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8th WEBIST 2012: Porto, Portugal
- Karl-Heinz Krempels, José Cordeiro:
WEBIST 2012 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Porto, Portugal, 18 - 21 April, 2012. SciTePress 2012, ISBN 978-989-8565-08-2
Invited Speakers
Keynote Lectures
- David De Roure:
Research on the Web - The Rise of New Digital Scholarship. WEBIST 2012: IS-5 - Jeff Z. Pan:
Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering. WEBIST 2012: IS-7
Internet Technology
Full Papers
- Panagiotis Antonellis, Christos Makris, Georgios Pispirigos:
Parallelized Structural and Value XML Filtering on Multicore Processors. WEBIST 2012: 5-12 - Alexander Zibula, Tim A. Majchrzak:
Developing a Cross-platform Mobile Smart Meter Application using HTML5, jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap. WEBIST 2012: 13-23 - Alexandre Parra Carneiro da Silva, Celso Massaki Hirata:
Requirements Elicitation Method for Designing Virtual Collaborative Systems with Collaborative Sensemaking. WEBIST 2012: 24-35 - Paul G. Talaga, Steve J. Chapin:
Exploring Non-typical Memcache Architectures for Decreased Latency and Distributed Network Usage. WEBIST 2012: 36-46 - Sami Bhiri, Wassim Derguech, Maciej Zaremba:
Web Service Capability Meta Model. WEBIST 2012: 47-57 - Guglielmo De Angelis, Antonia Bertolino, Andrea Polini:
Validation and Verification Policies for Governance of Service Choreographies. WEBIST 2012: 58-70
Short Papers
- Hagen Höpfner, Andreas Thenn, Maximilian Schirmer:
Temporal Aspects-based Replacement in Media Object Caches. WEBIST 2012: 73-82 - Pédro Bispo dos Santos, Leandro Krug Wives, José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira:
An Improved Approach for Measuring Similarity among Semantic Web Services. WEBIST 2012: 83-88 - Mohammed Al-Badawi:
A Compressed Data Model for a Bitmapped XML Structure. WEBIST 2012: 89-95 - Yi Wang, Zhoujun Li, Tao Guo, Zhiwei Shi:
FSMesh - Flexibly Securing Mashups by User Defined DOM Environment. WEBIST 2012: 96-102 - Cristina Nemes, Marius Podean, Lucia Rusu:
XRX - The Implementation Process under XRX Architecture. WEBIST 2012: 103-109 - Shahab Mokarizadeh, Peep Küngas, Mihhail Matskin:
Using Semantic Annotations of Web Services for Analyzing Information Diffusion in the Deep Web . WEBIST 2012: 110-115 - Yoshiyuki Uratani, Hiroshi Koide, Dirceu Cavendish, Yuji Oie:
Distributed XML Processing over Various Topologies - Pipeline and Parallel Processing Characterization. WEBIST 2012: 116-122 - Evgenia Litvinova, Markku Laine, Petri Vuorimaa:
XIDE: Expanding End-user Web Development. WEBIST 2012: 123-128 - Fotis Aisopos, Magdalini Kardara, Philipp Senger, Roman Klinger, Athanasios Papaoikonomou, Konstantinos Tserpes, Michael Gardner, Theodora A. Varvarigou:
E-Government and Policy Simulation in Intelligent Virtual Environments. WEBIST 2012: 129-135 - Diana Allam, Rémi Douence, Hervé Grall, Jean-Claude Royer, Mario Südholt:
A Message-passing Model for Service Oriented Computing. WEBIST 2012: 136-142 - Cesare Bartolini, Antonia Bertolino, Andrea Ciancone, Guglielmo De Angelis, Raffaela Mirandola:
Quality Requirements for Service Choreographies. WEBIST 2012: 143-148 - Kaïs Khrouf, Maha Azabou, Jamel Feki, Chantal Soulé-Dupuy:
Towards a Multi-user Document Warehouse. WEBIST 2012: 149-154 - Antonia Bertolino, Said Daoudagh, Francesca Lonetti, Eda Marchetti:
The X-CREATE Framework - A Comparison of XACML Policy Testing Strategies. WEBIST 2012: 155-160 - Meriam Jemel, Nadia Ben Azzouna, Khaled Ghédira:
Towards a Scalable and Dynamic Access Control System for Web Services. WEBIST 2012: 161-166 - Esmiralda Moradian, Anne Håkansson:
