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11th CIKM 2002: McLean, Virginia, USA
- Proceedings of the 2002 ACM CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, McLean, VA, USA, November 4-9, 2002. ACM 2002
- Ophir Frieder:
On scalable information retrieval systems. 1
Pattern discovery and forecasting
- Deepayan Chakrabarti, Christos Faloutsos
F4: large-scale automated forecasting using fractals. 2-9 - Chun Tang, Aidong Zhang:
An iterative strategy for pattern discovery in high-dimensional data sets. 10-17 - Jian Pei
, Jiawei Han, Wei Wang:
Mining sequential patterns with constraints in large databases. 18-25
Web search 1
- Pável Calado, Altigran Soares da Silva, Rodrigo C. Vieira, Alberto H. F. Laender, Berthier A. Ribeiro-Neto:
Searching web databases by structuring keyword-based queries. 26-33 - Chiasen Chung, Charles L. A. Clarke:
Topic-oriented collaborative crawling. 34-42 - J. Ben Schafer, Joseph A. Konstan, John Riedl:
Meta-recommendation systems: user-controlled integration of diverse recommendations. 43-51 - Kai Yu, Xiaowei Xu, Anton Schwaighofer, Volker Tresp, Hans-Peter Kriegel:
Removing redundancy and inconsistency in memory-based collaborative filtering. 52-59
Data warehousing and OLAP
- Zheng Xuan Loh, Tok Wang Ling, Chuan-Heng Ang, Sin Yeung Lee:
Analysis of pre-computed partition top method for range top-k queries in OLAP data cubes. 60-67 - Bin Liu, Songting Chen, Elke A. Rundensteiner:
Batch data warehouse maintenance in dynamic environments. 68-75 - Sam Yuan Sung, Zhao Li, Sun Peng:
A fast filtering scheme for large database cleansing. 76-83 - Mohamed A. Sharaf, Panos K. Chrysanthis
Semantic-based delivery of OLAP summary tables in wireless environments. 84-92 - Christos Faloutsos
Future directions in data mining: streams, networks, self-similarity and power laws. 93
Image similarity search systems
- Philippe Mulhem, Joo-Hwee Lim:
Symbolic photograph content-based retrieval. 94-101 - Renato O. Stehling, Mario A. Nascimento, Alexandre X. Falcão:
A compact and efficient image retrieval approach based on border/interior pixel classification. 102-109 - Ali Saman Tosun, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu:
Vulnerabilities in similarity search based systems. 110-117
XML query processing
- Mong-Li Lee, Boon Chin Chua, Wynne Hsu, Kian-Lee Tan
Efficient evaluation of multiple queries on streaming XML data. 118-125 - Leonidas Fegaras, David Levine, Sujoe Bose, Vamsi Chaluvadi:
Query processing of streamed XML data. 126-133 - Shurug Al-Khalifa, H. V. Jagadish:
Multi-level operator combination in XML query processing. 134-141
XML transactions
- Torsten Grabs, Klemens Böhm, Hans-Jörg Schek:
XMLTM: efficient transaction management for XML documents. 142-152 - Franky Lam, Nicole Lam, Raymond K. Wong:
Efficient synchronization for mobile XML data. 153-160 - Hasan M. Jamil
, Giovanni A. Modica:
An object-oriented extension of XML for autonomous web applications. 161-168
- Wenwu Lou, Hongjun Lu:
Efficient prediction of web accesses on a proxy server. 169-176 - Khalil Amiri, Sanghyun Park, Renu Tewari:
A self-managing data cache for edge-of-network web applications. 177-185 - Takahiro Hara:
Cooperative caching by mobile clients in push-based information systems. 186-193
Information extraction and text segmentation
- Ayman Farahat, Geoffrey Nunberg, Francine Chen:
AuGEAS: authoritativeness grading, estimation, and sorting. 194-202 - Binyamin Rosenfeld, Ronen Feldman, Yonatan Aumann:
Structural extraction from visual layout of documents. 203-210 - Thorsten Brants, Francine Chen, Ioannis Tsochantaridis:
Topic-based document segmentation with probabilistic latent semantic analysis. 211-218
Sequence similarity search and access methods
- Caetano Traina Jr.
