GreenCom/iThings/CPScom 2013: Beijing, China

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2013 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communication (GreenCom 2013)

Track CN: Communications and Networking

Track DHSMT: Devices, Hardware, Software, Methodologies and Tools

Track ESAEI: Economics, Social Networks, Applications and Emerging Interdisciplinary

Track MMASA: Metrics, Models, Algorithms, Systems and Architectures

Track OACCS: Optimization and/or Analysis in Communications, Computing and Smart Grids

Track SBDCC: Storage, Big Data and Cloud Computing

Track SPTC: Security, Privacy and Trust Computing

Poster (Short Paper) Subtrack

2013 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings 2013)

Track 1: Applications, Business, Standards and Social Issues

Track 2: Architecture and Infrastructure

Track 3: Distributed Sensing and Control

Track 4: Intelligent Data Processing and Ubiquitous Computing

Track 5: Intelligent Management

Track 6: Networks and Communications

Track 7: Reliability, Security, Privacy and Trust

Track 8: System Design Modeling and Evaluation

2013 IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom 2013)

Track 1: Applications and Services

Track 2: Cloud Computing and Data Mining

Track 3: Cyber-Physical Systems and Society

Track 4: Pervasive/Ubiquitous Control, Computing and Networking

Track 5: Security, Trustworthiness and Privacy

Track 6: Sensor/Actuator Networks

Track 7: Social Computing

iThings/CPSCom 2013 Symposia

Symposium on Frontiers of Internet of Things (SymIoT)

Symposium on Frontiers of Cyber-Physical-Social Computing (SymCPS)

International Workshop on Vehicular Sensor and Ad-Hoc Networks (VeSAN 2013)

International Workshop on Next Topics for Green Communications and Computing (GreenCom-Next 2013)

iThings/CPSCom 2013 Workshops

International Workshop on Biometric Recognition and Its Applications (BR&A 2013)

International Workshop on Cyber Physical Society Information Processing (CPSIP 2013)

International Workshop on Cyberspace Security and Information Countermeasures (CS&IC 2013)

International Workshop on Connected Vehicles and Vehicular Networks (CV2N 2013)

International Workshop on Electromagnetic Characteristics of Target and Environment (ECTE 2013)

International Workshop on Electromagnetic Detection and Identification (EDI 2013)

Second International Workshop on Engineering Pervasive Service Systems (EPS 2013)

Second International Workshop on Energy and Wireless Sensors (e-WiSe 2013)

International Workshop on Gas Sensors and Gas-Sensing Platforms (GS&GSP 2013)

International Workshop on Human Body Communications and Biomedical Signal Processing (HBC&BSP 2013)

International Workshop on Machine-to-Machine Communication (IWMMC 2013)

International Workshop on Localization Technology and Location-Based Services (LTLS 2013)

International Workshop on New Media and Computer Vision for Smart City (NMCV4SC 2013)

International Workshop on Optical Characteristics and Applications (OC&A 2013)

Third IEEE International Workshop on Sensing, Networking and Computing with Smartphones (PhoneCom 2013)

International Workshop on Sensor Data Processing and Integration (SDPI 2013)

International Workshop on Software Engineering for Internet of Things-Based Applications (SeIoTA 2013)

International Workshop on Sensor Networks and Data Communications Security (SNDCS 2013)

International Workshop on Secure Smart Objects (SSO 2013)

Third International Workshop on Trends and Future of Web Science (TFWS 2013)

Fourth International Workshop on Universal User Modeling and Applications (UUMA 2013)

IoT/CPS Demo and Exhibition