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Richard H. Schelp
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2010 – 2019
- 2018
- [j103]Paul Balister
, Hao Li, Richard H. Schelp:
Decompositions of graphs into cycles with chords. J. Comb. Theory B 128: 47-65 (2018) - 2014
- [j102]Richard H. Schelp, Kiyoshi Yoshimoto:
An Extremal Problem Resulting in Many Paths. Ars Comb. 116: 23-32 (2014) - 2013
- [p1]Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Problems in Graph Theory from Memphis. The Mathematics of Paul Erdős II 2013: 95-118 - 2012
- [j101]Richard H. Schelp:
Some Ramsey-Turán type problems and related questions. Discret. Math. 312(14): 2158-2161 (2012) - 2011
- [j100]András Gyárfás, Miklós Ruszinkó, Gábor N. Sárközy, Richard H. Schelp:
Long rainbow cycles in proper edge-colorings of complete graphs. Australas. J Comb. 50: 45-54 (2011) - [j99]Paul N. Balister
, Ervin Györi, Richard H. Schelp:
Coloring vertices and edges of a graph by nonempty subsets of a set. Eur. J. Comb. 32(4): 533-537 (2011) - 2010
- [j98]H. Li, Vladimir Nikiforov, Richard H. Schelp:
A new class of Ramsey-Turán problems. Discret. Math. 310(24): 3579-3583 (2010)
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j97]András Gyárfás, Gábor N. Sárközy, Richard H. Schelp:
Multipartite Ramsey numbers for odd cycles. J. Graph Theory 61(1): 12-21 (2009) - 2008
- [j96]Paul N. Balister
, Ervin Györi, Jenö Lehel, Richard H. Schelp:
Connected graphs without long paths. Discret. Math. 308(19): 4487-4494 (2008) - [j95]Vladimir Nikiforov, Richard H. Schelp:
Cycles and stability. J. Comb. Theory B 98(1): 69-84 (2008) - [j94]András Gyárfás, Jenö Lehel, Gábor N. Sárközy, Richard H. Schelp:
Monochromatic Hamiltonian Berge-cycles in colored complete uniform hypergraphs. J. Comb. Theory B 98(2): 342-358 (2008) - 2007
- [j93]Guantao Chen, Richard H. Schelp:
Decomposition of bipartite graphs into special subgraphs. Discret. Appl. Math. 155(3): 400-404 (2007) - [j92]Vladimir Nikiforov, Richard H. Schelp:
Making the components of a graph k-connected. Discret. Appl. Math. 155(3): 410-415 (2007) - [j91]Ralph J. Faudree, Richard H. Schelp, Akira Saito, Ingo Schiermeyer:
Degree conditions for hamiltonicity: Counting the number of missing edges. Discret. Math. 307(7-8): 873-877 (2007) - [j90]András Gyárfás, Jenö Lehel, Richard H. Schelp:
Finding a monochromatic subgraph or a rainbow path. J. Graph Theory 54(1): 1-12 (2007) - [j89]Paul N. Balister
, Ervin Györi, Jenö Lehel, Richard H. Schelp:
Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing Edge-Colorings. SIAM J. Discret. Math. 21(1): 237-250 (2007) - 2006
- [j88]Paul N. Balister, András Gyárfás, Jenö Lehel, Richard H. Schelp:
Mono-multi bipartite Ramsey numbers, designs, and matrices. J. Comb. Theory A 113(1): 101-112 (2006) - [j87]Paul N. Balister
, Jenö Lehel, Richard H. Schelp:
Ramsey unsaturated and saturated graphs. J. Graph Theory 51(1): 22-32 (2006) - [j86]Vladimir Nikiforov, Richard H. Schelp:
Cycle lengths in graphs with large minimum degree. J. Graph Theory 52(2): 157-170 (2006) - 2004
- [j85]Paul N. Balister
, Ervin Györi, Jenö Lehel, Richard H. Schelp:
Longest Paths in Circular Arc Graphs. Comb. Probab. Comput. 13(3): 311-317 (2004) - [j84]Paul N. Balister, Alexandr V. Kostochka, Hao Li, Richard H. Schelp:
Balanced edge colorings. J. Comb. Theory B 90(1): 3-20 (2004) - [j83]Vladimir Nikiforov, Richard H. Schelp:
Cycles and paths in graphs with large minimal degree. J. Graph Theory 47(1): 39-52 (2004) - 2003
- [j82]Ralph J. Faudree, Zdenek Ryjácek, Richard H. Schelp:
On local and global independence numbers of a graph. Discret. Appl. Math. 132(1-3): 79-84 (2003) - [j81]Rao Li, Richard H. Schelp:
Every 3-connected distance claw-free graph is Hamilton-connected. Discret. Math. 268(1-3): 185-197 (2003) - [j80]Ervin Györi, Vladimir Nikiforov, Richard H. Schelp:
Nearly bipartite graphs. Discret. Math. 272(2-3): 187-196 (2003) - [j79]Paul Balister, Béla Bollobás, Oliver Riordan, Richard H. Schelp:
Graphs with large maximum degree containing no odd cycles of a given length. J. Comb. Theory B 87(2): 366-373 (2003) - [j78]Paul N. Balister
, O. M. Riordan, Richard H. Schelp:
Vertex-distinguishing edge colorings of graphs. J. Graph Theory 42(2): 95-109 (2003) - [j77]Zdenek Ryjácek, Richard H. Schelp:
Contractibility techniques as a closure concept. J. Graph Theory 43(1): 37-48 (2003) - 2002
- [j76]Rao Li, Richard H. Schelp:
Hamiltonicity of {K1, 4, K1, 4+e}-free graphs. Discret. Math. 245(1-3): 195-202 (2002) - [j75]Béla Bollobás, Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Random induced graphs. Discret. Math. 248(1-3): 249-254 (2002) - [j74]Ervin Györi, Richard H. Schelp:
Two-edge colorings of graphs with bounded degree in both colors. Discret. Math. 249(1-3): 105-110 (2002) - [j73]Paul N. Balister
, Béla Bollobás, Richard H. Schelp:
Vertex distinguishing colorings of graphs with Delta(G)=2. Discret. Math. 252(1-3): 17-29 (2002) - [j72]Richard H. Schelp:
Three edge-coloring conjectures. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 22(1): 173-182 (2002) - [j71]Paul N. Balister
, Richard H. Schelp, Miklós Simonovits:
A note on Ramsey size-linear graphs. J. Graph Theory 39(1): 1-5 (2002) - 2001
- [j70]Zdenek Ryjácek, Akira Saito, Richard H. Schelp:
Claw-free graphs with complete closure. Discret. Math. 236(1-3): 325-338 (2001) - [j69]Béla Bollobás, Jair Donadelli, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Richard H. Schelp:
Ramsey minimal graphs. J. Braz. Comput. Soc. 7(3): 27-37 (2001) - [j68]Rao Li, Akira Saito, Richard H. Schelp:
Relative length of longest paths and cycles in 3-connected graphs. J. Graph Theory 37(3): 137-156 (2001) - 2000
- [j67]Rao Li, Richard H. Schelp:
Some hamiltonian properties of L1-graphs. Discret. Math. 223(1-3): 207-216 (2000) - [j66]Yoshimi Egawa, Ralph J. Faudree, Ervin Györi, Yoshiyasu Ishigami, Richard H. Schelp, Hong Wang:
Vertex-Disjoint Cycles Containing Specified Edges. Graphs Comb. 16(1): 81-92 (2000) - [j65]Ralph J. Faudree, Evelyne Flandrin, Michael S. Jacobson, Jeno Lehel, Richard H. Schelp:
Even Cycles in Graphs with Many Odd Cycles. Graphs Comb. 16(4): 399-410 (2000) - [j64]Béla Bollobás, Alexandr V. Kostochka, Richard H. Schelp:
Local and Mean Ramsey Numbers for Trees. J. Comb. Theory B 79(1): 100-103 (2000) - [j63]Richard H. Schelp, Andrew Thomason:
On quadrilaterals in layers of the cube and extremal problems for directed and oriented graphs. J. Graph Theory 33(2): 66-82 (2000)
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [j62]Béla Bollobás, Oliver Riordan, Zdenek Ryjácek, Akira Saito, Richard H. Schelp:
Closure and Hamiltonian-connectivity of claw-free graphs. Discret. Math. 195(1-3): 67-80 (1999) - [j61]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
The number of cycle lengths in graphs of given minimum degree and girth. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 55-60 (1999) - [j60]Zdenek Ryjácek, Akira Saito, Richard H. Schelp:
Closure, 2-factors, and cycle coverings in claw-free graphs. J. Graph Theory 32(2): 109-117 (1999) - 1998
- [j59]Richard H. Schelp, Andrew Thomason:
A Remark on the Number of Complete and Empty Subgraphs. Comb. Probab. Comput. 7(2): 217-219 (1998) - [j58]András Gyárfás, Richard H. Schelp:
A Communication Problem and Directed Triple Systems. Discret. Appl. Math. 85(2): 139-147 (1998) - [j57]Guantao Chen, András Gyárfás, Richard H. Schelp:
Vertex colorings with a distance restriction. Discret. Math. 191(1-3): 65-82 (1998) - 1997
- [j56]Guantao Chen, Richard H. Schelp, Warren E. Shreve:
A special k-coloring for a connected k-chromatic graph. Discret. Math. 170(1-3): 231-236 (1997) - [j55]Guantao Chen, Richard H. Schelp, Warren E. Shreve:
A New Game Chromatic Number. Eur. J. Comb. 18(1): 1-9 (1997) - [j54]Guantao Chen, Paul Erdös, András Gyárfás, Richard H. Schelp:
A Class of Edge Critical 4-Chromatic Graphs. Graphs Comb. 13(2): 139-146 (1997) - [j53]Guantao Chen, Richard H. Schelp, Lubomír Soltés:
Special monochromatic trees in two-colored complete graphs. J. Graph Theory 24(1): 59-67 (1997) - [j52]Guantao Chen, Richard H. Schelp, Lubomír Soltés:
Graphs with given odd sets. J. Graph Theory 24(1): 69-80 (1997) - [j51]Richard H. Schelp:
Local and mean k-Ramsey numbers for complete graphs. J. Graph Theory 24(3): 201-203 (1997) - [j50]Anita C. Burris, Richard H. Schelp:
Vertex-distinguishing proper edge-colorings. J. Graph Theory 26(2): 73-82 (1997) - 1996
- [j49]Paul Erdös, Talmage James Reid, Richard H. Schelp, William Staton:
Sizes of graphs with induced subgraphs of large maximum degree. Discret. Math. 158(1-3): 283-286 (1996) - [j48]Odile Favaron, Hao Li, Richard H. Schelp:
Strong edge colorings of graphs. Discret. Math. 159(1-3): 103-109 (1996) - [j47]Ralph J. Faudree, András Gyárfás, Richard H. Schelp:
An edge coloring problem for graph products. J. Graph Theory 23(3): 297-302 (1996) - 1995
- [j46]Heiko Harborth, Ingrid Mengersen, Richard H. Schelp:
The drawing Ramsey number Dr(Kn). Australas. J Comb. 11: 151-156 (1995) - [j45]Guantao Chen, Lisa R. Marcus, Richard H. Schelp:
Vertex disjoint cycles for star free graphs. Australas. J Comb. 11: 157-168 (1995) - [j44]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Talmage James Reid, Richard H. Schelp, William Staton:
Degree sequence and independence in K(4)-free graphs. Discret. Math. 141(1-3): 285-290 (1995) - [j43]Guantao Chen, Richard H. Schelp:
Hamiltonicity for K1, r-free graphs. J. Graph Theory 20(4): 423-439 (1995) - 1994
- [j42]Ralph J. Faudree, Richard H. Schelp, Linda M. Lesniak, András Gyárfás, Jenö Lehel:
On the rotation distance of graphs. Discret. Math. 126(1-3): 121-135 (1994) - [j41]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
A local density condition for triangles. Discret. Math. 127(1-3): 153-161 (1994) - [j40]R. A. Clapsadle, Richard H. Schelp:
Local edge colorings that are global. J. Graph Theory 18(4): 389-399 (1994) - [j39]Guantao Chen, Richard H. Schelp:
Hamiltonian graphs with neighborhood intersections. J. Graph Theory 18(5): 497-513 (1994) - [j38]Guantao Chen, Ronald J. Gould, Michael S. Jacobson, Richard H. Schelp:
Neighborhood unions and the cycle cover number of a graph. J. Graph Theory 18(7): 663-672 (1994) - 1993
- [j37]Guantao Chen, Richard H. Schelp:
Ramsey Problems With Bounded Degree Spread. Comb. Probab. Comput. 2: 263-269 (1993) - [j36]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Ramsey Size Linear Graphs. Comb. Probab. Comput. 2: 389-399 (1993) - [j35]P. Bedrossian, Guantao Chen, Richard H. Schelp:
A generalization of Fan's condition for Hamiltonicity, pancyclicity, and Hamiltonian connectedness. Discret. Math. 115(1-3): 39-50 (1993) - [j34]Paul Erdös, Guantao Chen, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Ramsey Problems Involving Degrees in Edge-colored Complete Graphs of Vertices Belonging to Monochromatic Subgraphs. Eur. J. Comb. 14(3): 183-189 (1993) - [j33]Guantao Chen, Richard H. Schelp:
Graphs with Linearly Bounded Ramsey Numbers. J. Comb. Theory B 57(1): 138-149 (1993) - [j32]Ralph J. Faudree, András Gyárfás, Linda M. Lesniak, Richard H. Schelp:
Rainbow coloring the cube. J. Graph Theory 17(5): 607-612 (1993) - 1992
- [j31]Guantao Chen, Richard H. Schelp:
Hamiltonian graphs involving distances. J. Graph Theory 16(2): 121-129 (1992) - [j30]László Csaba, Ralph J. Faudree, András Gyárfás, Jenö Lehel, Richard H. Schelp:
Networks communicating for each pairing of terminals. Networks 22(7): 615-626 (1992) - 1990
- [j29]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Subgraphs of minimal degree k. Discret. Math. 85(1): 53-58 (1990)
1980 – 1989
- 1989
- [j28]Ralph J. Faudree, Richard H. Schelp, Michael S. Jacobson, Jenö Lehel:
Irregular networks, regular graphs and integer matrices with distinct row and column sums. Discret. Math. 76(3): 223-240 (1989) - [j27]Ralph J. Faudree, András Gyárfás, Richard H. Schelp, Zsolt Tuza:
Induced matchings in bipartite graphs. Discret. Math. 78(1-2): 83-87 (1989) - [j26]Ralph J. Faudree, Ronald J. Gould, Michael S. Jacobson, Richard H. Schelp:
Neighborhood unions and hamiltonian properties in graphs. J. Comb. Theory B 47(1): 1-9 (1989) - [j25]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, András Gyárfás, Richard H. Schelp:
Domination in colored complete graphs. J. Graph Theory 13(6): 713-718 (1989) - 1988
- [j24]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Extremal theory and bipartite graph-tree Ramsey numbers. Discret. Math. 72(1-3): 103-112 (1988) - [j23]Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Small order graph-tree Ramsey numbers. Discret. Math. 72(1-3): 119-127 (1988) - [j22]Richard H. Schelp, Miklós Simonovits, Vera T. Sós:
Intersection Theorems for t-Valued Functions. Eur. J. Comb. 9(6): 531-536 (1988) - 1987
