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14th CCNC 2017: Las Vegas, NV, USA
- 14th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, CCNC 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 8-11, 2017. IEEE 2017, ISBN 978-1-5090-6196-9
- Shu Nishikori, Kazuhiko Kinoshita, Yosuke Tanigawa, Hideki Tode, Takashi Watanabe
A cooperative channel control method of ZigBee and WiFi for IoT services. 1-6 - Mahdi H. Al-Badrawi, Amr M. Nasr, Bessam Z. Al-Jewad, Nicholas J. Kirsch
An adaptive energy detection scheme using EMD for spectrum sensing. 7-12 - Koji Yamamoto, Xuedan Yang, Takayuki Nishio, Masahiro Morikura, Hirantha Abeysekera:
Analysis of inversely proportional carrier sense threshold and transmission power setting. 13-18 - Maha Bouaziz, Abderrezak Rachedi
, Abdelfettah Belghith
EC-MRPL: An energy-efficient and mobility support routing protocol for Internet of Mobile Things. 19-24 - Armir Bujari
, Marco Furini
, Nicolas Laina:
On using cashtags to predict companies stock trends. 25-28 - Nipun Gupta, Dina Najeeb, Victor Gabrielian, Ani Nahapetian:
Mobile ECG-based drowsiness detection. 29-32 - Takahiro Toda, Yosuke Tanigawa, Hideki Tode:
Autonomous and distributed construction of locality aware skip graph. 33-36 - Adam Knox, Patrick Seeling
Mobile web page characteristics: Delivery and stability considerations. 37-40 - Ladan Rabieekenari, Kamran Sayrafian
, John S. Baras:
Autonomous relocation strategies for cells on wheels in public safety networks. 41-44 - Brian Oryema, Hyun-Su Kim, Wei Li, Jong-Tae Park:
Design and implementation of an interoperable messaging system for IoT healthcare services. 45-52 - Diana C. Yacchirema
, Carlos Enrique Palau
, Manuel Esteve
Enable IoT interoperability in ambient assisted living: Active and healthy aging scenarios. 53-58 - Maria Ganzha, Marcin Paprzycki
, Wieslaw Pawlowski
, Pawel Szmeja, Katarzyna Wasielewska, Carlos Enrique Palau
From implicit semantics towards ontologies - practical considerations from the INTER-IoT perspective. 59-64 - Ning Yang, Zhelong Wang, Raffaele Gravina, Giancarlo Fortino
A survey of open body sensor networks: Applications and challenges. 65-70 - Jorge E. Luzuriaga
, Marco Zennaro
, Juan-Carlos Cano, Carlos Miguel Tavares Calafate
, Pietro Manzoni:
A disruption tolerant architecture based on MQTT for IoT applications. 71-76 - Marwa Chamekh, Mohamed Hamdi, Sadok El Asmi:
A new architecture for supply-chain management. 77-82 - Bogdan Alexandra Visan, Jiyoon Lee, Baijian Yang
, Anthony H. Smith, Eric T. Matson:
Vulnerabilities in hub architecture IoT devices. 83-88 - Urs Schnurrenberger:
Comparing apples to apples in ICN. 89-94 - Daiki Ito, Masami Mohri, Yoshiaki Shiraishi, Masakatu Morii:
Virtual storage and area limited data delivery over named data networking. 95-102 - Ivan Petrov, Toni Janevski:
Advanced 5G-TCP: Transport protocol for 5G mobile networks. 103-107 - Takahiko Kato, Masaki Bandai
Congestion control avoiding excessive rate reduction in named data network. 108-113 - Nikunj Malik
, Jayanarayan Chandramouli, Prahlad Suresh, Kevin D. Fairbanks, Lanier A. Watkins, William H. Robinson
Using network traffic to verify mobile device forensic artifacts. 114-119 - Hsing-Chung Chen, Chia-Hui Chang, Fang-Yie Leu:
Implement of agent with role-based hierarchy access control for secure grouping IoTs. 120-125 - Alif Akbar Pranata, Gereziher W. Adhane, Dong-Seong Kim:
Detrended fluctuation analysis on ECG device for home environment. 126-130 - Shane Kim, Jihoon Ryoo:
WiSDom: A model-driven solitary death prevention system based on WiFi signals and real-time supervised training. 131-136 - Ricardo Lopez Trejo, Juan-Pablo García-Vázquez, Maria Luisa González-Ramírez, Luis E. Vizcarra Corral, Israel Rojas Marquez:
Hand goniometric measurements using leap motion. 137-141 - Wahab Khawaja, Farshad Koohifar, Ismail Güvenç:
UWB radar based beyond wall sensing and tracking for ambient assisted living. 142-147 - Roberto Morabito:
Inspecting the performance of low-power nodes during the execution of edge computing tasks. 148-153 - Patrik János Braun
, Sreekrishna Pandi, Robert-Steve Schmoll, Frank H. P. Fitzek
On the study and deployment of mobile edge cloud for tactile Internet using a 5G gaming application. 154-159 - Salvador Melendez, Michael P. McGarry:
Computation offloading decisions for reducing completion time. 160-164 - Hirotaka Nakano, Yosuke Tanigawa, Hideki Tode:
