- 1996
- James F. Allen:
Automatic Hypertext Link Typing. Hypertext 1996: 42-52 - Ajit Bapat, Jürgen Wäsch, Karl Aberer, Jörg M. Haake:
HyperStorM: An Extendable Object-Oriented Hypermedia Engine. Hypertext 1996: 203-214 - Mark Bernstein, George P. Landow, Elli Mylonas, John B. Smith:
The Process of Discovery: Hypertext and Scholarship. Hypertext 1996: 258 - Howard Besser, Michael Bieber, Paul De Bra, Frank Dignum, Gary Hill, Les Carr, David De Roure
, Wendy Hall, Norbert A. Streitz
, Steven J. DeRoss:
World-Wide Web Authoring and Collaboration. Hypertext 1996: 262 - John F. Buford:
Evaluating HyTime: An Examination and Implementation Experience. Hypertext 1996: 105-115 - Wojciech Cellary, David G. Durand, Anja Haake, David L. Hicks, Fabio Vitali, E. James Whitehead Jr.:
Things Change: Deal with it! Versioning, Cooperative Editing and Hzpertext. Hypertext 1996: 259 - Chip Cleary, Ray Bareiss:
Practical Methods for Automating Linking in Structured Hypermedia Systems. Hypertext 1996: 31-41 - Kathryn Cramer, Sam Epstein, Catherine C. Marshall, Tom Meyer, Mark Prece:
Future (Hyper)Spaces. Hypertext 1996: 261 - Andreas Dieberger:
Browsing the WWW by Interacting with a Textual Virtual Environment - A Framework for Experimenting with Navigational Metaphors. Hypertext 1996: 170-179 - Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra, Punyashloke Mishra, Kim Nguyen, Blair Nonnecke, Jennifer Preece, Gary Marchionini:
Evaluation. Hypertext 1996: 260 - Franca Garzotto, Luca Mainetti, Paolo Paolini:
Information Reuse in Hypermedia Applications. Hypertext 1996: 93-104 - Andreas Girgensohn, Alison Lee, Kevin Schlueter:
Experiences in Developing Collaborative Applications Using the World Wide Web "Shell". Hypertext 1996: 246-255 - Miriam Grace, Ward Webber, Kaj Grønbæk, Robert J. Glushko:
Case Study: A Hypermedia System as Change Agent. Hypertext 1996: 256 - Diane Greco:
Hypertext with Consequence: Recovering a Politics of Hypertext. Hypertext 1996: 85-92 - Kaj Grønbæk
, Randall H. Trigg:
Toward a Dexter-Based Model for Open Hypermedia: Unifying Embedded References and Link Objects. Hypertext 1996: 149-160 - Anja Haake, David L. Hicks:
VerSE: Towards Hypertext Versioning Styles. Hypertext 1996: 224-234 - Kyoji Hirata, Yoshinori Hara, Hajime Takano, Shigehito Kawasaki:
Content-oriented Integration in Hypermedia System. Hypertext 1996: 11-21 - Steve Jones, Andy Cockburn:
A Study of Navigational Support Provided by World Wide Web Browsing Applications. Hypertext 1996: 161-169 - Michael Joyce, Robert Kolker, Stuart Moulthrop, Ben Shneiderman, John Merritt Unsworth:
Visual Metaphor and the Problem of Complexity in the Design of Web Sites: Techniques for Generating, Recognizing and Visualizing Structure. Hypertext 1996: 257 - Robert Kendall:
Hypertextual Dynamics in A Life Set for Two. Hypertext 1996: 74-83 - Paul H. Lewis, Hugh C. Davis
, Steve Griffiths, Wendy Hall
, Rob Wilkins:
Media-based Navigation with Generic Links. Hypertext 1996: 215-223 - Seng Wai Loke, Andrew Davison:
Logic Programming with the World-Wide Web. Hypertext 1996: 235-245 - Peter J. Nürnberg, John J. Leggett, Erich R. Schneider, John L. Schnase:
Hypermedia Operating Systems: A New Paradigm for Computing. Hypertext 1996: 194-202 - Kasper Østerbye, Uffe Kock Wiil:
The Flag Taxonomy of Open Hypermedia Systems. Hypertext 1996: 129-139 - Jim Rosenberg:
The Structure of Hypertext Activity. Hypertext 1996: 22-30 - Gerard Salton, Amit Singhal, Chris Buckley, Mandar Mitra:
Automatic Text Decomposition Using Text Segments and Text Themes. Hypertext 1996: 53-65 - Nitin "Nick" Sawhney
, David Balcom, Ian E. Smith:
HyperCafe: Narrative and Aesthetic Properties of Hypervideo. Hypertext 1996: 1-10 - Daniel Schwabe
, Gustavo Rossi, Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa
Systematic Hypermedia Application Design with OOHDM. Hypertext 1996: 116-128 - John Tolva:
Ut Pictura Hyperpoesis: Spatial Form, Visuality, and the Digital Word. Hypertext 1996: 66-73 - Ron Weiss, Bienvenido Vélez, Mark A. Sheldon, Chanathip Namprempre, Péter Szilágyi, Andrzej Duda, David K. Gifford:
HyPursuit: A Hierarchical Network Search Engine that Exploits Content-Link Hypertext Clustering. Hypertext 1996: 180-193