, Agma J. M. Traina, Roberto F. Santos Filho, Christos Faloutsos
How to improve the pruning ability of dynamic metric access methods. 219-226 - Yangjun Chen, Dunren Che, Karl Aberer:
On the efficient evaluation of relaxed queries in biological databases. 227-236 - A. Prasad Sistla, Tao Hu, Vikas Chowdhry:
Similarity based retrieval from sequence databases using automata as queries. 237-244
Information retrieval models
- James W. Cooper, Anni Coden, Eric W. Brown:
Detecting similar documents using salient terms. 245-251 - Warren R. Greiff, William T. Morgan, Jay M. Ponte:
The role of variance in term weighting for probabilistic information retrieval. 252-259 - Peter Bruza, Dawei Song:
Inferring query models by computing information flow. 260-269
XML schemas: integration and translation
- Sihem Amer-Yahia, Mary F. Fernández, Rick Greer, Divesh Srivastava:
Logical and physical support for heterogeneous data. 270-281 - Dongwon Lee
, Murali Mani, Frank Chiu, Wesley W. Chu:
NeT & CoT: translating relational schemas to XML schemas using semantic constraints. 282-291 - Mong-Li Lee, Liang Huai Yang, Wynne Hsu, Xia Yang:
XClust: clustering XML schemas for effective integration. 292-299 - Vana Kalogeraki, Dimitrios Gunopulos
, Demetrios Zeinalipour-Yazti:
A local search mechanism for peer-to-peer networks. 300-307 - Yugyung Lee, Changgyu Oh, Eun Kyo Park:
Intelligent knowledge discovery in peer-to-peer file sharing. 308-315 - Won-Young Kim, Kyu-Young Whang, Byung Suk Lee, Young-Koo Lee, Ji-Woong Chang:
Partial rollback in object-oriented/object-relational database management systems. 316-323
Information retrieval 1
- Falk Scholer
, Hugh E. Williams:
Query association for effective retrieval. 324-331 - Jie Lu, James P. Callan:
Pruning long documents for distributed information retrieval. 332-339 - Mohammed Aljlayl, Ophir Frieder:
On arabic search: improving the retrieval effectiveness via a light stemming approach. 340-347
- Yan Liu, Yiming Yang, Jaime G. Carbonell:
Boosting to correct inductive bias in text classification. 348-355 - Mukund Deshpande, George Karypis
Using conjunction of attribute values for classification. 356-364 - Mao Chen, Andrea S. LaPaugh, Jaswinder Pal Singh:
Categorizing information objects from user access patterns. 365-372 - Maria Zemankova:
Knowledge and information management: Is it possible to do interesting and important research, get funded, be useful and appreciated? 373-374
Language models for information retrieval
- Xiaoyong Liu, W. Bruce Croft:
Passage retrieval based on language models. 375-382 - Ramesh Nallapati, James Allan:
Capturing term dependencies using a language model based on sentence trees. 383-390 - Luo Si, Rong Jin, James P. Callan, Paul Ogilvie:
A language modeling framework for resource selection and results merging. 391-397
Spatial search and moving objects
- Alexandros Nanopoulos, Yannis Manolopoulos, Yannis Theodoridis
An efficient and effective algorithm for density biased sampling. 398-404 - Jia-Yu Pan, Christos Faloutsos
"GeoPlot": spatial data mining on video libraries. 405-412 - Hongjun Zhu, Jianwen Su, Oscar H. Ibarra:
Trajectory queries and octagons in moving object databases. 413-421
Music information retrieval
- Jia-Lien Hsu
, Arbee L. P. Chen, Hung-Chen Chen, Ning-Han Liu:
The effectiveness study of various music information retrieval approaches. 422-429 - Jeremy Pickens, Tim Crawford:
Harmonic models for polyphonic music retrieval. 430-437 - Chih-Chin Liu, Chuan-Sung Huang:
A singer identification technique for content-based classification of MP3 music objects. 438-445
XML constraints and the semantic web
- Yi Chen, Susan B. Davidson, Yifeng Zheng:
XKvalidator: a constraint validator for XML. 446-452 - Gösta Grahne, Jianfei Zhu:
Discovering approximate keys in XML data. 453-460 - Urvi Shah, Timothy W. Finin, Anupam Joshi
Information retrieval on the semantic web. 461-468
Data streams and time-series
- Lin Qiao, Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi:
RHist: adaptive summarization over continuous data streams. 469-476 - Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu:
Efficient query monitoring using adaptive multiple key hashing. 477-484 - Like Gao, Zhengrong Yao, Xiaoyang Sean Wang:
Evaluating continuous nearest neighbor queries for streaming time series via pre-fetching. 485-492 - Masahiro Motoyoshi, Takao Miura, Kohei Watanabe:
Mining temporal classes from time series data. 493-498
Web clustering
- Yitong Wang, Masaru Kitsuregawa:
Evaluating contents-link coupled web page clustering for web search results. 499-506 - Eric J. Glover, David M. Pennock, Steve Lawrence, Robert Krovetz:
Inferring hierarchical descriptions. 507-514 - Ying Zhao, George Karypis
