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Computer Music Journal, Volume 24
Volume 24, Number 1, Spring 2000
- Ronald B. Smith:
An Interview with Tristan Murail. 11-19
- Jim Purbrick:
Automatic Synthesizer Articulation. 20-31 - Nick Bailey, David Cooper:
Perceptually Smooth Timbral Guides by State-Space Analysis of Phase-Vocoder Parameters. 32-42
- Hank Heijink, Peter Desain, Henkjan Honing
, Luke Windsor
Make Me a Match: An Evaluation of Different Approaches to Score - Performance Matching. 43-56
- Antonio Camurri
, Shuji Hashimoto, Matteo Ricchetti, Andrea Ricci, Kenji Suzuki
, Riccardo Trocca, Gualtiero Volpe
EyesWeb: Toward Gesture and Affect Recognition in Interactive Dance and Music Systems. 57-69 - Larry Austin:
Synthése '99 29th Festival International des Musiques et Créations Electroniques, 28 May to 06 June 1999, Bourges, France. 70-75 - Mike Thorne:
Plug.In 4th Annual Music Industry Forum, New York, New York USA, 19-20 July 1999. 75-78 - Martin Gieseking, Albert Gräf:
Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music 5th Annual KlangArt "New Music Technology" Congress, Osnabrück, Germany, 10-13 June 1999. 78-80 - Anthony De Ritis:
Perry R. Cook, ed.: Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound: An Introduction to Psychoacoustics MIT Press, 1999, 372 pages, hardcover, sound examples on CD, illustrated, suggested problems and lab exercises, references, index, ISBN 0-262-03256-2; available from MIT Press, Five Cambridge Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, USA; telephone (617) 253-5646; fax (6l7) 258-6779; electronic mail books@mit.edu; World Wide Web mitpress.mit.edu/book-home.tcl ?isbn=0262032562. 80-82 - Eric D. Scheirer:
Marc Leman, ed.: Music, Gestalt, and Computing: Studies in Cognitive and Systematic Musicology Springer-Verlag, 1997, 524 pages, softcover, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence vol. 1317, recorded examples on CD, illustrated, index, ISBN 3-540-63526-2; available in North America from Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., P.O. Box 2485, Secaucus, New Jersey 07096-2485, USA; telephone 1-800-777-4643; World Wide Web www.springer-ny. com/catalog/np/jan98np/3-540-63526-2.html; available outside of North America from Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Tiergartenstrasse 17, D-69121 Heidelberg, Germany; telephone (+49-62) 214870; electronic mail orders@springer.de. 82-85 - Mihu Iliescu, James Harley:
Bálint András Varga: Conversations with Iannis Xenakis Faber and Faber, 1996, 255 pages, softcover, illustrated, notes, list of compositions, discography, bibliography, index, ISBN 0-571-17959-2; available from Faber and Faber, 3 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AU, UK; World Wide Web www.faber.co.uk. 85-87 - Eric S. Strother:
Walter B. Hewlett and Eleanor Selfridge-Field, eds.: Melodic Similarity: Concepts, Procedures, and Applications The MIT Press, 1998, 244 pages, softcover, Computing in Musicolog vol. 11, illustrated, index, ISBN 0-262-58175-2; available from The MIT Press, Five Cambridge Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, USA; telephone (617) 253-5646; fax (6l7) 258-6779; electronic mail books@mit.edu; World Wide Web mitpress.mit.edu/book-home.tcl ?isbn=0262581752. 87-88 - Kim Cascone:
Kodwo Eshun: More Brilliant than the Sun: Adventures in Sonic Fiction Quartet Books, 1998, 222 pages, softcover, bibiography, discography, acknowledgments, index, ISBN 0-7043-8025-0; available from Quartet Books, 27 Goodge St., London W1P 2LD, UK; World Wide Web www.interlinkbooks.com. 88-89 - Anna Rubin:
FirstAvenue: Shreds of Evidence Compact disc, 1998, O. O. Discs oo50; available from O. O. Discs, Inc., 261 Groovers Ave., Black Rock, Connecticut 06605-3452, USA; telephone (203) 333-0603; electronic mail Cellioo5@aol.com; World Wide Web www.hear.com/o.o./. 90 - Ross Feller:
Mother Mallard's Portable Masterpiece Co. 1970-1973 Compact disc, 1999, Cuneiform Records, Rune 109; available from Wayside Music, P.O. Box 8427, Silver Spring, Maryland 20907, USA; telephone (301) 589-8894; fax (301) 589-1819; electronic mail cuneiway@aol.com; World Wide Web www.cuneiformrecords.com. 90-92 - Warren Burt:
watt ever Compact disc, 1998, Tall Poppies 2-CD TP074; available from Tall Poppies, P.O. Box 373, Glebe, New South Wales 2037, Australia; electronic mail tallpoppies@moreinfo.com.au; World Wide Web www.moreinfo.com.au/tallpoppies. 92-93 - Alcides Lanza:
Allen Strange, Mickey Helms, Brian Belet, Michael Frengel, Dan Wyman, Doug Michael, Pablo Furman: Music from CREAM: Music for Players and Digital Media (CDMC Vol. 26) Compact disc, 1998, Centaur CRC 2404; available from Centaur Records, Inc., 8867 Highland Rd., Suite 206, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808, USA; telephone (225) 336-4877; fax (225) 336-9678; electronic mail info@centaurrecords.com; World Wide Web www.centaurrecords.com. 93-94 - Ross Feller:
Gerard Pape: Electroacoustic Chamber Works Compact disc, 1998, mode 67; available from Mode Records, P.O. Box 1026, New York, New York 10116, USA; telephone/fax (212) 979-1027; electronic mail mode@mode.com; World Wide Web www.mode.com. 94-95 - Warren Burt:
Linda Ceff: Mistika Compact disc, 1998, Move CD-MD3168; available from Move Records, P.O. Box 266, Carlton South, Victoria 3053, Australia. 95-96 - Alcides Lanza:
Phil Winsor, Jon Christopher Nelson, Yu-Cheng Tseng, Michael Thompson, Joseph Klein, Thomas Clark, Larry Austin: CEMIsonics: The Threshold of Sound (CDMC Vol. 27) Compact disc, 1998, Centaur CRC 2407; available from Centaur Records, Inc., 8867 Highland Rd., Suite 206, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808, USA; telephone (225) 336-4877; fax (225) 336-9678; electronic mail info@centaurrecords.com; World Wide Web www.centaurrecords.com. 96-97 - Jon Appleton:
Wendy Carlos: Clockwork Orange, Sonic Seasonings, Tales of Heaven and Hell Compact discs, 1998 (reissues), ESD 81362/81382/81352; available from East Side Digital, 530 North 3rd St., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401, USA; telephone (612) 375-0233; fax (612) 375-9580; electronic mail esd@noside.com; World Wide Web http: //www.noside.com/esd/wendycarlos.html. 97-98
Volume 24, Number 2, Summer 2000
- Douglas Keislar:
Editor's Notes. 4-5
- Larry Austin:
Sound Diffusion in Composition and Performance: An Interview with Denis Smalley. 10-21
- Trevor Wishart:
Sonic Composition in Tongues of Fire. 22-30 - Peter Hoffmann:
The New GENDYN Program. 31-38 - Benny Sluchin:
A Computer-Assisted Version of Stockhausen's Solo for a Melody Instrument with Feedback. 39-46
- Tony S. Verma, Teresa H.-Y. Meng:
Extending Spectral Modeling Synthesis with Transient Modeling Synthesis. 47-59
- Ali Taylan Cemgil, Peter Desain, Bert Kappen:
Rhythm Quantization for Transcription. 60-76 - John P. Young, Margaret Schedel:
ICMC '99 International Computer Music Conference, Beijing, China, 22-28 October 1999. 77-83 - David Birchfield, Douglas Geers, Johnathan Lee:
Interactive Arts Festival Columbia University, New York, New York, USA, 6-9 April 1999. 83-88 - Simone Tarsitani:
Musica Scienza 1999 Centro di Ricerche Musicali, Rome, Italy, 1-2 June 1999. 88-90 - Eberhard Hüppe, Richard Polex:
Georg Hajdu: Der Sprung Wireworks Orchestra, Pumpenhaus Theater, Münster, Germany, 2-3 October 1999. 90-92 - William Hussey:
Technology and Teaching Music 1999 Annual Meeting for the Association for Technology in Music Instruction, Denver, Colorado, USA, 14-17 October 1999. 92-94 - Christopher Bailey, Oliver Schneller, Douglas Geers, Elaine Thomazi Freitas:
IRCAM@Columbia 1999 Columbia University, New York, New York, USA, 15-21 November 1999. 94-98 - Thomas Licata:
Jerry Tabor, editor: Otto Laske: Navigating New Musical Horizons Greenwood Press, 1999, 232 pages, hardcover, illustrated, bibliography, index, ISBN 0-313-30632-X; available from Greenwood Press, 88 Post Rd. West, Westport, Connecticut 06881, USA; telephone (203) 226-3571; fax (203) 222-1502; electronic mail customer-service@greenwood.com; World Wide Web www.greenwood.com. 98-100 - Eric D. Scheirer:
Mark Kahrs and Karlheinz Brandenburg, eds.: Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, 545 pages, hardcover, illustrated. 100-102 - Paschall de Paor:
Eduardo Reck Miranda: Computer Sound Synthesis for the Electronic Musician Focal Press, 1998, 208 pages, softcover/CD-ROM, illustrated, appendices, bibliography, CD-ROM instructions, index, ISBN 0-240-51517-X; available from Focal Press (an imprint of Butterworth-Heinemann), Linacre House, Jordon Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK; telephone (+44-1865) 314627; fax (+44-1865) 314091; electronic mail bhuk.orders@repp.co.uk; or Focal Press, 225 Wildwood Ave., Woburn, Massachussetts 01801-2041, USA. 102-104 - Kim Cascone:
Caipirinha Music Architettura Series: Vol. 1 Savvas Ysatis and Taylor Deupree: Tower of Winds; Vol. 2 Tetsu Inoue: Waterloo Terminal; Vol. 3 David Toop: Museum of Fruit Compact discs, 1998/1999, Caipirinha Music cai2007 (vol.1), cai2016 (vol.2), cai2022 (vol.3); available from Caipirinha Music, 1120 Fifth Ave., No. 15A, New York, New York 10128, USA; telephone (212) 410-5117; fax (212) 987-8940; electronic mail caipirinha@caipirinha.com; World Wide Web www.caipirinha.com. 105-106 - Philip C. Baczewski:
CDCM Computer Music Series, Vol. 28: Larry Austin: Sound Plays, Cityscapes, Sound Portraits - 1993-96 Compact disc, 1999, Centaur CRC 2428; available from CDCM, P.O. Box 50888, Denton, Texas 76206, USA; telephone (940) 591-8128; electronic mail cdcm@sndart.cemi.unt.edu; World Wide Web www.music.unt.edu/CDCM/newcdccat.html#28. 106-108 - Alcides Lanza:
Alessandro Cipriani and Stefano Taglietti: Il Pensiero Magmatico Compact disc, 1998, EDIPAN CD 3059; available from Edizioni Musicali EDIPAN, Viale Mazzini 6, 00195 Rome, Italy; telephone (+39-6) 322-3474. 108-109 - James Harley:
The Residents: Wormwood: Curious Stories from the Bible Compact disc, 1998, East Side Digital, ESD 81332; available from East Side Digital, 530 North 3rd St., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401, USA; telephone (612) 375-0233; fax (612) 375-9580; electronic mail esd@noside.com; World Wide Web www.noside.com/esd/. 109-110 - Ann Warde:
Alvin Lucier: 40 Rooms CD-ROM, 1998, iEAR Studios, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA; available from Electronic Music Foundation, 116 North Lake Ave., Albany, New York 12206, USA; telephone (518) 434-4110; fax (518) 434-0308; electronic mail cde@emf.org; World Wide Web www.cdemusic.org/. 110-111 - Colby Leider:
Erich Neuwirth: Musical Temperaments (translated by Rita Steblin) CD-ROM (for Windows/NT) and text, Springer-Verlag, 1997, 70 pages, softcover, illustrated, tables, operating instructions, glossary, ISBN 3-211-83040-5; available from Springer-Verlag, Sachsenplatz 4-6, Postfach 89, A-1201 Vienna, Austria; telephone (+43-1) 330-24-15; fax (7plus;43-1) 330-24-26; electronic mail books@springer.at; World Wide Web www.springer.at/springer.py ?Page=30&Key=627&id=358&cat=3. 112-113 - James Bohn:
CyberQuilt: An ICMA CD-ROM Anthology CD-ROM (for Macintosh), 1999, ICMA CDR001; available from International Computer Music Association, 2040 Polk St., Suite 330, San Francisco, California 94109, USA; telephone (650) 493-9448; fax (650) 493-8045; electronic mail ICMA@email.sjsu.edu; World Wide Web music.dartmouth.edu/∼icma/. 113-114
Volume 24, Number 3, Fall 2000
