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ISGT Europe 2012: Berlin, Germany
- 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT Europe 2012, Berlin, Germany, October 14-17, 2012. IEEE 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-2595-0
- Stefan Nykamp
, Albert Molderink, Vincent Bakker, Hermen A. Toersche, Johann L. Hurink
, Gerard J. M. Smit:
Integration of heat pumps in distribution grids: Economic motivation for grid control. 1-8 - Parimal Acharjee:
Investigation of the power scenario in India for the implementation of smart grid. 1-8 - Anna Kulmala
, Antti Mutanen, Antti Koto, Sami Repo, Pertti Järventausta
Demonstrating coordinated voltage control in a real distribution network. 1-8 - Irfan Unal, Sherif O. Faried:
Damping power system oscillations using phase imbalanced series capacitive compensation and DFIG-based wind farms. 1-7 - Shouxiang Wang, Liang Han, Dan Wang, Mohammad Shahidehpour, Zuyi Li
Hierarchical charging management strategy of plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles to provide regulation service. 1-6 - Vladimir Bicik, Ondrej Holub, Karel Marik, Marek Sikora, Petr Stluka, Reinhilde D'hulst:
Platform for coordination of energy generation and consumption in residential neighborhoods. 1-7 - Seung Tae Cha, Qiuwei Wu, Jacob Østergaard
A generic danish distribution grid model for smart grid technology testing. 1-6 - Jeff Frolik, Anthony L. Lentine, Andrew Seier, Chris Palombini:
Dynamic communications control for μGrid agents. 1-5 - Hongbo Sun, Daniel Nikovski, Tetsufumi Ohno, Tomihiro Takano, Yasuhiro Kojima:
Hybrid three-phase load flow method for ungrounded distribution systems. 1-8 - Konstantin V. Suslov
A microgrid concept for isolated territories of Russia. 1-5 - Parvathy Chittur Ramaswamy, Geert Deconinck
Smart grid reconfiguration using simple genetic algorithm and NSGA-II. 1-8 - Felipe Gómez-Cuba
, Rafael Asorey-Cacheda
, Francisco J. González-Castaño
WiMAX for smart grid last-mile communications: TOS traffic mapping and performance assessment. 1-8 - Sebastian Rohjans, Christian Dänekas, Mathias Uslar:
Requirements for Smart Grid ICT-architectures. 1-8 - Yi Zong
, Lucian Mihet-Popa, Daniel Kullmann, Anders Thavlov
, Oliver Gehrke
, Henrik W. Bindner
Model Predictive Controller for Active Demand Side Management with PV self-consumption in an intelligent building. 1-8 - Ahmad Salehi-Dobakhshari
, Ali Mohammad Ranjbar:
Transmission grid fault diagnosis by wide area measurement system. 1-7 - Yoshiharu Okumoto, Naoto Yorino
, Yoshifumi Zoka
, Yutaka Sasaki, Toshihiro Yamanaka, Tomohisa Akiyoshi:
An application of robust power system security to power system operation for high-penetration of PV. 1-7 - Prechanon Kumkratug:
Novel model of UPFC for evaluating transient stability of a multimachine system including the grid-connected photovoltaic system. 1-7 - José M. R. de Souza Neto, José Sérgio da Rocha Neto, Long Chang, Robert C. Atkinson
, Konstantinos Sasloglou, Ian A. Glover
A self-calibrating partial discharge WSN for condition monitoring in the future smart grid. 1-7 - Jairo Quirós-Tortós
, Vladimir V. Terzija:
A smart power system restoration based on the merger of two different strategies. 1-8 - Carlos Gonzalez
, Jurgen Geuns, Sam Weckx, Thomas Wijnhoven, Pieter Vingerhoets, Tom De Rybel, Johan Driesen
LV distribution network feeders in Belgium and power quality issues due to increasing PV penetration levels. 1-8 - Marco Cupelli, Christine Doig Cardet, Antonello Monti:
Comparison of line voltage stability indices using dynamic real time simulation. 1-8 - Mustafa Alparslan Zehir
, Mustafa Bagriyanik
Evaluation of management strategies for thermostatic loads in Smart Grid. 1-5 - Keshav Pokharel, Maizura Mokhtar
, Joe M. Howe:
A multi-objective planning framework for optimal integration of distributed generations. 1-8 - David Echternacht
, Christian Linnemann, Albert Moser:
Optimized positioning of measurements in distribution grids. 1-7 - Jeff Frolik, Paul D. H. Hines:
Urgency-driven, plug-in electric vehicle charging. 1-5 - Zhong Fan, Qipeng Chen, Georgios Kalogridis, Siok Kheng Tan, Dritan Kaleshi:
The power of data: Data analytics for M2M and smart grid. 1-8 - Anatoly M. Lipsky, Neda V. Miteva, Efim S. Lokshin:
Current harmonics and commercial losses in smart grids. 1-5 - Houman Pezeshki
, Peter J. Wolfs
Consumer phase identification in a three phase unbalanced LV distribution network. 1-7 - Nikolai I. Voropai, Victor G. Kurbatsky, Nikita V. Tomin
, Daniil A. Panasetsky
Preventive and emergency control of intelligent power systems. 1-7 - Maizura Mokhtar
, Xiongwei Liu
An ARTMAP-incorporated multi-agent system for building intelligent heat management. 1-8 - Ehsan Abbasi, Hossein Ameli, Kai Strunz:
Day-ahead and online scheduling of a Power Park in urban electricity infrastructure. 1-8 - Sekyung Han, Soohee Han:
Economics of V2G frequency regulation in consideration of the battery wear. 1-8 - Oana L. Onet, Damien Paire
, Arnaud Gaillard, Benjamin Blunier, Radu Tirnovan:
Distributed control strategy for a grid-connected hybrid system with batteries and renewable sources. 1-8 - Mike Ifland, Nadine Exner, Dirk Westermann:
Influencing domestic customers' market behavior with time flexible tariffs. 1-7 - Han Rui, Maximilian Arnold, Wolfram H. Wellssow:
Synthetic medium voltage grids for the assessment of Smart Grid techniques. 1-8 - Francisco Diaz-Gonzalez
, Andreas Sumper
, Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt
, Roberto Villafafila-Robles
Modeling and validation of a flywheel energy storage lab-setup. 1-6 - Jure Mocnik, Andrej Zemva:
Communication-control concept in distribution network with dispersed energy resources. 1-6 - Christine Brandstätt
, Nele Friedrichsen:
Price incentives for smart electric vehicle operation - Status quo and perspectives. 1-6 - Olle Sundström, Carl Binding, Dieter Gantenbein, Daniel Berner, Wolf-Christian Rumsch:
Aggregating the flexibility provided by domestic hot-water boilers to offer tertiary regulation power in Switzerland. 1-7 - Sam Weckx, Carlos Gonzalez
, Jeroen Tant
, Tom De Rybel, Johan Driesen
Parameter identification of unknown radial grids for theft detection. 1-6 - Raphael Hollinger, Simon Hamperl, Thomas Erge, Bernhard Wille-Haussmann, Christof Wittwer:
Simulating the optimized participation of distributed controllable generators at the spot market for electricity considering prediction errors. 1-6 - Wilfried Fischer, Rainer Braun, István Erlich:
Low frequency high voltage offshore grid for transmission of renewable power. 1-6 - Ioannis Lampropoulos
, Paul P. J. van den Bosch, Wil L. Kling:
A predictive control scheme for automated demand response mechanisms. 1-8 - Yong Chen, Ralf Hesse, Dirk Turschner, Hans-Peter Beck:
Investigation of the Virtual Synchronous Machine in the island mode. 1-6 - Dinghuan Zhu, Gabriela Hug-Glanzmann
Robust control design for integration of energy storage into frequency regulation. 1-8 - Hiroyuki Amano, Yuji Oshiro, Tomonori Kawakami, Toshio Inoue:
Utilization of battery energy storage system for load frequency control toward large-scale renewable energy penetration. 1-7 - Lee J. Thomas, Jianzhong Wu
, Janaka Ekanayake, Nick Jenkins
Enabling distributed frequency response using smart meters. 1-5 - Thomas Holtschneider, István Erlich:
Assessment method for incentives and their optimization considering demand response of consumers. 1-6 - Mathias Uslar, Filip Andren
, Wolfgang Mahnke, Sebastian Rohjans, Matthias Stifter, Thomas I. Strasser
Hybrid grids: ICT-based integration of electric power and gas grids - A standards perspective. 1-8 - Simon K. K. Ng, Jin Zhong:
Security-constrained dispatch with controllable loads for integrating stochastic wind energy. 1-8 - Martin Strelec, Karel Macek, Alessandro Abate:
Modeling and simulation of a microgrid as a Stochastic Hybrid System. 1-9 - Niels Leemput, Frederik Geth, Bert Claessens, Juan Van Roy, Raf Ponnette, Johan Driesen
A case study of coordinated electric vehicle charging for peak shaving on a low voltage grid. 1-7 - Sven C. Müller, Andreas Kubis, Sebastian Brato, Ulf Häger
, Christian Rehtanz
, Jürgen Götze
New applications for wide-area monitoring, protection and control. 1-8 - Giuseppe Tommaso Costanzo
, Anna Magdalena Kosek, Guchuan Zhu, Luca Ferrarini
, Miguel F. Anjos
, Gilles Savard:
An experimental study on load-peak shaving in smart homes by means of online admission control. 1-8 - Song Guo, Janusz Bialek:
Synchronous machine inertia constants updating using Wide Area Measurements. 1-7 - Daniel Beyer, Frank Karstadt, Benjamin Fischer, Michael Agsten
, Peter Bretschneider:
Electrical power and energy compensation demand with regard to topological restrictions of German mains for an efficient operation of smart grids. 1-8 - Hannu Laaksonen
New multi-criteria-based algorithm for islanding detection in smart grids. 1-8 - Christoph Molitor, Kanali Togawa, Sebastian Bolte, Antonello Monti:
Load Models for Home Energy System and micro grid simulations. 1-6 - Hans-Jörg Belitz, Sabine Winter, Christian Müller, Nils Langhammer, Rüdiger Kays, Christian Wietfeld
, Christian Rehtanz
Technical and economic analysis of future smart grid applications in the E-DeMa project. 1-8 - Massimiliano Schillaci, Paola Bisaglia, Andrea Giorgi:
A new customer relation model for energy utilities. 1-7 - Christoph Schneiders, Joachim Vanzetta, Johannes F. Verstege:
Enhancement of situation awareness in wide area transmission systems for electricity and visualization of the global system state. 1-9 - Jialiang Yi, Pengfei Wang, Phillip C. Taylor, Peter J. Davison, Pádraig F. Lyons
, Daniel H. Liang, Stuart Brown, David Roberts:
Distribution network voltage control using energy storage and demand side response. 1-8 - Andrea Michiorri
, Robin Girard
, Georges Kariniotakis
, Christophe Lebosse, Sandrine Albou:
A local energy management system for solar integration and improved security of supply: The Nice Grid project. 1-6 - Xue Feng
, Hoay Beng Gooi
, Shuai Xun Chen:
An improved lithium-ion battery model with temperature prediction considering entropy. 1-8 - Stefan Feuerhahn, Raphael Hollinger, Chau Do, Bernhard Wille-Haussmann, Christof Wittwer:
Modeling a vendor independent IEC 61850 profile for energy management of micro-CHP units. 1-5 - Ronan Meere, Mark J. O'Malley
, Andrew Keane
VSC-HVDC link to support voltage and frequency fluctuations for variable speed wind turbines for grid connection. 1-5 - Jaime C. Cepeda
, José Luis Rueda
, István Erlich, Delia G. Colome:
Probabilistic approach-based PMU placement for real-time power system vulnerability assessment. 1-8 - Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt
, José Luis Rueda
, István Erlich, Dimitar Bogdanov, Walter Mauircio Villa-Acevedo
Identification of Gaussian mixture model using Mean Variance Mapping Optimization: Venezuelan case. 1-6 - Matthias Althoff, Milos Cvetkovic, Marija Ilic:
Transient stability analysis by reachable set computation. 1-8 - Hua Ye, Feng Gao, Kai Strunz, Yue Xia:
Multi-scale modeling and simulation of synchronous machine in phase-domain. 1-6 - Shantanu Padmanabhan, Vladimir V. Terzija:
Settings-free method to account for shunt admittance in fault location. 1-7 - Alison O'Connell, Damian Flynn
, Peter Richardson, Andrew Keane
Controlled charging of electric vehicles in residential distribution networks. 1-7 - Amir Motamedi, Christian Geidel, Hamidreza Zareipour
, William D. Rosehart:
Electricity price forecasting considering residual demand. 1-8 - Joost A. W. Greunsven, Else Veldman, Phuong H. Nguyen
, Johannes G. Slootweg
, I. G. Kamphuis:
Capacity management within a multi-agent market-based active distribution network. 1-8 - Bert Claessens, Stijn Vandael, Frederik Ruelens, Maarten Hommelberg:
Self-learning demand side management for a heterogeneous cluster of devices with binary control actions. 1-8 - Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt
, José Luis Rueda
, Dimitar Bogdanov:
Probabilistic assessment of operational risk considering different wind turbine technologies. 1-6 - Elke Klaassen, Yan Zhang, Ioannis Lampropoulos
, Han Slootweg
Demand side management of electric boilers. 1-6 - Chuzo Ninagawa, Seiji Kondo, Shinichi Isozumi, Hiroki Yoshida:
Fine-time-granularity fast demand control of building HVAC facilities for future smart grid. 1-6 - Rena Kuwahata, Nis Martensen, Thomas Ackermann, Sven Teske
The role of microgrids in accelerating energy access. 1-9 - Maura Musio, Alfonso Damiano
A virtual power plant management model based on electric vehicle charging infrastructure distribution. 1-7 - Klaas De Craemer, Geert Deconinck
Balancing trade-offs in coordinated PHEV charging with continuous market-based control. 1-8 - Piotr I. Bartolomey, Stanislav A. Eroshenko
, Egor M. Lebedev, Anton A. Suvorov
New information technologies for state estimation of power systems with FACTS. 1-8 - Ville Tikka
, Jukka Lassila
, Henri Makkonen, Jarmo Partanen:
Case study of the load demand of electric vehicle charging and optimal charging schemes in an urban area. 1-7 - Gerwin Hoogsteen, Jan Oene Krist, Vincent Bakker, Gerard J. M. Smit:
Non-intrusive appliance recognition. 1-7 - Soumya R. Mohanty, Nand Kishor, Prakash K. Ray, João P. S. Catalão
Islanding detection in a distributed generation based hybrid system using intelligent pattern recognition techniques. 1-5 - Francesco Marra, Y. Tarek Fawzy, Thorsten Bulo, Bostjan Blazic:
Energy storage options for voltage support in low-voltage grids with high penetration of photovoltaic. 1-7 - Nelson C. Batista
, Rui Melício
, João C. O. Matias
, João P. S. Catalão
ZigBee wireless area network for home automation and energy management: Field trials and installation approaches. 1-5 - Frederik Geth, Niels Leemput, Juan Van Roy, Jeroen Büscher, Raf Ponnette, Johan Driesen
Voltage droop charging of electric vehicles in a residential distribution feeder. 1-8 - Jon Are Suul, Marta Molinas
, Pedro Rodríguez
Exploring the range of impedance conditioning by virtual inductance for grid connected voltage source converters. 1-9 - Rafael R. Londero, Carolina de M. Affonso
, João Paulo Abreu Vieira, Ubiratan Holanda Bezerra:
Impact of different DFIG wind turbines control modes on long-term voltage stability. 1-7 - Frederik Ruelens, Stijn Vandael, Willem Leterme
, Bert Claessens, Maarten Hommelberg, Tom Holvoet
, Ronnie Belmans:
Demand side management of electric vehicles with uncertainty on arrival and departure times. 1-8 - Ballard Asare-Bediako, Paulo Fernando Ribeiro
, Wil L. Kling:
Integrated energy optimization with smart home energy management systems. 1-8 - Jörn Trefke, Christian Dänekas, Sebastian Rohjans, José M. González Vázquez:
Adaptive architecture development for Smart Grids based on integrated building blocks. 1-8 - Naotaka Okada, Masahiro Takasaki, Kazuyuki Tanaka:
A case study of bad data detection for distribution feeder voltage measurement. 1-6 - Albert Molderink, Vincent Bakker, Johann L. Hurink
, Gerard J. M. Smit:
Comparing demand side management approaches. 1-8 - Robert J. W. de Groot, Johan Morren, Johannes G. Slootweg
Smart integration of distribution automation applications. 1-7 - Erika Kämpf, Michael Bauer, Rainer Schwinn, Martin Braun
ICT infrastructure design considering ICT contingencies and reserve requirements on transmission level. 1-7 - Antonio Bracale
, Roberto Caldon, Gianni Celli
, Massimiliano Coppo
, Diego Dal Canto, Roberto Langella
, Giacomo Petretto, Fabrizio Pilo
, Giuditta Pisano, Daniela Proto
, Sandra Scalari, Roberto Turri
Analysis of the Italian distribution system evolution through reference networks. 1-8 - Anne-Katrin Marten, Dirk Westermann:
Power flow participation by an embedded HVDC grid in an interconnected power system. 1-6 - Tuan Quoc Tran
, Xavier Le Pivert, Mehdi Saheli, Olivier Beaude:
Stochastic approach to assess impacts of electric vehicles on the distribution network. 1-8 - Gert Rietveld
, Paul Clarkson, Paul S. Wright
, Umberto Pogliano, Jean-Pierre Braun, Miha Kokalj, Rado Lapuh, Norbert Zisky:
Measurement infrastructure for observing and controlling Smart Electrical Grids. 1-8 - Pio Lombardi
, Tatiana Sokolnikova
, Konstantin V. Suslov
, Zbigniew Styczynski
Optimal storage capacity within an autonomous micro grid with a high penetration of Renewable Energy Sources. 1-4 - Mariam Khattabi, Andreas Kießling, Patrick Selzam, Jan Ringelstein:
Agent based automation for a smarter distribution grid. 1-8 - Benjamin Dupont, Pieter Vingerhoets, Peter Tant, Koen Vanthournout, Wim Cardinaels, Tom De Rybel, Eefje Peeters, Ronnie Belmans:
LINEAR breakthrough project: Large-scale implementation of smart grid technologies in distribution grids. 1-8 - Moses A. Kai, W. Mack Grady, David Costello, Daniel Brooks, Jaime Ramos:
Lessons learned from the Texas Synchrophasor Network. 1-6 - Farhad Davoodi Samirmi, Wenhu Tang, Q. Henry Wu:
Implementation of Gaia methodology for multi-agent based transformer condition monitoring. 1-8 - Sahil Shanghavi, W. Mack Grady, Bradley Schwarz:
Evaluating the impact of wind turbine shadows on an integrated wind and solar farm. 1-6 - Aditya Tarali, Ali Abur:
Bad data detection in two-stage state estimation using phasor measurements. 1-8 - Rossen Tzartzev, W. Mack Grady, Jay Patel:
Impact of high-penetration PV on distribution feeders. 1-6 - Olga V. Svezhentseva, Nikolai I. Voropai:
Optimization of supply source allocation in the problem of rational configuration of electricity supply system. 1-7 - Sima Seidi Khorramabadi, Alireza R. Bakhshai
A synchronous reference frame intelligent structure for power control of distributed generators in a microgrid. 1-6 - Evangelos Karfopoulos, Charalampos E. Marmaras, Nikos D. Hatziargyriou:
Charging control model for Electric Vehicle Supplier Aggregator. 1-7 - Shahab Bahrami, Mostafa Parniani, Ahmadreza Vafaeimehr:
A modified approach for residential load scheduling using smart meters. 1-8 - Balakrishnan Narayanaswamy, T. S. Jayram, Voo Nyuk Yoong:
Hedging strategies for renewable resource integration and uncertainty management in the smart grid. 1-8 - Ehsan Abbasi, Hossein Ameli, Kai Strunz, Duc Nguyen Huu
Optimized operation, planning, and frequency control of hybrid generation-storage systems in isolated networks. 1-8 - Mathaios Panteli
, Peter A. Crossley
Assessing the risk associated with a high penetration of System Integrity Protection Schemes. 1-7 - Pavel V. Chusovitin
, Andrey V. Pazderin
Implementation of power system model identification for locating in-phase generators. 1-7 - Cedric Bodet, Rafal Jablonowski, Kellie Erickson, Anett Schülke:
An optimal local charging strategy for competing electric vehicles on quick charging facilities. 1-7 - Jens C. Boemer, Barry G. Rawn
, Madeleine Gibescu, Edward J. Coster, Mart A. M. M. van der Meijden, Wil L. Kling:
Contribution of negative-sequence controlled distributed generation to power system stability under unbalanced faults: A discussion paper. 1-8 - Ricardo J. Bessa
, Manuel A. Matos
Forecasting issues for managing a portfolio of electric vehicles under a smart grid paradigm. 1-8 - Suresh C. Verma, Yoshiki Nakachi, Yoshihiko Wazawa, Yoko Kosaka, Takenori Kobayashi, Kazuya Omata, Yoshiki Takabayashi:
Short circuit current estimation using PMU measurements during normal load variation. 1-5 - Junjie Tang, Junqi Liu, Ferdinanda Ponci
, Antonello Monti, Carlo Muscas, Sara Sulis
Impact of synchrophasor measurement uncertainty on detecting voltage stability margin in power systems. 1-6 - Matthieu Loos, Stefan Werben, Jean-Claude Maun:
Multiple measurements to locate single phase earth fault in compensated network. 1-6 - Wouter Labeeuw, Sven Claessens, Kevin Mets, Chris Develder
, Geert Deconinck
Infrastructure for collaborating data-researchers in a Smart Grid pilot. 1-8 - Newton Carlos Will, Rafael Cardoso
Implementation of the IEEE Std 1459-2010 using Kalman filter for fundamental and harmonics detection. 1-7 - Alexandru Stefanov
, Chen-Ching Liu:
ICT modeling for integrated simulation of cyber-physical power systems. 1-8 - Vito Calderaro
, Vincenzo Galdi
, Giovanni Massa
, Antonio Piccolo:
Distributed generation management: An optimal sensitivity approach for decentralized power control. 1-8 - Cuong Nguyen Mau, Ngoc Tuan Trinh, Krzysztof Rudion
, Edwin Lerch, Zbigniew Styczynski
Improving ranking of electric power system dynamic behavior in DSA system by applying VSC based HVDC technology. 1-7 - Andrea Rodriguez-Calvo, Pablo Frias, Javier Reneses
, Carlos Mateo
Optimal degree of smart transformer substations in distribution networks for reliability improvement. 1-7 - Sven C. Müller, Hanno Georg, Christian Rehtanz
, Christian Wietfeld
Hybrid simulation of power systems and ICT for real-time applications. 1-7 - José A. Barros, Helder Leite
, Nick Jenkins
Coordinating independent distributed generators. 1-5 - Sanja Cvijic, Marija Ilic:
Area-level reduction of wheeling loop flows in regional power networks. 1-8 - Muhajir Tadesse Mekonnen, Benjamin Dupont, Kristof de Vos, Kris Kessels, Ronnie Belmans:
Optimizing the use of flexible residential demand for balancing wind power. 1-8 - Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Holger Elias, Timo Kyntäjä, Ignacio Martin Diaz de Cerio, Jürgen Heiles, Didier Boeda, Raphaël Caire
Future Internet for smart distribution systems. 1-8 - Illia Bielchev, André Naumann
, Alexander Visyashchev, Rainer Krebs, Zbigniew Styczynski
Modeling and investigation of communication and protection scenarios for Smart Grid. 1-5 - Yujun He, Marc Petit, Philippe Dessante
Optimization of the steady voltage profile in distribution systems by coordinating the controls of distributed generations. 1-7 - Lidija M. Korunovic, Stefan Sterpu, Sasa Z. Djokic, Koji Yamashita, Sergio Martinez Villanueva, Jovica V. Milanovic:
Processing of load parameters based on Existing Load Models. 1-6 - Murat Gol
, Ali Abur:
Synchro-phasor based three phase state estimation using modal components. 1-4 - Traian Nicolae Preda, Kjetil Uhlen, Dag Eirik Nordgård
, Trond Toftevaag:
External grid representation for assessing fault ride through capabilities of distributed generation units. 1-9 - Regine Belhomme, Philippe Eyrolles, Roberto Gonzalez Sainz-Maza, Joseba Jimeno Huarte
, Giovanni Valtorta, Elena Morozova, Francesco Naso, Dana Abi Ghanem
, Sarah Mander
Implementing Active Demand in the ADDRESS project: Laboratory tests and first results from the field. 1-8 - Ismael Miranda
, Nuno Silva, Helder Leite
Technical and economic assessment for optimal sizing of distributed storage. 1-6 - Santiago Sanchez Acevedo
, Marta Molinas
Evaluation of non-active current compensation in smart grids. 1-8 - Vladimir S. Stepanov
, Konstantin V. Suslov
, Leonid M. Chebotnyagin, Natalia S. Moskalenko, Zbigniew Styczynski
The market approach of demand management in the power system. 1-4 - Hermen A. Toersche, Stefan Nykamp
, Albert Molderink, Johann L. Hurink
, Gerard J. M. Smit:
Controlling smart grid adaptivity. 1-8 - Kaushik Das
