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4th IICAI 2009: Tumkur, Karnataka, India
- Bhanu Prasad, Pawan Lingras, Ashwin Ram:
Proceedings of the 4th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IICAI 2009, Tumkur, Karnataka, India, December 16-18, 2009. IICAI 2009, ISBN 978-0-9727412-7-9
Keynote Speeches
- Ramanathan V. Guha:
Ideas that Shaped the Web. IICAI 2009: 1 - Dominik Slezak:
Multi-Level Approaches for Data Mining and Data Processing: Two Examples. IICAI 2009: 2 - Srinivas Mukkamala:
Role of Computational Intelligence in Malware Detection and Malicious Code Analysis. IICAI 2009: 3
Theory and Algorithms
- Malay K. Pakhira, Prasenjit Das:
Visual Execution of the Traveling Salesman Problem on a Generalized Stochastic Optimizer. IICAI 2009: 4-15 - Gend Lal Prajapati, Narendra S. Chaudhari, Manohar Chandwani:
An Improved Model for Learning Context-Free Grammars Based on Tree Automata. IICAI 2009: 16-29 - Praveen Ranjan Srivastava, Aditya Vijay, Bhupesh Barukha, Prashant Singh Sengar, Rajat Sharma:
An Optimized technique for Test Case Generation and Prioritization Using 'Tabu' Search and 'Data Clustering'. IICAI 2009: 30-46 - Roman P. Bazylevych, Bhanu Prasad, Roman Kutelmakh, Rémy Dupas, Lubov Bazylevych:
A Decomposition Algorithm for Uniform Traveling Salesman Problem. IICAI 2009: 47-56 - Elpida Tzafestas:
Extra-sliding puzzles: Experiments in Cognitive Modeling and Representation for Problem Solving. IICAI 2009: 57-70 - Manish R. Joshi, Virendrakumar C. Bhavsar, Pawan Lingras:
An Algorithm for the Estimation of a Time Period of 2-Sequences. IICAI 2009: 71-88 - Surya Prakash Singh:
Solving Facility Layout Problem using modified genetic search based approach. IICAI 2009: 89-97 - Tad Gonsalves, Kiyoshi Itoh:
Operational Cost Optimization using Artificial Immune System. IICAI 2009: 98-112 - Chandra Das, Pradipta Maji:
A New Possibilistic Biclustering Algorithm for Microarray Gene Expression Data. IICAI 2009: 113-129 - Sandeep K. Namilikonda, Nihar R. Mahapatra:
Dynamic User-Driven Available-Memory Non-Minimal Cost-Bounded Search. IICAI 2009: 130-145 - S. Annadurai, V. Rajkumar Dare, T. Kalyani, D. Gnanaraj Thomas:
On the Combinatorics of Triangular Arrays. IICAI 2009: 146-165
Logic and Knowledge Representation
- Alexander Bolotov, Alessandro Basso, Oleg M. Grigoriev:
Deontic Extension of Deductive Verification of Component Model: Combining Computation Tree Logic and Deontic Logic in Natural Deduction Style Calculus. IICAI 2009: 166-185 - Zoran Majkic, Bhanu Prasad:
Lukasiewicz's 4-valued logic and normal modal logics. IICAI 2009: 186-200 - Zoran Majkic:
Logic Methods for Many-valued Logics: Higher-order Autoepistemic Language Concepts. IICAI 2009: 201-221 - Gulnara Yakhyaeva:
Logic of Fuzzifications. IICAI 2009: 222-239 - Navin Viswanath, Rajshekhar Sunderraman:
Handling Inconsistency in Extended Logic Programs using Program Transformation. IICAI 2009: 240-250 - Kaninda Musumbu:
A New Operational Semantics for Prolog. IICAI 2009: 251-260
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- Ana Isabel Aguilera, Johana Guerrero, Maria A. Palma, Jorge Rodríguez:
Cervical pre-cancerous detection from videocolposcopic images using an artificial neural network. IICAI 2009: 261-274 - Manoj Gupta, R. C. Joshi:
Hiding Fuzzy Association Rules Set. IICAI 2009: 275-289 - Animesh Adhikari:
Mining Overall Association Graph Using Mining Driven Data Structures. IICAI 2009: 290-305 - Surendra Shetty, K. K. Achary:
Audio Data Mining for Indian Classical Music by Extracting Raga Patterns. IICAI 2009: 306-314 - K. M. Anil Kumar, Suresha:
Threshold Based Approach for Mining Users' Opinion on Products from Web. IICAI 2009: 315-332 - Jyotsna Talreja, Mansi Sood, Harmeet Kaur, Punam Bedi, Bhavna Gupta:
Using Web Mining to Generate Recommendations: A Website Recommender. IICAI 2009: 333-349 - D. Srilakshmi, P. Sujatha:
Version Incompatibility Bugs Tracking Through Data Mining Approach. IICAI 2009: 350-358 - Ronaldo C. Prati, Gustavo E. A. P. A. Batista, Maria Carolina Monard:
Data mining with imbalanced class distributions: concepts and methods. IICAI 2009: 359-376 - Pradeep Chouksey, R. S. Thakur, R. C. Jain:
Exploring Interesting Multi-Level Patterns Using Graph Based Approach. IICAI 2009: 377-387
Learning Methodologies for Classification and Decision Making-1
- Shankar Lal, Parag A. Kulkarni, Amarjit Singh:
Classification Based on Parametric Partitioning of Solution Space. IICAI 2009: 388-407 - Manojit Chattopadhyay, Pranab K. Dan, Nityananda Das:
Application of Self Organizing Map in Machine-Part Cell Formation. IICAI 2009: 408-422 - Sunita Jahirabadkar, Parag Kulkarni:
Learning High Dimensional Distributed Data Using Hierarchical Subspace Clustering. IICAI 2009: 423-432 - Bapu B. Kiranagi, D. S. Guru:
Symbolic Similarity and Dissimilarity for Clustering: A Hybrid Measure. IICAI 2009: 433-441 - Ashok Kumar Jangam, Pralhad Ramachandrarao:
Random Number Approach for Addressing Issues of Classification Problems. IICAI 2009: 442-449 - Preeti Mulay, Parag A. Kulkarni:
Incremental Learning Using Incremental Clustering Based on Adaptive Closeness Factor (ACF). IICAI 2009: 450-462
Learning Methodologies for Classification and Decision Making-2
- Nitin Namdeo Pise, Parag A. Kulkarni:
Semi-Supervised Learning with SVM and K-Means Clustering Algorithm. IICAI 2009: 463-482 - Ryan Lichtenwalter, Katerina Lichtenwalter, Nitesh V. Chawla:
Applying Learning Algorithms to Music Generation. IICAI 2009: 483-502 - Jothi Venkateswaran, Umar Sathic Ali:
Improving the kNN by Evidence Theory with Simple Distance Metric Based Neighborhood. IICAI 2009: 503-512 - Marco Botta, Ugo Galassi, Attilio Giordana:
Generative Model versus Discriminative Model approach for Symbolic Sequence Classification. IICAI 2009: 513-532 - Asit Kumar Das, Jaya Sil:
An Efficient Classifier Design Integrating Rough Set and Graph Theory based Decision Forest. IICAI 2009: 533-544 - P. Alagambigai, K. Thangavel, N. Karthikeyani Visalakshi:
Entropy Weighting Feature Selection for Interactive Visual Clustering. IICAI 2009: 545-557
Semantic Web and Information Retrieval
- Teerapong Leelanupab, Frank Hopfgartner, Joemon M. Jose:
User Centred Evaluation of A Recommendation Based Image Browsing System. IICAI 2009: 558-573 - Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan, Dharan K. Althuru, Cory A. Henson, Amit P. Sheth:
A Local Qualitative Approach to Referral and Functional Trust. IICAI 2009: 574-588 - Rajeswari Sridhar, A. Suganya, T. V. Geetha:
Music Information Retrieval of Tamil Film Music Using Melody and Similarity Measures. IICAI 2009: 589-602
