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4th IIAI-AAI 2015: Okayama, Japan
- IIAI 4th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAI-AAI 2015, Okayama, Japan, July 12-16, 2015. IEEE Computer Society 2015, ISBN 978-1-4799-9957-6
- Te-King Chien, Hon-Yu Ma, Kai-Chi Yang:
How to Successfully Establishing Online Stores? 3-7 - Yukari Shirota, Yuriko Yano, Takako Hashimoto, Tamaki Sakura:
Monetary Policy Topic Extraction by Using LDA: Japanese Monetary Policy of the Second ABE Cabinet Term. 8-13 - Kazunari Ishida:
Estimation of User Location and Local Topics Based on Geo-tagged Text Data on Social Media. 14-17 - Nobuyuki Kobayashi, Kohei Sakane, Fumio Kitagawa, Hiromitsu Shiina:
Programming Lecture Support System Linked to a Lecture Towards Non-Kanji Countries. 18-23 - Yuta Ikegami, Toshihiro Yamauchi
Attacker Investigation System Triggered by Information Leakage. 24-27 - Seiki Akama, Jair Minoro Abe
, Kazumi Nakamatsu:
Evidential Reasoning in Annotated Logics. 28-33 - Riccardo Cognini, Andrea Polini, Alberto Polzonetti, Barbara Re:
BPFM: A Notation and an Approach to Homogenize Variable Business Processes for Public Services. 34-39 - Alexander V. Smirnov, Alexey M. Kashevnik
, Andrew Ponomarev
, Maksim Shchekotov, Kirill A. Kulakov
Application for e-Tourism: Intelligent Mobile Tourist Guide. 40-45 - Koichi Tsujii, Kazuhiko Tsuda, Masakazu Takahashi:
Towards Extracting the Hotel Evaluations from the Comments by the Foreign Tourists with Text Mining. 46-49 - Makoto Shinnishi, Kunihiko Higa, Toshifumi Kanamaru, Shinichi Fukasawa:
An Analysis of Trust Building with Awareness Information in Virtual Teams. 50-54 - Masaki Maruta, Yuta Sano, Kohei Yamaguchi, Tsunenori Mine:
Visitor Behavior Analysis Based on Large-Scale Wi-Fi Location Data. 55-60 - Yuta Sano, Kohei Yamaguchi, Tsunenori Mine:
Category Estimation of Complaint Reports about City Park. 61-66 - Fangju Wang:
Handling Exponential State Space in a POMDP-based Intelligent Tutoring System. 67-72 - Jiann-Cherng Shieh, Cheng-Chi Lee
, Shu-Yu Lee:
A Dynamic Key Aggregate Cryptosystem in Cloud Environment. 73-78 - Ichiro Toyoshima, Shingo Yamaguchi, Jia Zhang:
A Refactoring Algorithm of Workflows Based on Petri Nets. 79-84 - Taisuke Akimoto, Takashi Ogata:
A Hierarchical Visualization Program for Computer-Generated Narratives. 85-90 - Kyohei Sugino, Shin-Ya Katayama, Yusuke Niwa, Shun Shiramatsu, Tadachika Ozono, Toramatsu Shintani:
A Bluetooth-Based Device-Free Motion Detector for a Remote Elder Care Support System. 91-96 - Akihiro Nohara, Shun Shiramatsu, Tadachika Ozono, Toramatsu Shintani:
A Climbing Plan Sharing System with a Document Converter for Machine-Readable Climbing Plans. 97-102 - Shigeru Kusakabe:
Analyzing Key Process Areas in Process Improvement Model for Service Provider Organization, CMMI-SVC. 103-108 - Yujiro Terazawa, Shun Shiramatsu, Tadachika Ozono, Toramatsu Shintani:
Sentiment Polarity Analysis for Generating Search Result Snippets Based on Paragraph Vector. 109-114 - Hsiu-Yu Liao, Kuan-Yu Chen, Duen-Ren Liu, Yi-Ling Chiu:
Customer Churn Prediction in Virtual Worlds. 115-120 - Shaymaa E. Sorour
, Kazumasa Goda, Tsunenori Mine:
Estimation of Student Performance by Considering Consecutive Lessons. 121-126 - Masahiro Takeda, Nobuyuki Kobayashi, Fumio Kitagawa, Hiromitsu Shiina:
Regional Information Video Searches Using Word Searches Generated by Twitter Posts. 127-131 - Yasuhiro Yamada, Daisuke Ikeda, Sachio Hirokawa
Unique Links as Weak Ties. 132-136 - Takashi Yamanoue
Optimizing Data Partitioning at Broadcasting the Data on Balanced N-ary Tree Formed P2P Systems. 137-141 - Takuya Hirao, Nao Wariishi, Takahiko Suzuki, Sachio Hirokawa
