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Empirical Software Engineering, Volume 22
Volume 22, Number 1, February 2017
- Appreciation to Empirical Software Engineering reviewers of 2016. 1-5
- Qi Luo, Aswathy Nair, Mark Grechanik
, Denys Poshyvanyk
FOREPOST: finding performance problems automatically with feedback-directed learning software testing. 6-56 - Padmal Vitharana
Defect propagation at the project-level: results and a post-hoc analysis on inspection efficiency. 57-79 - Ali Niknafs, Daniel M. Berry:
The impact of domain knowledge on the effectiveness of requirements engineering activities. 80-133 - Lingfeng Bao, Jing Li, Zhenchang Xing, Xinyu Wang, Xin Xia
, Bo Zhou:
Extracting and analyzing time-series HCI data from screen-captured task videos. 134-174 - Yan Li, Tao Yue, Shaukat Ali, Li Zhang:
Zen-ReqOptimizer: a search-based approach for requirements assignment optimization. 175-234 - Alan Charpentier, Jean-Rémy Falleri
, Floréal Morandat, Elyas Ben Hadj Yahia, Laurent Réveillère:
Raters' reliability in clone benchmarks construction. 235-258 - Haoran Niu, Iman Keivanloo, Ying Zou:
Learning to rank code examples for code search engines. 259-291 - Mel Ó Cinnéide, Iman Hemati Moghadam
, Mark Harman, Steve Counsell, Laurence Tratt:
An experimental search-based approach to cohesion metric evaluation. 292-329 - Boyuan Chen
, Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang:
Characterizing logging practices in Java-based open source software projects - a replication study in Apache Software Foundation. 330-374 - Deheng Ye, Zhenchang Xing, Nachiket Kapre:
The structure and dynamics of knowledge network in domain-specific Q&A sites: a case study of stack overflow. 375-406 - David Kavaler, Vladimir Filkov:
Stochastic actor-oriented modeling for studying homophily and social influence in OSS projects. 407-435 - Jihun Park
, Miryung Kim, Doo-Hwan Bae:
An empirical study of supplementary patches in open source projects. 436-473 - Passakorn Phannachitta, Jacky Keung
, Akito Monden
, Kenichi Matsumoto:
A stability assessment of solution adaptation techniques for analogy-based software effort estimation. 474-504 - Safwat Hassan, Weiyi Shang, Ahmed E. Hassan:
An empirical study of emergency updates for top android mobile apps. 505-546 - Jing Jiang, David Lo
, Jia-Huan He, Xin Xia
, Pavneet Singh Kochhar, Li Zhang:
Why and how developers fork what from whom in GitHub. 547-578
Volume 22, Number 2, April 2017
- Barbara A. Kitchenham, Lech Madeyski
, David Budgen
, Jacky Keung
, Pearl Brereton, Stuart M. Charters, Shirley Gibbs, Amnart Pohthong:
Robust Statistical Methods for Empirical Software Engineering. 579-630 - Siyuan Jiang
, Collin McMillan, Raúl A. Santelices:
Do Programmers do Change Impact Analysis in Debugging? 631-669 - Marouane Kessentini, Usman Mansoor, Manuel Wimmer, Ali Ouni
, Kalyanmoy Deb:
Search-based detection of model level changes. 670-715 - Chris Lokan
, Emilia Mendes:
Investigating the use of moving windows to improve software effort prediction: a replicated study. 716-767 - Patanamon Thongtanunam
, Shane McIntosh, Ahmed E. Hassan, Hajimu Iida:
Review participation in modern code review - An empirical study of the android, Qt, and OpenStack projects. 768-817 - Carlos Henrique C. Duarte
Productivity paradoxes revisited - Assessing the relationship between quality maturity levels and labor productivity in brazilian software companies. 818-847 - Ayse Tosun
, Emad Shihab, Yasutaka Kamei:
Erratum to: Studying high impact fix-inducing changes. 848 - Claire Le Goues
, Shin Yoo:
Guest editorial for special section on research in search-based software engineering. 849-851 - José Miguel Rojas
, Mattia Vivanti, Andrea Arcuri, Gordon Fraser:
