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IMC 2024: Madrid, Spain
- Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez, Guillermo Suarez-Tangil, Dave Levin, Cristel Pelsser:
Proceedings of the 2024 ACM on Internet Measurement Conference, IMC 2024, Madrid, Spain, November 4-6, 2024. ACM 2024, ISBN 979-8-4007-0592-2
- Alan Mislove
What I Learned at the White House, or, the Importance of Measurement Researchers Engaging with Policy. 1
Session: Cellular and Wireless
- Syed Tauhidun Nabi
, Zhuowei Wen
, Brooke Ritter
, Shaddi Hasan
Red is Sus: Automated Identification of Low-Quality Service Availability Claims in the US National Broadband Map. 2-18 - Suvam Basak
, Amitangshu Pal
, Debopam Bhattacherjee
CosmicDance: Measuring Low Earth Orbital Shifts due to Solar Radiations. 19-28 - Simon Sundberg
, Anna Brunström
, Simone Ferlin-Reiter
, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
, Robert Chacón
Measuring Network Latency from a Wireless ISP: Variations Within and Across Subnets. 29-43 - Ranya Sharma
, Nick Feamster
, Marc Richardson
A Longitudinal Study of the Prevalence of WiFi Bottlenecks in Home Access Networks. 44-50 - Michail Kalntis
, José Suárez-Varela
, Jesús Omana Iglesias
, Anup Kiran Bhattacharjee
, George Iosifidis
, Fernando A. Kuipers
, Andra Lutu
Through the Telco Lens: A Countrywide Empirical Study of Cellular Handovers. 51-67
Session: Social
- Haris Bin Zia
, Jiahui He
, Ignacio Castro
, Gareth Tyson
Fediverse Migrations: A Study of User Account Portability on the Mastodon Social Network. 68-75 - Leonhard Balduf
, Saidu Sokoto
, Onur Ascigil
, Gareth Tyson
, Björn Scheuermann
, Maciej Korczynski
, Ignacio Castro
, Michal Król
Looking AT the Blue Skies of Bluesky. 76-91
Session: Web
- Christina Yeung
, Tadayoshi Kohno
, Franziska Roesner
Analyzing the (In)Accessibility of Online Advertisements. 92-106 - Stephen McQuistin
, Peter Snyder
, Hamed Haddadi
, Gareth Tyson
A First Look at Related Website Sets. 107-113 - Dhruv Kuchhal
, Karthik Ramakrishnan
, Frank Li
Whatcha Lookin' At: Investigating Third-Party Web Content in Popular Android Apps. 114-129 - Maxwell Lin
, Shihan Lin
, Helen Wu
, Karen Wang
, Xiaowei Yang
Browsing without Third-Party Cookies: What Do You See? 130-138
Session: Measuring Measurements
- Zakir Durumeric
, David Adrian
, Phillip Stephens
, Eric Wustrow
, J. Alex Halderman
Ten Years of ZMap. 139-148 - Harm Griffioen
, Georgios Koursiounis
, Georgios Smaragdakis
, Christian Doerr
Have you SYN me? Characterizing Ten Years of Internet Scanning. 149-164 - Loqman Salamatian
, Calvin Ardi
, Vasileios Giotsas
, Matt Calder
, Ethan Katz-Bassett
, Todd Arnold
What's in the Dataset? Unboxing the APNIC per AS User Population Dataset. 165-182 - Romain Fontugne
, Malte Tashiro
, Raffaele Sommese
, Mattijs Jonker
, Zachary S. Bischof
, Emile Aben
The Wisdom of the Measurement Crowd: Building the Internet Yellow Pages a Knowledge Graph for the Internet. 183-198
Session: Security and Privacy
- Shuaicong Yu
, Shuying Zhuang
, Tao Yu
, Changqing An
, Jilong Wang
Rumors Stop with the Wise: Unveiling Inbound SAV Deployment through Spoofed ICMP Messages. 199-213 - Hongying Dong
, Yizhe Zhang
, Hyeonmin Lee
, Kevin Du
, Guancheng Tu
, Yixin Sun
Mutual TLS in Practice: A Deep Dive into Certificate Configurations and Privacy Issues. 214-229 - Yunpeng Xing
, Chaoyi Lu
, Baojun Liu
, Haixin Duan
, Junzhe Sun
, Zhou Li
Yesterday Once More: Global Measurement of Internet Traffic Shadowing Behaviors. 230-240 - Max Gao
, Ricky K. P. Mok, Esteban Carisimo
, Eric Li
, Shubham Kulkarni
, kc claffy
DarkSim: A similarity-based time-series analytic framework for darknet traffic. 241-258 - Raphael Hiesgen
