- 2014
- Incze Arpad
Cryptographic key issues and solutions for the bit sieve/pixel-sieve method. AQTR 2014: 1-5 - Radu Arsinte
, Eugen Lupu
Analysis of architectures for audio-video services distribution in hybrid IPTV/DVB-C networks. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - Baris Ata
, Ramazan Coban:
Linear quadratic optimal control of an inverted pendulum using the artificial bee colony algorithm. AQTR 2014: 1-4 - Camelia Avram, Dan Mircescu, Adina Astilean, Ovidiu Ghiran:
Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets based Modelling and simulation of Micro Hydro Power stations behaviour. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - Ioana Barbantan, Rodica Potolea:
Exploiting word meaning for negation identification in electronic health records. AQTR 2014: 1-7 - Cornel Brisan, Ciprian Lapusan, Veturia Chiroiu, Ligia Munteanu, Dan Dumitriu:
Aspects concerning development of reconfigurable driving simulators. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - Adrian Burlacu
, Marius Kloetzer
, Florin Ostafi
Optimal multi-agent planning solution for a sample gathering problem. AQTR 2014: 1-5 - R. Butuza, Ioan Nascu, O. Giurgioiu, Ruben Crisan:
Automation system based on SIMATIC S7 300 PLC, for a hydro power plant. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - Giuseppe Carbone
, Cristian Copilusi
Experimental testing of BaPaMAN 1 with a high speed motion analysis system. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - Amelie Chevalier, Cosmin Copot, Dana Copot, Clara M. Ionescu, Robin De Keyser:
Fractional-order feedback control of a poorly damped system. AQTR 2014: 1-4 - A. Cioloca, Roxana Both
Modelling versions and simulations of the cryogenic air distillation column. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - A. Cioloca, Roxana Both
, Rodica Festila:
Advanced models for cryogenic distillation columns. AQTR 2014: 1-4 - Adrian Colesa
Fast creation of short-living virtual machines using copy-on-write RAM-disks. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - Tiberiu Colosi, Mihail Abrudean, Mihaela-Ligia Unguresan
, Vlad Muresan:
Analogical modeling and numerical simulation variant for distributed parameter processes, with applications in isotope separations, chemistry and thermo-energetics. AQTR 2014: 1-10 - Tiberiu Colosi, Mihaela-Ligia Unguresan
, Vlad Muresan:
Numerical simulation of distributed parameter processes using Cartesian, spherical, cylindrical and spiral coordinates. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - Iulia Cristina Constantin, Ionela-Marilena Dragomir, Costel Constantin, Sergiu Stelian Iliescu:
Adaptive voltage control, integrated function of a numerical transformer protection system. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - Bogdan Croitoru, Adrian Tulbure, Mihail Abrudean:
Microcontroller-based multiple-platform PWM signal generation procedures for industrial use. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - Roxana Cucu, Camelia Avram, Adina Astilean, Ionut-Gabriel Farcas, José Machado
E-health decision support system for differential diagnosis. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - G. I. Daian, Maria Magdalena Santa, Tiberiu S. Letia:
Hierarchical railway traffic model for information systems. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - Petru Dobra, Mirela Dobra
, Daniel Moga, Ioan-Valentin Sita
, Radu Adrian Munteanu:
Model based fault detection for electrical drives with BLDC motor. AQTR 2014: 1-5 - Tofan Doru-Alexandru, Tomoaia Gheorghe:
Tibio-tarsal joint biomechanics analisys through Finite Element Modeling: A static loading model of the human tibio-tarsal joint. AQTR 2014: 1-4 - Otilia Elena Dragomir
, Florin Dragomir:
NN based support system for renewable energy forecasting. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - Radu Drobot, Cristian Dinu, Aurelian Florentin Draghia, Mary Jeanne Adler, Ciprian Corbus, Marius Matreata:
Simplified approach for flood estimation and propagation. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - Eva-Henrietta Dulf
, Roxana Both
, Cristina I. Muresan
Active disturbance rejection controller for a separation column. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - Osama Elshazly
, Mohammad El-Bardini, Nabila M. El-Rabaie:
Adaptive fuzzy iterative learning controller for X-Y table position control. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - Osama Elshazly
, Zakarya Zyada
, Ahmed A. Abo-Ismail:
Genetic nonlinear controller of a skid steering mobile robot with slip conditions. AQTR 2014: 1-6 - Adriana-Cristina Enache, Valentin Sgarciu:
Spam host classification using PSO-SVM. AQTR 2014: 1-5 - Víctor Estrada-Manzo
, Thierry-Marie Guerra
, Zsófia Lendek
An LMI approach for observer design for Takagi-Sugeno descriptor models. AQTR 2014: 1-5 - Stelian Flonta, Laura Vegh, Liviu Cristian Miclea, Iulia Stefan, Szilárd Enyedi
Multi-agent system with hierarchical private key. AQTR 2014: 1-4 - Silviu Folea, George Mois
, Mihai Hulea
, Liviu Miclea, Vio Biscu:
Data logger for humidity and temperature measurement based on a programmable SoC. AQTR 2014: 1-4