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CBMS 2006: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
- 19th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2006), 22-23 June 2006, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. IEEE Computer Society 2006, ISBN 978-0-7695-2517-4
- Preface.
- Keynote Speaker Biography.
- Keynote Speech Topic.
- Steering and Organizing Committees.
- Program and Review Committee.
- Special Track Chairs.
- Area Chairs.
- Special Track Program Committee and Reviewers.
GS-1 Software Systems in Medicine
- Shuang Luan, Chao Wang, Danny Z. Chen, Xiaobo Sharon Hu
A Leaf Sequencing Software for Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy. 3-8 - Dirk Krechel, Markus Hartbauer, Kerstin Maximini:
LENUS - The Hospital Content Management System. 9-14 - Yavuz Tor, Richard H. Fowler, Charles A. Harlow, Chaitanya Jasti, Zhixiang Chen:
Distributed Biomedical Database for Public Health Research. 15-20 - Duncan Clarke, Adrian Park:
Active-RFID System Accuracy and Its Implications for Clinical Applications. 21-26 - Brian S. Tani, Tiago Nobrega, Thiago R. dos Santos, Aldo von Wangenheim
Generic Visualization and Manipulation Framework for Three-Dimensional Medical Environments. 27-31 - Ying-Hsu Chen, Shu-Ling Hsiao, Yu-Chia Hsu:
A Study of Community Care Platform Architecture. 32-36 - Ping Chen, Rakesh M. Verma
A Query-Based Medical Information Summarization System Using Ontology Knowledge. 37-42 - Jean-Baptiste Fasquel, Guillaume Brocker, Johan Moreau
, Vincent Agnus, Nicolas Papier, Christophe Koehl, Luc Soler, Jacques Marescaux:
A Modular and Evolutive Software for Patient Modeling Using Components, Design Patterns and a Formal XML-Based Component Management System. 43-50
GS-10 Medical Databases and Information Systems
- Seung-won Hwang:
Optimizing Ranked Retrieval over Categorical Attributes. 51-56 - Ammon Christiansen, D. J. Lee:
Relevance Feedback Query Refinement for PDF Medical Journal Articles. 57-62 - Mark Slaymaker
, Andrew Simpson
, Michael Brady, David Gavaghan
, Fiona Reddington, Phil Quirke:
A Prototype Infrastructure for the Secure Aggregation of Imaging and Pathology Data for Colorectal Cancer Care. 63-68 - Natarajan Chandrashekar, Muralidhar Gautam, K. S. Srinivas, J. Vijayananda:
Design Considerations for a Reusable Medical Database. 69-74 - Rahul Singh, Elinor Velasquez, Preet Vijayant, Emmanuel R. Yera:
FreeFlowDB: Storage, Querying and Interacting with Structure-Activity Information from High-Throughput Drug Discovery. 75-80 - John R. Geddes
, Clare E. Mackay
, Sharon Lloyd, Andrew Simpson
, David J. Power, Douglas Russell, Mila Katzarova, Martin Rossor
, Nick C. Fox, Jonathon Fletcher, Derek L. G. Hill, Kate McLeish, Joseph V. Hajnal, Stephen M. Lawrie, Dominic Job, Andrew M. McIntosh
, Joanna M. Wardlaw, Peter Sandercock, Jeb Palmer, Dave Perry, Rob Procter
, Jenny Ure, Philip Bath
, Graham Watson:
The Challenges of Developing a Collaborative Data and Compute Grid for Neurosciences. 81-86 - Mahmoud Barhamgi
, Djamal Benslimane, Pierre-Antoine Champin:
A Framework for Data and Web Services Semantic Mediation in Peer-to-Peer Based Medical Information Systems. 87-92 - Antonio da Luz, Daniel D. Abdala, Aldo von Wangenheim
, Eros Comunello
