- 1994
- Mark D. Aagaard, Miriam Leeser:
Reasoning About Pipelines with Structural Hazards. TPCD 1994: 13-32 - Michel Allemand:
Formal Verification of Characteristic Properties. TPCD 1994: 292-297 - G. Bezzi, Massimo Bombana, Patrizia Cavalloro, Salvatore Conigliaro, Giuseppe Zaza:
Quantitative Evaluation of Formal Based Synthesis in ASIC Design. TPCD 1994: 286-291 - Holger Busch:
A Reduced Instruction Set Proof Environment. TPCD 1994: 280-285 - David Cyrluk, S. Rajan, Natarajan Shankar, Mandayam K. Srivas:
Effective Theorem Proving for Hardware Verification. TPCD 1994: 203-222 - C. A. J. van Eijk, Geert Janssen:
Exploiting Structural Similarities in a BDD-Based Verification Method. TPCD 1994: 110-125 - Kathi Fisler:
Extending Formal Reasoning with Support for Hardware Diagrams. TPCD 1994: 298-303 - Steven D. Johnson, Paul S. Miner, Albert John Camilleri:
Studies of the Single Pulser in Various Reasoning Systems. TPCD 1994: 126-145 - Michael Kishinevsky, Jørgen Staunstrup:
Mechanized Verification of Speed-independence. TPCD 1994: 146-164 - Junji Kitamichi, Sumio Morioka, Teruo Higashino, Kenichi Taniguchi:
Automatic Correctness Proof of the Implementation of Synchronous Sequential Circuits Using an Algebraic Approach. TPCD 1994: 165-184 - Thomas Kropf:
Benchmark-Circuits for Hardware-Verification. TPCD 1994: 1-12 - Thomas Kropf, Klaus Schneider, Ramayya Kumar:
A Formal Framework for High Level Synthesis. TPCD 1994: 223-238 - Niels Maretti:
Mechanized Verification of Refinement. TPCD 1994: 185-202 - Niels Mellergaard, Jørgen Staunstrup:
Tutorial on Design Verification with Synchronized Transitions. TPCD 1994: 239-257 - John W. O'Leary, Miriam Leeser, Jason Hickey, Mark D. Aagaard:
Non-Restoring Integer Square Root: A Case Study in Design by Principled Optimization. TPCD 1994: 52-71 - Sam Owre, John M. Rushby, Natarajan Shankar, Mandayam K. Srivas:
A Tutorial on Using PVS for Hardware Verification. TPCD 1994: 258-279 - Laurence Pierre:
An Automatic Generalization Method for the Inductive Proof of Replicated and Parallel Architectures. TPCD 1994: 72-91 - Phillip J. Windley, Michael L. Coe:
A Correctness Model for Pipelined Multiprocessors. TPCD 1994: 33-51 - Zheng Zhu:
A Compositional Circuit Model and Verification by Composition. TPCD 1994: 92-109 - Ramayya Kumar, Thomas Kropf:
Theorem Provers in Circuit Design - Theory, Practice and Experience, Second International Conference, TPCD '94, Bad Herrenalb, Germany, September 26-28, 1994, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 901, Springer 1994, ISBN 3-540-59047-1 [contents] - 1992
- Simon Bainbridge, Albert John Camilleri, Roger Fleming:
Theorem Proving as an Industrial Tool for System Level Desgin. TPCD 1992: 253-274 - Mark Bickford, Mandayam K. Srivas:
Verification of a Fault-Tolerant Property of a Multiprocessor System: A Case Study in Theorem Prover-Based Verification. TPCD 1992: 225-251 - Richard J. Boulton, Andrew D. Gordon, Michael J. C. Gordon, John Harrison, John Herbert, John Van Tassel:
Experience with Embedding Hardware Description Languages in HOL. TPCD 1992: 129-156 - Bishop Brock, Warren A. Hunt Jr., William D. Young:
Introduction to a Formally Defined Hardware Description Language. TPCD 1992: 3-35 - Holger Busch:
Transformational Design in a Theorem Prover. TPCD 1992: 175-196 - Keith Hanna, Neil Daeche:
The Veritas Design Logic: A User's View. TPCD 1992: 301-310 - Keith Hanna, Neil Daeche, Gareth Howells:
Implementation of the Veritas Design Logic. TPCD 1992: 77-94 - John Herbert:
Incremental Design and Formal Verification of Microcoded Microporcessors. TPCD 1992: 157-174 - Paul B. Jackson:
Nuprl and Its Use in Circuit Design. TPCD 1992: 311-336 - D. J. Kinniment, Albert Koelmans:
Modelling and Verification of Timing Conditions with the Boyer Moore Prover. TPCD 1992: 111-127