46th DSN 2016: Toulouse, France - Workshops

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RADIANCE 2016: The Second International Workshop on Recent Advances in the DependabIlity AssessmeNt of Complex Systems

RADIANCE: Preliminary Works on Dependability and Security

RADIANCE: Cloud and SOA Services

RADIANCE: Analysis and Model-Based Techniques

RSDA 2016 Workshop: The Third International Workshop on Reliability and Security Data Analysis

RSDA: Internet Threats and Countermeasures

RSDA: Error and Failure Detection

RSDA: Virtualization and Cloud

DISN 2016 Workshop: The Second International Workshop on Dependability Issues on SDN and NFV

DISN: Fault-Tolerant Software Defined Networks

DISN: Dependable Routing in Software Defined Networks

ReSA4CI 2016 Workshop: The Third International Workshop on Reliability and Security Aspects for Critical Infrastructure

Res4CI Keynote

Res4CI: Quantification and Analysis of Complex Systems

SSIV 2016 Workshop: The Second International Workshop on Safety and Security of Intelligent Vehicles

SSIV: Communication Safety and Security

SSIV: Design and Validation

Industrial Track

Session IT1: Position Papers

Session IT2: Automotive and Aeronautics Systems Engineering

Session IT3: Security and Resilience

Session IT4: Computer Architecture and Networks


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