- 1995
- Imtiaz Ahmad, Muhammad K. Dhodhi, Kassem Saleh:
An evolutionary technique for local microcode compaction. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(8): 467-474 (1995) - Rana Ejaz Ahmed
Cascade signature and syndrome compression. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(3): 161-163 (1995) - Mehmet B. Akhan, Ömer A. Yedekçioglu:
A RISC based protocol converter for IBM mainframes. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(4): 223-229 (1995) - Ioannis Andreadis, K. Stavroglou, Philippos Tsalides:
Design and VLSI implementation of an ASIC for real-time manipulation of digital colour images. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(5): 247-253 (1995) - Alberto Bartoli
, Gianluca Dini
Implementing distributed process farms. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(7): 413-422 (1995) - B. Bauer, C. Bouvier:
Real-time Ada applications with silicon executives. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(2): 83-88 (1995) - Gordon Belcher:
Differences between civil and military electronic flight control systems. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(2): 67-74 (1995) - Dominique Brière, Christian Favre, Pascal Traverse:
A family of fault-tolerant systems: electrical flight controls, from Airbus A320/330/340 to future military transport aircraft. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(2): 75-82 (1995) - Dominique Brière, D. Ribot, Daniel Pilaud, J.-L. Camus:
Method and specification tools for Airbus onboard systems. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(9): 511-515 (1995) - M. H. Cheung, K. M. Shea, Francis C. M. Lau:
A technique for process pre-emption in the transputer. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(1): 51-56 (1995) - Marco Chirico, Ermanno Di Zitti, Giacomo M. Bisio:
A linear rotation based solution of large systems on a transputer array. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(6): 321-326 (1995) - A. Cook:
ARINC 653 - Challenges of the present and future. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(10): 575-579 (1995) - K. P. Dawson, A. J. Lee:
Performance engineering - how well does it really work? Microprocess. Microsystems 19(2): 95-99 (1995) - Rabin Deka:
A comprehensive study of digital signal processing devices. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(4): 209-221 (1995) - Muhammad K. Dhodhi, Imtiaz Ahmad, Robert H. Storer:
SHEMUS: synthesis of heterogeneous multiprocessor systems. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(6): 311-319 (1995) - Brian Dickinson:
VHDL '92: The new features of the VHDL hardware description language : Jean-Michel Bergé, Alain Fonkoua, Serge Maginot and Jacques Rouillard Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dortrecht, The Netherlands (1993) ISBN 0 7923 9356 2, Dfl 180.00, £65.50, pp214. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(2): 106-107 (1995) - Brian Dipert, Ken McKee:
Performance benefits and power/energy savings of 28FOl6XS-based system designs. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(8): 481-487 (1995) - Kemal Efe
Statistical analysis of parallel randomized algorithms for VLSI placement and implementation on workstation networks. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(6): 341-349 (1995) - J. R. Elphick, Tim Clarke
, S. T. Lawes:
A high-performance analogue input/output system for transputer applications. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(1): 3-8 (1995) - António de Brito Ferrari:
Sparc® architecture, assembly language programming, & C : Richard P Paul Prentice-Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA (1994) ISBN 0 13 876889 7, £34.75, 448 pp. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(2): 105-106 (1995) - Alessandro Gandelli, Vincenzo Piuri:
Design and implementation of a massively parallel architecture for high-level electronic measurements. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(6): 361-373 (1995) - William A. Gowan:
Optical character recognition using fuzzy logic. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(7): 423-434 (1995) - Ian Andrew Grout, S. E. Burge, A. P. Dorey:
Design and testing of a PI controller ASIC. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(1): 15-22 (1995) - Richard P. Halverson Jr., Art Lew:
FPGAs for expression level parallel processing. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(9): 533-540 (1995) - Timo Hämäläinen, Jukka Saarinen, Kimmo Kaski
TUTNC: a general purpose parallel computer for neural network computations. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(8): 447-465 (1995) - Michael A. Hennell, J. Alan Prudom:
A dual viewpoint software test tool. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(2): 101-104 (1995) - H. H. Hesselink:
A comparison of standards for software engineering based on DO-178B for certification of avionics systems. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(10): 559-563 (1995) - James E. L. Hollis, T. E. Cronk:
Transputer implementation of interpolators for radar image transformations. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(4): 179-183 (1995) - Z. Hu, G. A. King:
A bit-level systolic implementation of the median filter. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(4): 185-186 (1995) - Larry Hughes, Glenn Stoddart:
Fault-tolerant process tracking in Lego. Microprocess. Microsystems 19(8): 475-479 (1995)