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Computers & Geosciences, Volume 37
Volume 37, Number 1, January 2011
- John E. Bailey, Aijun Chen:
The role of Virtual Globes in geoscience. 1-2 - Travis M. Smith, Valliappa Lakshmanan:
Real-time, rapidly updating severe weather products for virtual globes. 3-12 - F. Joseph Turk, Jeffrey D. Hawkins, Kim Richardson, Mindy Surratt:
A tropical cyclone application for virtual globes. 13-24 - Peter W. Webley
Virtual Globe visualization of ash-aviation encounters, with the special case of the 1989 Redoubt-KLM incident. 25-37 - Nguyen Quang Chien
, Soon Keat Tan
Google Earth as a tool in 2-D hydrodynamic modeling. 38-46 - Luca Postpischl, Peter Danecek
, Andrea Morelli
, Silvia Pondrelli:
Standardization of seismic tomographic models and earthquake focal mechanisms data sets based on web technologies, visualization with keyhole markup language. 47-56 - Lisa M. Ballagh, Bruce H. Raup, Ruth E. Duerr
, Siri Jodha S. Khalsa
, Christopher Helm, Doug Fowler, Amruta Gupte:
Representing scientific data sets in KML: Methods and challenges. 57-64 - Gen-Tao Chiang, Toby O. H. White, Martin T. Dove, C. Isabella Bovolo
, John Ewen:
Geo-visualization Fortran library. 65-74 - Tony Bernardin, Eric S. Cowgill
, Oliver Kreylos, Christopher Bowles, Peter Gold, Bernd Hamann, Louise H. Kellogg
Crusta: A new virtual globe for real-time visualization of sub-meter digital topography at planetary scales. 75-85 - Brian M. Tomaszewski:
Situation awareness and virtual globes: Applications for disaster management. 86-92 - Matt J. Heavner, Dennis Robert Fatland, Eran Hood, Cathy Connor:
SEAMONSTER: A demonstration sensor web operating in virtual globes. 93-99 - Declan G. De Paor, Steven J. Whitmeyer:
Geological and geophysical modeling on virtual globes using KML, COLLADA, and Javascript. 100-110
Volume 37, Number 2, February 2011
- Yang Wang, Shuangcheng Li:
Simulating multiple class urban land-use/cover changes by RBFN-based CA model. 111-121 - Jian Deng, Desheng Gu:
On a statistical damage constitutive model for rock materials. 122-128 - Arja Jewbali, Roussos G. Dimitrakopoulos
Implementation of conditional simulation by successive residuals. 129-142 - Emre Artun
, S. Mohaghegh:
Intelligent seismic inversion workflow for high-resolution reservoir characterization. 143-157 - Xiantai Gou, Zhimin Li, Na Qin
, Weidong Jin:
Adaptive picking of microseismic event arrival using a power spectrum envelope. 158-164 - Qunying Huang, Chaowei Yang
Optimizing grid computing configuration and scheduling for geospatial analysis: An example with interpolating DEM. 165-176 - Ahmad Fadzil M. Hani, Dinesh Sathyamoorthy, Vijanth Sagayan Asirvadam:
A method for computation of surface roughness of digital elevation model terrains via multiscale analysis. 177-192
- Hongchao Ma, Zongyue Wang:
Distributed data organization and parallel data retrieval methods for huge laser scanner point clouds. 193-201 - Yong Xue, Jianwen Ai, Wei Wan, Huadong Guo
, Yingjie Li, Ying Wang, Jie Guang, Linlu Mei, Hui Xu:
Grid-enabled high-performance quantitative aerosol retrieval from remotely sensed data. 202-206 - Jeffery S. Horsburgh
, David G. Tarboton
, David R. Maidment, Ilya Zaslavsky:
Components of an environmental observatory information system. 207-218 - Yu Zhang, Ziya Zhang, Seann Reed, Victor Koren:
An enhanced and automated approach for deriving a priori SAC-SMA parameters from the soil survey geographic database. 219-231 - Levent Tutluoglu, Ibrahim Ferid Öge
, Celal Karpuz:
Two and three dimensional analysis of a slope failure in a lignite mine. 232-240 - Jeferson de Souza, Sidnei Pires Rostirolla:
A fast MATLAB program to estimate the multifractal spectrum of multidimensional data: Application to fractures. 241-249 - Faisal Shahzad, Richard Gloaguen
TecDEM: A MATLAB based toolbox for tectonic geomorphology, Part 1: Drainage network preprocessing and stream profile analysis. 250-260 - Faisal Shahzad, Richard Gloaguen
TecDEM: A MATLAB based toolbox for tectonic geomorphology, Part 2: Surface dynamics and basin analysis. 261-271
- Jonathan A. Greenberg
, Carlos Rueda, Erin L. Hestir
, Maria João Santos
, Susan L. Ustin
Least cost distance analysis for spatial interpolation. 272-276
Volume 37, Number 3, March 2011
- Grégoire Dubois
, Dan Cornford
