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9th CIARP 2004: Puebla, Mexico
- Alberto Sanfeliu
, José Francisco Martínez Trinidad
, Jesús Ariel Carrasco-Ochoa
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications, 9th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2004, Puebla, Mexico, October 26-29, 2004, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3287, Springer 2004, ISBN 3-540-23527-2 - Ilias Kolonias, William J. Christmas, Josef Kittler:
Use of Context in Automatic Annotation of Sports Videos. 1-12 - Alberto Del Bimbo, Pietro Pala:
Content Based Retrieval of 3D Data. 13-24 - Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano:
Clifford Geometric Algebra: A Promising Framework for Computer Vision, Robotics and Learning. 25-36 - Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Alberto Sanfeliu:
Adaptive Color Model for Figure-Ground Segmentation in Dynamic Environments. 37-44 - Jian Cheng, Jie Yang:
Real-Time Infrared Object Tracking Based on Mean Shift. 45-52 - Andrea Bottino, Aldo Laurentini:
Optimal Positioning of Sensors in 2D. 53-58 - Andrés Caro Lindo, Pablo García Rodríguez
, María Mar Ávila, Teresa Antequera, Ramón Palacios:
Computer Vision Algorithms Versus Traditional Methods in Food Technology: The Desired Correlation. 59-66 - Antonio Robles-Kelly, Edwin R. Hancock:
Radiance Function Estimation for Object Classification. 67-75 - William D. Ferreira, Díbio Leandro Borges:
Detecting and Ranking Saliency for Scene Description. 76-83 - Luis David López Gutiérrez, Leopoldo Altamirano Robles:
Decision Fusion for Object Detection and Tracking Using Mobile Cameras. 84-91 - Francisco Antonio Pujol López, Juan Manuel García Chamizo, Mar Pujol López
, Ramón Rizo Aldeguer, Maria José Pujol:
Selection of an Automated Morphological Gradient Threshold for Image Segmentation. 92-99 - Javier Jiménez, Enric Martí:
Localization of Caption Texts in Natural Scenes Using a Wavelet Transformation. 100-107 - Hyongsuk Kim, Chun-Shin Lin, Chang-Bae Yoon, Hye-Jeong Lee, Hongrak Son:
A Depth Measurement System with the Active Vision of the Striped Lighting and Rotating Mirror. 108-115 - Carlos Díaz, Leopoldo Altamirano Robles
Fast Noncontinuous Path Phase-Unwrapping Algorithm Based on Gradients and Mask. 116-123 - Antonio Marín-Hernández, Michel Devy, Juan Gabriel Aviña-Cervantes:
Color Active Contours for Tracking Roads in Natural Environments. 124-131 - Luis Carlos Altamirano, Leopoldo Altamirano Robles
, Matías Alvarado:
Generation of N-Parametric Appearance-Based Models Through Non-uniform Sampling. 132-139 - Kang Ryoung Park:
Gaze Detection by Wide and Narrow View Stereo Camera. 140-147 - Gerhard X. Ritter, Laurentiu Iancu, Mark S. Schmalz:
A New Auto-associative Memory Based on Lattice Algebra. 148-155 - Nilcilene das Graças Medeiros, Erivaldo Antonio da Silva
, Danilo Aparecido Rodrigues, José Roberto Nogueira:
Image Segmentation Using Morphological Watershed Applied to Cartography. 156-162 - Carmen Alonso-Montes, Manuel Francisco González Penedo
3D Object Surface Reconstruction Using Growing Self-organised Networks. 163-170 - Gonzalo Urcid
, Gerhard X. Ritter, Laurentiu Iancu:
Single Layer Morphological Perceptron Solution to the N-Bit Parity Problem. 171-178 - Héctor Allende, Sebastián Moreno
, Cristian Rogel, Rodrigo Salas:
Robust Self-organizing Maps. 179-186 - Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela, Ricardo Barrón, Francisco Cuevas de la Rosa, Carlos Aguilar Ibáñez, Héctor Cortés:
Extended Associative Memories for Recalling Gray Level Patterns.. 187-194 - Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela, Ricardo Barrón, Roberto Antonio Vázquez:
New Associative Memories to Recall Real-Valued Patterns. 195-202 - Pilar Gómez-Gil
, Guillermo de-los-Santos-Torres
, Manuel Ramírez-Cortés:
Feature Maps for Non-supervised Classification of Low-Uniform Patterns of Handwritten Letters. 203-207 - Alejandro González Romero, René Alquézar:
Learning Through the KRKa2 Chess Ending. 208-215 - Alberto Muñoz, Javier M. Moguerza:
One-Class Support Vector Machines and Density Estimation: The Precise Relation. 216-223 - Paulo Jorge Sequeira Gonçalves, Luís F. Mendonça
