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PARCO 2003: Dresden, Germany
- Gerhard R. Joubert, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Frans J. Peters, Wolfgang V. Walter:
Parallel Computing: Software Technology, Algorithms, Architectures and Applications, PARCO 2003, Dresden, Germany. Advances in Parallel Computing 13, Elsevier 2004, ISBN 0-444-51689-1
Invited Papers
- Friedel Hossfeld:
Parallel Machines and the "Digital Brain" - An Intricate Extrapolation on Occasion of JvN's 100-th Birtday. PARCO 2003: 3-12 - Charles D. Hansen, Steven G. Parker, Christiaan P. Gribble:
So Much Data, So Little Time.... PARCO 2003: 13-20
Software Technology
- Thomas Rauber, Robert Reilein, Gudula Rünger:
On Compiler Support for Mixed Task and Data Parallelism. PARCO 2003: 23-30 - Abdelkader Amar, Pierre Boulet, Jean-Luc Dekeyser, T. Theeuwen:
Distributed Process Networks - Using Half FIFO Queues in CORBA. PARCO 2003: 31-38 - Michiel Ronsse, Bastiaan Stougie, Jonas Maebe, Frank Cornelis, Koenraad De Bosschere:
An efficient data race detector backend for DIOTA. PARCO 2003: 39-46 - Mostafa Bamha, Matthieu Exbrayat:
Pipelined parallelism for multi-join queries on shared nothing machines. PARCO 2003: 47-54 - Laurent Lefèvre, Alice Bonhomme:
Towards the Hierarchical Group Consistency for DSM systems: an efficient way to share data objects. PARCO 2003: 55-62 - Marco Aldinucci, Marco Danelutto:
An operational semantics for skeletons. PARCO 2003: 63-70 - Hans Moritsch:
A Programming Model for Tree Structured Parallel and Distributed Algorithms and its Implementation in a Java Environment. PARCO 2003: 71-78 - Frédéric Loulergue:
A Rewriting Semantics for an Event-Oriented Functional Parallel Language. PARCO 2003: 79-86 - Mauro Migliardi, Roberto Podestá:
RMI-like communication for migrable software components in HARNESS. PARCO 2003: 87-94 - Frédéric Gava, Frédéric Loulergue:
Semantics of a Functional BSP Language with Imperative Features. PARCO 2003: 95-102 - E. Slaby, W. Funk:
The Use of Parallel Genetic Algorithms for Optimization in the Early Design Phases. PARCO 2003: 103-110 - Henk J. Sips, Kees van Reeuwijk:
An Integrated Annotation and Compilation Framework for Task and Data Parallel Programming in Java. PARCO 2003: 111-118 - Geir Gundersen, Trond Steihaug:
On The Use of Java Arrays for Sparse Matrix Computations. PARCO 2003: 119-126 - Frédéric Loulergue:
A Calculus of Functional BSP Programs with Explicit Substitutions. PARCO 2003: 127-134 - Serge Chaumette, Pascal Grange, B. Métrot, Pierre Vignéras:
JToe: a Java API for Object Exchange. PARCO 2003: 135-142 - Dieter Kranzlmüller, Christian Schaubschläger, Michael Scarpa, Jens Volkert:
A Modular Debbuging Insfrastructure for Parallel Programs. PARCO 2003: 143-150 - Olivier Coulaud, Michaël Dussere, Aurélien Esnard:
Towards a Distributed Computational Steering Environment based on CORBA. PARCO 2003: 151-158 - Andrea Clematis, Daniele D'Agostino, Massimo Mancini, Vittoria Gianuzzi:
Parallel Decimation of 3D Meshes for Efficient Web-Based Isosurface Extraction. PARCO 2003: 159-166
Parallel Programming
- Fabrizio Baiardi, Davide Guerri, Paolo Mori, Laura Ricci, Leonardo Vaglini:
MPI on a Virtual Shared Memory. PARCO 2003: 169-176 - J. Behrens, Oswald Haan, L. Kornblueh:
OpenMP vs. MPI on a Shared Memory Multiprocessor. PARCO 2003: 177-184 - Isabel Dorta, Coromoto León, Casiano Rodríguez, Angélica Rojas:
MPI and OpenMPI implementations of Branch-and-Bound Skeletons. PARCO 2003: 185-192 - Elias Pschernig, Andreas Uhl:
Parallel Overlapped Block-Matching Motion Compensation Using MPI and OpenMP. PARCO 2003: 193-200 - Alfred Strey:
A comparison of OpenMP and MPI for neural network simulations on a SunFire 6800. PARCO 2003: 201-208 - Matthias Korch, Thomas Rauber:
Comparison of Parallel Implementations of Runge-Kutta Solvers: Message Passing vs. Threads. PARCO 2003: 209-216
- Ulf Rerrer, Odej Kao, Frank Drews:
Extending the Divisible Task Model for Workload Balancing in Clusters. PARCO 2003: 219-224 - Gregory Karagiorgos, Nikolaos M. Missirlis, Filippos Tzaferis:
The generalized diffusion method for the load balacing problem. PARCO 2003: 225-232 - Nikolaos Drosinos, Georgios I. Goumas, Maria Athanasaki, Nectarios Koziris:
Delivering High Performance to Parallel Applications Using Advanced Scheduling. PARCO 2003: 233-240
- Kolja Elssel, Heinrich Voss:
Multilevel Extended Algorithms in Structural Dynamics on Parallel Computers. PARCO 2003: 243-250 - Peter Benner, María Isabel Castillo, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio Quintana-Ortí:
Parallel Model Reduction of Large-Scale Unstable Systems. PARCO 2003: 251-258 - Thomas Serafini, Gaetano Zanghirati, Luca Zanni:
Parallel Decomposition Approaches for Training Support Vector Machines. PARCO 2003: 259-266 - M. Jung:
Fast parallel solvers for fourth-order boundary value problems. PARCO 2003: 267-274 - Luca Bergamaschi, Angeles Martinez, Giorgio Pini:
Parallel Solution of Sparse Eigenproblems by Simultaneous Rayleigh Quotient Optimization with FSAI preconditioning. PARCO 2003: 275-282 - Carlos Amaral Hölbig, Walter Krämer, Tiarajú Asmuz Diverio:
An Accurate an Efficient Selfverifying Solver for Systems with Banded Coefficient Matrix. PARCO 2003: 283-290 - W. Miller, F. Pimentel, I. Rasin, U. Rehse:
3D parallel calculations of dendritic growth with the lattice Boltzmann method. PARCO 2003: 291-296 - Lubos Brim, Ivana Cerná, Lukás Hejtmánek:
Distributed Negative Cycle Detection Algorithms. PARCO 2003: 297-304 - Serge Chaumette, Pierre Vignéras:
A Framework for Seamlesly Making Object Oriented Applications Distributed. PARCO 2003: 305-312 - Peter Köchel, Marion Riedel:
Performance Evaluation of Parallel Genetic Algorithms for Optimization Problems of Different Complexity. PARCO 2003: 313-320 - Serge Chaumette, Pierre Vignéras:
Extensible and Customizable Just-In-Time Security (JITS) Management of Client-Server Communication in Java. PARCO 2003: 321-327
Application & Simulation
- Udo Tremel, Frank Deister, Kaare Sørensen, Herbert Rieger, Nigel P. Weatherill:
An Object-Oriented Parallel Multidisciplinary Simulation System - The SimServer. PARCO 2003: 331-338 - José M. Alonso, Jose Maria Ferrero, Vicente Hernández, Germán Moltó, Marta Monserrat, Javier Saiz:
Computer Simulation of Action Potential Propagation on Cardiac Tissues: An Efficient and Scalable Parallel Approach. PARCO 2003: 339-346 - M. J. Fleuren, H. Stüben, G. F. Zegwaard:
MoDySim - A parallel dynamic UMTS simultor. PARCO 2003: 347-354 - François Bodin, Philippe Boucaud, Nicola Cabibbo, F. Di Carlo, Roberto De Pietri, F. Di Renzo, H. Kaldass, Alessandro Lonardo, Maxim Lukyanov, Sergio de Luca, Jacques Micheli, Vincent Morenas, Norbert Paschedag, Olivier Pène, Dirk Pleiter, Federico Rapuano, L. Sartori, Sebastiano Fabio Schifano, Hubert Simma, Raffaele Tripiccione, Piero Vicini:
apeNEXT: a Multi-TFlops Computer for Elementary Particle Physics. PARCO 2003: 355-362 - Ralf Wolke, Oswald Knoth, O. Hellmuth, W. Schröder, E. Renner:
The Parallel Model System LM-MUSCAT for Chemistry-Transport Simulations: Coupling Scheme, Parallelization and Applications. PARCO 2003: 363-370 - T. Vik, Anne C. Elster, T. Hallgren:
Real-time Visualization of Smoke through Parallelization. PARCO 2003: 371-378 - Panagiotis A. Adamidis, Frank Wrona, Uwe Iben, Rolf Rabenseifner, Claus-Dieter Munz:
Parallel Simulation of Cavitated Flows in High Pressure Systems. PARCO 2003: 379-386 - Francisco Almeida, Evencio Mediavilla, Alex Oscoz, Francisco de Sande:
Improvements in black hole detection using parallelism. PARCO 2003: 387-394 - J. Culloty, P. Walsh:
High Throughput Computing for Neural Network Simulation. PARCO 2003: 395-402 - Cyril Mazauric, Viet D. Tran, William Castaings, David Froehlich, François-Xavier Le Dimet:
Parallel algorithms and data assimilation for hydraulic models. PARCO 2003: 403-411
Multimedia Applications
- A. Wakatani:
Parallilization of VQ Codebook Generation using Lazy PNN Algorithm. PARCO 2003: 415-422 - Guang Tan, Song Wu, Hai Jin, Feng Xian:
A Scalable Parallel Video Server Based on Autonomous Network-attached Storage. PARCO 2003: 423-430 - Stefan Geisler:
Efficient Parallel Search in Video Databases with Dynamic Feature Extraction. PARCO 2003: 431-438
- Hans P. Zima:
Instropection in a Massively Parallel PIM-Based Architecture. PARCO 2003: 441-448 - Eryk Laskowski, Marek S. Tudruj:
Time-Transparent Inter-Processor Connection Reconfiguration in Parallel Systems Based on Multiple Crossbar Switches. PARCO 2003: 449-456 - R. W. Schulze:
SIMD design to solve partial differential equations. PARCO 2003: 457-464
- Hans Vandierendonck, Koenraad De Bosschere:
Trade-offs for Skewed-Associative Caches. PARCO 2003: 465-474 - Dan Wallin, Henrik Johansson, Sverker Holmgren:
Cache Memory Behavior of Advanced PDE Solvers. PARCO 2003: 475-482
- Gudula Rünger, Sven Trautmann:
A Comparative Study of MPI Implementations on a Cluster of SMP Workstations. PARCO 2003: 485-492 - Bettina Krammer, Katrin Bidmon, Matthias S. Müller, Michael M. Resch:
MARMOT: An MPI Analysis and Checking Tool. PARCO 2003: 493-500 - Guido Juckeland, S. Borner, Michael Kluge, S. Kolling, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Stefan Pflüger, H. Roding:
BenchIT - Performance Measurements and Comparison for Scientific Applications. PARCO 2003: 501-508 - Chris Fearing, Douglas R. Hickey, Philip A. Wilsey, K. Tombo:
Performance Issues in the Implementation of the M-VIA Communication Software. PARCO 2003: 509-516 - U. Andersson, P. Ekman, Per Öster:
Performance and performance counters on the Itanium 2 - A benchmarking case study. PARCO 2003: 517-524 - Francisco Almeida, Rumen Andonov, Luz Marina Moreno, Vincent Poirriez, Melquíades Pérez Pérez, Casiano Rodríguez:
On the parallel prediction of the RNA secondary structure. PARCO 2003: 525-532
- Roman Pfarrhofer, Peter Bachhiesl, Markus Kelz, Herbert Stögner, Andreas Uhl:
MDICE - a MATLAB Toolbox for Efficient Cluster Computing. PARCO 2003: 535-542 - Delcino Picinin Jr., André L. Martinotto, Ricardo Vargas Dorneles, Rogério Luís Rizzi, Carlos Amaral Hölbig, Tiarajú Asmuz Diverio, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux:
