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Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 57
Volume 57, Number 1, August 2009
- Wootae Jeong, Shimon Y. Nof:
Collaborative e-work networks in industrial engineering. 1-2 - Pablo A. Miranda
, Rodrigo A. Garrido, José A. Ceroni:
e-Work based collaborative optimization approach for strategic logistic network design problem. 3-13 - Jaehyun Kong, Jae-Yoon Jung, Jinwoo Park:
Event-driven service coordination for business process integration in ubiquitous enterprises. 14-26 - Ruinan Gong, Ke Ning, Qing Li, David O'Sullivan
, Yuliu Chen, Stefan Decker
Context modeling and measuring for proactive resource recommendation in business collaboration. 27-36 - Pilsung Choe
, Mark R. Lehto, Hyung Jun Park, Jan P. Allebach:
A query-based cross-language diagnosis tool for distributed decision making support. 37-45 - Luis M. Camarinha-Matos
, Hamideh Afsarmanesh
, Nathalíe Galeano
, Arturo Molina
Collaborative networked organizations - Concepts and practice in manufacturing enterprises. 46-60
- Wu-Lin Chen, Chin-Yin Huang
, Yin-Chieh Lai:
Multi-tier and multi-site collaborative production: Illustrated by a case example of TFT-LCD manufacturing. 61-72 - Yu Zhang, Musheng Yang:
A coordinate SPC model for assuring designated fit quality via quality-oriented statistical tolerancing. 73-79 - Jianzhi Li
, Hong-Chao Zhang
, Zhangxi Lin:
Asymmetric negotiation based collaborative product design for component reuse in disparate products. 80-90 - Vu Thi Hong Nhan, Keun Ho Ryu, Namkyu Park:
A method for predicting future location of mobile user for location-based services system. 91-105
- Wootae Jeong, Shimon Y. Nof:
A collaborative sensor network middleware for automated production systems. 106-113 - Yodyium Tipsuwan
, Suwatchai Kamonsantiroj, Jirat Srisabye, Prabhas Chongstitvattana:
An auction-based dynamic bandwidth allocation with sensitivity in a wireless networked control system. 114-124 - Changsoo Ok, Seokcheon Lee, Prasenjit Mitra, Soundar R. T. Kumara:
Distributed energy balanced routing for wireless sensor networks. 125-135
- Jirachai Buddhakulsomsiri
, Armen Zakarian:
Sequential pattern mining algorithm for automotive warranty data. 137-147 - Hande Sahin, Qianmei (May) Feng
A mathematical framework for sequential passenger and baggage screening to enhance aviation security. 148-155 - Jishen Jia, Shaomin Wu
A replacement policy for a repairable system with its repairman having multiple vacations. 156-160 - Avninder Gill:
Determining loading dock requirements in production-distribution facilities under uncertainty. 161-168 - Ranjan Kumar, Kazuhiro Izui
, Masataka Yoshimura, Shinji Nishiwaki:
Optimal multilevel redundancy allocation in series and series-parallel systems. 169-180 - Sova Pal, Manas Kumar Maiti
, Manoranjan Maiti:
An EPQ model with price discounted promotional demand in an imprecise planning horizon via Genetic Algorithm. 181-187 - Cristina Pomales-García
, Héctor J. Carlo, Tanya M. Ramos-Ortiz, Iza M. Figueroa-Santiago, Sharlyn Garcia-Ortiz:
Non-traditional exam seat arrangements. 188-195 - Scott E. Grasman:
Multiple item capacitated random yield systems. 196-200 - Mustafa S. Canbolat
, Michael von Massow:
Planar maximal covering with ellipses. 201-208 - X. D. Diao, Saixing Zeng, Vivian W. Y. Tam:
Development of an optimal trajectory model for spray painting on a free surface. 209-216 - Ugur Özcan
, Bilal Toklu:
Balancing of mixed-model two-sided assembly lines. 217-227 - Ying-Ming Wang:
Centroid defuzzification and the maximizing set and minimizing set ranking based on alpha level sets. 228-236 - Jami Kovach
, Byung Rae Cho:
A D-optimal design approach to constrained multiresponse robust design with prioritized mean and variance considerations. 237-245 - Arben Asllani