, Marcin Nawrocki
, Marinho P. Barcellos
, Daniel Kopp
, Oliver Hohlfeld
, Echo Chan
, Roland Dobbins
, Christian Doerr
, Christian Rossow
, Daniel R. Thomas
, Mattijs Jonker
, Ricky K. P. Mok, Xiapu Luo
, John Kristoff
, Thomas C. Schmidt
, Matthias Wählisch
, kc claffy
The Age of DDoScovery: An Empirical Comparison of Industry and Academic DDoS Assessments. 259-279
Session: IPv6 Scanning
- Florian Holzbauer
, Markus Maier
, Johanna Ullrich
Destination Reachable: What ICMPv6 Error Messages Reveal About Their Sources. 280-294 - Grant Williams
, Paul Pearce
Seeds of Scanning: Exploring the Effects of Datasets, Methods, and Metrics on IPv6 Internet Scanning. 295-313
Session: Routing
- Yunhao Liu
, Tiaohao Wu
, Jessie Hui Wang
, Jilong Wang
, Shuying Zhuang
Collecting Self-reported Semantics of BGP Communities and Investigating Their Consistency with Real-world Usage. 314-327 - Ben Du
, Romain Fontugne
, Cecilia Testart
, Alex C. Snoeren
, kc claffy
Sublet Your Subnet: Inferring IP Leasing in the Wild. 328-336 - Loqman Salamatian
, Kevin Vermeulen
, Ítalo Cunha
, Vasilis Giotsas
, Ethan Katz-Bassett
metAScritic: Reframing AS-Level Topology Discovery as a Recommendation System. 337-364 - Sichang He
, Ítalo Cunha
, Ethan Katz-Bassett
RPSLyzer: Characterization and Verification of Policies in Internet Routing Registries. 365-374
Session: Transport
- Naveenraj Muthuraj
, Nooshin Eghbal
, Paul Lu
Replication: "Taking a long look at QUIC". 375-388 - Jonas Mücke
, Marcin Nawrocki
, Raphael Hiesgen
, Thomas C. Schmidt
, Matthias Wählisch
ReACKed QUICer: Measuring the Performance of Instant Acknowledgments in QUIC Handshakes. 389-400 - Margarida Ferreira
, Ranysha Ware
, Yash Kothari
, Inês Lynce
, Ruben Martins
, Akshay Narayan
, Justine Sherry
Reverse-Engineering Congestion Control Algorithm Behavior. 401-414
Session: DNS
- Cordian Alexander Daniluk
, Yevheniya Nosyk
, Andrzej Duda
, Maciej Korczynski
Zeros Are Heroes: NSEC3 Parameter Settings in the Wild. 415-422 - Hongying Dong
, Yizhe Zhang
, Hyeonmin Lee
, Shumon Huque
, Yixin Sun
Exploring the Ecosystem of DNS HTTPS Resource Records: An End-to-End Perspective. 423-440 - Florian Steurer
, Daniel Wagner
, Danny Lachos
, Anja Feldmann
, Tobias Fiebig
The Roots Go Deep: Measuring '.' Under Change. 441-453 - Raffaele Sommese
, Gautam Akiwate
, Antonia Affinito
, Moritz Müller
, Mattijs Jonker
, kc claffy
DarkDNS: Revisiting the Value of Rapid Zone Update. 454-461
Session: Politics and Policy
- Rashna Kumar
, Esteban Carisimo
, Lukas De Angelis Riva
, Mauricio Buzzone
, Fabián E. Bustamante
, Ihsan Ayyub Qazi
, Mariano G. Beiró
Of Choices and Control - A Comparative Analysis of Government Hosting. 462-479 - Paul Bouchaud
, Jean F. Liénard
Beyond the Guidelines: Assessing Meta's Political Ad Moderation in the EU. 480-487 - Olivia Figueira
, Rahmadi Trimananda
, Athina Markopoulou
, Scott Jordan
DiffAudit: Auditing Privacy Practices of Online Services for Children and Adolescents. 488-504 - Ziyuan Huang
, Jiaming Tang
, Manish Karir
, Mingyan Liu
, Armin Sarabi
Analyzing Corporate Privacy Policies using AI Chatbots. 505-515 - André Felipe Zanella
, Diego Madariaga
, Sachit Mishra
, Orlando E. Martínez-Durive
, Zbigniew Smoreda
, Marco Fiore
Characterizing, Modeling and Exploiting the Mobile Demand Footprint of Large Public Protests. 516-529
Session: Synthesizing Datasets
- Z. Jonny Kong
, Nathan Hu
, Y. Charlie Hu
, Jiayi Meng
, Yaron Koral
High-Fidelity Cellular Network Control-Plane Traffic Generation without Domain Knowledge. 530-544 - Danyu Sun
, Joann Qiongna Chen
, Chen Gong
, Tianhao Wang
, Zhou Li