, Dionissios T. Hristopulos
, Edzer J. Pebesma
, Jürgen Pilz:
Introduction to this special issue on geoinformatics for environmental surveillance. 277-279 - S. J. Melles, Gerard B. M. Heuvelink, Chris J. W. Twenhöfel, Arjan van Dijk, Paul H. Hiemstra, O. Baume, Ulrich Stöhlker:
Optimizing the spatial pattern of networks for monitoring radioactive releases. 280-288 - O. P. Baume, Albrecht Gebhardt, C. Gebhardt, Gerard B. M. Heuvelink, Jürgen Pilz:
Network optimization algorithms and scenarios in the context of automatic mapping. 289-294 - Remi Louis Barillec, Ben Ingram
, Dan Cornford
, Lehel Csató:
Projected sequential Gaussian processes: A C++ tool for interpolation of large datasets with heterogeneous noise. 295-309 - Hannes Kazianka, Jürgen Pilz:
Bayesian spatial modeling and interpolation using copulas. 310-319 - I. Spiliopoulos
, Dionissios T. Hristopulos
, Manolis P. Petrakis
, Arsenia Chorti
A multigrid method for the estimation of geometric anisotropy in environmental data from sensor networks. 320-330 - Hervé Chauris, I. Karoui, P. Garreau, Hans Wackernagel, P. Craneguy, Laurent Bertino
The circlet transform: A robust tool for detecting features with circular shapes. 331-342 - Edzer J. Pebesma
, Dan Cornford
, Grégoire Dubois
, Gerard B. M. Heuvelink, Dionissios T. Hristopulos
, Jürgen Pilz, Ulrich Stöhlker, Gary Morin, Jon O. Skøien:
INTAMAP: The design and implementation of an interoperable automated interpolation web service. 343-352 - Matthew Williams, Dan Cornford
, Lucy Bastin
, Richard Jones, Stephen Parker:
Automatic processing, quality assurance and serving of real-time weather data. 353-362 - Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, Juan José Egozcue
, Agustín Sáchez-Arcilla, Jesús Gómez:
Wave height data assimilation using non-stationary kriging. 363-370 - Rachel Lowe
, Trevor C. Bailey, David B. Stephenson, Richard J. Graham, Caio A. S. Coelho, Marilia Sá Carvalho
, Christovam Barcellos
Spatio-temporal modelling of climate-sensitive disease risk: Towards an early warning system for dengue in Brazil. 371-381 - Didier G. Leibovici
, Lucy Bastin
, Mike Jackson:
Higher-order co-occurrences for exploratory point pattern analysis and decision tree clustering on spatial data. 382-389 - Modesto Castrillón Santana
, Pedro A. Jorge, Ignacio J. López, Adrián Macías, David Martín, Rafael J. Nebot, Izzat Sabbagh, Francisco M. Quintana, Javier Sánchez
, Antonio J. Sánchez, José Pablo Suárez
, Agustín Trujillo
Forecasting and visualization of wildfires in a 3D geographical information system. 390-396
Volume 37, Number 4, April 2011
- Evgeny V. Yakushev
, Ivan S. Kuznetsov
, O. I. Podymov, H. Burchard, Thomas Neumann, Falk Pollehne
Modeling the influence of oxygenated inflows on the biogeochemical structure of the Gotland Sea, central Baltic Sea: Changes in the distribution of manganese. 398-409 - Caterina Melchiorre, E. A. Castellanos Abella, Cees J. van Westen, Matteo Matteucci:
Evaluation of prediction capability, robustness, and sensitivity in non-linear landslide susceptibility models, Guantánamo, Cuba. 410-425 - Fang Huang
, Dingsheng Liu, Xicheng Tan, Jian Wang, Yunping Chen, Binbin He:
Explorations of the implementation of a parallel IDW interpolation algorithm in a Linux cluster-based parallel GIS. 426-434 - Yuqi Bai, Liping Di:
Providing access to satellite imagery through OGC catalog service interfaces in support of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems. 435-443 - Romain Brossier
Two-dimensional frequency-domain visco-elastic full waveform inversion: Parallel algorithms, optimization and performance. 444-455 - Kamel Baddari, Jalal Ferahtia
, Tahar Aïfa
, Noureddine Djarfour:
Seismic noise attenuation by means of an anisotropic non-linear diffusion filter. 456-463 - Lluís Pesquer
, Ana Cortés
, Xavier Pons
Parallel ordinary kriging interpolation incorporating automatic variogram fitting. 464-473 - John B. Coleman, Xiaobai Angela Yao, Thomas R. Jordan, Marguerite Madden:
Holes in the ocean: Filling voids in bathymetric lidar data. 474-484 - Huayi Wu, Zhenglong Li, Hanwu Zhang, Chaowei Yang
, Shengyu Shen:
Monitoring and evaluating the quality of Web Map Service resources for optimizing map composition over the internet to support decision making. 485-494 - Jeff B. Boisvert, Clayton V. Deutsch:
Programs for kriging and sequential Gaussian simulation with locally varying anisotropy using non-Euclidean distances. 495-510 - Thomas Viard, Guillaume Caumon
, Bruno Lévy:
Adjacent versus coincident representations of geospatial uncertainty: Which promote better decisions? 511-520 - Lutz Lesshafft
, Eckart Meiburg, Ben Kneller, Alison L. Marsden
Towards inverse modeling of turbidity currents: The inverse lock-exchange problem. 521-529 - Mehdi Badel, Saeed Angorani, Masoud Shariat Panahi:
The application of median indicator kriging and neural network in modeling mixed population in an iron ore deposit. 530-540 - Matthias Jungmann, Margarete Kopal, Christoph Clauser, Thomas Berlage:
Multi-class supervised classification of electrical borehole wall images using texture features. 541-553 - Mihai Pavel, John D. Nelson, R. Jonathan Fannin:
An analysis of landslide susceptibility zonation using a subjective geomorphic mapping and existing landslides. 554-566
- A. Pignatelli, I. Nicolosi, R. Carluccio, M. Chiappini, R. von Frese:
Graphical interactive generation of gravity and magnetic fields. 567-572 - José Manuel Vacas Peña, José M. Chamoso, Carmen Urones:
The efieldbook program: A teaching resource for geology. 573-581 - Mahendra P. Verma:
SteamTablesGrid: An ActiveX control for thermodynamic properties of pure water. 582-587 - John Powell, Gautami Erukulla, Mohamad Buhisi, Balendran Velauthapillai:
A relational database management system for atmospheric compensation research. 588-597 - Mohamad Yusoff Izham
, Ujang Muhamad Uznir
, Alias Abdul-Rahman, Katimon Ayob, Ismail Wan Ruslan:
Influence of georeference for saturated excess overland flow modelling using 3D volumetric soft geo-objects. 598-609 - Pascal Audigane
, Christophe Chiaberge
, Frédéric Mathurin
, Julie Lions
, Géraldine Picot-Colbeaux:
A workflow for handling heterogeneous 3D models with the TOUGH2 family of codes: Applications to numerical modeling of CO2 geological storage. 610-620 - Antonio G. Camacho
, José Fernández
, Joachim Gottsmann:
The 3-D gravity inversion package GROWTH2.0 and its application to Tenerife Island, Spain. 621-633 - Ioannis Konstantinou Kapageridis
, Athanassios G. Triantafyllou
LavaNet - Neural network development environment in a general mine planning package. 634-644
Volume 37, Number 5, May 2011
- Antonella Buccianti
Advanced computational geochemistry. 645 - Marino Vetuschi Zuccolini
, Giulio Ottonello, Donato Belmonte
Ab-initio assessment of conventional standard-state thermodynamic properties of geochemically relevant gaseous and aqueous species. 646-661 - Qiuming Cheng, Graeme Bonham-Carter, Wenlei Wang
, Shengyuan Zhang, Wenchang Li, Xia Qinglin:
A spatially weighted principal component analysis for multi-element geochemical data for mapping locations of felsic intrusions in the Gejiu mineral district of Yunnan, China. 662-669 - Antonella Buccianti
, R. Magli:
Metric concepts and implications in describing compositional changes for world river's water chemistry. 670-676 - R. Tolosana-Delgado, Hilmar von Eynatten
, Volker Karius
Constructing modal mineralogy from geochemical composition: A geometric-Bayesian approach. 677-691 - John Bacon-Shone
Mixing of compositions at points and along lines. 692-695 - Josep Daunis-i-Estadella
, Santiago Thió-Henestrosa
, G. Mateu-Figueras
Including supplementary elements in a compositional biplot. 696-701 - José E. Chacón
, G. Mateu-Figueras
, Josep-Antoni Martín-Fernández
Gaussian kernels for density estimation with compositional data. 702-711
Volume 37, Number 6, June 2011
- Keni Zhang, George Moridis, Karsten Pruess:
TOUGH+CO2: A multiphase fluid-flow simulator for CO2 geologic sequestration in saline aquifers. 714-723 - Stefan Finsterle
, Yingqi Zhang:
Error handling strategies in multiphase inverse modeling. 724-730 - Stefan Finsterle
, Michael B. Kowalsky:
A truncated Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for the calibration of highly parameterized nonlinear models. 731-738 - Jonny Rutqvist:
Status of the TOUGH-FLAC simulator and recent applications related to coupled fluid flow and crustal deformations. 739-750 - Jonny Rutqvist, Yuji Ijiri, Hajime Yamamoto:
Implementation of the Barcelona Basic Model into TOUGH-FLAC for simulations of the geomechanical behavior of unsaturated soils. 751-762 - Tianfu Xu, Nicolas Spycher, Eric Sonnenthal
