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Neil Spring
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- affiliation: University of Maryland, College Park, USA
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2020 – today
- 2024
- [c58]Christopher Canel
, Balasubramanian Madhavan
, Srikanth Sundaresan
, Neil Spring
, Prashanth Kannan
, Ying Zhang
, Kevin Lin
, Srinivasan Seshan
Understanding Incast Bursts in Modern Datacenters. IMC 2024: 674-680 - [c57]Abhishek Dhamija, Balasubramanian Madhavan, Hechao Li, Jie Meng, Shrikrishna Khare, Madhavi Rao, Lawrence Brakmo, Neil Spring, Prashanth Kannan, Srikanth Sundaresan, Soudeh Ghorbani:
A large-scale deployment of DCTCP. NSDI 2024: 239-252 - [c56]Rob Sherwood, Jinghao Shi, Ying Zhang, Neil Spring, Srikanth Sundaresan, Jasmeet Bagga, Prathyusha Peddi, Vineela Kukkadapu, Rashmi Shrivastava, Manikantan K., Pavan Patil, Srikrishna Gopu, Varun Varadan, Ethan Shi, Hany Morsy, Yuting Bu, Renjie Yang, Rasmus Jonsson, Wei Zhang, Jesus Jussepen Arredondo, Diana Saha, Sean Choi:
Netcastle: Network Infrastructure Testing At Scale. NSDI 2024 - [c55]Theophilus A. Benson
, Prashanth Kannan
, Prankur Gupta
, Balasubramanian Madhavan
, Kumar Saurabh Arora
, Jie Meng
, Martin Lau
, Abhishek Dhamija
, Rajiv Krishnamurthy
, Srikanth Sundaresan
, Neil Spring
, Ying Zhang
NetEdit: An Orchestration Platform for eBPF Network Functions at Scale. SIGCOMM 2024: 721-734 - 2022
- [c54]Ehab Ghabashneh, Yimeng Zhao, Cristian Lumezanu, Neil Spring, Srikanth Sundaresan, Sanjay G. Rao:
A microscopic view of bursts, buffer contention, and loss in data centers. IMC 2022: 567-580
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j13]Fan Du, Catherine Plaisant, Neil Spring, Kenyon Crowley, Ben Shneiderman:
EventAction: A Visual Analytics Approach to Explainable Recommendation for Event Sequences. ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst. 9(4): 21:1-21:31 (2019) - [j12]Fan Du, Catherine Plaisant, Neil Spring, Ben Shneiderman:
Visual Interfaces for Recommendation Systems: Finding Similar and Dissimilar Peers. ACM Trans. Intell. Syst. Technol. 10(1): 9:1-9:23 (2019) - [c53]Ramakrishna Padmanabhan, Aaron Schulman, Alberto Dainotti
, Dave Levin, Neil Spring:
How to Find Correlated Internet Failures. PAM 2019: 210-227 - [c52]Ramakrishna Padmanabhan, Aaron Schulman, Dave Levin, Neil Spring:
Residential links under the weather. SIGCOMM 2019: 145-158 - 2018
- [c51]Philipp Richter, Ramakrishna Padmanabhan, Neil Spring, Arthur W. Berger, David D. Clark:
Advancing the Art of Internet Edge Outage Detection. Internet Measurement Conference 2018: 350-363 - [c50]Zhihao Li, Dave Levin, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
Internet anycast: performance, problems, & potential. SIGCOMM 2018: 59-73 - [c49]Christine Alvarado, Neil Spring:
Successfully Engaging Early Undergraduates in CS Research: (Abstract Only). SIGCSE 2018: 1050 - 2017
- [c48]Fan Du, Catherine Plaisant, Neil Spring, Ben Shneiderman:
Finding Similar People to Guide Life Choices: Challenge, Design, and Evaluation. CHI 2017: 5498-5544 - [c47]Youndo Lee, Neil Spring:
Identifying and Analyzing Broadband Internet Reverse DNS Names. CoNEXT 2017: 35-40 - 2016
- [c46]Fan Du, Catherine Plaisant, Neil Spring, Ben Shneiderman:
EventAction: Visual analytics for temporal event sequence recommendation. VAST 2016: 61-70 - [c45]Youndo Lee, Neil Spring:
Identifying and Aggregating Homogeneous IPv4 /24 Blocks with Hobbit. Internet Measurement Conference 2016: 151-165 - [c44]Ramakrishna Padmanabhan, Amogh Dhamdhere, Emile Aben, kc claffy, Neil Spring:
Reasons Dynamic Addresses Change. Internet Measurement Conference 2016: 183-198 - 2015
- [c43]Frank Cangialosi, Dave Levin, Neil Spring:
Ting: Measuring and Exploiting Latencies Between All Tor Nodes. Internet Measurement Conference 2015: 289-302 - [c42]Ramakrishna Padmanabhan, Patrick Owen, Aaron Schulman, Neil Spring:
Timeouts: Beware Surprisingly High Delay. Internet Measurement Conference 2015: 303-316 - [c41]Ramakrishna Padmanabhan, Zhihao Li, Dave Levin, Neil Spring:
UAv6: Alias Resolution in IPv6 Using Unused Addresses. PAM 2015: 136-148 - [c40]Dave Levin, Youndo Lee, Luke Valenta, Zhihao Li, Victoria Lai, Cristian Lumezanu, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
Alibi Routing. SIGCOMM 2015: 611-624 - [e3]Kenjiro Cho, Kensuke Fukuda, Vivek S. Pai, Neil Spring:
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Internet Measurement Conference, IMC 2015, Tokyo, Japan, October 28-30, 2015. ACM 2015, ISBN 978-1-4503-3848-6 [contents] - 2014
- [c39]Aaron Schulman, Dave Levin, Neil Spring:
RevCast: Fast, Private Certificate Revocation over FM Radio. CCS 2014: 799-810 - 2013
- [c38]Matthew Lentz, Dave Levin, Jason Castonguay, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
D-mystifying the D-root address change. Internet Measurement Conference 2013: 57-62 - 2011
- [c37]Aaron Schulman, Neil Spring:
Pingin' in the rain. Internet Measurement Conference 2011: 19-28 - [e2]Neil Spring, George F. Riley:
Passive and Active Measurement - 12th International Conference, PAM 2011, Atlanta, GA, USA, March 20-22, 2011. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6579, Springer 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-19259-3 [contents] - 2010
- [c36]Cristian Lumezanu, Katherine Guo, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
The effect of packet loss on redundancy elimination in cellular wireless networks. Internet Measurement Conference 2010: 294-300 - [c35]Cristian Lumezanu, Dave Levin, Bo Han, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
Don't love thy nearest neighbor. IPTPS 2010: 5 - [c34]Aaron Schulman, Vishnu Navda, Ramachandran Ramjee, Neil Spring, Pralhad Deshpande, Calvin Grunewald, Kamal Jain, Venkata N. Padmanabhan:
Bartendr: a practical approach to energy-aware cellular data scheduling. MobiCom 2010: 85-96 - [c33]Bo Han, Aaron Schulman, Francesco Gringoli, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee, Lorenzo Nava, Lusheng Ji, Seungjoon Lee, Robert R. Miller:
Maranello: Practical Partial Packet Recovery for 802.11. NSDI 2010: 205-218 - [c32]Bhavish Agarwal, Pushkar V. Chitnis, Amit Dey, Kamal Jain, Vishnu Navda, Venkata N. Padmanabhan, Ramachandran Ramjee, Aaron Schulman, Neil Spring:
Stratus: energy-efficient mobile communication using cloud support. SIGCOMM 2010: 477-478
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j11]Taowei David Wang, Catherine Plaisant, Ben Shneiderman, Neil Spring, David Roseman, Greg Marchand, Vikramjit Mukherjee, Mark S. Smith:
Temporal Summaries: Supporting Temporal Categorical Searching, Aggregation and Comparison. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 15(6): 1049-1056 (2009) - [c31]Dave Levin, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
Systems-compatible incentives. GAMENETS 2009: 100-106 - [c30]Randy Baden, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
