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2nd ICTCS 2016: Udaipur, India
- ICTCS '16: Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, Udaipur, India, March, 2016. ACM 2016, ISBN 978-1-4503-3962-9 [contents]
- Anubha Parashar
, Apoorva Parashar, Somya Goyal, Bharat Sahjalan:
Push Recovery for Humanoid Robot in Dynamic Environment and Classifying the Data Using K-Mean. 1:1-1:6 - S. Ravi Kumar, Md. Abdul Muqsit Khan
, Y. K. Sundara Krishna
, K. Chandra Sekharaiah
AB-EUIDE: An approach to the design of ergonomic user interfaces for Cloud Computing. 1:1-1:5 - Birju Tank, Hardik Upadhyay, Hiren Patel
A Survey on IoT Privacy Issues and Mitigation Techniques. 2:1-2:4 - N. Immanuel Jebadurai, Himanshu Gupta
Automated Verification in Cryptography System. 2:1-2:5 - S. Ravi Kumar, Md. Abdul Muqsit Khan
, K. Chandra Sekharaiah
, Y. K. Sundara Krishna:
A Study on Agent Based Ergonomic and Intelligent User Interface Design in Cloud Computing. 3:1-3:5 - Hazel Nicolette Manners, Monica Jha, Pietro H. Guzzi, Pierangelo Veltri
, Swarup Roy:
Computational Methods for Detecting Functional Modules from Gene Regulatory Network. 3:1-3:6 - Ronald Ashley Dkhar, Keshab Nath
, Swarup Roy, Dhruba K. Bhattacharyya
, Sukumar Nandi
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Soft K-Means in Detecting Overlapping Clusters. 4:1-4:6 - Samadrita Guha, Dipti Kapoor Sarmah:
Increase of Capacity and Quality of Frequency Based Image Steganography Using Particle Swarm Optimization. 4:1-4:5 - Ankur Saxena
, Neeraj Kaushik, Nidhi Kaushik:
Implementing and Analyzing Big Data Techniques withSpring Frame Work in Java& J2EEBased Application. 5:1-5:6 - Gagandeep Singh, Sandeep Kad:
Comparative Study of Watermarking an Image Using GA and BFO with GA and HBO Technique. 5:1-5:5 - Pradeep Kamboj, Ram Shringar Raw, Anil Kumar Gautam
Evaluation of Link Lifetime based Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. 6:1-6:5 - Takshak Desai, Udit Deshmukh, Mihir Gandhi, Lakshmi Kurup
A Hybrid Approach for Detection of Plagiarism using Natural Language Processing. 6:1-6:6 - Rajneesh Tanwar, Purushottam Sharma
Caught Hacker: Curing DDOS Attack. 7:1-7:4 - Subhamita Mukherjee, Indrajit Pan
, Tuhina Samanta:
A Generic Defect Aware Heuristic Approach for Droplet Routing in a Digital Microfluidic Biochip with Minimal Pin Assignment. 7:1-7:4 - Vaishali Wangikar
, Sachin Deshmukh, Sunil Bhirud:
Study and Implementation of Record De-duplication Algorithms. 8:1-8:6 - Vikash Singh, Kavita Sharma
Smartphone Security: Review of Challenges and Solution. 8:1-8:3 - Arunima Dubey, Satyajee Srivastava
A Major Threat to Big Data: Data Security. 9:1-9:6 - Sheetal Bairwa, Jyoti Gajrani
, Satyanarayan Tazi
Enhancement of the Classification Performance of Least Square Support Vector Machine using Simple Particle Swarm Optimization for Phishing Dataset. 9:1-9:5 - Manju Khari
, Manoj Kumar, Sonakshi Vij, Priyank Pandey, Vaishali:
Smart Cities: A Secure Data Transmission Model. 10:1-10:5 - Chayan Bhatt, Rahul Saxena
, D. P. Sharma:
Parallel Computing of Load Flow Analysis. 10:1-10:8 - Ayushi Gupta, Ayushi Gupta, Deepali Virmani
Centralized Message Reporting System in Wireless Sensor Networks. 11:1-11:5 - Seema Sharma, Babu Ram:
Causes of Human Errors in Early Risk assesment in Software Project Management. 11:1-11:11 - N. L. Manasa:
Nano Sensors and Pattern Recognition for Detection of Hidden Explosives. 12:1-12:6 - Snehasree Behera, K. Hemant Kumar Reddy, Diptendu Sinha Roy:
A Critical Assessment of ICT Infrastructures for Certain Demand Response Applications in Smart Grid. 12:1-12:6 - Kuwar Kuldeep V. V. Singh, Himanshu Gupta
A New Approach for the Security of VPN. 13:1-13:5 - K. Hemant Kumar Reddy, Geetika Mudali, Diptendu Sinha Roy:
Energy Aware Heuristic Scheduling of Variable Class Constraint Resources in Cloud Data Centres. 13:1-13:6 - Bharat Singh Deora, Sushma Satpute
Architecture of Cloud Server with Cache on Server. 14:1-14:5 - N. Rama Rao, K. Chandra Sekharaiah
A Methodological Review Based Version Control System with Evolutionary Research for Software Processes. 14:1-14:6 - Gurjeet Singh Puri, Himanshu Gupta
ID Based Encryption in Modern Cryptography. 15:1-15:5 - Ajay Kumar Dadoria, Kavita Khare, R. P. Singh:
Leakage Power Reduction Technique by using FinFET Technology. 15:1-15:5 - Vekhande Neha Eknath, Gogate Uttara Dhananjay:
Emerging opportunities in Domain Specific Search. 16:1-16:4 - Geetika
, M. Hanmandlu, Deepti Gaur:
Analyzing DNA Strings using Information Theory Concepts. 16:1-16:5 - Prasenjit Banerjee
, Anirban Sarkar:
Quality Evaluation Framework for Component Based Software. 17:1-17:6 - Hiteshwar Kumar Azad
, Akshay Deepak
, Kumar Abhishek
Linked Open Data Search Engine. 17:1-17:5 - Ishan Agarwal, Bansidhar Joshi, Shalabh Kumar:
Object Detection using a Handheld Android Device for Processing Image Data in Real Time. 18:1-18:4 - Debendra Kumar Mahalik