Optical virtual network configuration method for tightly coupling big data and peripheral computer resources. 165-171 - Rui Wang, Faezeh Hajiaghajani, Subir Biswas:
Distributed caching in mobile networks with heterogeneous content demand. 172-178 - Wijaya Ekanayake, Heli Amarasinghe, Ahmed Karmouch:
SDN-based IaaS for mobile computing. 179-184 - Dhananjay Singh
, Gaurav Tripathi, Antônio Marcos Alberti
, Antonio J. Jara
Semantic edge computing and IoT architecture for military health services in battlefield. 185-190 - Yiming Xu, Mahendran Veeramani, Wei Guo, Sridhar Radhakrishnan:
Fairness in fog networks: Achieving fair throughput performance in MQTT-based IoTs. 191-196 - Matthias Kuba, Janina Ziller, Tobias Dräger, Heinrich Milosiu, Alexander Jaschke, Hans Adel:
Automatic 2.4 GHz communication standard recognition based on ultra-low power receivers. 197-202 - Kang Kang, Zhenni Pan, Jiang Liu
, Shigeru Shimamoto:
A game theory based power control algorithm for future MTC NOMA networks. 203-208 - Senay Semu Tadesse, Claudio Casetti, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini
, Giada Landi:
Energy-efficient traffic allocation in SDN-basec backhaul networks: Theory and implementation. 209-215 - Md. Munjure Mowla, Iftekhar Ahmad
, Daryoush Habibi
, Quoc Viet Phung:
An energy efficient resource management and planning system for 5G networks. 216-224 - Amulya Bhattarai
, Prapun Suksompong
, Chalie Charoenlarpnopparut, Patrachart Komolkiti
Counter-intuitive channel allocation improvement in distributed cognitive radio networks by adding optimal interference in user's utility. 225-230 - Cheng Zhang, Bo Gu
, Zhi Liu, Kyoko Yamori, Yoshiaki Tanaka:
A stackelberg game based analysis for interactions among Internet service provider, content provider, and advertisers. 231-235 - Manel Medhioub, Tai-Hoon Kim, Mohamed Hamdi:
Adaptive risk treatment for cloud computing based on Markovian game. 236-241 - Hongmin Wang, Song Liu, Leilei Jiang, Peng Liu, Bo Gu
Building a policy simulation platform for future smart grid in China. 242-247 - Chunxiao Li, Anran Zhen, Jun Sun, Meixiang Zhang, Xuelong Hu:
Approximate outage probability for multi-user vehicle cooperative communication. 248-253 - Wanyue Sun, Luis Guijarro
, Vicent Pla
, José R. Vidal:
Joint resource and price competition in wireless sensor network-based service provision. 254-259 - Sikandar Afridi, Syed Ali Hassan
Spectrally efficient adaptive generalized spatial modulation MIMO systems. 260-263 - Carmen Delgado
, María Canales, Jorge Ortín, José Ramón Gállego, Alessandro Redondi
, Sonda Bousnina, Matteo Cesana:
Energy-aware dynamic resource allocation in virtual sensor networks. 264-267 - Wenyang Cui, Ye Yao, Liang Song:
Buffer-aware opportunistic routing for wireless sensor networks. 268-271 - Muhammad Azizi Mohd Ariffin
, Angelos K. Marnerides
, Andreas U. Mauthe
Multi-level resilience in networked environments: Concepts & principles. 272-275 - Tianran Luo, Tutomu Murase:
User cooperative mobility for QoS improvement in ad-hoc networks. 276-279 - Francisco Fabra, Carlos T. Calafate
, Juan-Carlos Cano, Pietro Manzoni:
A methodology for measuring UAV-to-UAV communications performance. 280-286 - Nicola Roberto Zema, Angelo Trotta
, Guillaume Sanahuja, Enrico Natalizio, Marco Di Felice, Luciano Bononi:
CUSCUS: An integrated simulation architecture for distributed networked control systems. 287-292 - Younes Bouchaala, Paul Mühlethaler, Oyunchimeg Shagdar
, Nadjib Achir:
Optimized spatial CSMA for VANETs: A comparative study using a simple stochastic model and simulation results. 293-298 - Qun Liu, Suman Kumar
, Vijay Kumar Mago
SafeRNet: Safe transportation routing in the era of Internet of vehicles and mobile crowd sensing. 299-304 - Woo-Hyun Ko, P. R. Kumar:
Outlier rejection for networked control systems based on middleware. 305-312 - Jie Lin, Wei Yu
, Nan Zhang, Xinyu Yang, Linqiang Ge:
On data integrity attacks against route guidance in transportation-based cyber-physical systems. 313-318 - Harshith Keni, Montana Earle, Manki Min:
Product authentication using hash chains and printed QR codes. 319-324 - Imen Graja, Slim Kallel
, Nawal Guermouche, Ahmed Hadj Kacem:
Modeling and verification of temporal properties in cyber-physical systems. 325-330 - Nick Schaafsma, Ani Nahapetian:
Synchronized audio capture with an array of mobile devices. 331-336 - Tim Grube, Sascha Hauke, Jörg Daubert, Max Mühlhäuser:
Ant colony optimisation - A solution to efficient anonymous group communication? 337-340 - Emmanuel S. Peters, Nicholas F. Maxemchuk:
Creating a secure processing tree for anonymous distributed data processing in the cloud. 341-344 - Uthpala Subodhani Premarathne:
Reliability analysis of trust based federated identity management in InterCloud: A graph coloring approach. 345-348 - Heesuk Son, Namyong Kang, Bumjin Gwak, Dongman Lee:
An adaptive IoT trust estimation scheme combining interaction history and stereotypical reputation. 349-352 - Ryo Hagihara, Yasuhiro Yamasaki, Hiroyuki Ohsaki:
On delivery control for floating contents sharing with epidemic broadcasting. 353-356 - Kamrul Hasan, Sachin Shetty
, Taiwo Oyedare:
Cross layer attacks on GSM mobile networks using software defined radios. 357-360 - Ying Qu, Bryan C. K. Ng, Hang Yu
, Peter Andreae, Winston K. G. Seah
Fitness evaluation for channel assignment algorithms in IEEE 802.11 WMNs. 361-364 - Wei-Tsung Su, Cheng-Yi Dai:
QoS-aware distributed cloud storage service based on erasure code in multi-cloud environment. 365-368 - Andrés Arcia-Moret, Zafar Gilani, Arjuna Sathiaseelan, Jon Crowcroft:
Peer provided cell-like networks built out of thin air. 369-372 - Paul-Louis Ageneau, Nadia Boukhatem:
Multipath TCP over network coding for wireless networks. 373-376 - Cong Zhao, Xinyu Yang, Wei Yu
, Xianghua Yao, Jie Lin, Xin Li:
Cheating-resilient incentive scheme for mobile crowdsensing systems. 377-382 - Rasib Khan, Ragib Hasan
DExaS: Delegated experience as a service for mobile and wearable devices. 383-388 - Hesham H. Salman, Patrick Seeling
Resource utilization for access to web-based services: Browser versus mobile application. 389-394 - Jorge Herrera-Tapia
, Enrique Hernández-Orallo, Andrés Tomás, Pietro Manzoni, Carlos Miguel Tavares Calafate
, Juan-Carlos Cano:
Selecting the optimal buffer management for opportunistic networks both in pedestrian and vehicular contexts. 395-400 - Surjya Ghosh
, Niloy Ganguly
, Bivas Mitra, Pradipta De:
Towards designing an intelligent experience sampling method for emotion detection. 401-406 - Nesrine Ben Hassine, Pascale Minet, Mohammed-Amine Koulali, Mohammed Erradi, Dana Marinca, Dominique Barth:
Coalition game for video content clustering in content delivery networks. 407-413 - Faezeh Hajiaghajani, Subir Biswas:
Device-to-device commercial content dissemination in social wireless networks. 414-419 - Peng Qian, Ning Wang, Gerry Foster, Rahim Tafazolli
Enabling context-aware HTTP with mobile edge hint. 420-426 - Joachim Bruneau-Queyreix, Mathias Lacaud, Daniel Négru, Jordi Mongay Batalla
, Eugen Borcoci:
MS-Stream: A multiple-source adaptive streaming solution enhancing consumer's perceived quality. 427-434 - Yongtao Shuai, Thorsten Herfet:
On stabilizing buffer dynamics for adaptive video streaming with a small buffering delay. 435-440 - Takafumi Kawaguchi, Ryohei Banno
, Masashi Hojo, Masaaki Ohnishi, Kazuyuki Shudo:
Self-refining skip graph: Skip graph approaching to an ideal topology. 441-448 - Kenta Nomura
, Masami Mohri, Yoshiaki Shiraishi, Masakatu Morii:
A multi-group signature scheme for local broadcasting. 449-454 - Ahmed Boubrima, Walid Bechkit, Hervé Rivano
A new WSN deployment approach for air pollution monitoring. 455-460 - Henning Puttnies, Dirk Timmermann
, Peter Danielis:
An approach for precise, scalable, and platform independent clock synchronization. 461-466 - Sridhar Srinivasa Subramanian, Joseph Pasquale, George C. Polyzos
CoAP for content-centric networks. 467-472 - Lijun Dong, Guoqiang Wang:
Conditional subscription and notification in information centric networks. 473-479 - Ramão Tiago Tiburski, Leonardo Albernaz Amaral, Everton de Matos
, Dario F. G. de Azevedo, Fabiano Hessel
Evaluating the use of TLS and DTLS protocols in IoT middleware systems applied to E-health. 480-485 - Uzair A. Noman, Behailu Negash, Amir M. Rahmani, Pasi Liljeberg, Hannu Tenhunen
From threads to events: Adapting a lightweight middleware for Contiki OS. 486-491 - Ying Li, Radim Bartos:
Interaction based routing algorithm for opportunistic mobile social networks. 492-497 - Dezhi Feng, Faezeh Hajiaghajani, Saptarshi Das, Subir Biswas:
Pulse position coded PDUs: A new approach to networking energy economy. 498-503 - Dylan Kauling, Qusay H. Mahmoud:
Sensorian Hub: An IFTTT-based platform for collecting and processing sensor data. 504-509 - Xiaoyan Ma
, Simona Chisiu, Rahim Kacimi, Riadh Dhaou:
Opportunistic communications in WSN using UAV. 510-515 - Richard M. Gutierrez, Hanguang Yu, Yu Rong, Daniel W. Bliss:
Time and frequency dispersion characteristics of the UAS wireless channel in residential and mountainous desert terrains. 516-521 - Kyle J. S. White, Ewen Denney, Matt D. Knudson, Angelos K. Marnerides
, Dimitrios P. Pezaros:
A programmable SDN+NFV-based architecture for UAV telemetry monitoring. 522-527 - Sangwoo Shim, Taehun Kim, Soon J. Hyun:
Control integrated query processing system for coordination of multiple UAVs. 528-533 - Yao Ma, Daniel G. Kuester:
MAC-layer coexistence analysis of LTE and WLAN systems via listen-before-talk. 534-541 - Bushra Ismaiel, Mehran Abolhasan
, David B. Smith, Wei Ni, Daniel Robert Franklin
Scalable MAC protocol for D2D communication for future 5G networks. 542-547 - Bo Yin, Shotaro Kamiya, Koji Yamamoto, Takayuki Nishio, Masahiro Morikura, Hirantha Abeysekera:
Starvation mitigation for dense WLANs through distributed channel selection: Potential game approach. 548-553 - Hang Yu
, Bryan C. K. Ng, Winston K. G. Seah
, Ying Qu:
TTL-based efficient forwarding for the backhaul tier in nanonetworks. 554-559 - Syed Hassan Ahmed
, Sungwon Lee, Junhwan Park, Dongkyun Kim, Danda B. Rawat
iDFR: Intelligent directional flooding-based routing protocols for underwater sensor networks. 560-565 - Cristian Hernandez Benet, Robayet Nasim, Kyoomars Alizadeh Noghani, Andreas Kassler:
OpenStackEmu - A cloud testbed combining network emulation with OpenStack and SDN. 566-568 - Pascal Urien
Securing the IoT with TLS/DTLS server stacks embedded in secure elements: An ePlug usecase. 569-570 - Hisayoshi Sugiyama:
Pulsed power network with power sources and consumers operated on exhibition table. 571-572 - Kazuhiro Mishima, Takeshi Sakurada, Yoichi Hagiwara:
Low-cost managed digital signage system with signage device using small-sized and low-cost information device. 573-575 - Patrik János Braun
, Péter Ekler, Frank H. P. Fitzek
Demonstration of a P2P assisted video streaming with WebRTC and network coding. 576-577 - Dhafer Ben Arbia, Muhammad Mahtab Alam, Rabah Attia, Elyes Ben Hamida, Abdullah Kadri:
CROW2: Internet of humans-based platform for disaster relief and emergency communication. 578-579 - Joachim Bruneau-Queyreix, Mathias Lacaud, Daniel Négru:
A multiple-source adaptive streaming solution enhancing consumer's perceived quality. 580-581 - Naoki Yamamoto, Toshifumi Watanabe, Mizuki Murase, Katsuhiro Naito, Nobuyuki Ito, Katsuhiko Kaji, Naoya Chujo, Tadanori Mizuno:
Demo: Prototype implementation of ID card based momentum measurement system. 582-583 - Ankush Rai
, R. Jagadeesh Kannan, Sakkaravarthi Ramanathan:
Multi-user networked framework for virtual reality platform. 584-585 - Qianjun Tang, Diandi Zhu, Zhipeng Wang, Ronggang Chen, Ting Yu, Abdelhakim Hafid:
A versatile prototyping platform for monitoring and control applications using IPv6 over WSN. 586-587 - Yosef Ashibani
, Dylan Kauling, Qusay H. Mahmoud:
A context-aware authentication service for smart homes. 588-589 - Katsuyuki Tanaka, Katsuhiro Naito:
Demo: Implementation of cooperative bus location system with BLE devices and smartphones. 590-591 - Imen Graja, Aicha Mechim, Slim Kallel, Nawal Guermouche, Ahmed Hadj Kacem:
Demonstrating BPMN4CPS: Modeling anc verification of cyber-physical systems. 593 - Xiaofu Ma, Sayantan Guha, Jun Sung Choi, Christopher Robert Anderson
, Randall Nealy, Jared Withers, Jeffrey H. Reed, Carl B. Dietrich:
Prototypes of using directional antenna for railroad crossing safety applications. 594-596 - Narjes T. Jahromi, Sami Yangui, Sandhya Shanmugasundaram, Aida Rangy, Roch H. Glitho
, Adel Larabi, Daniel Smith, Richard Brunner:
A prototype for value-added video service provisioning in content delivery networks. 597-598 - Qusay H. Mahmoud, Dylan Kauling, Shaun Zanin:
Hidden android permissions: Remote code execution and shell access using a live wallpaper. 599-600 - Nicola Roberto Zema, Angelo Trotta
, Guillaume Sanahuja, Enrico Natalizio, Marco Di Felice, Luciano Bononi:
CUSCUS: CommUnicationS-control distributed simulator. 601-602 - Estefanía Coronado
, Roberto Riggio
, José Miguel Villalón Millán
, Antonio Garrido
Demo: SDN@Play as a strategy to enhance the multicast delivery rate in WLANs. 603-604 - Sreekrishna Pandi, Frank H. P. Fitzek
, Simone Redana:
Demonstration of 5G connected cars. 605-606 - Sreekrishna Pandi, Robert-Steve Schmoll, Patrik János Braun
, Frank H. P. Fitzek