, Jagabondhu Hazra, Deva P. Seetharam, Ravi Kiran Reddi, Avinash Kumar Sinha:
Real-time hybrid state estimation incorporating SCADA and PMU measurements. 1-8 - Martin Lodl, Rolf Witzmann:
Operation strategies of hybrid energy storages in low-voltage distribution grids with a high degree of decentralized generation. 1-7 - Simon Fey, Pascal Benoit, Gregor Rohbogner, Andreas H. Christ
, Christof Wittwer:
Device-to-device communication for Smart Grid devices. 1-7 - Jagabondhu Hazra, Ravi Kiran Reddi, Kaushik Das
, Deva P. Seetharam, Avinash Kumar Sinha:
Power grid transient stability prediction using wide area synchrophasor measurements. 1-8 - Ines Hauer
, André Naumann
, Martin Stötzer, Zbigniew Styczynski
Communication interface requirements during critical situations in a Smart Grid. 1-7 - Steffen Schlegel, Robert Schwerdfeger, Dirk Westermann:
Involvement of flexible loads in transmission system operation. 1-5 - Pavan Balram, Le Anh Tuan, Lina Bertling Tjernberg
Effects of plug-in electric vehicle charge scheduling on the day-ahead electricity market price. 1-8 - Sebastian Ruthe, Christian Rehtanz
, Sebastian Lehnhoff:
Towards frequency control with large scale Virtual Power Plants. 1-6 - Juan Ma, Vera Silva, Regine Belhomme, Daniel S. Kirschen, Luis F. Ochoa
Exploring the use of flexibility indices in low carbon power systems. 1-5 - Helder Tavares, Helder Leite
, Alberto Pinto, Pedro Borges Vidal, José Santos:
Applying Reliability Centered Maintenance to a digital protective relay. 1-5 - Mohammad Ali Fotouhi Ghazvini
, Zita A. Vale
, Hugo Morais
, Bruno Canizes
A regulatory framework for short-term stochastic maintenance outage scheduling in smart grids. 1-8 - Pedro Faria
, Zita A. Vale
, Tiago Soares
, Hugo Morais
Energy and reserve provision dispatch considering distributed generation and demand response. 1-7 - Bruno Canizes
, João P. Soares
, Zita A. Vale
, Joaquim Teixeira:
Increase of the delivered energy probability in DES using a fuzzy probabilistic modeling. 1-7 - Tiago Sousa
, Tiago Pinto
, Hugo Morais
, Zita A. Vale
Intelligent electric vehicle heuristic for Energy Resource Management using Simulated Annealing. 1-8 - Nicholas Etherden, Leopold Weingarten, Math H. J. Bollen
Physical-hybrid simulation for in-situ evaluation of energy storage system. 1-7 - Natalie Moskalenko, Christoph Wenge
, Alexander Pelzer, Przemyslaw Komarnicki, Zbigniew Styczynski
Energy management system with dynamic component control for efficiency optimization. 1-7 - Claudio R. Vergara:
Parametric interface for Battery Energy Storage Systems providing ancillary services. 1-7 - Christian Röhrig, Krzysztof Rudion
, Zbigniew Styczynski
, Hans-Joachim Nehrkorn:
Fulfilling the standard EN 50160 in distribution networks with a high penetration of renewable energy system. 1-6 - Filipe Fernandes, Hugo Morais
, Pedro Faria
, Zita A. Vale
, Carlos Ramos
Combined heat and power and consumption optimization in a SCADA-based system. 1-8 - Dimitrios Papadaskalopoulos, Goran Strbac:
Decentralized participation of electric vehicles in network-constrained market operation. 1-8 - Lucian Toma
, Bogdan Otomega, Constantin Bulac, Ion Tristiu
Coordination of distributed generators through the virtual power plant concept. 1-6 - Ahmed A. Mohamed
, Vahid Salehi, Osama A. Mohammed
Reactive power compensation in hybrid AC/DC Networks for Smart Grid applications. 1-6 - Yuichiro Kabasawa, Taku Noda
, Kentaro Fukushima, Koshichi Nemoto:
Consumer voltage regulation using coordinated control of distributed static synchronous compensators - μSTATCOMs. 1-7 - Michael Mierau, Robert Kohrs, Christof Wittwer:
A distributed approach to the integration of electric vehicles into future smart grids. 1-7 - Cavit Fatih Kucuktezcan, Veysel Murat Istemihan Genc:
Big bang-big crunch based optimal preventive control action on power systems. 1-4 - Emanuele Crisostomi
, Mauro Tucci
, Marco Raugi
Methods for energy price prediction in the Smart Grid. 1-7 - Robert C. Green II
, Lingfeng Wang, Mansoor Alam:
Intelligent State Space Pruning with local search for power system reliability evaluation. 1-8 - Peng Wang, Dandan Tan:
A calibration method for power metering system with electronic instrument transformers. 1-5 - Hongbin Sun, Boming Zhang, WenChuan Wu, Qinglai Guo:
Family of energy management system for smart grid. 1-5 - Nicolas Höning, Han La Poutré:
Flexible consumers reserving electricity and offering profitable downward regulation. 1-8 - Changzhao Wang, Yao Zhang, Gang Wang, Long-jun Wang:
Reliability modeling of protection system based on phase-type distribution. 1-5 - Peter Bach Andersen
, Rodrigo Garcia-Valle, Willett Kempton
A comparison of electric vehicle integration projects. 1-7 - Duck-Su Lee, Soo-Nam Kim, Young-Chan Choi, Byung-San Baek, Jong-Sung Hur:
Development of wind power stabilization system using BESS and STATCOM. 1-5 - Michael J. Dolan, Graham W. Ault, Damien F. Frame, Simon Gill
, Ivana Kockar
, Olimpo Anaya-Lara
, Stuart J. Galloway, Bryan O'Neill, Colin Foote, Andrejs Svalovs:
Northern Isles New Energy Solutions: Active network management stability limits. 1-9 - Fortunato Villella, Sylvain Leclerc, István Erlich, Stephane Rapoport:
PEGASE pan-European test-beds for testing of algorithms on very large scale power systems. 1-9 - George G. Karady, Jay R. Prigmore, Jorge A. Mendoza:
A Neodymium permanent magnet fault current limiter for use in the FREEDM project. 1-7 - Antonio C. S. Lima, Alexandre P. Alves da Silva, Diego C. Nascimento:
Noninvasive monitoring of residential loads. 1-5 - Hua Xue, Yufei Wang:
Passivity-based control of synchronous motors. 1-5 - George M. Mathews:
An optimal hierarchical algorithm for factored nonlinear weighted least squares state estimation. 1-6 - Shantanu Chakraborty