Analyzing DICOM and non-DICOM Features in Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval: A Multi-Layer Approach. 93-98 - Tzu-Hsiang Yang, Po-Hsun Cheng, C. H. Yang, Feipei Lai, C. L. Chen, Hsiu-Hui Lee, Kai-Ping Hsu, Chi-Huang Chen, Ching-Ting Tan
, Yeali S. Sun:
A Scalable Multi-tier Architecture for the National Taiwan University Hospital Information System based on HL7 Standard. 99-104 - Xiaoqian Xu, Dah-Jye Lee, Sameer K. Antani
, L. Rodney Long:
Pre-Indexing for Fast Partial Shape Matching of Vertebrae Images. 105-110 - Hyoil Han, Yoori Choi, Yoo Myung Choi, Xiaohua Zhou, Ari D. Brooks:
A Generic Framework: From Clinical Notes to Electronic Medical Records. 111-118
GS-11 Web-Based Delivery of Medical Information
- Danzhou Liu, Kien A. Hua, Kiminobu Sugaya:
A Framework for Web-Based Interactive Applications of High-Resolution 3D Medical Image Data. 119-124 - Masashi Nakagawa, Kazunori Nozaki, Shinji Shimojo
Web-Based Distributed Simulation and Data Management Services for Medical Applications. 125-130 - Yunli Wang
Automatic Recognition of Text Difficulty from Consumers Health Information. 131-136 - Sudarshan S. Chawathe:
Tracking Changes in Healthcare Documents. 137-142 - Sek-Kwong Poon, Roberto A. Rocha, Guilherme Del Fiol
Rapid Answer Retrieval from Clinical Practice Guidelines at the Point of Care. 143-150
GS-12 Hand-held Computing Applications in Medicine
- Miren I. Bagüés, Jesús Bermúdez, Alfredo Burgos, Alfredo Goñi
, Arantza Illarramendi
, Jimena Rodríguez, Alberto Tablado:
An Innovative System that Runs on a PDA for a Continuous Monitoring of People. 151-156 - Peter Leijdekkers, Valérie Gay
Personal Heart Monitoring System Using Smart Phones To Detect Life Threatening Arrhythmias. 157-164
GS-13 Intelligent Biomedical Knowledge Discovery
- Tsang-Hsiang Cheng, Chih-Ping Wei, Vincent S. Tseng:
Feature Selection for Medical Data Mining: Comparisons of Expert Judgment and Automatic Approaches. 165-170 - Vadim Astakhov, Amarnath Gupta, Jeffrey S. Grethe
, Edward Ross, David Little, Aylin Yilmaz, Xufei Qian, Simone Santini
, Maryann E. Martone, Mark H. Ellisman:
Semantically Based Data Integration Environment for Biomedical Research. 171-176 - Vincent S. Tseng, Lien-Chin Chen, Yao-Dung Hsieh:
Discovering Gene Clusters via Integrated Analysis on Time-Series and Group-Comparative Microarray Datasets. 177-182 - Jirí Kléma
, Arnaud Soulet, Bruno Crémilleux, Sylvain Blachon, Olivier Gandrillon:
Mining Plausible Patterns from Genomic Data. 183-190
GS-2 Computer Aided Diagnosis
- Klaus H. Fritzsche
, Aldo von Wangenheim
, Rüdiger Dillmann, Roland Unterhinninghofen:
Automated MRI-Based Quantification of the Cerebral Atrophy Providing Diagnostic Information on Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease. 191-196 - Muhammad S. Hassan, Peter J. Bentley, Malcolm Galloway:
Support Vector Machines for Computer Assisted Diagnostic Neuropathology. 191-196 - Chien-Cheng Lee, Sz-Han Chen, Hong-Ming Tsai, Pau-Choo Chung, Yu-Chun Chiang:
Discrimination of Liver Diseases from CT Images Based on Gabor Filters. 203-206 - Zeeshan Syed, Daniel Leeds, Dorothy Curtis, John V. Guttag:
Audio-Visual Tools for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Cardiac Disorders. 207-212 - Soontharee Koompairojn, Kien A. Hua, Chutima Bhadrakom:
Automatic Classification System for Lumbar Spine X-ray Images. 213-218 - Paolo Soda
, Giulio Iannello
A Multi-Expert System to Classify Fluorescent Intensity in Antinuclear Autoantibodies Testing. 219-224 - Diego D. B. Carvalho, Thiago R. dos Santos, Aldo von Wangenheim
