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8th PPSN 2004: Birmingham, UK
- Xin Yao, Edmund K. Burke, José Antonio Lozano, Jim Smith, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós
, John A. Bullinaria, Jonathan E. Rowe, Peter Tiño, Ata Kabán, Hans-Paul Schwefel:
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN VIII, 8th International Conference, Birmingham, UK, September 18-22, 2004, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3242, Springer 2004, ISBN 3-540-23092-0
- Hans-Georg Beyer
, Silja Meyer-Nieberg:
On the Quality Gain of (1, lambda)-ES Under Fitness Noise. 1-10 - Yossi Borenstein, Riccardo Poli:
Fitness Distributions and GA Hardness. 11-20 - Patrick Briest, Dimo Brockhoff, Bastian Degener, Matthias Englert, Christian Gunia, Oliver Heering, Thomas Jansen, Michael Leifhelm, Kai Plociennik, Heiko Röglin
, Andrea Schweer
, Dirk Sudholt, Stefan Tannenbaum, Ingo Wegener:
Experimental Supplements to the Theoretical Analysis of EAs on Problems from Combinatorial Optimization. 21-30 - Patrick Briest, Dimo Brockhoff, Bastian Degener, Matthias Englert, Christian Gunia, Oliver Heering, Thomas Jansen, Michael Leifhelm, Kai Plociennik, Heiko Röglin
, Andrea Schweer
, Dirk Sudholt, Stefan Tannenbaum, Ingo Wegener:
The Ising Model: Simple Evolutionary Algorithms as Adaptation Schemes. 31-40 - A. E. Eiben, Elena Marchiori, V. A. Valkó:
Evolutionary Algorithms with On-the-Fly Population Size Adjustment. 41-50 - Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Smyth, Thomas Stützle:
Search Space Features Underlying the Performance of Stochastic Local Search Algorithms for MAX-SAT. 51-60 - Thomas Jansen, R. Paul Wiegand:
Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice. 61-71 - Cheah C. J. Moey, Jonathan E. Rowe:
A Reduced Markov Model of GAs Without the Exact Transition Matrix. 72-80 - Frank Neumann:
Expected Runtimes of a Simple Evolutionary Algorithm for the Multi-objective Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. 81-90 - Mike Preuss
, Christian Lasarczyk:
On the Importance of Information Speed in Structured Populations. 91-100 - Colin R. Reeves, Mériéma Aupetit-Bélaidouni:
Estimating the Number of Solutions for SAT Problems. 101-110 - Hendrik Richter
Behavior of Evolutionary Algorithms in Chaotically Changing Fitness Landscapes. 111-120 - Cameron Skinner, Patricia J. Riddle:
Expected Rates of Building Block Discovery, Retention and Combination Under 1-Point and Uniform Crossover. 121-130 - Chuan-Kang Ting:
An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Multi-parent Crossover. 131-140 - Steven van Dijk, Dirk Thierens:
On the Use of a Non-redundant Encoding for Learning Bayesian Networks from Data with a GA. 141-150 - Jano I. van Hemert
, Neil Urquhart:
Phase Transition Properties of Clustered Travelling Salesman Problem Instances Generated with Evolutionary Computation. 151-160 - Richard A. Watson
A Simple Two-Module Problem to Exemplify Building-Block Assembly Under Crossover. 161-171 - Bo Yuan, Marcus Gallagher:
Statistical Racing Techniques for Improved Empirical Evaluation of Evolutionary Algorithms. 172-181
New Algorithms
- Anne Auger, Marc Schoenauer, Nicolas Vanhaecke:
LS-CMA-ES: A Second-Order Algorithm for Covariance Matrix Adaptation. 182-191 - Peter A. N. Bosman, Edwin D. de Jong:
Learning Probabilistic Tree Grammars for Genetic Programming. 192-201 - Jürgen Branke
, Christian Schmidt:
Sequential Sampling in Noisy Environments. 202-211 - Dong-Yeon Cho, Byoung-Tak Zhang:
Evolutionary Continuous Optimization by Distribution Estimation with Variational Bayesian Independent Component Analyzers Mixture Model. 212-221 - Dominique F. Chu, Jonathan E. Rowe:
Spread of Vector Borne Diseases in a Population with Spatial Structure. 222-231 - Edwin D. de Jong, Dirk Thierens, Richard A. Watson:
Hierarchical Genetic Algorithms. 232-241 - Luis de la Ossa, José A. Gámez, José Miguel Puerta:
Migration of Probability Models Instead of Individuals: An Alternative When Applying the Island Model to EDAs. 242-252 - Razvan Enache, Bernhard Sendhoff, Markus Olhofer, Martina Hasenjäger
Comparison of Steady-State and Generational Evolution Strategies for Parallel Architectures. 253-262 - Francisco Fernández de Vega, Germán Galeano Gil, Juan Antonio Gómez Pulido, Jose Luis Guisado
Control of Bloat in Genetic Programming by Means of the Island Model. 263-271 - Francisco Fernández de Vega, Erick Cantú-Paz, J. I. López, T. Manzano:
Saving Resources with Plagues in Genetic Algorithms. 272-281 - Nikolaus Hansen, Stefan Kern:
Evaluating the CMA Evolution Strategy on Multimodal Test Functions. 282-291 - Steven Orla Kimbrough, Ming Lu, David Harlan Wood:
Exploring the Evolutionary Details of a Feasible-Infeasible Two-Population GA. 292-301 - Gabriele Koller, Günther R. Raidl:
An Evolutionary Algorithm for the Maximum Weight Trace Formulation of the Multiple Sequence Alignment Problem. 302-311 - Jian-Qin Liu, Katsunori Shimohara:
A Novel Programmable Molecular Computing Method Based on Signaling Pathways Regulated by Rho-GTPases in Living MDCK Epithelial Mammalian Cells. 312-321 - Masaharu Munetomo, Naoya Murao, Kiyoshi Akama:
Empirical Investigations on Parallelized Linkage Identification. 322-331 - Yuichi Nagata:
The EAX Algorithm Considering Diversity Loss. 332-341 - Masanori Natsui, Naofumi Homma, Takafumi Aoki, Tatsuo Higuchi:
Topology-Oriented Design of Analog Circuits Based on Evolutionary Graph Generation. 342-351 - Jiri Ocenasek, Stefan Kern, Nikolaus Hansen, Petros Koumoutsakos
A Mixed Bayesian Optimization Algorithm with Variance Adaptation. 352-361 - Danilo Pani, Luigi Raffo
A Swarm Intelligence Based VLSI Multiplication-and-Add Scheme. 362-371 - Petr Posik:
Distribution Tree-Building Real-Valued Evolutionary Algorithm. 372-381 - João Carlos Figueira Pujol, Riccardo Poli:
Optimization via Parameter Mapping with Genetic Programming. 382-390 - Daniel Roggen
, Diego Federici:
Multi-cellular Development: Is There Scalability and Robustness to Gain? 391-400 - Thomas Philip Runarsson
Constrained Evolutionary Optimization by Approximate Ranking and Surrogate Models. 401-410 - Ivan Sekaj:
Robust Parallel Genetic Algorithms with Re-initialisation. 411-419 - Zbigniew Skolicki, Kenneth A. De Jong:
Improving Evolutionary Algorithms with Multi-representation Island Models. 420-429 - Sang-Moon Soak, David Corne, Byung-Ha Ahn:
A Powerful New Encoding for Tree-Based Combinatorial Optimisation Problems. 430-439 - Si-Ho Yoo, Sung-Bae Cho:
Partially Evaluated Genetic Algorithm Based on Fuzzy c-Means Algorithm. 440-449 - Leonora Bianchi, Mauro Birattari
