- Marinella Coco, Andrea Buscemi, Claudia Savia Guerrera
, Chiara Licitra, Emanuele Pennisi, Valentina Vettor, Luca Rizzi, Paola Bovo, Paola Fecarotta, Silvia Dell'Orco, Benedetta Muzii
, Mario Bottone, Maria Bellomo, Donatella di Corrado
Touch and communication in the institutionalized elderly. CogInfoCom 2019: 451-458 - Cristina A. Costescu
, Adrian Rosan, Brigitta Nagy, Andrea Hathazi, Attila Kovari, Jozsef Katona
, Robert Demeter
, Ilona Heldal, Carsten Helgesen, Serge Thill
, Igor Efrem:
Assessing Visual Attention in Children Using GP3 Eye Tracker. CogInfoCom 2019: 343-348 - Cristina A. Costescu
, Adrian Rosan, Brigitta Nagy, Andrea Hathazi, Attila Kovari, Jozsef Katona
, Ilona Heldal, Carsten Helgesen, Serge Thill
, Robert Demeter
Emotion recognition in typical and atypical development - a technology-based paradigm. CogInfoCom 2019: 349-352 - Ádám B. Csapó:
Deep Metacyclic Parameter Search: Non-Convex optimization Based on Evolutionary Computing with a Few Twists. CogInfoCom 2019: 247-252 - Virág Csizmazia, Sára Mezei:
MaxWhere VR Learning at the Patrona Hungariae Secondary School. CogInfoCom 2019: 603-604 - Márk Danisovszky, Tibor Nagy, Kristóf Répás, Gábor Kusper:
Western Canon of Software Engineering: The Abstract Principles. CogInfoCom 2019: 153-156 - Razieh Darshi, Alireza Khayatian
, Maryam Dehghani, Reza Boostani
Modelling and Control of Paraplegic Subjects Walking Using Functional Electrical Stimulation. CogInfoCom 2019: 113-118 - Robert Demeter
, Attila Kovari, Jozsef Katona
, Ilona Heldal, Cristina A. Costescu
, Adrian Rosan, Andrea Hathazi, Serge Thill
A quantitative study of using Cisco Packet Tracer simulation software to improve IT students' creativity and outcomes. CogInfoCom 2019: 353-358 - Robert Demeter
, Attila Kovari, Jozsef Katona
, Ilona Heldal, Cristina A. Costescu
, Adrian Rosan, Andrea Hathazi, Serge Thill
The use of cognitive maps in product development. CogInfoCom 2019: 359-362 - Modar Dergham, Attila Gilányi:
Application of Virtual Reality in Kinematics Education. CogInfoCom 2019: 107-112 - Modar Dergham, Attila Gil'nyi:
On a System of Virtual Spaces for Teaching Kinematics. CogInfoCom 2019: 411-414 - Eva Dulau, Chrisna Botha-Ravyse, Mika Luimula:
Virtual reality for physical rehabilitation: A Pilot study How will virtual reality change physical therapy? CogInfoCom 2019: 277-282 - Eva Dulau, Chrisna R. Botha-Ravyse, Mika Luimula, Panagiotis Markopoulos
, Evangelos Markopoulos
, Kimmo Tarkkanen
A virtual reality game for cognitive impairment screening in the elderly: a user perspective. CogInfoCom 2019: 403-410 - Igor Efrem, Magnar Høyvik, Ilona Heldal, Carsten Helgesen, Attila Kovari, Jozsef Katona
, Cristina A. Costescu
, Adrian Rosan, Andrea Hathazi, Robert Demeter
, Serge Thill
Mobile Application Helps Planning Activities during Pregnancy. CogInfoCom 2019: 339-342 - Mads Gjerstad Eide, Ruben Watanabe, Ilona Heldal, Carsten Helgesen, Atle Birger Geitung, Harald Soleim:
Detecting oculomotor problems using eye tracking: Comparing EyeX and TX300. CogInfoCom 2019: 381-388 - Mostafa Elgendy
, Miklós Herperger, Tibor Guzsvinecz
, Cecilia Sik-Lányi:
Indoor Navigation for People with Visual Impairment using Augmented Reality Markers. CogInfoCom 2019: 425-430 - Ferenc Erdós
Economical Aspects of UX Design and Development. CogInfoCom 2019: 211-214 - Anna Esposito
, Terry Amorese
, Michele Buonanno, Marialucia Cuciniello, Antonietta Maria Esposito
, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy
, Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Maria Teresa Riviello, Alda Troncone, Gennaro Cordasco
Handwriting and Drawing Features for Detecting Personality Traits. CogInfoCom 2019: 79-84 - Tord Hettervik Frøland, Elisabeth Ersvær
, Gry Sjøholt, Ilona Heldal, Anne Hjellbrekke Frèyen, Shangavi Logeswaran, Attila Kovari, Jozsef Katona
, Cristina A. Costescu
, Adrian Rosan, Andrea Hathazi:
mStikk - A Mobile Application for Learning Phlebotomy. CogInfoCom 2019: 499-506 - Dalma Geszten, Balázs Péter Hámornik, Károly Hercegfi
Usability evaluation of a collaborative design software in the wild. CogInfoCom 2019: 101-106 - Attila Gilányi, Anna Rácz, Anna Mária Bólya
, Katarzyna Chmielewska
Early History of Hungarian Ballet in Virtual Reality. CogInfoCom 2019: 193-198 - Milan Gnjatovic
, Nemanja Macek, Sasa Z. Adamovic:
A Non-Connectionist Two-Stage Approach to Digit Recognition in the Presence of Noise. CogInfoCom 2019: 15-20 - Peter beim Graben, Ronald Römer, Werner Meyer, Markus Huber, Matthias Wolff:
Reinforcement Learning of Minimalist Numeral Grammars. CogInfoCom 2019: 67-72 - Monica Gruosso
, Nicola Capece
, Ugo Erra, Nunzio Lopardo:
A Deep Learning approach for the Motion Picture Content Rating. CogInfoCom 2019: 137-142 - Harish Gunasekaran
Multimodal enactive interface: Design principles grounded on cognitive neuroscientific basis. CogInfoCom 2019: 397-402 - Harish Gunasekaran
Multimodal enactive interface: A side vision to support the main vision of Industry 4.0. CogInfoCom 2019: 545-550 - Tibor Guzsvinecz
, Monika Szeles, Erika Perge
, Cecilia Sik-Lányi:
Preparing spatial ability tests in a virtual reality application. CogInfoCom 2019: 363-368 - Attila Hideg, László Blázovics, Bertalan Forstner:
Uniform Dispersal of Cheap Flying Robots. CogInfoCom 2019: 227-232 - Daniel Hládek
, Ján Stas, Stanislav Ondás:
Comparison of Recurrent Neural Networks for Slovak Punctuation Restoration. CogInfoCom 2019: 95-100 - Ildikó Horváth
How To Develop Excellent Educational Content for 3D VR. CogInfoCom 2019: 483-490