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22nd DSP 2017: London, UK
- 22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, DSP 2017, London, United Kingdom, August 23-25, 2017. IEEE 2017, ISBN 978-1-5386-1895-0
- Himanshu Singh
, Anil Kumar
, L. K. Balyan, Girish Kumar Singh:
A novel optimally gamma corrected intensity span maximization approach for dark image enhancement. 1-5 - Vipin Gupta
, Abhijit Bhattacharyya
, Ram Bilas Pachori
Classification of seizure and non-seizure EEG signals based on EMD-TQWT method. 1-5 - Diana I. Escalona-Vargas, Curtis L. Lowery, Hari Eswaran:
Recurrence quantification analysis applied to fetal heart rate variability with fetal magnetocardiography. 1-5 - Sandipan Pal, Hisham Al-Assam, Harin Sellahewa:
On the discrimination power of dynamic features for online signature. 1-5 - Yifeng Li, George A. Lampropoulos:
Utilizing both Radarsat-2 And TerraSAR-X polarimetrie data for crop growth stages estimation. 1-5 - Chong Wang, Zhouchi Lin, Shing-Chow Chan:
Bi-directional superpixel earth mover's distance for training free person re-identification. 1-5 - Junting Chen, Urbashi Mitra:
Rotated eigenstructure analysis for source localization without energy-decay models. 1-5 - Flavio Camarrone, Marc M. Van Hulle:
Fast algorithm for multiway regression. 1-5 - Luca Martino
, Victor Elvira
, David Luengo:
Anti-tempered layered adaptive importance sampling. 1-5 - Isidora Stankovic, Milos Dakovic, Cornel Ioana:
Time-frequency signal reconstruction of nonsparse audio signals. 1-5 - Tian-Rui Liu, Tania Stathaki:
Enhanced pedestrian detection using deep learning based semantic image segmentation. 1-5 - Allan Tart, Tõnu Trump:
Addressing security issues in ADS-B with robust two dimensional generalized sidelobe canceller. 1-5 - Milos Dakovic, Ljubisa Stankovic, Ervin Sejdic:
Windowing methods for graph signal localization. 1-5 - Ljubisa Stankovic, Milos Brajovic, Milos Dakovic, Danilo P. Mandic:
Two-component bivariate signal decomposition based on time-frequency analysis. 1-5 - Ali Akbari, Maria Trocan, Bernard Granado:
Joint-domain dictionary learning-based error concealment using common space mapping. 1-5 - Ales Procházka, Hana Charvátová, Oldrich Vysata, Pavel Cejnar, Vladimír Marík:
Multimodal breathing analysis in the evaluation of physical load. 1-4 - Deepayan Bhowmik
, Tian Feng:
The multimedia blockchain: A distributed and tamper-proof media transaction framework. 1-5 - Zafi Sherhan Shah, Kirill A. Sidorov, A. David Marshall:
Psychomotor cues for depression screening. 1-5 - Gen Hori, Shigeki Sagayama:
Variant of Viterbi algorithm based on p-Norm. 1-5 - Felipe A. Tobar:
Improving sparsity in kernel adaptive filters using a unit-norm dictionary. 1-5 - Iván Castro, Cristóbal Silva, Felipe A. Tobar:
Initialising kernel adaptive filters via probabilistic inference. 1-5 - Antonello Rosato, Rosa Altilio, Massimo Panella
Finite precision implementation of random vector functional-link networks. 1-5 - Joaquín Míguez:
On the performance of nonlinear importance samplers and population Monte Carlo schemes. 1-5 - Himanshu Kumar
, Sumana Gupta, K. S. Venkatesh:
Hole correction in estimated depth map from single image using color uniformity principle. 1-5 - Alicia Carrion
, Guillermo Lara
, Ramón Miralles
, Jorge Gosálbez
, Ignacio Bosch