Identifying Close Friends on the Internet. HotNets 2009 - [c29]Cristian Lumezanu, Randolph Baden, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
Triangle inequality variations in the internet. Internet Measurement Conference 2009: 177-183 - [c28]Adam Bender, Rob Sherwood, Derek Monner, Nathan Goergen, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
Fighting Spam with the NeighborhoodWatch DHT. INFOCOM 2009: 1755-1763 - [c27]Cristian Lumezanu, Randolph Baden, Dave Levin, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
Symbiotic Relationships in Internet Routing Overlays. NSDI 2009: 467-480 - [c26]Cristian Lumezanu, Randolph Baden, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
Triangle Inequality and Routing Policy Violations in the Internet. PAM 2009: 45-54 - [c25]Randolph Baden, Adam Bender, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee, Daniel Starin
Persona: an online social network with user-defined privacy. SIGCOMM 2009: 135-146 - 2008
- [j10]Neil Spring:
SIGCOMM news. Comput. Commun. Rev. 38(3): 111 (2008) - [j9]Neil Spring:
SIGCOMM News. Comput. Commun. Rev. 38(5): 75-76 (2008) - [c24]Cristian Lumezanu, Neil Spring:
Measurement Manipulation and Space Selection in Network Coordinates. ICDCS 2008: 361-368 - [c23]Adam Bender, Rob Sherwood, Neil Spring:
Fixing ally's growing pains with velocity modeling. Internet Measurement Conference 2008: 337-342 - [c22]Aaron Schulman, Dave Levin, Neil Spring:
On the Fidelity of 802.11 Packet Traces. PAM 2008: 132-141 - [c21]Dave Levin, Randolph Baden, Cristian Lumezanu, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
Motivating participation in internet routing overlays. NetEcon 2008: 91-96 - [c20]Dave Levin, Katrina LaCurts, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
Bittorrent is an auction: analyzing and improving bittorrent's incentives. SIGCOMM 2008: 243-254 - [c19]Rob Sherwood, Adam Bender, Neil Spring:
Discarte: a disjunctive internet cartographer. SIGCOMM 2008: 303-314 - 2007
- [c18]Cristian Lumezanu, Dave Levin, Neil Spring:
PeerWise Discovery and Negotiation of Faster Paths. HotNets 2007 - [c17]Adam Bender, Neil Spring, Dave Levin, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
Accountability as a Service. SRUTI 2007 - 2006
- [j8]Kimberly C. Claffy
, Mark Crovella, Timur Friedman
, Colleen Shannon, Neil Spring:
Community-oriented network measurement infrastructure (CONMI) workshop report. Comput. Commun. Rev. 36(2): 41-48 (2006) - [j7]Neil Spring, Larry L. Peterson, Andy C. Bavier, Vivek S. Pai:
Using PlanetLab for network research: myths, realities, and best practices. ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 40(1): 17-24 (2006) - [c16]Harsha V. Madhyastha, Thomas E. Anderson, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Neil Spring, Arun Venkataramani:
A structural approach to latency prediction. Internet Measurement Conference 2006: 99-104 - [c15]Rob Sherwood, Neil Spring:
Touring the internet in a TCP sidecar. Internet Measurement Conference 2006: 339-344 - [c14]Cristian Lumezanu, Neil Spring, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
Decentralized Message Ordering for Publish/Subscribe Systems. Middleware 2006: 162-179 - [c13]Rob Sherwood, Neil Spring:
A Platform for Unobtrusive Measurements on PlanetLab. WORLDS 2006 - [e1]David G. Andersen, Neil Spring:
3rd USENIX Workshop on Real, Large Distributed Systems, WORLDS'06, Seattle, WA, USA, November 5, 2006. USENIX Association 2006 [contents] - 2004