Evaluation of hierarchical clustering algorithms for document datasets. 515-524 - Wahyu Wibowo, Hugh E. Williams:
Strategies for minimising errors in hierarchical web categorisation. 525-531
Information retrieval
- James P. Callan, Teruko Mitamura:
Knowledge-based extraction of named entities. 532-537 - Mark H. Montague, Javed A. Aslam:
Condorcet fusion for improved retrieval. 538-548 - Yen-Yu Chen, Qingqing Gan, Torsten Suel:
I/O-efficient techniques for computing pagerank. 549-557
Web search 2
- Fang Liu, Clement T. Yu, Weiyi Meng:
Personalized web search by mapping user queries to categories. 558-565 - Xiaoli Li
, Tong-Heng Phang, Minqing Hu, Bing Liu:
Using micro information units for internet search. 566-573 - Hung-Yu Kao, Ming-Syan Chen, Shian-Hua Lin, Jan-Ming Ho:
Entropy-based link analysis for mining web informative structures. 574-581
Clustering algorithms
- Daniel Barbará, Yi Li, Julia Couto:
COOLCAT: an entropy-based algorithm for categorical clustering. 582-589 - Carlos Ordonez, Edward Omiecinski:
FREM: fast and robust EM clustering for large data sets. 590-599 - Greg Hamerly, Charles Elkan:
Alternatives to the k-means algorithm that find better clusterings. 600-607
Industry session 1: knowledge management and semantics
- Christina Yip Chung, Raymond Lieu, Jinhui Liu, Alpha K. Luk, Jianchang Mao, Prabhakar Raghavan:
Thematic mapping - from unstructured documents to taxonomies. 608-610 - David Avant, M. Baum, Clemens Bertram, M. Fisher, Amit P. Sheth, Yashodhan S. Warke:
Semantic technology applications for homeland security. 611-613 - David Loshin:
Rule-based data quality. 614-616
Industry session 2: data mining and federated systems
- Xiangji Huang
, Nick Cercone, Aijun An
Comparison of interestingness functions for learning web usage patterns. 617-620 - Kiam Choo, Rajat Mukherjee, Rami Smair, Wei Zhang:
The verity federated infrastructure. 621 - Said Elnaffar, T. Patrick Martin, Randy Horman:
Automatically classifying database workloads. 622-624
Industry session 3: database performance and interface
- Eugene Inseok Chong, Jagannathan Srinivasan, Souripriya Das, Chuck Freiwald, Aravind Yalamanchi, Mahesh Jagannath, Anh-Tuan Tran, Ramkumar Krishnan, Richard Jiang:
A mapping mechanism to support bitmap index and other auxiliary structures on tables stored as primary B±trees. 625-628 - M. Brian Blake:
Using specification-driven concepts for distributed data management and dissemination. 629-631
Poster session
- Cheng-Yue Chang, Ming-Syan Chen:
A new cache replacement algorithm for the integration of web caching and prefectching. 632-634 - Federica Mandreoli
, Riccardo Martoglia, Paolo Tiberio:
A syntactic approach for searching similarities within sentences. 635-637 - Sudeshna Adak, Vishal S. Batra, Deo N. Bhardwaj, Pasumarti V. Kamesam, Pankaj Kankar, Manish P. Kurhekar, Biplav Srivastava:
A system for knowledge management in bioinformatics. 638-641 - Bin Yu, Munindar P. Singh:
An agent-based approach to knowledge management. 642-644 - Diane Kelly, Xiaojun Yuan, Nicholas J. Belkin, Vanessa Murdock, W. Bruce Croft:
Features of documents relevant to task- and fact-oriented questions. 645-647 - Shengli Wu, Fabio Crestani
Data fusion with estimated weights. 648-651 - King-Lup Liu, Clement T. Yu, Weiyi Meng:
Discovering the representative of a search engine. 652-654 - Henrique Paques, Ling Liu, Calton Pu:
Ginga: a self-adaptive query processing system. 655-658 - Monica Rogati, Yiming Yang:
High-performing feature selection for text classification. 659-661 - Norbert Fuhr, Norbert Gövert
Index compression vs. retrieval time of inverted files for XML documents. 662-664 - W. Scott Spangler, Jeffrey T. Kreulen:
Interactive methods for taxonomy editing and validation. 665-668 - Kanagasabai Rajaraman, Ah-Hwee Tan
Knowledge discovery from texts: a concept frame graph approach. 669-671 - Konstantinos Markellos, Katerina Perdikuri, Penelope Markellou, Spiros Sirmakessis
, George Mayritsakis, Athanasios K. Tsakalidis:
Knowledge discovery in patent databases. 672-674 - Pável Calado, Altigran Soares da Silva, Berthier A. Ribeiro-Neto, Alberto H. F. Laender, Juliano Palmieri Lage, Davi de Castro Reis, Pablo A. Roberto, Monique V. Vieira, Marcos André Gonçalves, Edward A. Fox:
Web-DL: an experience in building digital libraries from the web. 675-677 - Zaiqing Nie, Ullas Nambiar, Sreelakshmi Vaddi, Subbarao Kambhampati:
Mining coverage statistics for websource selection in a mediator. 678-680 - Un Yong Nahm, Raymond J. Mooney:
Mining soft-matching association rules. 681-683 - Eric C. Jensen, Steven M. Beitzel, Angelo J. Pilotto, Nazli Goharian, Ophir Frieder:
Parallelizing the buckshot algorithm for efficient document clustering. 684-686

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