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Rudolf Bayer
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- affiliation: Technical University Munich, Germany
- award (2001): SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award
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2000 – 2009
- 2008
- [j22]Rudolf Bayer:
B-tree and UB-tree. Scholarpedia 3(11): 7742 (2008) - [c59]Rudolf Bayer, Stefan Pickl:
Programm für Schülerinnen und Schüler. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2008: 1004-1005 - [c58]Ralph Acker, Christian Roth, Rudolf Bayer:
Parallel Query Processing in Databases on Multicore Architectures. ICA3PP 2008: 2-13 - 2007
- [c57]Rudolf Bayer:
Information Life Cycle, Information Value and Data Management. DEXA 2007: 277-286 - 2005
- [c56]Ralph Acker, Roland Pieringer, Rudolf Bayer:
Towards Truly Extensible Database Systems. DEXA 2005: 596-605 - 2003
- [c55]Michael G. Bauer, Frank Ramsak, Rudolf Bayer:
Multidimensional Mapping and Indexing of XML. BTW 2003: 305-323 - [c54]Roland Pieringer, Klaus Elhardt, Frank Ramsak, Volker Markl, Robert Fenk, Rudolf Bayer:
Transbase: a Leading-edge ROLAP Engine Supporting Multidimensional Indexing and Hierarchy Clustering. BTW 2003: 648-667 - [c53]Roland Pieringer, Klaus Elhardt, Frank Ramsak, Volker Markl, Robert Fenk, Rudolf Bayer, Nikos Karayannidis, Aris Tsois, Timos K. Sellis
Combining Hierarchy Encoding and Pre-Grouping: Intelligent Grouping in Star Join Processing. ICDE 2003: 329-340 - 2002
- [c52]Robert Fenk, Volker Markl, Rudolf Bayer:
Interval Processing with the UB-Tree. IDEAS 2002: 12-22 - [c51]Dietmar Scharf, Rudolf Bayer:
CoPark - ein mobiler datenbankbasierter Dienst und ein neuartiges Konzept zur Parkraumbewirtschaftung in Ballungszentren. Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme 2002: 51-55 - [c50]Nikos Karayannidis, Aris Tsois, Timos K. Sellis, Roland Pieringer, Volker Markl, Frank Ramsak, Robert Fenk, Klaus Elhardt, Rudolf Bayer:
Processing Star Queries on Hierarchically-Clustered Fact Tables. VLDB 2002: 730-741 - [p2]Rudolf Bayer:
B-Trees and Databases, Past and Future. Software Pioneers 2002: 232-244 - [p1]Rudolf Bayer, Edward M. McCreight:
Organization and Maintenance of Large Ordered Indexes (Reprint). Software Pioneers 2002: 245-262 - 2001
- [c49]Rudolf Bayer:
XML Databases: Modeling and Multidimensional Indexing. DEXA 2001: 1 - [c48]Roland Pieringer, Volker Markl, Frank Ramsak, Rudolf Bayer:
HINTA: A Linearization Algorithm for Physical Clustering of Complex OLAP Hierarchies. DMDW 2001: 11 - [c47]Volker Markl, Frank Ramsak, Roland Pieringer, Robert Fenk, Klaus Elhardt, Rudolf Bayer:
The Transbase Hypercube RDBMS: Multidimensional Indexing of Relational Tables. ICDE Demo Sessions 2001: 4-6 - [c46]Martin Zirkel, Volker Markl, Rudolf Bayer:
Exploitation of Pre-sortedness for Sorting in Query Processing: The TempTris-Algorithm for UB-Trees. IDEAS 2001: 155-166 - [c45]Frank Ramsak, Volker Markl, Robert Fenk, Rudolf Bayer, Thomas Ruf:
Interactive ROLAP on Large Datasets: A Case Study with UB-Trees. IDEAS 2001: 167-176 - 2000
- [c44]Volker Markl, Rudolf Bayer:
Processing relational OLAP queries with UB-Trees and multidimensional hierarchical clustering. DMDW 2000: 1 - [c43]Roland Pieringer, Volker Markl, Rudolf Bayer:
Modellierung und Verwaltung hierarchisch strukturierter Informationen in relationalen Datenbanksystemen. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2000: 81-85 - [c42]Robert Fenk, Akihiko Kawakami, Volker Markl, Rudolf Bayer, Shunji Osaki:
Bulk Loading a Data Warehouse Built Upon a UB-Tree. IDEAS 2000: 179-187 - [c41]Volker Markl, Rudolf Bayer:
A Cost Function for Uniformly Partitioned UB-Trees. IDEAS 2000: 410-416 - [c40]Frank Ramsak, Volker Markl, Robert Fenk, Martin Zirkel, Klaus Elhardt, Rudolf Bayer:
Integrating the UB-Tree into a Database System Kernel. VLDB 2000: 263-272
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [c39]H. Haddouti, Rudolf Bayer, Wolfgang Wohner:
Towards a Scalable System Architecture in Digital Libraries. DEXA 1999: 852-861 - [c38]Frank Ramsak, Volker Markl, Rudolf Bayer:
Physical Data Modeling for Multidimensional Access Methods. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1999: 97-101 - [c37]Volker Markl, Martin Zirkel, Rudolf Bayer:
Processing Operations with Restrictions in RDBMS without External Sorting: The Tetris Algorithm. ICDE 1999: 562-571 - [c36]Volker Markl, Frank Ramsak, Rudolf Bayer:
Improving OLAP Performance by Multidimensional Hierarchical Clustering. IDEAS 1999: 165-177 - 1998
- [c35]Stephan Wiesener, H. Haddouti, Rudolf Bayer:
Advanced Hypermedia Indexing of Documents in a Deductive Database System. ADL 1998: 98-106 - 1997
- [c34]Wolfgang L. J. Kowarschick, Pavel Vogel, Rudolf Bayer:
ELEKTRA: An Electronic Article Delivery Service. DEXA Workshop 1997: 272-277 - [c33]Rudolf Bayer:
The Universal B-Tree for Multidimensional Indexing: general Concepts. WWCA 1997: 198-209 - 1996
- [c32]Stephan Wiesener, Wolfgang L. J. Kowarschick, Rudolf Bayer:
SemaLink: An Approach For Semantic Browsing Through Large Distributed Document Spaces. ADL 1996: 86-94 - 1995
- [c31]Stephan Wiesener, Wolfgang L. J. Kowarschick, Pavel Vogel, Rudolf Bayer:
Semantic Hypermedia Retrieval in Digital Libraries. ADL 1995: 115-129 - [c30]Rudolf Bayer:
Document Management as a Database Problem. VLDB 1995: 7-10 - 1994
- [j21]Rudolf Bayer:
Plädoyer für eine Nationale Informations-Infrastruktur. Inform. Spektrum 17(5): 302-308 (1994) - [c29]Rudolf Bayer, Pavel Vogel, Stephan Wiesener:
OMNIS/Myriad Document Retrieval and its Database Requirements. DEXA 1994: 550-560 - 1993
- [c28]Markus Pawlowski, Rudolf Bayer:
Parallel Sorting of Large Data Volumes on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors. Parallel Computer Architectures 1993: 246-264 - [c27]Rudolf Bayer:
OMNIS/Myriad: Elektronische Verwaltung und Publikation von multimedialen Dokumenten. GI Jahrestagung 1993: 482-487 - 1992
- [j20]Gabriele Höfling, Johann Kempe, Rudolf Bayer:
MOOD - Erfahrungen mit der Konzeption, Entwicklung und Anwendung eines objektorientierten Datenbanksystems. Datenbank Rundbr. 10: 25-26 (1992) - [c26]Burkhard Freitag, Heribert Schütz, Günther Specht, Rudolf Bayer, Ulrich Güntzer:
LOLA - ein deduktives Datenbanksystem. Objektbanken für Experten 1992: 1-28 - [c25]Ulrich Güntzer, Rudolf Bayer, Frank Sarre, J. Werner, Andreas Myka:
Kooperative Zugangssysteme zu Objektbanken. Objektbanken für Experten 1992: 55-82 - [e1]Rudolf Bayer, Theo Härder, Peter C. Lockemann:
Objektbanken für Experten, Kolloquium, Stuttgart, 12./13. Oktober 1992. . Springer 1992, ISBN 3-540-56074-2 [contents] - 1991
- [c24]Rudolf Bayer:
MOOD: A Knowledgebase System with Objectoriented Deduction. DASFAA 1991: 320-329 - [i1]Rudolf Bayer:
Non-deterministic computing, transactions, and recursive atomicity. Forschungsberichte, TU Munich TUM I 9105: 1-32 (1991) - 1990
- [j19]Rudolf Bayer, Horst Biller, Erich J. Neuhold:
Vorbemerkungen zum Themenheft Nicht-Standard-Datenbanksysteme. Inform. Forsch. Entwickl. 5(4): 161 (1990)
1980 – 1989
- 1989
- [c23]Helmut Schmidt, Werner Kießling, Ulrich Güntzer, Rudolf Bayer:
DBA*: Solving Combinatorial Problems with Deductive Databases. BTW 1989: 196-215 - [c22]Helmut Schmidt, Nikolaus Steger, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling, Rüdiger Azone, Rudolf Bayer:
Combining Deduction by Certainty with the Power of Magic. DOOD 1989: 103-122 - 1987
- [j18]M. Kempf, Rudolf Bayer, Ulrich Güntzer:
Time Optimal Left to Right Construction of Position Trees. Acta Informatica 24(4): 461-474 (1987) - [c21]Rudolf Bayer, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling, Werner Strauß:
Deduktions- und Datenbankunterstützung für Expertensysteme. BTW 1987: 1-16 - [c20]Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling, Rudolf Bayer:
On the Evaluation of Recursion in (Deductive) Database Systems by Efficient Differential Fixpoint Iteration. ICDE 1987: 120-129 - [c19]Helmut Schmidt, Werner Kießling, Ulrich Güntzer, Rudolf Bayer:
Compiling Exploratory and Goal-Directed Deduction into Sloppy Delta-Iteration. SLP 1987: 234-243 - 1986
- [j17]Rudolf Bayer:
Consistency of Transactions and Random Batch. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 11(4): 397-404 (1986) - 1985
- [c18]Rudolf Bayer:
Consistency of Transactions and Random Batch. HPTS 1985 - [c17]Rudolf Bayer:
Database Technology for Expert Systems. Wissensbasierte Systeme 1985: 1-16 - 1984
- [j16]Rudolf Bayer, Peter Schlichtiger:
Data Management Support for Database Management. Acta Informatica 21: 1-28 (1984) - [j15]Rudolf Bayer, Klaus Elhardt, Werner Kießling, Dieter Killar:
Verteilte Datenbanksysteme. Eine Übersicht über den heutigen Entwicklungsstand. Inform. Spektrum 7(1): 1-19 (1984) - [j14]Klaus Elhardt, Rudolf Bayer:
A Database Cache for High Performance and Fast Restart in Database Systems. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 9(4): 503-525 (1984) - 1983
- [c16]Rudolf Bayer:
Database System Design for High Performance. IFIP Congress 1983: 147-155 - 1982
- [c15]Rudolf Bayer, Klaus Elhardt, Johannes Heigert, Angelika Reiser:
Dynamic Timestamp Allocation for Transactions in Database Systems. DDB 1982: 9-20 - 1980
- [j13]Rudolf Bayer, Hans Heller, Angelika Reiser:
Parallelism and Recovery in Database Systems. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 5(2): 139-156 (1980) - [c14]Rudolf Bayer, Klaus Elhardt, Hans Heller, Angelika Reiser:
Distributed Concurrency Control in Database Systems. VLDB 1980: 275-284
1970 – 1979
- 1979
- [c13]Rudolf Bayer:
On Synchronization and Recovery in Database Systems. ICSE 1979: 423-424 - 1978
- [j12]Rudolf Bayer, Theo Härder:
Preplanning of disk merges. Computing 21(1): 1-16 (1978) - [j11]Rudolf Bayer, Theo Härder:
A performance model for preplanned disk sorting. Computing 21(1): 17-35 (1978) - [j10]Rudolf Bayer:
Datenschutz und Datenerfassung. Einige grundsätzliche Betrachtungen zum Bundesdatenschutzgesetz. Inform. Spektrum 1(1): 17-24 (1978) - [c12]Rudolf Bayer, Robert M. Graham, Jerome H. Saltzer, Gerhard Seegmüller:
Operating Systems, An Advanced Course - Introduction. Advanced Course: Operating Systems 1978: 1-6 - [c11]Rudolf Bayer:
Datenschutz und Datenverarbeitung - Einige grundsätzliche Betrachtungen zum Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (Kurzfassung). GI Jahrestagung 1978: 338 - 1977
- [j9]Rudolf Bayer, Mario Schkolnick:
Concurrency of Operations on B-Trees. Acta Informatica 9: 1-21 (1977) - [j8]Rudolf Bayer, Karl Unterauer:
Prefix B-Trees. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 2(1): 11-26 (1977) - 1976
- [j7]Rudolf Bayer, J. K. Metzger:
On the Encipherment of Search Trees and Random Access Files. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 1(1): 37-52 (1976) - [c10]Rudolf Bayer:
Integrity, Concurrency, and Recovery in Databases. ECI 1976: 79-106 - 1975
- [c9]Rudolf Bayer:
On the Integrity of Data Bases and Resource Locking. IBM Symposium: Data Base Systems 1975: 339-361 - [c8]Rudolf Bayer, J. K. Metzger:
On the Encipherment of Search Trees and Random Access Files. VLDB 1975: 452 - 1974
- [c7]Necdet Bulut, Maurice H. Halstead, Rudolf Bayer:
Experimental validation of a structural property of Fortran algorithms. ACM Annual Conference (1) 1974: 207-211 - [c6]Rudolf Bayer:
Storage Characteristics and Methods for Searching and Addressing. IFIP Congress 1974: 440-444 - 1973
- [c5]Maurice H. Halstead, Rudolf Bayer:
Algorithm dynamics. ACM Annual Conference 1973: 126-135 - 1972
- [j6]Rudolf Bayer, Edward M. McCreight:
Organization and Maintenance of Large Ordered Indices. Acta Informatica 1: 173-189 (1972) - [j5]Rudolf Bayer:
Symmetric Binary B-Trees: Data Structure and Maintenance Algorithms. Acta Informatica 1: 290-306 (1972) - [j4]Rudolf Bayer, Christoph Witzgall:
Index Ranges for Matrix Calculi. Commun. ACM 15(12): 1033-1039 (1972) - [j3]Rudolf Bayer:
Oriented Balanced Trees and Equivalence Relations. Inf. Process. Lett. 1(6): 226-228 (1972) - 1971
- [c4]Rudolf Bayer:
Binary B-Trees for Virtual Memory. SIGFIDET Workshop 1971: 219-235 - 1970
- [j2]Rudolf Bayer, Christoph Witzgall:
Some complete calculi for matrices. Commun. ACM 13(4): 223-237 (1970) - [c3]Rudolf Bayer, Edward M. McCreight:
Organization and Maintenance of Large Ordered Indexes. SIGFIDET Workshop 1970: 107-141
1960 – 1969
- 1967
- [j1]Rudolf Bayer, David Gries
, Manfred Paul, Hans-Rüdiger Wiehle:
The ALCOR Illinois 7090/7094 post mortem dump. Commun. ACM 10(12): 804-808 (1967) - [c2]Rudolf Bayer:
On Endomorphisms and Congruences of Automata. SWAT 1967: 314-321 - 1966
- [c1]Rudolf Bayer:
Automorphism Groups and Quotients of Strongly Connected Automata and Monadic Algebras. SWAT 1966: 282-297
Coauthor Index

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