, Guoxiang Zhang, Liange Zheng, Karsten Pruess:
TOUGHREACT Version 2.0: A simulator for subsurface reactive transport under non-isothermal multiphase flow conditions. 763-774 - You Li, Marcin Niewiadomski, Edward Trujillo, Surya Prakash Sunkavalli:
Tougher: A user-friendly graphical interface for TOUGHREACT. 775-782 - Andrea Borgia, L. Cattaneo, D. Marconi, C. Delcroix, E. L. Rossi, G. Clemente, C. G. Amoroso, F. Lo Re, E. Tozzato:
Using a MODFLOW grid, generated with GMS, to solve a transport problem with TOUGH2 in complex geological environments: The intertidal deposits of the Venetian Lagoon. 783-790
Volume 37, Number 7, July 2011
- Martin Breunig, Sisi Zlatanova
3D geo-database research: Retrospective and future directions. 791-803
- Félix Rodríguez Rodríguez
, Manuel Barrena García
A fast and robust bulk-loading algorithm for indexing very large digital elevation datasets: I. Algorithm. 804-813 - Félix Rodríguez Rodríguez
, Manuel Barrena García
A fast and robust bulk-loading algorithm for indexing very large digital elevation datasets II. Experimental results. 814-821 - Tahir Ali Akbar, Henry Lin, John DeGroote:
Development and evaluation of GIS-based ArcPRZM-3 system for spatial modeling of groundwater vulnerability to pesticide contamination. 822-830 - Hong Wang, Xiaobing Li, Huiling Long, Yunwei Qiao, Ying Li:
Development and application of a simulation model for changes in land-use patterns under drought scenarios. 831-843 - Mika Murtojärvi, Tapio Suominen
, Esa Uusipaikka, Olli Nevalainen:
Optimising an observational water monitoring network for Archipelago Sea, South West Finland. 844-854 - Jyh-Woei Lin
Is it possible to trace an impending earthquake's occurrence from seismo-ionospheric disturbance using principal component analysis? A study of Japan's Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake on 13 June 2008. 855-860 - Andreas Hueni
, Timothy J. Malthus
, Mathias Kneubühler
, Michael E. Schaepman
Data exchange between distributed spectral databases. 861-873 - Bo Zhang, Yu Qin, Mingxiang Huang, Qiang Sun, Shun Li, Liqiang Wang, Chaohui Yu:
SD-GIS-based temporal-spatial simulation of water quality in sudden water pollution accidents. 874-882 - Lisa L. Arnold, Paul A. Zandbergen:
Positional accuracy of the Wide Area Augmentation System in consumer-grade GPS units. 883-892 - Agustina Buccella, Alejandra Cechich
, Domenico Gendarmi, Filippo Lanubile
, Giovanni Semeraro
, Attilio Colagrossi:
Building a global normalized ontology for integrating geographic data sources. 893-916 - Jérémy Rohmer
, Evelyne Foerster:
Global sensitivity analysis of large-scale numerical landslide models based on Gaussian-Process meta-modeling. 917-927
- J. A. Rod Blais, Zhan Zhang:
Exploring pseudo- and chaotic random Monte Carlo simulations. 928-934 - M. Özgü Arisoy, Ünal Dikmen:
Potensoft: MATLAB-based software for potential field data processing, modeling and mapping. 935-942 - Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu
, Sylvia Murphy
, Cecelia DeLuca, Nuzhet Dalfes
A scientific workflow environment for Earth system related studies. 943-952 - Alfio Messina
, Horst Langer:
Pattern recognition of volcanic tremor data on Mt. Etna (Italy) with KKAnalysis - A software program for unsupervised classification. 953-961 - Palaiologos Palaiologou
, Kostas Kalabokidis
, Dias Haralambopoulos, Haralambos Feidas, Heracles Polatidis:
Wind characteristics and mapping for power production in the Island of Lesvos, Greece. 962-972
- Thomas Mejer Hansen
, Klaus Mosegaard
Corrigendum to "VISIM: Sequential simulation for linear inverse problems" [Computers & Geosciences 34(1) (2008) 53-76]. 973-974
Volume 37, Number 8, August 2011
- Eric Grunsky:
Editorial. 976-977
- Stephen Wise:
Cross-validation as a means of investigating DEM interpolation error. 978-991 - Kai Xu, Chunfang Kong, Jiangfeng Li, Liqin Zhang, Chonglong Wu:
Suitability evaluation of urban construction land based on geo-environmental factors of Hangzhou, China. 992-1002 - Maitane Olabarrieta, Raúl Medina
, Mauricio González
, Luis Otero
C3: A finite volume-finite difference hybrid model for tsunami propagation and runup. 1003-1014 - Xavier Emery
, Julián M. Ortiz
