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4th ICST Workshops 2011: Berlin, Germany
- Fourth IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, ICST 2012, Berlin, Germany, 21-25 March, 2011, Workshop Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society 2011, ISBN 978-0-7695-4345-1
AMOST 2011 - Seventh Workshop on Advances in Model-Based Testing
Model-Based Testing for Embedded and Real-Time Systems I
- Omer Nguena-Timo
, Antoine Rollet:
Test Selection for Data-Flow Reactive Systems Based on Observations. 1-8
Model-Based Testing for Embedded and Real-Time Systems II
- Wilkerson de L. Andrade
, Patrícia D. L. Machado, Thierry Jéron
, Hervé Marchand:
Abstracting Time and Data for Conformance Testing of Real-Time Systems. 9-17 - Frank Böhr:
Model Based Statistical Testing of Embedded Systems. 18-25 - Johannes Kloos, Tanvir Hussain, Robert Eschbach:
Risk-Based Testing of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems Driven by Fault Tree Analysis. 26-33 - Stephan Weißleder, Thomas Rogenhofer:
Simulated Restriction of Coverage Criteria on UML State Machines. 34-38
Domain-Specific Approaches and Tools I
- Carsten Rütz, Julien Schmaltz:
An Experience Report on an Industrial Case-Study about Timed Model-Based Testing with UPPAAL-TRON. 39-46 - Alexander Kamkin
, Eugene Kornykhin
, Dmitry Vorobyev:
Reconfigurable Model-Based Test Program Generator for Microprocessors. 47-54 - Christof Efkemann, Jan Peleska:
Model-Based Testing for the Second Generation of Integrated Modular Avionics. 55-62 - M. F. van Amstel, M. G. J. van den Brand
, Luc J. P. Engelen:
Using a DSL and Fine-Grained Model Transformations to Explore the Boundaries of Model Verification - Extended Abstract. 63-66
Domain-Specific Approaches and Tools II and the SCENARIOS Workshop
- Ralf Mitsching, Carsten Weise, Frank Fiedler, Stefan Kowalewski, Henrik C. Bohnenkamp:
TripleT: Improving Test Responsiveness for High Performance Embedded Systems. 67-74 - Christoph Torens, Lars Ebrecht
, Karsten Lemmer:
Inverse Model Based Testing - Generating Behavior Models from Abstract Test Cases. 75-78 - Kalou Cabrera Castillos, Julien Botella:
Scenario Based Test Generation Using Test Designer. 79-88 - Eda Marchetti
, Louis Schilders, Sandra Winfield:
Scenario-Based Testing Applied in Two Real Contexts: Healthcare and Employability. 89-98
Regression 2011 - The First International Workshop on Regression Testing
Position Paper Session and Discussion
- Gregory M. Kapfhammer:
Empirically Evaluating Regression Testing Techniques: Challenges, Solutions, and a Potential Way Forward. 99-102 - Duy Cu Nguyen, Alessandro Marchetto
, Paolo Tonella
Challenges in Audit Testing of Web Services. 103-106 - Brian Robinson, Xiao Qu:
Customer-Oriented Regression Testing: An Initial Discussion. 107-110 - Mark Harman
Making the Case for MORTO: Multi Objective Regression Test Optimization. 111-114
Session 1: Testing Evolving Systems
- Hagai Cibulski, Amiram Yehudai:
Regression Test Selection Techniques for Test-Driven Development. 115-124 - Elizabeta Fourneret, Fabrice Bouquet
, Frédéric Dadeau, Stephane Debricon:
Selective Test Generation Method for Evolving Critical Systems. 125-134 - Nilam Kaushik, Mazeiar Salehie, Ladan Tahvildari, Sen Li, Mark Moore:
Dynamic Prioritization in Regression Testing. 135-138
Session 2: Emerging Issues
- Michael Ruth:
Employing Privacy-Preserving Techniques to Protect Control-Flow Graphs in a Decentralized, End-to-End Regression Test Selection Framework for Web Services. 139-148 - Christoph Malz, Peter Göhner:
Agent-Based Test Case Prioritization. 149-152