A Model for ROI of IT investment in e-Governance projects. 18:1-18:7 - Anupriya Jain
, Mahesh Kumar Sharma
Fuzzy and ANN based mining approach testing for Social network analysis. 19:1-19:7 - Nitesh M. Tarbani
, A. S. Alvi, G. R. Bamnote, S. V. Pattalwar:
Prediction of next Mobile Access Gateway by Tracking Locations of Mobile Node. 19:1-19:3 - Dinesh Singh, Ranvijay
, Rama Shankar Yadav:
NWCA: A New Weighted Clustering Algorithm to form Stable Cluster in VANET. 20:1-20:6 - Trupil Limbasiya
, Nishant Doshi
A User Privacy Conserving Authentication System Using Smart Card for Telecare Medicine Information Systems. 20:1-20:5 - Pratik K. Agrawal
, Abrar S. Alvi, G. R. Bamnote:
Enhancement of Hybrid Tagger by using Rule Based Approach. 21:1-21:4 - Sachin Santoshkumar Agrawal, Gajendra R. Bamnote
, Shrikant L. Satarkar:
A Hybrid Clustering Based Collaborative Filtering (CF) Approach. 21:1-21:5 - Abdul Muqusit Alam, Smita Roy:
Collusive User Removal and Trusted Composite Web Service Selection based on QoS attributes. 22:1-22:6 - Sonia Duggal, M. K. Sharma:
Proposed Frame Work of e-Learning Services Through Cloud. 22:1-22:5 - Isha Batra
, Ashish Kr. Luhach
, Nisrag Pathak:
Research and Analysis of Lightweight Cryptographic Solutions for Internet of Things. 23:1-23:5 - Rupesh Kumar Dewang, Pushpendra Bahadur Singh, Anil Kumar Singh:
Finding of Review Spam through "Corleone, Review Genre, Writing Style and Review Text Detail Features". 23:1-23:6 - Ganga Rama Koteswara Rao
, R. Satya Prasad, M. Ramesh:
Neutralizing Cross-Site Scripting Attacks Using Open Source Technologies. 24:1-24:6 - Hamzah Ali Abdulrahman Qasem
, Ash Mohammad Abbas:
MoveRL: A Movement Region Based Location Discovery Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. 24:1-24:6 - Sugandha Rathi, Rishi Soni, Virendra Singh Kushwah
A New Algorithm for Privacy Preservation in Utility Mining Using Genetic Algorithm. 25:1-25:6 - Praveen Gupta, Pratosh Bansal
A Survey of Attacks and Countermeasures for Denial of Services (DoS) in Wireless Ad hoc Networks. 25:1-25:5 - K. H. Walse, Rajiv V. Dharaskar
, Vilas M. Thakare
Performance Evaluation of Classifiers on WISDM Dataset for Human Activity Recognition. 26:1-26:7 - Smita Jhajharia, Seema Verma
, Rajesh Kumar
Predictive Analytics for Breast Cancer Survivability: A Comparison of Five Predictive Models. 26:1-26:5 - Varun Prabahkar, Annapurna Singh, Ram Shringar Raw:
Hop Count Analysis of IE-DIR Protocol for VANETs in Wider City Traffic Scenario. 27:1-27:5 - M. Prakash, C. J. KavithaPriya:
An Analysis of Types of Protocol Implemented in Internet of Things Based on Packet Loss Ratio. 27:1-27:6 - Kamlesh Kumari
, V. K. Shrivastava:
A Review of Automatic Signature Verification. 28:1-28:5 - Bela Shah
, Kinjal Dave:
SIP Based Intrusion Detection System for VoIP based Applications. 28:1-28:5 - Rupali Bhardwaj:
Multimedia Security through LSB Matching. 29:1-29:5 - Richa Mudgal, Rohit Gupta:
An Efficient Approach for Wormhole detection in MANET. 29:1-29:6 - Theyazn H. H. Aldhyani
, Manish R. Joshi
An Integrated Model for Prediction of Loading Packets in Network Traffic. 30:1-30:6 - Himanshi Yaduwanshi, Vijaya Padmadas
Finding Similar Classes in Ontologies. 30:1-30:5 - Ashka Shastri, Jignesh Joshi:
A Wormhole Attack in Mobile Ad-hoc Network: Detection and Prevention. 31:1-31:4 - Rachana V. Mahule, Chitra A. Dhawale
An Analytical Study of "Digital Image Watermarking in Frequency Domain". 31:1-31:6 - Sachin Sharma
, Shaveta Bhatia
Analysis of Association rule in Data Mining. 32:1-32:4 - Naveen Kumar
, Jaya Kumar, Rishikesh B. Salunkhe, Aniket D. Kadam:
A Scalable Record Retrieval Methodology Using Relational Keyword Search System. 32:1-32:6 - Prateek Srivastava
, Akhilesh Sharma:
Rigorous Design of Moving Sequencer Atomic Broadcast in Distributed Systems. 33:1-33:6 - Waris Hooda, Pradeep Kumar Yadav, Amogh Bhole, Deptii D. Chaudhari
An Image Processing Approach to Intelligent Traffic Management System. 33:1-33:5 - Biswajit Tripathy:
A Critical Analysis of the Cyber Contract Using Electronic Mail. 34:1-34:6 - Asra Aslam
, Mohammad Samar Ansari, Shikha Varshney:
Non-Partitioning Merge-Sort: Performance Enhancement by Elimination of Division in Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm. 34:1-34:6 - Shrey Sethi, Vidushi Singhal:
ICTS2016-SS27-07: A Peek into Web Applications Security. 35:1-35:3 - Yogendra Gupta
, Lava Bhargava
Reinforcement Learning based Routing for Cognitive Network on Chip. 35:1-35:3 - Robin Swamy, Vidushi Singhal:
Wi-MAX: Connecting People. 36:1-36:7 - Nishtha Jatana, Bharti Suri
, Prateek Kumar, Bimlesh Wadhwa
Test Suite Reduction by Mutation Testing Mapped to Set Cover Problem. 36:1-36:6 - Kunal Relan, Vidushi Singhal:
Pentest Ninja: XSS And SQLi Takeover Tool. 37:1-37:2 - Shrikant S. Akole, Vinayak B. Kulkarni:
Thermal Analysis of Active Electronic Component with Thermal Imaging. 37:1-37:6 - Tanweer Alam
, Mohammed Aljohani:
Design a New Middleware for Communication in Ad Hoc Network of Android Smart Devices. 38:1-38:6 - Thanveer Jahan
, Gugulothu Narsimha
, C. V. Guru Rao
Multiplicative Data Perturbation Using Fuzzy Logic in Preserving Privacy. 38:1-38:5 - Gourav Vyas, Loveleen Gaur
, Gurinder Singh
Evolution of Payments Bank and Impact From M-PESA: A Case of Mobile Banking Services in India. 39:1-39:4 - P. Mahesha
, D. S. Vinod
Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Dysfluencies in Stuttering Speech. 39:1-39:6 - Shabina Dhuria, Harmunish Taneja, Kavita Taneja:
An optimal approach for extraction of Web Contents using Semantic Web framework. 40:1-40:5 - Dharavath Ramesh, Rahul Mishra
, Shankar Nayak Bhukya:
Cha-Cha 20: Stream Cipher Based Encryption for Cloud Data Centre. 40:1-40:6 - P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan
, Han Ei Chew:
A Toolkit on Mobile Apps for Business Growth: Insights from Design and Development. 41:1-41:5 - Rachita Misra, Bijayalaxmi Panda, Mayank Tiwary:
Big data and ICT applications: A study. 41:1-41:6 - Mit Shah, Dhruvesh Parikh, Bharat Deshpande:
Movie Recommendation System Employing Latent Graph Features in Extremely Randomized Trees. 42:1-42:4 - Sushruta Mishra
, Pamela Chaudhury, Brojo Kishore Mishra
, Hrudaya Kumar Tripathy:
An implementation of Feature ranking using Machine learning techniques for Diabetes disease prediction. 42:1-42:3 - Sunita Chaudhary
, Meenu Dave, Amit Sanghi, Jaideep Manocha:
An Elucidation on Steganography and Cryptography. 43:1-43:6 - R. S. Uppal, Shakti Kumar:
Dynamic Deployment of Wireless Sensor Network using PBB-BC Algorithm. 43:1-43:6 - Bhagwan Sahay Meena, K. Hemachandran, Shaine Hussain Laskar:
A Study on effects of multi-dimension reduction on Three-Dimensional wireless sensor network localization. 44:1-44:6 - Sunil More, Mininath Nighot:
AgroSearch: A Web Based Search Tool for Pomegranate Diseases and Pests Detection Using Image Processing. 44:1-44:6 - Loveleen Gaur
, Gurinder Singh
, Jeyta, Shubhankar Kumar:
Google Analytics: A Tool to make websites more Robust. 45:1-45:7 - S. Venugopalan, M. V. Srinath, Paul Rodrigues:
Recommender System for E-Learning through Content and Profile Based Approach. 45:1-45:5 - Ram Shringar Raw, Loveleen, Arvind Kumar, Arushi Kadam, Nanhay Singh:
Analysis of Message Propagation for Intelligent Disaster Management through Vehicular Cloud Network. 46:1-46:5 - Subit K. Jain
, Rajendra K. Ray:
An Alternative Framework of Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Denoising. 46:1-46:6 - Lahar Singh Nishad, Akriti, Jaya Paliwal, Roli Pandey, Sumitra Beniwal, Sarvesh Kumar
Security, Privacy Issues and challenges In Cloud Computing: A Survey. 47:1-47:7 - Tej Bahadur Chandra
, Pushpak Verma, A. K. Dwivedi:
Operating Systems for Internet of Things: A Comparative Study. 47:1-47:6 - Manisha Jailia
, Ashok Kumar
, Himani Singhal, Manisha Agarwal:
Development and Performance Analysis of Cloud and MVC Based Web application. 48:1-48:5 - Deepak Prashar
, Dilip Kumar
, Kiran Jyoti:
Performance Analysis of Secure Localization Techniques in Wireless Sensor Network. 48:1-48:7 - Amol Prataprao Bhatkar, Govind Ukhandrao Kharat:
FFT based detection of Diabetic Retinopathy in Fundus Retinal Images. 49:1-49:5 - Padma Prasada
, Sathisha
, H. D. Ranjith
90nm Node 1T Floating Gate Embedded Flash Memory with Precharge NMOS Transistor. 49:1-49:5 - Supantha Das, Indrajit Banerjee
, Mainak Chatterjee, Tuhina Samanta:
Adaptive Slot Sharing based TDMA Technique for Routing in an Obstructed Wireless Sensor Network. 50:1-50:6 - Chinta Someswara Rao
, S. Viswanadha Raju:
A Novel Multi Pattern String Matching Algorithm with While Shift. 50:1-50:5 - Dhanashree Toradmalle, Kumudhan Cherarajan, Mayur Shedage, Nitesh Dogra, Sanket Gawde:
A Secure Protocol for Trust Management in OLSR. 51:1-51:4 - Poonam Sharma, Saloni Sharma, Ayush Goyal:
An MSE (mean square error) based analysis of deconvolution techniques used for deblurring/restoration of MRI and CT Images. 51:1-51:5 - Mugdha Sharma, Laxmi Ahuja:
A Novel and Integrated Semantic Recommendation System for E-Learning using Ontology. 52:1-52:5 - Saurabh Maheshwari
, Surbhi Heda:
A Review on Crowd Behavior Analysis Methods for Video Surveillance. 52:1-52:5 - Nisheeth Joshi
, Iti Mathur, Hemant Darbari, Ajai Kumar:
Quality Estimation of English-Hindi Machine Translation Systems. 53:1-53:5 - Ashwini Shewale, Nayan Waghmare, Anuja Sonawane, Utkarsha Teke:
High Performance Computation Analysis for Medical Images using High Computational Methods. 53:1-53:6 - Ajai Kumar, Iti Mathur, Hemant Darbari, G. N. Purohit, Nisheeth Joshi
Implications of Supervised Learning on Word Sense Disambiguation for Hindi. 54:1-54:5 - A. Joy Christy, S. Hari Ganesh:
Performance Based Analysis of Novel Equilin Clustering. 54:1-54:5 - Iti Mathur, Nisheeth Joshi
, Hemant Darbari, Ajai Kumar:
Automatic Evaluation of Ontology Matchers. 55:1-55:6 - Binay Kumar, Sadanand Yadav:
Storageless Credentials And Secure Login. 55:1-55:6 - Vaishali Gupta, Nisheeth Joshi
, Iti Mathur:
POS tagger for Urdu using Stochastic approaches. 56:1-56:5 - Sreelakshmi Gopal, Rosna P. Haroon:
Word Sense Disambiguation on Dravidian Languages: A Survey. 56:1-56:5 - Anila Dhingra
, Varsha Joshi:
Low Noise Rim Preserving Filter. 57:1-57:6 - Narander Kumar
, Pooja Patel:
Resource Management using Feed Forward ANN-PSO in Cloud Computing Environment. 57:1-57:6 - Vikram Singh Chauhan, Sarika Khandelwal
, Saurabh Maheshwari
Artificial Multimodal Vein Biometric Template Creation for Enhanced Security. 58:1-58:5 - Rachita Gupta
Food Security and Safety using advanced Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). 58:1-58:5 - Ranjit Kumar Behera, K. Hemant Kumar Reddy, Diptendu Sinha Roy:
Reliability Assessment of Energy Monitoring Service for a Futuristic Smart City. 59:1-59:6 - T. A. Shaharban, Rosna P. Haroon
A Study On Malayalam Machine Translation. 59:1-59:6 - B. Balamurugan, Anil Skariah, Ganapathi Nalinipriya, K. G. Maheswari
, Malathi V.
Acceleration of Bullet Physics Physical Simulation Library Using GPU and Demonstration on a Set-Top Box Platform. 60:1-60:4 - Shubhangi Sapkal, Ratnadeep R. Deshmukh
Biometric Template Protection with Fuzzy Vault and Fuzzy Commitment. 60:1-60:6 - Ritambhra Korpal, Saugata Bose:
A Framework for Detecting External Plagiarism from Monolingual Documents: Use of Shallow NLP and N-gram Frequency Comparison. 61:1-61:7 - Suchit S. Purohit, Vinod M. Bothale, Savita R. Gandhi
Towards m-gov in Solid Waste Management Sector Using RFID, Integrated technologies. 61:1-61:4 - Karuna C. Gull, Akshata B. Angadi:
Text Mining Predictive Modeling Algorithm for classifying Attitudes of customers with Accuracy Estimation. 62:1-62:7 - P. S. Lokhande, B. B. Meshram:
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Find Most Probable Web Attack on an E-Commerce Site. 62:1-62:6 - Suneel Kumar, Neha Bansal, Sankalp Nath Singh:
Smart Interaction Using Hand Gesture Recognition. 63:1-63:4 - Bhushan S. Atote, Mangesh V. Bedekar
, Suja S. Panicker:
Centralized Approach towards Intelligent Traffic Signal Control. 63:1-63:5 - Patel Jay, Pinal Shah
, Kamlesh Makvana, Parth Shah
An approach to identify user interest by reranking personalize web. 64:1-64:8 - Shrawan Kumar Trivedi
, Shubhamoy Dey:
A Comparative Study of Various Supervised Feature Selection Methods for Spam Classification. 64:1-64:6 - Kamlesh Makvana, Patel Jay, Parth Shah
, Amit Thakkar
An Approach to identify semantic relations between user's queries in text retrieval. 65:1-65:6 - Satwinder Singh
, Rozy Singla:
Comparative Performance of Fault-Prone Prediction Classes with K-means Clustering and MLP. 65:1-65:7 - Shivani Sharma, Virendra Kumar Yadav, Munesh Chandra Trivedi
, Avadesh Gupta:
Audio Steganography using ZDT: Encryption using Indexed Based Chaotic Sequence. 66:1-66:5 - Priti A. Khodke, Saurabh Lawange, Amol P. Bhagat
, Kiran A. Dongre, Chetan Ingole:
Query Processing over Large RDF using SPARQL in Big Data. 66:1-66:6 - Yelipe UshaRani
, P. Sammulal:
An Innovative Approach for Imputation and Classification of Medical Records for Efficient Disease Prediction. 67:1-67:6 - Rajesh B. Mapari, Govind Ukhandrao Kharat:
American Static Signs Recognition Using Leap Motion Sensor. 67:1-67:5 - Shiv Kumar Verma
, Manpreet Kaur, Rohit Kumar:
Hybrid Image Fusion Algorithm Using Laplacian Pyramid and PCA Method. 68:1-68:6 - Veenu Mor, Harish Kumar:
Principals of Energy Efficiency in Wireless Mesh Network. 68:1-68:5 - Vijay B. Gadicha
, A. S. Alvi:
A Novel Approach towards Authentication by Generating Strong Passwords. 69:1-69:3 - Sreecharan Sankaranarayanan
, Dayanand Ingale, Ranveer Bhambhu, K. Chandrasekaran
Towards Sentiment Orientation Data Set Enrichment. 69:1-69:7 - B. N. Shankar Gowda, Siddharth Mark Joseph, Vibha Lakshmikantha:
Behavior Analysis of Twitter Feed using Dymamic Synonym and Abbreviation Mapping Modules on top of a Trained Naïve Bayes Classifier. 70:1-70:5 - Prachi Rohit Rajarapollu
, Vijay R. Mankar:
Design and Analysis of Anti-Aliasing Filters for Rendering of Graphical Entities. 70:1-70:5 - Fasee Ullah
, Abdul Hanan Abdullah, Omprakash Kaiwartya
, Shiv Prakash:
Patient Data Dissemination in Wireless Body Area Network: A Qualitative Analysis. 71:1-71:6 - P. Jhansi Rani:
Pseudo Random Bit Generator using Logistic and Bernoulli Maps. 71:1-71:6 - Ahmed Nazar Hassan, Omprakash Kaiwartya
, Abdul Hanan Abdullah, Dalya Khalid Sheet, Shiv Prakash:
Geometry based Inter Vehicle Distance Estimation for Instantaneous GPS Failure in VANETs. 72:1-72:5 - Rajveer Kaur, Saurabh Sharma