Parallelization of Krylov Subspace Methods in Multiprocessor PC Clusters. PARCO 2003: 543-550 - T. P. Boenisch, P. W. Haas, M. Hess, Bernd Krischok:
First Impressions of Different Parallel Cluster File Systems. PARCO 2003: 551-558 - Norbert Eicker, Florin Isaila, Thomas Lippert, Thomas Moschny, Walter F. Tichy:
Fast Parallel I/O on ParaStation Clusters. PARCO 2003: 559-568 - B. Cirou, Marie Christine Counilh, Jean Roman:
PRFX: a runtime library for high performance programming on clusters of SMP nodes. PARCO 2003: 569-576
- Rubén S. Montero, Eduardo Huedo, Ignacio Martín Llorente:
Experiences about Job Migration on a Dynamic Grid Environment. PARCO 2003: 579-586 - J. Kohnlein:
Security in a Peer-to-Peer Distributed Virtual Environment. PARCO 2003: 587-598 - Giovanni Aloisio, Euro Blasi, Massimo Cafaro, Italo Epicoco, Sandro Fiore, Silvia Mocavero:
A Grid Environment for Diesel Engine Chamber Optimization. PARCO 2003: 599-608 - Michele Di Santo, Nadia Ranaldo, Eugenio Zimeo:
A Broker Architecture for Object-Oriented Master/Slave Computing in a Hierarchical Grid System. PARCO 2003: 609-616 - Marco Aldinucci, Sonia Campa, Pierpaolo Ciullo, Massimo Coppola, Marco Danelutto, Paolo Pesciullesi, Roberto Ravazzolo, Massimo Torquati, Marco Vanneschi, Corrado Zoccolo:
A framework for experimenting with structure parallel programming environment design. PARCO 2003: 617-624
Minisymposium - Grid Computing
- Ramin Yahyapour:
Considerations for Resource Brokerage and Scheduling in Grids. PARCO 2003: 627-634 - Giuseppe Avellino, Stefano Beco, Fabrizio Pacini, Alessandro Maraschini, Annalisa Terracina:
Job Description Language and User Interface in a Grid context: The EU DataGrid experience. PARCO 2003: 635-642 - Hema Prem, N. R. Srinivasa Raghavan:
On Pattern Oriented Software Architecture for the Grid. PARCO 2003: 643-650
Minisymposium - Bioinformatics
- Wu-chun Feng:
Green Destiny + mpiBLAST = Bioinfomagic. PARCO 2003: 653-660 - Dmitry Pekurovsky, Ilya N. Shindyalov, Philip E. Bourne:
Parallel Processing on Large Redudant Biological Data Sets: Protein Structures Classification with CEPAR. PARCO 2003: 661-668 - Makoto Taiji, Tetsu Narumi, Yousuke Ohno, Akihiko Konagaya:
MDGRAPE-3: A Petaflops Special-Purpose Computer System for Molecular Dynamics Simulations. PARCO 2003: 669-676 - Panos Dafas, Jacek Gomoluch, Alexander Kozlenkov, Michael Schroeder:
Structural Protein Interactions: From Months to Minutes. PARCO 2003: 677-684 - Joel R. Stiles, W. C. Ford, J. M. Pattillo, Thomas E. Deerinck, Mark H. Ellisman, Thomas M. Bartol, Terrence J. Sejnowski:
Spatially Realistic Computational Physiology: Past, Present and Future. PARCO 2003: 685-694 - Andreas Deutsch, Uwe Börner, Markus Bär:
Cellular automaton modeling of pattern formation in interacting cell systems. PARCO 2003: 695-704 - Siegfried Benkner, Werner Backfrieder, Guntram Berti, Jochen Fingberg, Gregory Allen Kohring, Jens Georg Schmidt, Stuart E. Middleton, David Jones, John Fenner:
Numerical Simulation for eHealth: Grid-enabled Medical Simulation Services. PARCO 2003: 705-718 - Craig A. Stewart, David Hart, Ray Sheppard, Huian Li, R. Cruise, Vadim Moskvin, Lech Papiez:
Parallel computing in biomedical research and the search for peta-scale biomedical applications. PARCO 2003: 719-726
