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2. IWANN 1993: Sitges, Spain
- José Mira, Joan Cabestany, Alberto Prieto:
New Trends in Neural Computation, International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN '93, Sitges, Spain, June 9-11, 1993, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 686, Springer 1993, ISBN 3-540-56798-4
Biological Perspectives
- K. Nicholas Leibovic:
Biophysics of Neural Computation. 1-11 - Fernando J. Corbacho, Michael A. Arbib:
Integrated Learning in Rana Computatrix. 12-19 - Antonio Murciano
, Javier Zamora, Mario Reviriego
A Model for Centering Visual Stimuli Through Adaptive Value Learning. 20-23 - Miguel A. Andrade, Federico Morán:
A Model for the Development of Neurons Selective to Visual Stimulus Size. 24-29 - Roberto Moreno-Díaz Jr., Olga Bolívar Toledo:
An Invariant Representation Mechanism After Presynaptic Inhibition. 30-36 - Juan Vicente Sánchez-Andrés, Bernat Soria
The Pancreatic B-Cell as a Voltage-Controlled Oscillator. 37-42 - Jaap Hoekstra:
Approximation of the Solution of the Dendritic Cable Equation by a Small Series of Coupled Differential Equations. 43-48 - Javier Ropero Peláez:
A Neural Network Model Inspired in Global Appreciations About the Thalamic Reticular Nucleus and Cerebral Cortex Connectivity. 49-54 - José Mira, Ana E. Delgado García, José R. Álvarez, Angel Pérez de Madrid, Matilde Santos:
Towards More Realistic Self Contained Models of Neurons: High-Order, Recurrence and Local Learning. 55-62 - Robert J. Scott:
McCulloch's Neurons Revisited. 63-67 - Nicolai Petkov, Peter Kruizinga, Tino Lourens:
Biologically Motivated Approach to Face Recognition. 68-77 - Francisco J. Vico, Francisco Sandoval Hernández, J. Almaraz:
Learning By Reinforcement: A Psychobiological Model. 78-83 - Igor Aleksander, Helen Morton:
A Neural State Machine for Iconic Language Representation. 84-89 - Joan López-Moliner, Josep M. Sopena:
Variable Binding Using Serial Order in Recurrent Neural Networks. 90-95
Mathematical Models
- Francisco Castillo, Joan Cabestany, Juan Manuel Moreno:
Region of Influence (ROI) Networks. Model and Implementation. 96-101 - Harald Hüning:
A Node Splitting Algorithm that Reduces the Number of Connections in a Hamming Distance Classifying Network. 102-107 - Francisco Javier López Aligué, M. Isabel Acevedo Sotoca, Miguel A. Jaramillo Morán:
A High Order Neural Model. 108-113 - Pau Bofill, Carme Torras
Higher-Order Networks for the Optimization of Block Designs. 114-118 - Christian Jutten, Pierre Comon:
Neural Bayesian Classifier. 119-124 - Philippe Gentric, Heini C. A. M. Withagen:
Constructive Methods for a New Classifier Based on a Radial-Basis-Function Neural Network Accelerated by a Tree. 125-130 - Bernard Lemarié:
Practical Realization of a Radial Basis Function Network for Handwritten Digit Recognition. 131-136 - Christine Hubert:
Design of Fully and Partially Connected Random Neural Networks for Pattern Completion. 137-142 - René Alquézar, Alberto Sanfeliu:
Representation and Recognition of Regular Grammars by Means of Second-Order Recurrent Neural Networks. 143-148 - José Santos Reyes, Ramón P. Otero:
Connectionist Models for Syllabic Recognition in the Time Domain. 149-154 - Derong Liu
, Anthony N. Michel:
Sparsely Interconnected Artificial Neural Networks for Associative Memories. 155-160 - Alex Arenas, Conrado J. Pérez Vicente:
Dynamic Analysis of Networks of Neural Oscillators. 161-166 - Anthony N. Burkitt:
Optimised Attractor Neural Networks with External Inputs. 167-172 - Konrad Weigl, Marc Berthod:
Non-Orthogonal Bases and Metric Tensors: An Application to Artificial Neural Networks. 173-178 - Francisco Javier Marín Martín, Francisco Sandoval Hernández:
Genetic Synthesis of Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Network. 179-184 - Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, M. Patón, Antonio Cañas, Alberto Prieto, Federico Morán:
Optimization of a Competitive Learning Neural Network by Genetic Algorithms. 185-192 - Panos A. Ligomenides:
Adaptive Models in Neural Networks. 193-197
- Christian Mannes:
Self-Organizing Grammar Induction Using a Neural Network Model. 198-203 - George Tambouratzis
, T. John Stonham:
The Role of Forgetting in Efficient Learning Strategies for Self-Organising Discriminator-Based Systems. 204-209 - M. Asunción Castaño, Francisco Casacuberta, Enrique Vidal:
Simulation of Stochastic Regular Grammars through Simple Recurrent Networks. 210-215 - Manuel Graña, Alicia D'Anjou, F. Xabier Albizuri
, Francisco Javier Torrealdea, M. C. Hernández:
Local Stochastic Competition and Vector Quantization. 216-222 - José M. Ramírez:
MHC - An Evolutive Connectionist Model for Hybrid Training. 223-229 - Naum N. Aizenberg, Igor N. Aizenberg:
Fast-Convergence Learning Algorithms for Multi-Level and Binary Neurons and Solution of Some Image Processing Problems. 230-236 - Kazuki Ito, Masanori Hamamoto, Joarder Kamruzzaman, Yukio Kumagai:
Invariant Object Recognition Using Fahlman and Lebiere's Learning Algorithm. 237-242 - Masanori Hamamoto, Kazuki Ito, Joarder Kamruzzaman, Yukio Kumagai:
Realization of Surjective Correspondence in Artificial Neural Network Trained by Fahlman and Lebiere's Learning Algorithm. 243-248 - P. Slade, Tamás D. Gedeon:
Bimodal Distribution Removal. 249-254 - Alex Guazzelli, Dante Barone, Edson de Barros Carvalho Filho:
A Simplified Artmap Architecture for Real-Time Learning. 255-260 - Thibault Langlois, Stéphane Canu:
B-Learning: A Reinforcement Learning Algorithm, Comparison with Dynamic Programming. 261-266 - Ian Cloete, Jacques Ludik:
Increased Complexity Training. 267-271 - Juan Manuel Moreno, Francisco Castillo, Joan Cabestany:
Optimiized Learning for Improving the Evolution of Piecewise Linear Separation Incremental Algorithms. 272-277 - Marcello Pelillo, Anna Maria Fanelli
A Method of Pruning Layered Feed-Forward Neural Networks. 278-283 - José Luis Crespo, Eduardo Mora:
Tests of Different Regularization Terms in Small Networks. 284-290
Self Organizing Networks and Vector Quantizer
- Hujun Yin, Nigel M. Allinson
On the Distribution of Feature Space in Self-Organising Mapping and Convergence Accelerating by a Kalman Algorithm. 291-296 - P. Martin-Smith, Francisco J. Pelayo, Antonio F. Díaz, Julio Ortega, Alberto Prieto:
A Learning Algorithm to Obtain Self-Organizing Maps Using Fixed Neighbourhood Kohonen Networks. 297-304 - Marie Cottrell, Patrick Letrémy, Elisabeth Roy:
Analysing a Contingency Table with Kohonen Maps: A Factorial Correspondence Analysis. 305-311 - Ralf Der, Thomas Villmann:
Dynamics of Self-Organized Feature Mapping. 312-315 - Chin-Der Wann, Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos
Comparative Study of Self-Organizing Neural Networks. 316-321 - David White, Panos A. Ligomenides:
GANNet: A Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Topology and Weights in Neural Network Design. 322-327 - Pierre Demartines
, Jeanny Hérault:
Vector Quantization and Projection Neural Network. 328-333 - Juan-Carlos Perez-Cortes, Enrique Vidal:
Constructive Design of LVQ and DSM Classifiers. 334-339 - Michel Verleysen, Philippe Thissen, Jean-Didier Legat:
Linear Vector Classification: An Improvement on LVQ Algorithms to Create Classes of Patterns. 340-345 - Zhicheng Wang:
Non-Greedy Adaptive Vector Quantizers. 346-350
Neural Software
- Philip C. Treleaven, Paulo V. Rocha:
Hybrid Programming Environments. 351-357 - Stephan Dreiseitl, Dongming Wang:
Automatic Generation of C++ Code for Neural Network Simulation. 358-363 - Lidia Fuentes, José Francisco Aldana Montes, José M. Troya:
URANO: An Object-Oriented Artificial Neural Network Simulation Tool. 364-369 - William Beaudot, Patricia Palagi, Jeanny Hérault:
Realistic Simulation Tool for Early Visual Processing Including Space, Time and Colour Data. 370-375 - Christopher Burdorf:
Language Supported Storage and Reuse of Persistent Neural Network Objects. 376-381 - John C. Taylor, Michael Recce, Anoop S. Mangat:
Flexible Operating Environment for Matrix Based Neurocomputers. 382-387 - Enrica Filippi, J. C. Lawson:
A Parallel Implementation of Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps on the Smart Neurocomputer. 388-393 - Peter Wilke:
Simulation of Neural Networks in a Distributed Computing Environment Using NeuroGraph. 394-398 - Enrique Alba, José Francisco Aldana Montes, José M. Troya:
Full Automatic ANN Design: A Genetic Approach. 399-404
Hardware Implementation
- Dante Del Corso:
Hardware Implementations of Artificial Neural Networks. 405-419 - Marcello Chiaberge, Dante Del Corso, Francesco Gregoretti, Leonardo Maria Reyneri:
A Neural Network Chip Using CPWM Modulation. 420-425 - Jordi Carrabina, Ferran Lisa, Vicens Gaitán
, Lluís Garrido, Elena Valderrama:
Hardware Implementation of a Neural Network for High Energy Physics Application. 426-431 - Julio Ortega, Francisco J. Pelayo, Alberto Prieto, Begoña Pino, Carlos García Puntonet:
MapA: An Array Processor Architecture for Neural Networks. 432-440 - Carlos Vázquez Regueiro
, Senén Barro, A. Yáñez:
Limitation of Connectionism in MLP. 441-447 - Meyer E. Nigri
, Philip C. Treleaven:
High Level Syntheses of Neural Network Chips. 448-453 - Bobby G. Sumpter, Raymond E. Guenther, Christian Halloy, Coral Getino, Donald W. Noid:
Neural Network Simulations on Massively Parallel Computers: Applications in Chemical Physics. 454-458 - David C. J. Naylor, Simon Jones:
A Model Based Approach to the Performance Analysis of Multi-Layer Networks Realised in Linear Systolic Arrays. 459-464 - Chris Christodoulou
, Guido Bugmann, Trevor G. Clarkson, John G. Taylor:
The Temporal Noisy-Leaky Integrator Neuron with Additional Inhibitory Inputs. 465-470 - Trevor G. Clarkson, C. K. Ng:
Architectures for Self-Learning Neural Networks Modules. 471-475 - Marley M. B. R. Vellasco, Philip C. Treleaven:
The Generic Neuron Architectural Framework for the Automatic Generation of ASICs. 476-481 - Marco Aurélio Cavalcanti Pacheco, Philip C. Treleaven:
A Risc Architecture to Support Neural Net Simulation. 482-487 - Stefan Rüping, Ulrich Rückert, Karl Goser:
Hardware Design for Self-Organizing Feature Maps with Binary Input Vectors. 488-493
Pattern Recognition and Signal Processing
- Miguel Angel Lagunas
, Ana I. Pérez-Neira, Montse Nájar, Alba Pagès-Zamora:
The Kolmogorov Signal Processor. 494-512 - Gonzalo Joya Caparrós
, Francisco Sandoval Hernández:
Projectivity Invariant Pattern Recognition with High-Order Neural Networks. 513-518 - Frank J. Smieja:
Rejection of Incorrect Answers from a Neural Net Classifier. 519-524 - Carlos Pantaleón, Aníbal R. Figueiras-Vidal:
Nonlinear Time Series Modeling by Competitive Segmentation of State Space. 525-530 - Olivier Adam, Jean-Luc Zarader, Maurice Milgram:
Identification and Prediction of Non-Linear Models with Recurrent Neural Network. 531-535 - María José Rodríguez, Francisco del Pozo, María Teresa Arredondo:
Use of Unsupervised Neural Networks for Classification of Blood Pressure Time Series. 536-541 - J. J. Fernandez-Rodriguez, Antonio Cañas, E. Roca, Francisco J. Pelayo, J. Fernandez-Mena, Alberto Prieto:
Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Chest Image Classification. 542-549 - Javier Tuya, E. Arias, Luciano Sánchez, José A. Corrales:
Combination of Self-Organizing Maps and Multilayer Perceptrons for Speaker Independent Isolated Word Recognition. 550-555 - Gérard Yahiaoui, Bertrand Borocco:
An Industrial Application of Neural Networks to Natural Textures Classification. 556-562 - Lluís Garrido, Vicens Gaitán
, Miquel Serra-Ricart, Xavier Calbet
Use of a Layered Neural Nets as a Display Method for N-Dimensional Disributions. 563-568 - Yves Lecourtier, Bernadette Dorizzi, Philippe Sebire, Abdel Ennaji:
MLP Modular Versus YPREL Classifiers. 569-574 - Jocelyn Patinel, Gilles Leone, Maurice Milgram:
How Many Hidden Neurons Are Needed to Recognize a Symmetrical Pattern? 575-582
- Salvatore Cavalieri, Antonella Di Stefano, Orazio Mirabella:
Hopfield Neural Network for Routing. 583-592 - A. García-Lopera, Antonio Díaz Estrella, F. García Oller, Francisco Sandoval Hernández:
Neural Network Touting Controller for Communication Parallel Multistage Interconnection Networks. 593-598 - Joël Minot:
Adaptive Routing Using Cellular Automata. 599-604 - Jesús Cid-Sueiro
, Luis Weruaga-Prieto, Aníbal R. Figueiras-Vidal:
Optimal Blind Equalization of Gaussian Channels. 605-610 - Giuliano Cammarata, Salvatore Cavalieri, A. Fichera, Luigi Marletta:
Noise Prediction in Urban Traffic by a Neural Approach. 611-619
Artificial Vision
- Hiroshi Sako, Hadar I. Avi-Itzhak:
A Connectionist Approach to the Correspondence Problem in Computer Vision. 620-625 - René Natowicz, Robert Sokol:
Self-Organizing Feature Maps for Image Segmentation. 626-631 - Bernd Freisleben, John-Hendrik Greve, Joakim Löber:
Recognition of Fractal Images Using a Neural Network. 632-637 - Ferran Lisa, Jordi Carrabina, Conrado J. Pérez Vicente, Narcís Avellana, Elena Valderrama:
Feed Forward Network for Vehicle License Character Recognition. 638-644 - Minami Miyauchi, Masatoshi Seki, Akira Watanabe, Arata Miyauchi:
Interpretation of Optical Flow Through Complex Neural Network. 645-650 - Diego Cabello, Manuel G. Penedo, Senén Barro, Xosé Manuel Pardo López, J. Heras:
CT Image Segmentation by Self-Organizing Learning. 651-656 - Antonio Mosquera González, Diego Cabello, María J. Carreira
, Manuel G. Penedo:
Texture Image Segmentatoin Using a Modified Hopfield Network. 657-663 - Bernd Freisleben
, Maximilian Mengel:
Image Compression with Self-Organizing Networks. 664-669
Control and Robotic
- Mohammad Bahrami:
Neural Networks as Direct Adaptive Controllers. 670-675 - Claude Barret, M. Houkari, Ph. Meyne, J. M. Martinez, A. Garassino, P. Tormo:
A Neural Adaptive Controller for a Turbofan Exhaust Nozzle. 676-681 - Abhay B. Bulsari, Björn Saxén, Henrik Saxén
Feed-Forward Neural Networks for Bioreactor Control. 682-687 - Lisa Borland, Hermann Haken:
Learning Networks for Process Identification and Association Action. 688-693 - Juan R. Pimentel, Diego Gachet, Luis Moreno, Miguel Angel Salichs:
On-line Performance Enhancement of a Behavioral Neural Network Controller. 694-701 - Richard P. Palmer, Peter Rounce:
An Architecture for Implementing Control and Signal Processing Neural Networks. 702-707 - Janko Mrsic-Flögel:
Planlite: Adaptive Planning Using Weigthless Systems. 708-713
Other Applications
- Sergio Margarita, Andrea Beltratti
Stock Prices and Volume in an Artificial Adaptive Stock Market. 714-719 - Luis J. de Miguel, Elena Revilla, J. Miguel Rodríguez, J. Manuel Cano:
Application of the Fuzzy Artmap Neural Network Architecture to Bank Failure Predicitons. 720-725 - F. Ros, A. Brons, F. Sevila, Gilles Rabatel, Claude F. Touzet:
Combination of Neural Network and Statistical Methods for Sensory Evaluation of Biological Products: On-line Beauty Selection of Floweers. 726-731 - Fabio Crestani
An Adaptive Information Retrieval System Based on Neural Networks. 732-737 - P. Clochon, D. Clarencon, R. Caterini, V. Roman:
Software Pattern EEG Recognition After a Wavelet Transform by a Neural Network. 738-743

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