Measuring Arterial Diameters for Surgery Assistance, Patient Customized Endovascular Prosthesis Design and Post-Surgery Evaluation. 225-230 - Abhijeet Jadhav, Swapna Banerjee, P. K. Dutta, Ranjan Rashmi Paul
, Mousumi Pal
, P. Banerjee, K. Chaudhuri, Jyotirmoy Chatterjee:
Quantitative Analysis of Histopathological Features of Precancerous Lesion and Condition Using Image Processing Technique. 231-236 - Lisheng Xu
, Kuanquan Wang, Lu Wang, Naimin Li:
Pulse Contour Variability Before and After Exercise. 237-240 - Ching-Fen Jiang, De-Kai Chen, Yuan-Si Li, Jheng-Long Kuo:
Development of a Computer-Aided Tool for Evaluation and Training in 3D Spatial Cognitive Function. 241-244 - Yu Ma, Yuanyuan Wang, Xiaodong Cai, Weiqi Wang, Yuqi Zhang, Shubao Chen:
A Noninvasive Auto-Estimation System for Hemodynamic Parameters of Pulmonary Circulation. 245-252
GS-3 Knowledge-Based Systems
- Timothy P. Hanna, Roberto A. Rocha, Nathan C. Hulse, Guilherme Del Fiol
, Richard L. Bradshaw:
Maintaining the Integrity of Links Between Assets within a Clinical Knowledge Repository. 253-258 - Elba M. Quirino, Fábio Paraguaçu, George M. C. Souza:
An Aid System to the Medical Diagnosis of Patients with Neurological Problems. 259-263 - Martin J. O'Connor, Ravi D. Shankar, Amar K. Das:
An Ontology-Driven Mediator for Querying Time-Oriented Biomedical Data. 264-269 - Ravi D. Shankar, Susana B. Martins, Martin J. O'Connor, David B. Parrish, Amar K. Das:
Knowledge-Based System for Managing Complex Clinical Trials. 270-278
GS-4 Decision Support Systems
- Markos G. Tsipouras
, Themis P. Exarchos, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis, Anna P. Kotsia, Aikaterinh Naka, Lampros K. Michalis:
A Decision Support System for the Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease. 279-284 - Md Mahmudur Rahman, Bipin C. Desai, Prabir Bhattacharya:
Image Retrieval-Based Decision Support System for Dermatoscopic Images. 285-290 - Li Ma, Abdul Wahab
, Chai Quek
A Modified Generalized RBF Model with EM-based Learning Algorithm for Medical Applications. 291-296 - Monica H. Ou, Geoff A. W. West, Mihai M. Lazarescu
, Chris Clay:
Telederm: Enhancing Dermatological Diagnosis for Rural and Remote Communities. 297-302 - Mike Rees, Jitesh Dineschandra:
Risk Stratification in Assessing Risk in Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery. 303-308 - Petra Povalej
, Mateja Verlic, Peter Kokol
, José L. Sánchez, José F. Sigut
Identifying Lymphoma in Microscopy Images with Classificational Cellular Automata. 309-314 - Abdul Wahab
, Y. K. Kong, Hiok Chai Quek
Model Reference Adaptive Control on Glucose for the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. 315-320 - Reza Sherafat Kazemzadeh, Kamran Sartipi
Incoporating Data Mining Applications into Clinical Guildelines. 321-328
GS-5 Medical Devices with Embedded Computers
- Venumadhav Korampally, Shantanu Bhattacharya
, Yuanfang Gao, Sheila A. Grant, Steven B. Kleiboeker, Keshab Gangopadhyay, Jinglu Tan, Shubhra Gangopadhyay:
Optimization of Fabrication Process for a PDMS-SOG-Silicon Based PCR Micro Chip through System Identification Techniques. 329-334 - Kara E. Bliley, Daniel J. Schwab, David R. Holmes III, Paul H. Kane, James A. Levine, Erik S. Daniel, Barry K. Gilbert:
Design of a Compact System Using a MEMS Accelerometer to Measure Body Posture and Ambulation. 335-340