SBST 2011 - Fourth International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing
SBST 2011 Keynote Address
- Phil McMinn:
Search-Based Software Testing: Past, Present and Future. 153-163
SBST 2011 Regular Papers
- Thaise Yano, Eliane Martins, Fabiano Luis de Sousa:
MOST: A Multi-objective Search-Based Testing from EFSM. 164-173 - Arilo Claudio Dias Neto, Rosiane de Freitas Rodrigues, Guilherme Horta Travassos:
Porantim-Opt: Optimizing the Combined Selection of Model-Based Testing Techniques. 174-183 - Simon M. Poulding, John A. Clark, Hélène Waeselynck:
A Principled Evaluation of the Effect of Directed Mutation on Search-Based Statistical Testing. 184-193
SBST 2011 Short Papers
- Alin Stefanescu
, Florentin Ipate, Raluca Lefticaru
, Cristina Tudose:
Towards Search-Based Testing for Event-B Models. 194-197 - Sven Türpe
Search-Based Application Security Testing: Towards a Structured Search Space. 198-201
TESTBEDS 2011 - Third International Workshop on TESTing Techniques and Experimentation Benchmarks for Event-Driven Software
- Robert Gove
, Jorge Faytong:
Identifying Infeasible GUI Test Cases Using Support Vector Machines and Induced Grammars. 202-211 - Fevzi Belli, Mutlu Beyazit
, Nevin Güler:
Event-Based GUI Testing and Reliability Assessment Techniques - An Experimental Insight and Preliminary Results. 212-221 - Stephan Arlt, Cristiano Bertolini, Martin Schäf
Behind the Scenes: An Approach to Incorporate Context in GUI Test Case Generation. 222-231 - Steffen Herbold
, Jens Grabowski, Stephan Waack, Uwe Bünting:
Improved Bug Reporting and Reproduction through Non-intrusive GUI Usage Monitoring and Automated Replaying. 232-241 - Tuomas Pajunen, Tommi Takala, Mika Katara:
Model-Based Testing with a General Purpose Keyword-Driven Test Automation Framework. 242-251 - Domenico Amalfitano
, Anna Rita Fasolino
, Porfirio Tramontana
A GUI Crawling-Based Technique for Android Mobile Application Testing. 252-261
VAST 2011 - First International Workshop on Variability-intensive Systems Testing, Validation, and Verification
Product Line Testing
- Emelie Engström
, Per Runeson
Decision Support for Test Management and Scope Selection in a Software Product Line Context. 262-265 - Martin Fagereng Johansen, Øystein Haugen, Franck Fleurey:
A Survey of Empirics of Strategies for Software Product Line Testing. 266-269
Formal Approaches
- Thomas Thüm, Ina Schaefer, Martin Kuhlemann, Sven Apel
Proof Composition for Deductive Verification of Software Product Lines. 270-277 - Elke Salecker, Robert Reicherdt, Sabine Glesner:
Calculating Prioritized Interaction Test Sets with Constraints Using Binary Decision Diagrams. 278-285
Model and SOA Validation
- Alessandro Marchetto
, Duy Cu Nguyen, Paolo Tonella
Automated Detection of Discontinuities in Models Inferred from Execution Traces. 286-293 - Erik Wittern, Christian Zirpins:
Validating Service Value Propositions Regarding Stakeholder Preferences. 294-297
CSTVA 2011 - Third Workshop on Constraints in Software Testing, Verification, and Analysis
- Frédéric Dadeau, Fabien Peureux:
Grey-Box Testing and Verification of Java/JML. 298-303 - Cong Tian, Shaoying Liu, Shin Nakajima:
Utilizing Model Checking for Automatic Test Case Generation from Conjunctions of Predicates. 304-309 - Ikpeme Erete, Alessandro Orso:
Optimizing Constraint Solving to Better Support Symbolic Execution. 310-315 - Nikolai Kosmatov
, Bernard Botella, Muriel Roger, Nicky Williams:
Online Test Generation with PathCrawler: Tool Demo. 316-317 - Mickaël Delahaye:
IPEG: Utilizing Infeasibility. 318-319 - Nadjib Lazaar