Demonstration of mobile edge cloud for tactile Internet using a 5G gaming application. 607-608 - Anteneh A. Gebremariam
, Mainak Chowdhury, Andrea J. Goldsmith, Fabrizio Granelli:
An OpenAirlnterface based implementation of dynamic spectrum-level slicing across heterogeneous networks. 609-610 - Gabriele Baldoni
, Marcello Melita, Sergio Micalizzi, Corrado Rametta, Giovanni Schembra, Alessandro Vassallo:
A dynamic, plug-and-play and efficient video surveillance platform for smart cities. 611-612 - Robert Skupin, Yago Sanchez, Dimitri Podborski
, Cornelius Hellge, Thomas Schierl:
HEVC tile based streaming to head mounted displays. 613-615 - Wei Guo, Mahendran Veeramani, Sridhar Radhakrishnan:
End-user agnostic join and fork framework for TCP flows in SDN. 616-617 - Maya Guru, Ragib Hasan
, Rasib Khan:
Towards non-intrusive continuous healthcare monitoring with the Smart Hospital Gown. 618-619 - Yanan Zhang, Yuren Du, Anran Zhen, Chunxiao Li, Xuelong Hu:
The intelligent parking lot based on ZigBee technology and SVM. 620-621 - Simon Hayhoe
, Noemi Pena-Sanchez
Interactive demonstration on the use of existing apps on mobile technologies to teach basic photographic techniques to participants who are blind, visually impaired and sighted together: A demonstration of an exercise using apps and cameras on iOS and Android platforms to image "the body" and handwriting. 622-623 - Zhijun Li, Chunxiao Li, Yanan Zhang, Xuelong Hu:
Intelligent traffic light control system based on real time traffic flows. 624-625 - Tao Liu, Wendong Wang, Xiangyang Gong, Xirong Que, Shiduan Cheng:
A fast and loop-free update mechanism in software defined networking. 626-627 - Yuwen Cao, Xue-Qin Jiang, Miaowen Wen
, Enjian Bai, Yun Wu, Jun Li:
A new advantage distillation scheme over MIMO wiretap channels based on feedback bits. 628-629 - Tuo Feng, Kun Yang:
A nimble decompression algorithm for ZigBee firmware update in smart home environment. 630-631 - Samia Tasnim
, Niki Pissinou, S. S. Iyengar
A novel cleaning approach of environmental sensing data streams. 632-633 - Chekired Djabir Abd Eldjalil
, Dhaou Said
, Lyes Khoukhi, Hussein T. Mouftah:
A novel pricing policy for G2V and V2G services. 634-635 - Bernd Schäufele, Oliver Sawade, Daniel Becker, Ilja Radusch
A transmission protocol for fully automated valet parking using DSRC. 636-637 - Doaa Abdelhameed, Hany S. Hussein
, Ehab Mahmoud Mohamed:
Adaptive sphere decoder for 1-bit ADC MIMO-constant envelope modulation detection. 638-639 - Azza Ben Mosbah, Timothy A. Hall, Michael R. Souryal, Hossam Afifi:
Analysis of the vulnerability of the incumbent frequency to inference attacks in spectrum sharing. 640-642 - Dah-Chung Chang, Bo-Wei Zheng:
Direction-of-arrival estimation in sensor arrays for moving terminals. 643-644 - Sho Nakazawa, Norihiro Naganuma, Hiroyuki Otsuka:
Enhanced adaptive control CRE in heterogeneous networks. 645-646 - Oussama Soualah, Marouen Mechtri, Chaima Ghribi, Djamal Zeghlache
An efficient algorithm for virtual network function placement and chaining. 647-652 - Jorge Proença
, Tiago Cruz
, Paulo Simões
, Gonçalo Gaspar, Bruno Parreira, Alexandre Laranjeira, Fernando Bastos:
Building an NFV-based vRGW: Lessons learned. 653-658 - Atanas Pamukchiev, Simon Jouet, Dimitrios P. Pezaros:
Distributed network anomaly detection on an event processing framework. 659-664 - Abdul Basit Alvi, Tahir Masood, Usama Mehboob:
Load based automatic scaling in virtual IP based multimedia subsystem. 665-670 - Narjes T. Jahromi, Sami Yangui, Adel Larabi, Daniel Smith, Mohammad A. Salahuddin, Roch H. Glitho
, Richard Brunner, Halima Elbiaze:
NFV and SDN-based cost-efficient and agile value-added video services provisioning in content delivery networks. 671-677 - Arani Bhattacharya
, Ansuman Banerjee, Pradipta De:
Scheduling with task duplication for application offloading. 678-683 - Seongbae Jun, Donggu Kim, Joonhyuk Kang:
User selection for multi-user mmWave systems with phased-zero-forcing hybrid precoder. 684-686 - Hajar El Hammouti, Essaid Sabir
, Hamidou Tembine
A fully distributed satisfactory power control for QoS self-provisioning in 5G networks. 688-691 - Can Mehteroglu, Yunus Durmus, Ertan Onur
Semantic edge caching and prefetching in 5G. 692-695 - Bo Gu
, Mianxiong Dong, Cheng Zhang, Zhi Liu, Yoshiaki Tanaka:
Real-time pricing for on-demand bandwidth reservation in SDN-enabled networks. 696-699 - Estefanía Coronado
, Roberto Riggio
, José Villalón
