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College & Research Libraries, Volume 79
Volume 79, Number 1, January 2018
- Franklin Sayre
, Amy Riegelman
The Reproducibility Crisis and Academic Libraries. 2-9 - Eamon Tewell:
The Practice and Promise of Critical Information Literacy: Academic Librarians' Involvement in Critical Library Instruction. 10-34 - Karen C. Kohn
Worth the Wait? Using Past Patterns to Determine Wait Periods for E-Books Released After Print. 35-51 - Joseph Olivarez, Stephen Bales, Laura Sare
, Wyoma vanDuinkerken:
Format Aside: Applying Beall's Criteria to Assess the Predatory Nature of both OA and Non-OA Library and Information Science Journals. 52-67 - Amy Fry
Factors Affecting the Use of Print and Electronic Books: A Use Study and Discussion. 68-85 - Julie Linden, Sarah Tudesco, Daniel Dollar:
Collections as a Service: A Research Library's Perspective. 86-99 - Ixchel M. Faniel, Lynn Connaway
Librarians' Perspectives on the Factors Influencing Research Data Management Programs. 100-119 - Trenia Napier, Jill Parrott, Erin Presley, Leslie Valley:
A Collaborative, Trilateral Approach to Bridging the Information Literacy Gap in Student Writing. 120-145 - Joseph Aubele:
Victoria Martin. Transdisciplinarity Revealed: What Librarians Need to Know. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Libraries Unlimited, 2017. 211p. Paper. $85.00 (ISBN 978-1-4408-4347-1). 146-147 - Alicia Hansen:
Critical Library Pedagogy Handbook, Volume 1: Essays and Workbook Activities, and Volume 2: Lesson Plans. Nicole Pagowsky and Kelly McElroy, eds. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Li. 148-149 - Michael R. Mitchell:
Creative Instructional Design: Practical Applications for Librarians. Brandon K. West, Kimberly D. Hoffman, and Michelle Costello, eds. Chicago: ACRL, 2017. 396p. Paper, $72.00 (ISBN 978-0-83898-929-6). 150-151
Volume 79, Number 2, March 2018
- Wendi Arant-Kaspar:
Authorship Norms: Credit and Roles. 154-157 - Li Zhang:
Analyzing Citation and Research Collaboration Characteristics of Faculty in Aerospace, Civil and Environmental, Electrical and Computer, and Mechanical Engineering. 158-178 - Heidi E. Julien, Melissa R. Gross, Don Latham:
Survey of Information Literacy Instructional Practices in U.S. Academic Libraries. 179-199 - Elizabeth Price
Should We Yak Back? Information Seeking among Yik Yak Users on a University Campus. 200-221 - Allison Benedetti
, John M. Jackson
Vignettes: Implications for LIS Research. 222-236 - Erin McAfee:
Shame: The Emotional Basis of Library Anxiety. 237-256 - Hajar Sotudeh
, Zahra Ghasempour:
The World's Approach toward Publishing in Springer and Elsevier's APC-Funded Open Access Journals. 257-278 - Gail Barton, George Relyea, Steven A. Knowlton
Rethinking the Subscription Paradigm for Journals: Using Interlibrary Loan in Collection Development for Serials. 279-290 - Laura Costello
Mobile Technology and Academic Libraries: Innovative Services for Research and Learning. Robin Canuel and Chad Crichton, eds., for the Association of College and Research Libraries. Chicago: American Library Association. 2017. 284p. $68.00. 291-292 - Elise Ferer:
Peer-Assisted Learning in Academic Libraries. Erin Rinto, John Watts, and Rosan Mitola, eds. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Libraries Unlimited, an Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2017. 220p. Paper, $65.00 (ISBN 978-1440846885). 292-293 - Ryan Litsey:
Leading in the New Academic Library. Becky Albitz, Christine Avery, and Diane Zabel, eds. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Libraries Unlimited. 2017. 195p. Paper, $55.00 (ISBN 978-1-4408-5113-1). 294-295 - Richard M. Mikulski:
A. Arro Smith. Capturing Our Stories: An Oral History of Librarianship in Transition, with preface by Loriene Roy. Chicago: Neal-Schuman, imprint of American Library Association. 2017. 202p. Paper, $45.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-1461-8). 295-297 - Mark E. Shelton:
M. Leslie Madden, Laura Carscaddon, Denita Hampton, and Brenna Helmstutler. Now You're a Manager: Quick and Practical Strategies for New Mid-Level Managers in Academic Libraries. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries. 2017. 94p. 297-298 - Lizzy Walker:
David Thomas, Simon Fowler, and Valerie Johnson. The Silence of the Archive. London: Facet Publishing. 2017. 187p. $80.00 (ISBN 978-1783301553). 298-300
Volume 79, Number 3, April 2018
- Wendi Arant-Kaspar:
Strategic Management and Situational Awareness in Academic Libraries. 302-303 - Kyle M. L. Jones, Dorothea Salo
Learning Analytics and the Academic Library: Professional Ethics Commitments at a Crossroads. 304-323 - Elise Silva, Quinn Galbraith:
Salary Negotiation Patterns between Women and Men in Academic Libraries. 324-335 - Adam L. Murray
, Ashley Ireland:
Provosts' Perceptions of Academic Library Value & Preferences for Communication: A National Study. 336-365 - Glenn Ellen Starr Stilling, Allison Byrd, Emily Mazza, Shawn Bergman:
Still a Deadly Disease? Performance Appraisal Systems in Academic Libraries in the United States. 366-400 - Camille Thomas
, Richard Urban:
What Do Data Librarians Think of the MLIS? Professionals' Perceptions of Knowledge Transfer, Trends, and Challenges. 401-423 - David Schwieder, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe:
A Multilevel Approach for Library Value Assessment. 424-436
Volume 79, Number 4, May 2018
- Wendi Arant-Kaspar:
Trafficking Inspiration. 438-441 - Allison Erlinger:
Outcomes Assessment in Undergraduate Information Literacy Instruction: A Systematic Review. 442-479 - Jennifer Weinraub:
Harder to Find than Nemo: The Elusive Image Citation Standard. 480-498 - Joe C. Clark, Jennifer Johnstone:
Exploring the Research Mindset and Information-Seeking Behaviors of Undergraduate Music Students. 499-516 - M. Sara Lowe
, Bronwen K. Maxson
, Sean M. Stone
, Willie Miller
, Eric A. Snajdr
, Kathleen Hanna:
The Boolean is Dead, Long Live the Boolean! Natural Language versus Boolean Searching in Introductory Undergraduate Instruction. 517-534 - Anna Yevelson-Shorsher, Jenny Bronstein:
Three Perspectives on Information Literacy in Academia: Talking to Librarians, Faculty, and Students. 535-553 - Lili Luo:
Experiencing Evidence-Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP): Academic Librarians' Perspective. 554-567 - Wendy Rodgers:
Buy, Borrow, or Steal? Film Access for Film Studies Students. 568-591 - Janis DesMarais:
The Handbook of Art and Design Librarianship, 2nd edition. Paul Glassman and Judy Dyki, eds. London, U.K.: Facet Publishing, 2017. 343p. $85.00, £69.95 (ISBN 978-1-78330-200-0). 592-593 - Michelle Hendley
Michelle Reale. Becoming a Reflective Librarian and Teacher: Strategies for Mindful Academic Practice. Chicago, Ill.: ALA Editions, 2017. 144p. Paper, $57.00 (ISBN-13: 978-0-8389-1529-5). 594-596 - Kara Kugelmeyer:
Curating Research Data. Volume One: Practical Strategies for Your Digital Repository (ISBN: 978-0-8389-8858-9) and Curating Research Data. Volume Two: A Handbook of Current Practice (ISBN: 978-0-8389-8862-6). 596-598 - Michael C. McGuire:
Nicole Hennig. Keeping Up with Emerging Technologies: Best Practices for Information Professionals. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Libraries Unlimited, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2017. 599-600 - Michael Ryan:
Participatory Heritage. Henriette Roued-Cunliffe and Andrea Copeland, eds., for the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. London, U.K.: Facet Publishing, 2017. 213p. Paper. $74.98 (ISBN 978-1-78330-132-2). 600-602 - Ruth Szpunar
Undergraduate Research and the Academic Librarian: Case Studies and Best Practices. Merinda Kaye Hensley and Stephanie Davis-Kahl, eds. Chicago, Ill.: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2017. 348p. $65.00 (ISBN 978-083898908-1). 602-603
Volume 79, Number 5, July 2018
- Courtney Jacobs, Marcia McIntosh, Kevin O'Sullivan:
Collaborative Authorship as Peer Mentorship. 606-610 - Samantha Godbey:
Testing Future Teachers: A Quantitative Exploration of Factors Impacting the Information Literacy of Teacher Education Students. 611-623 - Frans Albarillo
Information Code-Switching: A Study of Language Preferences in Academic Libraries. 624-644 - Amelia Anderson
Autism and the Academic Library: A Study of Online Communication. 645-658 - Michael Carlozzi:
They Found It-Now Do They Bother? An Analysis of First-Year Synthesis. 659-670 - Lars Moksness
, Svein Ottar Olsen:
Trust Versus Perceived Quality in Scholarly Publishing: A Personality-Attitude-Intention Approach. 671-684 - Jurgen Schulte, Belinda Tiffen
, Jackie Edwards, Scott Abbott
, Edward Luca
Shaping the Future of Academic Libraries: Authentic Learning for the Next Generation. 685-696 - Jamie Carlstone, Ayla Stein
, Michael A. Norman
, John Wilkin:
Copyright Renewal of U.S. Books Published in 1932: Re-analyzing Ringer's Study to Determine a More Accurate Renewal Rate for Books. 697-712 - Jennifer Whelan:
Students Lead the Library: The Importance of Student Contributions to the Academic Library. Sara Arnold-Garza and Carissa Tomlinson, eds. Chicago: Association of College & Research Libraries, 2017. 322p. $62.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-8867-1). LC 2016-055675. 713-714 - Mark E. Shelton:
Michelle Reale. The Indispensable Academic Librarian: Teaching and Collaborating for Change. Chicago: American Library Association. 2018. 128p. Paper, $57.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-1638-4). 714-715 - Hendrik Edelman:
Michele K. Troy. Strange Bird: The Albatross Press and the Third Reich. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press. 2017. 440p. Hardbound, $40.00 (ISBN: 978-0300215687). 716
Volume 79, Number 6, September 2018
- Wendi Arant-Kaspar, Sarah Hare
, Cara Evanson, Emily Ford, John M. Budd:
Considering Developmental Peer Review. 718-725 - Sarah Hare
, Cara Evanson:
Information Privilege Outreach for Undergraduate Students. 726-736 - Ula Gaha, Suzanne Hinnefeld, Catherine Pellegrino:
The Academic Library's Contribution to Student Success: Library Instruction and GPA. 737-746 - Russell Michalak
, Monica Rysavy
, Kevin Hunt, Bernice Smith, Joel Worden:
Faculty Perceptions of Plagiarism: Insight for Librarians' Information Literacy Programs. 747-767 - Spencer J. Jardine, Sandra Shropshire, Regina Koury:
Credit-Bearing Information Literacy Courses in Academic Libraries: Comparing Peers. 768-784 - Fei Shu
, Philippe Mongeon, Stefanie Haustein, Kyle Siler, Juan Pablo Alperin, Vincent Larivière:
Is It Such a Big Deal? On the Cost of Journal Use in the Digital Era. 785-798 - Jason Martin:
What Do Academic Librarians Value in a Leader? Reflections on Past Positive Library Leaders and a Consideration of Future Library Leaders. 799-821 - Marie R. Kennedy
, Kristine R. Brancolini:
Academic Librarian Research: An Update to a Survey of Attitudes, Involvement, and Perceived Capabilities. 822-851 - Mark E. Shelton:
David R. Moore II and Eric C. Shoaf. Planning Optimal Library Spaces: Principles, Processes, and Practices. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018. 196p. Hardback, $85.00 (ISBN: 978-1-5381-0940-3). 852-853 - John M. Budd:
Cassidy R. Sugimoto and Vincent Larivière. Measuring Research: What Everyone Needs to Know. New York: Oxford University Press. 2018. 149p. Paper, $16.95 (ISBN 978-0-19-064012-5). LC 2017-18852. 853-854 - Sarah Rose Fitzgerald
Melissa N. Mallon. The Pivotal Role of Academic Librarians in Digital Learning. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Libraries Unlimited, 2018. 150p. Paper. $50.00 (ISBN: 978-1-4408-5217-6). LC Z675.U5 M327. 855-856 - Kristen Cardoso:
Academic Library Management: Case Studies. Tammy Nickelson Dearie, Michael Meth, and Elaine L. Westbrooks, eds. Chicago: ALA Editions, 2018. 213p. Paper, $69.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-1559-2). LC 2017010131. 856-857
Volume 79, Number 7, November 2018
- Wendi Arant-Kaspar:
Approaching a New Year - And a New Look for the Journal. 860-862 - Quinn Galbraith, Heather Kelley
, Michael Groesbeck:
Is There a Racial Wage Gap in Research Libraries? An Analysis of ARL Libraries. 863-875 - Juleah A. Swanson, Azusa Tanaka, Isabel Gonzalez-Smith:
Lived Experience of Academic Librarians of Color. 876-894 - Asha Hegde, Patricia Boucher
, Allison Lavelle:
How Do you Work? Understanding User Needs for Responsive Study Space Design. 895-915 - Shira Atkinson, Kirsten Lee:
Design and Implementation of a Study Room Reservation System: Lessons from a Pilot Program Using Google Calendar. 916-930 - Mary Kandiuk, Harriet Sonne de Torrens
Academic Freedom and Librarians' Research and Scholarship in Canadian Universities. 931-947 - Fiona Russell
, Chris Rawson, Chrissy Freestone
, Michael Currie, Blair Kelly
Parallel Lines: A Mixed Methods Impact Analysis of Co-Curricular Digital Literacy Online Modules on Student Results in First-Year Nursing. 948-971 - Virginia A. Dressler
, Cindy Kristof
The Right to Be Forgotten and Implications on Digital Collections: A Survey of ARL Member Institutions on Practice and Policy. 972-990 - Lisa M. McFall:
Developing Librarian Competencies for the Digital Age. Jeffrey G. Coghill and Roger G. Russell, eds. Lanham, Md.: Roman & Littlefield, 2017. 180p. Paper, $41.00 (ISBN 978-1-4422-6444-1). 991-992 - Laura Costello:
Nicole A. Cooke. Information Services to Diverse Populations: Developing Culturally Competent Library Professionals. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Libraries Unlimited, 2017. 166p. Paper, $65.00 (ISBN 978-1-4408-3460-8). LC 60-31669. 992-993 - Dana E. Hart:
Creating the High-Functioning Library Space: Expert Advice from Librarians, Architects, and Designers. Marta Mestrovic Deyrup, ed. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Libraries Unlimited, 2017. 158p. Paper $70.00 (ISBN 978-1-4408-4058-6). 994-995 - Amy Frazier:
Mary Francis. The Fun of Motivation: Crossing the Threshold Concepts (Publications in Librarianship No. 71). Chicago, Ill.: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2017. 184p. $48.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-8933-3). 995-996 - Scott Curtis
Dave Harmeyer and Janice J. Baskin. Implementing the Information Literacy Framework: A Practical Guide for Librarians. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018. 279p. Paper, $65.00 (ISBN 978-1-5381-0757-7). LC 2017048324. 996-998 - Melissa Anderson:
Kevin Michael Klipfel and Dani Brecher Cook. Learner-Centered Pedagogy: Principles and Practice. Chicago, Ill.: ALA Editions, 2017. 208p. Paper, $60.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-1557-8). LC 2016058814. 998-1000

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