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1. CompIMAGE 2006: Coimbra, Portugal
- João Manuel R. S. Tavares, Renato M. Natal Jorge:
Computational Modeling of Objects Represented in Images-Fundamentals, Methods and Applications, First International Symposium CompIMAGE 2006, Coimbra, Portugal, October 20-21, 2006. Taylor & Francis 2007, ISBN 978-0-415-43349-5 - Helder Araújo:
Active vision systems and catadioptric vision systems for robotic applications. CompIMAGE 2006: 3-8 - Valentin E. Brimkov:
Digital geometry for image analysis and processing. CompIMAGE 2006: 9-15 - Sonia I. Gonçalves, Jan C. de Munck, Fernando H. Lopes da Silva:
Multimodality in brain imaging: Methodological aspects and applications. CompIMAGE 2006: 17-22 - Francisco José Perales López:
Perceptual users interfaces and their applications. CompIMAGE 2006: 23-27 - Nicolai Petkov:
Contour detection by surround suppression of texture. CompIMAGE 2006: 29-32 - Hemerson Pistori:
Computer vision and digital inclusion of persons with special needs: Overview and state of art. CompIMAGE 2006: 33-37 - Mário Forjaz Secca:
MR diffusion tensor imaging. CompIMAGE 2006: 39-43 - Mohand Saïd Allili, Djemel Ziou:
Object contour tracking in videos by using adaptive mixture models and shape priors. CompIMAGE 2006: 47-52 - António Luís Amaral, Manuel Mota, Eugénio C. Ferreira, A. Crispim:
Image analysis methodology to study the evolution of chromium penetration in chromium tannage. CompIMAGE 2006: 53-56 - Diego Alberto Aracena Pizarro, Clésio L. Tozzi:
Surveillance and tracking in feature point region with predictive filter of variable state. CompIMAGE 2006: 57-62 - Pedro Arias, Julia Armesto, Henrique Lorenzo, Celestino Ordóñez:
Terrestrial laser technology in sporting craft 3D modelling. CompIMAGE 2006: 63-67 - Teresa C. S. Azevedo, João Manuel R. S. Tavares, Mário Augusto Pires Vaz:
External anatomical shapes reconstruction from turntable image sequences using a single off-the-shelf camera. CompIMAGE 2006: 69-73 - Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Samrat Goswami, Zeyun Yu, Yongjie Zhang, Yuri Bazilevs, Thomas J. R. Hughes:
Patient specific heart models from high resolution CT. CompIMAGE 2006: 75-79 - S. Bao, J. F. Ralph, Georg F. Meyer, Sophie M. Wuerger:
Exploring non-Gaussian behaviour in EEG data using random field methods. CompIMAGE 2006: 81-84 - Pedro Baptista, João Filipe Ferreira, Rui Bernardes, Jorge Dias, José Cunha-Vaz:
Multimodal macula mapping by deformable image registration. CompIMAGE 2006: 85-89 - Yuri Bazilevs, Yongjie Zhang, Victor M. Calo, Samrat Goswami, Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Thomas J. R. Hughes:
Isogeometric analysis of blood flow: a NURBS-based approach. CompIMAGE 2006: 91-96 - Avik Bhattacharya, Ian H. Jermyn, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia:
Computing statistics from a graph representation of road networks in satellite images for indexing and retrieval. CompIMAGE 2006: 97-100 - Oliver Blanck, Alexander Schlaefer, Achim Schweikard:
3D visualization of radiosurgical treatment plans experience with Java3D and VTK. CompIMAGE 2006: 101-106 - Malik Boukerrou, Chrystèle Rubod, Michel Cosson, Mathias Brieu, Maximilien Vermandel, Patrick Dubois:
A 3-D mechanical model for the pelvic surgery. CompIMAGE 2006: 107-110 - S. Bianco, Pedro Almeida, Sébastien Jan:
Monte Carlo simulations studies in small animal PET. CompIMAGE 2006: 111-115 - Valentin E. Brimkov:
Discrete volume polyhedrization : complexity and bounds on performance. CompIMAGE 2006: 117-122 - Manuel Lameiras Campagnolo, J. Orestes Cerdeira:
Contextual classification of remotely sensed images with integer linear programming. CompIMAGE 2006: 123-128 - Fernando Jorge Soares Carvalho, João Manuel R. S. Tavares:
Two methodologies for iris detection and location in face images. CompIMAGE 2006: 129-133 - Helder Carvalho, Carlos Serrão, Antonio Serra, Miguel Sales Dias:
Accessing earth observation data using JPEG2000. CompIMAGE 2006: 135-140 - Alex Jesús Cuadros-Vargas, Luis Gustavo Nonato, Eduardo Tejada, Thomas Ertl:
Generating segmented tetrahedral meshes from regular volume data for simulation and visualization applications. CompIMAGE 2006: 141-146 - Alberto De Santis, O. Di Bartolomeo, Daniela Iacoviello, Francesco Iacoviello:
Microstructure features identification in ferritic-paerlitic ductile irons. CompIMAGE 2006: 147-152 - Alberto De Santis, Daniela Iacoviello:
Discrete level set segmentation for pupil morphology characterization. CompIMAGE 2006: 153-157 - Sébastien Delest, Romuald Boné, Hubert Cardot:
3D watershed transformation based on connected faces structure. CompIMAGE 2006: 159-163 - Pasquale Delogu, Maria Evelina Fantacci, Ilaria Gori, A. Preite Martinez, Alessandra Retico:
Computer-aided detection of pulmonary nodules in low-dose CT. CompIMAGE 2006: 165-167 - Luís Miguel Pereira Durão Outra, António Gonçalves de Magalhães, João Manuel R. S. Tavares, António Torres Marques:
Analyzing objects in images for estimating the delamination influence on load carrying capacity of composite laminates. CompIMAGE 2006: 169-174 - Gilberto Echeverria, Lyuba Alboul:
Decimation and smoothing of triangular meshes based on curvature from the polyhedral Gauss map. CompIMAGE 2006: 175-180 - Fátima Alexandre, Fernanda Gentil, Casimiro Milheiro, Pedro Martins, António Augusto Fernandes, Renato M. Natal Jorge, Antonio J. M. Ferreira, Marco P. L. Parente, Teresa Mascarenhas:
3D reconstruction of the middle ear for FEM simulation. CompIMAGE 2006: 181-184 - João Ferreira, Alexandre Bernardino:
Acquisition of 3D regular prismatic models in urban environments from DSM and orthoimages. CompIMAGE 2006: 185-190 - Pavel Galibarov, Alex B. Lennon, Patrick J. Prendergast:
Automated generation of 3D bone model from planar X-ray image for patient-specific finite element modeling applications. CompIMAGE 2006: 191-195 - Patrícia Gonçalves, Raquel Ramos Pinho, João Manuel R. S. Tavares:
Physical simulation using FEM, modal analysis and the dynamic equilibrium equation. CompIMAGE 2006: 197-203 - Manuel González Hidalgo, Arnau Mir, Gabriel Nicolau-Bestard:
An evolution model of parametric surface deformation using finite elements based on B-splines. CompIMAGE 2006: 205-210 - C. Gouttière, G. Lemaur, J. DeConinck:
Influence of sphericity parameter on the detection of singularities in synthetic images. CompIMAGE 2006: 211-214 - Steffen Härtel, Jorge Jara, Carmen G. Lemus, Miguel L. Concha:
3D morpho-topological analysis of asymmetric neuronal morphogenesis in developing zebrafish. CompIMAGE 2006: 215-220 - Karel Horák, Ilona Kalová:
Applied methods for transparent materials inspection. CompIMAGE 2006: 221-225 - S. Y. Irianto, Jianmin Jiang, Stanley S. Ipson:
Region growing segmentation approach for image indexing and retrieval. CompIMAGE 2006: 227-231 - Ilona Kalová, Karel Horák:
Vehicles measuring and classification. CompIMAGE 2006: 233-239 - Slimane Larabi:
Textual description of images. CompIMAGE 2006: 241-246 - Qi Li, Isao Sato, Yutaka Murakami:
Optimal image registration via efficient local stochastic search. CompIMAGE 2006: 247-253 - P. Lopes, Paulo Flores, Eurico Seabra:
Rapid prototyping technology in medical applications: a critical review. CompIMAGE 2006: 255-260 - Zhen Ma, Jitao Wu, Zhonghua Luo:
Road extraction from high-resolution satellite images using level set methods. CompIMAGE 2006: 261-266 - Bruno Martins, Eduardo Valgôde, Pedro Miguel Faria, Luís Paulo Reis:
Multimedia interface with an intelligent wheelchair. CompIMAGE 2006: 267-273 - Pedro Martins, Renato M. Natal Jorge, Antonio J. M. Ferreira:
Tracking the 3D deformation of hexahedric samples, using video information from two perpendicular faces: application to uniaxial tension tests of hyperelastic materials. CompIMAGE 2006: 275-279 - Teresa Mendonça, André R. S. Marçal, A. Vieira, L. Lacerda, Cristina M. R. Caridade, Jorge Rozeira:
Automatic analysis of dermoscopy images - a review. CompIMAGE 2006: 281-287 - Julien Mille, Romuald Boné, Pascal Makris, Hubert Cardot:
Fast estimation of skeleton points on 3D deformable meshes. CompIMAGE 2006: 289-294 - F. Moitinho, André Mora, Pedro Vieira, José Manuel Fonseca:
AD3R1 a tool for computer - automatic Drusen detection. CompIMAGE 2006: 295-300 - Pedro Miguel Moreira, Luís Paulo Reis, António Augusto de Sousa:
Best multiple-view selection: application to the visualization of urban rescue simulations. CompIMAGE 2006: 301-306 - Daniel C. Moura, Miguel V. Correia, Jorge G. Barbosa, Ana M. Reis, Manuel Laranjeira, Eusébio Gomes:
Automatic vertebra detection in x-ray images. CompIMAGE 2006: 307-312 - Dário Augusto Borges Oliveira, Guilherme Lúcio Abelha Mota, Raul Queiroz Feitosa, R. A. Nunes:
A region growing approach for pulmonary vessel tree segmentation using adaptive threshold. CompIMAGE 2006: 319-324 - Julien Olivier, Julien Mille, Romuald Boné, Jean-Jacques Rousselle:
Active surfaces acceleration methods. CompIMAGE 2006: 325-330 - Sangmin Park, Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Gregory Gladish:
Artery-vein separation of human vasculature from 3D thoracic CT angio scans. CompIMAGE 2006: 331-336 - Nikolai Petkov, Enrique Alegre, Michael Biehl, Lidia Sánchez:
LVQ acrosome integrity assessment of boar sperm cells. CompIMAGE 2006: 337-342 - Soraia Pimenta, João Manuel R. S. Tavares, Renato M. Natal Jorge, Fátima Alexandre, Teresa Mascarenhas, Rania F. El Sayed:
Reconstruction of 3D models from medical images: application to female pelvic organs. CompIMAGE 2006: 343-347 - Raquel Ramos Pinho, João Manuel R. S. Tavares, Miguel V. Correia:
Efficient approximation of the Mahalanobis distance for tracking with the Kalman filter. CompIMAGE 2006: 349-354 - Hemerson Pistori, Willian Paraguassu Amorim, Priscila Silva Martins, Mauro Conti Pereira, M. A. Pereira, Manuel Antonio Chagas Jacinto:
Defect detection in raw hide and wet blue leather. CompIMAGE 2006: 355-360 - P. Lopes, Paulo Flores, Eurico Seabra:
Biomodels reconstruction based on 2D medical images. CompIMAGE 2006: 361-365 - Luís Paulo Reis:
Robust vision algorithms for quadruped soccer robots. CompIMAGE 2006: 367-372 - Hugo Rodrigues, Humberto Varum, Aníbal Costa:
Integrated graphical environment for support nonlinear dynamic software for the analysis of plane frames. CompIMAGE 2006: 373-379 - Sandra M. Rua Ventura, Diamantino Freitas:
Morphological dynamic study of human vocal tract. CompIMAGE 2006: 381-386 - Tarek Ben Said, Faten Chaieb, Faouzi Ghorbel, Valérie Burdin, H. Rajhi:
Implant trajectory estimation during femoral screw-plate osteosynthesis operation. CompIMAGE 2006: 387-391 - Alcínia Zita Sampaio, Pedro Gameiro Henriques:
The use of virtual reality models in civil engineering training. CompIMAGE 2006: 393-398 - Isa C. T. Santos, João Manuel R. S. Tavares, Joaquim Gabriel Mendes, Manuel P. F. Paulo:
A system for the acquisition and analysis of the 3D mandibular movement to be used in dental medicine. CompIMAGE 2006: 399-404 - Alexandre Gonçalves Silva, Roberto de Alencar Lotufo:
Hierarchical morphological analysis for generic detection of shapes in grayscale images. CompIMAGE 2006: 405-410 - Hugo Silva, José Miguel Almeida, L. Lima, Alfredo Martins, Eduardo P. da Silva, António Patacho:
LSAVISION a framework for real time vision mobile robotics. CompIMAGE 2006: 411-416 - Daniela Sofia S. Sousa, João Manuel R. S. Tavares, Miguel V. Correia, Jorge G. Barbosa, Carolina Vila Chã, Emilia Mendes:
A gait analysis laboratory for rehabilitation of patients with musculoskeletal impairments. CompIMAGE 2006: 417-422 - W. Tang, Anya Hurlbert, T. R. Wan:
Visual assessment of image representations on mobile phones. CompIMAGE 2006: 423-428 - Sabina Tangaro, Francesco De Carlo, Gianfranco Gargano, Roberto Bellotti, Ubaldo Bottigli, Giovanni Luca Masala, Piergiorgio Cerello, Sorin Cristian Cheran, Rosella Cataldo:
Mass lesion detection in mammographic images using Haralik textural features. CompIMAGE 2006: 429-434 - Maria João M. Vasconcelos, João Manuel R. S. Tavares:
Methodologies to build automatic point distribution models for faces represented in images. CompIMAGE 2006: 435-440 - G. Vidal-Cassanya, Arrate Muñoz-Barrutia, Michael Unser:
Locally adaptive smoothing method based on B-splines. CompIMAGE 2006: 441-447 - Juan M. Vilardy, Jorge E. Calderon, Cesar O. Torres, Lorenzo Mattos:
Acquisition and filtering of digital video in real time using Matlab GUIs. CompIMAGE 2006: 449-452 - Alejandro Viloria-Lanero, Valentín Cardeñoso-Payo:
Integration of skin segmentation methods using ANMs. CompIMAGE 2006: 453-459

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