Characterizing the mechanisms of sound production in odontocetes: A signal modality approach. 1-5 - Xuefei Yang, Wan-Chi Siu:
Vehicle detection under tough conditions using prioritized feature extraction with shadow recognition. 1-5 - Yuichi Kida, Takuro Kida:
Combination of compressed sensing and the optimum interpolation approximation: Theory and application for fast 2D NMR measurement. 1-5 - Hayfaa Hussein, Syed Mohsen Naqvi
, Jonathon A. Chambers:
Study of image-based expression recognition techniques on three recent spontaneous databases. 1-5 - Pradipta Roy, Prabir Kumar Biswas, Binoy Kumar Das:
A simple and robust edge detection scheme based on coupled oscillatory diffusion system. 1-5 - Fredric J. Harris, Elettra Venosa, Xiaofei Chen, Chris Dick:
Cascade non-maximally decimated filter banks form efficient variable bandwidth filters for wideband digital transceivers. 1-5 - Wattanit Hotrakool, Charith Abhayaratne:
Towards baseline-independent analysis of compressive sensed functional magnetic resonance image data. 1-5 - Cheen-Hau Tan, Jie Chen
, Lap-Pui Chau
Edge-preserving rain removal for light fiele images based on RPCA. 1-5 - Linghang Meng, Xinyue Shen, Yuantao Gu:
Sparse subspace clustering using square-root penalty. 1-5 - Youye Xie, Shuang Li, Gongguo Tang, Michael B. Wakin:
Radar signal demixing via convex optimization. 1-5 - Jin Chen, Yi Wang, Zehan Chen, Yuexian Zou:
Sequence-guided siamese neural network for video summarization of unmanned aerial vehicles. 1-5 - Kiryung Lee, Ning Tian, Justin Romberg:
Performance guarantees of spectral methods for passive sensing of multiple channels. 1-5 - Fusheng Bai, Zhe Zhou:
A modified stochastic response surface algorithm for expensive black-box global optimization. 1-5 - Mohsen Eshghan Malek, Zohreh Azimifar, Reza Boostani
Facial age estimation using Zernike Moments and multi-layer perceptron. 1-5 - Amirreza Lashkari, Reza Boostani
A Kalman-based instantaneous frequency estimation for anesthetic depth measurement. 1-4 - Md. Rabiul Islam
, Toshihisa Tanaka, Most. Sheuli Akter
, Md. Khademul Islam Molla:
Classification of motor imagery BCI using multiband tangent space mapping. 1-5 - H. O. A. Ahmed
, Asoke K. Nandi:
Multiple measurement vector compressive sampling and fisher score feature selection for fault classification of roller bearings. 1-5 - Chao Liu, Elvira Brattico
, Basel Abu-Jamous, Asoke K. Nandi:
Exploration of distance metrics in consensus clustering analysis of FMRI data. 1-5 - Matt Carrick, Jeffrey H. Reed, Fred Harris:
An optimal filter for signals with time-varying cyclostationary statistics. 1-5 - Min Xiang, Scott C. Douglas
, Danilo P. Mandic:
The quaternion least mean magnitude phase adaptive filtering algorithm. 1-5 - H. S. Kalsi, E. R. Pike, Zoran Cvetkovic:
Deconvolution of the glottal pulse using a finite-difference solution of the acoustical Klein-Gordon equation. 1-5 - Yuriy V. Zakharov
, Rodrigo C. de Lamare
, D. Zheng, X. Tang, K. Wang:
Joint detection and channel estimation based on sparse representation for LTE systems. 1-5 - Zhe Li, Yili Xia, Wenjiang Pei, Kai Wang, Danilo P. Mandic:
A DFT enhanced complex LMS for digital adaptive spur cancellation. 1-5 - Hang Ruan, Rodrigo C. de Lamare
Robust distributed beamforming based on cross-correlation and subspace projection techniques. 1-5 - Ila Sharma
, Anil Kumar
, L. K. Balyan, Girish Kumar Singh:
A new hybrid CSE technique for multiplier-less FIR filter. 1-5 - Hongbin Zhu, Xiliang Luo, Hua Qian, Yang Yang:
Online censoring for real-time digital predistortion linearization of power amplifiers. 1-5 - Song Li, Jürgen Peissig:
Fast estimation of 2D individual HRTFs with arbitrary head movements. 1-5 - Waqas Aftab, Allan De Freitas, Mahnaz Arvaneh, Lyudmila Mihaylova:
A Gaussian process approach for extended object tracking with random shapes and for dealing with intractable likelihoods. 1-5 - Nick A. Petrovsky
, Eugene V. Rybenkov, Alexander A. Petrovsky:
Structurally orthogonal finite precision FPGA implementation of block-lifting-based quaternionic paraunitary filter banks for L2L image coding. 1-5 - Qiang Long, Changzhi Wu
A nonsmooth equation system solver based on subgradient method. 1-5 - Roberto Marani
, Davide Palumbo
, Umberto Galietti
, Ettore Stella
, Tiziana D'Orazio
Two-dimensional cross-correlation for defect detection in composite materials inspected by lock-in thermography. 1-5 - Yi Yu
, Rodrigo C. de Lamare, Yuriy V. Zakharov
, Haiquan Zhao:
Distributed constrained consensus least-mean square algorithms with adjustable constraints. 1-5 - B. Budianto, Daniel Pak-Kong Lun, Weiping Zhu:
Robust single-shot fringe pattern projection for three-dimensional measurements. 1-5 - Mohammad Reza Anbiyaei, Wei Liu
, Desmond C. McLernon
White noise reduction for wideband beamforming based on uniform rectangular arrays. 1-5 - Majdi Mansouri
, Hazem N. Nounou
, Mohamed Faouzi Harkat
, Mohamed N. Nounou:
Fault detection of chemical processes using improved generalized likelihood ratio test. 1-5 - Abdullahi Daniyan
, Yu Gong, Sangarapillai Lambotharan:
An improved resampling approach for particle filters in tracking. 1-5 - Yuan Chen, Long-Ting Huang, Weize Sun, Hing Cheung So:
An adaptive parameter estimator for unbalanced three-phase system. 1-4 - Shengda Jin, Zhaowei Zhu, Xuming Song, Sadiq Ali
, Hua Qian, Xiliang Luo:
Estimation of sparse equivalent graph filters with limited observations. 1-5 - Silviu Ciochina, Constantin Paleologu, Jacob Benesty:
Analysis of an LMS algorithm for bilinear forms. 1-5 - Jie Zhuang, Hao Xiong, Wei Wang, Xianglin Cai:
FFT-based adaptive 2-D DOA estimation for arbitrary array structures. 1-5 - Yang Sun, Lei Zhu
, Jonathon A. Chambers, Syed Mohsen Naqvi
Monaural source separation based on adaptive discriminative criterion in neural networks. 1-5 - Zhaowei Zhu, Shengda Jin, Xuming Song, Xiliang Luo:
Learning graph structure with stationary graph signals via first-order approximation. 1-5 - Akira Tanaka, Arata Kawamura:
Iterative zero phase method for white and impulse noise reduction. 1-5 - Ali Houssam El Husseini, Eric Pierre Simon, Laurent Ros:
Optimization of the second order autoregressive model AR(2) for Rayleigh-Jakes flat fading channel estimation with Kalman filter. 1-5 - George Weiss
, Elad Venezian:
Stability analysis for coupled synchronous generators with virtual friction. 1-5 - Beom-Seok Oh, Xin Guo, Fang Yuan Wan, Kar-Ann Toh, Zhiping Lin:
An EMD-based micro-Doppler signature analysis for mini-UAV blade flash reconstruction. 1-5 - Javier Conte Alcaraz, Sanam Moghaddamnia, Jürgen Peissig:
Mobile quantification and therapy course tracking for gait rehabilitation. 1-5 - Xin Lou, Wenbin Ye, Ya Jun Yu