GS-6 Signal and Image Processing in Medicine
- Bodhisatwa Mazumdar, Aman Mediratta, Joydeep Bhattacharyya, Swapna Banerjee:
A Real Time Speckle Noise Cleaning Filter for Ultrasound Images. 341-346 - Evaggelos C. Karvounis
, Markos G. Tsipouras
, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis, Katerina K. Naka
A Method for Fetal Heart Rate Extraction Based on Time-Frequency Analysis. 347 - Ferran Prados
, Anton Bardera
, Mateu Sbert
, Imma Boada
, Miquel Feixas
A Monte Carlo-Based Fiber Tracking Algorithm using Diffusion Tensor MRI. 353-358 - Tetsuya Satos, Norihiro Abe, Kazuaki Tanaka, Yoshimasa Kinoshita, Shoujie He:
Toward Developing Multiple Organs and Diseases Diagnosing Intellectual System referring to Knowledge Base and CT Images. 359-364 - Daniel D. Abdala, Aldo von Wangenheim
Measurement of Relative Brain Atrophy in Neurodegenerative Diseases. 365-370 - Stephen Paul Linder, Suzanne Wendelken:
Using the Morphology of the Photoplethysmogram Envelope to Automatically Detect Hypovolemia. 371 - Charles Scott, Elisa H. Barney Smith:
An Unsupervised Fluoroscopic Analysis of Knee Joint Kinematics. 377 - Ti-Cheng Lu, Ching-Fen Jiang, Shuh-Ping Sun, Ching-Jung Wu:
Interactive Image Registration as a Positioning Verification Tool for Radiation Treatment Planning. 381-385 - Paolo Soda
, Amelia Rigon, Antonella Afeltra, Giulio Iannello
Automatic Acquisition of Immunofluorescence Images: Algorithms and Evaluation. 386-390 - Suzanne Wendelken, Stephen Paul Linder, Sue McGrath:
A Preliminary Study of Respiratory Variations in the Photoplethysmogram during Lower Body Negative Pressure. 391-395 - Guozheng Yan, Banghua Yang, Shuo Chen, Rongguo Yan:
Pattern Recognition Using Hybrid Optimization for a Robot Controlled by Human Thoughts. 396-400 - Chih-Hua Huang, Ching-Fen Jiang, Wen-Hsu Sung:
Medical Image Registration and Fusion with 3D CT and MR Data of Head. 401-404 - Daniel Smutek
, Akinobu Shimizu, Ludvík Tesar, Hidefumi Kobatake, Shigeru Nawano, Stepán Svacina
Automatic Internal Medicine Diagnostics Using Statistical Imaging Methods. 405-412
GS-7 Medical Image Segmentation
- Elisa Ficarra
, Enrico Macii, Giovanni De Micheli, Luca Benini
Computer-Aided Evaluation of Protein Expression in Pathological Tissue Images. 413-418 - Marek Franaszek, Ronald M. Summers:
Asymmetric Affinity in Fuzzy Connectedness Segmentation for Oral Contrast-Enhances CT Colonography. 419-423 - Katia Estabridis, Rui J. P. de Figueiredo:
Blood Vessel Detection via a Multi-window Parameter Transform. 424-429 - Eamonn Brankin, Paul J. McCullagh
, Norman D. Black, William Patton, Alyson Muldrew:
The Optimisation of Thresholding Techniques for the Identification of Choroidal Neovascular Membranes in Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration. 430-435 - Shu-Yen Wan
, Chian-Hung Hou:
Synergy of Symmetric Region Grow and Active Contour in Reconstruction of a 3D Rat. 436-441 - Chia-Chi Teng, Linda G. Shapiro, Ira Kalet:
Automatic Segmentation of Neck CT Images. 442-445 - Esmeraldo dos Santos Filho, Yoshifumi Saijo, Tomoyuki Yambe, Akira Tanaka, Makoto Yoshizawa:
Segmentation of Calcification Regions in Intravascular Ultrasound Images by Adaptive Thresholding. 446-454
GS-8 Medical Intelligence and Data Warehousing
- Vojtech Huser, Roberto A. Rocha, Brent C. James:
Use of Workflow Technology Tools to Analyze Medical Data. 455-460 - Hyoil Han, Han C. Ryoo, Herbert Patrick:
An Infrastructure of Stream Data Mining, Fusion and Management for Monitored Patients. 461-468
GS-9 Network and Telemedicine Systems
- Lee Momtahan, Andrew Simpson
Switched Lightpaths for e-Health Applications: a Feasibility Study. 469-472 - Shaosheng Dai, Yue Zhang:
A Wireless Physiological Multi-parameter Monitoring System Based on Mobile Communication Networks. 473-478 - Aoife Deery, Desmond Chambers, Denis Moriarty, Elizabeth Connolly, Gerard Lyons:
Clinical Trials of a Wireless LAN Based Patient Monitoring System. 479-484 - Carlos Oberdan Rolim
, Fernando Luiz Koch, Marcos Dias de Assunção
, Carlos Becker Westphall
Towards a Grid of Sensors for Telemedicine. 485-490 - Daniel D. Abdala, Martin Prüsse, André Germano Regert, Aldo von Wangenheim
Application Protocol for a DICOM Real Time Collaborative System. 490-494 - Rafael Simon Maia, Aldo von Wangenheim
, Luiz Felipe de Souza Nobre:
A Statewide Telemedicine Network for Public Health in Brazil. 495-500 - Upkar Varshney:
Enhancing Wireless Patient Monitoring by Integrating Stored and Live Patient Information. 501-506 - Joshua Proulx, Ryan Clifford, Sarah Sorensen, Dah-Jye Lee, James K. Archibald:
Development and Evaluation of a Bluetooth EKG Monitoring Sensor. 507-511 - Upkar Varshney:
Addressing Un-cooperation of Routers in Wireless Patient Monitoring. 512-517 - Bridget Kane
, Saturnino Luz
Probing the Use and Value of Video for Multi-Disciplinary Medical Teams in Teleconference. 518-523 - Michel Treins, Olivier Curé, Gabriella Salzano:
On the Interest of Using HL7 CDA Release 2 for the Exchange of Annotated Medical Documents. 524-532
ST-1 Bioinformatics and Its Medical Applications
- Haiying Wang
, Huiru Zheng
, Francisco Azuaje:
Computational Approaches to Supporting Large-Scale Analysis of Photoreceptor-Enriched Gene Expression. 533-538 - Nadia Bolshakova, Anton Zamolotskikh, Padraig Cunningham
Comparison of the Data-based and Gene Ontology-Based Approaches to Cluster Validation Methods for Gene Microarrays. 539-543 - Fulvia Ferrazzi
, Paola Sebastiani
, Isaac S. Kohane, Marco Ramoni, Riccardo Bellazzi
Dynamic Bayesian Networks in Modelling Cellular Systems: a Critical Appraisal on Simulated Data. 544-549 - Shakti Gupta, Eric Aslakson, Suzanne D. Vernon:
Identifying a Central Nervous System Perturbation that Explains Peripheral Hypocortisolism by Modeling the HPA Axis. 550-554 - Rafal Kustra, Adam Zagdanski
Incorporating Gene Ontology in Clustering Gene Expression Data. 555-563
ST-10 Temporal Pattern Discovery in Biomedicine
- Ronen Tal-Botzer, Nir Hadaya, Rachel S. Levy-Drummer, Ariel Feiglin, David H. Shalom, Avidan U. Neumann:
Biomathematics Oriented Machine Learning System for Reconstructing Temporal Profiles of Biological or Clinical Markers. 563-568 - Rui Zhang, Parvathi Chundi:
Using Time Decompositions to Analyze PubMed Abstracts. 569-576
ST-11 Ontologies for Biomedical Systems
- Illhoi Yoo, Xiaohua Hu:
Biomedical Ontology MeSH Improves Document Clustering Qualify on MEDLINE Articles: A Comparison Study. 577-582 - Mary E. Dolan, Judith A. Blake
Using Ontology Visualization to Coordinate Cross-species Functional Annotation for Human Disease Genes. 583-587 - Amandeep S. Sidhu
, Tharam S. Dillon, Elizabeth Chang
Advances in Protein Ontology Project. 588-592 - Robert Minchin, Fábio Porto, Christelle Vangenot
, Sven Hartmann:
Symptoms Ontology for Mapping Diagnostic Knowledge Systems. 593-598 - Ramez Elmasri, Feng Ji, Jack Fu, Yiming Zhang, Zoe Raja:
Extending EER Modeling Concepts for Biological Data. 599-604 - Andreas Kupfer, Silke Eckstein, Karl Neumann, Brigitte Mathiak:
A Coevolution Approach for Database Schemas and Related Ontologies. 605-610 - Guang-Lei Song, Yu Qian, Ying Liu, Kang Zhang:
Oasis: A Mapping and Integration Framework for Biomedical Ontologies. 611-616 - Farookh Khadeer Hussain, Amandeep S. Sidhu
, Tharam S. Dillon, Elizabeth Chang
Engineering Trustworthy Ontologies: Case Study of Protein Ontology. 617-622
ST-12 Advances in Medical Simulation
- Gregory A. Thompson, Robert G. Morrison
, Keith J. Holyoak
, Terry K. Clark:
Evaluation of an Online Analogical Patient Simulation Program. 623-628 - Anand P. Santhanam, Cali M. Fidopiastis, Paul Davenport, Katja Langen, Sanford L. Meeks
, Jannick P. Rolland:
Real-Time Simulation and Visualization of Subject-Specific 3D Lung Dynamics. 629-634 - Yi-Je Lim, John Hu, Chu-Yin Chang, Neil Tardella:
Soft Tissue Deformation and Cutting Simulation for the Multimodal Surgery Training. 635-640 - James Anderson, Alok Chaturvedi
, Mike Cibulskis:
Modeling the Health of Refugee Camps: An Agent-Based Computational Approach. 641-645 - Eduardo S. Barriga, Stephen R. Russell
, Michael D. Abràmoff
, Robert Brittain, Russell Waymire, Anne Edwards, Richard Engstrom, Bert Davis, Peter Soliz:
A Training System for Photodynamic Therapy using Modeling and Simulation. 646-652
ST-13 Bioinformatics Visualization in 3D
- Kay C. Wiese, Christina Eicher:
Graph Drawing Tools for Bioinformatics Research: An Overview. 653-658 - Kay C. Wiese, Edward Glen:
jViz.Rna - An Interactive Graphical Tool for Visualizing RNA Secondary Structure Including Pseudoknots. 659-664 - James W. Handley, Ken W. Brodlie
, Richard H. Clayton
Multi-Variate Visualization of Cardiac Virtual Tissue. 665-672
ST-2 Data Mining
- Selina Chu, Shrikanth S. Narayanan, C.-C. Jay Kuo
Efficient Rotation Invariant Retrieval of Shapes with Applications in Medical Databases. 673-678 - Alexey Tsymbal, Mykola Pechenizkiy
, Padraig Cunningham
, Seppo Puuronen:
Handling Local Concept Drift with Dynamic Integration of Classifiers: Domain of Antibiotic Resistance in Nosocomial Infections. 679-684 - Cristina Costa-Santos
, João Bernardes
, Paul M. B. Vitányi, Luis Antunes:
Clustering Fetal Heart Rate Tracings by Compression. 685-690 - Gregor Stiglic
, Matej Mertik, Vili Podgorelec
, Peter Kokol
Using Visual Interpretation of Small Ensembles in Microarray Analysis. 691-695 - Olivier Caelen, Gianluca Bontempi
, Eddy Coussaert, Luc Barvais, François Clément:
Machine Learning Techniques to Enable Closed-Loop Control in Anesthesia. 696-701 - Michele Berlingerio, Francesco Bonchi, Silvia Chelazzi, Michele Curcio, Fosca Giannotti, Fabrizio Scatena:
Mining HLA Patterns Explaining Liver Diseases. 702-707 - Mykola Pechenizkiy
, Alexey Tsymbal, Seppo Puuronen, Oleksandr Pechenizkiy:
Class Noise and Supervised Learning in Medical Domains: The Effect of Feature Extraction. 708-713 - Susan Maskery, Yonghong Zhang, Hai Hu, Craig D. Shriver, Jeffrey Hooke, Michael N. Liebman:
Caffeine Intake, Race, and Risk of Invasive Breast Cancer Lessons Learned from Data Mining a Clinical Database. 714-718 - Lacramioara Dranca, Alfredo Goñi
, Arantza Illarramendi