NetDPSyn: Synthesizing Network Traces under Differential Privacy. 545-554
Session: Video Streaming
- Ruizhi Cheng
, Nan Wu
, Matteo Varvello
, Eugene Chai
, Songqing Chen
, Bo Han
A First Look at Immersive Telepresence on Apple Vision Pro. 555-562 - Yifan Wang
, Minzhao Lyu
, Vijay Sivaraman
Characterizing User Platforms for Video Streaming in Broadband Networks. 563-579 - Yu Tian
, Zhenyu Li
, Matthew Yang Liu
, Jian Mao
, Gareth Tyson
, Gaogang Xie
Cost-Saving Streaming: Unlocking the Potential of Alternative Edge Node Resources. 580-587 - Hebin Yu
, Haiping Wang
, Chenfei Tian
, Sandesh Dhawaskar Sathyanarayana
, Shu Shi
, Zhichen Xue
, Shuaixin Yu
, Haozhe Li
, Yajie Peng
, Xiaofei Pang
, Ruixiao Zhang
Magpie: Improving the Efficiency of A/B Tests for Large Scale Video-on-Demand Systems. 588-594
Session: IoT
- Tianrui Hu
, Daniel J. Dubois
, David R. Choffnes
IoT Bricks Over v6: Understanding IPv6 Usage in Smart Homes. 595-611 - Han Yang
, Carson Kuzniar
, Chengyan Jiang
, Ioanis Nikolaidis
, Israat Haque
Characterizing the Security Facets of IoT Device Setup. 612-621 - Gianluca Anselmi
, Yash Vekaria
, Alexander D'Souza
, Patricia Callejo
, Anna Maria Mandalari
, Zubair Shafiq
Watching TV with the Second-Party: A First Look at Automatic Content Recognition Tracking in Smart TVs. 622-634
Session: Service Provider Issues I
- Yunzhuo Liu
, Junchen Guo
, Bo Jiang
, Pengyu Zhang
, Xiaoqing Sun
, Yang Song
, Wei Ren
, Zhiyuan Hou
, Biao Lyu
, Rong Wen
, Shunmin Zhu
, Xinbing Wang
Understanding Network Startup for Secure Containers in Multi-Tenant Clouds: Performance, Bottleneck and Optimization. 635-650 - Milind Srivastava
, Shao-Tse Hung
, Hun Namkung
, Kate Ching-Ju Lin
, Zaoxing Liu
, Vyas Sekar
Raising the Level of Abstraction for Sketch-Based Network Telemetry with SketchPlan. 651-658
Session: Service Provider Issues II
- Ruixuan Li
, Shaodong Xiao
, Baojun Liu
, Yanzhong Lin
, Haixin Duan
, Qingfeng Pan
, Jianjun Chen
, Jia Zhang
, Ximeng Liu
, Xiuqi Lu
, Jun Shao
Bounce in the Wild: A Deep Dive into Email Delivery Failures from a Large Email Service Provider. 659-673 - Christopher Canel
, Balasubramanian Madhavan
, Srikanth Sundaresan
, Neil Spring
, Prashanth Kannan
, Ying Zhang
, Kevin Lin
, Srinivasan Seshan
Understanding Incast Bursts in Modern Datacenters. 674-680
Session: Scam, Frauds, and Blockchain
- Faezeh Kalantari
, Mehrnoosh Zaeifi
, Yeganeh Safaei
, Marzieh Bitaab
, Adam Oest
, Gianluca Stringhini
, Yan Shoshitaishvili
, Adam Doupé
Browser Polygraph: Efficient Deployment of Coarse-Grained Browser Fingerprints for Web-Scale Detection of Fraud Browsers. 681-703 - Enze Liu
, George Kappos
, Eric Mugnier
, Luca Invernizzi
, Stefan Savage
, David Tao
, Kurt Thomas
, Geoffrey M. Voelker
, Sarah Meiklejohn
Give and Take: An End-To-End Investigation of Giveaway Scam Conversion Rates. 704-712 - Konrad Weiss
, Christof Ferreira Torres
, Florian Wendland
Analyzing the Impact of Copying-and-Pasting Vulnerable Solidity Code Snippets from Question-and-Answer Websites. 713-730 - Muhammad Muzammil
, Zhengyu Wu
, Aruna Balasubramanian
, Nick Nikiforakis
Panning for gold.eth: Understanding and Analyzing ENS Domain Dropcatching. 731-738
Poster Session 1
- Satoshi Utsumi
, Junya Ishikawa
, Fuya Ohba
, Salahuddin Muhammad Salim Zabir
, Mohammed Atiquzzaman
Poster: Toward Achieving Inter-protocol Friendliness through Estimation of BBR Behaviors using Machine Learning. 739-740 - Chengxi Xu
, Yunyi Zhang
, Fan Shi
Poster: Capture the List: Ranking Manipulation Leveraging Open Forwarders. 741-742 - Chengxi Xu
, Yuxuan Wang
, Yunyi Zhang
, Fan Shi