, Alireza Lari:
The effect of human pattern-recognition abilities in improving DSS performance. 246-252 - Francisco J. Arcelus, T. P. M. Pakkala, Gopalan Srinivasan:
A retailer's decision process when anticipating a vendor's temporary discount offer. 253-260 - Jason Chao-Hsien Pan, Ming-Hung Wu:
A study of storage assignment problem for an order picking line in a pick-and-pass warehousing system. 261-268 - Wojciech Bozejko
, Mieczyslaw Wodecki
Solving permutational routing problems by population-based metaheuristics. 269-276 - Benoît Laurent, Jin-Kao Hao
Iterated local search for the multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem. 277-286 - Manoochehr Ghiassi, Stanley Nangoy:
A dynamic artificial neural network model for forecasting nonlinear processes. 287-297 - Michael Jong Kim, Viliam Makis:
Optimal maintenance policy for a multi-state deteriorating system with two types of failures under general repair. 298-303 - Ruey-Huei Yeh, Kow-Chin Kao, Wen Liang Chang:
Optimal preventive maintenance policy for leased equipment using failure rate reduction. 304-309 - Lu Cheng, Zhongping Wan, Guangmin Wang:
Bilevel newsvendor models considering retailer with CVaR objective. 310-318 - Darwin J. Davis
, Hemant V. Kher, Bret J. Wagner:
Influence of workload imbalances on the need for worker flexibility. 319-329 - Ming-Lang Tseng
, Jui Hsiang Chiang, Lawrence W. Lan:
Selection of optimal supplier in supply chain management strategy with analytic network process and choquet integral. 330-340 - Mehdi Ghatee
, S. Mehdi Hashemi, Masoud Zarepisheh, Esmaile Khorram
Preemptive priority-based algorithms for fuzzy minimal cost flow problem: An application in hazardous materials transportation. 341-354 - François Geiskopf, Virginie Goepp
, François Kiefer, Emmanuel Caillaud
A problem driven approach to interface manufacturing strategy analysis and manufacturing system design. 355-367 - Yugang Yu, George Q. Huang, Liang Liang:
Stackelberg game-theoretic model for optimizing advertising, pricing and inventory policies in vendor managed inventory (VMI) production supply chains. 368-382 - Jing Hou, Amy Z. Zeng, Lindu Zhao:
Achieving better coordination through revenue sharing and bargaining in a two-stage supply chain. 383-394 - Gyunghyun Choi:
A goal programming mixed-model line balancing for processing time and physical workload. 395-400 - Shey-Huei Sheu, Shih-Hung Tai, Yu-Tai Hsieh, Tse-Chieh Lin:
Monitoring process mean and variability with generally weighted moving average control charts. 401-407 - Xueming He, Chenggang Li, Yujin Hu
, Rong Zhang, Simon X. Yang
, Gauri S. Mittal:
Automatic sequence of 3D point data for surface fitting using neural networks. 408-418 - Nicolas Fourty, David Guiraud, Philippe Fraisse, Guillaume Pérolle, Igone Etxeberria
, Thierry Val
Embedded system used for classifying motor activities of elderly and disabled people. 419-432 - Jau-Chuan Ke, Fu-Min Chang:
Modified vacation policy for M/G/1 retrial queue with balking and feedback. 433-443
Volume 57, Number 2, September 2009
- Ue-Pyng Wen, D. Daniel Sheu, Sheue-Ling Hwang, Der-Baau Perng:
Foreword. 445 - Kit-Nam Francis Leung
Two general forms of approximation for determining near optimal inspection intervals with non-zero inspection and replacement times in a deteriorating production system. 446-459 - Juite Wang
, Yung-I Lin:
An overlapping process model to assess schedule risk for new product development. 460-474 - Feng-Cheng Yang
, Yon-Chun Chou:
Superior/Inferior Segment-Discriminated Ant System for combinatorial optimization problems. 475-495 - Fuh-Hwa Franklin Liu, Cheng-Li Chen:
The worst-practice DEA model with slack-based measurement. 496-505 - Chaug-Ing Hsu, Hsien-Hung Shih, Wei-Che Wang:
Applying RFID to reduce delay in import cargo customs clearance process. 506-519 - Cheng Tzong-Ming, Tsung-Han Tu:
A fast parametric deformation mechanism for virtual reality applications. 520-538 - Yong Sun, Lin Ma, Joseph Mathew:
Failure analysis of engineering systems with preventive maintenance and failure interactions. 539-549 - Kenzo Kurihara, Yann-Liang Li, Nobuyuki Nishiuchi, Kazuaki Masuda:
Flow shop scheduling for separation model of set-up and net process based on Branch-and-Bound method. 550-562 - John W. K. Leung, Kenneth K. Kwong:
A structured approach to describing service for creating a delightful experience. 563-570 - Seungjeong Yang, Jongtae Rhee:
Study of the wireless/wire integration CRM Gateway for the effective application of Event CRM for small and medium sized enterprises. 571-579 - Ya-Li Lin, Ya-Wen Chen:
Effects of ad types, positions, animation lengths, and exposure times on the click-through rate of animated online advertisings. 580-591 - Kang-hung Yang, P. Simin Pulat, Yongpei Guan:
Embedded simulation on a multiprocessor job scheduling system with inspection. 592-607 - Allen H. Tai
, Wai-Ki Ching, Ling-Yau Chan:
Detection of machine failure: Hidden Markov Model approach. 608-619 - Li-Chih Wang, Sian-Kun Lin:
A multi-agent based agile manufacturing planning and control system. 620-640
Volume 57, Number 3, October 2009
- Felix T. S. Chan
, T. C. Wong
, L. Y. Chan:
An evolutionary algorithm for assembly job shop with part sharing. 641-651 - Hong-Fwu Yu, Wen-Ching Yu, Wen Ping Wu:
A mixed inspection policy for CSP-1 and precise inspection under inspection errors and return cost. 652-659 - Jin Young Choi, Sung-Seok Ko
Simulation-based two-phase genetic algorithm for the capacitated re-entrant line scheduling problem. 660-666 - Ling-Yau Chan, Shaomin Wu
Optimal design for inspection and maintenance policy based on the CCC chart. 667-676 - Fabio Giudice
, Mohamad Kassem
End-of-life impact reduction through analysis and redistribution of disassembly depth: A case study in electronic device redesign. 677-690 - L. Wang:
Integration of CAD and boundary element analysis through subdivision methods. 691-698 - Hsi-Mei Hsu, Tai-Sheng Su, Muh-Cherng Wu, Liang-Chuan Huang:
Multiple lot-sizing decisions with an interrupted geometric yield and variable production time. 699-706 - Huajun Tang
, T. C. E. Cheng
, C. T. Ng
Finite dominating sets for the multi-facility ordered median problem in networks and algorithmic applications. 707-712 - Jonathan F. Bard, Narameth Nananukul:
Heuristics for a multiperiod inventory routing problem with production decisions. 713-723 - Carlos Andrey Maia
, Mateus M. Gonçalves:
A methodology for short-term electric load forecasting based on specialized recursive digital filters. 724-731 - Osman Taylan
, Bahattin Karagözoglu:
An adaptive neuro-fuzzy model for prediction of student's academic performance. 732-741 - Jian Wu
, Bo-Liang Sun, Chang-yong Liang, Shanlin Yang:
A linear programming model for determining ordered weighted averaging operator weights with maximal Yager's entropy. 742-747 - Abhijit Datta Banik
Queueing analysis and optimal control of BMAP/G(a, b)/1/N and BMAP/MSP(a, b)/1/N systems. 748-761 - Dar-Li Yang
, Wen-Hung Kuo:
A single-machine scheduling problem with learning effects in intermittent batch production. 762-765 - Zhiqiang Xie, Shuzhen Hao, Guangjie Ye, Guangyu Tan:
A new algorithm for complex product flexible scheduling with constraint between jobs. 766-772 - A. Thangam, R. Uthayakumar
Two-echelon trade credit financing for perishable items in a supply chain when demand depends on both selling price and credit period. 773-786 - Bin Qian
, Ling Wang, Rong Hu, D. X. Huang, X. Wang:
A DE-based approach to no-wait flow-shop scheduling. 787-805 - Chung-Ho Wang
