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Susan J. Eggers
Person information
- affiliation: University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
- award: ACM Athena Lecturer 2009
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2010 – 2019
- 2018
- [j15]Hank Levy, Susan J. Eggers:
Susan Eggers Receives Eckert-Mauchly Award for Outstanding Contributions to Computer Architecture. IEEE Micro 38(4): 71-75 (2018) - 2011
- [c57]Owen Anderson, Emily Fortuna, Luis Ceze, Susan J. Eggers:
Checked Load: Architectural support for JavaScript type-checking on mobile processors. HPCA 2011: 419-430 - 2010
- [c56]Emily Fortuna, Owen Anderson, Luis Ceze, Susan J. Eggers:
A limit study of JavaScript parallelism. IISWC 2010: 1-10 - [c55]Susan J. Eggers:
2010 Athena lecture. PLDI 2010: 98
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [c54]Andrew Putnam, Susan J. Eggers, Dave Bennett, Eric Dellinger, Jeff Mason, Henry Styles, Prasanna Sundararajan, Ralph Wittig:
Performance and power of cache-based reconfigurable computing. FPGA 2009: 281 - [c53]Andrew Putnam
, Susan J. Eggers, Dave Bennett, Eric Dellinger, Jeff Mason, Henry Styles, Prasanna Sundararajan, Ralph Wittig:
Performance and power of cache-based reconfigurable computing. ISCA 2009: 395-405 - 2008
- [c52]Andrew Putnam
, Dave Bennett, Eric Dellinger, Jeff Mason, Prasanna Sundararajan, Susan J. Eggers:
CHiMPS: A C-level compilation flow for hybrid CPU-FPGA architectures. FPL 2008: 173-178 - [e2]Susan J. Eggers, James R. Larus:
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS 2008, Seattle, WA, USA, March 1-5, 2008. ACM 2008, ISBN 978-1-59593-958-6 [contents] - 2007
- [j14]Steven Swanson
, Andrew Schwerin, Martha Mercaldi, Andrew Petersen, Andrew Putnam
, Ken Michelson, Mark Oskin, Susan J. Eggers:
The WaveScalar architecture. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 25(2): 4:1-4:54 (2007) - 2006
- [c51]Andrew Petersen, Andrew Putnam
, Martha Mercaldi, Andrew Schwerin, Susan J. Eggers, Steven Swanson
, Mark Oskin:
Reducing control overhead in dataflow architectures. PACT 2006: 182-191 - [c50]Martha Mercaldi, Steven Swanson
, Andrew Petersen, Andrew Putnam
, Andrew Schwerin, Mark Oskin, Susan J. Eggers:
Instruction scheduling for a tiled dataflow architecture. ASPLOS 2006: 141-150 - [c49]Steven Swanson
, Andrew Putnam
, Martha Mercaldi, Ken Michelson, Andrew Petersen, Andrew Schwerin, Mark Oskin, Susan J. Eggers:
Area-Performance Trade-offs in Tiled Dataflow Architectures. ISCA 2006: 314-326 - [c48]Martha Mercaldi, Steven Swanson
, Andrew Petersen, Andrew Putnam
, Andrew Schwerin, Mark Oskin, Susan J. Eggers:
Modeling instruction placement on a spatial architecture. SPAA 2006: 158-169 - 2005
- [j13]Markus Mock, Darren C. Atkinson, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers:
Program Slicing with Dynamic Points-To Sets. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 31(8): 657-678 (2005) - 2003
- [j12]Jonathan Aldrich
, Emin Gün Sirer, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers:
Comprehensive synchronization elimination for Java. Sci. Comput. Program. 47(2-3): 91-120 (2003) - [j11]Steven Swanson, Luke K. McDowell, Michael M. Swift, Susan J. Eggers, Henry M. Levy:
An evaluation of speculative instruction execution on simultaneous multithreaded processors. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 21(3): 314-340 (2003) - [c47]Joshua Redstone, Susan J. Eggers, Henry M. Levy:
Mini-Threads: Increasing TLP on Small-Scale SMT Processors. HPCA 2003: 19-30 - [c46]Luke K. McDowell, Susan J. Eggers, Steven D. Gribble
Improving server software support for simultaneous multithreaded processors. PPoPP 2003: 37-48 - 2002
- [c45]Matthai Philipose, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers:
Towards automatic construction of staged compilers. POPL 2002: 113-125 - [c44]Michael M. Swift, Steven Martin, Henry M. Levy, Susan J. Eggers:
Nooks: an architecture for reliable device drivers. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 2002: 102-107 - [c43]Markus Mock, Darren C. Atkinson, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers:
Improving program slicing with dynamic points-to data. SIGSOFT FSE 2002: 71-80 - 2001
- [c42]Markus Mock, Manuvir Das, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers:
Dynamic points-to sets: a comparison with static analyses and potential applications in program understanding and optimization. PASTE 2001: 66-72 - 2000
- [j10]Brian Grant, Markus Mock, Matthai Philipose, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers:
DyC: an expressive annotation-directed dynamic compiler for C. Theor. Comput. Sci. 248(1-2): 147-199 (2000) - [j9]Brian Grant, Markus Mock, Matthai Philipose, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers:
The benefits and costs of DyC's run-time optimizations. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 22(5): 932-972 (2000) - [c41]Joshua Redstone, Susan J. Eggers, Henry M. Levy:
An Analysis of Operating System Behavior on a Simultaneous Multithreaded Architecture. ASPLOS 2000: 245-256 - [c40]Markus Mock, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers:
Calpa: a tool for automating selective dynamic compilation. MICRO 2000: 291-302
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [j8]Jack L. Lo, Susan J. Eggers, Henry M. Levy, Sujay S. Parekh, Dean M. Tullsen
Tuning Compiler Optimizations for Simultaneous Multithreading. Int. J. Parallel Program. 27(6): 477-503 (1999) - [j7]Jack L. Lo, Sujay S. Parekh, Susan J. Eggers, Henry M. Levy, Dean M. Tullsen
Software-Directed Register Deallocation for Simultaneous Multithreaded Processors. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 10(9): 922-933 (1999) - [c39]Dean M. Tullsen
, Jack L. Lo, Susan J. Eggers, Henry M. Levy:
Supporting Fine-Grained Synchronization on a Simultaneous Multithreading Processor. HPCA 1999: 54-58 - [c38]Brian Grant, Matthai Philipose, Markus Mock, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers:
An Evaluation of Staged Run-Time Optimizations in DyC. PLDI 1999: 293-304 - [c37]Brian Grant, Matthai Philipose, Markus Mock, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers:
An evaluation of staged run-time optimizations in DyC (with retrospective). Best of PLDI 1999: 656-669 - [c36]Jonathan Aldrich
, Craig Chambers, Emin Gün Sirer, Susan J. Eggers:
Static Analyses for Eliminating Unnecessary Synchronization from Java Programs. SAS 1999: 19-38 - 1998
- [c35]Jack L. Lo, Luiz André Barroso, Susan J. Eggers, Kourosh Gharachorloo, Henry M. Levy, Sujay S. Parekh:
An Analysis of Database Workload Performance on Simultaneous Multithreaded Processors. ISCA 1998: 39-50 - [c34]Dean M. Tullsen, Susan J. Eggers, Henry M. Levy:
Retrospective: Simultaneous Multithreading: Maximizing On-Chip Parallelism. 25 Years ISCA: Retrospectives and Reprints 1998: 115-116 - [c33]Dean M. Tullsen
, Susan J. Eggers, Henry M. Levy:
Simultaneous Multithreading: Maximizing On-Chip Parallelism. 25 Years ISCA: Retrospectives and Reprints 1998: 533-544 - 1997
- [j6]Susan J. Eggers, Joel S. Emer, Henry M. Levy, Jack L. Lo, Rebecca L. Stamm, Dean M. Tullsen
Simultaneous multithreading: a platform for next-generation processors. IEEE Micro 17(5): 12-19 (1997) - [j5]Jack L. Lo, Susan J. Eggers, Joel S. Emer, Henry M. Levy, Rebecca L. Stamm, Dean M. Tullsen
Converting Thread-Level Parallelism to Instruction-Level Parallelism via Simultaneous Multithreading. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 15(3): 322-354 (1997) - [c32]Jack L. Lo, Susan J. Eggers, Henry M. Levy, Sujay S. Parekh, Dean M. Tullsen
Tuning Compiler Optimizations for Simultaneous Multithreading. MICRO 1997: 114-124 - [c31]Brian Grant, Markus Mock, Matthai Philipose, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers:
Annotation-Directed Run-Time Specialization in C. PEPM 1997: 163-178 - 1996
- [c30]Dean M. Tullsen
, Susan J. Eggers, Joel S. Emer, Henry M. Levy, Jack L. Lo, Rebecca L. Stamm:
Exploiting Choice: Instruction Fetch and Issue on an Implementable Simultaneous Multithreading Processor. ISCA 1996: 191-202 - [c29]Joel Auslander, Matthai Philipose, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers, Brian N. Bershad:
Fast, Effective Dynamic Compilation. PLDI 1996: 149-159 - [e1]Bill Dally, Susan J. Eggers:
ASPLOS-VII Proceedings - Seventh International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, October 1-5, 1996. ACM Press 1996, ISBN 0-89791-767-7 [contents] - 1995
- [j4]Brian N. Bershad, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers, Chris Maeda, Dylan McNamee, Przemyslaw Pardyak, Stefan Savage, Emin Gün Sirer:
SPIN - An Extensible Microkernel for Application-specific Operating System Services. ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 29(1): 74-77 (1995) - [j3]Dean M. Tullsen
, Susan J. Eggers:
Effective Cache Prefetching on Bus-Based Multiprocessors. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 13(1): 57-88 (1995) - [c28]Dean M. Tullsen, Susan J. Eggers, Henry M. Levy:
Simultaneous Multithreading: Maximizing On-Chip Parallelism. ISCA 1995: 392-403 - [c27]Jack L. Lo, Susan J. Eggers:
Improving Balanced Scheduling with Compiler Optimizations that Increase Instruction-Level Parallelism. PLDI 1995: 151-162 - [c26]Tor E. Jeremiassen, Susan J. Eggers:
Reducing False Sharing on Shared Memory Multiprocessors through Compile Time Data Transformations. PPoPP 1995: 179-188 - [c25]Brian N. Bershad, Stefan Savage, Przemyslaw Pardyak, Emin Gün Sirer, Marc E. Fiuczynski, David Becker, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers:
Extensibility, Safety and Performance in the SPIN Operating System. SOSP 1995: 267-284 - 1994
- [c24]Radhika Thekkath, Susan J. Eggers:
The Effectiveness of Multiple Hardware Contexts. ASPLOS 1994: 328-337 - [c23]Tor E. Jeremiassen, Susan J. Eggers:
Static Analysis of Barrier Synchronization in Explicitly Parallel Programs. IFIP PACT 1994: 171-180 - [c22]Radhika Thekkath, Susan J. Eggers:
Impact of Sharing-Based Thread Placement on Multithreaded Architectures. ISCA 1994: 176-186 - [c21]Brian N. Bershad, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers, Chris Maeda, Dylan McNamee, Przemyslaw Pardyak, Stefan Savage, Emin Gün Sirer:
SPIN - An Extensible Microkernel for Application-specific Operating System Services. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1994: 68-71 - 1993
- [c20]Dean M. Tullsen
, Susan J. Eggers:
Limitations of Cache Prefetching on a Bus-Based Multiprocessor. ISCA 1993: 278-288 - [c19]Daniel R. Kerns, Susan J. Eggers:
Balanced Scheduling: Instruction Scheduling When Memory Latency is Uncertain. PLDI 1993: 278-289 - [c18]Daniel R. Kerns, Susan J. Eggers:
Balanced scheduling: instruction scheduling when memory latency is uncertain (with retrospective). Best of PLDI 1993: 515-527 - 1992
- [c17]Eric J. Koldinger, Jeffrey S. Chase, Susan J. Eggers:
Architectural Support for Single Address Space Operating Systems. ASPLOS 1992: 175-186 - [c16]Tor E. Jeremiassen, Susan J. Eggers:
Computing Per-Process Summary Side-Effect Information. LCPC 1992: 175-191 - 1991
- [j2]Susan J. Eggers:
Simplicity Versus Accuracy in a Model of Cache Coherency Overhead. IEEE Trans. Computers 40(8): 893-906 (1991) - [c15]David G. Bradlee, Susan J. Eggers, Robert R. Henry:
Integrating Register Allocation and Instruction Scheduling for RISCs. ASPLOS 1991: 122-131 - [c14]Susan J. Eggers, Tor E. Jeremiassen:
Eliminating False Sharing. ICPP (1) 1991: 377-381 - [c13]Eric J. Koldinger, Susan J. Eggers, Henry M. Levy:
On the Validity of Trace-Driven Simulation for Multiprocessors. ISCA 1991: 244-253 - [c12]David G. Bradlee, Susan J. Eggers, Robert R. Henry:
The Effect on RISC Performance of Register Set Size and Structure Versus Code Generation Strategy. ISCA 1991: 330-339 - [c11]David G. Bradlee, Robert R. Henry, Susan J. Eggers:
The Marion System for Retargetable Instruction Scheduling. PLDI 1991: 229-240 - 1990
- [c10]Susan J. Eggers, David Keppel, Eric J. Koldinger, Henry M. Levy:
Techniques for Efficient Inline Tracing on a Shared-Memory Multiprocessor. SIGMETRICS 1990: 37-47
1980 – 1989
- 1989
- [j1]Deog-Kyoon Jeong, David A. Wood, Garth A. Gibson
, Susan J. Eggers, David A. Hodges, Randy H. Katz, David A. Patterson:
A VLSI chip set for a multiprocessor workstation. II. A memory management unit and cache controller. IEEE J. Solid State Circuits 24(6): 1699-1707 (1989) - [c9]Susan J. Eggers, Randy H. Katz:
The Effect of Sharing on the Cache and Bus Performance of Parallel Programs. ASPLOS 1989: 257-270 - [c8]Susan J. Eggers, Randy H. Katz:
Evaluating the Performance of Four Snooping Cache Coherency Protocols. ISCA 1989: 2-15 - [c7]Susan J. Eggers, Edward D. Lazowska
, Yi-Bing Lin:
Techniques for the trace-driven simulation of cache performance. WSC 1989: 1042-1046 - 1988
- [c6]Susan J. Eggers, Randy H. Katz:
A Characterization of Sharing in Parallel Programs and Its Application to Coherency Protocol Evaluation. ISCA 1988: 373-382 - 1986
- [c5]David A. Wood, Susan J. Eggers, Garth A. Gibson, Mark D. Hill, Joan M. Pendleton, Scott A. Ritchie, George S. Taylor, Randy H. Katz, David A. Patterson:
An In-Cache Address Translation Mechanism. ISCA 1986: 358-365 - 1985
- [c4]Randy H. Katz, Susan J. Eggers, David A. Wood, Charles L. Perkins, Robert G. Sheldon:
Implementing A Cache Consistency Protocol. ISCA 1985: 276-283 - 1983
- [c3]Paul Chan, Susan J. Eggers, Fredric C. Gey, Harvard H. Holmes, Peter Kreps, John L. McCarthy, Deane Merrill, Frank Olken, Arie Shoshani, Harry K. T. Wong:
Statistical Data Management Research at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. SSDBM 1983: 273-279 - 1981
- [c2]Susan J. Eggers, Frank Olken, Arie Shoshani:
A Compression Technique for Large Statistical Data-Bases. VLDB 1981: 424-434 - 1980
- [c1]Susan J. Eggers, Arie Shoshani:
Efficient Access of Compressed Data. VLDB 1980: 205-211
Coauthor Index
aka: Hank Levy

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