Poster: A Fistful of Queries: Accurate and Lightweight Anycast Enumeration of Public DNS. 743-744 - Cristian Munteanu
, Georgios Smaragdakis
, Anja Feldmann
Poster: The State of Malware Loaders. 745-746 - Lucile Bauchard
, Daphné Tuncer
Poster: Towards Privacy-Awareness in Using Smartphone Apps for Mobility Services. 747-748 - Teeratat Bunsantrakul
, Karl M. Christiaens
, Adriana M. Duran Pabon
, Bomi I. Owoka
, Maria S. Velasco Garcia
, Wangkun Xu
, Daphné Tuncer
Poster: Unveiling Urban Emissions from Bangkok Air Monitoring. 749-750 - Hyunseok Daniel Jang
, Matteo Varvello
, Andra Lutu
, Yasir Zaki
Poster: A First Look at IPX Hub Breakout with Airalo. 751-752 - Erik Daniel
, Florian Tschorsch
Poster: On Integrating Sphinx in IPFS. 753-754 - Sharad Agarwal
, Emma Harvey
, Marie Vasek
Poster: A Comprehensive Categorization of SMS Scams. 755-756 - Zoraida Frias
, Luis Mendo
, Jorge Garcia-Cabeza
Poster: Estimating Cell Load from End-user Crowdsourced Measurements in a Real-world Cellular Network. 757-758 - Rohan Bose
, Nitinder Mohan
, Jörg Ott
Poster: Twinkle, Twinkle, Streaming Star: Illuminating CDN Performance over Starlink. 759-760 - Martin Thodi
, Josiah Chavula
, Amreesh Phokeer
Poster: A Dataset on Peering Policies of Autonomous Systems. 761-762 - Jules Zirikana
, Amreesh Phokeer
Poster: Predicting Internet Shutdowns - A Machine Learning Approach. 763-764 - Olivier Bemba
, Cecilia Testart
, Alberto Dainotti
Poster: Investigating Autonomous Systems Recurrently Causing Unexplained (Sub)MOAS Events. 765-766
Poster Session 2
- Daniel Uroz
, Ricardo J. Rodríguez
, Carlos Hernandez Gañán
Poster: Empirical Analysis of Lifespan Increase of IoT C&C Domains. 767-768 - Junsang Im
, Jeong-woo Jang
Poster: Identifying Filter Bubble Based on Feed-Level Embedding Similarity Analysis. 769-770 - Renan Paredes Barreto
, Leandro Marcio Bertholdo
, Pedro de Botelho Marcos
Poster: Traffic Engineering Security Implications. 771-772 - Naveenraj Muthuraj
, Paul Lu
Poster: How much of the Web Cares about QUIC's Anti-ossification Features? 773-774 - Sina Rostami
, Tiago Heinrich
, Taha Albakour
Poster: An Investigation into Internet-facing Router Services. 775-776 - Weili Wu
, Zachary S. Bischof
, Cecilia Testart
, Alberto Dainotti
Poster: Enhancing Internet Disruption Investigation via Path Monitoring. 777-778 - Joaquim Pereira
, Pedro Marcos
Poster: Investigating Traffic Engineering Properties at Internet eXchange Points. 779-780 - Leandro Marcio Bertholdo
, Renan Paredes Barreto
, Pedro de Botelho Marcos
Poster: Building Comprehensive Telecommunications Datasets During a Major Climatic Event. 781-782 - Zahra Yazdani
, Paul Pearce
, Alberto Dainotti
, Cecilia Testart
Poster: Investigating Network Security Post-Outage: Open Ports Vulnerabilities. 783-784 - Semebia Y. Wurah
, Theophilus A. Benson
, Edwin Mugume
Poster: Analysis of the Internet Ecosystem in East Africa: DNS resolution, ASN peering, and Utilization of IXPs. 785-786 - Valentina Esteban
, Ivana Bachmann
, Sebastián Ferrada
Poster: Application of Graph Neural Networks for Representing and Analyzing the Internet Topology via the BGP Protocol. 787-788 - Deepak Gouda
, Cecilia Testart
Poster: Diverging Branches - How different are RPKI Trees across RIRs? 789-790 - Erick Semindu
, Pamely Zantou
, Eyerusalem Birhan
, Semebia Y. Wurah
, Theophilus Benson
, Assane Gueye
Poster: Towards A Low-Cost Mobile Internet Measurement Infrastructure: An Initial Deployment in Africa. 791-792 - Yasin Alhamwy
, Paul Mertens
, Oliver Hohlfeld
Poster: Web Dependency Analyzer to Identify Resource Dependencies and their Impact on Rendering. 793-794

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