, Yi Hsu:
Enhancing rubber component reliability by response model. 806-812 - Eli A. V. Toso
, Reinaldo Morabito
, Alistair R. Clark:
Lot sizing and sequencing optimisation at an animal-feed plant. 813-821 - Tauseef Aized:
Modelling and performance maximization of an integrated automated guided vehicle system using coloured Petri net and response surface methods. 822-831 - L. C. Lin:
An integrated framework for the development of radio frequency identification technology in the logistics and supply chain management. 832-842 - Li Sun:
Single-machine scheduling problems with deteriorating jobs and learning effects. 843-846 - Gunther Steenackers, F. Presezniak, Patrick Guillaume
Development of an adaptive response surface method for optimization of computation-intensive models. 847-855 - Sheng-Yuan Hsu, C.-H. Liu:
Improving the delivery efficiency of the customer order scheduling problem in a job shop. 856-866 - Wen-Jinn Chen:
Scheduling with dependent setups and maintenance in a textile company. 867-873 - Sheng Liu, Yushun Fan, Huiping Lin:
Dwelling time probability density distribution of instances in a workflow model. 874-879 - Bikram K. Bahinipati, Arun Kanda, S. G. Deshmukh
Horizontal collaboration in semiconductor manufacturing industry supply chain: An evaluation of collaboration intensity index. 880-895 - Gino J. Lim, J. Reese, A. Holder:
Fast and robust techniques for the euclidean p-median problem with uniform weights. 896-905 - Elif Kiliç Delice
, Zülal Güngör:
A new mixed integer linear programming model for product development using quality function deployment. 906-912 - Jung-Fa Tsai, Ping-Lun Hsieh, Yao-Huei Huang:
An optimization algorithm for cutting stock problems in the TFT-LCD industry. 913-919 - Liang-Yuh Ouyang
, Chia-Huei Ho, Chia-Hsien Su:
An optimization approach for joint pricing and ordering problem in an integrated inventory system with order-size dependent trade credit. 920-930 - Toly Chen
Enhancing the yield competitiveness of a semiconductor fabrication factory with dynamic capacity re-allocation. 931-936 - Kenneth A. Marentette, Alan W. Johnson, Lisa Mills:
A measure of cross-training benefit versus job skill specialization. 937-940 - Chao Zhang, Ruiqing Zhao, Wansheng Tang
Optimal run lengths in deteriorating production processes in random fuzzy environments. 941-948 - F. Jabbarizadeh, Mostafa Zandieh
, Davoud Talebi:
Hybrid flexible flowshops with sequence-dependent setup times and machine availability constraints. 949-957 - Douglas L. McWilliams:
A dynamic load-balancing scheme for the parcel hub-scheduling problem. 958-962 - Natasa Vujica Herzog, Stefano Tonchia, Andrej Polajnar:
Linkages between manufacturing strategy, benchmarking, performance measurement and business process reengineering. 963-975 - Alexander Grigoriev
, Nadejda V. Grigorieva:
The valve location problem: Minimizing environmental damage of a spill in long oil pipelines. 976-982 - T. C. Wong
, Felix T. S. Chan
, L. Y. Chan:
A resource-constrained assembly job shop scheduling problem with Lot Streaming technique. 983-995 - Hemalatha Sathyanarayanamurthy, Ratna Babu Chinnam
Metamodels for variable importance decomposition with applications to probabilistic engineering design. 996-1007 - Suely Oliveira, J. F. Ferreira Ribeiro
, S. C. Seok:
A spectral clustering algorithm for manufacturing cell formation. 1008-1014 - Paria Soleimani, Rassoul Noorossana, Amirhossein Amiri
Simple linear profiles monitoring in the presence of within profile autocorrelation. 1015-1021 - Naoufel Cheikhrouhou
, Christoph Hachen, Rémy Glardon:
A Markovian model for the hybrid manufacturing planning and control method 'Double Speed Single Production Line'. 1022-1032 - Shian-Jong Chuu:
Selecting the advanced manufacturing technology using fuzzy multiple attributes group decision making with multiple fuzzy information. 1033-1042 - Cevdet Göloglu, Metin Zeyveli
A genetic approach to automate preliminary design of gear drives. 1043-1051 - Chunlin Li, Layuan Li:
A system-centric scheduling policy for optimizing objectives of application and resource in grid computing. 1052-1061 - Changkyu Park, Junyong Seo:
Mathematical modeling and solving procedure of the planar storage location assignment problem. 1062-1071 - Ming-Hung Shu, Hsien-Chung Wu
Quality-based supplier selection and evaluation using fuzzy data. 1072-1079 - Chung-Ho Chen, Michael B. C. Khoo
Optimum process mean and manufacturing quantity settings for serial production system under the quality loss and rectifying inspection plan. 1080-1088 - Ling Yang, Yuh-Rau Wang, Suzanne Pai:
On-line SPC with consideration of learning curve. 1089-1095 - Jitendra Kumar Jha
, Kripa Shanker:
Two-echelon supply chain inventory model with controllable lead time and service level constraint. 1096-1104 - Leopoldo Eduardo Cárdenas-Barrón
Economic production quantity with rework process at a single-stage manufacturing system with planned backorders. 1105-1113 - Ji-Bo Wang, Li-Li Liu:
Two-machine flow shop problem with effects of deterioration and learning. 1114-1121 - P. C. Jha, Deepali Gupta, Bo Yang
, P. K. Kapur
Optimal testing resource allocation during module testing considering cost, testing effort and reliability. 1122-1130 - Gaby Pinto, Inessa Ainbinder, Gad Rabinowitz
A genetic algorithm-based approach for solving the resource-sharing and scheduling problem. 1131-1143 - Jingfa Liu, Shengjun Xue, Zhaoxia Liu, Danhua Xu:
An improved energy landscape paving algorithm for the problem of packing circles into a larger containing circle. 1144-1149
- Sang-Oh Shim:
Generating subproblems in branch and bound algorithms for parallel machines scheduling problem. 1150-1153
- Ali Azadeh, B. Beydokhti, S. M. R. Sakkaki:
Erratum to "Design of practical optimum JIT systems by integration of computer simulation and analysis of variance" [Computers & Industrial Engineering Volume (49/4) 504-519]. 1154
Volume 57, Number 4, November 2009
- Din-Horng Yeh, Hsiu-Hsueh Kao:
A new bidirectional heuristic for the assembly line balancing problem. 1155-1160 - Der-Chiang Li
, Chun-Wu Yeh, Che-Jung Chang
An improved grey-based approach for early manufacturing data forecasting. 1161-1167 - Hesuan Hu, Zhiwu Li:
Local and global deadlock prevention policies for resource allocation systems using partially generated reachability graphs. 1168-1181 - Yu-Hsiang Chung
, Han-Chu Liu, Chin-Chia Wu
, Wen-Chiung Lee:
A deteriorating jobs problem with quadratic function of job lateness. 1182-1186 - Zaiwu Gong, Lian-Shui Li, Fei-Xue Zhou, Tianxiang Yao:
Goal programming approaches to obtain the priority vectors from the intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations. 1187-1193 - Mansour A. Aldajani, Hesham K. Alfares
Location of banking automatic teller machines based on convolution. 1194-1201 - Erwin Pesch, Malgorzata Sterna
Late work minimization in flow shops by a genetic algorithm. 1202-1209 - Victor B. Kreng, Hsi Tse Wang:
The interaction of the market competition between LCD TV and PDP TV. 1210-1217 - Yunus Ege, Meral Azizoglu
, Nur Evin Özdemirel:
Assembly line balancing with station paralleling. 1218-1225 - Abolfazl Vaghefi, Vahid Sarhangian:
Contribution of simulation to the optimization of inspection plans for multi-stage manufacturing systems. 1226-1234 - Liang Ma
, Wei Zhang, Damien Chablat
, Fouad Bennis, François Guillaume:
Multi-objective optimisation method for posture prediction and analysis with consideration of fatigue effect and its application case. 1235-1246 - Seyed Mahdi Homayouni