CPTEST: A Framework for the Automatic Fault Detection, Localization and Correction of Constraint Programs. 320-321 - Angelo Gargantini
Dealing with Constraints in Boolean Expression Testing. 322-327 - Jeremias Rößler, Alessandro Orso, Andreas Zeller
When Does My Program Fail? 328-333
Mutation 2011 - Mutation Analysis 2011
Mutation for Object Oriented Programs
- Jingyu Hu, Nan Li, Jeff Offutt:
An Analysis of OO Mutation Operators. 334-341 - Anna Derezinska
, Karol Kowalski
Object-Oriented Mutation Applied in Common Intermediate Language Programs Originated from C#. 342-350 - Pratyusha Madiraju, Akbar Siami Namin:
Paraµ - A Partial and Higher-Order Mutation Tool with Concurrency Operators. 351-356
Efficiency of Mutation
- Duy Cu Nguyen, Alessandro Marchetto
, Paolo Tonella
Change Sensitivity Based Prioritization for Audit Testing of Webservice Compositions. 357-365 - Sahitya Kakarla, Selina Momotaz, Akbar Siami Namin:
An Evaluation of Mutation and Data-Flow Testing: A Meta-analysis. 366-375 - Jaechang Nam, David Schuler, Andreas Zeller
Calibrated Mutation Testing. 376-381 - Birgit Schwarz, David Schuler, Andreas Zeller
Breeding High-Impact Mutations. 382-387
Other Applications of Mutation
- Heinz Riener
, Roderick Bloem
, Görschwin Fey
Test Case Generation from Mutants Using Model Checking Techniques. 388-397 - Juan Boubeta-Puig
, Inmaculada Medina-Bulo
, Antonio García-Domínguez
Analogies and Differences between Mutation Operators for WS-BPEL 2.0 and Other Languages. 398-407 - Alexandre Bartel, Benoit Baudry, Freddy Muñoz, Jacques Klein
, Tejeddine Mouelhi, Yves Le Traon
Model Driven Mutation Applied to Adaptative Systems Testing. 408-413
RefTest 2011 - (REFactoring and TESTing) Berlin Workshop 2011
RefTest 2011 Keynote Address
- Mark Harman
Refactoring as Testability Transformation. 414-421
- Mahir Arzoky, Stephen Swift
, Allan Tucker, James Cain:
Munch: An Efficient Modularisation Strategy to Assess the Degree of Refactoring on Sequential Source Code Checkings. 422-429 - Alessandro Murgia, Michele Marchesi
, Giulio Concas, Roberto Tonelli
, Steve Counsell:
Parameter-Based Refactoring and the Relationship with Fan-in/Fan-out Coupling. 430-436 - Mel Ó Cinnéide, Dermot Boyle, Iman Hemati Moghadam
Automated Refactoring for Testability. 437-443
Testing and Code Smells
- Benjamin Stopford:
Test-Oriented Languages: Is it Time for a New Era? 444-449 - Francesca Arcelli Fontana, Elia Mariani, Andrea Morniroli, Raul Sormani, Alberto Tonello:
An Experience Report on Using Code Smells Detection Tools. 450-457 - Min Zhang, Nathan Baddoo, Paul Wernick, Tracy Hall
Prioritising Refactoring Using Code Bad Smells. 458-464
Short Paper Session
- Bartosz Walter
, Pawel Martenka:
Looking for Patterns in Code Bad Smells Relations. 465-466 - Amey Dhoke, Greg Gigon, Kuldeep Singh, Amit Chhajed, Ben Stopford:
Enabling Testing, Design and Refactoring Practices in Remote Locations. 467-471 - Huiqing Li, Simon J. Thompson
, Thomas Arts:
Extracting Properties from Test Cases by Refactoring. 472-473 - Francesca Arcelli Fontana
, Marco Zanoni
On Investigating Code Smells Correlations. 474-475
ReVVerT 2011 - Workshop on Requirements and Validation, Verification, and Testing
Tracing/Mapping of Requirements
- Zeinab Alizadeh Barmi, Amir Hossein Ebrahimi, Robert Feldt:
Alignment of Requirements Specification and Testing: A Systematic Mapping Study. 476-485
Requirements for Testing
- Jörg Holtmann
, Jan Meyer, Markus von Detten:
Automatic Validation and Correction of Formalized, Textual Requirements. 486-495 - Holger Funke:
Model Based Test Specifications: Developing of Test Specifications in a Semi Automatic Model Based Way. 496-500
Requirements-Based Testing
- Marc-Florian Wendland, Ina Schieferdecker
, Alain Vouffo-Feudjio:
Requirements-Driven Testing with Behavior Trees. 501-510 - Li Zhou, Xia Yin, Zhiliang Wang:
Protocol Security Testing with SPIN and TTCN-3. 511-519
SECTEST 2011 - The Second International Workshop on Security Testing
- Marco Anisetti
, Claudio A. Ardagna
, Ernesto Damiani
Defining and Matching Test-Based Certificates in Open SOA. 520-522 - Martin Johns
, Moritz Jodeit:
Scanstud: A Methodology for Systematic, Fine-Grained Evaluation of Static Analysis Tools. 523-530 - Sanjay Rawat, Laurent Mounier:
Offset-Aware Mutation Based Fuzzing for Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities: Few Preliminary Results. 531-533 - Karim Hossen, Roland Groz, Jean-Luc Richier:
Security Vulnerabilities Detection Using Model Inference for Applications and Security Protocols. 534-536 - Iavor S. Diatchki, Lee Pike, Levent Erkök:
Practical Considerations in Control-Flow Integrity Monitoring. 537-544 - Padmanabhan Krishnan, Sergej Hafner, Andreas Zeiser:
Applying Security Assurance Techniques to a Mobile Phone Application: An Initial Approach. 545-552
TAIC PART 2011 - Testing: Academic and Industrial Conference - Practice and Research Techniques
- Jussi Kasurinen
, Ossi Taipale, Kari Smolander
How Test Organizations Adopt New Testing Practices and Methods? 553-558 - Xiaojing Zhang, Haruto Tanno, Takashi Hoshino:
Introducing Test Case Derivation Techniques into Traditional Software Development: Obstacles and Potentialities. 559-560
Metrics and Models
- Robert M. Bell, Elaine J. Weyuker, Thomas J. Ostrand:
Assessing the Impact of Using Fault Prediction in Industry. 561-565 - Sinan Eski, Feza Buzluca
An Empirical Study on Object-Oriented Metrics and Software Evolution in Order to Reduce Testing Costs by Predicting Change-Prone Classes. 566-571 - Vladimir Entin, Mathias Winder, Bo Zhang, Stephan Christmann:
Combining Model-Based and Capture-Replay Testing Techniques of Graphical User Interfaces: An Industrial Approach. 572-577
- Ravindra Metta:
Verifying Code and Its Optimizations: An Experience Report. 578-583 - Anders Hessel:
Monitoring and Testing with Case Observer Automata: An Industry Report. 584-589 - Jacob Palczynski, Carsten Weise, Stefan Kowalewski, Daniel Ulmer:
Estimation of Clock Drift in HiL Testing by Property-Based Conformance Check. 590-595
TeBug 2011 - The First Workshop on Testing and Debugging
TeBug 2011 Keynote Address
- Alex Orso:
Automated Debugging: Are We There Yet? 596
TeBug 2011 - Session 1
- Bernhard Peischl
, Franz Wotawa
An Abstract Operational Framework for Dependence Models in Software Debugging. 597-606 - Rawad Abou Assi, Wes Masri:
Identifying Failure-Correlated Dependence Chains. 607-616 - Shekhar Gupta, Arjan J. C. van Gemund, Rui Abreu
Probabilistic Error Propagation Modeling in Logic Circuits. 617-623
TeBug 2011 - Session 2
- Franz Wotawa
On the Use of Constraints in Dynamic Slicing for Program Debugging. 624-633 - Alberto González-Sanchez, Hans-Gerhard Gross, Arjan J. C. van Gemund:
Modeling the Diagnostic Efficiency of Regression Test Suites. 634-643 - César Andrés, Luis Llana
Compression Strategies for Passive Testing. 644-653
TeBug 2011 - Session 3
- Alberto González-Sanchez, Éric Piel, Hans-Gerhard Gross, Arjan J. C. van Gemund:
A Diagnostic Point of View for the Optimization of Preparation Costs in Runtime Testing. 654-660

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