, Takayuki Ito, Tomonobu Senjyu:
Optimal economic operation of smart grid by fuzzy advanced quantum evolutionary method. 1-8 - Yusuke Miyamoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi
Evaluating improved generation efficiency: One year using residential PV voltage control with a clustered residential grid-interconnected PV. 1-8 - Vegar Storvann, Emil Hillberg
, Kjetil Uhlen:
Indicating and mitigating voltage collapse comparing voltage stability indicators. 1-8 - Rim Missaoui, Ghaith Warkozek
, Seddik Bacha
, Stéphane Ploix:
Real time validation of an optimization Building Energy Management strategy based on Power-Hardware-in-the-loop tool. 1-7 - Lena-Marie Ritte, Stefan Mischinger, Kai Strunz, Johannes Eckstein:
Modeling photovoltaic optimized charging of electric vehicles. 1-8 - Masahiro Asari, Hiromu Kobayashi:
Method of controlling reverse power flow of PV system with heat pump water heater. 1-6 - Michael Schmidt
, Ara Panosyan, Eva-Maria Bärthlein, Kathleen O'Brien, Oliver Mayer:
Method of generating sets of PV plant power time series for grid simulation purposes. 1-7 - Stefan Mischinger, Wilfried Hennings, Kai Strunz:
Integration of surplus wind energy by controlled charging of electric vehicles. 1-7 - Tianrui Zhou, Chongqing Kang, Xinyu Chen, Yue Wu, Jianbo Xin:
Evaluating low-carbon effects of demand response from smart distribution grid. 1-6 - Diego I. Hidalgo Rodriguez
, Lukas Spitalny, Johanna M. A. Myrzik
, Martin Braun
Development of a control strategy for mini CHP plants for an active voltage management in low voltage networks. 1-8 - Pierre Janssen, Tevfik Sezi, Jean-Claude Maun:
Distribution system state estimation using unsynchronized phasor measurements. 1-6 - Ignasi Cairó, Andreas Sumper
Requirements for EV charge stations with photovoltaic generation and storage. 1-6 - Francesco Adinolfi, Francesco Baccino, Mattia Marinelli
, Stefano Massucco, Federico Silvestro
Model of a real medium voltage distribution network for analysis of distributed generation penetration in a SmartGrid scenario. 1-7 - Jacek Wasilewski, Miroslaw Parol
, Tomasz Wójtowicz, Zbigniew Nahorski:
A microgrid structure supplying a research and education centre - polish case. 1-8 - Jörg Dickert, Tobias Heß, Peter Schegner, Clemens Felsmann:
Electrical design of an Efficiency House Plus. 1-7 - Emanuele Ciapessoni
, Diego Cirio, Andrea Pitto, Stefano Massucco, Federico Silvestro
An analytical method for probabilistic load flow applied to multi-terminal HVDC networks for offshore wind farm integration. 1-8 - Jayakrishnan R. Pillai, Shaojun Huang
, Paul Thogersen, Jan Moller, Birgitte Bak-Jensen:
Electric vehicles in low voltage residential grid: A danish case study. 1-7 - Johannes Jargstorf, Koen Vanthournout, Tom De Rybel, Dirk Van Hertem
Effect of Demand Response on transformer lifetime expectation. 1-8 - Benjamin Dupont, Jeroen Tant
, Ronnie Belmans:
Automated residential demand response based on dynamic pricing. 1-7 - Stephen D. J. McArthur
, Philip C. Taylor, Graham W. Ault, James E. King, Dimitrios Athanasiadis, Varavara D. Alimisis, Maciej Czaplewski:
The Autonomic Power System - Network operation and control beyond smart grids. 1-7 - Payam Zamani Dehkordi, Ahmad Salehi-Dobakhshari
, Ali Mohammad Ranjbar:
A decision tree-based method for power system fault diagnosis by synchronized Phasor Measurements. 1-9 - Nadina Baghina, Ioannis Lampropoulos
, Ballard Asare-Bediako, Wil L. Kling, Paulo Fernando Ribeiro
Predictive control of a domestic freezer for real-time demand response applications. 1-8 - Weiwei Pan, Guowei Wu, Hui Zhou, Chong Wang, Yunhe Hou:
Risk-based life cycle cost analysis method for transmission systems. 1-5 - Guowei Wu, Hui Zhou, Weiwei Pan, Yunhe Hou:
Life cycle management method for smart grid asset with real option theory. 1-6 - Amir Fazeli, Mark Sumner
, C. Mark Johnson
, Edward Christopher:
Coordinated optimal dispatch of distributed energy resources within a smart energy community cell. 1-10 - Kalpesh A. Joshi
, Naran M. Pindoriya:
Impact investigation of rooftop Solar PV system: A case study in India. 1-8 - Izudin Dzafic
, Nenad Lecek:
Algorithmic approach to data model versioning. 1-6 - Arnaldo Arancibia
, Kai Strunz:
Autonomous control of electric vehicles in grid-connected and islanded modes. 1-7 - Yuki Mitsukuri, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiji Kamiya, Yasuhiro Kataoka, Shoji Taki, Eiji Kogure:
Validation of voltage regulation method in distribution system utilizing electric vehicles. 1-7 - Andres Pavas
, Horacio Torres-Sanchez, Volker Staudt
Statistical analysis of power quality disturbances propagation by means of the Method of Disturbances Interaction. 1-9 - Seyed Sohail Madani, Ali Abbaspour, Mojtaba Beiraghi, Payam Zamani Dehkordi, Ali Mohammad Ranjbar:
Islanding detection for PV and DFIG using decision tree and AdaBoost algorithm. 1-8 - Hisato Sakuma, Yuma Iwasaki
, Hitoshi Yano, Koji Kudo:
Virtual integration technology of distributed energy storages. 1-6 - Rosa Morales Gonzalez, Ballard Asare-Bediako, Sjef Cobben, Wil L. Kling, Gerrit Scharrenberg, Dirk Dijkstra:
Distributed energy resources for a zero-energy neighborhood. 1-8 - Can Sun, Zhaohong Bie
, Gengfeng Li, Bowen Hua:
Analysis of wind power integration capacity in wind-hydro-thermal hybrid power system. 1-8 - Xiong Wu, Xiuli Wang, Zhaohong Bie
Optimal generation scheduling of a microgrid. 1-7 - Agustí Egea-Alvarez
, Fernando Daniel Bianchi
, Adrià Junyent-Ferré, Gabriel Gross, Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt
Experimental implementation of a voltage control for a Multiterminal VSC-HVDC offshore transmission system. 1-7 - Tianyu Ding, Zhaohong Bie
, Can Sun, Xiuli Wang, Xifan Wang:
A new framework of probabilistic production simulation of power systems with wind energy resources. 1-7 - Markus Jung, Wolfgang Kastner
, Georg Kienesberger, Manuel Leithner
A comparison of Web service technologies for smart meter data exchange. 1-8 - Abdul Hasib Siddique, Heba K. Al Bloushi, Lisa Ann Lamont:
Distributed Generation and smart power grid UAE vision for 2030. 1-6 - Naoyuki Takahashi, Yasuhiro Hayashi
Centralized voltage control method using plural D-STATCOM with controllable dead band in distribution system with renewable energy. 1-5 - Shinya Yoshizawa
, Yasuhiro Hayashi
, Masaki Tsuji, Eiji Kamiya:
Centralized voltage control method of load ratio control transformer and step voltage regulator for bank fault restoration. 1-7 - Yan Chen, Ren Ping Liu, Chen Wang
, Martin de Groot, Zhiyuan Zeng:
Consumer Operational Comfort Level based power demand management in the smart grid. 1-6 - Thomas Weiss, Detlef Schulz:
Using already existing artificial structures for energy storage in areas with high shares of Renewable Energies. 1-7 - Matthias Huber, Annette E. Trippe, Philipp Kuhn
, Thomas Hamacher:
Effects of large scale EV and PV integration on power supply systems in the context of Singapore. 1-8 - David Wallom
, Stefano Salvini, Piotr Lopatka:
High performance computing platform for advanced distributed network operations. 1-5 - Peter Esslinger, Rolf Witzmann:
Regulated distribution transformers in low-voltage networks with a high degree of distributed generation. 1-7 - Matthias Stifter, Roman Schwalbe, Werner Tremmel, Sawsan Henein, Helfried Brunner, Benoît Bletterie, Andreas Abart, Frank Herb, Rudolf Pointner:
DG DemoNet: Experiences from volt/var control field trials and control algorithm advancements. 1-7 - Tilman Weckesser
, Hjörtur Johannsson
, Stefan Sommer
, Jacob Østergaard
Investigation of the adaptability of transient stability assessment methods to real-time operation. 1-9 - James Weimer, Yuzhe Xu, Carlo Fischione
, Karl Henrik Johansson
, Per Ljungberg, Craig Donovan, Ariane Sutor, Lennart E. Fahlén:
A Virtual Laboratory for Micro-Grid information and communication infrastructures. 1-6 - Tobias Aigner, Katrin Schaber, Thomas Hamacher, Terje Gjengedal:
Integrating wind - influence of transmission grid extension on European electricity market prices. 1-8 - Nils Neusel-Lange, Christian Oerter, Markus Zdrallek:
State identification and automatic control of smart low voltage grids. 1-6 - Yin Xu, Laijun Chen
, Ying Chen, Zhenquan Sun:
Simplified modeling of DFIG with PWM nonlinear characteristics for fast transient simulation. 1-6 - Hussein Joumaa, Gregory De-Oliviera, Stéphane Ploix, Mireille Jacomino:
Energy management problem in dwellings: Combining centralized and distributed solving approaches. 1-8 - Ernauli C. Aprilia
, Vladimir Cuk, Sjef Cobben, Paulo Fernando Ribeiro
, Wil L. Kling:
Modeling the frequency response of photovoltaic inverters. 1-5 - Markus Damm, Milan Lukic
, Stefan Mahlknecht, Jan Haase
, Christoph Grimm
, Veljko Malbasa:
Shifting of thermal and schedulable loads based on abstract cost profiles. 1-8 - Miftah Al Karim, Moustafa Chenine, Kun Zhu, Lars Nordström:
Synchrophasor-based data mining for power system fault analysis. 1-8 - Kaiqiao Zhan, Zechun Hu, Yonghua Song, Zhuowei Luo, Zhiwei Xu, Long Jia:
Coordinated electric vehicle charging strategy for optimal operation of distribution network. 1-6 - Rafael Cossent
Setting regulatory incentives for continuity of supply in smart distribution grids. 1-8 - Junqi Liu, Fei Ni
, Junjie Tang, Ferdinanda Ponci
, Antonello Monti:
A modified Taylor-Kalman filter for instantaneous dynamic phasor estimation. 1-7 - Xi Jia, Qing Xia, Qixin Chen
A new transmission cost allocation method considering power flow duration time in Smart Grid. 1-5 - Kim Weyrich, Rujiroj Leelaruji, Walter Kuehn, Luigi Vanfretti
Real-time implementation of an Automatic Voltage Stabilizer for HVDC Control. 1-8 - Izudin Dzafic
, Hans-Theo Neisius, Sylwia Henselmeyer
Three phase current iteration power flow method using fortescue transformations. 1-6 - Hans-Theo Neisius, Izudin Dzafic
, Sylwia Henselmeyer
, Dino Ablakovic, Nenad Lecek:
Modeling of auto-transformers for load flow calculations. 1-6 - Izudin Dzafic
, Sylwia Henselmeyer
, Nenad Lecek, Thomas Schwietzke, Dino Ablakovic:
Object oriented topology tracing for large scale three phase distribution networks. 1-7 - Catalina Spataru, Mark Barrett
The smart supper- European grid: Balancing demand and supply. 1-6 - Peter Bach Andersen, Junjie Hu
, Kai Heussen
Coordination strategies for distribution grid congestion management in a multi-actor, multi-objective setting. 1-8 - Dino Ablakovic, Izudin Dzafic
, Serdar Kecici:
Parallelization of radial three-phase distribution power flow using GPU. 1-7 - Clemens Guenther, Joaquin Klee Barillas, Stefan Stumpp, Michael A. Danzer
A dynamic battery model for simulation of battery-to-grid applications. 1-7 - Youssef Oualmakran, Joaquím Meléndez
, Sergio Herraiz
Self-healing for smart grids: Problem formulation and considerations. 1-6 - Mohammadreza Toulabi, Ali Mohammad Ranjbar, Houshang Karimi, Mojtaba Shiroie:
Dynamic participation of wind farms in system frequency control. 1-6 - Kai Heussen
, Shi You
, Benjamin Biegel, Lars Henrik Hansen, Katrine B. Andersen:
Indirect control for demand side management - A conceptual introduction. 1-8 - Stamatis Karnouskos
, Dejan Ilic, Per Goncalves da Silva:
Using flexible energy infrastructures for demand response in a Smart Grid city. 1-7 - Guangya Yang
, Majken Mattesen, Søren B. Kjær, Radu D. Lazar, Adrian Constantin, Jacob Østergaard
, Carl Stephansen:
Analysis of thevenin equivalent network of a distribution system for solar integration studies. 1-5 - Zheng Hu, Gilles Privat, Stéphane Frénot, Bernard Tourancheau:
Representation and self-configuration of physical entities in extended Smart Grid perimeter. 1-7 - Shahid Hussain, Rune Gustavsson, Arshad Saleem, Lars Nordström:
Service level agreement: Coordination and monitoring of actors in Smart Grid. 1-7 - Dejan Ilic, Stamatis Karnouskos
, Per Goncalves da Silva:
Sensing in power distribution networks via large numbers of smart meters. 1-6 - Per Goncalves da Silva, Stamatis Karnouskos
, Dejan Ilic:
A survey towards understanding residential prosumers in smart grid neighbourhoods. 1-8 - Suyang Zhou, Xiao-Ping Zhang
, Xuan Yang:
Design of demand management system for household heating & cooling. 1-6 - Adam J. Collin
, George Tsagarakis, Aristides E. Kiprakis
, Stephen McLaughlin
Multi-scale electrical load modelling for demand-side management. 1-8 - Alicia J. Allen, Sang-Wook Sohn, Surya Santoso, W. Mack Grady:
Algorithm for screening PMU data for power system events. 1-6 - Justino M. Rodrigues
, Fernanda Oliveira Resende
Using photovoltaic systems to improve voltage control in low voltage networks. 1-7 - Masahide Hojo, Ippei Usuzumi:
Integrated power converter for multiple DC voltage sources. 1-5 - Uwe Müller, Kai Strunz:
Integrated reliability modeling for data center infrastructures: A case study. 1-7 - Stela Sarri, Mario Paolone
, Rachid Cherkaoui, Alberto Borghetti
, Fabio Napolitano, Carlo Alberto Nucci:
State estimation of Active Distribution Networks: Comparison between WLS and iterated kalman-filter algorithm integrating PMUs. 1-8 - Carolina C. Durce, Odlion L. Tortelli, Elizete M. Lourenço
, Tarcisio Loddi:
Complex normalization to perform power flow analysis in emerging distribution systems. 1-6 - Sergio Bruno
, Silvia Lamonaca, Massimo La Scala
, Ugo Stecchi
Integration of optimal reconfiguration tools in advanced distribution management system. 1-8 - Christopher J. C. Williams, Jann O. Binder, Tobias Kelm:
Demand side management through heat pumps, thermal storage and battery storage to increase local self-consumption and grid compatibility of PV systems. 1-6 - Sergio Bruno
, Matteo D'Aloia, Giovanni De Carne
, Massimo La Scala
Controlling transient stability through line switching. 1-7 - Javier Campillo
, Fredrik Wallin
, Iana Vassileva
, Erik Dahlquist
Electricity demand impact from increased use of ground sourced heat pumps. 1-7 - Hiroyuki Mori, Masato Takahashi:
Application of preconditioned Generalized radial Basis Function Network to prediction of photovoltaic power generation. 1-6 - Sylvain Guillemin, D. Long Ha:
Fuzzy and parametric method for self-configuration configuration of home energy manager system. 1-5 - Sara A. Mohamed, Yasser G. Hegazy:
Wind turbine generator modeling for power production estimation & reliability analysis. 1-7 - Yutaka Ota, Haruhito Taniguchi, Hirokazu Suzuki, Tatsuhito Nakajima, Jumpei Baba, Akihiko Yokoyama:
Implementation of grid-friendly charging scheme to electric vehicle off-board charger for V2G. 1-6 - Kenichi Kawabe, Akihiko Yokoyama:
Improvement of angle and voltage stability by control of batteries using wide-area measurement system in power systems. 1-7 - Xunwei Yu, Fei Wang, Alex Q. Huang
Power management strategy for plug and play DC microgrid. 1-7 - Ignacio Hernando-Gil
, Irinel-Sorin Ilie, Sasa Z. Djokic:
Reliability performance of smart grids with demand-side management and distributed generation/storage technologies. 1-8 - Shunsuke Kawachi, Hiroto Hagiwara, Jumpei Baba, Eisuke Shimoda:
Thermal comfort analysis during power fluctuation compensation by use of air-conditioning system. 1-6 - Akihiko Yokoyama, Hirofumi Akagi, Yasuhiro Hayashi
, Kazuhiko Ogimoto, Hideo Ishii:
A national project on Optimal Control and demonstration of the Japanese smart grid for massive integration of photovoltaic systems. 1-7 - Kohei Wada, Akihiko Yokoyama:
Load frequency control using distributed batteries on the demand side with communication characteristics. 1-8 - Mostafa Nick, Marc Hohmann, Rachid Cherkaoui, Mario Paolone
On the optimal placement of distributed storage systems for voltage control in active distribution networks. 1-6 - Simon P. Le Blond, Alan Holt, Paul White:
3eHouses: A smart metering pilot in UK living labs. 1-6 - Daniel Freund, Andreas F. Raab, Tobias Küster, Sahin Albayrak
, Kai Strunz:
Agent-based integration of an electric car sharing fleet into a smart distribution feeder. 1-8 - Nigel Hargreaves, Stefan Pantea, Gareth A. Taylor
, Malcolm R. Irving:
A critical comparison of approaches to resource name management within the IEC Common Information Model. 1-6 - Marina González Vayá, Matthias D. Galus, Rashid A. Waraich, Göran Andersson:
On the interdependence of intelligent charging approaches for plug-in electric vehicles in transmission and distribution networks. 1-8 - Fernando Mancilla-David, Arnaldo Arancibia
, Francesco Riganti Fulginei
, Edward Muljadi
, Matteo Cerroni:
A maximum power point tracker variable-dc-link three-phase inverter for grid-connected PV panels. 1-7 - Evangelos Vrettos, Stephan Koch, Göran Andersson:
Load frequency control by aggregations of thermally stratified electric water heaters. 1-8 - Matthias D. Galus, Felix Wietor, Göran Andersson:
Incorporating valley filling and peak shaving in a utility function based management of an electric vehicle aggregator. 1-8 - Yi Ding, Preben Nyeng, Jacob Østergaard
, Maj Dang Trong, Salvador Pineda
, Koen Kok
, George B. Huitema, Ove S. Grande:
Ecogrid EU - a large scale smart grids demonstration of real time market-based integration of numerous small DER and DR. 1-7 - Marc Beaudin, Hamidreza Zareipour
, Antony Schellenberg:
Residential energy management using a moving window algorithm. 1-8

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