, Marco Chiarandini, Max Manfrin, Monaldo Mastrolilli, Luís Paquete, Olivia Rossi-Doria, Tommaso Schiavinotto:
Applications Metaheuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands. 450-460 - Gianni Di Caro, Frederick Ducatelle, Luca Maria Gambardella
AntHocNet: An Ant-Based Hybrid Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 461-470 - Oscar Cordón
, Sergio Damas
, José Santamaría
A Scatter Search Algorithm for the 3D Image Registration Problem. 471-480 - Carlos Cotta, Antonio J. Fernández
A Hybrid GRASP - Evolutionary Algorithm Approach to Golomb Ruler Search. 481-490 - Niloy Ganguly, Geoffrey Canright, Andreas Deutsch:
Design of an Efficient Search Algorithm for P2P Networks Using Concepts from Natural Immune Systems. 491-500 - Yehudit Hasson, Moshe Sipper
A Novel Ant Algorithm for Solving the Minimum Broadcast Time Problem. 501-510 - Yu-Cheng Huang, Han-Yu Chuang, Huai-Kuang Tsai, Chun-Fan Chang, Cheng-Yan Kao:
Designing Multiple-Use Primer Set for Multiplex PCR by Using Compact GAs. 511-521 - Elsa M. Jordaan, Arthur K. Kordon, Leo H. Chiang, Guido Smits:
Robust Inferential Sensors Based on Ensemble of Predictors Generated by Genetic Programming. 522-531 - Je-Gun Joung, Sok June Oh, Byoung-Tak Zhang:
Searching Transcriptional Modules Using Evolutionary Algorithms. 532-540 - Carlos Kavka
, Marc Schoenauer:
Evolution of Voronoi-Based Fuzzy Controllers. 541-550 - DaeEun Kim:
Analyzing Sensor States and Internal States in the Tartarus Problem with Tree State Machines. 551-560 - Arne Koopman, Daniel Roggen
Evolving Genetic Regulatory Networks for Hardware Fault Tolerance. 561-570 - P. Dwight Kuo, André Leier, Wolfgang Banzhaf:
Evolving Dynamics in an Artificial Regulatory Network Model. 571-580 - Jingpeng Li
, Uwe Aickelin
The Application of Bayesian Optimization and Classifier Systems in Nurse Scheduling. 581-590 - Jin Li, Xin Yao, Colin Frayn, Habib G. Khosroshahi
, Somak Raychaudhury:
An Evolutionary Approach to Modeling Radial Brightness Distributions in Elliptical Galaxies. 591-601 - Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Pedro Ángel Castillo Valdivieso
Conference Paper Assignment Using a Combined Greedy/Evolutionary Algorithm. 602-611 - Jorge Muruzábal, Carlos Cotta:
A Primer on the Evolution of Equivalence Classes of Bayesian-Network Structures. 612-621 - Gustavo Olague
, Francisco Fernández de Vega, Cynthia B. Pérez, Evelyne Lutton
The Infection Algorithm: An Artificial Epidemic Approach for Dense Stereo Matching. 622-632 - Andrei Petrovski
, Bhavani Sudha, John A. W. McCall:
Optimising Cancer Chemotherapy Using Particle Swarm Optimisation and Genetic Algorithms. 633-641 - Jakob Puchinger, Günther R. Raidl:
An Evolutionary Algorithm for Column Generation in Integer Programming: An Effective Approach for 2D Bin Packing. 642-651 - Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello, Jin-Kao Hao, Jose Torres-Jimenez:
An Improved Evaluation Function for the Bandwidth Minimization Problem. 652-661 - Georg Schneider, Heiko Wersing, Bernhard Sendhoff, Edgar Körner:
Coupling of Evolution and Learning to Optimize a Hierarchical Object Recognition Model. 662-671 - Marco Tomassini, Mario Giacobini
, Christian Darabos:
Evolution of Small-World Networks of Automata for Computation. 672-681 - Jim Tørresen, Jorgen W. Bakke, Lukás Sekanina:
Recognizing Speed Limit Sign Numbers by Evolvable Hardware. 682-691 - Jano I. van Hemert
, Johannes A. La Poutré:
Dynamic Routing Problems with Fruitful Regions: Models and Evolutionary Computation. 692-701 - Krzysztof Wloch, Peter J. Bentley:
Optimising the Performance of a Formula One Car Using a Genetic Algorithm. 702-711
Multi-objective Optimisation
- Hussein A. Abbass:
An Inexpensive Cognitive Approach for Bi-objective Optimization Using Bliss Points and Interaction. 712-721 - Jürgen Branke, Kalyanmoy Deb, Henning Dierolf, Matthias Osswald:
Finding Knees in Multi-objective Optimization. 722-731 - Daniel Jaeggi, Chris Asselin-Miller, Geoffrey T. Parks, Timoleon Kipouros, Theo Bell, P. John Clarkson
Multi-objective Parallel Tabu Search. 732-741 - Mifa Kim, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Mitsunori Miki, Shinya Watanabe:
SPEA2+: Improving the Performance of the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2. 742-751 - Saku Kukkonen, Jouni Lampinen:
An Extension of Generalized Differential Evolution for Multi-objective Optimization with Constraints. 752-761 - Mahdi Mahfouf, Min-You Chen, Derek A. Linkens:
Adaptive Weighted Particle Swarm Optimisation for Multi-objective Optimal Design of Alloy Steels. 762-771 - Kuntinee Maneeratana, Kittipong Boonlong, Nachol Chaiyaratana:
Multi-objective Optimisation by Co-operative Co-evolution. 772-781 - Victor Oduguwa, Ashutosh Tiwari
, Rajkumar Roy
Sequential Process Optimisation Using Genetic Algorithms. 782-791 - Tatsuya Okabe, Yaochu Jin, Markus Olhofer, Bernhard Sendhoff:
On Test Functions for Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization. 792-802 - Frédéric Ratle, Benoît Lecarpentier, Richard Labib, François Trochu:
Multi-objective Optimization of a Composite Material Spring Design Using an Evolutionary Algorithm. 803-811 - Olga Rudenko, Marc Schoenauer:
Dominance Based Crossover Operator for Evolutionary Multi-objective Algorithms. 812-821 - Tapio Tyni, Jari Ylinen:
Evolutionary Bi-objective Controlled Elevator Group Regulates Passenger Service Level and Minimises Energy Consumption. 822-831 - Eckart Zitzler, Simon Künzli:
Indicator-Based Selection in Multiobjective Search. 832-842
- Edwin D. de Jong:
Intransitivity in Coevolution. 843-851 - Roderich Groß, Marco Dorigo:
Group Transport of an Object to a Target That Only Some Group Members May Sense. 852-861 - Philip Hingston, Luigi Barone:
Hawks, Doves and Lifetime Reproductive Success. 862-871 - Pieter Jan't Hoen, Edwin D. de Jong:
Evolutionary Multi-agent Systems. 872-881 - Vineet R. Khare, Xin Yao, Bernhard Sendhoff:
Credit Assignment Among Neurons in Co-evolving Populations. 882-891 - Liviu Panait, R. Paul Wiegand, Sean Luke:
A Visual Demonstration of Convergence Properties of Cooperative Coevolution. 892-901 - Mark E. Roberts, Ela Claridge:
Cooperative Coevolution of Image Feature Construction and Object Detection. 902-911 - R. Paul Wiegand, Jayshree Sarma:
Spatial Embedding and Loss of Gradient in Cooperative Coevolutionary Algorithms. 912-921 - Xiufen Zou, Minzhong Liu, Lishan Kang, Jun He:
A High Performance Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on the Principles of Thermodynamics. 922-931 - Nicolas Godzik, Marc Schoenauer, Michèle Sebag:
Robotics and Multi-agent Systems Robustness in the Long Run: Auto-teaching vs Anticipation in Evolutionary Robotics. 932-941 - Jacob Hurst, Larry Bull:
A Self-adaptive Neural Learning Classifier System with Constructivism for Mobile Robot Control. 942-951 - Yoshiaki Katada, Kazuhiro Ohkura, Kanji Ueda:
An Approach to Evolutionary Robotics Using a Genetic Algorithm with a Variable Mutation Rate Strategy. 952-961 - DaeEun Kim:
Translating the Dances of Honeybees into Resource Location. 962-971 - Yutaka Nakamura, Takeshi Mori, Shin Ishii
Natural Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning for a CPG Control of a Biped Robot. 972-981 - Richard Price, Peter Tiño:
Evaluation of Adaptive Nature Inspired Task Allocation Against Alternate Decentralised Multiagent Strategies. 982-990 - Jekanthan Thangavelautham
, Gabriele M. T. D'Eleuterio:
A Neuroevolutionary Approach to Emergent Task Decomposition. 991-1000 - Elio Tuci, Vito Trianni, Marco Dorigo:
Evolving the "Feeling" of Time Through Sensory-Motor Coordination: A Robot Based Model. 1001-1010
Learning Classifier Systems and Data Mining
- Roberto Teixeira Alves, Myriam Regattieri Delgado, Heitor S. Lopes
, Alex Alves Freitas:
An Artificial Immune System for Fuzzy-Rule Induction in Data Mining. 1011-1020 - Jaume Bacardit, David E. Goldberg, Martin V. Butz, Xavier Llorà, Josep Maria Garrell i Guiu:
Speeding-Up Pittsburgh Learning Classifier Systems: Modeling Time and Accuracy. 1021-1031 - Larry Bull:
A Simple Payoff-Based Learning Classifier System. 1032-1041 - Larry Bull:
Lookahead and Latent Learning in a Simple Accuracy-Based Classifier System. 1042-1050 - Martin V. Butz, Pier Luca Lanzi
, Xavier Llorà, David E. Goldberg:
Knowledge Extraction and Problem Structure Identification in XCS. 1051-1060 - Cristóbal Luque del Arco-Calderón, Pedro Isasi Viñuela, Julio César Hernández Castro:
Forecasting Time Series by Means of Evolutionary Algorithms. 1061-1070 - Jeroen Eggermont, Joost N. Kok, Walter A. Kosters:
Detecting and Pruning Introns for Faster Decision Tree Evolution. 1071-1080 - Julia Handl, Joshua D. Knowles:
Evolutionary Multiobjective Clustering. 1081-1091 - Nicholas Holden, Alex Alves Freitas
Web Page Classification with an Ant Colony Algorithm. 1092-1102 - Julian C. Holley, Anthony G. Pipe, Brian Carse:
Oneiric Processing Utilising the Anticipatory Classifier System. 1103-1112 - Hirotaka Inoue, Hiroyuki Narihisa:
Self-organizing Neural Grove: Efficient Multiple Classifier System Using Pruned Self-generating Neural Trees. 1113-1122 - Hisao Ishibuchi, Satoshi Namba:
Evolutionary Multiobjective Knowledge Extraction for High-Dimensional Pattern Classification Problems. 1123-1132 - Kees Jong, Elena Marchiori, Michèle Sebag:
Ensemble Learning with Evolutionary Computation: Application to Feature Ranking. 1133-1142 - Nicolas Labroche
, Christiane Guinot, Gilles Venturini:
Fast Unsupervised Clustering with Artificial Ants. 1143-1152 - Bin Ni, Juan Liu:
A Novel Method of Searching the Microarray Data for the Best Gene Subsets by Using a Genetic Algorithm. 1153-1162 - Matthew Goble Smith, Larry Bull:
Using Genetic Programming for Feature Creation with a Genetic Algorithm Feature Selector. 1163-1171 - Zhanna V. Zatuchna:
AgentP Model: Learning Classifier System with Associative Perception. 1172-1182

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