- [j6]Neil T. Spring, David Wetherall, Thomas E. Anderson:
Reverse engineering the Internet. Comput. Commun. Rev. 34(1): 3-8 (2004) - [j5]Neil T. Spring, Ratul Mahajan, David Wetherall, Thomas E. Anderson:
Measuring ISP topologies with rocketfuel. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 12(1): 2-16 (2004) - 2003
- [j4]Francine Berman, Richard Wolski, Henri Casanova, Walfredo Cirne, Holly Dail, Marcio Faerman
, Silvia M. Figueira, Jim Hayes, Graziano Obertelli, Jennifer M. Schopf, Gary Shao, Shava Smallen, Neil T. Spring, Alan Su, Dmitrii Zagorodnov:
Adaptive Computing on the Grid Using AppLeS. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 14(4): 369-382 (2003) - [c12]Neil T. Spring, Ratul Mahajan, Thomas E. Anderson:
The causes of path inflation. SIGCOMM 2003: 113-124 - [c11]Ratul Mahajan, Neil T. Spring, David Wetherall, Thomas E. Anderson:
User-level internet path diagnosis. SOSP 2003: 106-119 - [c10]Neil T. Spring, David Wetherall, Thomas E. Anderson:
Scriptroute: A Public Internet Measurement Facility. USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems 2003 - [i1]Neil Spring, David Wetherall, David Ely:
Robust Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) Signaling with Nonces. RFC 3540: 1-13 (2003) - 2002
- [c9]Ratul Mahajan, Neil T. Spring, David Wetherall, Thomas E. Anderson:
Inferring link weights using end-to-end measurements. Internet Measurement Workshop 2002: 231-236 - [c8]Neil T. Spring, Ratul Mahajan, David Wetherall:
Measuring ISP topologies with rocketfuel. SIGCOMM 2002: 133-145 - 2001
- [j3]Richard Wolski, John Brevik, Graziano Obertelli, Neil T. Spring, Alan Su:
Writing Programs that Run EveryWare on the Computational Grid. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 12(10): 1066-1080 (2001) - [c7]David Ely, Neil Spring, David Wetherall, Stefan Savage, Thomas E. Anderson:
Robust Congestion Signaling. ICNP 2001: 332-341 - 2000
- [j2]Richard Wolski, Neil T. Spring, Jim Hayes:
Predicting the CPU availability of time-shared Unix systems on the computational grid. Clust. Comput. 3(4): 293-301 (2000) - [c6]Neil T. Spring, Maureen Chesire, Mark Berryman, Vivek Sahasranaman, Thomas E. Anderson, Brian N. Bershad:
Receiver Based Management of Low Bandwidth Access Links. INFOCOM 2000: 245-254 - [c5]Neil T. Spring, David Wetherall:
A protocol-independent technique for eliminating redundant network traffic. SIGCOMM 2000: 87-95
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [j1]Richard Wolski, Neil T. Spring, Jim Hayes:
The network weather service: a distributed resource performance forecasting service for metacomputing. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 15(5-6): 757-768 (1999) - [c4]Richard Wolski, Neil T. Spring, Jim Hayes:
Predicting the CPU Availability of Time-shared Unix Systems on the Computational Grid. HPDC 1999: 105-112 - [c3]Richard Wolski, John Brevik, Chandra Krintz, Graziano Obertelli, Neil Spring, Alan Su:
Running EveryWare on the Computational Grid. SC 1999: 6 - 1998
- [c2]Neil T. Spring, Richard Wolski:
Application Level Scheduling of Gene Sequence Comparison on Metacomputers. International Conference on Supercomputing 1998: 141-148 - 1997
- [c1]Richard Wolski, Neil Spring, Chris Peterson:
Implementing a Performance Forecasting System for Metacomputing The Network Weather Service. SC 1997: 7
Coauthor Index

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