e-cashs scheme with fast anonymity revoking". 46 - Vivien Dubois:
Down the Rabbit Hole: Revisiting the Shrinking Method. 47 - Longjiang Qu, Shaojing Fu, Qingping Dai, Chao Li:
When a Boolean Function can be Expressed as the Sum of two Bent Functions. 48 - Neha Tirthani, Ganesan:
Data Security in Cloud Architecture Based on Diffie Hellman and Elliptical Curve Cryptography. 49 - Daniel R. L. Brown:
Some Theoretical Conditions for Menezes-Qu-Vanstone Key Agreement to Provide Implicit Key Authentication. 50 - Elena Dubrova:
An Equivalence-Preserving Transformation of Shift Registers. 51 - Li Xi:
DAA-related APIs in TPM2.0 Revisited. 52 - Sonia Belaïd, Vincent Grosso, François-Xavier Standaert:
Masking and Leakage-Resilient Primitives: One, the Other(s) or Both? 53 - Sugata Gangopadhyay, Pantelimon Stanica:
The Fourier Entropy-Influence conjecture holds for a log-density 1 class of cryptographic Boolean functions. 54 - Younsung Choi:
Security Enhanced Anonymous Multi-Server Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme using Smart Card and Biometrics. 55 - Sareh Emami, San Ling, Ivica Nikolic, Josef Pieprzyk, Huaxiong Wang:
Low Probability Differentials and the Cryptanalysis of Full-Round CLEFIA-128. 56 - Gora Adj, Alfred Menezes, Thomaz Oliveira, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez:
Computing Discrete Logarithms in F36*137 using Magma. 57 - Itai Dinur, Jérémy Jean:
Cryptanalysis of FIDES. 58 - John Tromp:
Cuckoo Cycle: a memory-hard proof-of-work system. 59 - Peeter Laud, Alisa Pankova:
Verifiable Computation in Multiparty Protocols with Honest Majority. 60 - Stefano Tessaro, David A. Wilson:
Bounded-Collusion Identity-Based Encryption from Semantically-Secure Public-Key Encryption: Generic Constructions with Short Ciphertexts. 61 - Tancrède Lepoint, Michael Naehrig:
A Comparison of the Homomorphic Encryption Schemes FV and YASHE. 62 - Yalin Chen, Jue-Sam Chou:
Cryptanalysis on "Secure untraceable off-line electronic cash system". 63 - Alain Couvreur, Irene Marquez Corbella, Ruud Pellikaan:
A Polynomial Time Attack against Algebraic Geometry Code Based Public Key Cryptosystems. 64 - Palash Sarkar, Shashank Singh:
Fine Tuning the Function Field Sieve Algorithm for the Medium Prime Case. 65 - Hassan Jameel Asghar, Yvo Desmedt, Josef Pieprzyk, Ron Steinfeld:
A Subexponential Construction of Graph Coloring for Multiparty Computation. 66 - Julien Bringer, Hervé Chabanne, Roch Lescuyer, Alain Patey:
Efficient and Strongly Secure Dynamic Domain-Specific Pseudonymous Signatures for ID Documents. 67 - Franca Marinelli, Riccardo Aragona, Chiara Marcolla, Massimiliano Sala:
Some security bounds for the DGHV scheme. 68 - Manoj Ranjan Mishra, Jayaprakash Kar, Banshidhar Majhi:
One-Pass Authenticated Key Establishment Protocol on Bilinear Pairings for Wireless Sensor Networks. 69 - Chris Peikert:
Lattice Cryptography for the Internet. 70 - Zhaohui Cheng:
Implementing Pairing-Based Cryptosystems in USB Tokens. 71 - Nikolaos P. Karvelas, Andreas Peter, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Sebastian Biedermann:
Efficient Privacy-Preserving Big Data Processing through Proxy-Assisted ORAM. 72 - Joël Alwen, Martin Hirt, Ueli Maurer, Arpita Patra, Pavel Raykov:
Anonymous Authentication with Shared Secrets. 73 - Abhishek Banerjee, Chris Peikert:
New and Improved Key-Homomorphic Pseudorandom Functions. 74 - Carsten Baum, Ivan Damgård, Claudio Orlandi:
Publicly Auditable Secure Multi-Party Computation. 75 - Giuseppe Ateniese, Antonio Faonio
, Bernardo Magri, Breno de Medeiros:
Certified Bitcoins. 76 - Joseph Bonneau, Arvind Narayanan, Andrew Miller, Jeremy Clark, Joshua A. Kroll, Edward W. Felten:
Mixcoin: Anonymity for Bitcoin with accountable mixes. 77 - Ahmad Boorghany, Rasool Jalili:
Implementation and Comparison of Lattice-based Identification Protocols on Smart Cards and Microcontrollers. 78 - Alexandre Duc, Stefan Dziembowski
, Sebastian Faust:
Unifying Leakage Models: from Probing Attacks to Noisy Leakage. 79 - Daniel Kraschewski, Hemanta K. Maji, Manoj Prabhakaran, Amit Sahai:
A Full Characterization of Completeness for Two-party Randomized Function Evaluation. 80 - Sanjam Garg
, Divya Gupta:
Efficient Round Optimal Blind Signatures. 81 - Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Mariana Raykova, Daniel Wichs:
Garbled RAM Revisited, Part I. 82 - Steve Lu, Rafail Ostrovsky:
Garbled RAM Revisited, Part II. 83 - Wentao Zhang, Zhenzhen Bao, Dongdai Lin, Vincent Rijmen, Bohan Yang, Ingrid Verbauwhede:
RECTANGLE: A Bit-slice Ultra-Lightweight Block Cipher Suitable for Multiple Platforms. 84 - Aleksandra Mileva:
Multipermutations in Crypto World: Different Faces of the Perfect Diffusion Layer. 85 - Wei Jiang, Dan Lin, Feng Li, Elisa Bertino:
Randomized and Efficient Authentication in Mobile Environments. 86 - Michael Backes, Aniket Kate, Praveen Manoharan, Sebastian Meiser, Esfandiar Mohammadi:
AnoA: A Framework For Analyzing Anonymous Communication Protocols. 87 - Himanshu Tyagi, Shun Watanabe:
A Bound For Multiparty Secret Key Agreement And Implications For A Problem Of Secure Computing. 88 - Anne Canteaut, Thomas Fuhr, Henri Gilbert, María Naya-Plasencia, Jean-René Reinhard:
Multiple Di fferential Cryptanalysis of Round-Reduced PRINCE (Full version). 89 - Virginie Lallemand, María Naya-Plasencia:
Cryptanalysis of KLEIN (Full version). 90 - Masao Kasahara:
A new class of system oriented PKC, K(I)SOPKC. 92 - Manuel Barbosa, Pooya Farshim:
The Related-Key Analysis of Feistel Constructions. 93 - Jacob Alperin-Sheriff, Chris Peikert:
Faster Bootstrapping with Polynomial Error. 94 - Masayuki Abe, Jens Groth, Miyako Ohkubo, Mehdi Tibouchi:
Unified, Minimal and Selectively Randomizable Structure-Preserving Signatures. 95 - Yuanxi Dai, John P. Steinberger:
Tight security bounds for multiple encryption. 96 - Koji Nuida:
A Simple Framework for Noise-Free Construction of Fully Homomorphic Encryption from a Special Class of Non-Commutative Groups. 97 - Gilad Asharov:
Towards Characterizing Complete Fairness in Secure Two-Party Computation. 98 - Christina Brzuska, Pooya Farshim, Arno Mittelbach:
Indistinguishability Obfuscation and UCEs: The Case of Computationally Unpredictable Sources. 99 - Guo-qiang Liu, Chen-Hui Jin, Chuan-Da Qi:
Improved Slender-set Linear Cryptanalysis. 100 - Enrique Larraia, Emmanuela Orsini, Nigel P. Smart:
Dishonest Majority Multi-Party Computation for Binary Circuits. 101 - Payman Mohassel, Seyed Saeed Sadeghian, Nigel P. Smart:
Actively Secure Private Function Evaluation. 102 - Xiali Hei, Binheng Song:
SHipher: Families of Block Ciphers based on SubSet-Sum Problem. 103 - Kevin Atighehchi:
Space-efficient, byte-wise incremental and perfectly private encryption schemes. 104 - Ashish Choudhury, Arpita Patra, Nigel P. Smart:
Reducing the Overhead of Cloud MPC. 105 - Shai Halevi, Victor Shoup:
Algorithms in HElib. 106 - Joël Alwen, Martin Hirt, Ueli Maurer, Arpita Patra, Pavel Raykov:
Key-Indistinguishable Message Authentication Codes. 107 - Jooyoung Lee, Martijn Stam:
MJH: A Faster Alternative to MDC-2. 108 - Mitsuru Shiozaki, Ryohei Hori, Takeshi Fujino:
Diffusion Programmable Device : The device to prevent reverse engineering. 109 - Sourav Das:
Halka: A Lightweight, Software Friendly Block Cipher Using Ultra-lightweight 8-bit S-box. 110 - Gordon Procter:
A Note on the CLRW2 Tweakable Block Cipher Construction. 111 - Alain Couvreur, Ayoub Otmani, Jean-Pierre Tillich:
Polynomial Time Attack on Wild McEliece Over Quadratic Extensions. 112 - James Kelley, Roberto Tamassia:
Secure Compression: Theory \& Practice. 113 - Sébastien Gambs, Cristina Onete
, Jean-Marc Robert:
Prover Anonymous and Deniable Distance-Bounding Authentication. 114 - Jia-Lun Tsai:
Comments on a novel user authentication and key agreement scheme. 115 - Ronald Cramer, Carles Padró, Chaoping Xing:
Optimal Algebraic Manipulation Detection Codes. 116 - Björn Grohmann:
An Applicable Public-Key-Cryptosystem Based on NP-Complete Problems. 117 - Dominique Unruh:
Quantum position verification in the random oracle model. 118 - Robert Granger, Thorsten Kleinjung, Jens Zumbrägel:
Breaking '128-bit Secure' Supersingular Binary Curves (or how to solve discrete logarithms in 𝔽24·1223 and 𝔽212·367). 119 - Weijin Wang, Yu Qin, Dengguo Feng:
Automated Proof for Authorization Protocols of TPM 2.0 in Computational Model (full version). 120 - Koki Hamada, Dai Ikarashi, Koji Chida, Katsumi Takahashi:
Oblivious Radix Sort: An Efficient Sorting Algorithm for Practical Secure Multi-party Computation. 121 - Wangyong:
New Way to Construct Cryptographic Hash Function. 122 - Mohammad Sadeq Dousti, Rasool Jalili:
FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol Based on Symmetric Key-Evolving Schemes. 123 - Oriol Farràs, Torben Brandt Hansen, Tarik Kaced, Carles Padró:
Optimal Non-Perfect Uniform Secret Sharing Schemes. 124 - Michel Abdalla, Fabrice Benhamouda, David Pointcheval:
Removing Erasures with Explainable Hash Proof Systems. 125 - (Withdrawn) Public-Key Encryption Resilient Against Linear Related-Key Attacks Revisited. 126
- Seung Geol Choi, Jonathan Katz, Alex J. Malozemoff, Vassilis Zikas:
Efficient Three-Party Computation from Cut-and-Choose. 128 - Iddo Bentov, Ranjit Kumaresan:
How to Use Bitcoin to Design Fair Protocols. 129 - Joppe W. Bos, Craig Costello, Patrick Longa, Michael Naehrig:
Selecting Elliptic Curves for Cryptography: An Efficiency and Security Analysis. 130 - Janaka Alawatugoda, Douglas Stebila, Colin Boyd:
Modelling After-the-fact Leakage for Key Exchange. 131 - Kwangsu Lee, Dong Hoon Lee, Jong Hwan Park:
Efficient Revocable Identity-Based Encryption via Subset Difference Methods. 132 - Yihua Zhang, Marina Blanton
Efficient Secure and Verifiable Outsourcing of Matrix Multiplications. 133 - Daniel J. Bernstein, Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, Tanja Lange, Peter Schwabe:
Kummer strikes back: new DH speed records. 134 - Ding Wang, Ping Wang, Debiao He:
Anonymous Two-Factor Authentication: Certain Goals Are Beyond Attainment. 135 - Ramya Jayaram Masti, Devendra Rai, Claudio Marforio, Srdjan Capkun:
Isolated Execution on Many-core Architectures. 136 - Marcel Keller, Peter Scholl:
Efficient, Oblivious Data Structures for MPC. 137 - Jae Hong Seo:
Short Signatures from Diffie-Hellman, Revisited: Sublinear Public Key, CMA Security, and Tighter Reduction. 138 - Assaf Shomer:
On the Phase Space of Block-Hiding Strategies. 139 - Yuval Yarom, Naomi Benger:
Recovering OpenSSL ECDSA Nonces Using the FLUSH+RELOAD Cache Side-channel Attack. 140 - (Withdrawn) Unrestricted Identity-Based Aggregate Signcryption in the Standard Model from Multilinear Maps. 141
- (Withdrawn) FPGA-Based High Performance AES-GCM Using Efficient Karatsuba Ofman Algorithm. 142
- Claudio Orlandi, Rafail Ostrovsky, Vanishree Rao, Amit Sahai, Ivan Visconti:
Statistical Concurrent Non-Malleable Zero Knowledge. 143 - Elena Andreeva, Andrey Bogdanov, Atul Luykx, Bart Mennink, Nicky Mouha, Kan Yasuda:
How to Securely Release Unverified Plaintext in Authenticated Encryption. 144 - (Withdrawn) Calculating Cryptographic Degree of an S-Box. 145
- Geraldo A. Barbosa, Jeroen van de Graaf:
Untappable communication channels over optical fibers from quantum-optical noise. 146 - Razvan Barbulescu, Cécile Pierrot:
The Multiple Number Field Sieve for Medium and High Characteristic Finite Fields. 147 - Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Mariana Raykova, Daniel Wichs:
Outsourcing Private RAM Computation. 148 - Mahdi Zamani, Mahnush Movahedi, Jared Saia:
Millions of Millionaires: Multiparty Computation in Large Networks. 149 - (Withdrawn) On the Effective Prevention of TLS Man-In-The-Middle Attacks in Web Applications. 150
- Rodolphe Lampe, Yannick Seurin:
Security Analysis of Key-Alternating Feistel Ciphers. 151 - Yunsi Fei, A. Adam Ding, Jian Lao, Liwei Zhang:
A Statistics-based Fundamental Model for Side-channel Attack Analysis. 152 - Daniel Apon, Jonathan Katz, Elaine Shi, Aishwarya Thiruvengadam:
Verifiable Oblivious Storage. 153 - (Withdrawn) Non-Interactive Cryptography in the RAM Model of Computation. 154
- Ari Juels, Thomas Ristenpart:
Honey Encryption: Security Beyond the Brute-Force Bound. 155 - Yanqing Yao, Zhoujun Li
Non-Malleable Extractors with Shorter Seeds and Min-Entropy Rate <1/2. 156 - Tetsu Iwata, Kazuhiko Minematsu, Jian Guo, Sumio Morioka:
CLOC: Authenticated Encryption for Short Input. 157 - Elisa Gorla, Maike Massierer:
Point compression for the trace zero subgroup over a small degree extension field. 158 - Zuoxia Yu, Qiuliang Xu, Yongbin Zhou, Chengyu Hu, Rupeng Yang, Guangjun Fan:
Weak-Key Leakage Resilient Cryptography. 159 - Ahmed E. Kosba, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Charalampos Papamanthou, Mahmoud F. Sayed, Elaine Shi, Nikos Triandopoulos:
TRUESET: Nearly Practical Verifiable Set Computations. 160 - Naomi Benger, Joop van de Pol, Nigel P. Smart, Yuval Yarom:
"Ooh Aah... Just a Little Bit" : A small amount of side channel can go a long way. 161 - Hu Xiong:
Toward Certificateless Signcryption Scheme Without Random Oracles. 162 - Arnaud Dambra, Philippe Gaborit, Mylène Roussellet, Julien Schrek, Nicolas Tafforeau:
Improved Secure Implementation of Code-Based Signature Schemes on Embedded Devices. 163 - Yuriy V. Tarannikov:
Generalized proper matrices and constructing of m-resilient Boolean functions with maximal nonlinearity for expanded range of parameters. 164 - (Withdrawn) A New Scalar Point Multiplication Scheme in ECC Based on Zeckendorf Representation and Multibase Concept. 165
- Jan-Jaap Oosterwijk, Jeroen Doumen, Thijs Laarhoven:
Tuple decoders for traitor tracing schemes. 166 - Yevgeniy Dodis, Adi Shamir, Noah Stephens-Davidowitz, Daniel Wichs:
How to Eat Your Entropy and Have it Too - Optimal Recovery Strategies for Compromised RNGs. 167 - Scott E. Coull, Kevin P. Dyer:
Privacy Failures in Encrypted Messaging Services: Apple iMessage and Beyond. 168 - Abdul Hamid M. Ragab, Osama S. Farag Alla, Amin Y. Noaman:
Encryption Quality Analysis of the RCBC Block Cipher Compared with RC6 and RC5 Algorithms. 169 - Shay Gueron:
Parallelized hashing via j-lanes and j-pointers tree modes, with applications to SHA-256. 170 - T. D. B. Weerasinghe:
An Effective RC4 Stream Cipher. 171 - (Withdrawn) A novel PUF Scheme. 172
- Sebastian Faust, Pratyay Mukherjee, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Daniele Venturi:
Continuous Non-malleable Codes. 173 - T. D. B. Weerasinghe:
Analysis of a Modified RC4 Algorithm. 174 - T. D. B. Weerasinghe:
Secrecy and Performance Analysis of Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithms. 175 - (Withdrawn) One-Round Witness Indistinguishability from Indistinguishability Obfuscation. 176