Using DecisionTrees for Real-Time Ischemia Detection. 719-726
ST-3 Grids for Biomedicine and Bioinformatics
- John D. Ainsworth
, Robert Harper, Ismael Juma, Iain E. Buchan
PsyGrid: Applying e-Science to Epidemiology. 727-732 - Jeroen G. Snel, Sílvia Delgado Olabarriaga, Johan Alkemade, Hugo A. F. Gratama van Andel, Aart J. Nederveen, Charles B. L. M. Majoie, G. J. den Heeten, Marcel van Straten, Robert G. Belleman:
A Distributed Workflow Management System for Automated Medical Image Analysis and Logistics. 733-738 - Giovanni Aloisio
, Massimo Cafaro
, Sandro Fiore
, Maria Mirto:
A Split & Merge Data Management Architecture for a Grid Environment. 739-744 - Richard McClatchey
, David Manset, Tony Solomonides:
Lessons Learned from MammoGrid for Integrated Biomedical Solutions. 745-750 - Erik Lickerman, Lynn Bry
, Neil Herring, Yanni Pandelidis, Nighat Afsheen, Azita Sharif:
Grid-Enabled Bio-Sample Management Application for Data-Intensive Biomarker Analysis. 751-755 - Stephen Langella, Scott Oster, Shannon Hastings, Frank Siebenlist, Tahsin M. Kurç, Joel H. Saltz:
Dorian: Grid Service Infrastructure for Identity Management and Federation. 756-761 - Alfredo Tirado-Ramos, Peter M. A. Sloot:
A Conceptual Grid Architecture for Interactive Biomedical Applications. 762-767 - Sachin Wasnik
, Paul Donachy, Terence J. Harmer, Ronald H. Perrott, Puthen V. Jithesh
, Mark McCurley, Jim Johnston, Michael Townsley, Shane McKee:
GeneGrid: From "Virtual" Bioinformatics Laboratory to "Smart" Bioinformatics Laboratory. 768-776
ST-4 Intelligent Patient Management
- Sally I. McClean
, Malcolm J. Faddy, Peter H. Millard:
Using Markov Models to Assess the Performance of a Health and Community Care System. 777-782 - Adele H. Marshall
, Karen J. Cairns, Frank Kee, Michael J. Moore, Andrew J. Hamilton
, A. A. Jennifer Adgey:
A Monte Carlo Simulation Model to Assess Volunteer Response Times in a Public Access Defibrillation Scheme in Northern Ireland. 783-788 - Eren Demir, Thierry J. Chaussalet
, Haifeng Xie, Peter H. Millard:
A Method for Determining an Emergency Readmission Time Window for Better Patient Management. 789-793 - Gustavo da Gama Torres, Ricardo Poley Martins Ferreira
, Henrique Pacca Loureiro Luna:
Optimization in a Health Care System: a Liver Transplantation Example. 794-799 - Anthony Codrington-Virtue, Thierry J. Chaussalet
, Peter H. Millard, Paul Whittlestone, John Kelly:
A System for Patient Management Based Discrete-Event Simulation and Hierarchical Clustering. 800-804 - Adele H. Marshall
, Ronan Donaghy:
Intelligent Patient Management using Dynamic Models of Clinical Variables. 805-812
ST-5 Analysis and Retrieval of Biomarkers from Large Image Databases
- Pingli Billy Kao, Brian Nutter
Application of Maximum Entropy-Based Image Resizing to Biomedical Imaging. 813-819 - Jian Yao, Sameer K. Antani
, L. Rodney Long, George R. Thoma, Zhongfei Zhang:
Automatic Medical Image Annotation and Retrieval Using SECC. 820-825 - L. Rodney Long, Sameer K. Antani
, Jose Jeronimo, Mark Schiffman, Mike Bopf, Leif Neve, Carl Cornwell, Scott R. Budihas, George R. Thoma:
Technology for Medical Education, Research, and Disease Screening by Exploitation of Biomarkers in a Large Collection of Uterine Cervix Images. 826-831 - Yeshwanth Srinivasan, Brian Nutter, Sunanda Mitra, Benny Phillips, Eric Sinzinger:
Classification of Cervix Lesions Using Filter Bank-Based Texture Mode. 832-840