Robotics and Control
- Lovekesh Vig, Julie A. Adams:
The Effect of Coalition Imbalance on Multi-Robot Teams. IICAI 2009: 603-615 - Mahalakshmi G. S., Kannapiran T, Santhosh Babu R, Prabhu S:
Simulation of Fire Rescue with Fire Spread using Autonomous Robot Swarms. IICAI 2009: 616-629 - Harish Sheeranalli Venkatarama, Kandasamy Chandra Sekaran:
Simulation Environment for Maximizing Profits in an Autonomic Computing System using Fuzzy Control. IICAI 2009: 648-659 - Reza Ravani, Mohamadreza Mirali:
Smooth Interpolation for Efficient Motion Design using Spatial Rational Frames. IICAI 2009: 660-668
Integration of Swarm Intelligence and Artificial Neural Networks
- Hassan M. Mustafa, Ayoub Al-Hamadi:
On Comparative Analogy between Ant Colony Systems and Neural Networks Considering Behavioral Learning Performance. IICAI 2009: 669-680 - Hassan M. Mustafa, Ayoub Al-Hamadi:
Comparison of Adaptive Learning Performance versus Quantified Creativity Phenomenon using Artificial Neural Network. IICAI 2009: 681-694 - Satchidananda Dehuri, Bijaya Kumar Nanda, Sung-Bae Cho:
A Hybrid APSO-aided Learnable Bayesian Classifier. IICAI 2009: 695-706 - Debahuti Mishra, Amiya Kumar Rath, Milu Acharya:
Finding Coherent Bi-clusters from Microarray Data by Imitating the Ecosystem: An Ant Colony Algorithmic Approach. IICAI 2009: 707-721
Case-Based Reasoning
- Samad Valipour Shokouhi, Agnar Aamodt, Pål Skalle, Frode Sørmo:
Comparing two types of knowledge-intensive CBR for optimized oil well drilling. IICAI 2009: 722-737 - Hector Gómez-Gauchía, Belén Díaz-Agudo, Pedro A. González-Calero:
COBBER: Supporting Human Centered Computing issues in the Globalization Era. IICAI 2009: 738-757 - C. G. Patil, A. M. Khan, Satish R. Kulkarni:
An Expert System for Monitoring the Health of Imaging Payload Onboard Spacecrafts. IICAI 2009: 758-769
Evolutionary and Computational Intelligence Systems
- Arturo Pérez-Cebreros, Gilberto Martínez-Luna, Rocío Vargas-Arroyo:
Scheduling Algorithm for Grid Computing Systems: An Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. IICAI 2009: 770-781 - S. V. Bonde, Abhijeet V. Nandedkar:
Classification of VEP Responses Containing Cognitive Component (P300) Using Reflex Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network. IICAI 2009: 782-797 - Pratyay Konar, R. Bandyopadhyay, P. Chattopadhyay:
Bearing Fault Detection of Induction Motor using Wavelet and Neural Networks. IICAI 2009: 798-809 - T. N. Nagabhushan, S. K. Padma:
On the Computation of Width of Gaussian Kernels used in Auto-configuring RBF Networks. IICAI 2009: 810-819 - Kumaresh Sarmah, Kandarpa Kumar Sarma:
Parameter Prediction and Optimization of Loop Antenna Design using ANN. IICAI 2009: 820-827 - Guido Bugmann:
A Neural Architecture for Fast Learning of Stimulus-Response Associations. IICAI 2009: 828-841 - Joseph Thomas, Debasish Ghose:
Strategies for Locating Multiple Odor Sources using Glowworm Swarm Optimization. IICAI 2009: 842-861 - R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Rajesh Shankarrao Surjuse:
An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Based Stator Current MRAS Observer for Speed Sensorless Induction Motor Drives. IICAI 2009: 862-878 - Goloka Behari Sahoo, Chittaranjan Ray:
Forecasting Stream Temperature Using Adaptive Neuron-Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Network Models. IICAI 2009: 879-894 - Saeed Mehrabi:
On Efficiency of Evolutionary Algorithms for Finding Large Independent Sets. IICAI 2009: 895-906 - Paramjeet Singh Rajpal:
Modeling and Analysis of a Helicopter Transportation Facility using Artificial Neural Networks. IICAI 2009: 907-923 - Anuradha Purohit, Siddharth Jain, Surabhi Khandelwal, Aruna Tiwari, Narendra S. Chaudhari:
Improved Genetic Programming Based Multiclass Classifier Using a New Crossover Operator. IICAI 2009: 924-932 - Ashish M. Gujarathi, B. V. Babu:
Improved Strategies of Multi-objective Differential Evolution (MODE) for Multi-objective Optimization. IICAI 2009: 933-948
Fuzzy Logic and Applications
- Ana Isabel Aguilera, Alberto Rafael Subero, Leonid Tineo:
Flexible Rules in the Inflammatory Protein Variations Diagnosis using ELLENf. IICAI 2009: 949-964 - Ashraf Mohammed Iqbal, Tanvir Ahmed, Md. Delowar Jahan:
A Fuzzy Logic Genetic Algorithm for the Point to Multipoint Routing Problem with Multiple Split Paths. IICAI 2009: 965-978 - Swarna Latha K, N. Anu, J. Letha, M. N. Muraleedharan Nair:
Heavy Metal Distribution in Akkulam Veli Lake Sediments- A Fuzzy Approach. IICAI 2009: 979-991 - Vinay Singh, Atul Kumar, Dilip Kumar Jaiswal:
Fuzzy Model: Time Dependent Dispersion in Rivers. IICAI 2009: 992-998 - N. Karthikeyani Visalakshi, K. Thangavel, P. Alagambigai:
Distributed Fuzzy Clustering using Cluster Ensemble. IICAI 2009: 999-1011 - Praveen Ranjan Srivastava, Puneet Jain, Ajit Pratap Singh, G. Raghurama:
Software quality factor evaluation using Fuzzy multi-criteria approach. IICAI 2009: 1012-1029 - Praveen Ranjan Srivastava, Mahesh Prasad Ray:
Multi-attribute Comparison of Automated Functional and Regression Testing Tools using Fuzzy AHP. IICAI 2009: 1030-1043
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Agriculture and Social Sciences
- Alka Arora, Shuchita Upadhyaya, Rajni Jain:
Approach for Mining Multiple Patterns from Clusters. IICAI 2009: 1044-1056 - Sudeep Marwaha, Punam Bedi, Ranjan Yadav, Nikhil Malik:
Diseases and Pests Identification in Crops - A Semantic Web Approach. IICAI 2009: 1057-1076 - Hema Banati, Monika Bajaj:
Feature Based Implicit User Modeling. IICAI 2009: 1077-1084 - Bhavna Gupta, Harmeet Kaur, Punam Bedi:
Trust based Personalized Ecommerce System for Farmers. IICAI 2009: 1085-1093 - Vandana Kalra, Rajni Jain:
A Comparative Study of Rough Set based Decision Tree and Variable Precision Rough Set based Decision Tree: Noisy Data Sets. IICAI 2009: 1094-1105 - Anand Prakash Ruhil, T. V. Raja, R. S. Gandhi:
Comparative Study of Connectionist and Multiple Regression approaches for Predicting Body Weight of Attappady Black Goats. IICAI 2009: 1106-1113 - Neil Dunstan, Leisa J. Armstrong, Dean Diepeveen:
Selecting Areas for Land Use Change in a Catchment. IICAI 2009: 1114-1123 - Rajni Jain, Usha Ahuja:
Developing Decision Tree for Characterizing ICT Empowered Women Farmers in India. IICAI 2009: 1124-1132 - AshokKumar Jangam, Adavi Rao Desai, Pralhad Ramachandra Rao:
Evaluation of different classifiers: A case study with export quality cashew grades. IICAI 2009: 1133-1138
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Environmental Engineering
- Tikhe Shruti S., Khare K. C., Londhe S. N.:
Forecasting RSPM using Soft Computing Techniques. IICAI 2009: 1139-1152 - S. M. Shiva Nagendra, Mukesh Khare:
Comparative evaluation of Gaussian, stochastic and artificial neural network based line source models. IICAI 2009: 1153-1165 - K. Pavan Kumar, S. Mohan:
Development and Application of Multiobjective Fuzzy Waste Load Allocation Model. IICAI 2009: 1166-1178 - Kariampallil V. George, Arif Khan, Parikshit Verma, Babu J. Alappat:
A Simple Rule Based Fuzzy Air Pollution Index. IICAI 2009: 1179-1187
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Structural Engineering
- Sangeeta Mishra, Manish Varma, Umesh Pendharkar:
Artificial Neural Network Model for Prediction of Mid Span Deflection of Two-way RC Slabs. IICAI 2009: 1188-1196 - Sumitra Kumari, Kashyap A. Patel:
Application of Neural Networks for Steel and Composite Structures. IICAI 2009: 1197-1206 - M. A. Jayaram, M. C. Nataraja, C. N. Ravikumar:
Particle Swarm Optimization: Design of High Performance Concrete Mixes. IICAI 2009: 1207-1220
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Water Resources Management
- Emrah Dogan, Shivam Tripathi, Dennis A. Lyn, Rao S. Govindaraju:
Prediction of Flow Regimes in Alluvial Channels. IICAI 2009: 1221-1234 - S. S. Kashid, Rajib Maity:
Hydroclimatological Approach for Monthly Basin Scale Streamflow Prediction using Genetic Programming. IICAI 2009: 1235-1249 - V. Jothiprakash, Kirty Sharma:
Time Series and Cause Effect Neural Network Models to Predict Pan Evaporation. IICAI 2009: 1250-1262 - S. Adarsh, M. Janga Reddy:
Chance Constrained Optimal Design of Composite Channels Using Stochastic Search Algorithms. IICAI 2009: 1263-1278 - Mehta Rama, Vipin Kumar:
Hybrid Subtractive Clustering Technique for Estimation of Ground Water Table. IICAI 2009: 1279-1298 - C. T. Dhanya, D. Nagesh Kumar:
Fuzzy Association Rules for Prediction of Monsoon Rainfall. IICAI 2009: 1299-1309 - P. Satyanarayana, V. V. Srinivas:
Regional frequency analysis of rainfall using climate information and fuzzy cluster analysis. IICAI 2009: 1310-1326 - A. K. Gosain, Nagraj S. Patil, Chakresh Sahu, D. C. Thakur:
Geospatial Web Portal for Hydrological Information. IICAI 2009: 1327-1338 - A. Vasan, Komaragiri Srinivasa Raju:
Comparative Assessment of Non-Traditional Optimization Methods in Irrigation Planning. IICAI 2009: 1339-1358 - Ghimire Bhola N S, M. Janga Reddy:
Application of Machine Learning Techniques to Predict the Suspended Sediment Load in Rivers. IICAI 2009: 1359-1372
Web 2.0 and Natural Language Engineering Tasks
- Antonio Reyes, Paolo Rosso, Davide Buscaldi:
Evaluating Humorous Features: Towards a Humour Taxonomy. IICAI 2009: 1373-1390 - Fernando Pérez-Téllez, David Pinto, John Cardiff, Paolo Rosso:
A Methodology to Cluster Informal Language Register Data. IICAI 2009: 1391-1401 - Dipankar Das, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay:
Analyzing Emotion in Blog and News at Word and Sentence Level. IICAI 2009: 1402-1414 - Vasudeva Varma, Prasad Pingali, Nihar Sharma:
Role Based Personalization in Enterprise Search. IICAI 2009: 1415-1428 - Kiran Sarvabhotla, Kranthi Reddy B., Vasudeva Varma:
Classification based approach for Summarizing Opinions in Blog Posts. IICAI 2009: 1429-1437 - Santosh Raju, Praneeth Shishtla, Vasudeva Varma:
A Graph Clustering Approach to Product Attribute Extraction. IICAI 2009: 1438-1447