- Valentina Banciu, Elisabeth Oswald:
Pragmatism vs. Elegance: comparing two approaches to Simple Power Attacks on AES. 177 - Qingji Zheng, Shouhuai Xu:
Verifiable Delegated Set Intersection Operations on Outsourced Encrypted Data. 178 - Maura B. Paterson, Douglas R. Stinson:
Optimal constructions for ID-based one-way-function key predistribution schemes realizing specified communication graphs. 179 - (Withdrawn) Improving throughput of RC4 algorithm using multithreading techniques in multicore processors. 180
- Shota Yamada, Nuttapong Attrapadung, Goichiro Hanaoka, Noboru Kunihiro:
A Framework and Compact Constructions for Non-monotonic Attribute-Based Encryption. 181 - Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Cédric Fournet, Markulf Kohlweiss, Alfredo Pironti, Pierre-Yves Strub, Santiago Zanella Béguelin:
Proving the TLS Handshake Secure (as it is). 182 - Tetsu Iwata, Lei Wang:
Impact of ANSI X9.24-1: 2009 Key Check Value on ISO/IEC 9797-1: 2011 MACs. 183 - Ruxandra F. Olimid:
SETUP in Secret Sharing Schemes. 184 - Xiao Wang, Kartik Nayak, Chang Liu, Elaine Shi, Emil Stefanov, Yan Huang:
Oblivious Data Structures. 185 - Andrey Bogdanov, Martin M. Lauridsen, Elmar Tischhauser:
AES-Based Authenticated Encryption Modes in Parallel High-Performance Software. 186 - Yosuke Todo:
FFT-Based Key Recovery for the Integral Attack. 187 - Özgür Dagdelen, Daniele Venturi:
A Second Look at Fischlin's Transformation. 188 - Jaydeep Howlader, Sanjit Kumar Roy, Ashis Kumar Mal:
Practical Receipt-Free Sealed-Bid Auction in the Coercive Environment. 189 - Michael Hutter, Jörn-Marc Schmidt:
The Temperature Side Channel and Heating Fault Attacks. 190 - Benoit Feix, Mylène Roussellet, Alexandre Venelli:
Side-Channel Analysis on Blinded Regular Scalar Multiplications. 191 - Abdoul Aziz Ciss:
Two-sources Randomness Extractors for Elliptic Curves. 192 - Javad Alizadeh, Mohammad Reza Aref, Nasour Bagheri:
JHAE: An Authenticated Encryption Mode Based on JH. 193 - Sai Raghu Talluri, Swapnoneel Roy:
Cryptanalysis and Security Enhancement of Two Advanced Authentication Protocols. 194 - Dan Boneh, Brent Waters, Mark Zhandry:
Low Overhead Broadcast Encryption from Multilinear Maps. 195 - (Withdrawn) Crypto-Multimedia. 196
- Jian Guo, Jérémy Jean, Thomas Peyrin, Lei Wang:
Breaking POET Authentication with a Single Query. 197 - Eric Mahe, Jean-Marie Chauvet:
Fast GPGPU-Based Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication. 198 - Jie Chen, Hoeteck Wee:
Doubly Spatial Encryption from DBDH. 199 - Florian Kerschbaum, Thomas Schneider, Axel Schröpfer:
Automatic Protocol Selection in Secure Two-Party Computations. 200 - Dan Bogdanov, Peeter Laud, Sven Laur, Pille Pullonen:
From Input Private to Universally Composable Secure Multiparty Computation Primitives. 201 - Rosario Gennaro, Valerio Pastro:
Verifiable Computation over Encrypted Data in the Presence of Verification Queries. 202 - Nashad Ahmed Safa, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Siamak Fayyaz Shahandashti:
Privacy-Preserving Implicit Authentication. 203 - Colin O'Flynn, Zhizhang (David) Chen:
ChipWhisperer: An Open-Source Platform for Hardware Embedded Security Research. 204 - Ling Ren, Christopher W. Fletcher, Xiangyao Yu, Albert Kwon, Marten van Dijk, Srinivas Devadas:
Unified Oblivious-RAM: Improving Recursive ORAM with Locality and Pseudorandomness. 205 - Chanathip Namprempre, Phillip Rogaway, Thomas Shrimpton:
Reconsidering Generic Composition. 206 - Katsuyuki Takashima:
Expressive Attribute-Based Encryption with Constant-Size Ciphertexts from the Decisional Linear Assumption. 207 - Ding Wang, Ping Wang:
Offline Dictionary Attack on Password Authentication Schemes using Smart Cards. 208 - Juan A. Garay, Ran Gelles, David S. Johnson, Aggelos Kiayias, Moti Yung:
A Little Honesty Goes a Long Way: The Two-Tier Model for Secure Multiparty Computation. 209 - Jean-Charles Faugère, Ayoub Otmani, Ludovic Perret, Frédéric de Portzamparc, Jean-Pierre Tillich:
Structural Cryptanalysis of McEliece Schemes with Compact Keys. 210 - Subhabrata Samajder, Palash Sarkar:
Some Randomness Experiments on TRIVIUM. 211 - Geon Heo, Seokhwan Choi, Kwang Ho Lee, Namhun Koo, Soonhak Kwon:
Remarks on the Pocklington and Padró-Sáez Cube Root Algorithm in 𝔽q. 212 - Ilan Komargodski, Moni Naor, Eylon Yogev:
Secret-Sharing for NP from Indistinguishability Obfuscation. 213 - Vladyslav Kovtun, Andrew Okhrimenko:
Squaring Algorithms with Delayed Carry Method and Efficient Parallelization. 214 - James L. Adams:
Attack On the Markov Problem. 215 - Francesco Aldà, Riccardo Aragona, Lorenzo Nicolodi, Massimiliano Sala:
Implementation and improvement of the Partial Sum Attack on 6-round AES. 216 - Yu Sasaki, Lei Wang:
A Forgery Attack against PANDA-s. 217 - Yu Sasaki, Lei Wang:
A Practical Universal Forgery Attack against PAES-8. 218 - Shahram Rasoolzadeh, Zahra Ahmadian, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Mohammad Reza Aref:
Total Break of Zorro using Linear and Differential Attacks. 220 - Toomas Krips, Jan Willemson
Hybrid Model of Fixed and Floating Point Numbers in Secure Multiparty Computations. 221 - Prabhanjan Ananth, Divya Gupta, Yuval Ishai, Amit Sahai:
Optimizing Obfuscation: Avoiding Barrington's Theorem. 222 - Léo Perrin, Dmitry Khovratovich:
Collision Spectrum, Entropy Loss, T-Sponges, and Cryptanalysis of GLUON-64. 223 - Henry Carter, Charles Lever, Patrick Traynor:
Whitewash: Outsourcing Garbled Circuit Generation for Mobile Devices. 224 - Tapas Pandit, Rana Barua:
Adaptively Secure Functional Encryption for Finite Languages from DLIN Assumption. 225 - Mohamed Ahmed Abdelraheem, Andrey Bogdanov, Elmar Tischhauser:
Weak-Key Analysis of POET. 226 - (Withdrawn) CKEF: A Cluster-based Key Establishment Framework for homogenous mobile and static wireless sensor networks. 227
- Achiya Bar-On, Itai Dinur, Orr Dunkelman, Virginie Lallemand, Boaz Tsaban:
Improved Analysis of Zorro-Like Ciphers. 228 - (Withdrawn) Investigating the Feasibility of LEAP+ in ZigBee Specification. 229
- Sorina Ionica, Emmanuel Thomé:
Isogeny graphs with maximal real multiplication. 230 - Kwangsu Lee:
Self-Updatable Encryption with Short Public Parameters and Its Extensions. 231 - Yarkin Doröz, Berk Sunar, Ghaith Hammouri:
Bandwidth Efficient PIR from NTRU. 232 - Yarkin Doröz, Aria Shahverdi, Thomas Eisenbarth, Berk Sunar:
Toward Practical Homomorphic Evaluation of Block Ciphers Using Prince. 233 - Xiangyao Yu, Ling Ren, Christopher W. Fletcher, Albert Kwon, Marten van Dijk, Srinivas Devadas:
Enhancing Oblivious RAM Performance Using Dynamic Prefetching. 234 - Alexandra Boldyreva, Nathan Chenette:
Efficient Fuzzy Search on Encrypted Data. 235 - Shazia Afreen:
Linear Sequential Circuit Approximation of Acterbahn Stream Cipher. 236 - Aydin Aysu, Ege Gulcan, Patrick Schaumont
SIMON Says, Break the Area Records for Symmetric Key Block Ciphers on FPGAs. 237 - Joël Alwen, Vladimir Serbinenko:
High Parallel Complexity Graphs and Memory-Hard Functions. 238 - Florian Legendre, Gilles Dequen, Michaël Krajecki:
Logical Reasoning to Detect Weaknesses About SHA-1 and MD4/5. 239 - Martin Pettai, Peeter Laud:
Automatic Proofs of Privacy of Secure Multi-Party Computation Protocols Against Active Adversaries. 240 - (Withdrawn) A New Way to Prevent UKS Attacks Using Trusted Computing. 241
- Franziskus Kiefer, Mark Manulis:
Zero-Knowledge Password Policy Checks and Verifier-Based PAKE. 242 - Ran Canetti, Benjamin Fuller, Omer Paneth, Leonid Reyzin:
Key Derivation From Noisy Sources With More Errors Than Entropy. 243 - Gideon Samid:
bitcoin.BitMint: Reconciling Bitcoin with Central Banks. 244 - Xiutao Feng, Fan Zhang:
A practical state recovery attack on the stream cipher Sablier v1. 245 - Kwangsu Lee, Dong Hoon Lee:
Security Analysis of an Identity-Based Strongly Unforgeable Signature Scheme. 246 - Ivan Pryvalov, Aniket Kate:
Introducing Fault Tolerance into Threshold Password-Authenticated Key Exchange. 247 - Gorka Irazoqui Apecechea, Mehmet Sinan Inci, Thomas Eisenbarth, Berk Sunar:
Fine grain Cross-VM Attacks on Xen and VMware are possible! 248 - Liren Ding, Yongjuan Wang, Zhufeng Li:
Linear Extension Cube Attack on Stream Ciphers. 249 - Boaz Tsaban, Noam Lifshitz:
Cryptanalysis of the MORE symmetric key fully homomorphic encryption scheme. 250 - Guy Barwell:
Forgery on Stateless CMCC. 251 - Gilles Barthe, François Dupressoir, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Benjamin Grégoire, Mehdi Tibouchi, Jean-Christophe Zapalowicz:
Making RSA-PSS Provably Secure Against Non-Random Faults. 252 - (Withdrawn) Practical and Secure Query Processing for Large-scale Encrypted Cloud Storage Systems. 253
- Thomas Pöppelmann, Léo Ducas, Tim Güneysu:
Enhanced Lattice-Based Signatures on Reconfigurable Hardware. 254 - Thomas Groß:
Certification and Efficient Proofs of Committed Topology Graphs. 255 - Iraklis Leontiadis, Kaoutar Elkhiyaoui, Refik Molva:
Private and Dynamic Time-Series Data Aggregation with Trust Relaxation. 256 - Bruce Kallick:
Handycipher: a Low-tech, Randomized, Symmetric-key Cryptosystem. 257 - Xiutao Feng, Fan Zhang:
A realtime key recovery attack on the authenticated cipher FASER128. 258 - Itai Dinur, Pawel Morawiecki, Josef Pieprzyk, Marian Srebrny, Michal Straus:
Practical Complexity Cube Attacks on Round-Reduced Keccak Sponge Function. 259 - Rafail Ostrovsky, Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky:
Locally Decodable Codes for edit distance. 260 - Sandip Karmakar, Dipanwita Roy Chowdhury:
Fault Analysis of Grain Family of Stream Ciphers. 261 - Sandip Karmakar, Dipanwita Roy Chowdhury:
Differential Fault Analysis of MICKEY Family of Stream Ciphers. 262 - Sandip Karmakar, Dipanwita Roy Chowdhury:
A Generic Scan Attack on Hardware based eStream Winners. 263 - Janaka Alawatugoda, Colin Boyd, Douglas Stebila:
Continuous After-the-fact Leakage-Resilient Key Exchange (full version). 264 - Jie Chen, Hoeteck Wee:
Dual System Groups and its Applications - Compact HIBE and More. 265 - Pawel Morawiecki, Kris Gaj, Ekawat Homsirikamol, Krystian Matusiewicz, Josef Pieprzyk, Marcin Rogawski, Marian Srebrny, Marcin Wójcik:
ICEPOLE: High-speed, Hardware-oriented Authenticated Encryption. 266 - Harshal Tupsamudre, Shikha Bisht, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay:
Differential Fault Analysis on the families of SIMON and SPECK ciphers. 267 - Yin Li, Yi-yang Chen:
A low complexity bit-parallel Montgomery multiplier based on squaring for trinomials. 268 - Takahiro Matsuda, Goichiro Hanaoka:
Chosen Ciphertext Security via Point Obfuscation. 269 - Tore Kasper Frederiksen, Thomas P. Jakobsen, Jesper Buus Nielsen:
Faster Maliciously Secure Two-Party Computation Using the GPU. 270 - Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen:
STRIBOB: Authenticated Encryption from GOST R 34.11-2012 LPS Permutation. 271 - Jiageng Chen, Yuichi Futa, Atsuko Miyaji, Chunhua Su:
Impossible differential cryptanalysis of LBlock with concrete investigation of key scheduling algorithm. 272 - Craig Gentry, Allison Bishop Lewko, Brent Waters:
Witness Encryption from Instance Independent Assumptions. 273 - Sorina Ionica, Malika Izabachène:
Weak instances of composite order protocols. 274 - SK Hafizul Islam:
Identity-based encryption and digital signature schemes using extended chaotic maps. 275 - SK Hafizul Islam:
Design of identity-based digital signature schemes using extended chaotic maps. 276 - Lin Ding, Chenhui Jin, Jie Guan, Chuanda Qi:
New Treatment of the BSW Sampling and Its Applications to Stream Ciphers. 277 - Essam Ghadafi:
Stronger Security Notions for Decentralized Traceable Attribute-Based Signatures and More Efficient Constructions. 278 - Christina Boura, Marine Minier, María Naya-Plasencia, Valentin Suder:
Improved Impossible Differential Attacks against Round-Reduced LBlock. 279 - Rajul Kumar, K. K. Mishra, Ashish Tripathi, Abhinav Tomar, Surendra Singh:
MSEA: Modified Symmetric Encryption Algorithm. 280 - Andrey Jivsov:
WCFB: a tweakable wide block cipher. 281 - Ivan Damgård, Frédéric Dupuis, Jesper Buus Nielsen:
On The Orthogonal Vector Problem and The Feasibility of Unconditionally Secure Leakage Resilient Computation. 282 - Nicolas Gama, Malika Izabachène, Phong Q. Nguyen, Xiang Xie:
Structural Lattice Reduction: Generalized Worst-Case to Average-Case Reductions. 283 - Rafail Ostrovsky, Alessandra Scafuro, Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam:
Resettably Sound Zero-Knoweldge Arguments from OWFs - the (semi) Black-Box way. 284 - David Derler, Christian Hanser, Daniel Slamanig:
Privacy-Enhancing Proxy Signatures from Non-Interactive Anonymous Credentials. 285 - Martin Stanek:
Weaknesses of Password Authentication Scheme Based on Geometric Hashing. 286 - Georg T. Becker, Raghavan Kumar:
Active and Passive Side-Channel Attacks on Delay Based PUF Designs. 287 - Kevin J. Henry, Douglas R. Stinson:
Resilient Aggregation in Simple Linear Sensor Networks. 288 - Ivan Damgård, Rasmus Lauritsen, Tomas Toft:
An Empirical Study and some Improvements of the MiniMac Protocol for Secure Computation. 289 - Aris Pagourtzis, Giorgos Panagiotakos, Dimitris Sakavalas:
Optimal Resilience Broadcast against Locally Bounded and General Adversaries. 290 - Antonio Sanso:
Trial multiplication is not optimal but... On the symmetry of finite cyclic groups (Z/pZ)∗. 291 - Leibo Li, Keting Jia:
Improved Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks on Reduced-Round Camellia-192/256. 292 - (Withdrawn) An Efficient Abuse-Free Fair Contract-Signing Protocol Based on RSA Signature and Σ-protocol. 293
- Isaiah Makwakwa:
The M3lcrypt Password Based Key Derivation Function. 294 - Nir Bitansky, Omer Paneth:
ZAPs and Non-Interactive Witness Indistinguishability from Indistinguishability Obfuscation. 295 - Andris Ambainis, Ansis Rosmanis, Dominique Unruh:
Quantum Attacks on Classical Proof Systems - The Hardness of Quantum Rewinding. 296 - Farzaneh Abed, Scott R. Fluhrer, Christian Forler, Eik List, Stefan Lucks, David A. McGrew, Jakob Wenzel:
Pipelineable On-Line Encryption. 297 - Ignacio Cascudo, Ronald Cramer, Chaoping Xing:
Torsion Limits and Riemann-Roch Systems for Function Fields and Applications. 298 - Grégory Demay, Peter Gazi, Ueli Maurer, Björn Tackmann:
Optimality of Non-Adaptive Strategies: The Case of Parallel Games. 299 - Robert Granger, Thorsten Kleinjung, Jens Zumbrägel:
On the Powers of 2. 300 - Mark Zhandry:
How to Avoid Obfuscation Using Witness PRFs. 301 - Maria Eichlseder, Florian Mendel, Martin Schläffer:
Branching Heuristics in Differential Collision Search with Applications to SHA-512. 302 - (Withdrawn) On the security of Xu et al.'s authentication and key agreement scheme for telecare medicine information systems. 303
- Dai Ikarashi, Ryo Kikuchi, Koki Hamada, Koji Chida:
Actively Private and Correct MPC Scheme in t<n/2 from Passively Secure Schemes with Small Overhead. 304 - Florian Mendel, Vincent Rijmen, Martin Schläffer:
Collision Attack on 5 Rounds of Grøstl. 305 - Yu Chen, Zongyang Zhang:
Publicly Evaluable Pseudorandom Functions and Their Applications. 306 - Alessandro Barenghi, Gerardo Pelosi, Francesco Regazzoni:
Simulation-Time Security Margin Assessment against Power-Based Side Channel Attacks. 307 - David Cash, Stefano Tessaro:
The Locality of Searchable Symmetric Encryption. 308 - Craig Gentry, Allison B. Lewko, Amit Sahai, Brent Waters:
Indistinguishability Obfuscation from the Multilinear Subgroup Elimination Assumption. 309 - Yu Chen, Qiong Huang, Zongyang Zhang:
Sakai-Ohgishi-Kasahara Non-Interactive Identity-Based Key Exchange Scheme, Revisited. 310 - Tsz Hon Yuen, Sherman S. M. Chow, Cong Zhang, Siu-Ming Yiu:
Exponent-inversion Signatures and IBE under Static Assumptions. 311 - Masayuki Abe, Jens Groth, Miyako Ohkubo, Mehdi Tibouchi:
Structure-Preserving Signatures from Type II Pairings. 312 - Björn Grohmann:
On the Complexity of Finding Low-Level Solutions. 313 - Zhenbin Zhang, Liji Wu, An Wang, Zhaoli Mu:
Improved Leakage Model Based on Genetic Algorithm. 314 - Bartosz Zoltak:
Statistical weaknesses in 20 RC4-like algorithms and (probably) the simplest algorithm free from these weaknesses - VMPC-R. 315 - Shashank Agrawal, Divya Gupta, Hemanta K. Maji, Omkant Pandey, Manoj Prabhakaran:
Explicit Non-Malleable Codes Resistant to Permutations. 316 - Philipp Jovanovic, Samuel Neves, Jean-Philippe Aumasson:
Analysis of NORX. 317 - Elisa Gorla, Maike Massierer:
Index calculus in the trace zero variety. 318 - Riham AlTawy, Amr M. Youssef:
Preimage attacks on Reduced-round Stribog. 319 - Itai Dinur:
Improved Differential Cryptanalysis of Round-Reduced Speck. 320 - Ahto Buldas, Risto Laanoja, Ahto Truu:
Efficient Quantum-Immune Keyless Signatures with Identity. 321 - Ryutaroh Matsumoto:
Coding Theoretic Construction of Quantum Ramp Secret Sharing. 322 - Imran Erguler:
Some Remarks on Honeyword Based Password-Cracking Detection. 323 - Sandro Coretti, Ueli Maurer, Björn Tackmann, Daniele Venturi:
From Single-Bit to Multi-Bit Public-Key Encryption via Non-Malleable Codes. 324 - Xiutao Feng, Fan Zhang, Hui Wang:
A practical forgery and state recovery attack on the authenticated cipher PANDA-s. 325 - (Withdrawn) FeW: A Lightweight Block Cipher. 326
- Vikram D.:
An Optimal Strong Password Authentication Protocol with USB Sticks. 327 - Divesh Aggarwal:
Affine-evasive Sets Modulo a Prime. 328 - Berry Schoenmakers:
Explicit Optimal Binary Pebbling for One-Way Hash Chain Reversal. 329 - Xiaochao Qian:
PoS Cryptocurrency wtih No Blockchain. 330 - Raphael Bost, Raluca Ada Popa, Stephen Tu, Shafi Goldwasser:
Machine Learning Classification over Encrypted Data. 331 - Guangjun Fan, Yongbin Zhou, Hailong Zhang, Dengguo Feng:
How to Choose Interesting Points for Template Attacks? 332 - Elisa Gorla, Maike Massierer:
An optimal representation for the trace zero subgroup. 333 - Rachid El Bansarkhani, Johannes Buchmann:
LCPR: High Performance Compression Algorithm for Lattice-Based Signatures and Schnorr-like Constructions. 334 - John Almeida:
SHADOW NUMBERS PUBLIC KEY ENCRYPTION. 335 - Joppe W. Bos, Kristin E. Lauter, Michael Naehrig:
Private Predictive Analysis on Encrypted Medical Data. 336 - Kenneth G. Paterson, Jacob C. N. Schuldt, Dale L. Sibborn:
Related Randomness Attacks for Public Key Encryption. 337 - Sebastian Faust, Pratyay Mukherjee, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Daniele Venturi:
A Tamper and Leakage Resilient Random Access Machine. 338 - (Withdrawn) Public-Coin Concurrent Zero-Knowledge in Logarithmic Rounds. 339
- Mohammed Alfateh Hassouna, Mohsin Hashim:
A Strong and Efficient Certificateless Digital Signature Scheme. 340 - Ralf Küsters, Tomasz Truderung, Andreas Vogt:
Formal Analysis of Chaumian Mix Nets with Randomized Partial Checking. 341 - Zoya Dyka, Thomas Basmer, Christian Wittke, Peter Langendörfer:
Proposing Individualization of the design of cryptographic hardware accelerators as countermeasure against structure and side channel analysis. 342 - Yao Lu, Rui Zhang, Dongdai Lin:
New Results on Solving Linear Equations Modulo Unknown Divisors and its Applications. 343 - Erik-Oliver Blass, Travis Mayberry, Guevara Noubir, Kaan Onarlioglu:
Toward Robust Hidden Volumes using Write-Only Oblivious RAM. 344 - Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Charanjit S. Jutla, Mariana Raykova:
Private Database Access With HE-over-ORAM Architecture. 345 - Kim Laine, Kristin E. Lauter:
Time-Memory Trade-offs for Index Calculus in Genus 3. 346 - Ilan Komargodski, Tal Moran, Moni Naor, Rafael Pass, Alon Rosen, Eylon Yogev:
One-Way Functions and (Im)perfect Obfuscation. 347 - Helger Lipmaa:
A Simple Cast-as-Intended E-Voting Protocol by Using Secure Smart Cards. 348 - Eli Ben-Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa, Christina Garman, Matthew Green, Ian Miers, Eran Tromer, Madars Virza:
Zerocash: Decentralized Anonymous Payments from Bitcoin. 349 - Franziskus Kiefer, Mark Manulis:
Distributed Smooth Projective Hashing and its Application to Two-Server PAKE. 350 - Yefim I. Leifman:
Secret and Verifiable Delegated Voting for Wide Representation. 351 - Andrea Huszti:
Multi-Vendor PayWord with Payment Approval. 352 - Jean-Charles Faugère, Ayoub Otmani, Ludovic Perret, Frédéric de Portzamparc, Jean-Pierre Tillich:
Folding Alternant and Goppa Codes with Non-Trivial Automorphism Groups. 353 - Ray A. Perlner:
Optimizing Information Set Decoding Algorithms to Attack Cyclosymmetric MDPC Codes. 354 - Michelle Kendall, Keith M. Martin:
Graph-theoretic design and analysis of key predistribution schemes. 355 - Dan Boneh, Craig Gentry, Sergey Gorbunov, Shai Halevi, Valeria Nikolaenko, Gil Segev, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Dhinakaran Vinayagamurthy:
Fully Key-Homomorphic Encryption, Arithmetic Circuit ABE, and Compact Garbled Circuits. 356 - Jake Longo Galea, Daniel P. Martin, Elisabeth Oswald, Daniel Page, Martijn Stam:
Making and Breaking Leakage Simulators. 357 - Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Junghyun Nam, Dongho Won:
A mechanical approach to derive identity-based protocols from Diffie-Hellman-based protocols. 358 - Eduardo Ruiz Duarte, Octavio Páez Osuna:
Explicit endomorphism of the Jacobian of a hyperelliptic function field of genus 2 using base field operations. 359 - Danilo Gligoroski, Simona Samardjiska, Håkon Jacobsen, Sergey Bezzateev:
McEliece in the world of Escher. 360 - Igor A. Semaev:
New Results in the Linear Cryptanalysis of DES. 361 - Qiang Tang
Nothing is for Free: Security in Searching Shared & Encrypted Data. 362 - Mridul Nandi:
Forging Attacks on two Authenticated Encryptions COBRA and POET. 363 - Feng Hao, Dylan Clarke, Avelino Francisco Zorzo:
Deleting Secret Data with Public Verifiability. 364 - Luke Mather, Elisabeth Oswald, Carolyn Whitnall:
Multi-target DPA attacks: Pushing DPA beyond the limits of a desktop computer. 365 - Youngsung Choi, Dongho Won:
Cryptanalysis and Improvement on Robust Three-Factor Remote User Authentication Scheme with Key Agreement for Multimedia System. 366 - Kaushik Chakraborty, Subhamoy Maitra, Sumanta Sarkar, Bodhisatwa Mazumdar, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay:
Redefining the Transparency Order. 367 - Erich Wenger, Paul Wolfger:
Solving the Discrete Logarithm of a 113-bit Koblitz Curve with an FPGA Cluster. 368 - Michèle Feltz, Cas Cremers:
On the Limits of Authenticated Key Exchange Security with an Application to Bad Randomness. 369 - Ivan Damgård, Bernardo David, Irene Giacomelli, Jesper Buus Nielsen:
Compact VSS and Efficient Homomorphic UC Commitments. 370 - Christophe Doche:
On the Enumeration of Double-Base Chains with Applications to Elliptic Curve Cryptography. 371 - Dennis Hofheinz:
Fully secure constrained pseudorandom functions using random oracles. 372 - Philipp Jovanovic, Atul Luykx, Bart Mennink:
Beyond 2c/2 Security in Sponge-Based Authenticated Encryption Modes. 373 - Viet Pham, M. H. R. Khouzani, Carlos Cid:
Optimal Contracts for Outsourced Computation. 374 - Bingke Ma, Bao Li, Ronglin Hao, Xiaoqian Li:
Improved Cryptanalysis on Reduced-Round GOST and Whirlpool Hash Function (Full Version). 375 - Mihir Bellare, Rafael Dowsley, Sriram Keelveedhi:
How Secure is Deterministic Encryption? 376 - (Withdrawn) Logic Synthesis based Public Key Scheme. 377
- (Withdrawn) Attacks on Lin's Mobile Dynamic Identity-based Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme using Chebyshev Chaotic Maps. 378
- Daniel J. Bernstein, Tanja Lange:
Hyper-and-elliptic-curve cryptography. 379 - Somindu C. Ramanna, Palash Sarkar:
Efficient Adaptively Secure IBBE from Standard Assumptions. 380 - Christina Brzuska, Arno Mittelbach:
Using Indistinguishability Obfuscation via UCEs. 381 - Felix Günther, Mark Manulis, Andreas Peter:
Privacy-Enhanced Participatory Sensing with Collusion-Resistance and Data Aggregation. 382 - Youngsung Choi, Dongho Won:
Cryptanalysis of and Improvement on Biometric-based User Authentication Scheme for C/S System. 383 - Dima Grigoriev, Vladimir Shpilrain:
Yao's millionaires' problem and decoy-based public key encryption by classical physics. 384 - Hüseyin Hisil, Craig Costello:
Jacobian Coordinates on Genus 2 Curves. 385 - Nicky Mouha, Bart Mennink, Anthony Van Herrewege, Dai Watanabe, Bart Preneel, Ingrid Verbauwhede:
Chaskey: An Efficient MAC Algorithm for 32-bit Microcontrollers. 386 - Jaiberth Porras, John Baena, Jintai Ding:
New candidates for multivariate trapdoor functions. 387 - Marko Caric:
Finding collisions for MD4 hash algorithm using hybrid algorithm. 388 - Wei Dai, Yarkin Doröz, Berk Sunar:
Accelerating NTRU based Homomorphic Encryption using GPUs. 389 - Vipul Goyal, Rafail Ostrovsky, Alessandra Scafuro, Ivan Visconti:
Black-Box Non-Black-Box Zero Knowledge. 390 - Chang Liu, Rajiv Ranjan, Chi Yang, Xuyun Zhang, Lizhe Wang, Jinjun Chen:
MuR-DPA: Top-down Levelled Multi-replica Merkle Hash Tree Based Secure Public Auditing for Dynamic Big Data Storage on Cloud. 391 - Yu Yu, Dawu Gu, Xiangxue Li:
The Randomized Iterate Revisited - Almost Linear Seed Length PRGs from A Broader Class of One-way Functions. 392 - Yu Yu, Dawu Gu, Xiangxue Li, Jian Weng:
(Almost) Optimal Constructions of UOWHFs from 1-to-1 and Known-Regular One-way Functions. 393 - Avradip Mandal, Arnab Roy:
Relational Hash. 394 - Jia Xu, Anjia Yang, Jianying Zhou, Duncan S. Wong:
Lightweight and Privacy-Preserving Delegatable Proofs of Storage. 395 - Helger Lipmaa:
Almost Optimal Short Adaptive Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge. 396 - Andrea Miele, Joppe W. Bos, Thorsten Kleinjung, Arjen K. Lenstra:
Cofactorization on Graphics Processing Units. 397 - Taylor Daniels, Daniel Smith-Tone:
Differential Properties of the HFE Cryptosystem. 398 - Dustin Moody, Ray A. Perlner, Daniel Smith-Tone:
An Asymptotically Optimal Structural Attack on the ABC Multivariate Encryption Scheme. 399 - Peeter Laud, Jan Willemson
Composable Oblivious Extended Permutations. 400 - Eric Zavattoni, Luis J. Dominguez Perez, Shigeo Mitsunari, Ana H. Sánchez-Ramírez, Tadanori Teruya, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez:
Software implementation of an Attribute-Based Encryption scheme. 401 - Nir Bitansky, Ran Canetti, Omer Paneth, Alon Rosen:
On the Existence of Extractable One-Way Functions. 402 - Thomas Peyrin, Lei Wang:
Generic Universal Forgery Attack on Iterative Hash-based MACs. 403 - Elette Boyle, Kai-Min Chung, Rafael Pass:
Large-Scale Secure Computation. 404 - Christina Brzuska, Arno Mittelbach:
Indistinguishability Obfuscation versus Point Obfuscation with Auxiliary Input. 405 - Gaëtan Leurent, Thomas Peyrin, Lei Wang:
New Generic Attacks Against Hash-based MACs. 406 - Fu-Kuo Tseng, Rong-Jaye Chen, Bao-Shuh Paul Lin:
Towards Symmetric Functional Encryption for Regular Languages with Predicate Privacy. 407 - Emmanuela Orsini, Joop van de Pol, Nigel P. Smart:
Bootstrapping BGV Ciphertexts With A Wider Choice of p and q. 408 - Amir Moradi, François-Xavier Standaert:
Moments-Correlating DPA. 409 - Nicolas Veyrat-Charvillon, Benoît Gérard, François-Xavier Standaert:
Soft Analytical Side-Channel Attacks. 410 - Vincent Grosso, Romain Poussier, François-Xavier Standaert, Lubos Gaspar:
Combining Leakage-Resilient PRFs and Shuffling (Towards Bounded Security for Small Embedded Devices). 411 - François Durvaux, François-Xavier Standaert, Nicolas Veyrat-Charvillon, Jean-Baptiste Mairy, Yves Deville:
Efficient Selection of Time Samples for Higher-Order DPA with Projection Pursuits. 412 - Josep Balasch, Benedikt Gierlichs, Vincent Grosso, Oscar Reparaz, François-Xavier Standaert:
On the Cost of Lazy Engineering for Masked Software Implementations. 413 - Vikram Singh:
A Security Proof of KCDSA using an extended Random Oracle Model. 414 - Ulrich Rührmair:
Virtual Proofs of Reality. 415 - Georg Fuchsbauer, Momchil Konstantinov, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Vanishree Rao:
Adaptive Security of Constrained PRFs. 416 - Inna Polak, Adi Shamir:
Using Random Error Correcting Codes in Near-Collision Attacks on Generic Hash-Functions. 417 - Benny Pinkas, Tzachy Reinman:
A Simple Recursive Tree Oblivious RAM. 418 - Jérémie Detrey:
FFS Factory: Adapting Coppersmith's "Factorization Factory" to the Function Field Sieve. 419 - Xiang Xie, Rui Xue:
Bounded Fully Homomorphic Signature Schemes. 420 - Sashank Dara, Scott R. Fluhrer:
FNR : Arbitrary length small domain block cipher proposal. 421 - Gilles Barthe, Gustavo Betarte, Juan Diego Campo, Carlos Luna, David Pichardie:
System-level non-interference for constant-time cryptography. 422 - Shai Halevi, William Eric Hall, Charanjit S. Jutla:
The Hash Function "Fugue". 423 - Craig Costello, Alyson Deines-Schartz, Kristin E. Lauter, Tonghai Yang:
Constructing Abelian Surfaces for Cryptography via Rosenhain Invariants. 424 - Long Wen, Meiqin Wang, Andrey Bogdanov, Huaifeng Chen:
Note of Multidimensional MITM Attack on 25-Round TWINE-128. 425 - Ivan Damgård, Sunoo Park:
Towards Optimally Efficient Secret-Key Authentication from PRG. 426 - Thomaz Oliveira, Diego F. Aranha, Julio López, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez:
Fast point multiplication algorithms for binary elliptic curves with and without precomputation. 427 - Nuttapong Attrapadung:
Dual System Encryption via Doubly Selective Security: Framework, Fully-secure Functional Encryption for Regular Languages, and More. 428 - Jan Camenisch, Anja Lehmann, Anna Lysyanskaya, Gregory Neven:
Memento: How to Reconstruct your Secrets from a Single Password in a Hostile Environment. 429 - Hendrik W. Lenstra Jr., Alice Silverberg:
Revisiting the Gentry-Szydlo Algorithm. 430 - Christopher W. Fletcher, Ling Ren, Albert Kwon, Marten van Dijk, Emil Stefanov, Srinivas Devadas:
RAW Path ORAM: A Low-Latency, Low-Area Hardware ORAM Controller with Integrity Verification. 431 - Ran Canetti, Daniel Shahaf, Margarita Vald:
Composable Authentication with Global PKI. 432 - A. Adam Ding, Liwei Zhang, Yunsi Fei, Pei Luo:
A Statistical Model for Higher Order DPA on Masked Devices. 433 - Joop van de Pol, Nigel P. Smart, Yuval Yarom:
Just a Little Bit More. 434 - Gorka Irazoqui Apecechea, Mehmet Sinan Inci, Thomas Eisenbarth, Berk Sunar:
Wait a minute! A fast, Cross-VM attack on AES. 435 - Gilles Barthe, François Dupressoir, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Benjamin Grégoire, Jean-Christophe Zapalowicz:
Synthesis of Fault Attacks on Cryptographic Implementations. 436 - Jingguo Bi, Jean-Sébastien Coron, Jean-Charles Faugère, Phong Q. Nguyen, Guénaël Renault, Rina Zeitoun:
Rounding and Chaining LLL: Finding Faster Small Roots of Univariate Polynomial Congruences. 437 - Mihir Bellare, Kenneth G. Paterson, Phillip Rogaway:
Security of Symmetric Encryption against Mass Surveillance. 438 - Chunming Tang, Yuenai Chen:
Efficient Non-Interactive Verifiable Outsourced Computation for Arbitrary Functions. 439 - Jean-Claude Bajard, Nabil Merkiche:
Double Level Montgomery Cox-Rower Architecture, New Bounds. 440 - Itai Dinur, Gaëtan Leurent:
Improved Generic Attacks Against Hash-based MACs and HAIFA. 441 - Xing Hu, Chunming Tang:
Secure Outsourced Computation of the Characteristic Polynomial and Eigenvalues of Matrix. 442 - Shan Chen, Rodolphe Lampe, Jooyoung Lee, Yannick Seurin, John P. Steinberger:
Minimizing the Two-Round Even-Mansour Cipher. 443 - Aanchal Malhotra, Sharon Goldberg:
RPKI vs ROVER: Comparing the Risks of BGP Security Solutions. 444 - Gottfried Herold, Julia Hesse, Dennis Hofheinz, Carla Ràfols, Andy Rupp
Polynomial Spaces: A New Framework for Composite-to-Prime-Order Transformations. 445 - Valérie Nachef, Jacques Patarin, Emmanuel Volte:
4-point Attacks with Standard Deviation Analysis on A-Feistel Schemes. 446 - Benny Pinkas, Thomas Schneider, Michael Zohner:
Faster Private Set Intersection based on OT Extension. 447 - Ning Wang, Xiaoyun Wang, Keting Jia, Jingyuan Zhao:
Improved Differential Attacks on Reduced SIMON Versions. 448 - (Withdrawn) Related Key Secure PKE from Hash Proof Systems. 449
- (Withdrawn) Optimized Implementation of General Secret Sharing Scheme. 450
- Daniel Wichs:
Leveled Fully Homomorphic Signatures from Standard Lattices. 451 - Iddo Bentov, Charles Lee, Alex Mizrahi, Meni Rosenfeld:
Proof of Activity: Extending Bitcoin's Proof of Work via Proof of Stake. 452 - Martin R. Albrecht, Benedikt Driessen, Elif Bilge Kavun, Gregor Leander, Christof Paar, Tolga Yalçin:
Block Ciphers - Focus On The Linear Layer (feat. PRIDE): Full Version. 453 - Amir Moradi, Vincent Immler:
Early Propagation and Imbalanced Routing, How to Diminish in FPGAs. 454 - Yi-Kai Liu:
Single-shot security for one-time memories in the isolated qubits model. 455 - José Bacelar Almeida, Manuel Barbosa, Gilles Barthe, Guillaume Davy, François Dupressoir, Benjamin Grégoire, Pierre-Yves Strub:
Verified Implementations for Secure and Verifiable Computation. 456 - Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, John M. Schanck, Joseph H. Silverman, William Whyte:
Transcript Secure Signatures Based on Modular Lattices. 457 - Gilles Barthe, Edvard Fagerholm, Dario Fiore, John C. Mitchell, Andre Scedrov, Benedikt Schmidt:
Automated Analysis of Cryptographic Assumptions in Generic Group Models. 458 - Omar Choudary, Markus G. Kuhn:
Template Attacks on Different Devices. 459 - Vladimir Kolesnikov, Payman Mohassel, Mike Rosulek:
FleXOR: Flexible garbling for XOR gates that beats free-XOR. 460 - (Withdrawn) Provably secure and efficient certificateless signature in the standard model. 461
- Constantin Catalin Dragan, Ferucio Laurentiu Tiplea:
Efficient Key-policy Attribute-based Encryption for General Boolean Circuits from Multilinear Maps. 462 - Sergey Gorbunov, Vinod Vaikuntanathan:
(Leveled) Fully Homomorphic Signatures from Lattices. 463 - Shijun Zhao, Qianying Zhang, Guangyao Hu, Yu Qin, Dengguo Feng:
Providing Root of Trust for ARM TrustZone using SRAM PUFs. 464 - Jie Chen, Hoeteck Wee:
Semi-Adaptive Attribute-Based Encryption and Improved Delegation for Boolean Formula. 465 - Samir Bouftass, Abdelhak Azhari:
On a new properties of number sequences , a randomness test and a new RC4's key scheduling algorithm. 466 - Daniel Demmler, Thomas Schneider, Michael Zohner:
Ad-Hoc Secure Two-Party Computation on Mobile Devices using Hardware Tokens. 467 - Jan Camenisch, Anja Lehmann, Gregory Neven, Alfredo Rial:
Privacy-Preserving Auditing for Attribute-Based Credentials. 468 - Dario Catalano, Dario Fiore, Bogdan Warinschi:
Homomorphic Signatures with Efficient Verification for Polynomial Functions. 469 - Jinguang Han, Willy Susilo, Yi Mu, Jianying Zhou, Man Ho Au:
PPDCP-ABE: Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Cipher-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption. 470 - (Withdrawn) Large Universe Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with White-Box Traceability. 471
- Ryo Nishimaki:
How to Watermark Cryptographic Functions. 472 - (Withdrawn) An Efficient Cloud-based Revocable Identity-based Proxy Re-encryption Scheme for Public Clouds Data Sharing. 473
- Alex Biryukov, Charles Bouillaguet, Dmitry Khovratovich:
Cryptographic Schemes Based on the ASASA Structure: Black-box, White-box, and Public-key. 474 - Imran Erguler:
A Key Recovery Attack on Error Correcting Code Based a Lightweight Security Protocol. 475 - Paul Baecher:
Simon's Circuit. 476 - Omkant Pandey, Kim Ramchen, Brent Waters:
Relaxed Two-to-one Recoding Schemes. 477 - Benny Applebaum, Eyal Widder:
Related-Key Secure Pseudorandom Functions: The Case of Additive Attacks. 478 - Giorgia Azzurra Marson, Bertram Poettering:
Even more practical secure logging: Tree-based Seekable Sequential Key Generators. 479 - Shashank Agrawal, Shweta Agrawal, Manoj Prabhakaran:
Towards a Unified Theory of Cryptographic Agents. 480 - Eduarda S. V. Freire, Julia Hesse, Dennis Hofheinz:
Universally Composable Non-Interactive Key Exchange. 481 - Fabienne Eigner, Aniket Kate, Matteo Maffei, Francesca Pampaloni, Ivan Pryvalov:
Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation with Optimal Utility. 482 - Michel Abdalla, Fabrice Benhamouda, David Pointcheval:
Disjunctions for Hash Proof Systems: New Constructions and Applications. 483 - Carlos Aguilar Melchor, Xavier Boyen, Jean-Christophe Deneuville, Philippe Gaborit:
Sealing the Leak on Classical NTRU signatures. 484 - Shahram Rasoolzadeh, Zahra Ahmadian, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Mohammad Reza Aref:
An Improved Truncated Di fferential Cryptanalysis of KLEIN. 485 - Diego F. Aranha, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Chen Qian, Mehdi Tibouchi, Jean-Christophe Zapalowicz:
Binary Elligator Squared. 486 - Adeline Langlois, Damien Stehlé, Ron Steinfeld:
GGHLite: More Efficient Multilinear Maps from Ideal Lattices. 487 - Michel Abdalla, Fabrice Benhamouda, Alain Passelègue, Kenneth G. Paterson:
Related-Key Security for Pseudorandom Functions Beyond the Linear Barrier. 488 - Dan Ding, Guizhen Zhu, Xiaoyun Wang:
A Genetic Algorithm for Searching Shortest Lattice Vector of SVP Challenge. 489 - Shijun Zhao, Qianying Zhang, Yu Qin, Dengguo Feng:
Universally Composable secure TNC protocol based on IF-T binding to TLS. 490 - Michael Clear, Ciaran McGoldrick:
Bootstrappable Identity-Based Fully Homomorphic Encryption. 491 - Sanjit Chatterjee, Koray Karabina, Alfred Menezes:
Fault attacks on pairing-based protocols revisited. 492 - David Lubicz, Damien Robert:
Arithmetic on Abelian and Kummer Varieties. 493 - San Ling, Duong Hieu Phan, Damien Stehlé, Ron Steinfeld:
Hardness of k-LWE and Applications in Traitor Tracing. 494 - Léo Ducas, Daniele Micciancio:
Improved Short Lattice Signatures in the Standard Model. 495 - Maryam Rajabzadeh Asaar, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Willy Susilo:
Security Pitfalls of a Provably Secure Identity-based Multi-Proxy Signature Scheme. 496 - Xiaofei Guo, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Chenglu Jin, Ramesh Karri
NREPO: Normal Basis Recomputing with Permuted Operands. 497 - Souvik Kolay, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay:
Lightweight Diffusion Layer from the kth root of the MDS Matrix. 498 - Mehmet Sabir Kiraz, Ziya Alper Genç, Süleyman Kardas:
Security and Efficiency Analysis of The Hamming Distance Computation Protocol Based On Oblivious Transfer. 499 - (Withdrawn) Verifiable and Secure Outsourcing Schemes of Modular Exponentiations Using One Untrusted Cloud Server and Their Application. 500
- Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen, Billy Bob Brumley:
Lighter, Faster, and Constant-Time: WhirlBob, the Whirlpool variant of StriBob. 501 - Igor Bilogrevic, Julien Freudiger, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Ersin Uzun:
What's the Gist? Privacy-Preserving Aggregation of User Profiles. 502 - Tran Viet Xuan Phuong, Guomin Yang, Willy Susilo:
Efficient Hidden Vector Encryption with Constant-Size Ciphertext. 503 - Thomas Shrimpton, R. Seth Terashima:
A Provable Security Analysis of Intel's Secure Key RNG. 504 - David Kohel, Kristin E. Lauter, Christophe Petit, Jean-Pierre Tignol:
On the quaternion ℓ-isogeny path problem. 505 - Christophe Petit:
Finding Roots in GF(pn) with the Successive Resultant Algorithm. 506 - Dakshita Khurana, Amit Sahai, Brent Waters:
How to Generate and use Universal Parameters. 507 - Takeshi Sugawara
, Daisuke Suzuki, Ryoichi Fujii, Shigeaki Tawa, Ryohei Hori, Mitsuru Shiozaki, Takeshi Fujino:
Reversing Stealthy Dopant-Level Circuits. 508 - Kaoutar Elkhiyaoui, Melek Önen, Refik Molva:
Privacy preserving delegated word search in the cloud. 509 - Pratish Datta, Dibyendu Roy, Sourav Mukhopadhyay:
A Probabilistic Algebraic Attack on the Grain Family of Stream Cipher. 510 - Johannes Blömer, Gennadij Liske:
Constructing CCA-secure predicate encapsulation schemes from CPA-secure schemes and universal one-way hash functions. 511 - Dan Bogdanov, Liina Kamm, Sven Laur, Ville Sokk:
Rmind: a tool for cryptographically secure statistical analysis. 512 - Noboru Kunihiro, Junya Honda:
RSA meets DPA: Recovering RSA Secret Keys from Noisy Analog Data. 513 - Ahmad Boorghany, Siavash Bayat Sarmadi, Rasool Jalili:
On Constrained Implementation of Lattice-based Cryptographic Primitives and Schemes on Smart Cards. 514 - (Withdrawn) Ideal Social Secret Sharing Using Birkhoff Interpolation Method. 515
- Nikolaos Makriyannis:
On the Classification of Finite Boolean Functions up to Fairness. 516 - Jesper Buus Nielsen, Daniele Venturi, Angela Zottarel:
On the Connection between Leakage Tolerance and Adaptive Security. 517 - Mihir Bellare, Viet Tung Hoang, Sriram Keelveedhi:
Cryptography from Compression Functions: The UCE Bridge to the ROM. 518 - Jens Hermans, Roel Peeters:
Realizing Pico: Finally No More Passwords! 519 - Ignacio Cascudo, Ronald Cramer, Diego Mirandola, Gilles Zémor:
On powers of codes. 520 - Susan Hohenberger, Venkata Koppula, Brent Waters:
Adaptively Secure Puncturable Pseudorandom Functions in the Standard Model. 521 - Nishanth Chandran, Srinivasan Raghuraman, Dhinakaran Vinayagamurthy:
Constrained Pseudorandom Functions: Verifiable and Delegatable. 522 - Kim Ramchen, Brent Waters:
Fully Secure and Fast Signing from Obfuscation. 523 - Chunming Tang, Yanfeng Qi:
Constructing hyper-bent functions from Boolean functions with the Walsh spectrum taking the same value twice. 524 - Jingyuan Zhao, Xiaoyun Wang, Meiqin Wang, Xiaoyang Dong:
Differential Analysis on Block Cipher PRIDE. 525 - Daniel J. Bernstein, Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, Tanja Lange:
Curve41417: Karatsuba revisited. 526 - Annelie Heuser, Olivier Rioul, Sylvain Guilley:
Good is Not Good Enough: Deriving Optimal Distinguishers from Communication Theory. 527 - Xiaofeng Wang, Chen Xu, Guo Li, Hanling Lin:
Groups With Two Generators Having Unsolvable Word Problem And Presentations of Mihailova Subgroups. 528 - Jesper Buus Nielsen, Daniele Venturi, Angela Zottarel:
Leakage-Resilient Signatures with Graceful Degradation. 529 - Khoongming Khoo, Thomas Peyrin, Axel Poschmann, Huihui Yap:
FOAM: Searching for Hardware-Optimal SPN Structures and Components with a Fair Comparison. 530 - Paolo Palmieri, Luca Calderoni, Dario Maio:
Spatial Bloom Filters: Enabling Privacy in Location-aware Applications. 531 - (Withdrawn) On the Pitfalls of using Arbiter-PUFs as Building Blocks. 532
- Jaiganesh Balasundaram:
Indifferentiability Results and Proofs for Some Popular Cryptographic Constructions. 533 - Cong Chen, Thomas Eisenbarth, Ingo von Maurich, Rainer Steinwandt:
Differential Power Analysis of a McEliece Cryptosystem. 534 - Massimo Chenal, Qiang Tang
On Key Recovery Attacks against Existing Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption Schemes. 535 - Tian Tian, Wen-Feng Qi:
On Decomposition of an NFSR into a Cascade Connection of Two Smaller. 536 - Georg Fuchsbauer:
Constrained Verifiable Random Functions. 537 - (Withdrawn) A Secure Cloud-based NFC Mobile Payment Protocol. 538
- Hoon Wei Lim, Shruti Tople, Prateek Saxena, Ee-Chien Chang:
Faster Secure Arithmetic Computation Using Switchable Homomorphic Encryption. 539 - Abhijith P. S., Manish Goswami, S. Tadi, Kamal Pandey:
Optimized Architecture for AES. 540 - Naofumi Homma, Yu-ichi Hayashi, Noriyuki Miura, Daisuke Fujimoto, Daichi Tanaka, Makoto Nagata, Takafumi Aoki:
EM Attack Is Non-Invasive? - Design Methodology and Validity Verification of EM Attack Sensor. 541 - Guang Gong, Kalikinkar Mandal, Yin Tan, Teng Wu:
On the Multi-output Filtering Model and Its Applications. 542 - Johannes Blömer, Ricardo Gomes da Silva, Peter Günther, Juliane Krämer, Jean-Pierre Seifert:
A Practical Second-Order Fault Attack against a Real-World Pairing Implementation. 543 - Amitabh Das, Dusko Karaklajic, Ingrid Verbauwhede:
Secure Mutual Testing Strategy for Cryptographic SoCs. 544 - Chengliang Tian, Wei Wei, Dongdai Lin:
Solving closest vector instances using an approximate shortest independent vectors oracle. 545 - Johannes Blömer, Jakob Juhnke, Christina Kolb:
Anonymous and Publicly Linkable Reputation Systems. 546 - Juan Carlos Ku-Cauich, Guillermo Morales-Luna:
Authentication Schemes Based on Resilient Maps. 547 - Abderrahmane Nitaj, Muhammad Rezal Kamel Ariffin:
Implicit factorization of unbalanced RSA moduli. 548 - Abderrahmane Nitaj, Muhammad Rezal Kamel Ariffin, Dieaa I. Nassr, Hatem M. Bahig:
New Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem. 549 - Zvika Brakerski, Gil Segev:
Function-Private Functional Encryption in the Private-Key Setting. 550 - Daniel Augot, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Pierre Karpman:
Diffusion Matrices from Algebraic-Geometry Codes with Efficient SIMD Implementation. 551 - Ahto Buldas, Ahto Truu, Risto Laanoja, Rainer Gerhards:
Efficient Record-Level Keyless Signatures for Audit Logs. 552 - Ran Canetti, Asaf Cohen, Yehuda Lindell:
A Simpler Variant of Universally Composable Security for Standard Multiparty Computation. 553 - Nir Bitansky, Ran Canetti, Yael Tauman Kalai, Omer Paneth:
On Virtual Grey Box Obfuscation for General Circuits. 554 - Nico Döttling, Daniel Kraschewski, Jörn Müller-Quade, Tobias Nilges:
General Statistically Secure Computation with Bounded-Resettable Hardware Tokens. 555 - Ghassan O. Karame, Claudio Soriente, Krzysztof Lichota, Srdjan Capkun:
Securing Cloud Data in the New Attacker Model. 556 - Susumu Kiyoshima:
Round-Efficient Black-Box Construction of Composable Multi-Party Computation. 557 - Xiaofeng Wang, Chen Xu, Guo Li, Hanling Lin, Weijian Wang:
Double shielded Public Key Cryptosystems. 558 - Pablo Rauzy, Sylvain Guilley:
Countermeasures Against High-Order Fault-Injection Attacks on CRT-RSA. 559 - Qiang Tang
An Investigation of Some Forward Security Properties for PEKS and IBE. 560 - Vladyslav Kovtun, Maria Bulakh:
Performance Increasing Approaches For Binary Field Inversion. 561 - Ka Ahmad Khoureich:
hHB: a Harder HB+ Protocol. 562 - Aleksandar Kircanski:
Analysis of Boomerang Differential Trails via a SAT-Based Constraint Solver URSA. 563 - (Withdrawn) A Security Definition for Multi Secret Sharing and a Scheme Based on LWE. 564
- Tanja Lange, Christine van Vredendaal, Marnix Wakker:
Kangaroos in Side-Channel Attacks. 565 - Daniel Augot, Matthieu Finiasz:
Direct Construction of Recursive MDS Diffusion Layers using Shortened BCH Codes. 566 - (Withdrawn) Attribute-Based Signatures without Pairings by the Fiat-Shamir Transformation. 567
- Masao Kasahara:
New Classes of Public Key Cryptosystems over F28 Constructed Based on Reed-Solomon Codes, K(XVII)SE(1)PKC and K(XVII)ΣΠPKC. 568 - Daniele Micciancio, Michael Walter:
Fast Lattice Point Enumeration with Minimal Overhead. 569 - Melissa Chase, Sarah Meiklejohn:
Deja Q: Using Dual Systems to Revisit q-Type Assumptions. 570 - Daniel J. Bernstein, Tung Chou, Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, Andreas Hülsing, Tanja Lange, Ruben Niederhagen, Christine van Vredendaal:
How to manipulate curve standards: a white paper for the black hat. 571 - Juliane Krämer, Anke Stüber, Ágnes Kiss:
On the Optimality of Differential Fault Analyses on CLEFIA. 572 - Gurgen H. Khachatrian:
A new public key system based on Polynomials over finite fields GF(2). 573 - Hyung Tae Lee, Jae Hong Seo:
Security Analysis of Multilinear Maps over the Integers. 574 - Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen:
Simple AEAD Hardware Interface (SÆHI) in a SoC: Implementing an On-Chip Keyak/WhirlBob Coprocessor. 575 - Dan P. Milleville:
Vernam Two. 576 - Sanjay Bhattacherjee, Palash Sarkar:
Reducing Communication Overhead of the Subset Difference Scheme. 577 - Peter Gazi, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Michal Rybár:
The Exact PRF-Security of NMAC and HMAC. 578 - (Withdrawn) Scan Based Side Channel Attack on Grain v1. 579
- Nir Bitansky, Ran Canetti, Alessandro Chiesa, Shafi Goldwasser, Huijia Lin, Aviad Rubinstein, Eran Tromer:
The Hunting of the SNARK. 580 - Olivier Blazy, Eike Kiltz, Jiaxin Pan:
(Hierarchical) Identity-Based Encryption from Affine Message Authentication. 581 - Sharon Goldberg, Moni Naor, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Leonid Reyzin, Sachin Vasant, Asaf Ziv:
NSEC5: Provably Preventing DNSSEC Zone Enumeration. 582 - Guangjun Fan, Yongbin Zhou, Dengguo Feng:
Template Attacks Based On Priori Knowledge. 583 - Pratish Datta, Ratna Dutta, Sourav Mukhopadhyay:
Universally Composable Efficient Priced Oblivious Transfer from a Flexible Membership Encryption. 584 - Feng Hao, Siamak Fayyaz Shahandashti:
The SPEKE Protocol Revisited. 585 - Vipul Goyal, Silas Richelson, Alon Rosen, Margarita Vald:
An Algebraic Approach to Non-Malleability. 586 - Dominique Unruh:
Non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs in the quantum random oracle model. 587 - Brent Waters:
A Punctured Programming Approach to Adaptively Secure Functional Encryption. 588 - Jiang Zhang, Zhenfeng Zhang, Jintai Ding, Michael Snook:
Authenticated Key Exchange from Ideal Lattices. 589 - Joeri de Ruiter:
Automated algebraic analysis of structure-preserving signature schemes. 590 - Sujoy Sinha Roy, Oscar Reparaz, Frederik Vercauteren, Ingrid Verbauwhede:
Compact and Side Channel Secure Discrete Gaussian Sampling. 591 - Michael Hutter, Peter Schwabe:
Multiprecision multiplication on AVR revisited. 592 - Shi Bai, Steven D. Galbraith, Liangze Li, Daniel Sheffield:
Improved Exponential-time Algorithms for Inhomogeneous-SIS. 593 - Elette Boyle, Kai-Min Chung, Rafael Pass:
Oblivious Parallel RAM. 594 - Eli Ben-Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa, Eran Tromer, Madars Virza:
Scalable Zero Knowledge via Cycles of Elliptic Curves. 595 - Marina Blanton
, Siddharth Saraph:
Secure Fingerprint Identification of High Accuracy. 596 - Jesper Buus Nielsen, Mario Strefler:
Invisible Adaptive Attacks. 597 - Tore Kasper Frederiksen, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Claudio Orlandi:
Privacy-Free Garbled Circuits with Applications To Efficient Zero-Knowledge. 598 - Joppe W. Bos, Craig Costello, Michael Naehrig, Douglas Stebila:
Post-quantum key exchange for the TLS protocol from the ring learning with errors problem. 599 - (Withdrawn) DTKI: a new formalized PKI with no trusted parties. 600
- Ivan Damgård, Jesper Buus Nielsen:
Adaptive versus Static Security in the UC Model. 601 - Sandra Diaz-Santiago, Lil María Rodríguez-Henríquez, Debrup Chakraborty:
A Cryptographic Study of Tokenization Systems. 602 - Tarik Moataz, Erik-Oliver Blass, Guevara Noubir:
Recursive Trees for Practical ORAM. 603 - Heeyeon Joo, Myungsun Kim:
Private Web Search with Constant Round Efficiency. 604 - Kenji Yasunaga, Kosuke Yuzawa:
On the Limits of Computational Fuzzy Extractors. 605 - Xiaojun Yu, Qiaoyan Wen:
A Multi-Function Provable Data Possession Scheme in Cloud Computing. 606 - Daniel Slamanig, Raphael Spreitzer, Thomas Unterluggauer:
Adding Controllable Linkability to Pairing-Based Group Signatures For Free. 607 - Ferucio Laurentiu Tiplea, Constantin Catalin Dragan:
Key-policy Attribute-based Encryption for Boolean Circuits from Bilinear Maps. 608 - Michel Abdalla, Fabrice Benhamouda, David Pointcheval:
SPOKE: Simple Password-Only Key Exchange in the Standard Model. 609 - Craig Gentry:
Computing on the Edge of Chaos: Structure and Randomness in Encrypted Computation. 610 - Shlomi Dolev, Niv Gilboa, Ximing Li:
Accumulating Automata and Cascaded Equations Automata for Communicationless Information Theoretically Secure Multi-Party Computation. 611 - Máté Horváth:
Attribute-Based Encryption Optimized for Cloud Computing. 612 - Gordon Procter:
A Security Analysis of the Composition of ChaCha20 and Poly1305. 613 - Zhiquan Lv, Cheng Hong, Min Zhang, Dengguo Feng:
Expressive and Secure Searchable Encryption in the Public Key Setting (Full Version). 614 - Nishanth Chandran, Wutichai Chongchitmate, Juan A. Garay, Shafi Goldwasser, Rafail Ostrovsky, Vassilis Zikas:
Optimally Resilient and Adaptively Secure Multi-Party Computation with Low Communication Locality. 615 - Zhen Liu, Duncan S. Wong:
Practical Attribute Based Encryption: Traitor Tracing, Revocation, and Large Universe. 616 - Michael Backes, Dario Fiore, Raphael M. Reischuk:
Nearly Practical and Privacy-Preserving Proofs on Authenticated Data. 617 - Florian Böhl, Simon Greiner, Patrik Scheidecker:
Proving Correctness and Security of Two-Party Computation Implemented in Java in Presence of a Semi-Honest Sender. 618 - Mohammad Sadegh Nemati Nia, Ali Payandeh:
The M3dcrypt Password Scheme. 620 - Michael Backes, Aniket Kate, Sebastian Meiser, Esfandiar Mohammadi:
(Nothing else) MATor(s): Monitoring the Anonymity of Tor's Path Selection. 621 - Sanjam Garg
, Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Mark Zhandry:
Fully Secure Attribute Based Encryption from Multilinear Maps. 622 - Yevgeniy Dodis, Yanqing Yao:
Privacy and Imperfect Randomness. 623 - Jinsheng Zhang, Qiumao Ma, Wensheng Zhang, Daji Qiao:
KT-ORAM: A Bandwidth-efficient ORAM Built on K-ary Tree of PIR Nodes. 624 - Stephan Neumann, Christian Feier, Perihan Sahin, Sebastian Fach:
Pretty Understandable Democracy 2.0. 625 - Daniel Genkin, Itamar Pipman, Eran Tromer:
Get Your Hands Off My Laptop: Physical Side-Channel Key-Extraction Attacks on PCs. 626 - Debrup Chakraborty, Palash Sarkar:
On Modes of Operations of a Block Cipher for Authentication and Authenticated Encryption. 627 - Partha Sarathi Roy, Avishek Adhikari, Rui Xu, Kirill Morozov, Kouichi Sakurai:
An Efficient t-Cheater Identifiable Secret Sharing Scheme with Optimal Cheater Resiliency. 628 - Christopher Mann, Daniel Loebenberger:
Realizing two-factor authentication for the Bitcoin protocol. 629 - Peeter Laud:
Efficient Oblivious Parallel Array Reads and Writes for Secure Multiparty Computation. 630 - Ding Wang, Gaopeng Jian, Ping Wang:
Zipf's Law in Passwords. 631 - Esha Ghosh, Olga Ohrimenko, Roberto Tamassia:
Verifiable Member and Order Queries on a List in Zero-Knowledge. 632 - Ran Canetti, Abhishek Jain
, Omer Paneth:
Client-Server Concurrent Zero Knowledge with Constant Rounds and Guaranteed Complexity. 633 - Hongda Li, Qihua Niu, Guifang Huang:
Constant-Round Leakage-Resilient Zero-Knowledge Arguments of Knowledge for NP. 634 - Sanjit Chatterjee, Alfred Menezes:
Type 2 Structure-Preserving Signature Schemes Revisited. 635 - Vikram Singh:
Improved Timing Attacks on ECDSA. 636 - Aaram Yun:
Generic Hardness of the Multiple Discrete Logarithm Problem. 637 - Melissa Chase, Emily Shen:
Pattern Matching Encryption. 638 - Mehrdad Majzoobi, Akshat Kharaya, Farinaz Koushanfar
, Srinivas Devadas:
Automated Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Arbiter-based PUF on FPGA using Programmable Delay Lines. 639 - James Alderman, Carlos Cid, Jason Crampton, Christian Janson:
Revocation in Publicly Verifiable Outsourced Computation. 640 - Cécile Pierrot:
The Multiple Number Field Sieve with Conjugation Method. 641 - Shoni Gilboa, Shay Gueron:
Balanced permutations Even-Mansour ciphers. 642 - Ashok Kumar Das:
On the Security of 'An Efficient Biometric Authentication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks'. 643 - Ravikumar Selvam, Dillibabu Shanmugam, Suganya Annadurai:
Side Channel Attacks: Vulnerability Analysis of PRINCE and RECTANGLE using DPA. 644 - Craig Gentry, Sergey Gorbunov, Shai Halevi:
Graph-Induced Multilinear Maps from Lattices. 645 - Donald Donglong Chen, Nele Mentens, Frederik Vercauteren, Sujoy Sinha Roy, Ray C. C. Cheung, Derek Chi-Wai Pao, Ingrid Verbauwhede:
High-speed Polynomial Multiplication Architecture for Ring-LWE and SHE Cryptosystems. 646 - Youliang Tian, Changgen Peng:
Universally Composable Secure Group Communication. 647 - Xi Chen, Yazhi Deng, Min Zhu, Longjiang Qu:
An Equivalent Condition on the Switching Construction of Differentially 4-uniform Permutations on 𝔽22k from the Inverse Function. 648 - Pawel Swierczynski, Marc Fyrbiak, Philipp Koppe, Christof Paar:
FPGA Trojans through Detecting and Weakening of Cryptographic Primitives. 649 - Stanislaw Jarecki, Aggelos Kiayias, Hugo Krawczyk:
Round-Optimal Password-Protected Secret Sharing and T-PAKE in the Password-Only Model. 650 - Pavol Zajac:
A note on CCA2-protected McEliece Cryptosystem with a systematic public key. 651 - Subhadeep Banik:
A Dynamic Cube Attack on 105 round Grain v1. 652 - Thorsten Kleinjung, Joppe W. Bos, Arjen K. Lenstra:
Mersenne factorization factory. 653 - Prakash Dey, Abhishek Chakraborty, Avishek Adhikari, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay:
Multi-Bit Differential Fault Analysis of Grain-128 with Very Weak Assumptions. 654 - Bo Zhu, Xinxin Fan, Guang Gong:
Pleco and Plectron - Two Provably Secure Password Hashing Algorithms. 655 - Itai Dinur:
Cryptanalytic Time-Memory-Data Tradeoffs for FX-Constructions with Applications to PRINCE and PRIDE. 656 - Yujuan Li, Wenhua Shen, Huaifu Wang, Peipei Zhou:
On the cycle decomposition of the WG-NLFSR. 657 - Ming Li, Dongdai Lin:
A Class of FSRs and Their Adjacency Graphs. 658 - Yujuan Li, Jinhua Zhao, Huaifu Wang:
On the Primitivity of Trinomials over Small Finite Fields. 659 - Prabhanjan Vijendra Ananth, Vipul Goyal, Omkant Pandey:
Interactive Proofs under Continual Memory Leakage. 660 - Weiqiang Wen, Libin Wang, Min Xie:
One-Round Deniable Key Exchange with Perfect Forward Security. 661 - Sebastian Faust, Carmit Hazay, Daniele Venturi:
Outsourced Pattern Matching. 662 - Dana Dachman-Soled, Feng-Hao Liu, Elaine Shi, Hong-Sheng Zhou:
Locally Decodable and Updatable Non-Malleable Codes and Their Applications. 663 - William R. Trost, Guangwu Xu:
On the Optimal Pre-Computation of Window τNAF for Koblitz Curves. 664 - Julien Bringer, Claude Carlet, Hervé Chabanne, Sylvain Guilley, Houssem Maghrebi:
Orthogonal Direct Sum Masking: A Smartcard Friendly Computation Paradigm in a Code, with Builtin Protection against Side-Channel and Fault Attacks. 665 - Sanjam Garg
, Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Mark Zhandry:
Fully Secure Functional Encryption without Obfuscation. 666 - Yehuda Lindell, Ben Riva:
Cut-and-Choose Based Two-Party Computation in the Online/Offline and Batch Settings. 667 - Ran Cohen, Yehuda Lindell:
Fairness Versus Guaranteed Output Delivery in Secure Multiparty Computation. 668 - Pavel Hubácek, Daniel Wichs:
On the Communication Complexity of Secure Function Evaluation with Long Output. 669 - Dhananjay S. Phatak, Qiang Tang
, Alan T. Sherman, Warren D. Smith, Peter Y. A. Ryan, Konstantinos Kalpakis:
DoubleMod and SingleMod: Simple Randomized Secret-Key Encryption with Bounded Homomorphicity. 670 - Xiao Shaun Wang, Yan Huang, T.-H. Hubert Chan, Abhi Shelat, Elaine Shi:
SCORAM: Oblivious RAM for Secure Computation. 671 - Xiao Wang, T.-H. Hubert Chan, Elaine Shi:
Circuit ORAM: On Tightness of the Goldreich-Ostrovsky Lower Bound. 672 - Victor Lomné, Emmanuel Prouff, Matthieu Rivain, Thomas Roche, Adrian Thillard:
How to Estimate the Success Rate of Higher-Order Side-Channel Attacks. 673 - Riad S. Wahby, Srinath T. V. Setty, Zuocheng Ren, Andrew J. Blumberg, Michael Walfish:
Efficient RAM and control flow in verifiable outsourced computation. 674 - Jian Guo, Jérémy Jean, Gaëtan Leurent, Thomas Peyrin, Lei Wang:
The Usage of Counter Revisited: Second-Preimage Attack on New Russian Standardized Hash Function. 675 - Zhen Liu, Zhenfu Cao, Duncan S. Wong:
Fully Collusion-Resistant Traceable Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Sub-linear Size Ciphertexts. 676 - Gustavo Banegas:
Attacks in Stream Ciphers: A Survey. 677 - Stephan Krenn, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Akshay Wadia, Daniel Wichs:
A Counterexample to the Chain Rule for Conditional HILL Entropy. 678 - Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu:
A Note on the Bellare-Rivest Protocol for Translucent Cryptography. 679 - Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu:
Remarks on the Cryptographic Primitive of Attribute-based Encryption. 680 - Javad Alizadeh, Hoda Alkhzaimi, Mohammad Reza Aref, Nasour Bagheri, Praveen Gauravaram, Martin M. Lauridsen:
Improved Linear Cryptanalysis of Round Reduced SIMON. 681 - Hélène Le Bouder, Ronan Lashermes, Yanis Linge, Bruno Robisson, Assia Tria:
A Unified Formalism for Physical Attacks. 682 - Ling Song, Lei Hu, Siwei Sun, Zhang Zhang, Danping Shi, Ronglin Hao:
Error-Tolerant Algebraic Side-Channel Attacks Using BEE. 683 - Antonio de la Piedra, Jaap-Henk Hoepman, Pim Vullers:
Towards a Full-Featured Implementation of Attribute Based Credentials on Smart Cards. 684 - Mingqiang Wang, Tao Zhan, Haibin Zhang:
Bits Security of the CDH Problems over Finite Fields. 685 - (Withdrawn) The Adjacency Graph of Some LFSRs. 686
- Ömer Egecioglu, Çetin Kaya Koç:
Reducing the Complexity of Normal Basis Multiplication. 687 - Chung Hun Baek, Jung Hee Cheon, Hyunsook Hong:
Analytic Toolbox for White-Box Implementations: Limitation and Perspectives. 688 - Ahto Buldas, Risto Laanoja, Ahto Truu:
Efficient Implementation of Keyless Signatures with Hash Sequence Authentication. 689 - Genqiang Wu, Yeping He, Yi Lu, Liping Ding:
Efficient Interval Check in the Presence of Malicious Adversaries. 690 - Antonio de la Piedra:
Integration of hardware tokens in the Idemix library. 691 - Enrique Larraia:
Extending Oblivious Transfer Efficiently, or - How to get active security with constant cryptographic overhead. 692 - Ioana Boureanu, Serge Vaudenay:
Optimal Proximity Proofs. 693 - Ange Albertini, Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Maria Eichlseder, Florian Mendel, Martin Schläffer:
Malicious Hashing: Eve's Variant of SHA-1. 694 - Serge Vaudenay:
Proof of Proximity of Knowledge. 695 - Ahto Buldas, Risto Laanoja, Ahto Truu:
Security Proofs for the BLT Signature Scheme. 696 - Zhigang Chen, Jian Wang, ZengNian Zhang, Xinxia Song:
A Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme with Better Key Size. 697 - Oscar García Morchon, Ronald Rietman, Ludo Tolhuizen, Domingo Gómez-Pérez, Jaime Gutierrez:
HIMMO - A Lightweight, Fully Collusion Resistant Key Pre-Distribution Scheme. 698 - Christina Boura, María Naya-Plasencia, Valentin Suder:
Scrutinizing and Improving Impossible Differential Attacks: Applications to CLEFIA, Camellia, LBlock and Simon (Full Version). 699 - Ahto Buldas, Risto Laanoja, Peeter Laud, Ahto Truu:
Bounded Pre-Image Awareness and the Security of Hash-Tree Keyless Signatures. 700 - (Withdrawn) A Practical Iterative Side Channel Cube Attack on AES-128/256. 701
- Benoit Feix, Hugues Thiebeauld:
Defeating ISO9797-1 MAC Algo 3 by Combining Side-Channel and Brute Force Techniques. 702 - Simona Samardjiska, Danilo Gligoroski:
Linearity Measures for MQ Cryptography. 703 - Shenghui Su, Shuwang Lü:
A 128-bit Block Cipher Based on Three Group Arithmetics. 704 - (Withdrawn) Structure-Preserving Signatures on Equivalence Classes and their Application to Anonymous Credentials. 705
- Carmit Hazay, Hila Zarosim:
The Feasibility of Outsourced Database Search in the Plain Model. 706 - Sébastien Tiran, Guillaume Reymond, Jean-Baptiste Rigaud, Driss Aboulkassimi, Benedikt Gierlichs, Mathieu Carbone, Gilles R. Ducharme, Philippe Maurine:
Analysis Of Variance and CPA in SCA. 707 - Jan Camenisch, Stephan Krenn, Anja Lehmann, Gert Læssøe Mikkelsen, Gregory Neven, Michael Østergaard Pedersen:
Formal Treatment of Privacy-Enhancing Credential Systems. 708 - Fang Song:
A Note on Quantum Security for Post-Quantum Cryptography. 709 - Yehuda Lindell:
An Efficient Transform from Sigma Protocols to NIZK with a CRS and Non-Programmable Random Oracle. 710 - Masao Kasahara:
New Class of Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystem, K(XI)RSE(2)PKC, Constructed based on Reed-Solomon Code Along with K(X)RSE(2)PKC over 픽2. 711 - Mohammad Wazid:
Hybrid Anomaly Detection using K-Means Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks. 712 - Yossi Azar, Seny Kamara, Ishai Menache, Mariana Raykova, F. Bruce Shepherd:
Co-Location-Resistant Clouds. 713 - Artur Mariano, Özgür Dagdelen, Christian H. Bischof:
A comprehensive empirical comparison of parallel ListSieve and GaussSieve. 714 - Vanga Odelu, Ashok Kumar Das, Adrijit Goswami:
Cryptanalysis on 'Robust Biometrics-Based Authentication Scheme for Multi-server Environment'. 715 - Amir Moradi:
Wire-Tap Codes as Side-Channel Countermeasure - an FPGA-based experiment. 716 - Ruxandra F. Olimid:
How to Split a Secret into Unknown Shares. 717 - George Danezis, Cédric Fournet, Jens Groth, Markulf Kohlweiss:
Square Span Programs with Applications to Succinct NIZK Arguments. 718 - Dan Boneh, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs:
Bivariate Polynomials Modulo Composites and their Applications. 719 - Dennis Hofheinz, Akshay Kamath, Venkata Koppula, Brent Waters:
Adaptively Secure Constrained Pseudorandom Functions. 720 - Zhengjun Cao, Zhenfu Cao:
On Shor's Factoring Algorithm with More Registers and the Problem to Certify Quantum Computers. 721 - Christoph Dobraunig, Florian Mendel, Martin Schläffer:
Differential Cryptanalysis of SipHash. 722 - Yalin Chen, Jue-Sam Chou:
Crypto-analyses on "secure and efficient privacy-preserving public auditing scheme for cloud storage". 723 - Janaka Alawatugoda, Douglas Stebila, Colin Boyd:
Protecting Encrypted Cookies from Compression Side-Channel Attacks. 724 - Ruan de Clercq, Sujoy Sinha Roy, Frederik Vercauteren, Ingrid Verbauwhede:
Efficient Software Implementation of Ring-LWE Encryption. 725 - (Withdrawn) CIARP: A RISC Processor For Cryptography Applications. 726
- Benjamin Smith:
The Q-curve Construction for Endomorphism-Accelerated Elliptic Curves. 727 - Jean Paul Degabriele, Victoria Fehr, Marc Fischlin, Tommaso Gagliardoni, Felix Günther, Giorgia Azzurra Marson, Arno Mittelbach, Kenneth G. Paterson:
Unpicking PLAID - A Cryptographic Analysis of an ISO-standards-track Authentication Protocol. 728 - Daniel J. Bernstein, Tung Chou:
Faster Binary-Field Multiplication and Faster Binary-Field MACs. 729 - Jalaj Upadhyay:
Differentially Private Linear Algebra in the Streaming Model. 730 - Mark Manulis, Douglas Stebila, Nick Denham:
Secure modular password authentication for the web using channel bindings. 731 - Tarik Moataz, Travis Mayberry, Erik-Oliver Blass:
Resizable Tree-Based Oblivious RAM. 732 - Rachid El Bansarkhani, Özgür Dagdelen, Johannes Buchmann:
Augmented Learning with Errors: The Untapped Potential of the Error Term. 733 - Lejla Batina, Domagoj Jakobovic, Nele Mentens, Stjepan Picek, Antonio de la Piedra, Dominik Sisejkovic:
S-box pipelining using genetic algorithms for high-throughput AES implementations: How fast can we go? 734 - Ruxandra F. Olimid:
Dealer-Leakage Resilient Verifiable Secret Sharing. 735 - Itai Dinur, Pawel Morawiecki, Josef Pieprzyk, Marian Srebrny, Michal Straus:
Cube Attacks and Cube-attack-like Cryptanalysis on the Round-reduced Keccak Sponge Function. 736 - (Withdrawn) Design and analysis of one-round certificateless authenticated group key agreement protocol with bilinear pairings. 737
- N. Nalla Anandakumar, Thomas Peyrin, Axel Poschmann:
A Very Compact FPGA Implementation of LED and PHOTON. 738 - Smile Markovski, Aleksandra Mileva, Vesna Dimitrova:
SBIM(Q) - a Multivariate Polynomial Trapdoor Function over the Field of Rational Numbers. 739 - (Withdrawn) Non-existence of [n; 5] type Generalized Bent function. 740
- André Schaller, Boris Skoric, Stefan Katzenbeisser:
Eliminating Leakage in Reverse Fuzzy Extractors. 741 - Nadia El Mrabet, Jacques J. A. Fournier, Louis Goubin, Ronan Lashermes:
A survey of Fault Attacks in Pairing Based Cryptography. 742 - Benoît Libert, Marc Joye, Moti Yung, Thomas Peters:
Concise Multi-Challenge CCA-Secure Encryption and Signatures with Almost Tight Security. 743 - Thijs Laarhoven:
Sieving for shortest vectors in lattices using angular locality-sensitive hashing. 744 - Susan Hohenberger, Venkata Koppula, Brent Waters:
Universal Signature Aggregators. 745 - Vladimir Shpilrain:
Decoy-based information security. 746 - Siwei Sun, Lei Hu, Meiqin Wang, Peng Wang, Kexin Qiao, Xiaoshuang Ma, Danping Shi, Ling Song:
Automatic Enumeration of (Related-key) Differential and Linear Characteristics with Predefined Properties and Its Applications. 747 - Mehmet Sabir Kiraz, Osmanbey Uzunkol:
Efficient and Verifiable Algorithms for Secure Outsourcing of Cryptographic Computations. 748 - Daniel E. Holcomb, Kevin Fu:
Bitline PUF: Building Native Challenge-Response PUF Capability into Any SRAM. 749 - Shivam Bhasin, Jean-Luc Danger, Sylvain Guilley, Xuan Thuy Ngo, Laurent Sauvage:
Hardware Trojan Horses in Cryptographic IP Cores. 750 - Begül Bilgin
, Benedikt Gierlichs, Svetla Nikova, Ventzislav Nikov, Vincent Rijmen:
Higher-Order Threshold Implementations. 751 - Arcangelo Castiglione, Alfredo De Santis, Barbara Masucci:
Key Indistinguishability vs. Strong Key Indistinguishability for Hierarchical Key Assignment Schemes. 752 - Alonso Gonzalez-Ulloa, Alejandro Hevia:
Online Deniability for Multiparty Protocols with Applications to Externally Anonymous Authentication. 753 - Lucas Kowalczyk, Allison Bishop Lewko:
Bilinear Entropy Expansion from the Decisional Linear Assumption. 754 - Mark A. Will, Ryan K. L. Ko:
Computing Mod Without Mod. 755 - Samee Zahur, Mike Rosulek, David Evans:
Two Halves Make a Whole: Reducing Data Transfer in Garbled Circuits using Half Gates. 756 - Mark Zhandry:
Adaptively Secure Broadcast Encryption with Small System Parameters. 757 - Ilya Mironov, Noah Stephens-Davidowitz:
Cryptographic Reverse Firewalls. 758 - Arash Afshar, Zhangxiang Hu, Payman Mohassel, Mike Rosulek:
How to Efficiently Evaluate RAM Programs with Malicious Security. 759 - Hwajeong Seo, Zhe Liu, Johann Großschädl, Jongseok Choi, Howon Kim:
Montgomery Modular Multiplication on ARM-NEON Revisited. 760 - Qingju Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Kerem Varici, Yu Sasaki, Vincent Rijmen, Yosuke Todo:
Cryptanalysis of Reduced-round SIMON32 and SIMON48. 761 - James Alderman, Carlos Cid, Jason Crampton, Christian Janson:
Access Control in Publicly Verifiable Outsourced Computation. 762 - Arthur Gervais, Ghassan O. Karame, Damian Gruber, Srdjan Capkun:
On the Privacy Provisions of Bloom Filters in Lightweight Bitcoin Clients. 763 - Jens Groth, Markulf Kohlweiss:
One-out-of-Many Proofs: Or How to Leak a Secret and Spend a Coin. 764 - Juan A. Garay, Aggelos Kiayias, Nikos Leonardos:
The Bitcoin Backbone Protocol: Analysis and Applications. 765 - Huijia Lin, Rafael Pass:
Succinct Garbling Schemes and Applications. 766 - Hassan Jameel Asghar, Ron Steinfeld, Shujun Li, Dali Kaafar, Josef Pieprzyk:
Algebraic Attacks on Human Identification Protocols. 767 - Han Jiang, Xiaochao Wei, Chuan Zhao, Qiuliang Xu:
Cut-and-Choose Bilateral Oblivious Transfer and Its Application in Secure Two-party Computation. 768 - Ran Canetti, Justin Holmgren
, Abhishek Jain
, Vinod Vaikuntanathan:
Indistinguishability Obfuscation of Iterated Circuits and RAM Programs. 769 - Takaaki Mizuki, Yu-ichi Hayashi:
AES Cipher Keys Suitable for Efficient Side-Channel Vulnerability Evaluation. 770 - Nir Bitansky, Sanjam Garg
, Sidharth Telang:
Succinct Randomized Encodings and their Applications. 771 - Nuttapong Attrapadung:
Fully Secure and Succinct Attribute Based Encryption for Circuits from Multi-linear Maps. 772 - Amit Sahai, Mark Zhandry:
Obfuscating Low-Rank Matrix Branching Programs. 773 - Alex J. Malozemoff, Jonathan Katz, Matthew D. Green:
Automated Analysis and Synthesis of Block-Cipher Modes of Operation. 774 - Artur Mariano, Shahar Timnat, Christian H. Bischof:
Lock-free GaussSieve for Linear Speedups in Parallel High Performance SVP Calculation. 775 - Joe Zimmerman:
How to Obfuscate Programs Directly. 776 - Koji Nuida, Kaoru Kurosawa:
(Batch) Fully Homomorphic Encryption over Integers for Non-Binary Message Spaces. 777 - Michael Clear, Hitesh Tewari, Ciaran McGoldrick:
Anonymous IBE from Quadratic Residuosity with Improved Performance. 778 - Daniel Apon, Yan Huang, Jonathan Katz, Alex J. Malozemoff:
Implementing Cryptographic Program Obfuscation. 779 - Venkata Koppula, Omkant Pandey, Yannis Rouselakis, Brent Waters:
Deterministic Public-Key Encryption under Continual Leakage. 780 - Boris Skoric:
Simple-looking joint decoders for traitor tracing and group testing. 781 - Raghavan Kumar, Philipp Jovanovic, Ilia Polian:
Precise Fault-Injections using Voltage and Temperature Manipulation for Differential Cryptanalysis. 782 - Raghavan Kumar, Philipp Jovanovic, Wayne P. Burleson, Ilia Polian:
Parametric Trojans for Fault-Injection Attacks on Cryptographic Hardware. 783 - Kirsten Eisenträger, Sean Hallgren, Kristin E. Lauter:
Weak Instances of PLWE. 784 - Sébastien Canard, David Pointcheval, Olivier Sanders, Jacques Traoré:
Divisible E-Cash Made Practical. 785 - Chun Guo, Dongdai Lin:
On the Indifferentiability of Key-Alternating Feistel Ciphers with No Key Derivation. 786 - Amadou Moctar Kane:
Another Tor is possible. 787 - Robert Fitzpatrick, Christian H. Bischof, Johannes Buchmann, Özgür Dagdelen, Florian Göpfert, Artur Mariano, Bo-Yin Yang:
Tuning GaussSieve for Speed. 788 - Sarani Bhattacharya, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay:
Fault Attack revealing Secret Keys of Exponentiation Algorithms from Branch Prediction Misses. 790 - Dongdai Lin, Yujuan Quan, Jian Weng, Jun Yan:
Quantum Bit Commitment with Application in Quantum Zero-Knowledge Proof. 791 - Farzaneh Abed, Christian Forler, Stefan Lucks:
Classification of the CAESAR Candidates. 792 - Viet Tung Hoang, Ted Krovetz, Phillip Rogaway:
Robust Authenticated-Encryption: AEZ and the Problem that it Solves. 793 - Léo Ducas, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Thomas Prest:
E fficient Identity-Based Encryption over NTRU Lattices. 794 - Daniel J. Bernstein, Daira Hopwood, Andreas Hülsing, Tanja Lange, Ruben Niederhagen, Louiza Papachristodoulou, Peter Schwabe, Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn:
SPHINCS: practical stateless hash-based signatures. 795 - Marcin Andrychowicz, Stefan Dziembowski:
Distributed Cryptography Based on the Proofs of Work. 796 - Christoph Bader, Dennis Hofheinz, Tibor Jager, Eike Kiltz, Yong Li:
Tightly-Secure Authenticated Key Exchange. 797 - Michael Clear, Ciaran McGoldrick:
Multi-Identity and Multi-Key Leveled FHE from Learning with Errors. 798 - Tibor Jager:
Verifiable Random Functions from Weaker Assumptions. 799 - Thomas Unterluggauer, Erich Wenger:
Efficient Pairings and ECC for Embedded Systems. 800 - Georgi Ivanov, Nikolay Nikolov, Svetla Nikova:
Reversed Genetic Algorithms for Generation of Bijective S-boxes with Good Cryptographic Properties. 801 - Shahin Tajik, Enrico Dietz, Sven Frohmann, Jean-Pierre Seifert, Dmitry Nedospasov, Clemens Helfmeier, Christian Boit, Helmar Dittrich:
Physical Characterization of Arbiter PUFs. 802 - Conner Fromknecht, Dragos Velicanu, Sophia Yakoubov:
A Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure with Identity Retention. 803 - Jacob Alperin-Sheriff:
Short Signatures from Homomorphic Trapdoor Functions. 804 - Charanjit S. Jutla, Arnab Roy:
Dual-System Simulation-Soundness with Applications to UC-PAKE and More. 805 - Steven D. Galbraith, Shishay W. Gebregiyorgis:
Summation polynomial algorithms for elliptic curves in characteristic two. 806 - Divesh Aggarwal, Stefan Dziembowski
, Tomasz Kazana, Maciej Obremski:
Leakage-resilient non-malleable codes. 807 - Jayaprakash Kar:
Online/Off-line Ring Signature Scheme with Provable Security. 808 - Ignacio Cascudo, Ivan Damgård, Samuel Ranellucci:
Server-Aided Two-Party Computation with Simultaneous Corruption. 809 - Vincenzo Iovino, Karol Zebrowski:
Simulation-Based Secure Functional Encryption in the Random Oracle Model. 810 - Jean-Charles Faugère, Danilo Gligoroski, Ludovic Perret, Simona Samardjiska, Enrico Thomae:
A Polynomial-Time Key-Recovery Attack on MQQ Cryptosystems. 811 - Jung Hee Cheon, Miran Kim, Myungsun Kim:
Search-and-compute on Encrypted Data. 812 - Dario Catalano, Dario Fiore:
Boosting Linearly-Homomorphic Encryption to Evaluate Degree-2 Functions on Encrypted Data. 813 - Lisa Bromberg, Vladimir Shpilrain, Alina Vdovina:
Navigating in the Cayley graph of SL2(Fp) and applications to hashing. 814 - Palash Sarkar, Shashank Singh:
A New Method for Decomposition in the Jacobian of Small Genus Hyperelliptic Curves. 815 - Léo Ducas, Daniele Micciancio:
FHE Bootstrapping in less than a second. 816 - Hwajeong Seo, Zhe Liu, Jongseok Choi, Howon Kim:
Optimized Karatsuba Squaring on 8-bit AVR Processors. 817 - (Withdrawn) Circulant Matrices and Differential Privacy. 818
- Sergey Gorbunov, Dhinakaran Vinayagamurthy:
Riding on Asymmetry: Efficient ABE for Branching Programs. 819 - Michael Backes, Özgür Dagdelen, Marc Fischlin, Sebastian Gajek, Sebastian Meiser, Dominique Schröder:
Operational Signature Schemes. 820 - Divesh Aggarwal, Yevgeniy Dodis, Tomasz Kazana, Maciej Obremski:
Non-malleable Reductions and Applications. 821 - Ben Smyth:
Ballot secrecy with malicious bulletin boards. 822 - Rafael Dowsley, Anderson C. A. Nascimento:
On the Oblivious Transfer Capacity of Generalized Erasure Channels against Malicious Adversaries. 823 - Markulf Kohlweiss, Ian Miers:
Accountable Tracing Signatures. 824 - (Withdrawn) Towards Optimal Bounds for Implicit Factorization Problem. 825
- Özgür Dagdelen, Sebastian Gajek, Florian Göpfert:
Learning with Errors in the Exponent. 826 - Yevgeniy Dodis, Allison Bishop Lewko:
Interactive Coding for Interactive Proofs. 827 - Zhengjun Cao, Zhenfu Cao, Lihua Liu:
Remarks on Quantum Modular Exponentiation and Some Experimental Demonstrations of Shor's Algorithm. 828 - Ignacio Cascudo, Ivan Damgård, Bernardo David, Irene Giacomelli, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Roberto Trifiletti:
Additively Homomorphic UC commitments with Optimal Amortized Overhead. 829 - Ivan Damgård, Antigoni Polychroniadou, Vanishree Rao:
Adaptively Secure UC Constant Round Multi-Party Computation Protocols. 830 - Jérémy Jean, Ivica Nikolic, Thomas Peyrin:
Tweaks and Keys for Block Ciphers: the TWEAKEY Framework. 831 - Manfred Lochter, Johannes Merkle, Jörn-Marc Schmidt, Torsten Schütze:
Requirements for Standard Elliptic Curves. 832 - Essam Ghadafi:
Efficient Distributed Tag-Based Encryption and its Application to Group Signatures with Efficient Distributed Traceability. 833 - Dan Boneh, Kevin Lewi, Mariana Raykova, Amit Sahai, Mark Zhandry, Joe Zimmerman:
Semantically Secure Order-Revealing Encryption: Multi-Input Functional Encryption Without Obfuscation. 834 - David Galindo, Johann Großschädl, Zhe Liu, Praveen Kumar Vadnala, Srinivas Vivek:
Implementation and Evaluation of a Leakage-Resilient ElGamal Key Encapsulation Mechanism. 835 - Maciej Skorski
An Improved Transformation between HILL and Metric Conditional Pseudoentropy. 836 - Maciej Skorski
True Random Number Generators Secure in a Changing Environment: Improved Security Bounds. 837 - Alhassan Khedr, P. Glenn Gulak, Vinod Vaikuntanathan:
SHIELD: Scalable Homomorphic Implementation of Encrypted Data-Classifiers. 838 - Koji Nuida, Naoto Itakura, Kaoru Kurosawa:
A Simple and Improved Algorithm for Integer Factorization with Implicit Hints. 839 - Hamza Abusalah, Georg Fuchsbauer, Krzysztof Pietrzak:
Constrained PRFs for Unbounded Inputs. 840 - Shashank Agrawal, Divya Gupta, Hemanta K. Maji, Omkant Pandey, Manoj Prabhakaran:
Explicit Non-malleable Codes Resistant to Permutations and Perturbations. 841 - Shashank Agrawal, Divya Gupta, Hemanta K. Maji, Omkant Pandey, Manoj Prabhakaran:
Explicit Optimal-Rate Non-malleable Codes Against Bit-wise Tampering and Permutations. 842 - Jun Xu, Lei Hu, Zhangjie Huang, Liqiang Peng:
Finding Small Solutions of a Class of Simultaneous Modular Equations and Applications to Modular Inversion Hidden Number Problem and Inversive Congruential Generator. 843 - Sanjam Garg
, Antigoni Polychroniadou:
Two-Round Adaptively Secure MPC from Indistinguishability Obfuscation. 844 - Ran Canetti, Shafi Goldwasser, Oxana Poburinnaya:
Adaptively Secure Two-party Computation From Indistinguishability Obfuscation. 845 - Andrew J. Blumberg, Justin Thaler, Victor Vu, Michael Walfish:
Verifiable computation using multiple provers. 846 - Itai Dinur, Orr Dunkelman, Nathan Keller, Adi Shamir:
Reflections on Slide with a Twist Attacks. 847 - Nicolas T. Courtois, Pinar Emirdag, Filippo Valsorda:
Private Key Recovery Combination Attacks: On Extreme Fragility of Popular Bitcoin Key Management, Wallet and Cold Storage Solutions in Presence of Poor RNG Events. 848 - Ryotaro Hayashi, Tatsuyuki Matsushita:
A Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme with the Unforgeability of Re-Encryption Keys against Collusion Attacks. 849 - Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen:
BRUTUS: Identifying Cryptanalytic Weaknesses in CAESAR First Round Candidates. 850 - Aggelos Kiayias, Nikos Leonardos, Helger Lipmaa, Kateryna Pavlyk, Qiang Tang:
Near Optimal Rate Homomorphic Encryption for Branching Programs. 851 - Robert Granger, Michael Scott:
Faster ECC over 픽2521-1. 852 - David Cash, Joseph Jaeger, Stanislaw Jarecki, Charanjit S. Jutla, Hugo Krawczyk, Marcel-Catalin Rosu, Michael Steiner:
Dynamic Searchable Encryption in Very-Large Databases: Data Structures and Implementation. 853 - Pei Luo, Yunsi Fei, Xin Fang, A. Adam Ding, Miriam Leeser, David R. Kaeli:
Power Analysis Attack on Hardware Implementation of MAC-Keccak on FPGAs. 854 - Rusydi H. Makarim, Cihangir Tezcan:
Relating Undisturbed Bits to Other Properties of Substitution Boxes. 855 - Dana Dachman-Soled, Feng-Hao Liu, Hong-Sheng Zhou:
Leakage-Resilient Circuits Revisited - Optimal Number of Computing Components without Leak-free Hardware. 856 - Jonathan Katz, Andrew Miller, Elaine Shi:
Pseudonymous Secure Computation from Time-Lock Puzzles. 857 - Dana Dachman-Soled, Jonathan Katz, Vanishree Rao:
Adaptively Secure, Universally Composable, Multi-Party Computation in Constant Rounds. 858 - (Withdrawn) Provably secure pairing-free identity-based partially blind signature scheme and its application in online e-cash system. 859
- Cihangir Tezcan, Ferruh Özbudak:
Differential Factors: Improved Attacks on SERPENT. 860 - Ihsan Haluk Akin:
Cats and Dogs An Integrity for Voting Systems Based on Paper Ballots. 861 - Miroslav Knezevic, Ventzislav Nikov, Peter Rombouts:
Low-Latency ECDSA Signature Verification - A Road Towards Safer Traffic -. 862 - Matthew D. Green, Jonathan Katz, Alex J. Malozemoff, Hong-Sheng Zhou:
A Unified Approach to Idealized Model Separations via Indistinguishability Obfuscation. 863 - Guangjun Fan, Yongbin Zhou, Hailong Zhang, Dengguo Feng:
How to Choose Interesting Points for Template Attack More Effectively? 864 - Rafail Ostrovsky, Giuseppe Persiano, Ivan Visconti:
Impossibility Results for Leakage-Resilient Zero Knowledge and Multi-Party Computation. 865 - (Withdrawn) Self-Destruct Non-Malleability. 866
- Christina Brzuska, Pooya Farshim, Arno Mittelbach:
Random Oracle Uninstantiability from Indistinguishability Obfuscation. 867 - Ilan Komargodski, Gil Segev, Eylon Yogev:
Functional Encryption for Randomized Functionalities in the Private-Key Setting from Minimal Assumptions. 868 - Werner Schindler
Exponent Blinding May Not Prevent Timing Attacks on RSA. 869 - Naoya Torii, Dai Yamamoto, Masahiko Takenaka, Tsutomu Matsumoto:
Dynamic Behavior of RS latches using FIB processing and probe connection. 870 - Anton A. Kuznetsov:
An algorithm for MD5 single-block collision attack using high-performance computing cluster. 871 - Jared Saia, Mahdi Zamani:
Recent Results in Scalable Multi-Party Computation. 872 - Shai Halevi, Victor Shoup:
Bootstrapping for HElib. 873 - Léo Ducas:
Accelerating Bliss: the geometry of ternary polynomials. 874 - Pei Luo, Yunsi Fei, Liwei Zhang, A. Adam Ding:
Side-channel Power Analysis of Different Protection Schemes Against Fault Attacks on AES. 875 - Mihir Bellare, Viet Tung Hoang:
UCE+LTDFs: Efficient, Subversion-Resistant PKE in the Standard Model. 876 - Daniel R. L. Brown:
CM55: special prime-field elliptic curves almost optimizing den Boer's reduction between Diffie-Hellman and discrete logs. 877 - Eric Miles, Amit Sahai, Mor Weiss:
Protecting obfuscation against arithmetic attacks. 878 - Riham AlTawy, Amr M. Youssef:
Watch your Constants: Malicious Streebog. 879 - Joppe W. Bos, Michael Naehrig, Joop van de Pol:
Sieving for Shortest Vectors in Ideal Lattices: a Practical Perspective. 880 - Christian Forler, Eik List, Stefan Lucks, Jakob Wenzel:
Overview of the Candidates for the Password Hashing Competition - And their Resistance against Garbage-Collector Attacks. 881 - Ran Canetti, Huijia Lin, Stefano Tessaro, Vinod Vaikuntanathan:
Obfuscation of Probabilistic Circuits and Applications. 882 - (Withdrawn) Faulty Clock Detection for Crypto Circuits Against Differential Fault Analysis Attack. 883
- (Withdrawn) Faulty Clock Detection for Crypto Circuits Against Differential Fault Analysis Attack. 884
- Omar Choudary, Markus G. Kuhn:
Efficient Stochastic Methods: Profiled Attacks Beyond 8 Bits. 885 - Giuseppe Ateniese, Michael T. Goodrich, Vassilios Lekakis, Charalampos Papamanthou, Evripidis Paraskevas, Roberto Tamassia:
Accountable Storage. 886 - Pei Luo, Andy Yu-Lun Lin, Zhen Wang, Mark G. Karpovsky:
Hardware Implementation of Secure Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme. 887 - Xifan Zheng, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Hadi Ahmadi:
Distance Lower Bounding. 888 - Fabrice Benhamouda, Stephan Krenn, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Krzysztof Pietrzak:
Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Commitments from Learning With Errors over Rings. 889 - Jean-Sébastien Coron, Arnab Roy, Srinivas Vivek:
Fast Evaluation of Polynomials over Binary Finite Fields and Application to Side-channel Countermeasures. 890 - Jean-Sébastien Coron, Johann Großschädl, Praveen Kumar Vadnala, Mehdi Tibouchi:
Conversion from Arithmetic to Boolean Masking with Logarithmic Complexity. 891 - Georg Fuchsbauer:
Breaking Existential Unforgeability of a Signature Scheme from Asiacrypt 2014. 892 - Frank-M. Quedenfeld, Christopher Wolf:
Advanced Algebraic Attack on Trivium. 893 - Joe Chiarella, Greg Mosher, J. Robert Buchanan:
Analysis of ARX Functions: Pseudo-linear Methods for Approximation, Differentials, and Evaluating Diffusion. 895 - Handan Kilinç, Alptekin Küpçü:
Efficiently Making Secure Two-Party Computation Fair. 896 - Sergey Gorbunov, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Daniel Wichs:
Leveled Fully Homomorphic Signatures from Standard Lattices. 897 - Eduardo Morais, Ricardo Dahab:
A key recovery attack to the scale-invariant NTRU-based somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme. 898 - Colin O'Flynn, Zhizhang Chen:
Side Channel Power Analysis of an AES-256 Bootloader. 899 - Subhadeep Banik, Sonu Jha:
Some Security Results of the RC4+ Stream Cipher. 900 - Kenneth G. Paterson, Mario Strefler:
A Practical Attack Against the HIVE Hidden Volume Encryption System. 901 - Siyao Guo, Tal Malkin, Igor C. Oliveira, Alon Rosen:
The Power of Negations in Cryptography. 902 - Ari Juels, James Kelley, Roberto Tamassia, Nikos Triandopoulos:
Falcon Codes: Fast, Authenticated LT Codes. 903 - Tilman Frosch, Christian Mainka, Christoph Bader, Florian Bergsma, Jörg Schwenk, Thorsten Holz:
How Secure is TextSecure? 904 - Moni Naor, Asaf Ziv:
Primary-Secondary-Resolver Membership Proof Systems. 905 - Jung Hee Cheon, Kyoohyung Han, Changmin Lee, Hansol Ryu, Damien Stehlé:
Cryptanalysis of the Multilinear Map over the Integers. 906 - Thijs Laarhoven, Michele Mosca, Joop van de Pol:
Finding shortest lattice vectors faster using quantum search. 907 - Ran Canetti, Abhishek Jain
, Alessandra Scafuro:
Practical UC security with a Global Random Oracle. 908 - Allison Bishop Lewko, Valerio Pastro:
Robust Secret Sharing Schemes Against Local Adversaries. 909 - Vanishree Rao:
Adaptive Multiparty Non-interactive Key Exchange Without Setup In The Standard Model. 910 - Jethro Beekman:
A Denial of Service Attack against Fair Computations using Bitcoin Deposits. 911 - Xiaofei Guo, Ramesh Karri
Low-Cost Concurrent Error Detection for GCM and CCM. 912 - Antonio Faonio
, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Daniele Venturi:
Mind Your Coins: Fully Leakage-Resilient Signatures with Graceful Degradation. 913 - Sanjam Garg
, Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz, Rafail Ostrovsky, Amit Sahai:
Cryptography with One-Way Communication. 914 - Yanbin Pan:
The Security of the Hanser-Slamanig Signature Scheme Revisited. 915 - Xavier Boyen, Xiong Fan, Elaine Shi:
Adaptively Secure Fully Homomorphic Signatures Based on Lattices. 916 - Prabhanjan Ananth, Zvika Brakerski, Gil Segev, Vinod Vaikuntanathan:
The Trojan Method in Functional Encryption: From Selective to Adaptive Security, Generically. 917 - Henry Ng:
Web Tap Payment Authentication and Encryption With Zero Customer Effort. 918 - Martin Stanek:
Experimenting with Shuffle Block Cipher and SMT Solvers. 919 - Cezary Glowacz, Vincent Grosso, Romain Poussier, Joachim Schueth, François-Xavier Standaert:
Simpler and More Efficient Rank Estimation for Side-Channel Security Assessment. 920 - Daniel J. Bernstein, Tanja Lange:
Batch NFS. 921 - Alex Biryukov, Arnab Roy, Vesselin Velichkov:
Differential Analysis of Block Ciphers SIMON and SPECK. 922 - (Withdrawn) New Cryptosystem Using The CRT And The Jordan Normal Form. 923
- Antoine Joux, Cécile Pierrot:
Improving the Polynomial time Precomputation of Frobenius Representation Discrete Logarithm Algorithms - Simplified Setting for Small Characteristic Finite Fields. 924 - Venkata Koppula, Allison Bishop Lewko, Brent Waters:
Indistinguishability Obfuscation for Turing Machines with Unbounded Memory. 925 - Keita Emura, Takuya Hayashi:
Road-to-Vehicle Communications with Time-Dependent Anonymity: A Light Weight Construction and its Experimental Results. 926 - Bruno Robisson, Hélène Le Bouder:
Physical functions : the common factor of side-channel and fault attacks ? 927 - Martin R. Albrecht, Catalin Cocis, Fabien Laguillaumie, Adeline Langlois:
Improved Parameters and an Implementation of Graded Encoding Schemes from Ideal Lattices. 928 - Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Hemanta K. Maji, Amit Sahai:
Zeroizing without zeroes: Cryptanalyzing multilinear maps without encodings of zero. 929 - Dan Boneh, David J. Wu, Joe Zimmerman:
Immunizing Multilinear Maps Against Zeroizing Attacks. 930 - Thomas Peyrin, Siang Meng Sim, Lei Wang, Guoyan Zhang:
Cryptanalysis of JAMBU. 931 - Andrey Bogdanov, Donghoon Chang, Mohona Ghosh, Somitra Kumar Sanadhya:
Bicliques with Minimal Data and Time Complexity for AES (Extended Version). 932 - Akshayaram Srinivasan, C. Pandu Rangan:
Certificateless Proxy Re-Encryption Without Pairing. 933 - Samuel Ranellucci, Alain Tapp, Rasmus Winther Zakarias:
Efficient Generic Zero-Knowledge Proofs from Commitments. 934 - Nicolas Bruneau, Jean-Luc Danger, Sylvain Guilley, Annelie Heuser, Yannick Teglia:
Boosting Higher-Order Correlation Attacks by Dimensionality Reduction. 935 - Henry Carter, Benjamin Mood, Patrick Traynor, Kevin R. B. Butler:
Outsourcing Secure Two-Party Computation as a Black Box. 936 - Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu:
Analysis of Lewko-Sahai-Waters Revocation System. 937 - Charles Herder, Ling Ren, Marten van Dijk, Meng-Day (Mandel) Yu, Srinivas Devadas:
Trapdoor Computational Fuzzy Extractors. 938 - (Withdrawn) Security Analysis of an Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards. 939
- Pratish Datta, Ratna Dutta, Sourav Mukhopadhyay:
Fully Secure Self-Updatable Encryption in Prime Order Bilinear Groups. 940 - Sanjam Garg
, Steve Lu, Rafail Ostrovsky, Alessandra Scafuro:
Garbled RAM From One-Way Functions. 941 - Yuval Ishai, Omkant Pandey, Amit Sahai:
Public-Coin Differing-Inputs Obfuscation and Its Applications. 942 - Syed Kamran Haider, Chenglu Jin, Masab Ahmad, Devu Manikantan Shila, Omer Khan, Marten van Dijk:
HaTCh: Hardware Trojan Catcher. 943 - Georg Fuchsbauer, Christian Hanser, Daniel Slamanig:
EUF-CMA-Secure Structure-Preserving Signatures on Equivalence Classes. 944 - Hongbo Yu, Dongxia Bai:
Boomerang Attack on Step-Reduced SHA-512. 945 - Samir Bouftass:
On a new fast public key cryptosystem. 946 - Ray Beaulieu, Douglas Shors, Jason Smith, Stefan Treatman-Clark, Bryan Weeks, Louis Wingers:
The SIMON and SPECK Block Ciphers on AVR 8-bit Microcontrollers. 947 - Michael Walter:
Lattice Point Enumeration on Block Reduced Bases. 948 - Alexander Rostovtsev, Anna Shustrova:
Simplification/complication of the basis of prime Boolean ideal. 949 - Koji Nuida, Goichiro Hanaoka, Takahiro Matsuda:
Tree-Structured Composition of Homomorphic Encryption: How to Weaken Underlying Assumptions. 950 - Robert Wicik, Tomasz Rachwalik, Rafal Gliwa:
Modified Alternating Step Generators with Non-Linear Scrambler. 951 - Cong Chen, Thomas Eisenbarth, Aria Shahverdi, Xin Ye:
Balanced Encoding to Mitigate Power Analysis: A Case Study. 952 - Pooya Farshim, Gordon Procter:
The Related-Key Security of Iterated Even-Mansour Ciphers. 953 - Frank-M. Quedenfeld:
Algebraic Fault Analysis of Katan. 954 - Constantin Catalin Dragan, Ferucio Laurentiu Tiplea:
On the Asymptotic Idealness of the Asmuth-Bloom Threshold Secret Sharing Scheme. 955 - Zahra Jafargholi, Daniel Wichs:
Tamper Detection and Continuous Non-Malleable Codes. 956 - Dakshita Khurana, Hemanta K. Maji, Amit Sahai:
Black Box Separations for Differentially Private Protocols. 957 - Basel Alomair:
Authenticated Encryption: How Reordering can Impact Performance. 958 - Alexander Schaub, Emmanuel Schneider, Alexandros Hollender, Vinicius Calasans, Laurent Jolie, Robin Touillon, Annelie Heuser, Sylvain Guilley, Olivier Rioul:
Attacking Suggest Boxes in Web Applications Over HTTPS Using Side-Channel Stochastic Algorithms. 959 - Amos Beimel, Ariel Gabizon, Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz, Sigurd Meldgaard, Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky:
Non-Interactive Secure Multiparty Computation. 960 - Benjamin Fuller, Adam D. Smith, Leonid Reyzin:
Where are Fuzzy Extractors Possible? 961 - Zhenyu Huang, Dongdai Lin:
Solving Polynomial Systems with Noise over F2: Revisited. 962 - Ben Fisch, Binh Vo, Fernando Krell, Abishek Kumarasubramanian, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Tal Malkin, Steven M. Bellovin:
Malicious-Client Security in Blind Seer: A Scalable Private DBMS. 963 - Urszula Romanczuk-Polubiec, Vasyl Ustimenko:
On two windows multivariate cryptosystem depending on random parameters. 964 - Romain Gay, Pierrick Méaux, Hoeteck Wee:
Predicate Encryption for Multi-Dimensional Range Queries from Lattices. 965 - Kan Yang, Xiaohua Jia, Kuan Zhang, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen:
Privacy-Preserving Data Publish-Subscribe Service on Cloud-based Platforms. 966 - Maciej Skorski
A Comprehensive Comparison of Shannon Entropy and Smooth Renyi Entropy. 967 - Jorge Munilla, Mike Burmester, Alberto Peinado:
Attacks on Secure Ownership Transfer for Multi-Tag Multi-Owner Passive RFID Environments. 968 - Can Xiang, Chunming Tang:
Privacy-Preserving Face Recognition with Outsourced Computation. 969 - Gorka Irazoqui Apecechea, Thomas Eisenbarth, Berk Sunar:
Jackpot Stealing Information From Large Caches via Huge Pages. 970 - Yongzhuang Wei, Enes Pasalic, Fengrong Zhang, Wenling Wu:
Key recovery attacks on Grain family using BSW sampling and certain weaknesses of the filtering function. 971 - Haining Fan:
A Chinese Remainder Theorem Approach to Bit-Parallel GF(2n) Polynomial Basis Multipliers for Irreducible Trinomials. 972 - Danping Shi, Lei Hu, Siwei Sun, Ling Song, Kexin Qiao, Xiaoshuang Ma:
Improved Linear (hull) Cryptanalysis of Round-reduced Versions of SIMON. 973 - (Withdrawn) Non-Linearity and Affine Equivalence of Permutations. 974
- Jean-Sébastien Coron, Tancrède Lepoint, Mehdi Tibouchi:
Cryptanalysis of Two Candidate Fixes of Multilinear Maps over the Integers. 975 - Craig Costello, Cédric Fournet, Jon Howell, Markulf Kohlweiss, Benjamin Kreuter, Michael Naehrig, Bryan Parno, Samee Zahur:
Geppetto: Versatile Verifiable Computation. 976 - Jeroen Delvaux, Dawu Gu, Roel Peeters, Ingrid Verbauwhede:
Secure Lightweight Entity Authentication with Strong PUFs: Mission Impossible II. 977 - Qianqian Yang, Lei Hu, Siwei Sun, Kexin Qiao, Ling Song, Jinyong Shan, Xiaoshuang Ma:
Improved Differential Analysis of Block Cipher PRIDE. 978 - Ivan Damgård, Sebastian Faust, Pratyay Mukherjee, Daniele Venturi:
The Chaining Lemma and its application. 979 - Dan Ding, Guizhen Zhu, Yang Yu, Zhongxiang Zheng:
A Fast Phase-Based Enumeration Algorithm for SVP Challenge through y-Sparse Representations of Short Lattice Vectors. 980 - Omer Paneth, Guy N. Rothblum:
Publicly Verifiable Non-Interactive Arguments for Delegating Computation. 981 - Edward Lui, Rafael Pass:
Outlier Privacy. 982 - Giulia Alberini, Tal Moran, Alon Rosen:
Public Verification of Private Effort. 983 - Michael Peter, Jan Nordholz, Matthias Petschick, Janis Danisevskis, Julian Vetter, Jean-Pierre Seifert:
Undermining Isolation through Covert Channels in the Fiasco.OC Microkernel. 984 - Bartosz Zoltak:
Statistical weakness in Spritz against VMPC-R: in search for the RC4 replacement. 985 - Jinyong Shan, Lei Hu, Ling Song, Siwei Sun, Xiaoshuang Ma:
Related-Key Differential Attack on Round Reduced RECTANGLE-80. 986 - Yibin Dai, Shaozhen Chen:
Cryptanalysis of Full PRIDE Block Cipher. 987 - Sergiu Carpov, Paul Dubrulle, Renaud Sirdey:
Armadillo: a compilation chain for privacy preserving applications. 988 - Yvo Desmedt, Vincenzo Iovino, Giuseppe Persiano, Ivan Visconti:
Controlled Homomorphic Encryption: Definition and Construction. 989 - Pille Pullonen, Sander Siim:
Combining Secret Sharing and Garbled Circuits for Efficient Private IEEE 754 Floating-Point Computations. 990 - Kai-Min Chung, Huijia Lin, Rafael Pass:
Constant-Round Concurrent Zero-knowledge from Indistinguishability Obfuscation. 991 - Alptekin Küpçü:
Incentivized Outsourced Computation Resistant to Malicious Contractors. 992 - Thomas Basmer, Christian Wittke, Zoya Dyka, Peter Langendörfer:
How Different Electrical Circuits of ECC Designs Influence the Shape of Power Traces measured on FPGA. 993 - Riccardo Longo, Chiara Marcolla, Massimiliano Sala:
Two novel applications of bilinear groups to ABE encryption. 994 - Yuval Ishai, Hoeteck Wee:
Partial Garbling Schemes and Their Applications. 995 - Maike Massierer:
Some experiments investigating a possible L(1/4) algorithm for the discrete logarithm problem in algebraic curves. 996 - Ling Ren, Christopher W. Fletcher, Albert Kwon, Emil Stefanov, Elaine Shi, Marten van Dijk, Srinivas Devadas:
Ring ORAM: Closing the Gap Between Small and Large Client Storage Oblivious RAM. 997 - Gus Gutoski, Douglas Stebila:
Hierarchical deterministic Bitcoin wallets that tolerate key leakage. 998 - Yongdae Kim, Hyunsoo Yoon:
First Experimental Result of Power Analysis Attacks on a FPGA Implementation of LEA. 999 - Gilad Asharov, Amos Beimel, Nikolaos Makriyannis, Eran Omri:
Complete Characterization of Fairness in Secure Two-Party Computation of Boolean Functions. 1000 - (Withdrawn) Robustly Secure Two-Party Authenticated Key Exchange from Ring-LWE. 1001
- Bhanu Prakash Gopularam, Sashank Dara, Nalini N:
Experiments in Encrypted and Searchable Network Audit Logs. 1002 - Christian Forler, David A. McGrew, Stefan Lucks, Jakob Wenzel:
COFFE: Ciphertext Output Feedback Faithful Encryption. 1003 - Marcela S. Melara, Aaron Blankstein, Joseph Bonneau, Michael J. Freedman, Edward W. Felten:
CONIKS: A Privacy-Preserving Consistent Key Service for Secure End-to-End Communication. 1004 - Harsh Patel:
A pure block chain based decentralized exchange. 1005 - Jaime Gaspar, Eerke A. Boiten:
Simple composition theorems of one-way functions - proofs and presentations. 1006 - Jiangxiao Zhang, Yanwu Gao, Chunhui Feng, Hua Guo, Zhoujun Li:
Fair Multiple-bank E-cash in the Standard Model. 1007 - Oscar García Morchon, Ronald Rietman, Sahil Sharma, Ludo Tolhuizen, Jose Luis Torre-Arce:
DTLS-HIMMO: Efficiently Securing a Post-Quantum World with a Fully-Collusion Resistant KPS. 1008 - Christopher D. Nguyen, Dhananjay S. Phatak, Steven D. Houston, Alan T. Sherman:
A Preliminary FPGA Implementation and Analysis of Phatak's Quotient-First Scaling Algorithm in the Reduced-Precision Residue Number System. 1009 - Mohsen Toorani:
On Continuous After-the-Fact Leakage-Resilient Key Exchange. 1010 - Alex Biryukov, Ivan Pustogarov:
Proof-of-Work as Anonymous Micropayment: Rewarding a Tor Relay. 1011 - Yonglin Hao:
The Boomerang Attacks on BLAKE and BLAKE2. 1012 - Björn Fay:
Computational Independence. 1013 - Björn Fay:
Double-and-Add with Relative Jacobian Coordinates. 1014 - Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar
, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini:
Compact Accumulator using Lattices. 1015 - (Withdrawn) Modified SIMON and SPECK: Lightweight Hybrid Design for Embedded Security. 1016
- Foteini Baldimtsi, Olga Ohrimenko:
Sorting and Searching Behind the Curtain: Private Outsourced Sort and Frequency-Based Ranking of Search Results Over Encrypted Data. 1017 - Martin R. Albrecht, Carlos Cid, Jean-Charles Faugère, Robert Fitzpatrick, Ludovic Perret:
Algebraic Algorithms for LWE Problems. 1018 - (Withdrawn) Related-Key Differential Cryptanalysis of Reduced-Round ITUBee. 1019
- Shivam Bhasin, Jean-Luc Danger, Sylvain Guilley, Zakaria Najm:
Side-Channel Leakage and Trace Compression using Normalized Inter-Class Variance. 1020 - Olivier Blazy, Saqib A. Kakvi, Eike Kiltz, Jiaxin Pan:
Tightly-Secure Signatures from Chameleon Hash Functions. 1021 - Tal Moran, Ilan Orlov, Silas Richelson:
Topology-Hiding Computation. 1022 - Nathan E. Price, Alan T. Sherman:
How to Generate Repeatable Keys Using Physical Unclonable Functions Correcting PUF Errors with Iteratively Broadening and Prioritized Search. 1023 - Moon Sung Lee:
Cryptanalysis of a New Additive Homomorphic Encryption based on the co-ACD Problem. 1024 - Carlos Aguilar Melchor, Joris Barrier, Laurent Fousse, Marc-Olivier Killijian:
XPIRe: Private Information Retrieval for Everyone. 1025 - Hendrik W. Lenstra Jr., Alice Silverberg:
Lattices with Symmetry. 1026 - Vadim Lyubashevsky, Daniel Wichs:
Simple Lattice Trapdoor Sampling from a Broad Class of Distributions. 1027 - Payal Chaudhari, Manik Lal Das, Anish Mathuria:
Security Weaknesses of an "Anonymous Attribute Based Encryption" appeared in ASIACCS'13. 1028 - Nir Bitansky, Omer Paneth, Alon Rosen:
On the Cryptographic Hardness of Finding a Nash Equilibrium. 1029

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