, Antonio Garrido
SDN@Play: A multicast rate adaptation mechanism for IEEE 802.11 WLANs. 700-703 - Kazuki Ginnan, Keita Kawano, Kazuhiko Kinoshita, Takashi Watanabe
Access point virtualization for multiple services in heterogeneous WLANs. 704-707 - Kohei Omori, Yosuke Tanigawa, Hideki Tode:
Power-saving for wireless stations using RTS/CTS handshake and burst transmission in wireless LANs. 708-711 - Antonio Di Maio
, Ridha Soua, Maria Rita Palattella
, Thomas Engel
, Gianluca Rizzo
A centralized approach for setting floating content parameters in VANETs. 712-715 - Armir Bujari
, Giacomo Quadrio
, Claudio E. Palazzi
, Daniele Ronzani
, Dario Maggiorini
, Laura Anna Ripamonti:
Network traffic analysis of the steam game system. 716-719 - Jinsoo Han, Wan-Ki Park, Il-Woo Lee, Hakgyun Roh, Sang-Ha Kim
Home-to-home communications for smart community with Internet of Things. 720-723 - Everton de Matos
, Leonardo Albernaz Amaral, Ramão Tiago Tiburski, Matheus Crespi Schenfeld, Dario F. G. de Azevedo, Fabiano Hessel
A sensing-as-a-service context-aware system for Internet of Things environments. 724-727 - Raj Mani Shukla, Arslan Munir
An efficient computation offloading architecture for the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. 728-731 - Hayat Routaib, Elarbi Badidi
, Essaid Sabir
, Mohammed Elkoutbi:
An asymmetrical nash bargaining for adaptive and automated context negotiation in pervasive environments. 732-736 - Dario Festa, Dario Maggiorini
, Laura Anna Ripamonti, Armir Bujari
Supporting distributed real-time debugging in online games. 737-740 - Bilal Maaz, Kinda Khawam, Samir Tohmé, Jad Nasreddine
, Samer Lahoud
Achieving power and energy efficiency in self-organizing networks. 741-747 - Kenichi Kawamura, Naoki Takaya:
Ad-hoc mobile network architecture using distributed P-GW on unlicensed bands for LTE. 748-753 - Eiji Takahashi, Takayuki Suzuki, Takeo Onishi, Kozo Satoda
Autonomous off-peak data transfer by passively estimating overall LTE cell load. 754-759 - Meihong Zhu, Ying Cui, Liang Qian:
CC-OffGrid: A content-centric communication system in infrastructure-less mobile environments. 760-766 - Hyunchong Cho, Sangdae Kim, Cheonyong Kim, Seungmin Oh, Sang-Ha Kim:
Energy-efficient lookahead face routing using coverage range in wireless networks. 767-771 - Ehab Mahmoud Mohamed, Kei Sakaguchi, Seiichi Sampei:
Experimental work on WiGig coverage area management and beamforming training using Wi-Fi fingerprint. 772-777 - Ismail AlQerm
, Basem Shihada
Hybrid cognitive engine for radio systems adaptation. 778-783 - Samantha Gamboa
, Fernando J. Cintron, David W. Griffith, Richard Rouil
Impact of timing on the proximity services (ProSe) synchronization function. 784-790 - Véronique Capdevielle, Pantelis Monogioudis, Carl Weaver, Jean-Michel Pugeat, Steve Myers:
Learning based spectral clustering for LTE downlink CoMP systems. 791-795 - Asma Ben Hassouna, Hend Koubaa, Leïla Azouz Saïdane:
Multicast throughput subject to delay in multi-rate wireless networks. 796-801 - Hana Baccouch, Paul-Louis Ageneau, Nicolas Tizon, Nadia Boukhatem:
Prioritized network coding scheme for multi-layer video streaming. 802-809 - Yu-Jen Lai, Youyang Ng
, Takeshi Sakoda, Yosuke Bando, Arata Miyamoto, Masahiro Ishiyama, Ken-ichi Maeda
, Yusuke Doi:
Real and simulator testbeds for content dissemination in high-density large-scale WANET. 810-817 - Anteneh A. Gebremariam
, Mainak Chowdhury, Andrea J. Goldsmith, Fabrizio Granelli:
Resource pooling via dynamic spectrum-level slicing across heterogeneous networks. 818-823 - Aleksandar Ichkov
, Ivana Nikoloska, Zoran Hadzi-Velkov
, Liljana Gavrilovska:
Uplink successful transmission probability in energy-harvesting cellular networks. 824-828 - Hayam Mousa, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Omar Hasan, Lionel Brunie, Osama S. Younes
, Mohiy M. Hadhoud:
A reputation system resilient against colluding and malicious adversaries in mobile participatory sensing applications. 829-834 - T. Owens Walker, Kevin D. Fairbanks:
An off-the-shelf, low detectability, low data rate, timing-based covert channel for IEEE 802.11 wireless networks. 835-840 - Bikash Poudel, Arslan Munir
Design and evaluation of a novel ECU architecture for secure and dependable automotive CPS. 841-847 - Nir Drucker
, Shay Gueron
Paillier-encrypted databases with fast aggregated queries. 848-853 - Jyoti Gajrani
, Meenakshi Tripathi
, Vijay Laxmi
, Manoj Singh Gaur, Mauro Conti
