- 2007
- Aaron Adler, Randall Davis:
Speech and sketching for multimodal design. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 14 - Ileana Anca Alexe, Loic Barthe, Marie-Paule Cani, Véronique Gaildrat:
Shape modeling by sketching using convolution surfaces. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 39 - Christine Alvarado:
Multi-domain sketch understanding. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 7 - Christine Alvarado, Ned Burns, Howard Chen, Jason Fennell, Sarah Harris, Max Pfleuger, Devin Smith, Paul Wais, Matt Weiner, Aaron Wolin:
Sketch understanding systems. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 3 - Christine Alvarado, Randall Davis:
Resolving ambiguities to create a natural computer-based sketching environment. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 16 - Christine Alvarado, Randall Davis:
Dynamically constructed Bayes nets for multi-domain sketch understanding. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 33 - Christine Alvarado, Randall Davis:
SketchREAD: a multi-domain sketch recognition engine. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 34 - Johan Andersson:
Terrain rendering in frostbite using procedural shader splatting. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 38-58 - Ed Angel, Dave Shreiner, Vicki Shreiner:
An interactive introduction to OpenGL programming. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 1-124 - Okan Arikan:
Irradiance decomposition. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 10 - Stefan Müller Arisona:
Live performance tools: part II. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 73-126 - Mike Bailey, Andrew S. Glassner:
Introduction to SIGGRAPH and computer graphics. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 1 - Daniel Barrero:
Porting game engines to Direct3D 10: Relic Entertainment's Company of Heroes. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 223-249 - Oliver Bimber, Ramesh Raskar:
Modern approaches to augmented reality Video files associated with this course are available from the citation page. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 1 - Mario Botsch, Mark Pauly
, Leif Kobbelt, Pierre Alliez, Bruno Lévy, Stephan Bischoff, Christian Rössl:
Geometric modeling based on polygonal meshes Video files associated with this course are available from the citation page. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 1 - Chas. Boyd:
The Direct3D 10 pipeline. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 52-109 - Chas. Boyd:
Performance tuning for Direct3D 10. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 322-368 - Rob Bredow, David Schaub, Daniel Kramer, Matthew Hausman, Danny Dimian, R. Stirling Duguid:
Surf's up: the making of an animated documentary. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 1-123 - Robert Bridson, Matthias Müller-Fischer:
Fluid simulation: SIGGRAPH 2007 course notesVideo files associated with this course are available from the citation page. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 1-81 - Ian Buck:
GPU computing with NVIDIA CUDA. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 6 - Han Cho:
Dressing and modeling food. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 7-21 - Wagner Toledo Corrêa, James T. Klosowski, Christopher J. Morris, Thomas M. Jackmann:
SPVN: a new application framework for interactive visualization of large datasets. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 6 - Andries van Dam, Sascha Becker, Rosemary Michelle Simpson:
Next-generation educational software: why we need it & a research agenda for getting it. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 32 - Andrew Davidhazy:
Camera for conical peripheral and panoramic photography. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 4 - Andrew Davidhazy:
Scanning photographic processes. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 5 - James Davis, Maneesh Agrawala, Erika Chuang, Zoran Popovic, David Salesin:
A sketching interface for articulated figure animation. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 23 - Andreas Dietrich, Philipp Slusallek:
Massive model visualization using realtime ray tracing. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 10 - Shannon Drone:
Real-time particle systems on the GPU in dynamic environments. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 80-96 - Jacob Eisenstein, Randall Davis:
Visual and linguistic information in gesture classification. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 15 - Christos Faloutsos, Jessica K. Hodgins, Nancy S. Pollard
Database techniques with motion capture. SIGGRAPH Courses 2007: 1