- 1987
- Rolf Bahlke, Bernhard Moritz, Gregor Snelting:
A generator for language-specific debugging systems. PLDI 1987: 92-101 - Jonas Barklund:
Efficient interpretation of Prolog programs. PLDI 1987: 132-137 - Hans-Juergen Boehm:
Constructive real interpretation of numerical programs. PLDI 1987: 214-221 - Benjamin B. Chase, Robert T. Hood:
Selective interpretation as a technique for debugging computationally intensive programs. PLDI 1987: 113-124 - Christopher F. Clark:
The JADE interpreter: a RISC interpreter for syntax directed editing. PLDI 1987: 222-228 - James R. Cordy, T. C. Nicholas Graham:
Design of an interpretive environment for Turing. PLDI 1987: 199-204 - Olivier Danvy
Memory allocation and higher-order functions. PLDI 1987: 241-252 - Jack W. Davidson, Joseph V. Gresh:
Cint: a RISC interpreter for the C programming language. PLDI 1987: 189-198 - J. Dana Eckart, Richard J. LeBlanc:
Distributed garbage collection. PLDI 1987: 264-273 - Antony A. Faustini, William W. Wadge:
An eductive interpreter for Lucid. PLDI 1987: 86-91 - David Gelernter, Suresh Jagannathan, Thomas London:
Parallelism, persistence and meta-cleanliness in the symmetric Lisp interpreter. PLDI 1987: 274-282 - Henry Harr, Martha W. Evens, James Sprowl:
Interpreting ABF - a language for document construction. PLDI 1987: 205-213 - Miquel Huguet, Tomás Lang, Yuval Tamir:
A block-and-actions generator as an alternative to a simulator for collecting architecture measurements. PLDI 1987: 14-25 - Gregory F. Johnson:
GL-a denotational testbed with continuations and partial continuations as first-class objects. PLDI 1987: 165-176 - Raghu Karinthi, Mark D. Weiser:
Incremental re-execution of programs. PLDI 1987: 38-44 - Phil Kearns, Chris Cipriani, Mitzi Freeman:
CCAL: An interpreted language for experimentation in concurrent control. PLDI 1987: 283-291 - Kai Koskimies, Jukka Paakki:
TOOLS: a unifying approach to object-oriented language interpretation. PLDI 1987: 153-164 - Andreas Krall:
Implementation of a high-speed Prolog interpreter. PLDI 1987: 125-131 - Bernard Lang, Francis Dupont:
Incremental incrementally compacting garbage collection. PLDI 1987: 253-263 - Cathy May:
Mimic: a fast system/370 simulator. PLDI 1987: 1-13 - J. Eliot B. Moss:
Managing stack frames in Smalltalk. PLDI 1987: 229-240 - David Notkin, William G. Griswold
Enhancement through extension: the extension interpreter. PLDI 1987: 45-55 - Janalee O'Bagy, Ralph E. Griswold:
A recursive interpreter for the Icon programming language. PLDI 1987: 138-149 - A. Jefferson Offutt, K. N. King:
A Fortran 77 interpreter for mutation analysis. PLDI 1987: 177-188 - Thomas Pittman:
Two-level hybrid interpreter/native code execution for combined space-time program efficiency. PLDI 1987: 150-152 - Arch Douglas Robison:
The Illinois functional programming interpreter. PLDI 1987: 64-73 - Stan Shebs, Robert R. Kessler:
Automatic design and implementation of language data types. PLDI 1987: 26-37 - Stephen K. Skedzielewski, Robert Kim Yates, R. R. Oldehoeft:
DI: an interactive debugging interpreter for applicative languages. PLDI 1987: 102-112 - Robert S. Sutor, Richard D. Jenks:
The type inference and coercion facilities in the scratchpad II interpreter. PLDI 1987: 56-63 - Richard C. Waters:
Efficient interpretation of synchronizable series expressions. PLDI 1987: 74-85