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  author       = {Salem Alkhalaf and
                  Jeremy Nguyen and
                  Anne Nguyen and
                  Steve Drew},
  title        = {Online Learner Satisfaction and Collaborative Learning: Evidence from
                  Saudi Arabia},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {2},
  pages        = {66--78},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013040106},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Ezekiel S. Asemah and
                  Daniel O. Ekhareafo and
                  Samuel Olaniran},
  title        = {Nigeria's Core Values and the Use of Social Media to Promote Cultural
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {4},
  pages        = {58--69},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/IJICTE.2013100104},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 14 Oct 2021 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Marcelo Henrique Euz{\'{e}}bio Batista and
                  Jorge Luis Vict{\'{o}}ria Barbosa and
                  Jo{\~{a}}o Elison da Rosa Tavares and
                  Jonathan Lu{\'{\i}}s Hackenhaar},
  title        = {Using the Item Response Theory {(IRT)} for Educational Evaluation
                  Through Games},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {3},
  pages        = {27--41},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013070103},
  timestamp    = {Fri, 04 Jun 2021 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Hoda Baytiyeh},
  title        = {Users' Acceptance and Use of Moodle: The Community Influence},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {4},
  pages        = {40--57},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/IJICTE.2013100103},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Tiffany T. Boury and
                  John M. Hineman and
                  Jacqueline Courtney Klentzin and
                  George W. Semich},
  title        = {The Use of Online Technology to Facilitate Pre-Service Teachers' Engagement
                  and Cultural Competency Development during an International Field
                  Placement: Reflections from Austria},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {3},
  pages        = {65--79},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013070105},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Vicki Donne and
                  Mary A. Hansen},
  title        = {Business and Technology Educators: Practices for Inclusion},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {4},
  pages        = {81--93},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/IJICTE.2013100106},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 14 Oct 2021 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Vance A. Durrington and
                  Jianxia Du},
  title        = {Learning Tasks, Peer Interaction, and Cognition Process An Online
                  Collaborative Design Model},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {1},
  pages        = {38--50},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013010104},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Nuha El{-}Khalili},
  title        = {Teaching Agile Software Engineering Using Problem-Based Learning},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {3},
  pages        = {1--12},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013070101},
  timestamp    = {Wed, 16 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Anu A. Gokhale and
                  Paul E. Brauchle and
                  Kenton F. Machina},
  title        = {Scale to Measure Attitudes Toward Information Technology},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {3},
  pages        = {13--26},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013070102},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Stavroula Kalogeras},
  title        = {Media-Education Convergence: Applying Transmedia Storytelling Edutainment
                  in E-Learning Environments},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {2},
  pages        = {1--11},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013040101},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 14 Oct 2021 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Stavroula Kalogeras},
  title        = {Storytelling: An Ancient Human Technology and Critical-Creative Pedagogy
                  for Transformative Learning},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {4},
  pages        = {113--122},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/IJICTE.2013100108},
  timestamp    = {Mon, 28 Aug 2023 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Jared Keengwe and
                  David Georgina},
  title        = {Supporting Digital Natives to Learn Effectively with Technology Tools},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {1},
  pages        = {51--59},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013010105},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 13 Aug 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Jared Keengwe and
                  Farhan Hussein},
  title        = {Computer-Assisted Instruction: {A} Case Study of Two Charter Schools},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {1},
  pages        = {70--79},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013010107},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Do Kyun Kim and
                  Lucian F. Dinu and
                  Wonjun Chung},
  title        = {Online Games as a Component of School Textbooks: {A} Test Predicting
                  the Diffusion of Interactive Online Games Designed for the Textbook
                  Reformation in South Korea},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {2},
  pages        = {52--65},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013040105},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 14 Oct 2021 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Mahnane Lamia and
                  Laskri Mohamed Tayeb and
                  Philippe Trigano},
  title        = {A Model for an Adaptive e-Learning Hypermedia System},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {4},
  pages        = {21--39},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/IJICTE.2013100102},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Xiaobin Li},
  title        = {Information and Communication Technology in Education: Getting Chinese
                  Connected for Learning},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {1},
  pages        = {1--11},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013010101},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Xiaobin Li},
  title        = {Distance Education in China: Connecting Millions for Knowledge},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {2},
  pages        = {12--23},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013040102},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Eric W. T. Ngai and
                  Sze Sing Lam and
                  J. K. L. Poon},
  title        = {Successful Implementation of a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
                  System in Teaching E-Commerce},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {4},
  pages        = {1--20},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/IJICTE.2013100101},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 13 Aug 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Festus Prosper Olise},
  title        = {ICTs and Indigenous Languages as Agents for the Actualization of Millennium
                  Development Goals in Nigeria},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {2},
  pages        = {79--87},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013040107},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Festus Olise and
                  Emotongha Job Makka},
  title        = {Uses and Gratification of the Internet among Mass Communication Students
                  in Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {4},
  pages        = {70--80},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/IJICTE.2013100105},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Nwachukwu Prince Ololube and
                  Peter James Kpolovie and
                  Samuel Amaele and
                  Rose N. Amanchukwu and
                  Teinye Briggs},
  title        = {Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants: {A} Study of Information Technology
                  and Information Systems {(IT/IS)} Usage between Students and Faculty
                  of Nigerian Universities},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {3},
  pages        = {42--64},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013070104},
  timestamp    = {Sun, 02 Oct 2022 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Diana P{\'{e}}rez{-}Mar{\'{\i}}n and
                  Antonio Boza},
  title        = {A Procedure to Create a Pedagogic Conversational Agent in Secondary
                  Physics and Chemistry Education},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {4},
  pages        = {94--112},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/IJICTE.2013100107},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Pauline Stonehouse and
                  Jared Keengwe},
  title        = {Technology Evaluation Tools and Teacher Performance in Public Schools},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {1},
  pages        = {60--69},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013010106},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 13 Aug 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Kyra Sutton and
                  Jeremy D. Ezell and
                  Chetan S. Sankar},
  title        = {Diagnosing Student Learning Outcomes Using the Organizational Learning
                  Contract Framework},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {1},
  pages        = {12--25},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013010102},
  timestamp    = {Fri, 03 Sep 2021 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Lawrence A. Tomei},
  title        = {Top 10 Technologies for Designing 21st Century Instruction},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {3},
  pages        = {80--93},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013070106},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 13 Aug 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Chia{-}Wen Tsai and
                  Pi{-}Fang Hsu and
                  Hsueh{-}Ju Tseng},
  title        = {Exploring the Effects of Web-Mediated Game-Based Learning and Self-Regulated
                  Learning on Students' Learning},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {2},
  pages        = {39--51},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013040104},
  timestamp    = {Mon, 26 Jun 2023 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Victor C. X. Wang and
                  Patricia Cranton},
  title        = {Transformative Learning and Technology in Adult and Vocational Education},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {1},
  pages        = {26--37},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013010103},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Peter Yamakawa and
                  Carlos Delgado and
                  Esperanza D{\'{\i}}az and
                  Erik Garayar and
                  Hedda Laguna},
  title        = {Factors Influencing the Use of Mobile Technologies in a University
                  Environment: {A} Case from Latin America},
  journal      = {Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Educ.},
  volume       = {9},
  number       = {2},
  pages        = {24--38},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.4018/JICTE.2013040103},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}