A detailed investigation of the effectiveness of whole test suite generation. 852-893 - Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer
, Marouane Kessentini, Mel Ó Cinnéide, Shinpei Hayashi
, Kalyanmoy Deb:
A robust multi-objective approach to balance severity and importance of refactoring opportunities. 894-927 - Fitsum Meshesha Kifetew
, Roberto Tiella, Paolo Tonella:
Generating valid grammar-based test inputs by means of genetic programming and annotated grammars. 928-961
Volume 22, Number 3, June 2017
- Patrick Mäder, Rocco Oliveto, Andrian Marcus
Empirical studies in software and systems traceability. 963-966 - Daniel Ståhl
, Kristofer Hallén, Jan Bosch:
Achieving traceability in large scale continuous integration and delivery deployment, usage and validation of the eiffel framework. 967-995 - Davide Falessi, Massimiliano Di Penta, Gerardo Canfora
, Giovanni Cantone:
Estimating the number of remaining links in traceability recovery. 996-1027 - Waleed Zogaan
, Ibrahim Mujhid, Joanna C. S. Santos
, Danielle Gonzalez, Mehdi Mirakhorli:
Automated training-set creation for software architecture traceability problem. 1028-1062 - Bonita Sharif
, John Meinken, Timothy Shaffer, Huzefa H. Kagdi:
Eye movements in software traceability link recovery. 1063-1102 - Jin Guo, Marek Gibiec, Jane Cleland-Huang:
Tackling the term-mismatch problem in automated trace retrieval. 1103-1142 - Romain Robbes, Yasutaka Kamei, Martin Pinzger:
Guest Editorial: Mining software repositories. 1143-1145 - Pooyan Behnamghader
, Duc Minh Le, Joshua Garcia, Daniel Link, Arman Shahbazian, Nenad Medvidovic:
A large-scale study of architectural evolution in open-source software systems. 1146-1193 - Yuhao Wu, Yuki Manabe, Tetsuya Kanda, Daniel M. Germán, Katsuro Inoue:
Analysis of license inconsistency in large collections of open source projects. 1194-1222 - Morakot Choetkiertikul, Hoa Khanh Dam
, Truyen Tran, Aditya Ghose:
Predicting the delay of issues with due dates in software projects. 1223-1263 - Roberta Coelho, Lucas Almeida
, Georgios Gousios
, Arie van Deursen
, Christoph Treude
Exception handling bug hazards in Android - Results from a mining study and an exploratory survey. 1264-1304 - Nuthan Munaiah
, Felivel Camilo, Wesley Wigham, Andrew Meneely, Meiyappan Nagappan:
Do bugs foreshadow vulnerabilities? An in-depth study of the chromium project. 1305-1347 - Anand Ashok Sawant
, Alberto Bacchelli:
fine-GRAPE: fine-grained APi usage extractor - an approach and dataset to investigate API usage. 1348-1371 - Diomidis Spinellis
A repository of Unix history and evolution. 1372-1404 - Matthieu Caneill, Daniel M. Germán, Stefano Zacchiroli
The Debsources Dataset: two decades of free and open source software. 1405-1437 - Rocco Oliveto, Christian Bird:
Guest editorial: Program comprehension. 1438-1439 - Ahmad Jbara
, Dror G. Feitelson:
How programmers read regular code: a controlled experiment using eye tracking. 1440-1477 - Laura MacLeod
, Andreas Bergen, Margaret-Anne D. Storey:
Documenting and sharing software knowledge using screencasts. 1478-1507 - Moritz Beller
, Andy Zaidman
, Andrey N. Karpov, Rolf A. Zwaan
The last line effect explained. 1508-1536 - Christopher Vendome, Gabriele Bavota
, Massimiliano Di Penta, Mario Linares Vásquez
, Daniel M. Germán, Denys Poshyvanyk
License usage and changes: a large-scale study on gitHub. 1537-1577
Volume 22, Number 4, August 2017
- Ying Shi, Ming Li, Steven Arndt
, Carol S. Smidts:
Metric-based software reliability prediction approach and its application. 1579-1633 - Ji Wu, Shaukat Ali, Tao Yue, Jie Tian, Chao Liu:
Assessing the quality of industrial avionics software: an extensive empirical evaluation. 1634-1683 - Heng Li, Weiyi Shang, Ahmed E. Hassan:
Which log level should developers choose for a new logging statement? 1684-1716 - Ioanna Stavropoulou, Marios Grigoriou, Kostas Kontogiannis:
Case study on which relations to use for clustering-based software architecture recovery. 1717-1762 - Wesley K. G. Assunção
, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Lukas Linsbauer, Silvia R. Vergilio, Alexander Egyed:
Multi-objective reverse engineering of variability-safe feature models based on code dependencies of system variants. 1763-1794 - Mohammad Gharehyazie
, Vladimir Filkov:
Tracing distributed collaborative development in apache software foundation projects. 1795-1830 - Heng Li, Weiyi Shang, Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan:
Towards just-in-time suggestions for log changes. 1831-1865 - Steffen Herbold
, Alexander Trautsch
, Jens Grabowski:
Global vs. local models for cross-project defect prediction - A replication study. 1866-1902 - Tim Menzies
, William Nichols, Forrest Shull, Lucas Layman
Are delayed issues harder to resolve? Revisiting cost-to-fix of defects throughout the lifecycle. 1903-1935 - Matias Martinez
, Thomas Durieux
, Romain Sommerard, Jifeng Xuan
, Martin Monperrus
Automatic repair of real bugs in java: a large-scale experiment on the defects4j dataset. 1936-1964 - Anas Mahmoud, Gary Bradshaw:
Semantic topic models for source code analysis. 1965-2000 - Victoria Sakhnini, Luisa Mich
, Daniel M. Berry
Group versus individual use of power-only EPMcreate as a creativity enhancement technique for requirements elicitation. 2001-2049 - Mitchell Joblin, Sven Apel
, Wolfgang Mauerer:
Evolutionary trends of developer coordination: a network approach. 2050-2094 - Dayi Lin
, Cor-Paul Bezemer
, Ahmed E. Hassan:
Studying the urgent updates of popular games on the Steam platform. 2095-2126 - Maria Riaz, Jason Tyler King, John Slankas, Laurie A. Williams, Fabio Massacci
, Christian Quesada-López, Marcelo Jenkins:
Identifying the implied: Findings from three differentiated replications on the use of security requirements templates. 2127-2178 - Per Lenberg
, Lars Göran Wallgren Tengberg, Robert Feldt:
An initial analysis of software engineers' attitudes towards organizational change. 2179-2205 - Arne N. Johanson
, Wilhelm Hasselbring:
Effectiveness and efficiency of a domain-specific language for high-performance marine ecosystem simulation: a controlled experiment. 2206-2236 - Tien-Duy B. Le, Ferdian Thung, David Lo
Will this localization tool be effective for this bug? Mitigating the impact of unreliability of information retrieval based bug localization tools. 2237-2279
Volume 22, Number 5, October 2017
- Mika V. Mäntylä, Magne Jørgensen, Paul Ralph
, Hakan Erdogmus
Guest editorial for special section on success and failure in software engineering. 2281-2297 - Daniel Méndez Fernández
, Stefan Wagner
, Marcos Kalinowski
, Michael Felderer, Priscilla Mafra, Antonio Vetrò
, Tayana Conte
, Marie-Therese Christiansson, Des Greer
, Casper Lassenius, Tomi Männistö
, M. Nayabi, Markku Oivo, Birgit Penzenstadler
, Dietmar Pfahl
, Rafael Prikladnicki, Günther Ruhe, André Schekelmann, Sagar Sen, Rodrigo O. Spínola, Ahmet Tuzcu, Jose Luis de la Vara
, Roel J. Wieringa:
Naming the pain in requirements engineering - Contemporary problems, causes, and effects in practice. 2298-2338 - Muneera Bano
, Didar Zowghi
, Francesca da Rimini
User satisfaction and system success: an empirical exploration of user involvement in software development. 2339-2372 - Sohaib Shahid Bajwa, Xiaofeng Wang, Anh Nguyen-Duc, Pekka Abrahamsson
"Failures" to be celebrated: an analysis of major pivots of software startups. 2373-2408 - Timo O. A. Lehtinen, Juha Itkonen, Casper Lassenius:
Recurring opinions or productive improvements - what agile teams actually discuss in retrospectives. 2409-2452 - Richard F. Paige, Jordi Cabot
, Neil A. Ernst
Foreword to the special section on negative results in software engineering. 2453-2456 - Oscar Dieste
, Alejandrina M. Aranda, Fernando Uyaguari Uyaguari, Burak Turhan
, Ayse Tosun
, Davide Fucci, Markku Oivo, Natalia Juristo:
Empirical evaluation of the effects of experience on code quality and programmer productivity: an exploratory study. 2457-2542 - Robbert Jongeling
, Proshanta Sarkar, Subhajit Datta
, Alexander Serebrenik
On negative results when using sentiment analysis tools for software engineering research. 2543-2584 - Yossi Gil, Gal Lalouche:
On the correlation between size and metric validity. 2585-2611 - Aminata Sabane, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Venera Arnaoudova, Giuliano Antoniol:
Fragile base-class problem, problem? 2612-2657 - Tim Menzies
, Ye Yang, George Mathew, Barry W. Boehm, Jairus Hihn:
Negative results for software effort estimation. 2658-2683 - Jason Tyler King, Jonathan Stallings
, Maria Riaz, Laurie A. Williams:
To log, or not to log: using heuristics to identify mandatory log events - a controlled experiment. 2684-2717
Volume 22, Number 6, December 2017
- Cristina Palomares
, Carme Quer
, Xavier Franch:
Requirements reuse and requirement patterns: a state of the practice survey. 2719-2762 - Ayse Tosun
, Oscar Dieste
, Davide Fucci, Sira Vegas
, Burak Turhan
, Hakan Erdogmus
, Adrian Santos, Markku Oivo, Kimmo Toro, Janne Järvinen
, Natalia Juristo:
An industry experiment on the effects of test-driven development on external quality and productivity. 2763-2805 - Ruchika Malhotra, Megha Khanna
An empirical study for software change prediction using imbalanced data. 2806-2851 - Marco Kuhrmann
, Daniel Méndez Fernández
, Maya Daneva
On the pragmatic design of literature studies in software engineering: an experience-based guideline. 2852-2891 - Ville T. Heikkilä, Maria Paasivaara, Casper Lassenius, Daniela E. Damian, Christian Engblom:
Managing the requirements flow from strategy to release in large-scale agile development: a case study at Ericsson. 2892-2936 - Emil Alégroth
, Robert Feldt:
On the long-term use of visual gui testing in industrial practice: a case study. 2937-2971 - Wesley K. G. Assunção
, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Lukas Linsbauer, Silvia R. Vergilio, Alexander Egyed:
Reengineering legacy applications into software product lines: a systematic mapping. 2972-3016 - Katsiaryna Labunets, Fabio Massacci
, Federica Paci
, Sabrina Marczak
, Flávio Moreira de Oliveira:
Model comprehension for security risk assessment: an empirical comparison of tabular vs. graphical representations. 3017-3056 - Vard Antinyan, Miroslaw Staron
, Anna Sandberg:
Evaluating code complexity triggers, use of complexity measures and the influence of code complexity on maintenance time. 3057-3087 - Ehsan Noei, Mark D. Syer, Ying Zou, Ahmed E. Hassan, Iman Keivanloo:
A study of the relation of mobile device attributes with the user-perceived quality of Android apps. 3088-3116 - Cor-Paul Bezemer
, Shane McIntosh, Bram Adams
, Daniel M. Germán, Ahmed E. Hassan:
An empirical study of unspecified dependencies in make-based build systems. 3117-3148 - Xin Xia
, Lingfeng Bao, David Lo
, Pavneet Singh Kochhar, Ahmed E. Hassan, Zhenchang Xing:
What do developers search for on the web? 3149-3185 - Feng Zhang
, Iman Keivanloo, Ying Zou:
Data Transformation in Cross-project Defect Prediction. 3186-3218 - Nuthan Munaiah
, Steven Kroh, Craig Cabrey, Meiyappan Nagappan:
Curating GitHub for engineered software projects. 3219-3253

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