- 2023
- Levente Alekszejenkó
, Tadeusz P. Dobrowiecki:
SUMO Simulations for Federated Learning in Communicating Autonomous Vehicles: A Survey on Efficiency and Security. SUMO 2023: 115-129 - Klavdiya Bochenina
, Anton Taleiko, Laura Ruotsalainen
Simulation-Based Origin-Destination Matrix Reduction: A Case Study of Helsinki City Area. SUMO 2023: 1-13 - Giuliano Cornacchia, Mirco Nanni, Dino Pedreschi, Luca Pappalardo
Effects of Route Randomization on Urban Emissions. SUMO 2023: 75-87 - Maria Haberland, Lars Hohmuth:
Coping with Randomness in Highly Complex Sys-tems Using the Example of Quantum-Inspired Traffic Flow Optimization. SUMO 2023: 65-74 - Heather Kaths, Aboozar Roosta
Framework for Simulating Cyclists in SUMO. SUMO 2023: 105-113 - Andreas Keler
, Andreas Kunz, Sasan Amini, Klaus Bogenberger:
Calibration of a Microscopic Traffic Simulation in an Urban Scenario Using Loop Detector Data: A Case Study within the Digital Twin Munich. SUMO 2023: 153 - Andreas Keler
, Wenzhe Sun, Jan-Dirk Schmöcker:
Generating and Calibrating a Microscopic Traffic Flow Simulation Network of Kyoto: First Insights from Simulating Private and Public Transport. SUMO 2023: 189-195 - Behzad Bamdad Mehrabani
, Luca Sgambi
, Sven Maerivoet
, Maaike Snelder:
Development, Calibration, and Validation of a Large-Scale Traffic Simulation Model: Belgium Road Network. SUMO 2023: 15-27 - Giorgio Previati, Gianpiero Mastinu:
SUMO Roundabout Simulation with Human in the Loop. SUMO 2023: 29-40 - Aboozar Roosta
, Heather Kaths
, Mirko Barthauer
, Jakob Erdmann, Yun-Pang Flötteröd
, Michael Behrisch
State of Bicycle Modeling in SUMO. SUMO 2023: 55-64 - Max Schrader
, Mahdi Al Abdraboh
, Joshua Bittle
Comparing Measured Driver Behavior Distributions to Results from Car-Following Models using SUMO and Real-World Vehicle Trajectories from Radar: SUMO Default vs. Radar-Measured CF model Parameters. SUMO 2023: 41-54 - Max Schumacher
, Christian Medeiros Adriano
, Holger Giese:
Challenges in Reward Design for Reinforcement Learning-based Traffic Signal Control: An Investigation using a CO2 Emission Objective. SUMO 2023: 131-151 - Shamli Soni, Karsten Weronek:
Analysis and Modelling of Road Traffic Using SUMO to Optimize the Arrival Time of Emergency Vehicles. SUMO 2023: 165-178 - Ingo Trautwein
, Andreas Freymann, Emanuel Reichsöllner, Jessica Schöps Kraus, Mirco Sonntag, Thomas Schrodi:
Technical Concept for sensor-based Traffic Flow Optimization on connected real-world intersections via a SUMO Feature Gap Analysis. SUMO 2023: 89-104 - Pablo Álvarez López, Olaf Angelo Banse Bueno, Mirko Barthauer
, Michael Behrisch, Benjamin Couéraud, Jakob Erdmann, Yun-Pang Flötteröd
, Robert Hilbrich, Ronald Nippold, Peter Wagner:
SUMO User Conference 2023, Berlin, Germany, May 2-4, 2023. SUMO Conference Proceedings 1, TIB Open Publishing 2023 [contents] - 2022
- Khaled Belhassine, Jacques Renaud, Leandro C. Coelho, Vincent Turgeon:
Signal priority for improving fluidity and decreasing fuel consumption. SUMO 2022: 159-169 - Maria Laura Clemente
Building a real-world traffic micro-simulation scenario from scratch with SUMO. SUMO 2022: 215-230 - Yun-Pang Flötteröd
, Iman Pereira, Johan Olstam, Laura Bieker-Walz:
Investigating the behaviors of cyclists and pedestrians under automated shuttle operation. SUMO 2022: 69-82 - Jakob Geischberger
, Norman Weik
Combining Operative Train Simulation with Logistics Simulation in SUMO. SUMO 2022: 145-157 - Maik Halbach
, Jakob Erdmann
High fidelity modelling of traffic light control with XML logic representation. SUMO 2022: 45-68 - Cobus Louw, Louwrens Labuschagne, Tiffany Woodley:
Comparison of Reinforcement Learning Agents Applied to Traffic Signal Optimisation. SUMO 2022: 15-43 - Behzad Bamdad Mehrabani
, Jakob Erdmann, Luca Sgambi, Maaike Snelder:
Proposing a Simulation-Based Dynamic System Optimal Traffic Assignment Algorithm for SUMO: An Approximation of Marginal Travel Time. SUMO 2022: 121-143 - Zhuoxiao Meng
, Xiaorui Du
, Paolo Sottovia, Daniele Foroni, Cristian Axenie, Alexander Wieder, David Eckhoff, Stefano Bortoli, Alois Knoll, Christoph Sommer:
Topology-Preserving Simplification of OpenStreetMap Network Data for Large-scale Simulation in SUMO. SUMO 2022: 181-197 - Robert Protzmann, Karl Schrab, Moritz Schweppenhäuser, Ilja Radusch:
Implementation of a Perception Module for Smart Mobility Applications in Eclipse MOSAIC. SUMO 2022: 199-214 - Emanuel Reichsöllner, Andreas Freymann, Mirko Sonntag, Ingo Trautwein
SUMO4AV: An Environment to Simulate Scenarios for Shared Autonomous Vehicle Fleets with SUMO Based on OpenStreetMap Data. SUMO 2022: 83-94 - Max Schrader
, Qichao Wang, Joshua Bittle
Extension and Validation of NEMA-Style Dual-Ring Controller in SUMO. SUMO 2022: 1-13 - Joerg Schweizer
, Cristian Poliziani, Federico Rupi:
Simulating platooned connected autonomous vehicle in a large scale urban scenario. SUMO 2022: 171-179 - Dimitrios Troullinos
, Georgios Chalkiadakis, Manolis Diamantis, Ioannis Papamichail, Markos Papageorgiou:
Extending SUMO for Lane-Free Microscopic Simulation of Connected and Automated Vehicles. SUMO 2022: 95-103 - Pablo Álvarez López, Olaf Angelo Banse Bueno, Michael Behrisch, Jakob Erdmann
, Yun-Pang Flötteröd, Robert Hilbrich, Ronald Nippold, Johannes Rummel, Matthias Schwamborn, Peter Wagner, Melanie Weber:
SUMO User Conference 2022, Virtual Event, May 9-11, 2022. SUMO Conference Proceedings 1, TIB Open Publishing 2022 [contents] - 2021
- Levente Alekszejenkó, Tadeusz P. Dobrowiecki:
Validating a parking lot assignment method by Eclipse SUMO. SUMO 2021: 81-98