Semi-Automatic Domain Ontology Graph Generation System in Punjabi. 72:1-72:5 - P. Jhansi Rani:
Bernoulli Keyed Hash Function for Authenticating the data over Virtual Private Network. 73:1-73:5 - Manisha Agarwal, Manisha Jailia
Effect of TLB on system performance. 73:1-73:4 - Izharuddin, Omar Farooq
, Md. Qasim Rafiq:
Implementation of Hardware Efficient Chaotic Generators for Signal Security in Portable Systems. 74:1-74:8 - Sunil Kumar Jangir
, Naveen Hemrajani
Evaluation of Black hole, Wormhole and Sybil Attacks in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. 74:1-74:6 - Prashant Johri
, Md. Nasar, Sanjoy Das
, Mithun Kumar:
Open Source Software Reliability Growth Models for Distributed Environment Based on Component-Specific Testing-Efforts. 75:1-75:9 - Priya Makarand Shelke, Rajesh S. Prasad:
Improving JPEG Image Anti-forensics. 75:1-75:5 - Pratiksha Saxena, Neha Khanna, Raj Kumar:
Impact of variable probability level and nutrient concentration on animal diet formulation. 76:1-76:5 - Khyati Patel, Nimisha Patel, Hiren Patel
Efficient Resource Allocation Strategy to Improve Energy Consumption in Cloud Data Centers. 76:1-76:6 - Vangipuram Radhakrishna
, Puligadda Veereswara Kumar
, Vinjamuri Janaki
A Single Database Scan Approach for Mining Temporally Similar Association Patterns. 77:1-77:6 - Mili Patel, Hiren Patel
, Nimisha Patel:
Usage of Hybrid Mechanisms to Reduce Energy Consumption while Preserving Green SLA in Cloud Environment. 77:1-77:6 - S. Bhargavi Latha
, D. Venkata Reddy, A. Damodaram:
Digital Video Watermarking using DWT and Singular Values. 78:1-78:5 - Shaligram Prajapat
, Ramjeevan Singh Thakur:
Key Diffusion Approach for AVK based Cryptosystem. 78:1-78:9 - Suraj Kumar Awasthi, Sheetal Vij, Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay
, Avinash J. Agrawal:
Multi Strategy Selection in E- Negotiation: A Proposed Architecture. 79:1-79:5 - B. Tirupathi Kumar, K. Chandra Sekharaiah
, D. Suresh Babu
Towards National Integration by Analyzing a Case Study of CyberCrimes. 79:1-79:8 - Rajeshwari P. Patil, Santosh Kumar
An Approach for Efficient Many Keywords Findings over Encrypted Cloud Information. 80:1-80:4 - S. Shanthi Therese, Chelpa Lingam:
Speaker Identification and Authentication System using Energy based Cepstral Data Technique. 80:1-80:6 - Divya Patidar, Jigyasu Dubey
A Hybrid Approach for Dynamic Intrusion Detection, Enhancement of Performance and Security in MANET. 81:1-81:5 - Bhakti Maheshwarkar, Nidhi Maheshwarkar:
SIUQAPTT: SQL Injection Union Query Attacks Prevention Using Tokenization Technique. 81:1-81:4 - Megha R. Desai, Hiren B. Patel
Performance Measurement of Virtual Machine Migration Using Pre-copy Approach in cloud computing. 82:1-82:4 - Aparna Bannore, Satish R. Devane:
Use of Proxy Signature in e-Governance. 82:1-82:6 - Himani Singal
, Shruti Kohli:
Intellectualizing TRUST for Medical Websites. 83:1-83:4 - Bhakti Maheshwarkar, Pawan Patidar, M. K. Rawat, Nidhi Maheshwarkar:
K-AMOA: K-Anonymity Model for Multiple Overlapped Attributes. 83:1-83:6 - Munesh Chandra Trivedi
, Shivani Sharma, Virendra Kumar Yadav:
Analysis of Several Image Steganography Techniques in Spatial Domain: A Survey. 84:1-84:7 - Shilpy Agrawal, Neeraj Tyagi, Arun Kumar Misra:
Seamless VANET Connectivity through Heterogeneous Wireless Network on Rural Highways. 84:1-84:5 - Andrew Bates, Jugal Kalita:
Counting Clusters in Twitter Posts. 85:1-85:9 - Vinod B. Durdi, P. T. Kulkarni, K. L. Sudha:
Cross Layer Approach Energy Efficient Transmission of Multimedia Data over Wireless Sensor Networks. 85:1-85:6 - G. Josemin Bala, Steven Lawrence Fernandes:
Developing Novel Skin Detection on ODROID XU4 Heterogeneous Multi-Processing Device. 86:1-86:4 - Siddhant Chouksey, Sumedha Sirsikar
An Efficient And Economical Solution For Future Traffic Management System Using RFID. 86:1-86:5 - Aisha Moin, Vikrant Bhateja, Anuja Srivastava:
Multispectral Medical Image Fusion using PCA in Wavelet Domain. 87:1-87:4 - Narander Kumar
, Diksha Shukla:
Resource Management Through Fuzzy Assignment Problem in Cloud Computing Environment. 87:1-87:5 - Poonam Dhaka, Dharm Singh Jat
, Isaac Nhamu, Charu Singh:
The Effect of Internet Usage on the Psychological States of Adolescents and Young Adults. 88:1-88:4 - U. Vigneshwaran, S. Suresh:
Frame Based Biometric Authentication System for Healthcare. 88:1-88:5 - Neelam Chaplot
, Praveen Dhyani, O. P. Rishi:
Predictive Approach of Case Base Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence: In Case of Astrological Predictions About Famous Personalities. 89:1-89:6 - Dharm Singh Jat
, Michael S. Haodom, Anicia Peters
Relevance of Cloud Computing in Namibia: A Case Study. 89:1-89:4 - Peter Bukelani Musiiwa, Shyam Akashe
Design of Low Power Memristor Non-Volatile Dram Cell with Footer Switch. 90:1-90:6 - Upasana Sharma
, Bhawna Minocha:
Link Prediction in Social Networks: A Similarity score based Neural Network Approach. 90:1-90:5 - Akanksha Singh, Ayushi Marwah, Shyam Akashe
Novel Gating Technique in D-Latch for Low Power Application. 91:1-91:5 - Pamela Chaudhury, Sushruta Mishra
, Hrudaya Kumar Tripathy, Brojo Kishore Mishra:
Enhancing the capabilities of Student Result Prediction System. 91:1-91:6 - Nilotpal Arjun, Ayushi Marwah, Shyam Akashe
Realization of Schmitt Trigger in Low Power SRAM Cell. 92:1-92:5 - M. P. Sharma
Factors Affecting the Adoption of ICT in Hospitality & Tourism Industry. 92:1-92:5 - Priti Narwal, Deepak Kumar
, Mayank Sharma
A Review of Game-Theoretic Approaches for Secure Virtual Machine Resource Allocation in Cloud. 93:1-93:5 - Aditya Raj, Shyam Akashe
Power and Area Efficient Capacitor Multiplier Technique for Multi-Fin Two Stage Opamp. 93:1-93:5 - Anant Kumar Malani, Mukesh Kumar
Evaluation and Comparison of Entity based search Implied by SVM and Neural Network. 94:1-94:5 - Prateek Tiwari, Ranjeet Singh Tomar, Shyam Akashe
Power efficient optimal Operational Transconductance Amplifier Using Source Degeneration Technique. 94:1-94:6 - Abhay Palle, R. B. Kulkarni:
Classification of Medical MRI Brain Images based on Hadoop. 95:1-95:4 - Devansh Sinha, Shyam Akashe
Design of low power 3-bit TIQ based ADC by using FinFET Technology. 95:1-95:4 - Hitesh Hasija, Dinesh Kumar:
Compression & Security in MongoDB without affecting Efficiency. 96:1-96:6 - Mohit Vyas, Shyam Akashe
Performance Augmentation of 2: 1 Mux Using Transmission Gate. 96:1-96:5 - S. A. Bhura, A. S. Alvi, S. Y. Amdani:
Scheduling Real-Time task using dynamic Preemption Threshold. 97:1-97:5 - Shubham Kumar, Prateek Jain
, Shyam Akashe
Design and Analysis of New Efficient Multifin Low Leakage Switch Mode Power Supply. 97:1-97:5 - Jainendra Tripathi, Ranjeet Singh Tomar, Shyam Akashe
A SDDG FinFET Based Op Amp with DSB Circuit. 98:1-98:5 - Manju Khari
, Prabhat Kumar:
A Novel Approach for Software Test Data Generation using Cuckoo Algorithm. 98:1-98:6 - Attlee Munyaradzi Gamundani
, Deada O. Kandjii:
A Review of Cloud Computing Capabilities Towards Building Virtual Learning Centres. 99:1-99:10 - Basavaraj Patil
, S. R. Biradar:
Cluster Based Authentication Scheme for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. 99:1-99:6 - Nazrul Hoque
, D. K. Bhattacharyya
, Jugal K. Kalita:
Denial of Service Attack Detection using Multivariate Correlation Analysis. 100:1-100:6 - Dinesh Kumar Saini
, Lakshmi Sunil Prakash
, Hemant Gaur
Software Architecture for Smart Card: ICT Solution for Healthcare Industry for Sustainable Development. 100:1-100:5 - Manjeet Gupta, Devesh Kumar Srivastava
, Durg Singh Chauhan:
Security Challenges of Virtualization in Cloud Computing. 101:1-101:5 - Hitesh Sharma, V. P. Sharma, Akrati Sharma, Prakash Meena:
An Improved Fitness Based Differential Evolution Algorithm (IFBDEA). 101:1-101:6 - Debi Prasad Mishra
, Prajnya Priyadarsini Satapathy, Biswajit Mishra:
Designing a Secure Network Interface By Thwarting Mac Spoofing Attacks. 102:1-102:6 - Rashid Sheikh
, Durgesh Kumar Mishra
Secure Sum Computation for Insecure Networks. 102:1-102:7 - Monika Singh, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Ruhi Saxena:
A Rigorous Framework for Verification & Validation of Dynamic Aspect of Safety Critical System. 103:1-103:8 - Shanti Verma
Deciding Admission Criteria For Master of Computer Applications Program in India using Chi-Square Test. 103:1-103:4 - Ruturaj Shelat, Nirav Patel, Chintan M. Bhatt
A Survey of Open Source Protocols XMPP and SIP for Instant Messaging System. 104:1-104:4 - Jay Dave, Manik Lal Das:
Securing SQL with Access Control for Database as a Service Model. 104:1-104:6 - Vangipuram Radhakrishna
, Puligadda Veereswara Kumar
, Vinjamuri Janaki
Mining Outlier Temporal Association Patterns. 105:1-105:6 - Shobha Arya, Nipur:
Performance Analysis of Fault Tolerant Advanced Irregular Shuffle Exchange Network (AISEN). 105:1-105:5 - Shailesh Dwivedi, Kavita Khare, Ajay Kumar Dadoria:
Low-Power High Speed 1-bit Full Adder Circuit Design. 106:1-106:5 - Deepti Chopra, Nisheeth Joshi
, Iti Mathur:
Named Entity Recognition in Hindi Using Conditional Random Fields. 106:1-106:6 - Ankita Kanojiya
, Viral Nagori:
Analysis of Decision Support Systems implemented for Suggesting a course for higher education. 107:1-107:5 - Sona Phull, Subhranil Som
Symmetric Cryptography using Multiple Access Circular Queues (MACQ). 107:1-107:6 - Priyadharsini Ravisankar
, T. Sree Sharmila
, V. Rajendran:
An Efficient Edge Detection Technique Using Filtering and Morphological Operations for Underwater Acoustic Images. 108:1-108:5 - T. Shanmughapriya, S. Swamynathan:
An Alert System Based on Shared Score for Online Social Networks. 108:1-108:5 - Prasad Kulkarni, Balaji G. Hogade
, Vidula Kulkarni:
Simulation of Digital Signal Processor-FFT for Communication System Applications. 109:1-109:4 - Akashdeep Bhardwaj
, G. V. B. Subrahmanyam, Vinay Avasthi, Hanumat G. Sastry
Three Tier Network Architecture to Mitigate DDoS Attacks on Hybrid Cloud Environments. 109:1-109:7 - Aditya Khamparia
, Monika Rani, Babita Pandey
, O. P. Vyas:
Blended e-Learning Training (BeLT): Enhancing Railway Station Controller Knowledge. 110:1-110:5 - Nikkita Shekhar, Ambika Vishal Pawar:
Big Data Analytics Based on In-Memory Infrastructure On Traditional HPC: A Survey. 110:1-110:5 - Jayanthi G. Prisilla:
The Cyber Security Issues over Emergency Management. 111:1-111:8 - Dinesh Kumar Tyagi
, V. K. Chaubey:
Performance Evaluation of Path Length based Routing Strategies for Survivable WDM Network. 111:1-111:6 - Rashmi Chaudhary, Prakash Rao Ragiri:
Implementation and Analysis of Blackhole Attack in AODV Routing Protocol. 112:1-112:5 - Aishwarya, Farha Syed, Jaya Nupur, Aishwarya Vichare, Arun Mishra
Authentication of Electronic Control Unit using Arbiter Physical Unclonable Functions in Modern Automobiles. 112:1-112:9 - Abhishek Majumder
, Subhrajyoti Deb
, Sudipta Roy:
Classification and Performance Analysis of Intra-domain Mobility Management Schemes for Wireless Mesh Network. 113:1-113:6 - Bidisha Mandal, Sourabh Chandra, Sk. Safikul Alam:
Matrix Transposition Based Cryptographic Code With Two Dimensional Parity Checking. 113:1-113:6 - Sandip Machhi, G. B. Jethava:
Feedback based Trust Management for Cloud Environment. 114:1-114:5 - Lincolin Nhapi, Arun Kumar Yadav
, Ram Shringar Rao:
Virtual Machine Provisioning for Cloud Scenarios: A Survey of Approaches and Challenges. 114:1-114:6 - Aasheesh Tandon, Vishwa Shah, Sachin Gajjar
Emerging Applications Perspective for Internet of Things. 115:1-115:7 - Tanya Singh
, Seema Verma
, Vartika Kulshrestha, Sumeet Katiyar:
Intrusion Detection System Using Genetic Algorithm for Cloud. 115:1-115:6 - Smita Paira
, Sourabh Chandra, Sk. Safikul Alam:
Segmented Crypto Algorithm. 116:1-116:5 - Shikha Sharma
, Devendra Kumar Somwanshi
A DWT based Attack Resistant Video Steganography. 116:1-116:5 - Nabish Kumar, Nitish Kumar, Pradeep Karki, Ashwini Jarali
A GCM and GPS Based Approach to Health Service. 117:1-117:4 - S. Ramacharan, K. Venu Gopala Rao:
Software Effort Estimation of GSD Projects Using Calibrated Parametric Estimation Models. 117:1-117:8 - Anand Bihari
, Sudhakar Tripathi
, Manoj Kumar Pandia:
Key Author Analysis in Research Professionals' Collaboration Network based on MST using Centrality Measures. 118:1-118:6 - Niti N. Shah, Nikita Bhatt
, Amit Ganatra
A Unique Word Prediction System for Text Entry in Hindi. 118:1-118:7 - L. Greeshma, G. Pradeepini
Unique Constrained Class labeled Association Rule Mining. 119:1-119:5 - Mohd. Shahid Husain
, M. Akheela Khanum:
Word Sense Disambiguation in Software Requirement Specifications Using WordNet and Association Mining Rule. 119:1-119:4 - Narander Kumar
, Priyanka Chaudhary:
Implementation of Modified RSA Cryptosystem for Data Encryption and Decryption based on n Prime number and Bit Stuffing. 120:1-120:6 - Krishma Singla, Mohit Dua
, Garima Nanda:
A language based comparison of different similarity functions and classifiers using web based Bilingual Question Answering System developed using Machine Learning Approach. 120:1-120:4 - V. Thangam, K. Chandrasekaran:
Elliptic Curve Based Proxy Re-Encryption. 121:1-121:6 - Harsh Kumar Singh, Ram Shringar Raw, Sanjeev Kumar
, Arvind Kumar Singh, Sanjay Kumar Soni:
Analysis of Angle Based Opportunistic Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. 121:1-121:6 - Tulika Kakati
, Hasin Afzal Ahmed, Dhruba K. Bhattacharyya
, Jugal K. Kalita:
A Fast Gene Expression Analysis using Parallel Biclustering and Distributed Triclustering Approach. 122:1-122:6 - Vishakha Mal, Avinash J. Agrawal:
Removing Flaming Problems from Social Networking Sites using Semi-Supervised Learning Approach. 122:1-122:3 - Priyakshi Mahanta, Dhruba K. Bhattacharyya
, Ashish Ghosh
PDComp: An Effective PPI complex Finding Method. 123:1-123:6 - More Swami Das
, A. Govardhan
, D. Vijayalakshmi:
Best practices for web applications to improve performance of QoS. 123:1-123:9 - Sita Devulapalli
, O. R. S. Rao, Akhil Khare
Requirements Prioritization: Parameters of Relevance - An empirical Study across 3 datasets. 124:1-124:5 - Ajay Jangra
, Niharika Singh, Upasana Lakhina:
VIP: Verification and Identification Protective data handling layer implementation to achieve MVCC in cloud computing. 124:1-124:6 - B. V. Srividya, S. Akhila
Selective Encryption of Video Frames Using Bezier Curve Over Galois Field GF (P^m). 125:1-125:6 - Disha Bhatt, Shilpa Gite
Novel Driver Behavior Model Analysis using Hidden Markov Model to increase Road Safety in Smart Cities. 125:1-125:6 - Rashmi Hinge, Jigyasu Dubey:
Opinion based trusted AODV routing protocol for MANET. 126:1-126:5 - Hiral Patel, Satyen Parikh:
Comparative analysis of different statistical and neural network based forecasting tools for prediction of stock data. 126:1-126:6 - Monali Patil, Vandana S. Jagtap
Static structural dependency analysis for parallelization of Java programs. 127:1-127:5 - Mamata Rath
, Chhabi Rani Panigrahi
Prioritization of Security Measures at the Junction of MANET and IoT. 127:1-127:5 - Kangkan Medhi, Syed Sazzad Ahmed, Swarup Roy, Dhruba K. Bhattacharyya
, Jugal K. Kalita:
Information Theoretic Approaches for Detecting Causality in Gene Regulatory Networks. 128:1-128:5 - Sharada Narsingrao Ohatkar, Dattatraya S. Bormane:
Hybrid Channel Allocation with GA and PSO to reduce Call Blocking Probability in Cellular Network. 128:1-128:5 - Priyanshi Barod, M. S. Bhamare, Ruhi Patankar:
A Novel Approach for Web Service Recommendation. 129:1-129:4 - Sadip Midya, Koushik Majumder
, Asmita Roy, Debashis De
Vertical Handoff Mechanisms in VANET: A Survey. 129:1-129:6 - Haider Khalaf Jabbar
, Rafiqul Zaman Khan:
Survey on Development of Expert System from 2010 to 2015. 130:1-130:7 - Ankita R. Jadhao, Avinash J. Agrawal:
A Digital Forensics Investigation Model for Social Networking Site. 130:1-130:4 - Ankur Saxena
, Abhishek Sanyal, Gyanesh Kumar, Saurabh Chandra Singh:
A Framework to protect multiple applications in java using synchronization. 131:1-131:6 - Sanjay K. Dwivedi, Chandrakala Arya:
Automatic Text Classification in Information retrieval: A Survey. 131:1-131:6 - Deepjoy Das, Alok Chakrabarty
Human Gait Recognition using Deep Neural Networks. 132:1-132:6 - Aarti Singh, Kavita Gupta:
Optimal Cluster Head Election Algorithm for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. 132:1-132:6 - Niyati Baliyan
, Sandeep Kumar
A Behavioral Metrics Suite for Modular Ontologies. 133:1-133:4 - Sumita Nainan, Vaishali Kulkarni
Performance Evaluation of Text Independent Automatic Speaker Recognition using VQ and GMM. 133:1-133:6 - Maxwell Christian, Bhushan Trivedi:
A Comparison of Existing Tools for Evaluation of Programming Exercises. 134:1-134:6 - Sharvari Tamane:
Non-Relational Databases in Big Data. 134:1-134:4 - K. S. Anil Kumar, Anitha Mary M. O. Chacko:
Clustering Algorithms for Intrusion Detection: A Broad Visualization. 135:1-135:4 - Prerna Mohit, G. P. Biswas:
Modification of Symmetric-Key DES into Efficient Asymmetric-Key DES using RSA. 136:1-136:5 - Prutha Bhalde:
Performance Improvement: Audio Steganography Technique Parity Bit Combined With Cryptography. 136:1-136:5 - Harsh Varudkar:
Hadoop based collaborative recommendation system. 137:1-137:3 - Rickey T. P. Nunes, Santosh L. Desphpande, Sattanathan Subramanian:
Big-data Transportation in Orchestrated Bioinformatics Workflows: An Analysis and Hypothesis. 137:1-137:7 - Suhas Machhindra Gaikwad, Rahul Raghvendra Joshi, Shishir Machhindra Gaikwad:
Modified Analytical Hierarchy Process to Recommend an Ice Cream to a Diabetic Patient. 138:1-138:5 - G. Nagaraju, Nimmala Mangathayaru
, B. Padmaja Rani:
Dependency Parser for Telugu Language. 138:1-138:5 - Soham Banerjee, Sanjeev Thakur:
A Critical Study of Factors Promoting Cyberloafing in Organizations. 139:1-139:6 - Anurag Jain
, Rajneesh Kumar
Confidentiality Enhanced Security Model for Cloud Environment. 139:1-139:6 - Surjit Singh
, Rajeev Mohan Sharma
Optimization Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks. 140:1-140:7 - Shikha Choudhary, H. S. Mewara
Analysis of Nature driven Routing Protocol in MANETS. 140:1-140:6 - Deepti Mishra
, Devpriya Soni
An Integrated Method for Outlier Detection with Analytical Study of Distance Based and Angle Based Approaches. 141:1-141:5 - Pratap Kumar, Ravi K. Sheth
A Review on 0-day Vulnerability Testing in Web Application. 141:1-141:4 - Sunil Kumar
, Jayant Shekhar, Himanshu Gupta
Agent based Security Model for Cloud Big Data. 142:1-142:5 - Ashka Shastri, Priyanka Sharma:
Data Vault: A Security Model for Preventing Data Theft in Corporate. 142:1-142:5 - Bhavik Thakar, Chandresh Parekh:
Advance Persistent Threat: Botnet. 143:1-143:6 - Y. V. Lokeswari, Shomona Gracia Jacob:
A Comparative study on Parallel Data Mining Algorithms using Hadoop Map Reduce: A Survey. 143:1-143:6 - Niroj Kumar Pani
, Bikram Keshari Rath, Sarojananda Mishra:
Localization Adaptive Secure Routing for Ad-Hoc Cloud Networks Based on Synchronized Timestamp Approach. 144:1-144:6 - Rakesh Singh Kunwar
, Priyanka Sharma:
Malware Analysis: Tools and Techniques. 144:1-144:4 - Maitri Amin:
A Survey of Financial Losses Due to Malware. 145:1-145:4 - Angira Amit Patel
, Jyotindra N. Dharwa:
Fuzzy Based Hybrid Mobile Recommendation System. 145:1-145:6 - Sanjay Kumar Patra, Sarojananda Mishra:
Self Similarity Effect of RTT and RTO in Network Congestion Control Mechanism. 146:1-146:4

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