Investigation on power consumption of product accumulation block for multiplierless FIR filters. 1-5 - Ales Procházka, Jirí Kuchynka, Mohammadreza Yadollahi, Carmen Paz Suárez Araujo, Oldrich Vysata:
Adaptive segmentation of multimodal polysomnography data for sleep stages detection. 1-4 - Jingxiao Ma, Wei Liu
A distributed iterative transceiver beamforming algorithm for multipair two-way relay networks. 1-5 - André Flores, Rodrigo C. de Lamare
Sparsity-aware set-membership adaptive algorithms with adjustable penalties. 1-5 - Silvio F. B. Pinto, Rodrigo C. de Lamare
Multi-step knowledge-aided iterative ESPRIT for direction finding. 1-5 - Henry Kiragu, Elijah Mwangi, George Kamucha:
A hybrid MRI method based on denoised compressive sampling and detection of dominant coefficients. 1-5 - Qinglai Liu, Yong Ching Lim, Zhiping Lin:
Design of sparse frequency-response masking filters with arbitrary delay using li-Minimization. 1-4 - Li Zhang, H. C. Wu, S. C. Chan, Chong Wang:
Dynamic gene and transcriptional regulatory networks inferring with multi-Laplacian prior from time-course gene microarray data. 1-5 - Wu Liu, Ping Ren, Donghong Sun, Ke Liu:
H6Proxy: Address forging and data-gram forwarding based attack testing proxy system in IPv6 network. 1-5 - Vincent Gouldieff, Jacques Palicot, Steredenn Daumont:
Blind automatic modulation classification in multipath fading channels. 1-5 - Nikolaos Poulopoulos, Emmanouil Z. Psarakis
A blobs detection algorithm based on a simplified form of the fast radial symmetry transform. 1-5 - Dominique Fourer, François Auger:
Recursive versions of the reassigned scalogram anc of the synchrosqueezed wavelet transform. 1-5 - Boya Deng, Biao Xue, Hong Hong, Changhong Fu
, Xiaohua Zhu, Zhiyong Wang:
Decision tree based sleep stage estimation from nocturnal audio signals. 1-4 - Himanshu Kumar
, Saumik Bhattacharya, Sinnu Susan Thomas, Sumana Gupta, K. S. Venkatesh:
Design of smart video surveillance system for indoor and outdoor scenes. 1-5 - Nils Poschadel, Sanam Moghaddamnia, Javier Conte Alcaraz, Marc Christian Steinbach
, Jürgen Peissig:
A dictionary learning based approach for gait classification. 1-4 - Abhijit Bhattacharyya
, Vipin Gupta
, Ram Bilas Pachori
Automated identification of epileptic seizure EEG signals using empirical wavelet transform based Hilbert marginal spectrum. 1-5 - Sithan Kanna, Danilo P. Mandic:
Stability of distributed extended Kalman filters. 1-5 - Sebastian Schmale, Pascal Seidel, Steffen Paul:
Permuted cubes wavelet thresholding for mask-sensed MRI. 1-5 - Ramón Miralles
, Guillermo Lara
, Alicia Carrion
, Jorge Gosálbez
, Ignacio Bosch
On the detection of impulsive and tonal events in passive acoustics monitoring. 1-5 - Disong Wang, Yuexian Zou, Wei Shi:
A deep convolutional encoder-decoder model for robust speech dereverberation. 1-5 - Long Dinh Nguyen, Hoang Duong Tuan, Trung Quang Duong, H. Vincent Poor:
Beamforming and power allocation for energy-efficient massive MIMO. 1-5 - Aníbal J. S. Ferreira
, Vania Fernandes:
Consistency of the F0, Jitter, Shimmer and HNR voice parameters in GSM and VOIP communication. 1-5 - Yunfeng Liang, Zhiping Lin, Lei Sun
, Wee Ser, Feng Lin, Steven Tien Guan Thng:
An improved image segmentation method for melasma severity assessment. 1-5 - Thiernithi Variddhisaï, Danilo P. Mandic:
On an RLS-like LMS adaptive filter. 1-5 - Lihua Gui, Qibin Zhao, Jianting Cao:
Brain image completion by Bayesian tensor decomposition. 1-4 - Yassin Khalifa
, Zhenwei Zhang
, Ervin Sejdic:
Sparse recovery of time-frequency representations via recurrent neural networks. 1-5 - Santosh Tirunagari
, Samaneh Kouchaki
, Daniel Abásolo
, Norman Poh:
One dimensional local binary patterns of electroencephalogram signals for detecting Alzheimer's disease. 1-5 - Xiang Lan, Wei Liu
, Henry Y. T. Ngan:
Joint 4-D DOA and polarization estimation based on linear tripole arrays. 1-5 - Bin Liao
, Chongtao Guo, Hing-Cheung So:
Direction-of-arrival estimation in nonuniform noise via low-rank matrix decomposition. 1-4 - Yili Xia, Lulu Qiao, Qi Yang, Wenjiang Pei, Danilo P. Mandic:
Widely linear adaptive frequency estimation for unbalanced three-phase power systems with multiple noisy measurements. 1-5 - Maboud F. Kaloorazi, Rodrigo C. de Lamare
Low-rank and sparse matrix recovery based on a randomized rank-revealing decomposition. 1-5 - Yichi Huang, Yuexian Zou:
Enhancing speaker verification with short voice commands via autoencoder and phonetic bottleneck learning. 1-5 - Hao Chen, Chang-Hong Fu
, Yijin Zhang, Yui-Lam Chan
, Wan-Chi Siu:
Early merge mode decision for depth maps in 3D-HEVC. 1-5 - Marina Riabiz, Tohid Ardeshiri, Simon J. Godsill:
Convergence results for tractable inference in α-stable stochastic processes. 1-5 - Qianru Jiang, Rodrigo C. de Lamare
, Sheng Li, Huang Bai:
Joint sensing matrix and sparsifying dictionary optimization applied in real image for compressed sensing. 1-5 - Zhizhen Wu, Ye Xue, Xiaohu You
, Chuan Zhang
Hardware efficient detection for massive MIMO uplink with parallel Gauss-Seidel method. 1-5 - Melissa Berthelot, Adrien Witon, Ling Li
Unconsciousness state identification using phase information extracted by Wavelet and Hilbert transform. 1-5 - Cyril Bergeron, Naty Ould Sidaty, Wassim Hamidouche
, Benoit Boyadjis, Jean Le Feuvre, Youngkwon Lim:
Real-time selective encryption solution based on ROI for MPEG-A visual identity management AF. 1-5 - Jiaai Liu, Shusen Jing, Xiaohu You
, Chuan Zhang
A merged BP decoding algorithm for polar-LDPC concatenated codes. 1-5 - Marie-Eve Joret, Marijn van Vliet
, Flavio Camarrone, Marc M. Van Hulle:
How does the brain process mild versus strong violations in music? A pilot study using event-related potentials. 1-5 - Chunmei Xu, Yang Li, Qi Liu, Yongming Huang, Haiming Wang, Yili Xia:
Target detection based on a rotary table-mounted synthetic aperture radar system. 1-5 - Hiba Al-Khafaji
, Charith Abhayaratne:
Graph spectral domain watermarking for unstructured data from sensor networks. 1-5 - Ryoichi Yoneguchi, Takahiro Murakami:
Time-scale and pitch-scale modification by the phase vocoder without occurring the phase unwrapping problem. 1-5 - Nadav Harel
, Tirza Routtenberg
Non-Bayesian estimation with partially quantized observations. 1-5 - Tong Ma, Ying Wei, Xiaojie Ma:
Reconfigurable fast filter bank based on node-modulation. 1-5 - Angela Digulescu, Costin Vasile, Cornel Ioana, Alexandru Serbanescu, Gabriel Vasile
, Jérôme I. Mars:
Instantaneous frequency law tracking using signal's representation in phase diagram domain. 1-5 - Xiaohu Zhang, Yuexian Zou, Wei Shi:
Dilated convolution neural network with LeakyReLU for environmental sound classification. 1-5

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