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AI & Society, Volume 35
Volume 35, Number 1, March 2020
- Karamjit S. Gill:
Dance of the artificial alignment and ethics. 1-4 - Salim Chujfi, Christoph Meinel:
Matching cognitively sympathetic individual styles to develop collective intelligence in digital communities. 5-15 - Ron Sun:
Potential of full human-machine symbiosis through truly intelligent cognitive systems. 17-28 - Petr Spelda:
Machine learning, inductive reasoning, and reliability of generalisations. 29-37 - Nicola Liberati:
The Borg-eye and the We-I. The production of a collective living body through wearable computers. 39-49 - Kaira Sekiguchi, Koichi Hori:
Organic and dynamic tool for use with knowledge base of AI ethics for promoting engineers' practice of ethical AI design. 51-71 - Alberto Romele, Marta Severo, Paolo Furia:
Digital hermeneutics: from interpreting with machines to interpretational machines. 73-86 - John Brumley, Charles E. Taylor, Reiji Suzuki, Takashi Ikegami, Victoria Vesna, Hiroo Iwata:
Bird Song Diamond in Deep Space 8k. 87-101 - Rajakishore Nath, Vineet Sahu:
The problem of machine ethics in artificial intelligence. 103-111 - Subhajit Basu, Adekemi Omotubora, Matt Beeson, Charles Fox:
Legal framework for small autonomous agricultural robots. 113-134 - Stephen J. DeCanio:
AI recognition of differences among book-length texts. 135-146 - Alexey Turchin, David Denkenberger:
Classification of global catastrophic risks connected with artificial intelligence. 147-163 - Seth D. Baum:
Social choice ethics in artificial intelligence. 165-176 - Jeffrey Benjamin White:
The role of robotics and AI in technologically mediated human evolution: a constructive proposal. 177-185 - Ulas Basar Gezgin:
An invitation to critical social science of big data: from critical theory and critical research to omniresistance. 187-195 - Kieron O'Hara:
The contradictions of digital modernity. 197-208 - John-Stewart Gordon:
What do we owe to intelligent robots? 209-223 - Gunter Meissner:
Artificial intelligence: consciousness and conscience. 225-235 - Jesper Aagaard:
Digital akrasia: a qualitative study of phubbing. 237-244 - William Liu, Farhaan Mirza, Ajit Narayanan, Seng Souligna:
Is it possible to cure Internet addiction with the Internet? 245-255 - Louis Armand:
The posthuman: AI, dronology, and "becoming alien". 257-262 - William A. Bauer:
Virtuous vs. utilitarian artificial moral agents. 263-271 - Steven Umbrello, Phil Torres, Angelo F. De Bellis:
The future of war: could lethal autonomous weapons make conflict more ethical? 273-282 - Melvin Chen:
Imagination machines, Dartmouth-based Turing tests, & a potted history of responses. 283-287
Volume 35, Number 2, June 2020
- Karamjit S. Gill:
AI&Society: editorial volume 35.2: the trappings of AI Agency. 289-296 - Wulf Loh, Catrin Misselhorn:
Augmented learning, smart glasses and knowing how. 297-308 - Manuel Carabantes:
Black-box artificial intelligence: an epistemological and critical analysis. 309-317 - Patrick Bradley:
Risk management standards and the active management of malicious intent in artificial superintelligence. 319-328 - Nicolas Spatola, Karolina Urbanska:
God-like robots: the semantic overlap between representation of divine and artificial entities. 329-341 - Tyler L. Jaynes:
Legal personhood for artificial intelligence: citizenship as the exception to the rule. 343-354 - Thilo Hagendorff, Katharina Wezel:
15 challenges for AI: or what AI (currently) can't do. 355-365 - Wim Naudé, Nicola Dimitri:
The race for an artificial general intelligence: implications for public policy. 367-379 - Tatsuya Nomura, Takayuki Kanda, Tomohiro Suzuki, Sachie Yamada:
Do people with social anxiety feel anxious about interacting with a robot? 381-390 - Scott Robbins:
AI and the path to envelopment: knowledge as a first step towards the responsible regulation and use of AI-powered machines. 391-400 - Anant Chandra, Satyajit Ghosh:
Smart Sankey picturization for energy management systems in India. 401-407 - Haytham Nawar:
Collective bread diaries: cultural identities in an artificial intelligence framework. 409-416 - Badrudin Amershi:
Culture, the process of knowledge, perception of the world and emergence of AI. 417-430 - Simona Chiodo:
The greatest epistemological externalisation: reflecting on the puzzling direction we are heading to through algorithmic automatisation. 431-440 - Rodrigo González:
Classical AI linguistic understanding and the insoluble Cartesian problem. 441-450 - Marislei Nishijima, Nathalia Nieuwenhoff, Ricardo Pires, Patrícia R. Oliveira:
Movie films consumption in Brazil: an analysis of support vector machine classification. 451-457 - Iqbal H. Sarker, A. S. M. Kayes, Md. Hasan Furhad, Mohammad Mainul Islam, Md. Shohidul Islam:
E-MIIM: an ensemble-learning-based context-aware mobile telephony model for intelligent interruption management. 459-467 - Abolfazl Zare, Mohammad Reza Motadel, Aliakbar Jalali:
Presenting a hybrid model in social networks recommendation system architecture development. 469-483 - Jakub Zlotowski, Ashraf Khalil, Salam Abdallah:
One robot doesn't fit all: aligning social robot appearance and job suitability from a Middle Eastern perspective. 485-500 - Jean-louis Kraus:
Can artificial intelligency revolutionize drug discovery? 501-504 - Robert James M. Boyles, Jeremiah Joven Joaquin:
Why friendly AIs won't be that friendly: a friendly reply to Muehlhauser and Bostrom. 505-507
Volume 35, Number 3, September 2020
- Karamjit S. Gill:
Prediction paradigm: the human price of instrumentalism. 509-517 - Tore Pedersen, Christian Johansen:
Behavioural artificial intelligence: an agenda for systematic empirical studies of artificial inference. 519-532 - Paul Hayes, Ibo van de Poel, Marc Steen:
Algorithms and values in justice and security. 533-555 - Mark Coeckelbergh:
Technoperformances: using metaphors from the performance arts for a postphenomenology and posthermeneutics of technology use. 557-568 - Rachel Adams:
Helen A'Loy and other tales of female automata: a gendered reading of the narratives of hopes and fears of intelligent machines and artificial intelligence. 569-579 - Miri Weiss-Cohen, Daniele Regazzoni:
Hand rehabilitation assessment system using leap motion controller. 581-594 - Ron Eglash, Lionel Robert, Audrey Bennett, Kwame Porter Robinson, Michael Lachney, William Babbitt:
Automation for the artisanal economy: enhancing the economic and environmental sustainability of crafting professions with human-machine collaboration. 595-609 - Theo B. Araujo, Natali Helberger, Sanne Kruikemeier, Claes H. de Vreese:
In AI we trust? Perceptions about automated decision-making by artificial intelligence. 611-623 - Martin Cunneen, Martin Mullins, Finbarr Murphy:
Artificial intelligence assistants and risk: framing a connectivity risk narrative. 625-634 - Christian Hugo Hoffmann, Benjamin Hahn:
Decentered ethics in the machine era and guidance for AI regulation. 635-644 - Nello Cristianini, Teresa Scantamburlo:
On social machines for algorithmic regulation. 645-662 - Hugo Neri, Fábio Gagliardi Cozman:
The role of experts in the public perception of risk of artificial intelligence. 663-673 - Naska Goagoses, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Tariq Zaman:
Community protocols for researchers: using sketches to communicate interaction guidelines. 675-687 - Sreelekha S, Pushpak Bhattacharyya:
Indowordnet's help in Indian language machine translation. 689-698 - Dina I. Spicheva, Ekaterina V. Polyanskaya:
Culture codes of scientific concepts in global scientific online discourse. 699-714 - Petr Polák, Christof Nelischer, Haochen Guo, David C. Robertson:
"Intelligent" finance and treasury management: what we can expect. 715-726 - Nathaniel Ming Curran, Jingyi Sun, Joo-Wha Hong:
Anthropomorphizing AlphaGo: a content analysis of the framing of Google DeepMind's AlphaGo in the Chinese and American press. 727-735 - Tolga Yalur:
Interperforming in AI: question of 'natural' in machine learning and recurrent neural networks. 737-745 - Jocelyn Maclure:
The new AI spring: a deflationary view. 747-750 - Tatsuya Nomura:
A possibility of inappropriate use of gender studies in human-robot Interaction. 751-754 - Konrad Szocik, Bartlomiej Tkacz, Patryk Gulczynski:
The revelation of superintelligence. 755-758 - Björn Lundgren:
How software developers can fix part of GDPR's problem of click-through consents. 759-760 - Wim Naudé:
Artificial intelligence vs COVID-19: limitations, constraints and pitfalls. 761-765 - Karamjit S. Gill:
Pearl, Judea and Mackenzie, Dana: The book of why: the new science of cause and effect (2018). 767-768 - Karamjit S. Gill:
Smith, Brian Cantwell (2019). The Promise of Artificial Intelligence: Reckoning and Judgment. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. ISBN 9780262043045. 769-770 - Bárbara Jennifer Paz:
Kai-Fu-Lee (2019): AI Superpowers - China, Silicon Valley and the New World Order. 771-772 - Richard Ennals:
Sabanci University launches Industrial PhD programme in Action Research. 773 - Tolga Yalur:
Correction to: Interperforming in AI: question of 'natural' in machine learning and recurrent neural networks. 775
Volume 35, Number 4, December 2020
- Karamjit S. Gill:
Strange affair of man with the machine. 777-782 - Karamjit S. Gill:
Ethics of engagement. 783-793 - Patrick Gamez, Daniel B. Shank, Carson Arnold, Mallory North:
Artificial virtue: the machine question and perceptions of moral character in artificial moral agents. 795-809 - Aaro Tupasela, Ezio Di Nucci:
Concordance as evidence in the Watson for Oncology decision-support system. 811-818 - Eric Neufeld, Sonje Finnestad:
In defense of the Turing test. 819-827 - Bernard Arogyaswamy:
Big tech and societal sustainability: an ethical framework. 829-840 - Mihai Nadin:
Aiming AI at a moving target: health (or disease). 841-849 - Jean-louis Kraus:
Artificial intelligence applied to the production of high-added-value dinoflagellates toxins. 851-855 - Neil McBride:
Developing socially inspired robotics through the application of human analogy: capabilities and social practice. 857-868 - Karolina Zawieska:
Disengagement with ethics in robotics as a tacit form of dehumanisation. 869-883 - Daniel W. Tigard, Niël H. Conradie, Saskia K. Nagel:
Socially responsive technologies: toward a co-developmental path. 885-893 - Giuseppe D'Acquisto:
On conflicts between ethical and logical principles in artificial intelligence. 895-900 - François Kammerer:
Self-building technologies. 901-915 - Karl de Fine Licht, Jenny de Fine Licht:
Artificial intelligence, transparency, and public decision-making. 917-926 - Leila Ouchchy, Allen Coin, Veljko Dubljevic:
AI in the headlines: the portrayal of the ethical issues of artificial intelligence in the media. 927-936 - Cheng-Hung Tsai:
Artificial wisdom: a philosophical framework. 937-944 - Beth Singler:
"Blessed by the algorithm": Theistic conceptions of artificial intelligence in online discourse. 945-955 - Silvia Milano, Mariarosaria Taddeo, Luciano Floridi:
Recommender systems and their ethical challenges. 957-967 - Rodolfo Leyva, Charlie Beckett:
Testing and unpacking the effects of digital fake news: on presidential candidate evaluations and voter support. 969-980 - Omar Mubin, Massimiliano Lorenzo Cappuccio, Fady Alnajjar, Muneeb Imtiaz Ahmad, Suleman Shahid:
Can a robot invigilator prevent cheating? 981-989 - Berman Chan:
The rise of artificial intelligence and the crisis of moral passivity. 991-993 - Erez Firt:
The missing G. 995-1007 - Roberto Musa Giuliano:
Echoes of myth and magic in the language of Artificial Intelligence. 1009-1024 - Danila Bertasio:
The old doom of a new technology. 1025-1031 - Darja Vrscaj, Sven Nyholm, Geert P. J. Verbong:
Is tomorrow's car appealing today? Ethical issues and user attitudes beyond automation. 1033-1046 - Serkan Erebak, Tülay Turgut:
The mediator role of robot anxiety on the relationship between social anxiety and the attitude toward interaction with robots. 1047-1053 - Sourya Joyee De, Abdessamad Imine:
Consent for targeted advertising: the case of Facebook. 1055-1064 - Ettore Settanni:
Those who do not move, do not notice their (supply) chains - inconvenient lessons from disruptions related to COVID-19. 1065-1071 - Jeff Malpas:
The necessity of judgment. 1073-1074 - Richard Ennals:
A strategic health initiative: context for Coronavirus. 1075-1076 - Helen Smith:
Algorithmic bias: should students pay the price? 1077-1078 - Yvonne Förster:
Francesca Ferrando (2019): Philosophical Posthumanism. Theory in the New Humanities, Series Editor: Rosi Braidotti, Preface by Rosi Braidotti). Bloomsbury Academic (27 June, 2019), Hardcover, 296 pages, ISBN-10: 1350059501, ISBN-13: 978-1350059504. 1079-1081
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