Vector Similarity of Related Words in the Japanese Word Net. 142-147 - Po-Kai Liao, Jiann-Cherng Shieh:
The Development of Library Mobile Book-Finding System Based on NFC. 148-153 - Kaname Maruta, Hidetoshi Nagai, Teigo Nakamura:
Document Classification with Varied Viewpoints Using Matrix Decomposition. 154-159 - Shinji Sato, Yukiko Watanabe, Emi Ishita
Evaluating Individual Artists' Use of SNS as a Method for Providing Information. 160-165 - Tetsuya Nakatoh, Hayato Nakanishi, Kensuke Baba, Sachio Hirokawa
Focused Citation Count: A Combined Measure of Relevancy and Quality. 166-170 - Emi Ishita
, Douglas W. Oard
, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Yoichi Tomiura, Yasuhiro Takayama, An-Shou Cheng:
Learning Curves for Automating Content Analysis: How Much Human Annotation is Needed? 171-176 - Yasuhiro Takayama, Yoichi Tomiura, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, An-Shou Cheng, Douglas W. Oard
, Emi Ishita
An Automatic Dictionary Extraction and Annotation Method Using Simulated Annealing for Detecting Human Values. 177-182 - Hiroshi Sakai, Chenxi Liu:
A Consideration on Learning by Rule Generation from Tables with Missing Values. 183-188 - Akira Hara, Jun-ichi Kushida, Kei Kisaka, Tetsuyuki Takahama:
Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming Using External Division of Parents. 189-194 - Annisa
, Mohammad Anisuzzaman Siddique
, Asif Zaman, Yasuhiko Morimoto:
A Method for Selecting Desirable Unfixed Shape Areas from Integrated Geographic Information System. 195-200 - Tatsuhiro Sakai, Keiichi Tamura, Hajime Kitakami:
Extracting Topic-Related Photos in Density-Based Spatiotemporal Analysis System for Enhancing Situation Awareness. 201-206 - Nao Wariishi, Brendan Flanagan
, Takahiko Suzuki, Sachio Hirokawa
Sentiment Analysis of Wine Aroma. 207-212 - Shotarou Tani, Tetsuhiro Miyahara, Yusuke Suzuki, Tomoyuki Uchida:
Acquisition of Multiple Tree Structured Patterns by an Evolutionary Method Using Sets of Tag Tree Patterns as Individuals. 213-218 - Yoko Nishihara, Wataru Sunayama:
Cooperative Discussion Support System by Visualizing Participant Contribution to Discussion. 219-224 - Takaaki Yamada, Motoki Kamitani, Haruyuki Nakamura, Tsuyoshi Ohta:
Improved Implementation of Method for Video-Watermark Detection Using Smart Device. 225-228 - Hideki Tanaka, Ryosuke Yamanishi, Junichi Fukumoto:
Relation Analysis between Speech Balloon Shapes and their Serif Descriptions in Comic. 229-233 - Xiang Song, Jialiang Zhou, Fuminori Kimura, Akira Maeda
A Japanese-Chinese Cross-Language Entity Linking Method Based on Appropriateness of Term Description Pages. 234-238 - Daiki Kato, Ryosuke Yamanishi, Junichi Fukumoto:
Segmentation and Impression Estimation of Novels for Automatic Assignment of BGM. 239-243 - Nobuya Ishihara, Nobuo Funabiki:
A Proposal of Statement Fill-in-Blank Problem in Java Programming Learning Assistant System. 247-252 - Khin Khin Zaw, Nobuo Funabiki:
A Concept of Value Trace Problem for Java Code Reading Education. 253-258 - Chiu-Lin Lai, Gwo-Jen Hwang:
A Comparison on Mobile Learning Preferences of High School Teachers with Different Academic Backgrounds. 259-263 - Noriko Uosaki, Kotaro Matsushita, Hideo Suzuki:
Supporting JFL Learners with User Customized Kanji Learning System Using Computer Graphics. 264-267 - Siang-Yi Wang, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Shan-Feng Chen:
Development of a Contextual Game for Improving English Vocabulary Learning Performance of Elementary School Students in Taiwan. 268-272 - Tetsuro Kakeshita, Mika Ohtsuki:
A Relationship Analysis Tool among J07, JITEE and Job Type Utilizing i-Competency Dictionary. 273-278 - Yu-Hsien Huang, Po-Han Wu, Gwo-Jen Hwang:
The Pilot Study of the Cooperative Learning Interactive Model in e-Classroom towards Students' Learning Behaviors. 279-282 - Hirotsugu Minowa, Hiromi Fujimoto, Koichi Takeuchi:
Automatic Evaluation Methods of Trainee's Answers to Develop a 4R Risk Prediction Training System. 283-286 - Tai-Chien Kao, Yu-Yeh Chen, Yi-No Kang:
A Study of Online Tutors' Teaching Efficacy and Effectiveness in Eastern Taiwan. 287-290 - Yazan Al Jilani, Rieko Kadobayashi:
Games and Their Overlooked Potential: Facilitating Learning Using Entertainment Games. 291-296 - Chih-Hung Chen
, Gwo-Jen Hwang:
Improving Learning Achievements, Motivations and Flow with a Progressive Prompt-Based Mobile Gaming Approach. 297-302 - Gloria Yi-Ming Kao, Chieh-Han Chiang, Chuen-Tsai Sun:
Designing an Educational Game with Customized Scaffolds for Learning Physics. 303-306 - Dinh Thi Dong Phuong, Hiromitsu Shimakawa:
Superior Factors to Predict Learning Status. 307-312 - Song-Yu Mei, Oskar Y. M. Ku, Sherry Y. Chen:
Interface Evaluation of a Game-Based Learning System: Experts vs. Novices. 313-318 - Shang-Juang Wu, Hui-Chun Chu, Kai-Hsiang Yang:
An Web Quest-Based Context-Aware u-Learning System to Improve Students' Problem Solving and Communication Abilities in Astronomy Inquiry Activities. 319-322 - Yu-Chieh Wu, Jie-Chi Yang:
The Effects of the Social Media-Based Activities and Gaming-Based Learning in Construction Education. 323-328 - Chang-Hsin Lin, Ju-Ling Shih:
A Preliminary Study of Using Laban Movement Analysis to Observe the Change of Teenagers' Bodily Expressions of Emotions in Game-Based Learning. 329-334 - Huei-Tse Hou
, Shu-Ming Wang:
Analyzing Students' Cognitive Processing Patterns of a Socioscientific Issue Learning Activity with Online Discussion - A Preliminary Result of Lag Sequential Analysis. 335-338 - Abdul Kadir Jailani
, Shigeru Kusakabe, Keijiro Araki:
Adaptive Context-Awareness Model for Cultural Heritage Information Based on User Needs. 339-342 - Fitra Abdurrachman Bachtiar
, Gunadi H. Sulistyo, Eric W. Cooper, Katsuari Kamei:
Fuzzy Inference System Based on a Model of Affective-Cognitive Criteria. 343-348 - Brendan Flanagan
, Sachio Hirokawa
Correlation between an Entropy Based Measure and English Language Learner Proficiency. 349-353 - Kai-Jen Yang, Hui-Chun Chu, Kai-Hsiang Yang:
Using the Augmented Reality Technique to Develop Visualization Mindtools for Chemical Inquiry-Based Activities. 354-357 - Jun-Ming Su, Jian-Rong Huang:
Building a Web-Based Visualized Authoring System to Collaboratively Create Reconfigurable and Diagnostic Virtual Experiments in Natural Science. 358-362 - Kai-Hsiang Yang, Bou-Chuan Lu, Hui-Chun Chu, Jhen-Yuan Chen:
Developing a Game-Based Learning System with Two-Tier Diagnostic Tool for Math Courses. 363-366 - Kai-Hsiang Yang, Wen-Yu Lo, Shan-Shan Wu, Wan Ling Chang:
Investigating the Effects of Mobile Learning with Cross-Age Peer Tutoring in English Learning. 367-369 - Jingyun Wang
, Takahiko Mendori:
A Study of the Reliability and Validity of Felder-Soloman Index of Learning Styles in Mandarin Version. 370-373 - Yasuhiro Yamada, Masahito Hirakawa:
A Case Study of Analyzing Logs of LMS in Flipped Classroom. 374-378 - Shin-Min Yang, Chih-Ming Chen, Chih-Ming Yu:
Assessing the Attention Levels of Students by Using a Novel Attention Aware System Based on Brainwave Signals. 379-384 - Wen-Fang Wang, Chih-Ming Chen
, Chung-Hsin Wu:
Effects of Different Video Lecture Types on Sustained Attention, Emotion, Cognitive Load, and Learning Performance. 385-390 - Yu-Chieh Lin, Chih-Ming Chen
, Po-Han Huang:
Enhancement of Digital Reading Performance by Using a Novel Web-Based Collaborative Reading Annotation System with Two Quality Annotation Extraction Mechanisms. 391-396 - Ai Nakajima, Yuichi Ono:
The Prospect of Open Online e-Learning System Based on the Free Culture Movement - Development of YouTutors as an Auto-Assignment Generator by Utilizing Creative Commons Contents Online. 397-402 - Kosuke Kaneko, Yuriko Saito, Yukari Nohara, Eriko Kudo, Masanori Yamada
A Game-Based Learning Environment Using the ARCS Model at a University Library. 403-408 - Jong-Hann Jean, Feng-Li Lian
Implementation of a Security Micro-aerial Vehicle Based on HT66FU50 Microcontroller. 409-410 - Miho Funamori:
Status Quo and Issues of Open Access in Scholarly Research at Japanese Universities. 413-418 - Sheng-Ju Chan
, Ka Ho Mok
Quality Assurance of Higher Education in Taiwan and Hong Kong: Decentralisation and Recentralisation in Education Governance. 419-422 - Yukari Shirota, Basabi Chakraborty:
Visual Explanation of Mathematics in Latent Semantic Analysis. 423-428 - Tetsuya Oishi
, Masao Mori
, Eiichi Takata:
Introducing Common Systems among Japanese Universities for IR. 429-432 - Shu-Ling Shieh, Shu-Fen Chiou, Wen-Fang Cheng, Bo-Long Lin, Jian-Yi Li, Ying-Chang Lai:
Application of Fuzzy Method to Solve the Use of Electrical Energy-Saving. 433-436 - Tomoichi Takahashi, Kensaku Asahi, Hidekazu Suzuki, Mikiko Kawasumi, Yoshitaka Kameya:
A Cloud Education Environment to Support Self-Learning at Home - Analysis of Self-Learning Styles from Log Data. 437-440 - Motonishi Takanobu:
A Study of Institutional Research: The Garbage Can Model Perspective. 441-442 - Toru Sugihara:
Examining the Result of a Survey Conducted from Five Viewpoints with Junior College Graduates. 443-448 - Naoya Todo
, Yuan Sun, Shunya Inoue:
Effect of Educational Program and Learning Environment in Japanese Schools of Medicine. 449-454 - Michiyo Shimamura
, Yasuhiro Yamanaka
How Should We Make Assessment of Graduate Educational Outcomes? Case Study from the Requirements of Research and Educational Funding Project in Japan. 455-457 - Tokuro Matsuo, Toshikazu Fukushima, Hidekazu Iwamoto:
A Challenging of Data Science in Association Research for Convention Management. 458-461 - Yusuke Yamamoto
, Keigo Imai
, Taketo Tsugehara:
Can We Understand Researcher Grant Needs without Direct Communication? 462-467 - Pitambar Gautam
Deciphering the Department-Discipline Relationships within a University through Bibliometric Analysis of Publications Aided with Multi-variate Techniques. 468-471 - Christoph Siart, Simon Kopp, Jochen Apel
The Interface between Data Science, Research Assessment and Science Support - Highlights from the German Perspective and Examples from Heidelberg University. 472-476 - Eric S. Lin, Yu-Lung Lu, Ming-Chia Lin:
Assessment of Admission Methods on Academic Performance for Economics Majors: An Empirical Study in Taiwan. 477-482 - Thomas Severiens:
Quality Measurement beyond Bibliometry. 483-486 - Vincent Koon Ong:
Big Data and Its Research Implications for Higher Education: Cases from UK Higher Education Institutions. 487-491 - Yujie Li, Shuxue Ding, Zhenni Li, Wuhui Chen:
Non-negative Dictionary-Learning Algorithm for the Analysis Model Based on L1 Norm. 495-499 - Yukiko Matsushima, Nobuo Funabiki:
Practices of Cooking-Step Scheduling Algorithm for Homemade Cooking. 500-505 - Fengqin Yu, Ying Chen:
Musical Instrument Classification Based on Improved Matching Pursuit with Instrument-Specific Atoms. 506-510 - Jheng-Long Wu, Pei-Chann Chang:
A Prediction System for Bike Sharing Using Artificial Immune System with Regression Trees. 511-516 - Wirarama Wedashwara
, Shingo Mabu, Masanao Obayashi, Takashi Kuremoto:
Evolutionary Rule Based Clustering for Making Fuzzy Object Oriented Database Models. 517-522 - Vourchteang Sea, Toshiharu Sugawara
Area Partitioning Method with Learning of Dirty Areas and Obstacles in Environments for Cooperative Sweeping Robots. 523-529 - Sheng-Luen Chung, Yun Han, Yu-Zhan Dai, Po-Chun Huang:
Karada OK: Matching Body Gestures while Musics Play. 530-533 - Marat Zhanikeev
Multi-dimensional Classification Automation with Human Interface Based on Metromaps. 534-539 - Makoto Niimi, Takayuki Ito
Budget-Limited Multi-armed Bandit Problem with Dynamic Rewards and Proposed Algorithms. 540-545 - Yu-Shan Liao, Hsiu-Yu Liao, Duen-Ren Liu, Wen-Ting Fan, Hani A. Omar
Intelligent Power Resource Allocation by Context-Based Usage Mining. 546-550 - Chao-Yuan Lee, Dan-Dan Hu, Zhong-Yi Feng, Cheng-Zen Yang
Mining Temporal Information to Improve Duplication Detection on Bug Reports. 551-555 - Evgenii Sopov:
Multi-strategy Genetic Algorithm for Self-Configuring Solving of Complex Optimization Problems. 556-561 - Akiyuki Mori, Shota Morii, Takayuki Ito
A Dependency-Based Automated Negotiation Mechanism for a Hypergraph Utility Model. 562-567 - Xinlu Guo, Kuniaki Uehara:
A Support Set Selection Algorithm for Sparse Gaussian Process Regression. 568-573 - Vladimir Stanovov
, Eugene Semenkin
, Olga Semenkina:
Instance Selection Approach for Self-Configuring Evolutionary Fuzzy Rule Based Classification Systems. 574-579 - Shakhnaz Akhmedova, Eugene Semenkin
Co-operation of Biology Related Algorithms for Multi-objective Binary Optimization. 580-585 - Tadashi Kondo, Junji Ueno, Shoichiro Takao:
Medical Image Analysis of MRI Brain Images by Deep RBF GMDH-type Neural Network Using Principal Component-Regression Analysis. 586-592 - Diego Rodríguez-Gracia, Jose A. Piedra-Fernández
, Luis Iribarne
Adaptive Domotic System in Green Buildings. 593-598 - Maria Semenkina
, Eugene Semenkin
Memetic Self-Configuring Genetic Programming for Solving Machine Learning Problems. 599-604 - Akihiro Sugiyama, Yusuke Niwa, Shun Shiramatsu, Tadachika Ozono, Toramatsu Shintani:
Silhouette Web Browser: Toward an Integration of Web and Desktop Applications Based on Transparent Layers for Collaborative Works. 605-610 - Ryusuke Imada, Katsuhide Fujita
Sponsored Search Auction Considering Combinational Bids with Externalities. 611-616 - Katsuya Nakano, Shun Shiramatsu
, Tadachika Ozono, Toramatsu Shintani:
A Local Adaptive Perfect Coalition Structure Generation Problem Considering Coalition Breakup. 617-622 - Naoki Fukuta:
Toward an Agent-Based Framework for Better Access to Open Data by Using Ontology Mappings and their Underlying Semantics. 623-628 - Shotaro Noda, Katsuhide Fujita
Trend Extraction Method Using Co-occurrence Patterns from Tweets. 629-632 - WonSeok Yang, Yuta Kato, Wangmi Seok:
Visualization of Activities-Related Information for Supporting Active Aged Persons. 635-638 - Wangmi Seok:
A Framework Proposal of UX Evaluation of the Contents Coherency on Multi-screens. 639-645 - Kazuo Miyashita
Market Mechanism for Trading Perishable Goods. 646-653 - Yuuki Yamashita, Yuuki Yamasaki, Noriko Horibe, Shin-Ichi Aoqui:
Proposal of a Method to Evaluating Adaptability of Farmland for Cultivating Vegetables. 654-658 - Yuuki Yamasaki, Keiichi Matsumoto, Yuuki Yamashita, Noriko Horibe, Shin-Ichi Aoqui:
Development of Web System to Find Control Rules from Environmental Data on Farmland. 659-662 - Daisuke Hatanaka, Alireza Ahrary, R. Dennis A. Ludena:
Research on Soil Moisture Measurement Using Moisture Sensor. 663-668 - Alireza Ahrary, Dennis Ludena:
Research Studies on the Agricultural and Commercial Field. 669-673 - Hiroharu Kawasaki, Tamiko Ohshima, Yoshihito Yagyu, Takeshi Ihara, Yoshiaki Suda:
Bacteria Sterilization by Laser Ablation Plasma Using Several Metal Target. 674-677 - Tomoya Abiru, Fumiaki Mitsugi, Tomoaki Ikegami, Kenji Ebihara, Shin-Ichi Aoqui, Kazuhiro Nagahama:
The Use of Ozone Generated by Surface Discharge for Advanced Agriculture. 678-681 - Shigeru Ono:
Oxygen Atom Number Density Measurement in Microwave Excited Atmospheric Pressure O2-Ar Mixture Gas Plasma Using Electric Current Heated Catalytic Probe. 682-685 - Shin-Ichi Aoqui, Noriko Horibe, Fumiaki Mitsugi, Kazuhiro Nagahama, Hiroharu Kawasaki:
Interaction of Atmospheric Serpentine Plasma and Green Mold under a High Nutrition Condition. 686-689 - Masaru Tominaga, Toshiyuki Tanaka, Tatsuya Sakoda, Norikazu Mizoguchi, Yoshiyuki Kushima:
Plasma Sterilization of Anthrax Pathogen in Water Mist. 690-694 - Shintaro Kodama, Satoru Matsumoto, Douyan Wang, Takao Namihira
, Hidenori Akiyama
Treatment of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Wastewater by Nano-Seconds Pulsed Discharge Plasma. 695-698 - Akira Hamada, Kayo Iizuka, Yasuki Iizuka:
Saving Energy by Reducing the Number of Elevators in Service: Analysis of Effectiveness Using Multi-agent Simulation. 701-702 - Young-Duk Kim, Soon Kwon, Junkwang Kim, Woo Young Jung:
Customized Attendance System for Students' Sensibility Monitoring and Counseling. 703-704 - Tsui-Tsai Lin:
Iterative CFO and Channel Estimation for Cooperative Communication Systems. 705-706 - Takashi Oyama, Akihito Sako:
Difference in Bi-articular Muscle during Postural Fixation between Dominant and Non-dominant Arms. 707-708 - Tokuro Matsuo, Toshikazu Fukushima:
ConfVisor: A Task Management System for Non-professional Convention Planners. 709-710 - Sung-Chiang Lin, Charlotte Wang, Chun-Yu Lo, You-Wei Chang, Hsin-Yi Lai, Pei-Lun Hsu:
Using Constructivism as a Basic Idea to Design Multi-situated Game-Based Learning Platform and ITS Application. 711-712 - Wan-Ting Chiu, Shu-Chuan Tseng:
The Influence of Bionic Creatures and Natural Condition on Design Inspirtation. 713-714 - Tatsuhiro Sakai, Keiichi Tamura:
Summarizing Results of Keyword Search on Social Photos Using Clustering-Based Burst Detection. 715-716 - Junkwang Kim, Woo Young Jung, Soon Kwon, Young-Duk Kim:
A Detection Method Based on a Marker Attached on the Cattle in the Shed. 717-718 - Yuka Wakita, Kenta Oku, Hung-Hsuan Huang, Kyoji Kawagoe:
A Fashion-Brand Recommender System Using Brand Association Rules and Features. 719-720 - Yohei Akao, Toshihiro Yamauchi
Proposal of Kernel Rootkits Detection Method by Monitoring Branches Using Hardware Features. 721-722 - Pei-Ling Wu, Ming-Shih Chen, Yi-Fang Kao, Li-Li Guo:
Application of Mobile Navigation Systems in Social Networks of Historic Sites. 723-724 - Ying-Chen Lin, Jia-Wei Yan, Hsin-Hung Yu, Ming-Chaun Li, Chia-Ping Wang, Tsai-Fang Yu, Huei-Tse Hou
Valence Bond©-Integrating Scientific Visualization Mechanism in a Tower Defense Game for Chemical Bond Concept Learning in High School. 725-726 - Hsin-Hung Yu, Jhih-Kai Yang, Hao-Wei Chen, Tsai-Fang Yu, Huei-Tse Hou
Jingnan Campaign© - Using Game-Based Assessment with the Mechanism of Strategy Games for History Teaching: System Development and Learning Evaluation. 727-728

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