, João Miguel da Costa Sousa, João Rogério Caldas Pinto:
Fuzzy Model Based Control Applied to Path Planning Visual Servoing. 224-231 - Jaume Vergés-Llahí, Alberto Sanfeliu:
A Color Constancy Algorithm for the Robust Description of Images Collected from a Mobile Robot. 232-240 - Diego Viejo, Miguel Cazorla:
Unconstrained 3D-Mesh Generation Applied to Map Building. 241-248 - Jorge Lira:
A Model of Desertification Process in a Semi-arid Environment Employing Multi-spectral Images. 249-258 - Ikjin Jang, Wonbae Park:
A Gesture-Based Control for Handheld Devices Using Accelerometer. 259-266 - Mario Castelán
, Edwin R. Hancock:
A Method for Re-illuminating Faces from a Single Image. 267-274 - Carlos Avilés-Cruz
, Juan Villegas-Cortéz, René Arechiga-Martínez, Rafael Escarela-Perez
Unsupervised Font Clustering Using Stochastic Versio of the EM Algorithm and Global Texture Analysis. 275-286 - Yolanda Bolea, Antoni Grau, Arthur Pelissier, Alberto Sanfeliu:
Structural Pattern Recognition for Industrial Machine Sounds Based on Frequency Spectrum Analysis. 287-295 - Wei Kong, Yue Zhou, Jie Yang:
An Extended Speech De-noising Method Using GGM-Based ICA Feature Extraction. 296-302 - Antonio Robles-Kelly, Edwin R. Hancock:
Spanning Tree Recovery via Random Walks in a Riemannian Manifold. 303-311 - Petia Radeva, Jordi Vitrià:
Discriminant Projections Embedding for Nearest Neighbor Classification. 312-319 - Miguel Angel Lozano, Francisco Escolano:
Regularization Kernels and Softassign. 320-327 - Angel Fernando Kuri Morales:
Pattern Recognition via Vasconcelos' Genetic Algorithm. 328-335 - José Aguilar
Statistical Pattern Recognition Problems and the Multiple Classes Random Neural Network Model. 336-341 - Luís G. Rueda:
New Bounds and Approximations for the Error of Linear Classifiers. 342-349 - Rocío Díaz de León
, Luis Enrique Sucar:
A Graphical Model for Human Activity Recognition. 350-357 - Israel Suaste-Rivas, Orion Fausto Reyes-Galaviz, J. Alejandro Díaz Méndez, Carlos A. Reyes García:
A Fuzzy Relational Neural Network for Pattern Classification.. 358-365 - Antonio Moreno-Daniel, Biing-Hwang Juang, Juan Arturo Nolazco-Flores:
Speaker Verification Using Coded Speech. 366-373 - Sergio Daniel Cano-Ortiz
, Daniel I. Escobedo Beceiro, Taco Ekkel:
A Radial Basis Function Network Oriented for Infant Cry Classification.. 374-380 - Luis R. Salgado-Garza, Juan Arturo Nolazco-Flores:
On the Use of Automatic Speech Recognition for Spoken Information Retrieval from Video Databases. 381-385 - Amparo Varona, Inés Torres
Scaling Acoustic and Language Model Probabilities in a CSR System. 394-401 - Reynaldo Gil-García, José Manuel Badía-Contelles, Aurora Pons-Porrata:
Parallel Algorithm for Extended Star Clustering. 402-409 - Fernando Blat, Sergio Grau, Emilio Sanchis, María José Castro Bleda:
Hidden Markov Models for Understanding in a Dialogue System. 410-417 - Hiram Calvo
, Alexander F. Gelbukh
Unsupervised Learning of Ontology-Linked Selectional Preferences. 418-424 - Kwangcheol Shin, Sang-Yong Han, Alexander F. Gelbukh
, Jaehwa Park:
Advanced Relevance Feedback Query Expansion Strategy for Information Retrieval in MEDLINE. 425-431 - Alexander F. Gelbukh
, Mikhail Alexandrov, Sang-Yong Han:
Detecting Inflection Patterns in Natural Language by Minimization of Morphological Model. 432-438 - Pavel Makagonov, Alejandro Ruiz Figueroa:
Study of Knowledge Evolution in Parallel Computing by Short Texts Analysis. 439-445 - Aurora Pons-Porrata, Rafael Berlanga Llavori
, José Ruiz-Shulcloper, Juan Manuel Pérez-Martínez:
JERARTOP: A New Topic Detection System. 446-453 - Luiz Felipe Eiterer, Jacques Facon, David Menoti:
Fractal-Based Approach for Segmentation of Address Block in Postal Envelopes. 454-461 - Roxana Dánger, Ismael Sanz, Rafael Berlanga Llavori
, José Ruiz-Shulcloper:
A Proposal for the Automatic Generation of Instances from Unstructured Text. 462-469 - Iñaki Goirizelaia
, Koldo Espinosa, José Luis Martín, Jesús Lázaro
, Jagoba Arias, Juan J. Igarza:
An Electronic Secure Voting System Based on Automatic Paper Ballot Reading. 470-477 - René Arnulfo García-Hernández, José Francisco Martínez Trinidad, Jesús Ariel Carrasco-Ochoa:
A Fast Algorithm to Find All the Maximal Frequent Sequences in a Text. 478-486 - Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela, Jan Flusser:
Refined Method for the Fast and Exact Computation of Moment Invariants. 487-494 - Luca Serino:
Skeletonization of Gray-Tone Images Based on Region Analysis. 495-502 - Yonggang Wang, Yue Zhou, Jie Yang, Yiqin Wang:
JSEG Based Color Separation of Tongue Image in Traditional Chinese Medicine. 503-508 - Salvador Villena, Javier Abad, Rafael Molina
, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos
Estimation of High Resolution Images and Registration Parameters from Low Resolution Observations. 509-516 - Helen Hong, Jeongjin Lee, Kyung Won Lee, Yeong-Gil Shin:
Automatic Lung Surface Registration Using Selective Distance Measure in Temporal CT Scans. 517-524 - Jorge E. Pezoa, Sergio N. Torres, Juan P. Córdova, Rodrigo A. Reeves
An Enhancement to the Constant Range Method for Nonuniformity Correction of Infrared Image Sequences. 525-532 - Efrén González-Gómez, Serguei Levachkine:
Color Cartographic Pattern Recognition Using the Coarse to Fine Scale Method. 533-540 - Helen Hong, Ho Lee, Sung Hyun Kim, Yeong-Gil Shin:
Cerebral Vessel Enhancement Using Rigid Registration in Three-Dimensional CT Angiography. 541-549 - Rolando Quintero, Serguei Levachkine, Miguel Torres Ruiz
, Marco Moreno:
Skeleton-Based Algorithm for Increasing Spectral Resolution in Digital Elevation Model. 550-557 - Marco Moreno, Serguei Levachkine, Miguel Torres Ruiz
, Rolando Quintero:
Landform Classification in Raster Geo-images. 558-565 - Jasmine Burguet, Isabelle Bloch:
Homotopic Labeling of Elements in a Tetrahedral Mesh for the Head Modeling. 566-573 - Giuliana Ramella, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja:
Grey Level Image Components for Multi-scale Representation. 574-581 - Gonzalo Vallarino, Gustavo Gianarelli, Jose Barattini, Alvaro Gómez, Alicia Fernández
, Alvaro Pardo:
Performance Improvement in a Fingerprint Classification System Using Anisotropic Diffusion. 582-588 - Yong Yang, Chongxun Zheng, Pan Lin:
Image Thresholding via a Modified Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm. 589-596 - Alvaro Pardo:
Video Object Segmentation Using Multiple Features. 597-604 - Juan Luis Díaz-de-León S., Cornelio Yáñez, Giovanni Guzmán
Thinning Algorithm to Generate k-Connected Skeletons. 605-612 - Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Miguel Angel de La Torre Gomora:
Image Processing Using the Quaternion Wavelet Transform. 613-620 - Wladimiro Díaz Villanueva, María José Castro Bleda, Francesc J. Ferri, F. Pérez, M. Murcia:
Improving Pattern Recognition Based Pharmacological Drug Selection Through ROC Analysis. 621-628 - Oriol Pujol
, Petia Radeva, Jordi Vitrià, Josepa Mauri:
Adaboost to Classify Plaque Appearance in IVUS Images. 629-636 - L. Paola García-Perera, J. Carlos Mex-Perera, Juan Arturo Nolazco-Flores:
SVM Applied to the Generation of Biometric Speech Key. 637-644 - Max Chacón, Brenda Maureira:
Causal Networks for Modeling Health Technology Utilization in Intensive Care Units. 645-653 - Pan Lin, Chongxun Zheng, Yong Yang, Jian-Wen Gu:
Medical Image Segmentation by Level Set Method Incorporating Region and Boundary Statistical Information. 654-660 - Edgardo Manuel Felipe Riverón, Mijail del Toro Céspedes:
Measurement of Parameters of the Optic Disk in Ophthalmoscopic Color Images of Human Retina. 661-668 - Joaquín Salas
Global Interpretation and Local Analysis to Measure Gears Eccentricity. 669-676 - Erika Danaé López-Espinoza, Jesús Ariel Carrasco-Ochoa, José Francisco Martínez Trinidad:
Two Floating Search Strategies to Compute the Support Sets System for ALVOT. 677-684 - Jesús Ariel Carrasco-Ochoa, José Ruiz-Shulcloper, Lucía Angélica De-la-Vega-Doría:
Feature Selection Using Typical e: Testors, Working on Dynamical Data. 685-692 - Ventzeslav Valev:
Supervised Pattern Recognition with Heterogeneous Features. 693-700

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