Two approaches to direct block-support conditional co-simulation. 1015-1025 - Darrell Coles, Andrew Curtis:
A free lunch in linearized experimental design? 1026-1034 - Yosoon Choi, Huiuk Yi, Hyeong-Dong Park:
A new algorithm for grid-based hydrologic analysis by incorporating stormwater infrastructure. 1035-1044 - Yehua Shan, Ye Tian, Wenjiao Xiao:
Inversion of stresses from polyphase fault/slip data with high or low diversity: An updated version of INVSFS. 1045-1053 - Gary L. Pavlis:
Three-dimensional, wavefield imaging of broadband seismic array data. 1054-1066 - Philippe Steer, Rodolphe Cattin
, Jérôme Lavé, Vincent Godard
Surface Lagrangian Remeshing: A new tool for studying long term evolution of continental lithosphere from 2D numerical modelling. 1067-1074 - Seoleun Shin
, Gert Zöller, Matthias Holschneider
, Sebastian Reich:
A multigrid solver for modeling complex interseismic stress fields. 1075-1082 - Sergey V. Samsonov
, Marco van der Kooij, Kristy F. Tiampo
A simultaneous inversion for deformation rates and topographic errors of DInSAR data utilizing linear least square inversion technique. 1083-1091 - J. Skála, Ivana Kolingerová
Dynamic hierarchical triangulation of a clustered data stream. 1092-1101 - G. R. J. Cooper
The semiautomatic interpretation of gravity profile data. 1102-1109 - Oscar Peredo
, Julián M. Ortiz
Parallel implementation of simulated annealing to reproduce multiple-point statistics. 1110-1121 - H.-J. G. Diersch, D. Bauer, W. Heidemann, Wolfram Rühaak
, Peter Schätzl:
Finite element modeling of borehole heat exchanger systems: Part 1. Fundamentals. 1122-1135 - H.-J. G. Diersch, D. Bauer, W. Heidemann, Wolfram Rühaak
, Peter Schätzl:
Finite element modeling of borehole heat exchanger systems: Part 2. Numerical simulation. 1136-1147
- Wen-Cheng Liu, Wei-Bo Chen
, Ming-Hsi Hsu:
Using a three-dimensional particle-tracking model to estimate the residence time and age of water in a tidal estuary. 1148-1161 - Jaroslaw Jasiewicz
, Markus Metz:
A new GRASS GIS toolkit for Hortonian analysis of drainage networks. 1162-1173 - Emilson Pereira Leite, Alexandre Campane Vidal:
3D porosity prediction from seismic inversion and neural networks. 1174-1180 - Robert Tenzer
, Pascal Sirguey, Mark Rattenbury
, Julia Nicolson:
A digital rock density map of New Zealand. 1181-1191 - Pantelis Liolios
, George Exadaktylos:
A relational rock mechanics database scheme with a hierarchical structure. 1192-1204
- J. Alcock, José R. Martínez Catalán, R. Arenas:
One- and two-dimensional models are equally effective in monitoring the crust's thermal response to advection by large-scale thrusting during orogenesis. 1205-1207
Volume 37, Number 9, September 2011
- Eray Yildirim, Ali Gülbag
, Gündüz Horasan, Emrah Dogan:
Discrimination of quarry blasts and earthquakes in the vicinity of Istanbul using soft computing techniques. 1209-1217 - José M. Noguera
, Rafael Jesús Segura
, Carlos J. Ogáyar
, Robert Joan-Arinyo:
Navigating large terrains using commodity mobile devices. 1218-1233 - D. M. Meko, R. Touchan, K. J. Anchukaitis:
Seascorr: A MATLAB program for identifying the seasonal climate signal in an annual tree-ring time series. 1234-1241 - Hussein Mustapha, Roussos G. Dimitrakopoulos
HOSIM: A high-order stochastic simulation algorithm for generating three-dimensional complex geological patterns. 1242-1253 - Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu, Ling Wu, Liqing Duan, Binqing Zhong:
Wavelet-based detection of crop zinc stress assessment using hyperspectral reflectance. 1254-1263 - Hyun-Joo Oh, Biswajeet Pradhan
Application of a neuro-fuzzy model to landslide-susceptibility mapping for shallow landslides in a tropical hilly area. 1264-1276 - Alex J. Cannon
Quantile regression neural networks: Implementation in R and application to precipitation downscaling. 1277-1284 - Sin Liang Lim
, B. S. Daya Sagar, Voon Chet Koo
, Lea Tien Tay:
Morphological convexity measures for terrestrial basins derived from digital elevation models. 1285-1294 - Jing Li, Huayi Wu, Chaowei Yang
, David W. Wong
, Jibo Xie:
Visualizing dynamic geosciences phenomena using an octree-based view-dependent LOD strategy within virtual globes. 1295-1302 - Pascal Bailly du Bois:
Automatic calculation of bathymetry for coastal hydrodynamic models. 1303-1310 - J. P. Liu, Z. P. Zeng, H. Q. Liu, Huabin Wang:
A rough set approach to analyze factors affecting landslide incidence. 1311-1317 - Murat Karakus
Function identification for the intrinsic strength and elastic properties of granitic rocks via genetic programming (GP). 1318-1323 - Kakoli Saha
, Neil A. Wells, Mandy J. Munro-Stasiuk:
An object-oriented approach to automated landform mapping: A case study of drumlins. 1324-1336 - Philip J. Sallis, William Claster, Sergio Hernández:
A machine-learning algorithm for wind gust prediction. 1337-1344 - J. F. Kirby
, C. J. Swain:
Improving the spatial resolution of effective elastic thickness estimation with the fan wavelet transform. 1345-1354 - Huayi Wu, Xuefeng Guan, Jianya Gong:
ParaStream: A parallel streaming Delaunay triangulation algorithm for LiDAR points on multicore architectures. 1355-1363 - Robert Marschallinger, Peter Hofmann
, Gudrun Daxner-Höck, Richard A. Ketcham
Solid modeling of fossil small mammal teeth. 1364-1371 - Afonso Emidio de Vasconcelos Lopes, Marcelo Assumpção
Genetic algorithm inversion of the average 1D crustal structure using local and regional earthquakes. 1372-1380 - C. Basuyau, C. Tiberi:
Imaging lithospheric interfaces and 3D structures using receiver functions, gravity, and tomography in a common inversion scheme. 1381-1390 - N. A. K. Nandasena, Raphaël Paris
, Norio Tanaka:
Numerical assessment of boulder transport by the 2004 Indian ocean tsunami in Lhok Nga, West Banda Aceh (Sumatra, Indonesia). 1391-1399 - Mickaële Le Ravalec-Dupin
, Sébastien Da Veiga:
Cosimulation as a perturbation method for calibrating porosity and permeability fields to dynamic data. 1400-1412 - Martin Grenon
, Amélie-Julie Laflamme:
Slope orientation assessment for open-pit mines, using GIS-based algorithms. 1413-1424 - Feng Qi
, A-Xing Zhu:
Comparing three methods for modeling the uncertainty in knowledge discovery from area-class soil maps. 1425-1436 - Zhihong Zhao, Lanru Jing, Ivars Neretnieks, Luis Moreno
Analytical solution of coupled stress-flow-transport processes in a single rock fracture. 1437-1449
- A. Pommier, E. Le-Trong:
"SIGMELTS": A web portal for electrical conductivity calculations in geosciences. 1450-1459 - Yankui Sun, Kaimin Mao, Tian Zhang, Zesheng Tang:
A 3D multiresolution lunar surface model using bicubic subdivision-surface wavelets, with interactive visualization tools. 1460-1467 - Salvador España, Francisco J. Alcalá
, Ángela Vallejos
, Antonio Pulido-Bosch
ArcE: A GIS tool for modelling actual evapotranspiration. 1468-1475 - Xiaohui Lei, Yuhui Wang, Weihong Liao, Yunzhong Jiang, Yu Tian, Hao Wang:
Development of efficient and cost-effective distributed hydrological modeling tool MWEasyDHM based on open-source MapWindow GIS. 1476-1489 - Heather N. Dougherty, C. Özgen Karacan:
A new methane control and prediction software suite for longwall mines. 1490-1500 - Martin Molina
, Salvador Bayarri:
A multinational SDI-based system to facilitate disaster risk management in the Andean Community. 1501-1510 - Edward J. Milton, Frédéric Baret
, Philippe Rossello, Elisa Anderson, Emma Rockall:
A multistage database of field measurements and synoptic remotely sensed data to support model validation and testing in Earth observation. 1511-1514 - Aykut Akgün
, Necdet Türk:
Mapping erosion susceptibility by a multivariate statistical method: A case study from the Ayvalık region, NW Turkey. 1515-1524 - Jaroslaw Jasiewicz
A new GRASS GIS fuzzy inference system for massive data analysis. 1525-1531
- Alex J. Cannon
GEVcdn: An R package for nonstationary extreme value analysis by generalized extreme value conditional density estimation network. 1532-1533
Volume 37, Number 10, October 2011
- Giuliana Rossi
, Gualtiero Böhm
, Gianni Madrussani:
Tomographic inversion of ocean bottom seismograph (OBS) data: Problems and solutions applied to the NW Svalbard Hydratech data set. 1535-1544 - Zohreh Masoomi
, Mohammad Saadi Mesgari
, Mohammad Bagher Menhaj
Modeling uncertainties in sodium spatial dispersion using a computational intelligence-based kriging method. 1545-1554 - Iacopo Borsi
, Lorenzo Fusi
, Fabio Rosso
, Alessandro Speranza
A well deliverability model for non-Darcian flow in geothermal reservoirs. 1555-1561 - Christoph Hofer, Andreas Papritz