, Sai Hong Tang, Napsiah Ismail
Development of genetic fuzzy logic controllers for complex production systems. 1247-1257 - B. Naderi, Mostafa Zandieh
, M. A. H. A. Shirazi:
Modeling and scheduling a case of flexible flowshops: Total weighted tardiness minimization. 1258-1267 - Wansheng Tang
, Xiaozhong Li, Ruiqing Zhao:
Metric spaces of fuzzy variables. 1268-1273 - Yung-Chia Chang
, Kuei-Hu Chang
, Cheng-Shih Liaw:
Innovative reliability allocation using the maximal entropy ordered weighted averaging method. 1274-1281 - Jafar Razmi
, Hamed Rafiei, Mahdi Hashemi:
Designing a decision support system to evaluate and select suppliers using fuzzy analytic network process. 1282-1290 - Iván Atencia, Inmaculada Fortes
, Sixto Sánchez
A discrete-time retrial queueing system with starting failures, Bernoulli feedback and general retrial times. 1291-1299 - Jianbo Yu
, Shijin Wang:
Using Minimum Quantization Error chart for the monitoring of process states in multivariate manufacturing processes. 1300-1312 - Esengul Tayfur, Kevin M. Taaffe:
A model for allocating resources during hospital evacuations. 1313-1323 - Arindam Roy
, Sova Pal, Manas Kumar Maiti
A production inventory model with stock dependent demand incorporating learning and inflationary effect in a random planning horizon: A fuzzy genetic algorithm with varying population size approach. 1324-1335 - Bibhas Chandra Giri
, Tadashi Dohi
Cost-effective ordering policies for inventory systems with emergency order. 1336-1341 - Sandra Duni Eksioglu
, Ambarish M. Acharya, Liam E. Leightley, Sumesh Arora:
Analyzing the design and management of biomass-to-biorefinery supply chain. 1342-1352 - Hannu Ahonen, Arlindo Gomes de Alvarenga, Attilio Provedel:
Selection and scheduling in a virtual organisation environment with a service broker. 1353-1362 - Yeh-Chun Juan, Chao Ou-Yang, Jiun-Shiung Lin:
A process-oriented multi-agent system development approach to support the cooperation-activities of concurrent new product development. 1363-1376 - Sang C. Park, Minho Chang:
Reverse engineering with a structured light system. 1377-1384 - Yiyo Kuo, Chi-Chang Wang, Pei-Ying Chuang:
Optimizing goods assignment and the vehicle routing problem with time-dependent travel speeds. 1385-1392 - Ming-Lang Tseng
, Louie Divinagracia
, Rochelle Divinagracia
Evaluating firm's sustainable production indicators in uncertainty. 1393-1403 - Won Seok Yang, Dae Eun Lim, Kyung C. Chae:
Maintenance of deteriorating single server queues with random shocks. 1404-1406 - Tien-Fu Liang:
Fuzzy multi-objective project management decisions using two-phase fuzzy goal programming approach. 1407-1416 - Amy H. I. Lee, Hsing-Jen Chang, Chun-Yu Lin:
An evaluation model of buyer-supplier relationships in high-tech industry - The case of an electronic components manufacturer in Taiwan. 1417-1430 - Jun Li, Xianzhong Dai, Zhengda Meng, Jianping Dou, Xianping Guan:
Rapid design and reconfiguration of Petri net models for reconfigurable manufacturing cells with improved net rewriting systems and activity diagrams. 1431-1451 - Ji-Bo Wang:
Single-machine scheduling with learning effect and deteriorating jobs. 1452-1456
- Lian Ding, Jason Matthews
A contemporary study into the application of neural network techniques employed to automate CAD/CAM integration for die manufacture. 1457-1471 - Burak Eksioglu
, Arif Volkan Vural, Arnold Reisman:
The vehicle routing problem: A taxonomic review. 1472-1483
- Chiung Moon, Young Hae Lee, Chanseok Jeong, YoungSu Yun:
Corrigendum to "Integrated process planning and scheduling in a manufacturing supply chain" [Computers & Industrial Engineering 54 (4) (2008) 1048-1061]. 1484

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