Ontology Design and Mapping for Building Secure e-Commerce Software. WEBIST 2012: 167-173 - Sebastian Käbisch, Richard Kuntschke, Jörg Heuer, Harald Kosch:
Efficient Filtering of Binary XML in Resource Restricted Embedded Networks. WEBIST 2012: 174-182 - Adetunji B. Adebiyi, Johnnes Arreymbi, Chris Imafidon:
Evaluating Security in Software Design using Neural Network. WEBIST 2012: 183-188 - Arto Salminen:
Mashups in Web 3.0. WEBIST 2012: 189-194 - Tom Hänel, Marco Pospiech, Carsten Felden:
Web based Integration of MES and Operational BI. WEBIST 2012: 195-200 - Giuseppe Ciaccio, Marina Ribaudo:
Open Data for the Masses - Unleashing Personal Data into the Wild. WEBIST 2012: 201-206 - Stelios Xinogalos, Theodore H. Kaskalis:
The Challenges of Teaching Web Programming - Literature Review and Proposed Guidelines. WEBIST 2012: 207-212 - Georgia M. Kapitsaki:
Enhancing Web Service Descriptions with Context Functions. WEBIST 2012: 213-218 - Damires Souza, Bernadette Farias Lóscio, Ana Carolina Salgado:
Combining Semantic Information and Information Quality on the Enrichment of Web Data Integration Systems . WEBIST 2012: 219-224 - Antigoni Polychroniadou, Konstantinos Chalkias, George Stephanides:
A Compatible Implementation between Identity-based and Certificateless Encryption Schemes. WEBIST 2012: 225-230
- Márlon A. C. Teixeira, Rodrigo Sanches Miani, Gean Davis Breda, Bruno Bogaz Zarpelão, Leonardo de Souza Mendes:
New Approaches for XML Data Compression. WEBIST 2012: 233-237 - António Esteves, António Pina:
A WCS-based Approach to Integrate Satellite Imagery Data in Wildfire Simulation. WEBIST 2012: 238-241 - Vinicius Pereira, Antônio Francisco do Prado:
Providing Facilities for the Use of TDD in Practice. WEBIST 2012: 242-245 - Marcos Palacios, Laura Moreno, María José Escalona, Mercedes Ruiz:
Evaluating the Service Level Agreements of NDT under WS-Agreement - An Empirical Analysis. WEBIST 2012: 246-250 - Andreea Salinca, Sorin Mircea Rusu, Stefan Diaconescu:
An Approach to Data Collection in an Online Signature Verification System. WEBIST 2012: 251-254 - Antonio Tapiador, Víctor Sánchez, Joaquín Salvachúa:
An Analysis of Social Network Connect Services. WEBIST 2012: 255-258 - Rim Zghal Rebaï, Corinne Amel Zayani, Ikram Amous, Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou:
MEDI-ADAPT - A Distributed Architecture for Personalized Access to Heterogeneous Semi-structured Data. WEBIST 2012: 259-263 - Donato Barbagallo, Cinzia Cappiello, Alberto Coen-Porisini, Pietro Colombo, Marco Comerio, Flavio De Paoli, Chiara Francalanci, Sabrina Sicari:
Towards the Definition of a Framework for Service Development in the Agrofood Domain - A Conceptual Model. WEBIST 2012: 264-267 - Marc Jansen:
Getting Serious about Providing Mobile Web Service. WEBIST 2012: 268-271 - Themistoklis Mavridis, Andreas L. Symeonidis:
Identifying Webpage Semantics for Search Engine Optimization. WEBIST 2012: 272-275 - Liliana Enciso Quispe, Luis Mengual Galan:
Analysis of QoS Parameter in AODV a DSR in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. WEBIST 2012: 276-279 - Andreas Kamilaris, Andreas Pitsillides:
Using DNS for Global Discovery of Environmental Services. WEBIST 2012: 280-284
Web Interfaces and Applications
Full Papers
- Ari Pirkola:
Topic-specific Web Searching based on a Real-text Dictionary. WEBIST 2012: 289-298 - Henning Heitkötter, Sebastian Hanschke, Tim A. Majchrzak:
Comparing Cross-platform Development Approaches for Mobile Applications. WEBIST 2012: 299-311 - Christopher M. Badger, Louise E. Moser, P. Michael Melliar-Smith, Isai Michel Lombera, Yung-Ting Chuang:
Declustering the iTrust Search and Retrieval Network to Increase Trustworthiness. WEBIST 2012: 312-322 - Anwar Alhenshiri, Michael A. Shepherd, Carolyn R. Watters, Jack Duffy:
Web Information Gathering Tasks and the user Search Behaviour. WEBIST 2012: 323-331 - Dinh-Quyen Nguyen, Heidrun Schumann:
PhotoTima: Visual Exploration of Photos with Spatiotemporal References. WEBIST 2012: 332-341 - Liliana Ardissono, Giovanna Petrone, Gianluca Torta, Marino Segnan:
Mixed-initiative Scheduling of Tasks in user Collaboration. WEBIST 2012: 342-351
Short Papers
- Andrea Horch, Maximilien Kintz:
GeCCO: German Crafts & Craftsmen Ontology - A Common Crafts Ontology. WEBIST 2012: 355-360 - Llúcia Masip, Marta Oliva, Roberto García, Toni Granollers:
Towards Usability Improvement of Semantic Web Applications. WEBIST 2012: 361-366 - Pia Tukkinen, Mikko Pohja, Katarina Segerståhl, Suvi Silfverberg, Petri Vuorimaa:
Supporting News Reading and Discovery through Directed Onsite Information Sharing. WEBIST 2012: 367-373 - Carmen Moraga, Angélica Caro, María Ángeles Moraga, Rodrigo Romo Muñoz, Coral Calero:
Defining the Intrinsic Data Quality for Web Portals. WEBIST 2012: 374-379 - Maria Chroni, Angelos Fylakis, Stavros D. Nikolopoulos:
Watermarking Images using 2D Representations of Self-inverting Permutations. WEBIST 2012: 380-385 - Rafael Moreira Cunha, Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa:
Development and Evaluation of a Computer Game for Teaching Vocabulary to Children with Autism. WEBIST 2012: 386-392 - Youness Bazhar, Yamine Aït Ameur, Stéphane Jean, Mickaël Baron:
A Flexible Support of Non Canonical Concepts in Ontology-based Databases. WEBIST 2012: 393-398 - Fabio Gasparetti, Claudio Biancalana, Alessandro Micarelli, Alfonso Miola, Giuseppe Sansonetti:
Wavelet-based Music Recommendation. WEBIST 2012: 399-402 - Luca Longo, Fabio Rusconi, Lucia Noce, Stephen Barrett:
The Importance of Human Mental Workload in Web Design. WEBIST 2012: 403-409
- Naureen Nizam, Carolyn R. Watters, Anatoliy A. Gruzd:
Website Navigation: An Exploratory Study of Three Navigation Tools for Simple Web Tasks. WEBIST 2012: 413-417 - Mahdi Gueffaz, Perrine Pittet, Sylvain Rampacek, Christophe Cruz, Christophe Nicolle:
Inconsistency Identification in Dynamic Ontologies based on Model Checking. WEBIST 2012: 418-421 - Aya Awad, Maged El-Sayed, Yasser El-Sonbaty:
Approximating User's Intention for Search Engine Queries. WEBIST 2012: 422-425 - Yannis Plegas, Evanthia Kafeza:
An Ontology-based Question Answering System Exploiting Search Engines' Results. WEBIST 2012: 426-429 - Karsten Tolle, Mario Bachmann:
IwOnto - SQL based Mapping from Relational Databases to Ontologies. WEBIST 2012: 430-433 - Dan Wu, Anne Håkansson:
An Approach to Match and Integrate Ontology using Ontology Repository and Rule Base. WEBIST 2012: 434-439 - Letizia Bollini:
Territories of Experience - Urban, Social, Digital Spaces: A User-centered Perspective. WEBIST 2012: 440-443 - Tayeb Lemlouma:
Improving the user Experience by Web Technologies for Complex Multimedia Services. WEBIST 2012: 444-451 - Karim Kamoun, Sadok Ben Yahia:
Automatic Approach for Ontology Evolution based on Stability Evaluation. WEBIST 2012: 452-455
Society, e-Business and e-Government
Full Papers
- Everton Luiz de Almeida Gago Júnior, Gean Davis Breda, Eduardo Zanoni Marques, Leonardo de Souza Mendes:
Self-organizing Maps - An Approach Applied to the Electronic Government. WEBIST 2012: 461-470 - Sanaa Askool:
An Investigation of Social Media Use in Saudi Arabia. WEBIST 2012: 471-481 - Alexander V. Smirnov, Tatiana Levashova, Nikolay Shilov, Alexey M. Kashevnik:
Web-based Emergency Response Community - Framework and Case Study on Fire Response Community. WEBIST 2012: 482-491 - Britta Fuchs, Thomas Ritz, Henriette Stykow:
Enhancing the Blended Shopping Concept with Additive Manufacturing Technologies - Added Value for Customers, Retailers and Additive Manufacturers. WEBIST 2012: 492-501
Short Papers
- Fodé Touré, Esma Aïmeur:
Evaluation of Enterprise Training Programs using Business Process Management. WEBIST 2012: 505-510 - Ing-Long Wu, Chu-Ying Fu:
Analyzing Complaint Intentions in Online Shopping - The Perspective of Justice, Technology and Trust. WEBIST 2012: 511-517 - Yazn Alshamaila, Savvas Papagiannidis, Feng Li:
Cloud Computing Adoption - An Exploratory Study. WEBIST 2012: 518-524 - Vincent Soulignac, Eva Lambert, Catherine Roussey, Jean-Pierre Chanet, Jean-Louis Ermine, Jean-Luc Paris, Olivier Devise:
A Knowledge Server for Sustainable Agriculture - Main Computing Features. WEBIST 2012: 525-530 - Parvaneh Afrasiabi Rad, Svante Edzen, Soren Samuelsson:
Measuring Trust in Online Social Networks - The Effects of Network Parameters on the Level of Trust in Trust Games with Incomplete Information. WEBIST 2012: 531-539 - Manel Mezghani, Corinne Amel Zayani, Ikram Amous, Faïez Gargouri:
An Extended Architecture for Adaptation of Social Navigation. WEBIST 2012: 540-545 - Meira Levy, Irit Hadar, Ethan Hadar:
Web-based Knowledge Nuggets for Architecture Knowledge Management. WEBIST 2012: 546-551 - Martín López Nores, Yolanda Blanco-Fernández, José Juan Pazos-Arias, Manuela I. Martín-Vicente:
Bulker - A Mediator System Grounded on Social Networks for Online Trading of Batches of Products. WEBIST 2012: 552-557 - Basim Musallam, Rodrigo Magalhães:
Electronic Word-of-mouth via Twitter - Customer eWOM Motivations and Intentions. WEBIST 2012: 558-564 - Helder Gomes, André Zúquete, Gonçalo Paiva Dias:
Citizen-side Handling of Life Event Services. WEBIST 2012: 565-570 - Bernd Zwattendorfer, Thomas Zefferer, Arne Tauber:
The Prevalence of SAML within the European Union - An Empirical Study. WEBIST 2012: 571-576 - Cosimo Birtolo, Giuseppina Russo, Davide Ronca:
Representation of e-Commerce Interactions by Means of a Game Theory Model - Adoption of the Trust. WEBIST 2012: 577-582
- Demetrios Sarantis, Dimitris Askounis:
A Systematic Review of e-Government Ontologies. WEBIST 2012: 585-588 - Eija Koskivaara, Leena Haanpää, Harri Helajärjvi, Raija Laukkanen, Olli Heinonen:
How Many Steps - Do They Count? - Experiments on Pedometer Use. WEBIST 2012: 589-592 - Maurizio Martinelli, Michela Serrecchia, Irma Serrecchia:
Digital Divide Survey Analysing the ".It" Registrar Market. WEBIST 2012: 593-597 - Yasmín Hernández, Guillermo Rodríguez, Israel Paredes:
Supporting Attitudes Management - A Component of Training and Talent. WEBIST 2012: 598-601
Web Intelligence
Full Papers
- Satoshi Ikeda, Nobuharu Kami, Takashi Yoshikawa:
Ranking Location-dependent Keywords from Microblogs. WEBIST 2012: 607-615 - Weigang Li, Jianya Zheng:
W-entropy Rank - A Unified Reference for Search Engines. WEBIST 2012: 616-624 - Brigitte Mathiak, Victor Manuel Martínez Peña, Andias Wira-Alam:
What is the Relationship About? - Extracting Information about Relationships from Wikipedia. WEBIST 2012: 625-632 - Mikhail Zolotukhin, Timo Hämäläinen, Antti Juvonen:
Growing Hierarchical Self-organising Maps for Online Anomaly Detection by using Network Logs. WEBIST 2012: 633-642 - Rémi Ferrez, Clément de Groc, Javier Couto:
Self-supervised Product Feature Extraction using a Knowledge Base and Visual Clues. WEBIST 2012: 643-652 - Vincenzo Deufemia, Massimiliano Giordano, Giuseppe Polese, Genoveffa Tortora:
Inferring Web Page Relevance from Human-computer Interaction Logging. WEBIST 2012: 653-662
Short Papers
- Dárlinton B. F. Carvalho, Hugo Fuks, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena:
Community Association Map - Processing Inter-community Relationships. WEBIST 2012: 665-670 - Augusto Klinger, José Valdeni de Lima, José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira:
Smart Web Visibility of Organizations. WEBIST 2012: 671-676 - Hadi Mohammadzadeh, Thomas Gottron, Franz Schweiggert, Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh:
The Impact of Source Code Normalization on Main Content Extraction. WEBIST 2012: 677-682 - Patrícia F. Castro, Geraldo Xexéo:
Granules of Words from Fuzzy Relations and Spectral Clustering. WEBIST 2012: 683-688 - Daniel Lichtnow, Leandro Krug Wives, José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira:
Towards an Approach based on Verifiability Aspects to Help in the Quality Evaluation of Textual Web Pages. WEBIST 2012: 689-694 - Charif Haydar, Anne Boyer, Azim Roussanaly:
Hybridising Collaborative Filtering and Trust-aware Recommender Systems. WEBIST 2012: 695-700 - Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Marco Fisichella:
Improving Flexibility of Workflow Management Systems via a Policy-enhanced Collaborative Framework. WEBIST 2012: 701-708 - Mamdouh Farouk, Mitsuru Ishizuka:
Converting DB to RDF with Additional Defined Rules. WEBIST 2012: 709-716 - Alessandro da Silveira Dias, Leandro Krug Wives, Valter Roesler:
POI Enhanced Video Recommender System using Collaboration and Social Networks. WEBIST 2012: 717-722
- David Werner, Christophe Cruz, Christophe Nicolle:
Ontology-based Recommender System of Economic Articles. WEBIST 2012: 725-728 - Mamdouh Farouk, Mitsuru Ishizuka:
A Rule-based SPARQL Endpoint Wrapper. WEBIST 2012: 729-732 - Vasiliki Simaki, Sofia Stamou, Nikos Kirtsis:
Empirical Text Mining for Genre Detection. WEBIST 2012: 733-737
Mobile Information Systems
Full Papers
- Thomas Zefferer, Arne Tauber, Bernd Zwattendorfer:
Improving the Security of SMS-based Services using Electronic Signatures - Towards SMS-based Processing of Transactional m-Government Services. WEBIST 2012: 743-752 - Joachim Zeiß, Marcin Davies, Goran Lazendic, René Gabner, Janusz Bartecki:
Integrating Communication Services into Mobile Browsers. WEBIST 2012: 753-762 - Alfio Costanzo, Alberto Faro, Concetto Spampinato:
Location Intelligence Services for Mobiles using Ruby on Rails and JQueryMobile. WEBIST 2012: 763-771
Short Papers
- Toon De Pessemier, Laurens Van Acker, Emilie Van Dijck, Karin Slegers, Wout Joseph, Luc Martens:
A Mobile Conversation Assistant to Enhance Communications for Hearing-impaired Children. WEBIST 2012: 775-780 - Liliana Enciso Quispe, Rommel Torres Tandazo, Luis Mengual Galan:
Analysis of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols for Emergency and Rescue Scenarios. WEBIST 2012: 781-786 - Petri Vuorimaa, Kalle Säilä, Petri Saarikko, Pia Tukkinen:
UbiQloud - Social Smart Gateway. WEBIST 2012: 787-792
- Panayiotis Andreou, Panagiotis Germanakos, Andreas Konstantinidis, Dimosthenis Georgiadis, Marios Belk, George Samaras:
Towards User-centric Social Networks. WEBIST 2012: 795-798 - Stan Kurkovsky:
Issues and Challenges in Handheld Augmented Reality Applications. WEBIST 2012: 799-802 - Luis Javier Suarez Meza, Luis Antonio Rojas Potosí, Juan Carlos Corrales, Oscar Rodriguez Rocha:
Wishful and Wisdom Aware Composing - A Full User-centric Approach to Create NGM. WEBIST 2012: 803-806

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