, Muttukrishnan Rajarajan:
sPECTRA: A precise framEwork for analyzing CrypTographic vulneRabilities in Android apps. 854-860 - Koki Sakamoto, Toshihiko Ohba, Shin'ichi Arakawa, Masayuki Murata:
A method for updating attractor sets in noise-induced virtual network topology control. 861-866 - Faisal Hussain, Md Yeakub Hassan
, Md. Sakhawat Hossen
, Salimur Choudhury:
An optimal resource allocation algorithm for D2D communication underlaying cellular networks. 867-872 - Mohamad Ah, Hassine Moungla, Mohamed F. Younis, Ahmed Mehaoua:
Distributed scheme for interference mitigation of coexisting WBANs using Latin rectangles. 873-878 - Hong-Hsu Yen:
Energy aware and signal quality aware data aggregation touting in wireless nanosensor networks. 879-884 - Seiya Dejima, Yosuke Tanigawa, Hideki Tode:
Hop counts reduction of ZigBee nodes by cooperating wireless LAN in ZigBee network. 885-890 - Yoshiyuki Mihara, Shuichi Miyazaki, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsuya Yamaguchi, Manabu Okamoto:
Identifying link layer home network topologies using HTIP. 891-898 - Mikael Gasparian, Torsten Braun
, Eryk Schiller:
L-SCN: Layered SCN architecture with supernodes and Bloom filters. 899-904 - Aneeqa Ijaz, Syed Ali Hassan
, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody
A multiple region reverse frequency allocation scheme for downlink capacity enhancement in 5G HetNets. 905-910 - In-Woong Kang, Ho Jae Kim, Hyoung-Nam Kim, Lajos Hanzo
A reduced-complexity demapping algorithm for gray-labeled PSK constellations. 911-915 - Shabnam Khomejani, Huan Xuan Nguyen
, Arumugam Nallanathan
, Hamid Aghvami:
A stochastic geometry approach for analysing secrecy rate of multi-power level CRNs. 916-921 - Seunghun Yu, Jeongwan Koh, Joonhyuk Kang:
Design of user selection algorithm in full-duplex cellular system. 922-927 - Lin Zhang, Wenli Zhou, Wanbin Tang, Gang Wu
, Zhi Chen:
Estimating the distance between macro base station and users in heterogeneous networks. 928-932 - Say Sotheara, Hikari Inata, Mohamad Erick Ernawan, Zhenni Pan, Jiang Liu
, Shigeru Shimamoto:
Partnership and data forwarding model for data acquisition in UAV-aided sensor networks. 933-938 - Mallesham Dasari:
Real time detection of MAC layer DoS attacks in IEEE 802.11 wireless networks. 939-944 - Hyun Seob Oh
, Jung Gwon Shin, Wha Sook Jeon, Dong Geun Jeong:
Reliable video multicast based on AL-FEC and H.264/AVC video traffic characteristics. 945-950 - Kiichi Tateishi, Daisuke Kurita, Atsushi Harada, Yoshihisa Kishiyama, Shoji Itoh, Hideshi Murai, Arne Simonsson, Peter Ökvist:
Experimental evaluation on 5G radio access employing multi-user MIMO at 15 GHz band. 951-956 - Minh-Quang Nguyen, Hang Nguyen, Eric Renault, Yusheng Ji:
Hybrid digital-analog source and channel coding with adaptation. 957-962 - Gibum Kim, Myeungsuk Oh, Hyuncheol Park:
Improved link adaptation using truncated channel inversion for MU-MIMO systems. 963-967 - Christopher Downey, Sandeep Narayanan, Mark F. Flanagan
On generalized spatial modulation for multiuser wireless communications. 968-973 - Majed Haddad, Dalia-Georgiana Herculea, Chung Shue Chen, Eitan Altman, Véronique Capdevielle:
Online mobile user speed estimation: Performance and tradeoff considerations. 974-979 - Yuta Hori, Hideki Ochiai:
Performance analysis of multiuser detection and decoding for subcarrier hopping multiple access. 980-985 - Sungjun Ahn, Seungjae Jung, Wonju Lee, Joonhyuk Kang:
Physical-layer security enhancement via power allocation between pilot and data jamming. 986-991 - Saifur Rahman Sabuj
, Masanori Hamamura:
Random cognitive radio network performance in Rayleigh-lognormal environment. 992-997 - Soma Qureshi, Syed Ali Hassan
, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody
Successive bandwidth division NOMA systems: Uplink power allocation with proportional fairness. 998-1003 - Jun Hamasaki, Keiichi Iwamura:
Geometric group key-sharing scheme using euclidean distance. 1004-1005 - Daniel Minoli, Kazem Sohraby, Jacob Kouns:
IoT security (IoTSec) considerations, requirements, and architectures. 1006-1007 - Qingyu Yang, Yuanke Liu, Wei Yu
, Dou An, Xinyu Yang, Jie Lin:
On data integrity attacks against optimal power flow in power grid systems. 1008-1009 - Bo Chang, Chuanxue Jin, Zhi Chen, Wanbin Tang, Lin Zhang:
Positioning noncooperative receiver using full-duplex relay technique. 1010-1011 - C. Ramesh, K. Gangatharan:
Scheduling aware DRX cycle activation in LTE system. 1012-1013 - Yoji Yamato, Yoshifumi Fukumoto, Hiroki Kumazaki:
Security camera movie and ERP data matching system to prevent theft. 1014-1015 - Igor Tcarenko, Yuxiang Huan, David Juhasz
, Amir M. Rahmani, Zhuo Zou, Tomi Westerlund
, Pasi Liljeberg, Li-Rong Zheng, Hannu Tenhunen:
Smart energy efficient gateway for Internet of mobile things. 1016-1017 - Jaeho Ahn, Kiwoong Kwon, Mi-Jeong Hoh, Daeyoung Kim:
Time synchronization for SHCS-MAC based multi-hop cognitive radio networks. 1018-1019 - Joseph P. Bernstein, Brandon J. Mendez, Peng Sun, Yang Liu, Yi Shang:
Using deep learning for alcohol consumption recognition. 1020-1021 - J. M. Chandramouli, Juan Ramos, Lakshmi Srinivasan, Prahlad Suresh, Prashanth Kannan, Garth V. Crosby, Lanier A. Watkins:
Using network traffic to infer compromised neighbors in wireless sensor nodes. 1022-1023 - Sanaz Rahimi Moosavi
, Ethiopia Nigussie, Seppo Virtanen
, Jouni Isoaho
Cryptographic key generation using ECG signal. 1024-1031 - Pascal Bissig, Klaus-Tycho Foerster
, Simon Tanner, Roger Wattenhofer:
Distributed discussion diarisation. 1032-1037 - Brian Bauman, Patrick Seeling
Towards still image experience predictions in augmented vision settings. 1038-1043 - Angel Sanchis-Cano
, Luis Guijarro
, Vicent Pla
, José R. Vidal:
Economic viability of HTC and MTC service provision on a common network infrastructure. 1044-1050 - Luis Guijarro
, Maurizio Naldi, Vicent Pla
, José R. Vidal:
Economic analysis of a centralized brokering platform for wireless sensor data. 1051-1056 - Silvia Mirri
, Catia Prandi
, Paola Salomoni, Lorenzo Monti
Fitting like a GlovePi: A wearable device for deaf-blind people. 1057-1062 - Cristina Liviana Caldiroli
, Roberta Garbo, Federica Pallavicini
, Alessandro Antonietti, Andrea Mangiatordi, Fabrizia Mantovani
How web design influences user experience: A multi-modal method for real-time assessment during web browsing. 1063-1066 - Silvia Mirri, Silvio Peroni
, Paola Salomoni, Fabio Vitali
, Vincenzo Rubano:
Towards accessible graphs in HTML-based scientific articles. 1067-1072 - Andrea Mangiatordi, Francesca Scenini:
Improving EPUB3 ebooks accessibility through Javascript and CSS. 1073-1076 - Simon Hayhoe
, Noemi Pena-Sanchez
, Karl Bentley:
Evaluation of a collaborative photography workshop using the iPad 2 as an accessible technology for participants who are blind, visually impaired and sighted working collaboratively. 1077-1082 - Marco Furini
, Silvia Mirri:
On using on-the-fly students' notes in video lecture indexing. 1083-1088 - Saman Feghhi, Douglas J. Leith
Time and place: robustness of a traffic analysis attack against web traffic. 1-6 - Yi-Li Huang, Fang-Yie Leu, Ilsun You, Rong-Yi Su, Po-Hao Su, Hsing-Chung Chen:
A 3D encryption with shifting mapping substitution mechanism. 1-6 - Todd Booth, Karl Andersson
Critical infrastructure network DDoS defense, via cognitive learning. 1-6 - Mevlut Turker Garip, Paul Hyungmin Kim, Peter L. Reiher, Mario Gerla:
INTERLOC: An interference-aware RSSI-based localization and sybil attack detection mechanism for vehicular ad hoc networks. 1-6 - Nikunj Malik, Jayanarayan Chandramouli, Prahlad Suresh, Kevin D. Fairbanks, Lanier A. Watkins, William H. Robinson:
Using network traffic to verify mobile device forensic artifacts. 1-6 - Jonathan Muehlstein, Yehonatan Zion, Maor Bahumi, Itay Kirshenboim, Ran Dubin
, Amit Dvir, Ofir Pele:
Analyzing HTTPS encrypted traffic to identify user's operating system, browser and application. 1-6 - Kazy Noor E. Alam Siddiquee
, Faria Farjana Khan, Karl Andersson
, Mohammad Shahadat Hossain:
Optimal dynamic routing protocols for agro-sensor communication in MANETs. 1-5 - Zainal Abedin, Abu Sayeed Chowdhury, Mohammad Shahadat Hossain, Karl Andersson
, Razuan Karim
An interoperable IP based WSN for smart irrigation system. 1-5 - Mahmoud A. Khodeir, Mamoun F. Al-Mistarihi, Razan Shatnawi, Laila Alsaleh:
Security enhancement using maximum ratio combining (MRC) diversity over nakagami-m fading channels. 1-5 - Hsing-Chung Chen, Chia-Hui Chang, Fang-Yie Leu:
Implement of agent with role-based hierarchy access control for secure grouping IoTs. 1-6 - Mungyu Lee, Junho Choi, Chang Choi, Pankoo Kim:
APT attack behavior pattern mining using the FP-growth algorithm. 1-4 - Xin Su, Bingying Wang, Chang Choi, Dongmin Choi:
Case study on password complexity enhancement for smart devices. 1-5

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