Minisymposium - Performance Analysis
- Daniel A. Reed, Charng-Da Lu, Celso L. Mendes:
Big Systems and Big Reliability Challenges. PARCO 2003: 729-736 - Holger Brunst, Wolfgang E. Nagel:
Scalable Performance Analysis of Parallel Systems: Concepts and Experiences. PARCO 2003: 737-744 - Alexander V. Mirgorodskiy, Barton P. Miller:
CrossWalk: A Tool for Performance Profiling Across the User-Kernel Boundary. PARCO 2003: 745-752 - Felix Wolf, Bernd Mohr:
Hardware-Counter Based Automatic Performance Analysis of Parallel Programs. PARCO 2003: 753-760 - Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, Robert Bell:
Online Performance Observation of Large-Scale Parallel Applications. PARCO 2003: 761-768 - Rosa M. Badia, Germán Rodríguez, Jesús Labarta:
Deriving analytical models from a limited number of runs. PARCO 2003: 769-776
Minisymposium - OpenMP
- Ragnhild Blikberg, Tor Sørevik:
Thread based OpenMP for nested parallelization. PARCO 2003: 787-794 - Lei Huang, Barbara M. Chapman, Ricky A. Kendall:
OpenMP on Distributed Memory via Global Arrays. PARCO 2003: 795-802 - Rocco Aversa, Beniamino Di Martino, Massimiliano Rak, Salvatore Venticinque, Umberto Villano:
Performance Simulation of a Hybrid OpenMP/MPI Application with HeSSE. PARCO 2003: 803-810 - Cos S. Ierotheou, Haoqiang Jin, Gregory Matthews, Steve P. Johnson, Robert Hood:
An environment for OpenMP code parallelization. PARCO 2003: 811-818 - Federico Massaioli:
Hindrances in OpenMP programming. PARCO 2003: 819-826 - Roland Norcen, Andreas Uhl:
Wavelet-Based Still Image Coding Standards on SMPs using OpenMP. PARCO 2003: 827-834
Minisymposium - Parallel Applications
- Xing Cai, Glenn Terje Lines, Aslak Tveito:
Parallel Solution of the Bidomain Equations with High Resolutions. PARCO 2003: 837-844 - Petter E. Bjørstad, Jacko Koster:
Balancing Domain Decomposition Applied to Structural Analysis Problems. PARCO 2003: 845-852 - Ladislav Halada, Mária Lucká, Igor Melichercík:
Multiperiod Portfolio Management Using Parallel Interior Point Method. PARCO 2003: 853-860 - Thierry Matthey, Tor Sørevik:
Performance of a parallel split operator method for the time dependent Schrodinger equation. PARCO 2003: 861-868
Minisymposium - Cluster Computing
- Brian Vinter:
Design and implementation of a 512 CPU cluster for general purpose supercomputing. PARCO 2003: 871-878 - Otto J. Anshus, John Markus Bjørndalen, Lars Ailo Bongo:
Experiences Parallelizing, Configuring, Monitoring and Visualizing Applications for Clusters and Multi-Clusters. PARCO 2003: 879-886 - Otto J. Anshus, Anne C. Elster, Brian Vinter:
Cluster Computing as a Teaching Tool. PARCO 2003: 887-894
Minisymposium - Mobile Agents
- Alessandro Genco:
Mobile Agents Principles of Operation. PARCO 2003: 897-904 - Francesco Agostaro, Alessandro Genco, Salvatore Sorce:
Mobile Agents Application Fields. PARCO 2003: 905-912 - Francesco Agostaro, A. Chiello, Alessandro Genco, Salvatore Sorce:
Mobile Agents and Grid Computing. PARCO 2003: 913-918 - Francesco Agostaro, Alessandro Genco, Salvatore Sorce:
Mobile Agents, Globus and Resource Discovery. PARCO 2003: 919-926 - Francesco Agostaro, Alessandro Genco, Salvatore Sorce:
A Mobile Agent Tool for Resource Discovery. PARCO 2003: 927-934 - Alessandro Genco:
Mobile Agents and Knowledge Discovery in Ubiquitous Computing. PARCO 2003: 935-942

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