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PECCS 2012: Rome, Italy
- César Benavente-Peces, Falah H. Ali, Joaquim Filipe:
PECCS 2012 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems, Rome, Italy, 24-26 February, 2012. SciTePress 2012, ISBN 978-989-8565-00-6
Invited Speakers
Keynote Lectures
- Jay Lee:
Recent Advances and Trends on Cloud-based Machinery Prognostics and Health Management. PECCS 2012 - Kin K. Leung:
Wireless Sensor Networks: Protocols, Optimization and Applications. PECCS 2012 - Juan Carlos Augusto:
Challenges for Deployment and Adoption of Pervasive and Embedded Computing in Our Society. PECCS 2012 - Joseph Sifakis:
Trustworthy Computing Systems. PECCS 2012 - Pedro José Marrón:
Are We Ready to go Large-scale? Challenges in the Deployment and Maintenance of Heterogeneous Networks of Cooperating Objects. PECCS 2012
Mobile and Pervasive Computing
Full Papers
- Tuan Anh Nguyen, Marco Aiello:
Beyond Indoor Presence Monitoring with Simple Sensors. PECCS 2012: 5-14 - Antonio Coronato, Alessandro Testa:
Long-term Monitoring of Vital Signs for Mobile Patients. PECCS 2012: 15-20 - Tetsushi Ikeda, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Takahiro Miyashita, Norihiro Hagita:
Pedestrian Identification by Associating Walking Rhythms from Wearable Acceleration Sensors and Biped Tracking Results. PECCS 2012: 21-28 - Sita Ramakrishnan, Subramania Ramakrishnan:
A Web of Things (WoT) Approach to Smart Household Energy Management for Sustainable Living. PECCS 2012: 29-36
Short Papers
- Yung-Wei Kao, Shyan-Ming Yuan:
USHAF - A User-modifiable Semantic Home Automation Framework. PECCS 2012: 39-44 - Tomasz Dziubich, Pawel Kaczmarek, Slawomir Nasiadka:
A Ubiquitous System using Semantic Knowledge in Dynamic Service Integration. PECCS 2012: 45-50 - Usman Naeem, Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil, Rabih Bashroush, Ameer Al-Nemrat:
Achieving Model Completeness for Hierarchally Structured Activities of Daily Life. PECCS 2012: 51-57 - Alexander Dannies, Javier Palafox-Albarrán, Walter Lang, Reiner Jedermann:
Dynamic Java Components in Pervasive Systems - A Review of the Feasibility of Dynamic Data Processing on Wireless Platforms. PECCS 2012: 58-66 - Davide Cavone, Berardina De Carolis, Stefano Ferilli, Nicole Novielli:
A Multiagent System Supporting Situation Aware Interaction with a Smart Environment. PECCS 2012: 67-72 - Yan Shen, Soh-Khim Ong, Andrew Y. C. Nee:
Augmented Reality based Rehabilitation System with Self-designed Data-glove. PECCS 2012: 73-78 - Giovanni Schmid, Francesco Rossi:
QR Code-based Identification with Mobile Devices. PECCS 2012: 79-86 - Zhen Yu Song, Luciano Lavagno, Riccardo Tomasi, Maurizio A. Spirito:
A Service-driven Development Tool for Wireless Sensor Network. PECCS 2012: 87-95 - Jérémie Julia, Yuzuru Tanaka, Nicolas Spyratos:
Formalization of an RNA-inspired Middleware for Complex Smart Object Federation Scenarios. PECCS 2012: 96-105 - Corey McCall, Kishore K. Reddy, Mubarak Shah:
Macro-class Selection for Hierarchical k-NN Classification of Inertial Sensor Data. PECCS 2012: 106-114 - M. Shuja Ahmed, Reza Saatchi, Fabio Caparrelli:
Vision based Obstacle Avoidance and Odometery for Swarms of Small Size Robots. PECCS 2012: 115-122 - M. Shuja Ahmed, Reza Saatchi, Fabio Caparrelli:
Support for Robot Docking and Energy Foraging - A Computer Vision Approach. PECCS 2012: 123-128 - John Bennedict T. Lorenzo, Rowel O. Atienza:
Whiteboard-based Teleconferencing Application on Mobile Devices over Existing XMPP Servers. PECCS 2012: 129-134 - Zach Rattner, Hamilton A. Turner, Daniel Guymon, Brian Dougherty, Jules White, Sean Eade:
Syncrod: An Energy-minimization Method for Distributed File Synchronization Algorithms on Mobile Devices. PECCS 2012: 135-141 - Ran Zhao, Kirusnapillai Selvarajah, Neil A. Speirs:
Tools for Building Contex Aware and Secure Pervasive Computing Applications. PECCS 2012: 142-149 - Johannes Pfeffer, Markus Graube, Leon Urbas:
Browsing Reversible Neighborhood Relations in Linked Data on Mobile Devices. PECCS 2012: 150-155 - Paul Miranda, Nikita Sharakhov, Jules White, Mani Golparvar Fard, Brian Dougherty:
Hybrid 4-Dimensional Augmented Reality - A High-precision Approach to Mobile Augmented Reality. PECCS 2012: 156-161 - Michael Zaki, Peter Forbrig, Jens Brüning:
Towards Contextual Task Patterns for Smart Meeting Rooms. PECCS 2012: 162-169 - Elena Saftenku:
The Thorny Path to an Artificial Brain - How to Build a Bridge between Neurophysiology and Network Modeling. PECCS 2012: 170-176 - Sebastian Noth, Johann Edelbrunner, Ioannis Iossifidis:
A Versatile Simulated Reality Framework - From Embedded Components to ADAS. PECCS 2012: 177-187 - Tomasz Bilski, Krzysztof Bucholc, Anna Grocholewska-Czurylo, Janusz Stoklosa:
HaF - A New Family of Hash Functions. PECCS 2012: 188-195 - Gorik De Samblanx, Floris De Smedt, Lars Struyf, Sander Beckers, Joost Vennekens, Toon Goedemé:
CPCPU: Coreful Programming on the CPU - Why a CPU can Benefit from Massive Multithreading. PECCS 2012: 196-199 - Igor Bisio, Fabio Lavagetto, Mario Marchese, Andrea Sciarrone:
Smartphone-based user Activity Recognition Method for Health Remote Monitoring Applications. PECCS 2012: 200-205 - Mariam Keriakos, Hoda Mohammed Hosny, Sherif G. Aly:
Context Aware Business Process Aspect Modeler. PECCS 2012: 206-213 - Vitaly Klyuev, Yannis Haralambous:
Accurate Query Translation for Japanese-english Cross-language Information Retrieval. PECCS 2012: 214-219 - Yasir Malik, Bessam Abdulrazak:
Towards Verifying Service Interoperability Requirements for Pervasive Computing Environments. PECCS 2012: 220-223 - Jong P. Yoon:
Location- and Time-based Trustworthy Correlation of Users, Sites and Resources. PECCS 2012: 224-229
- Aitor Almeida, Diego López-de-Ipiña:
An Approach to More Reliable Context-aware Systems by Assessing Ambiguity - Taking into Account Indetermination and Vagueness in Smart Environments. PECCS 2012: 233-236 - Noran Hassan, Sherif G. Aly, Ahmed Rafea, Ahmed Soliman:
Rethinking Mobile Search Queries using Context. PECCS 2012: 237-244 - Berardina De Carolis, Irene Mazzotta, Nicole Novielli, Sebastiano Pizzutilo, Alessandro Manta, Mauro Silvestri:
CoRSAR - A Collaborative, Context-aware Recommender System in the Tourism Domain. PECCS 2012: 245-248 - Tae-Hyon Kim, Hyeong-Gon Jo, Seol-Young Jeong, Soon-Ju Kang:
A Middleware Architecture for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Agent Service Space in In-door Location-aware System. PECCS 2012: 249-253 - Fernando Reinaldo Ribeiro, José Carlos Metrôlho:
Socially-aware Systems to Present Content in Pervasive Environments. PECCS 2012: 254-257 - Mohammed Nadir Djedid:
A Collaborative Security Mechanism based on Reputation and Trust Level in Pervasive Systems. PECCS 2012: 258-261 - Ondrej Krejcar:
Mobile Application for Text Recognition (OCR). PECCS 2012: 262-265
Digital Signal Processing
Full Papers
- Tom Redant, Wim Dehaene:
High Resolution Time-of-arrival for a Cm-precise Super 10 Meter 802.15.3C-based 60GHz OFDM Positioning Application. PECCS 2012: 271-277 - Francisco Cano-Broncano, César Benavente-Peces, Andreas Ahrens, Francisco Javier Ortega-González, José Manuel Pardo-Martín:
Analysis of MIMO Systems with Antennas Correlation with Linear and Non-linear Spatial Distribution. PECCS 2012: 278-283 - Floris De Smedt, Lars Struyf, Sander Beckers, Joost Vennekens, Gorik De Samblanx, Toon Goedemé:
Is the Game worth the Candle? - Evaluation of OpenCL for Object Detection Algorithm Optimization. PECCS 2012: 284-291
Short Papers
- Bennet Fischer, Raúl Rojas:
Image Processing Framework for FPGAs - Introducing a Plug-and-play Computer Vision Framework for Fast Integration of Algorithms in Reconfigurable Hardware. PECCS 2012: 295-300
- Vinay Kumar Pamula, Srinivasa Rao Vempati, Balaji S., Habibulla Khan, Anil Kumar Tipparti:
A Robust Technique for Multiuser Detection in the Presence of Signature Uncertainties. PECCS 2012: 303-307 - Alexandra Ligia Onofrei Balan, Nicolae Dumitru Alexandru:
A New Pulse Shape Used to Reduce the ICI Power in OFDM Systems. PECCS 2012: 308-311
Embedded Systems Design
Full Papers
- Walid Karamti, Adel Mahfoudhi, Yessine Hadj Kacem, Mohamed Abid:
A Formal Method for Scheduling Analysis of a Partitioned Multiprocessor System - Dynamic Priority Time Petri Nets. PECCS 2012: 317-326 - Alejandro Castillo Atoche, Johan J. Estrada-López, Renan Quijano Cetina, Luis Rizo Domínguez:
Efficient Design of Bit-level Accelerator Architectures for the DEDR-RASF Remote Sensing Algorithm using Super-systolic Arrays. PECCS 2012: 327-333 - Seren Özmehmet Tasan:
Multi-stage Decision based Approach for Balancing Bi-objective U-shaped Assembly Lines with Alternative Subassembly Graphs. PECCS 2012: 334-342 - Hans-Christian Lapp, Hans-Michael Hanisch:
Process Control Synthesis Improved by Structural Model Properties. PECCS 2012: 343-351 - Andrea Castagnetti, Alain Pegatoquet, Cécile Belleudy, Michel Auguin:
An Open-Loop Energy Neutral Power Manager for Solar Harvesting WSN. PECCS 2012: 352-358
Short Papers
- Masayuki Saeki, Kenji Oguni:
Multi-hop Positioning - Relative Positioning Method for GPS Wireless Sensor Network. PECCS 2012: 361-368 - Hitoshi Mitake, Yuki Kinebuchi, Tsung-Han Lin, Tatsuo Nakajima:
Solving the Lock Holder Preemption Problem in a Multicore Processor-based Virtualization Layer for Embedded Systems. PECCS 2012: 369-377 - Tsung-Han Lin, Hitoshi Mitake, Yuki Kinebuchi, Tatsuo Nakajima:
Global Scheduling for the Embedded Virtualization System in the Multi-core Platform. PECCS 2012: 378-382 - Alexandru Amaricai, Oana Boncalo:
Automatic Generation of FPGA Hardware Accelerators for Graphics Applications. PECCS 2012: 383-386 - Seungmin Oh, Jeongcheol Lee, Hosung Park, Yongbin Yim, Sang-Ha Kim:
A Spatiotemporal Data Dissemination Protocol for Slowly-varying Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks. PECCS 2012: 387-390 - Yongbin Yim, Euisin Lee, Seungmin Oh, Sang-Ha Kim:
Selection Mechanism of Energy-efficient Data Aggregation Node in Wireless Sensor Networks. PECCS 2012: 391-395
- David P. Gibson, Henk L. Muller, Neill W. Campbell:
Adaptive Image Sensor Sampling for Limited Memory Motion Detection. PECCS 2012: 399-402 - Aivo Anier, Jürgo Vain:
Model based Continual Planning and Control Framework for Assistive Robots. PECCS 2012: 403-406 - Hosung Park, Jeongcheol Lee, Seungmin Oh, Yongbin Yim, Sang-Ha Kim:
Real-time Multicast Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. PECCS 2012: 407-410 - Jeongcheol Lee, Hosung Park, Seungmin Oh, Yongbin Yim, Sang-Ha Kim:
A Novel Radio-disjoint Multipath Protocol for Reliable Data Transfer in Lossy WSNS . PECCS 2012: 411-414 - Daisuke Yamaguchi, Takumi Yajima, Chen-Yi Lee, Hiromasa Shimada, Yuki Kinebuchi, Tatsuo Nakajima:
Spatial Isolation on Realtime Hypervisor using Core-local Memory. PECCS 2012: 415-421 - Alessio Di Mauro, Davide Papini, Nicola Dragoni:
Security Challenges for Energy-harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks. PECCS 2012: 422-425
Special Session on Self-Adaptive Networked Embedded Systems
Full Papers
- Bruce DeBruhl, Patrick Tague:
Mitigation of Periodic Jamming in a Spread Spectrum System by Adaptive Filter Selection. PECCS 2012: 431-439 - Klaus Becker, Marc Zeller, Gereon Weiss:
Towards Efficient On-line Schedulability Tests for Adaptive Networked Embedded Real-time Systems. PECCS 2012: 440-449 - Syed M. A. H. Jafri, Liang Guang, Axel Jantsch, Kolin Paul, Ahmed Hemani, Hannu Tenhunen:
Self-adaptive Noc Power Management with Dual-level Agents - Architecture and Implementation. PECCS 2012: 450-458 - Marc Zeller, Christian Prehofer:
Self-adaptation in Automotive Embedded Systems using a Multi-layered Control Approach. PECCS 2012: 459-468 - Fahad Bin Tariq:
Deterministic Runtime Adaptation for Hard Real-time Embedded Systems with Processing Constraints. PECCS 2012: 469-477

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