Medical Applications of Artificial Intelligence
- Asha Gowda Karegowda, M. A. Jayaram:
An Optimal Neural Network Model: Categorization of Diabetics Data. IICAI 2009: 1448-1459 - B. G. Premasudha, B. Suryanarayana Adiga:
An Integration of Spatial Decision Support System to Blood Bank Information Systems. IICAI 2009: 1460-1472 - Surendiran B, A. Vadivel:
An Automated Classification of Mammogram Masses using Statistical Measures. IICAI 2009: 1473-1485 - Somasundaram Karuppanagounder, Kalaiselvi Thiruvenkadam:
A Novel Technique for Finding the Boundary between the Cerebral Hemispheres from MR Axial Head Scans. IICAI 2009: 1486-1502 - Kesav Kancherla, Srinivas Mukkamala, aveeshaveeshti, John Cousins:
Labeling of Cancer Cells in Sputum for the Early Detection of Lung Cancer Using Tetrakis Carboxy Phenyl Porphine (TCPP). IICAI 2009: 1503-1518 - Smita Pradhan, Dipti Patra:
Unsupervised Brain MR Image Segmentation using Biased Hidden Markov Random Field Model. IICAI 2009: 1519-1530 - R. Roselin, K. Thangavel:
Classification of Mammograms: A Data Mining Approach. IICAI 2009: 1531-1548
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Enterprise Systems and Security
- Santosh Kumar Ray, Shailendra Singh, Bhagwati P. Joshi:
Question Classification - A Semantic Approach using WordNet and Wikipedia. IICAI 2009: 1549-1561 - Mohammad Yahya H. Al-Shamri, Kamal Kant Bharadwaj:
Collaborative Recommender Systems under Attack: A Similarity Computation Analysis. IICAI 2009: 1562-1580 - Harmeet Kaur, Deepali Jain:
Employing Experience for Updating Trust in Trust Based Recommender Systems. IICAI 2009: 1581-1597 - S. Sendhilkumar, T. V. Geetha:
Challenges in Personalization for General Information Search. IICAI 2009: 1598-1617 - Manjusha K, Rakesh Kumar:
A Two Layered Bayesian Model to Prioritize emails. IICAI 2009: 1618-1625 - Jörg Lässig, Steffen Heinrich, Holger Dürr:
Intelligent Support System for Enterprise Cooperation Management. IICAI 2009: 1626-1645 - Mrutyunjaya Panda, Manas Ranjan Patra:
Unsupervised Anomaly Based Network Intrusion Detection Using Farthest First and Hierarchical Conceptual Clustering. IICAI 2009: 1646-1658 - Mrutyunjaya Panda, Manas Ranjan Patra:
Unsupervised Sequential Information Bottleneck Clustering For Building Anomaly Based Network Intrusion Detection Model. IICAI 2009: 1659-1669 - K. A. S. Vijay, A. Vadivel, N. P. Gopalan:
A Novel Symmetric Key and Non-deterministic Encryption Algorithm for Information Security. IICAI 2009: 1670-1677
Speech and Audio Processing using Artificial Intelligence
- Suryakanth V. Gangashetty, M. Sneha:
Vocal Tract System Characteristics for Studies on Vowels. IICAI 2009: 1678-1686 - Mangesh S. Deshpande, Raghunath S. Holambe:
Improving Speaker Identification in noisy Environment. IICAI 2009: 1687-1700 - Nirmalya Sen, Shashank, Ansuman Adhikary, T. K. Basu:
A New Feature from Modified STFT Filter Bank for Robust Text-Independent Speaker Identification. IICAI 2009: 1701-1716 - Aditya Bihar Kandali, Aurobinda Routray, Tapan Kumar Basu:
Cross-Cultural Vocal Emotion Recognition in Five Native Languages of Assam. IICAI 2009: 1717-1733 - H. S. Jayanna, S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna:
Speaker Recognition under Limited Data Condition using LVQ and GMM-UBM. IICAI 2009: 1734-1740 - Sanjib Kr. Kalita, P H Talukdar:
Recognition of Bodo Phonemes using Multilayer Perceptron Based Speech Recognizer. IICAI 2009: 1741-1753 - Mayank Mishra, Hemant A. Patil:
Design and Implementation of HMM-VQ based Isolated Digit Recognition System. IICAI 2009: 1754-1763
Image and Video Processing using Artificial Intelligence
- Amit Phadikar, Santi P. Maity:
Image Error Concealment Based On Data Hiding Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelets. IICAI 2009: 1764-1781 - Shivananda Nirmala, P. Nagabhushan:
Text Extraction in Color Document Images having Complex Background. IICAI 2009: 1782-1793 - N. Devarajan, S. Anila:
Image Enhancement Using Wavelet for Improving Face Detection. IICAI 2009: 1794-1801 - Kanchan S. Deshmukh:
Color Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. IICAI 2009: 1802-1813 - P. S. Hiremath, Prema T. Akkasaligar, Sharan Badiger:
Despeckling Medical Ultrasound Images using the Contourlet Transform. IICAI 2009: 1814-1827 - Kaustubh Bhattacharyya, Kandarpa Kumar Sarma:
Innovative Handwritten Text Segmentation Method using ANN for Recognition of Assamese scripts. IICAI 2009: 1828-1839 - S. V. Rajashekararadhya, P. Vanaja Ranjan:
Efficient Zone-based Hybrid Feature Extraction Algorithm for Handwritten Numeral Recognition of Kannada Script. IICAI 2009: 1840-1851 - S. K. Niranjan, V. Vijay Kumar, G. Hemantha Kumar, Aradhya V. N. Manjunath:
Unconstrained Handwritten Character Recognition - An Approach based on Fourier Transform and Neural Networks. IICAI 2009: 1852-1860 - Ram Sarkar, Subhadip Basu, Nibaran Das, Ayatullah Faruk Mollah, Mahantapas Kundu, Mita Nasipuri:
Line Extraction from Unconstraint Handwritten Document Pages using Piece-wise Water-flow Technique. IICAI 2009: 1861-1872 - Devanur S. Guru, S. Manjunath, P. Punitha:
Topological Triangular Spatial Relationship. IICAI 2009: 1873-1886 - H. N. Prakash, D. S. Guru:
Bi-Interval Valued Symbolic Feature Vector for Off-line Signature Verification: A Fusion Based Approach. IICAI 2009: 1887-1900 - Nibaran Das, Subhadip Basu, Ram Sarkar, Mahantapas Kundu, Mita Nasipuri:
Handwritten Bangla Compound character recognition: Potential challenges and probable solution. IICAI 2009: 1901-1913 - B. H. Shekar, G. Thippeswamy, P. Shivakumara:
Discriminative Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT-FLD) model for efficient representation and accurate recognition of faces. IICAI 2009: 1914-1927 - Sushama Shelke, Shaila D. Apte:
A New Feature Extraction Technique for Handwritten Marathi Character Recognition using ANN. IICAI 2009: 1928-1935 - Monika, Dev Dutt Yadav, Avinash N., Ho Gi Jung, Hyuckmin Na:
Real Time Traffic Sign Recognition System as Speed Regulator in IAV. IICAI 2009: 1936-1951 - Umesh K K, Suresha:
Color and Texture Based Image Search Engine for World Wide Web. IICAI 2009: 1952-1968 - B. H. Shekar, M. Sharmila Kumari, P. Shivakumara:
SIFT-PCA: An efficient and accurate face representation and recognition model. IICAI 2009: 1969-1980 - S. Mohan, S. Murali:
Interactive 3D walkthrough from sampled video frames - An approach based on perspective correction using symmetric objects. IICAI 2009: 1981-1992 - Girisha Raju, S. Murali:
Segmentation of Motion Objects from Four Successive Video Frames Simultaneously by Temporal Differencing Combined with Multivariate Statistics. IICAI 2009: 1993-2006 - Alwyn R. Pais, Naveen Pasupuleti, Rajashekhar Gidnavar, John D'Souza:
Automatic Video Object Plane Segmentation and Super resolution: A Novel Approach. IICAI 2009: 2007-2021
Text Processing
- Debjani Goswami, Jagadish S. Kallimani:
A Study on Developing and Analysis of Text to Speech (TTS) Synthesizer for an Indian Regional Language. IICAI 2009: 2022-2039 - Pranav Prabhakar Mirajkar, Prasanna Nagesh Teli, Ashish Sureka:
Automatic Index Generation of Technical Articles Using a Combination of Heuristics, Linguistic and Statistical Approach. IICAI 2009: 2040-2054 - Tirthankar Dasgupta, Anupam Basu, Plaban Kumar Bhowmick, Pabitra Mitra:
English to Indian Sign Language Machine Translation: A Structure Transfer Framework. IICAI 2009: 2055-2070 - R. Dinesh, B. S. Harish, Devanur S. Guru, S. Manjunath:
Concept of Status Matrix in Classification of Text Documents. IICAI 2009: 2071-2079 - P. Nagabhushan, Alireza Alaei:
Unconstrained Handwritten Text-line Segmentation Using Morphological Operation and Thinning Algorithm. IICAI 2009: 2080-2091 - Nirmalya Chowdhury, Diganta Saha:
PCA Based Feature Extraction for Text Classification. IICAI 2009: 2092-2102 - Nirmalya Chowdhury, Diganta Saha:
A Self-Organizing Network Based Method for Text Classification using MST of data points for grouping. IICAI 2009: 2103-2110
- Awny Sayed:
A prime Number Labeling Scheme for Reachability Queries over Complex XML Collection. IICAI 2009: 2111-2118 - G. S. Raghavendra, N. Prasanna Kumar:
Performance Description of Enhanced Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm through Principal Component Analysis. IICAI 2009: 2119-2126 - Guénaël Cabanes, Dominique Fresneau, Ugo Galassi, Attilio Giordana:
A HMM-Based Approach to Modeling Ant Behavior. IICAI 2009: 2127-2139 - Reena Srivastava, M. M. Gore:
Mindex: A relevance measure for interval scaled attributes. IICAI 2009: 2140-2157 - Rubén Álvarez-González, Sonia Sánchez-Cuadrado, Ángel Goñi-Moreno, Juan Castellanos:
A Method to Write Quality Code Comment to Reuse Source Code. IICAI 2009: 2158-2169 - Kishore Varma Indukuri, Ashish Sureka, Aadil Ehsan Akhter, Pratibha Parthasarathy:
Table Extraction from PDF Files using combination of Heuristics and Machine Learning Techniques. IICAI 2009: 2170-2182 - Nupur Giri, Keyur Dhami, Sumitabh Swarnakar, Shrikant Bodhe:
Multi Agent based Call Admission Control for managing Multi Class Traffic in Cellular Networks. IICAI 2009: 2183-2197 - Manju Bala, R. K. Agrawal:
Decision Tree SVM Framework Using Ratio of Interclass and Intraclass Scatters. IICAI 2009: 2198-2206 - David Panzoli, Hervé Luga, Yves Duthen:
The Cortexionist Architecture: An Ecological Approach to Knowledge Representations. IICAI 2009: 2207-2219 - Haimonti Dutta:
Measuring Diversity in Regression Ensembles. IICAI 2009: 2220-2236 - Joachim S. Stahl:
Edge Grouping for Detecting Salient Boundaries with Sharp Corners. IICAI 2009: 2237-2248 - Mohsen Maraoui, Georges Antoniadis, Mounir Zrigui:
CALL System for Arabic Based on Natural Language Processing Tools. IICAI 2009: 2249-2258 - M. C. Padma, P. A. Vijaya:
Monothetic Separation of Kannada, Hindi and English Text Lines from a Multi-script Document. IICAI 2009: 2259-2275

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