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AFIPS NCC 1978: Anaheim, CA, USA
- Sakti P. Ghosh, Leonard Y. Liu:
American Federation of Information Processing Societies: 1978 National Computer Conference, June 5-8, 1978, Anaheim, CA, USA. AFIPS Conference Proceedings 47, AFIPS Press 1978 - Stephen W. Miller:
Preface. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978 - Leonard Y. Liu, Sakti P. Ghosh:
Introduction. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978 - William F. Rousseau:
Overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1-2 - Thomas R. Rice, C. John Meeske:
Forecasting national gas demand by modeling fuel purchasing decisions for end-use customer groups. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 3-10 - Horace W. Brock:
General equilibrium models for energy policy analysis. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 11-22 - Steven N. Tani:
Decision analysis of the synthetic fuels commercialization program. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 23-30 - Philip F. Schweizer:
A computer model for examining regional peak electric load growth. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 31-38 - Charles K. Westbrook, Leonard C. Haselman:
Computer modeling of automotive engine combustion. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 39-46 - Mounir M. Kamal, Joseph A. Wolf Jr.:
Computer modeling of automotive components and structures. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 47-52 - Harvey S. Price:
The development and application of mathematical model of enhanced oil recovery. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 53-62 - Carl H. Savit:
Geophysical DP requirements could exceed the World's GP capacity by 1985. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 63-66 - R. L. Selzler, R. M. Alford, K. R. Kelly, N. D. Whitmore, H. M. Williams:
Seismic modeling with minicomputers. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 67-72 - R. A. Ternus, A. S. Hoffman:
Present and future applications of computer technology to petroleum exploration. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 73-84 - Frederic C. Billingsley:
Image processing for remote sensing overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 85-86 - William J. Bonner:
Information requirements for natural resource inventories. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 87-92 - Wayne G. Rohde:
Digital image analysis techniques required for natural resource inventories. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 93-106 - Paul A. Tessar:
Digital image analysis applications in state natural resource agencies. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 107-112 - Philip H. Swain:
In perspective - Meeting the image processing challenge for remote sensing. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 113-118 - David G. Goodenough:
Programming hardware for remote sensing image analysis. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 119-129 - Hampapuram K. Ramapriyan, S. H. Chang, R. L. McKinney:
Use of textural features in the analysis of landsat images. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 131-140 - William B. Green:
Applications of digital image processing techniques to problems of data registration and correlation. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 141-150 - Donald C. Brabston, John E. Taber:
Design of pipelined systems for landsat image processing. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 151-157 - Peter A. Bracken, John T. Dalton, John J. Quann, James B. Billingsley:
AOIPS - An interactive image processing system. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 159-171 - Frederic C. Billingsley, Donald T. Lauer:
Remote sensing program in earth resources. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 173-174 - John J. Quann:
NASA and the U.S. climate program - A problem in data management. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 175-180 - George J. McMurtry:
What good is all this data if we can't use it? AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 181-182 - Stephen J. Kohn:
EFTS - Electronic fund transfer system overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 183-184 - Russell H. Dewey:
Systems auditability and control in an EFTS environment. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 185-190 - Rob Kling:
Electronic fund transfer systems and quality of life. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 191-198 - William Key:
Special purpose terminals overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 199-200 - Eric C. Westerfeld:
Decision criteria in terminal product planning. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 201-206 - Donald J. Birmingham:
Making a special purpose terminal work in a general purpose systems environment. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 207-212 - Rein Turn:
Future developments of special purpose terminals. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 213-216 - D. G. Kovar:
The future of special purpose terminals. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 217-222 - Johns F. Rulifson, Donna Williams:
Office automation overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 223-224 - Robert Balzer:
Artifical intelligence overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 225-226 - Edward A. Feigenbaum:
The art of artificial intelligence - Themes and case studies of knowledge engineering. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 227-240 - Douglas B. Lenat:
The ubiquity of discovery. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 241-257 - Peter Szolovits:
The development of clinical expertise in the computer-The evolution of clinical decision-making programs at MIT (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 258 - Harry E. Pople:
The role of hypothetical reasoning in diagnostic problem solving (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 259 - Casimir A. Kulikowski, Sholom M. Weiss:
Strategies of glaucoma treatment planning (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 259 - John C. Kunz, Lawrence M. Fagan, R. J. Fallat, D. H. McClung, J. S. Aikins, H. Penny Nii, Edward A. Feigenbaum, John J. Osborn:
Use of artificial intelligence for interpretation of physiological measurements-Pulmonary function diagnosis and I.C.U. ventialator (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 260 - Mark Stefik, Peter Friedland:
Machine inference for molecular genetics-Methods and applications (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 261 - Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, René Reboh:
A computer-based consultant for mineral exploration (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 261-262 - Philip London:
A dependency-based modelling mechanism for problem solving. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 263-274 - S. Srinivas:
Error recovery in robots through failure reason analysis. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 275-282 - William M. van Cleemput:
Design automation and computer graphics overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 283-284 - Ken Loosemore:
IC design - Misery or magic. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 285-288 - John Williams:
STICKS - A graphical compiler for high level LSl design. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 289-296 - Ning Nan, Michael Feuer:
A method for the automatic wiring of LSl chips. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 297-302 - A. Feller, Richard B. Noto:
A speed oriented fully automatic layout program for random logic VLSI devices. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 303-311 - Gerald Estrin:
A methodology for the design of digital systems-Supported by SARA at the age of one. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 313-324 - Ivan M. Campos, Gerald Estrin:
SARA aided design of software for concurrent systems. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 325-336 - T. J. Reno:
The GM network station - A low cost graphics system for body tooling. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 337-342 - Vernon R. Pearl:
Computer aided design (CAD) mechnical data automation (TDA). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 343-352 - Bruce H. Inman:
The Boeing electronic computer aided design system. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 353-356 - Jim C. Warren Jr.:
Home and hobbying computing overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 357-358 - Portia Isaacson:
Personal Computing - A little past and a lot of future. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 359-363 - Jef Raskin:
Personal computers - Hardware, software and documentation. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 363-364 - John McLeod:
Simulation overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 365-366 - Norman F. Schneidewind:
Emulation - Tool for software development. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 367-372 - Joel Goldberg, Alvin S. Cooperband, Louis Gallenson:
PRIM system - A framework for emulation-based debugging tools. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 373-378 - Donald A. Deel, A. Burkhard:
Amicroprogrammed AN/UYK-20(V) emulation. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 379-384 - Elmer G. Gilbert, Robert M. Howe:
Design considerations in a multiprocessor computer for continuous system simulation. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 385-394 - John M. Dawson, Robert W. Huff, Cheng-Chin Wu:
Plasma simulation on the UCLA CHI computer system. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 395-408 - John Steinhoff:
Multiple microcomputer systems for solving certain fluid flow problems. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 409-416 - Audrey N. Grosch:
Selecting a minicomputer system (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 417 - Charles M. Goldstein:
Library automation program at the Lister Hill National Center for biomedical communication (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 417 - Karl Maurice Pearson Jr.:
Minicomputers in library networking (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 417- - Stephen R. Kimbleton:
Performance measurement and evaluation overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 421-424 - David F. Stevens:
How to improve your performance through obfuscatory measurement. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 425-432 - Richard J. Cieslowski:
Perceptions of performance. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 433-428 - Ronnie G. Ward, Becky B. Turner, Galeyn Joe Hubbard:
Effects of peripheral processor wait list positioning on system performance. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 439-446 - Jeffrey P. Buzen, Robert P. Goldberg, Arthur M. Langer, Elizabeth S. Lentz, Holger S. Schwenk, Deborah A. Sheetz, Annie W. Shum:
BEST/1 - Design of a tool for computer system capacity planning. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 447-455 - Robert L. Mead, Herbert D. Schwetman:
Job scripts - A workload description based on system event data. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 457-464 - Ashok K. Agrawala, Jeffrey M. Mohr:
Predicting the workload of a computer system. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 465-472 - Manfred Ruschitzka:
Performance evaluation of nonpreemptive response-ratio schedulers. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 473-482 - John E. Shore:
Derivation of equilibrium and time-dependent solution to M/M/00/N and M/M/oo queueing systems using entropy maximization. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 483-488 - We-Min Chow:
The cycle time of a class of closed queueing network models. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 489-494 - Shirley Ward Watkins, Stephen R. Kimbleton:
Network access technology - A perspective. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 495-504 - Stephen F. Lundstrom:
Adaptive random data generation for computer software testing. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 505-512 - Richard L. Nolan:
DP management and administration overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 513-514 - James F. Towsen:
Time management for the data processing professional (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 515-516 - Richard L. Nolan:
Organizational response and information technology. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 517-524 - Dorothy E. Denning:
Are statistical databases secure? AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 525-530 - Lance J. Hoffman, Eric H. Michelman, Don Clements:
SECURATE - Security evaluation and analysis using fuzzy metrics. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 531-540 - John A. Zachman:
The information systems management system - A framework for information systems planning (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 541 - Daniel S. Appleton:
A data model approach to business systems planning and control (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 542 - Michael J. Kirrene:
Information systems planning in the non-planning environment (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 542 - William Dutton:
Apolitical perspective on computers in local government (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 543 - James Danziger:
Service provider or skill bureaucracy? - The data processing function in local government (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 543 - Einar Steffereud:
Useful application of politics in computing (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 544 - Jim A. Sutton:
Organizational considerations in DP resource allocation (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 544- - Peter Freeman:
Software development methodology overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 547-548 - William E. Riddle, John H. Sayler, Alan R. Segal, Allan M. Stavely, Jack C. Wileden:
A description scheme to aid the design of collections of concurrent processes. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 549554 - Martin Freeman, Walter W. Jacobs, Leon S. Levy:
On the construction of interactive systems. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 555-562 - John G. Robinson, Eric S. Roberts:
Software fault-tolerance in the Pluribus. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 563-570 - Guy de Balbine:
MTR - A tool for displaying the global structure of software systems. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 571-580 - Earl Chrysler:
The impact of program and programmer characteristics on program size. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 581-588 - Ronald J. Price:
Multlprocessmg made easy. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 589-596 - Ned Chapin:
Data accessablility in structured programmmg. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 597-604 - William G. Bail, Marvin V. Zelkowitz:
Program complexity using hierarchical abstract computers. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 605-608 - David J. Panzl:
A language for specifying software tests. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 609-620 - Barry L. Bateman, Chadwick H. Nestman:
A software quality plan for higher education - An abstract. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 621-622 - Timothy A. Budd, Richard J. Lipton, Richard A. DeMillo, Frederick G. Sayward:
The design of a prototype mutation system for program testing. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 623-629 - Donald J. Reifer:
Experience with PSL/PSA (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 630 - Donn Combelic:
Experience with SADT (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 631 - J. A. Rader:
Experience with an application of structured design (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 633- - Charles M. Bernstein:
Experience with Exxon's implementation of the Jackson program design method (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 636 - F. Terry Baker:
Initial experience with a methodology for correct program design (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 637 - Susan Voight:
Experience with the IPAD software development methodology (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 638- - Jack Goldberg:
Formal methods in programming and microprogramming overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 641-642 - David A. Patterson:
An approach to firmware engineering. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 643-648 - C. J. Tan:
Code optimization techniques for micro-code compilers. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 649-656 - William C. Carter, William H. Joyner Jr., Daniel Brand:
Microprogram verification considered necessary. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 657-664 - Lawrence Robinson:
Formalism can help you (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 665 - Ellis Horowitz:
Software design by algebraic specification (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 666 - Barbara H. Liskov:
Practical benefits of research in programming methodology (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 666 - Donald I. Good:
Beyond factorial (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 667-668 - Robert Balzer:
Automatic programming overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 669-670 - Robert Balzer, Neil M. Goldman, David Wile:
Informality in program specifications. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 671-672 - Cordell Green:
The PSI program synthesis system, 1978 - An abstract. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 673-674 - Gregory R. Ruth:
Protosystem I - An automatic programming system prototype. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 675-682 - Zohar Manna, Richard Waldinger:
DEDALUS - The DEDuctive ALgorithm Ur-Synthesizer. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 683-690 - Paul Rovner:
Automatic representation selection for associative data structures. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 691-702 - Elaine Kant:
Efficiency estimation - Controlling search in program synthesis. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 703-704 - David Wile, Robert Balzer:
Transformational implementation. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 705-706 - Thomas A. Standish:
The future of automatic programming (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 707 - Michael Hammer:
The impact of automatic programming research (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 708-710 - Norman M. Abramson, Eugene R. Cacciamani:
Data networks overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 711-712 - David J. Horton:
Challenges in the planning of international communications. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 713-716 - Phillip C. Onstad:
The need for continuation of full-period transparent private-line service. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 717-720 - Ronald W. McCabe:
Satellite business systems innovative services for business communications. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 721-726 - James G. Potter:
Emerging markets for satellite data communications in the public service. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 727-734 - Donald J. O'Rourke:
Packet switching services for the Autodin community. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 735-746 - Norman R. Nielsen, Ronald Segal:
Implications of a national computer network for higher education and science research. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 747-754 - Gilbert Falk:
A comparison of network architectures - The ARPANET and SNA. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 755-764 - Stanley R. Ames Jr., Donald R. Oestreicher:
Design of a message processing system for a multilevel secure environment. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 765-772 - Stephen R. Kimbleton, Helen M. Wood, M. L. Fitzgerald:
Network operating systems - An implementation approach. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 773-782 - Wesley W. Chu, Brandon Iffla, David Lee:
A distributed processing system for naval data communication networks. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 783-794 - W. Chou, F. Ferrante, M. Balagangadhar:
Integrated optimization of distributed processing networks. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 795-812 - Mamoru Maekawa, Satoru Ishii:
An extensible distributed data base system. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 813-822 - Eric D. Carlson, Mary C. Smyly:
Practical problems in a distributed application. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 823-828 - Lester Stubbs:
Installing IBM 3790's in a manufacturing environment (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 829 - Michael C. Dowling:
Distributed data processing in a clerical environment (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 829 - Mario Calderin:
Distributed systems in retrospect - Lessons we learned the hard way (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 830 - Charles W. Bachman:
Data base management systems overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 831-832 - Toby J. Teorey, Lewis B. Oberlander:
Network database evaluation using analytical modeling. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 833-842 - Richardo A. Duhne, Dennis G. Severance:
Selection efficiency combination of data files for a multiuser data base. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 843-848 - Charles J. Prenner, Lawrence A. Rowe:
Programming languages for relational database systems. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 849-856 - Stanley Y. W. Su, Michael J. Reynolds:
Conversion of high-Ievel sublanguage queries to account for database changes. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 857-876 - Paul Oliver:
Guidelines to software conversion. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 877-886 - James P. Fry, Edward W. Birss, Peter Dressen, Nancy H. Goguen, Michael M. Kaplan, Eugene I. Lowenthal, Vincent Y. Lum, Robert Marion, Shamkant B. Navathe, Steven J. Schindler, Arie Shoshani, Stanley Y. W. Su, Donald E. Swartwout, Robert W. Taylor, Beatrice Yormark:
An assessment of the technology for data- and program-related conversion. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 887-908 - Distributed data base technology - An interim report of the CODASYL Systems Committee. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 909-918
- Charles W. Bachman:
Commentary on CODASYL Systems Committee's interim report on distributed database technology. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 919-922 - C. V. Ramamoorthy, Gordon Bell:
Computer architecture overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 923-924 - Tse-Yun Feng:
Intra-computer standards. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 925-926 - Herbert Hecht:
Software standards - With hints of their relation to computer architecture. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 927-930 - J. Reese Brown Jr.:
Standards for semiconductor memory. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 931-934 - Tom Pittman, Robert G. Stewart:
Microprocessor standards. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 935-938 - William A. Wulf, Samuel P. Harbison:
Reflections in a pool of processors - An experience report on C.mmp/Hydra. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 939-952 - C. V. Ramamoorthy, Gary S. Ho:
A design methodology for user oriented computer systems. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 953-966 - William D. Strecker:
VAX-11/780 - A virtual address extension to the DEC PDP-11 family. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 967-980 - Charles R. Vick, Jack Cornell:
PEPE architecture - present and future. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 981-992 - Michael P. Mariani, Eric James Henry:
PEPE - A user's viewpoint - A powerful real time adjunct. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 993-1002 - King-Sun Fu:
Special computer architecture for pattern recognition and image processing - An overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1003-1014 - Björn Kruse:
Experience with a picture processor in pattern recognition processing. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1015-1024 - Ken-ichi Mori, Masatsugu Kidode, Hidenori Shinoda, Haruo Asada:
Design of local parallel pattern processor for image processing. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1025-1032 - Tadao Ichikawa, Ken Sakamura, Hideo Aiso:
A multi-processor ARES with associative processing capability on semantic data bases. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1033-1040 - Jerry L. Potter:
The STARAN architecture and its application to image processing and pattern recognition algorithms. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1041-1048 - Michael D. Shapiro:
The criterion COBOL system. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1049-1054 - Michael J. B. Duff:
Review of the CLIP image processing system. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1055-1060 - Vir Dhaka:
Evolution of new hardware technology overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1061-1062 - Charles Boettcher:
Semiconductor RAMS of the future. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1063-1066 - J. Egil Juliussen:
Bubbles and CCD memories - Solid state mass storage. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1067-1076 - Michael A. Harrison:
Programming and operating systems overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1077-1078 - Gerald J. Popek, Charles S. Kline:
Issues in kernel design. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1079-1086 - Peter G. Neumann:
Computer system - Security evaluation. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1087-1096 - Jean E. Sammet:
History of programming languages (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1097-1098 - George N. Baird, Margaret M. Cook, Roger J. Gorg:
COBOL - The 1980 standard, a preview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1099-1106 - Margaret M. Cook:
Database facility for COBOL 80. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1107-1112 - L. Arnold Johnson, Patrick M. Hoyt, George N. Baird:
COBOL - Its relationship with other American national standards. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1113-1118 - Carl H. Meyer:
Ciphertext/plaintext and ciphertext/key dependence vs. number of rounds for the data encryption standard. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1119-1126 - Robert J. Flynn, Anthony S. Campasano:
Data dependent keys for a selective encryption terminal. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1127-1130 - Martin E. Hellman:
Security in communication networks. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1131-1136 - Susan Hubbell Nycum:
Legislation and its impact overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1137-1138 - Willard V. Handley:
Software house in the big house. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1139-1144 - Donn B. Parker:
Computer security differences for accidental and intentionally caused losses. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1145-1150 - Susan Hubbell Nycum:
Anatomy of a computer crime. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1151-1156 - Philip S. Nyborg:
Federal policy and the future of computer communications services (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1157-1158 - David C. Rine:
Computing careers and education overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1159-1160 - Frederick A. Gluckson:
A treatment - Professional development. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1161-1166 - Delbert W. Atwood Jr.:
Professionalism in data processing management. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1167-1170 - Eugene B. Smith:
Professionalism - A question of semantics. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1171-1174 - Roland D. Spaniol:
Continuing education opportunities - A mark of a profession. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1175-1178 - G. Gary Casper:
So you think you are a professional?. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1179-1184 - Thelma Estrin:
Designing and debugging careers for women in the computer industry (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1185-1186 - Orlando S. Madrigal:
Computers in early education panel overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1187-1187 - Alan C. Kay:
Programming for children on a personal computer (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1188 - David G. Moursund:
Computer science education for preservice elementary school teachers (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1188 - John Maniotes:
The state of high school data processing programs (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1188 - William G. Lane:
Cost effectiveness of the use of computers for high school education (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1189 - A. M. Banks:
Teaching micro-computers in high school (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1189-1190 - John W. Hamblen:
Computer education in higher education - Status, alternatives and needs. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1191-1196 - Gerald L. Engel, Oscar N. Garcia:
Computer science and computer engineering - A review and overview of curriculum development. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1197-1204 - Joyce Currie Little:
The status of computer education in the community and junior colleges - Needs and alternatives. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1205-1208 - Kathryn L. Schenk, James R. Pinkert:
Buisiness/computer science curricula - A survey. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1209-1212 - C. V. Ramamoorthy:
A brief survey of computer science and engineering education. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1213-1216 - Don B. Medley:
Accreditation of community college data processing programs (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1217 - Eugene B. Smith:
Accreditation - Problems and perspective (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1218 - Thomas H. Athey:
Accreditation - A university perspective (Abstract of presentation). AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1218-1220 - Hideo Aiso:
Recent progress in japan overview. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1221-1222 - Eiichi Goto, Takashi Soma, Masanori Idesawa, Tateaki Sasaki:
Electron beam lithography for advanced LSl fabrication. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1223-1228 - Takuo Sugano:
Semiconductor technology in Japan. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1229-1234 - Osamu Ishii:
The development of computers in Japan. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1235-1242 - Kanjiro Koshi, Kimio Ibuki:
Remote data processing in Japan. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1243-1248 - Yoshiro Hayashi, Shigeo Yokota, Taizo Nauchi:
Train operation control system for high-speed railway. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1249-1254 - Hajime lizuka, Yutaka Hayashi, Keikichi Tamaru, Hisashi Hara:
Development of a high-performance universal computing element - PULCE. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1255-1264 - Toru Mikami:
CACS - Urban traffic control system featuring computer control. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1265-1272 - Y. Matsumoto, O. Sasaki, T. Sumi:
A distributed processing system and its application to industrial control. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1978: 1273-

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