- [j21]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
A Ramsey problem of Harary on graphs with prescribed size. Discret. Math. 67(3): 227-233 (1987) - [j20]Stefan A. Burr, Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp, Ronald J. Gould, Michael S. Jacobson:
Goodness of trees for generalized books. Graphs Comb. 3(1): 1-6 (1987) - [j19]András Gyárfás, Jeno Lehel, Richard H. Schelp, Zsolt Tuza:
Ramsey numbers for local colorings. Graphs Comb. 3(1): 267-277 (1987) - [j18]András Gyárfás, Jenö Lehel, Jaroslav Nesetril
, Vojtech Rödl, Richard H. Schelp, Zsolt Tuza:
Local k-colorings of graphs and hypergraphs. J. Comb. Theory B 43(2): 127-139 (1987) - [j17]Ralph J. Faudree, Ronald J. Gould, Michael S. Jacobson, Richard H. Schelp:
Extremal problems involving neighborhood unions. J. Graph Theory 11(4): 555-564 (1987) - 1986
- [j16]Ralph J. Faudree, Richard H. Schelp, Vera T. Sós:
Some intersection theorems on two valued functions. Comb. 6(4): 327-333 (1986) - 1985
- [j15]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Multipartite graph - space graph Ramsey numbers. Comb. 5(4): 311-318 (1985) - [j14]Stefan A. Burr, Ralph J. Faudree, Richard H. Schelp:
On Graphs with Ramsey-Infinite Blocks. Eur. J. Comb. 6(2): 129-132 (1985) - 1984
- [j13]András Gyárfás, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
An extremal problem for paths in bipartite graphs. J. Graph Theory 8(1): 83-95 (1984) - 1983
- [j12]Stefan A. Burr, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
On Ramsey numbers involving starlike multipartite graphs. J. Graph Theory 7(4): 395-409 (1983) - 1982
- [j11]Stefan A. Burr, Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Ramsey-minimal graphs for forests. Discret. Math. 38(1): 23-32 (1982) - [j10]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Graphs with certain families of spanning trees. J. Comb. Theory B 32(2): 162-170 (1982) - 1981
- [j9]Stefan A. Burr, Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Ramsey-minimal graphs for star-forests. Discret. Math. 33(3): 227-237 (1981) - 1980
- [j8]Ralph J. Faudree, Richard H. Schelp, J. Sheehan:
Ramsey numbers for matchings. Discret. Math. 32(2): 105-123 (1980) - [j7]Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
All triangle-graph ramsey numbers for connected graphs of order six. J. Graph Theory 4(3): 293-300 (1980)
1970 – 1979
- 1978
- [j6]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
On cycle - Complete graph ramsey numbers. J. Graph Theory 2(1): 53-64 (1978) - [j5]Ralph J. Faudree, Richard H. Schelp:
Some connected ramsey numbers. J. Graph Theory 2(2): 119-128 (1978) - 1976
- [j4]Ralph J. Faudree, Richard H. Schelp:
Ramsey numbers for all linear forests. Discret. Math. 16(2): 149-155 (1976) - 1974
- [j3]Ralph J. Faudree, Richard H. Schelp:
All Ramsey numbers for cycles in graphs. Discret. Math. 8(4): 313-329 (1974) - [j2]Ralph J. Faudree, S. L. Lawrence, Torrence D. Parsons, Richard H. Schelp:
Path-cycle Ramsey numbers. Discret. Math. 10(2): 269-277 (1974) - 1973
- [j1]Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Theory of path length distributions I. Discret. Math. 6(1): 35-52 (1973)
Coauthor Index

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