constrainedKriging: An R-package for customary, constrained and covariance-matching constrained point or block kriging. 1562-1569 - Xiaohua Tong, Zhenhua Wang, Huan Xie, Dan Liang, Zuoqin Jiang, Jinchao Li, Jun Li:
Designing a two-rank acceptance sampling plan for quality inspection of geospatial data products. 1570-1583 - D. García-Sellés, Oriol Falivene
, Pau Arbués, Oscar Gratacós
, Stefano Tavani
, Josep Anton Muñoz
Supervised identification and reconstruction of near-planar geological surfaces from terrestrial laser scanning. 1584-1594 - Annabel Cartwright, Jennifer L. Moss, Joe Cartwright:
New statistical methods for investigating submarine pockmarks. 1595-1601 - Xiaogang Ma
, Emmanuel John M. Carranza
, Chonglong Wu, Freek D. van der Meer
, Gang Liu:
A SKOS-based multilingual thesaurus of geological time scale for interoperability of online geological maps. 1602-1615 - Yanshu Yin, Changmin Zhang, Weiguo Li, Shaohua Li:
A new postprocessing method for reservoir stochastic modeling: A solution based on information degree. 1616-1621 - N. Sundararajan, Ali Al-Lazki:
An alternate and effective approach to Hilbert transform in geophysical applications. 1622-1626 - Teimuraz Matcharashvili, Tamaz Chelidze, Zurab Javakhishvili, Nato Jorjiashvili
, U. Fra Paleo
Non-extensive statistical analysis of seismicity in the area of Javakheti, Georgia. 1627-1632 - R. Murray Lark
Spatially nested sampling schemes for spatial variance components: Scope for their optimization. 1633-1641 - Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu, Menxin Wu, Lufeng Li, Lina Xiu:
Integrating spectral indices with environmental parameters for estimating heavy metal concentrations in rice using a dynamic fuzzy neural-network model. 1642-1652 - Scott R. Charlton, David L. Parkhurst:
Modules based on the geochemical model PHREEQC for use in scripting and programming languages. 1653-1663
- Travis E. Swanson
, M. Bayani Cardenas:
Ex-Stream: A MATLAB program for calculating fluid flux through sediment-water interfaces based on steady and transient temperature profiles. 1664-1669 - Enrico Savazzi:
Construction and programming of an autonomous focus stacker. 1670-1676 - Jared L. Deutsch, Clayton V. Deutsch:
Plotting and checking the bivariate distributions of multiple Gaussian data. 1677-1684 - Lorenzo Busetto
, Michele Meroni
, Giovanni Franco Crosta, Luis Guanter, Roberto Colombo:
SpecCal: Novel software for in-field spectral characterization of high-resolution spectrometers. 1685-1691 - Jalal Shiri, Özgür Kisi:
Comparison of genetic programming with neuro-fuzzy systems for predicting short-term water table depth fluctuations. 1692-1701 - Xiaohua Shi, Chuang Li, Shihu Wang, Xu Wang:
Computing prestack Kirchhoff time migration on general purpose GPU. 1702-1710 - Tian Zhang, Yankui Sun, Zesheng Tang:
3D visualization of solar wind ion data from the Chang'E-1 exploration. 1711-1718
- Angela Diblasi:
The 2010 John Cedric Griffiths Award: Ana Fernández Militino. 1719
Volume 37, Number 11, November 2011
- Chaowei Yang
, Doug Nebert, D. R. Fraser Taylor:
Establishing a sustainable and cross-boundary geospatial cyberinfrastructure to enable polar research. 1721-1726 - Chunxia Zhou, Songtao Ai
, Nengcheng Chen
, Zemin Wang, Dongchen E:
Grove Mountains meteorite recovery and relevant data distribution service. 1727-1734 - G. Walker Johnson, Allison G. Gaylord, Juan C. Franco, Ryan P. Cody, Jerald J. Brady, William Manley, Mike Dover, Diana Garcia-Lavigne, Roberta Score, Craig E. Tweedie:
Development of the Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP): Interoperability challenges and solutions. 1735-1742 - Wenqing Li, Ge Chen, Qianqian Kong, Zhenzhen Wang, Chengcheng Qian
A VR-Ocean system for interactive geospatial analysis and 4D visualization of the marine environment around Antarctica. 1743-1751 - W. Li, Chaowei Yang
, Doug Nebert, R. Raskin, Paul R. Houser
, Huayi Wu, Zhenlong Li:
Semantic-based web service discovery and chaining for building an Arctic spatial data infrastructure. 1752-1762
- Jun-Wei Huang, Gilles Bellefleur
, Bernd Milkereit:
CSimMDMV: A parallel program for stochastic characterization of multi-dimensional, multi-variant, and multi-scale distribution of heterogeneous reservoir rock properties from well log data. 1763-1776 - Chih-Yuan Tseng, Chien-Chih Chen:
Entropic component analysis and its application in geological data. 1777-1782 - Armando Manuel Fernandes, Susana Nascimento
, Dmitri Boutov
Automatic identification of oceanic eddies in infrared satellite images. 1783-1792 - Ute C. Herzfeld, Bruce F. Wallin
, Carlton J. Leuschen, Joel Plummer:
An algorithm for generalizing topography to grids while preserving subscale morphologic characteristics - creating a glacier bed DEM for Jakobshavn trough as low-resolution input for dynamic ice-sheet models. 1793-1801 - Sultan Anbar, Serhat Akin
Development of a linear predictive model for carbon dioxide sequestration in deep saline carbonate aquifers. 1802-1815 - Hao Deng, Liqiang Zhang, Jingtao Ma, Zhizhong Kang:
Interactive panoramic map-like views for 3D mountain navigation. 1816-1824 - Guillaume Mauri, Glyn Williams-Jones
, Ginette Saracco
MWTmat - application of multiscale wavelet tomography on potential fields. 1825-1835 - C. Hirt:
Mean kernels to improve gravimetric geoid determination based on modified Stokes's integration. 1836-1842 - V. E. A. Post:
A new package for simulating periodic boundary conditions in MODFLOW and SEAWAT. 1843-1849 - Clayton Grove, Dougal A. Jerram:
jPOR: An ImageJ macro to quantify total optical porosity from blue-stained thin sections. 1850-1859 - Alireza Ahangar-Asr
, Asaad Faramarzi
, N. Mottaghifard, Akbar A. Javadi:
Modeling of permeability and compaction characteristics of soils using evolutionary polynomial regression. 1860-1869 - Romain Chesnaux, Mélanie Lambert, Julien Walter, Ugo Fillastre, Murray Hay
, Alain Rouleau, Réal Daigneault, Annie Moisan, Denis Germaneau:
Building a geodatabase for mapping hydrogeological features and 3D modeling of groundwater systems: Application to the Saguenay-Lac-St.-Jean region, Canada. 1870-1882
- Mohammad H. Baziar
, Yaser Jafarian, Habib Shahnazari
, Vahid Movahed, Mohammad Amin Tutunchian
Prediction of strain energy-based liquefaction resistance of sand-silt mixtures: An evolutionary approach. 1883-1893 - L. Shawn Matott, Kenny Leung, Junyoung Sim:
Application of MATLAB and Python optimizers to two case studies involving groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling. 1894-1899
- Kyle R. Mayborn, Charles E. Lesher:
MagPath: An Excel-based Visual Basic program for forward modeling of mafic magma crystallization. 1900-1903
- Michael F. Goodchild:
Chaowei Yang, David Wong, Qianjun Miao, Ruixin Yang, Editors, , Advanced Geoinformation Science (2011) CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL US$ 149.95, 485 pp. ISBN: 9781439810606. 1904
- Bernard Giroux
Errata in Giroux and Chouteau (2008). 1905-1906
Volume 37, Number 12, December 2011
- Emmanuel John M. Carranza
Geocomputation of mineral exploration targets. 1907-1916 - Mónica Arias, Pablo Gumiel, Dave J. Sanderson, Agustin Martin-Izard
A multifractal simulation model for the distribution of VMS deposits in the Spanish segment of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. 1917-1927 - Deyi Xu
, Chongwen Yu, Qiuming Cheng, Zhengyu Bao:
Application of the edge of chaos domain of the Zhabotinskii CNN to explore insights to hydrothermal deposit-forming processes. 1928-1934 - Mansour Ziaii, Emmanuel John M. Carranza
, Mahdi Ziaei:
Application of geochemical zonality coefficients in mineral prospectivity mapping. 1935-1945 - Wenlei Wang
, Jie Zhao, Qiuming Cheng:
Analysis and integration of geo-information to identify granitic intrusions as exploration targets in southeastern Yunnan District, China. 1946-1957 - Jiangnan Zhao, Shouyu Chen, Renguang Zuo, Emmanuel John M. Carranza
Mapping complexity of spatial distribution of faults using fractal and multifractal models: vectoring towards exploration targets. 1958-1966 - Renguang Zuo, Emmanuel John M. Carranza
Support vector machine: A tool for mapping mineral prospectivity. 1967-1975 - Gongwen Wang
, Shouting Zhang
, Changhai Yan, Yaowu Song, Yue Sun, Dong Li, Fengming Xu:
Mineral potential targeting and resource assessment based on 3D geological modeling in Luanchuan region, China. 1976-1988
- Larry Drew:
2004 John Cedric Griffiths Teaching Award to Jack Schuenemeyer. 1989-1990 - Harry Parker:
2006 John Cedric Griffiths Teaching Award to Paul Switzer. 1991 - Heinz H. Burger:
2008 John Cedric Griffiths Teaching Award to Vera Pawlowsky. 1992

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