- Osvaldo Budón:
Composing with Objects, Networks, and Time Scales: An Interview with Horacio Vaggione. 9-22
- Anders Friberg, Vittorio Colombo, Lars Frydén, Johan Sundberg:
Generating Musical Performances with Director Musices. 23-29 - Alfio Fazio:
The PRIE MIDI Environment. 30-33 - Andriy Biletskyy:
Doctor Webern: A Visual Environment for Computer-Assisted Composition Based on Linear Thematism. 34-37 - Netochka Nezvanova:
The Internet, A Musical Instrument in Perpetual Flux. 38-41 - Guillermo Pozzati:
Gen: A Lisp Music Environment. 42-47
- Thierry Delatour:
Molecular Music: The Acoustic Conversion of Molecular Vibrational Spectra. 48-68 - Frode Holm:
NAMM 2000, International Music Market. 69-70 - Marc Chemillier:
Fourth Annual Mathematical Diderot Forum: Mathematics and Music. 70-71 - Shlomo Dubnov:
Martin Russ: Sound Synthesis and Sampling. 71-74 - James Harley:
Marc Treib: Space Calculated in Seconds: The Philips Pavilion, Le Corbusier, Edgard Varèse. 74-76 - Daniel Hosken:
Howard W. Ferstler: The Digital Audio Music List: A Critical Guide to Listening. 76-79 - Douglas Geers:
Jennifer A. Lennon: Hypermedia Systems and Applications: World Wide Web and Beyond. 79-81 - Anna Sofie Christiansen:
Martin Supper: Elektroakustische Musik und Computermusik: Geschichte, Ästhetik, Methoden, Systeme. 81-84 - Bruce Quaglia:
Charles Madden: Fractals in Music: Introductory Mathematics for Musical Analysis. 84-86 - Osvaldo Budón:
Jorge Antunes: Musica Eletronica 70's I; Musica Eletronica 70's II; Musica Eletronica 90's I. 86-87 - Patricia L. Dirks:
Mary Lee Roberts: Six Compositions. 87-88 - Camille Goudeseune:
Jon Welstead and Yehuda Yannay: The Ghost in the Machine. 88-90 - Anna Rubin:
Ned Bouhalassa: Aérosol. 90-91 - Michael Gogins:
Michael Kallstrom: Stories. 91-92 - Holly Day:
Mnemonists: Horde. 92 - Michael Gogins:
John Oliver: Icicle Blue Avalanche. 92-93 - Thomas Licata:
James Dashow, Thomas DeLio, Wesley Fuller, and Shirish Korde: MUSIC/TEXT. 93-95 - Patricia L. Dirks:
Gary Berger, Michael Horowitz, Simon Jaunin, Martin Neukom, Kit Powell, Nicolas Sordet, Bruno Spoerri, and Harold Vasquez: Swiss Center for Computer Music. 95-96
Volume 24, Number 4, Winter 2000
- Joel Chadabe:
Remarks on Computer Music Culture. 9-11 - Kim Cascone:
The Aesthetics of Failure: "Post-Digital" Tendencies in Contemporary Computer Music. 12-18 - Emmanuelle Loubet:
Laptop Performers, Compact Disc Designers, and No-Beat Techno Artists in Japan: Music from Nowhere. 19-32
- David Evan Jones:
A Computational Composer's Assistant for Atonal Counterpoint. 33-43
- Roberto Bresin, Anders Friberg:
Emotional Coloring of Computer-Controlled Music Performances. 44-63 - Takebumi Itagaki:
The 108th Audio Engineering Society Convention. 64-65 - Colby Leider:
Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States National Conference 2000. 65-66 - James Harley:
Sound in Space 2000 Symposium. 66-69 - Kim Cascone:
Simon Reynolds: Generation Ecstasy: Into the World of Techno and Rave Culture. 69-70 - Michael Gogins:
Xopher Davidson: Antimatter. 71 - Michael Gogins:
Global Guaranty Orchestra: Weltmeister. 71-73 - Warren Burt:
Henry Gwiazda: noTnoTesnoTrhyThms. 73-74 - Laurie Radford:
SOUNDS! 74 - Michael Gogins:
Ricercare 1. 74-75 - Nico Schüler
Zack Browning: Breakpoint Screamer; Eun-Bae Kim: Sounds of Pusan. 75-76 - James Harley:
Howard Sandroff: Tephillah; Pierre Boulez: Dialogue de l'ombre double; Rami Levin: A New Leaf. 76-78 - Laurie Radford:
Gonzalo Biffarella: Mestizaje. 78-79 - James Harley:
Jan Boerman: The Complete Tape Music Dick Raaijmakers: The Complete Tape Music. 79-80 - Nico Schüler
David Cope: Virtual Mozart: Experiments in Musical Intelligence. 80-81 - Scott Spiegelberg:
Coda Music Technology Finale 2000. 81-83

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