ST-6 Security, Privacy and Confidentiality - Threats and Challenges to Health Systems
- Adeniyi Onabajo, Jens H. Jahnke:
Properties of Confidentiality Requirements. 841-846 - Ana Ferreira
, Ricardo João Cruz Correia
, Luis Antunes, Pedro Farinha, E. Oliveira-Palhares, David W. Chadwick
, Altamiro da Costa Pereira
How to Break Access Control in a Controlled Manner. 847-854
ST-7 The Use of Open Source Software and Open Document Formats in Health and Medical Systems
- Iryna Bilykh, Jens H. Jahnke, Glen McCallum, Morgan Price:
Using the Clinical Document Architecture as Open Data Exchange Format for Interfacing EMRs with Clinical Decision Support Systems. 855-860 - Kirby Shabaga, Daniel M. Germán:
BioFOSS: a survey of Free/Open Source Software in Bioinformatic. 861-866 - Luciano Silva
, Olga Regina Pereira Bellon, Rubisley de P. Lemes, Jorge Augusto Meira
, Mônica N. L. Cat:
An Image Processing Tool to Support Gestational Age Determination. 867-874
ST-8 Intelligent Analysis of Text and Mulitmedia Data
- Raja Loganantharaj, Vardarajan Badri Narayan:
SemPub: An Ontology Based Semantic Literature Retrieval System. 875-880 - Agma J. M. Traina, Joselene Marques, Caetano Traina Jr.
Fighting the Semantic Gap on CBIR Systems through New Relevance Feedback Techniques. 881-886 - Marcela X. Ribeiro
, Joselene Marques, Agma J. M. Traina, Caetano Traina Jr.
Statistical Association Rules and Relevance Feedback: Powerful Allies to Improve the Retrieval of Medical Images. 887-892 - Wei-bang Chen, Chengcui Zhang
, Wen-Lin Liu:
An Automated Gridding and Segmentation Method for cDNA Microarray Image Analysis. 893-898 - Ives Rene Venturini Pola
, Agma J. M. Traina, Caetano Traina Jr.
Distance Functions Association for Content-Based Image Retrieval using Multiple Comparison Criteria. 899-904 - Jongwoo Kim, Daniel X. Le, George R. Thoma:
Automatic Extraction of Bibliographic Information from Biomedical Online Journal Articles Using a String Matching Algorithm. 905-912
ST-9 Computational Proteomics: Management and Analysis of Proteometics Data
- Pietro Hiram Guzzi, Mario Cannataro
, Marco Gaspari
, Tommaso Mazza
, Barbara Quaresima
, Pierangelo Veltri
, Francesco Saverio Costanzo
Analysis and Classification of Proteomics Data, a Case Study. 913-918 - Frank-Michael Schleif
, Thomas Elssner, Markus Kostrzewa, Thomas Villmann, Barbara Hammer
Analysis and Visualization of Proteomic Data by Fuzzy Labeled Self-Organizing Maps. 919-924 - Agnieszka C. Miguel, John F. Keane, Jeffrey Whiteaker, Heidi Zhang, Amanda G. Paulovich:
Compression of LC/MS Proteomic Data. 925-930 - Luigi Palopoli
, Simona E. Rombo, Giorgio Terracina
, Giuseppe Tradigo, Pierangelo Veltri
JSSPrediction: a Framework to Predict Protein Secondary Structures Using Integration. 931-935 - Alun D. Preece, Binling Jin, Paolo Missier
, Suzanne M. Embury
, David Stead, Al Brown:
Towards the Management of Information Quality in Proteomics. 936-940 - Annalisa Barla
, Bettina Irler, Stefano Merler
, Giuseppe Jurman
, Silvano Paoli, Cesare Furlanello
Proteome Profiling without Selection Bias. 941-946 - Timothy Lee, Rahul Singh, Ten-Yang Yen, Bruce Macher:
MS2DB: An Algorithmic Approach to Determine Disulfide Linkage Patterns. 947-952 - Julien Prados, Alexandros Kalousis, Melanie Hilario:
On Preprocessing of SELDI-MS Data and its Evaluation. 953-958

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