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Discrete Mathematics, Volume 308
Volume 308, Number 1, January 2008
- Svetoslav Savchev, Fang Chen:
Long n-zero-free sequences in finite cyclic groups. 1-8 - Béla Bollobás, Vladimir Nikiforov:
Joints in graphs. 9-19 - Raffaele Mosca:
Stable sets of maximum weight in (P7, banner)-free graphs. 20-33 - Kim A. S. Factor, Larry J. Langley:
Characterization of digraphs with equal domination graphs and underlying graphs. 34-43 - Joanna Raczek
, Joanna Cyman
Total restrained domination numbers of trees. 44-50 - Sheng-Liang Yang
Some identities involving the binomial sequences. 51-58 - Michael Pinsker
Monoidal intervals of clones on infinite sets. 59-70 - Zhi-Hong Sun:
Congruences involving Bernoulli polynomials. 71-112 - Pei Wang, Xuezheng Lv:
The codiameter of a 2-connected graph. 113-122 - Edy Tri Baskoro
, Yus Mochamad Cholily
, Mirka Miller:
Enumerations of vertex orders of almost Moore digraphs with selfrepeats. 123-128 - Vladimir Gurvich:
On cyclically orientable graphs. 129-135 - Yufa Shen, Wenjie He, Guoping Zheng, Yanning Wang, Lingmin Zhang:
On choosability of some complete multipartite graphs and Ohba's conjecture. 136-143 - Mohammad Ghebleh
, Mahdad Khatirinejad:
Planarity of iterated line graphs. 144-147 - Taíse Santiago Costa Oliveira:
"Catalan traffic" and integrals on the Grassmannian of lines. 148-152
Volume 308, Numbers 2-3, February 2008
- Mario Gionfriddo
, Curt Lindner, Guglielmo Lunardon, Alexander Rosa:
Preface. 153 - Mario Gionfriddo
, Gaetano Quattrocchi:
Embedding balanced P3-designs into (balanced) P4-designs. 155-160 - Preben D. Vestergaard:
A short update on equipackable graphs. 161-165 - Reinhard Laue, Alfred Wassermann:
Simple 8-(31, 12, 3080), 8-(40, 12, 16200) and 8-(40, 12, 16520) designs from PSL(3, 5) and PSL(4, 3). 166-174 - Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
Primitive 2-factorizations of the complete graph. 175-179 - Sandro Rajola, Maria Scafati Tallini:
The size of m-irreducible blocking sets and of the sets of class [0, n1, ..., nl]. 180-183 - Vito Abatangelo, Bambina Larato:
Complete caps in PG(3, q) with q odd. 184-187 - Rita Procesi, Rosaria Rota:
Complementary multiplicative hyperrings. 188-191 - Ian Anderson, Donald A. Preece:
Some da capo directed power-sequence Zn+1 terraces with n an odd prime power. 192-206 - Alexander Kreuzer, Kay Sörensen:
Spaces with congruence. 207-213 - Charles Curtis Lindner, Alexander Rosa:
Perfect dexagon triple systems. 214-219 - Helmut Karzel, Mario Marchi:
Introduction of measures for segments and angles in a general absolute plane. 220-230 - Lucia Gionfriddo:
Hexagon quadrangle systems. 231-241 - Emanuele Munarini, Claudio Perelli Cippo, Andrea Scagliola, Norma Zagaglia Salvi:
Double graphs. 242-254 - Sveva Freni:
An equivalence relation in finite planar spaces. 255-266 - Irene Sciriha
, Patrick W. Fowler:
On nut and core singular fullerenes. 267-276 - Vojislav Petrovic, Miroslav Treml:
3-Kings in 3-partite tournaments. 277-286 - Giuseppa Carrá Ferro, Daniela Ferrarello
Ideals and graphs, Gröbner bases and decision procedures in graphs. 287-298 - Eva Ferrara Dentice
, Giuseppe Marino
Classification of Veronesean caps. 299-302 - Elizabeth J. Billington, Christopher A. Rodger:
Resolvable 4-cycle group divisible designs with two associate classes: Part size even. 303-307 - Alberto Cavicchioli
, Fulvia Spaggiari
Graphs encoding 3-manifolds of genus 2. 308-318 - Sergei L. Bezrukov, Dalibor Froncek
, Steven J. Rosenberg, Petr Kovár
On biclique coverings. 319-323 - Slobodan K. Simic, Enzo Maria Li Marzi, Francesco Belardo
On the index of caterpillars. 324-330 - Salvatore Milici
Minimum embedding of P3-designs into TS(v, lambda). 331-338 - Leo Storme
Weighted {delta(q+1), delta;k-1, q}-minihypers. 339-354 - Zoran Radosavljevic, Bojana Mihailovic, Marija Rasajski
Decomposition of Smith graphs in maximal reflexive cacti. 355-366 - Peter Dukes
, Charles J. Colbourn, Violet R. Syrotiuk:
Directed complete bipartite graph decompositions: Indirect constructions. 367-374 - Deirdre Luyckx
On maximal partial spreads of H(2n+1, q2). 375-379 - Simona Bonvicini
Frattini-based starters in 2-groups. 380-381 - Selda Küçükçifçi:
The intersection problem for PBD(5*, 3)s. 382-385 - Peter J. Cameron
, Daniele A. Gewurz, Francesca Merola
Product action. 386-394 - Jan Degraer, Kris Coolsaet:
Classification of some strongly regular subgraphs of the McLaughlin graph. 395-400 - Hans-Joachim Kroll, Rita Vincenti:
Antiblocking systems and PD-sets. 401-407 - Hans-Joachim Kroll, Rita Vincenti:
PD-sets for binary RM-codes and the codes related to the Klein quadric and to the Schubert variety of PG(5, 2). 408-414 - Helmut Karzel, Silvia Pianta
Binary operations derived from symmetric permutation sets and applications to absolute geometry. 415-421 - Florica Kramer, Horst Kramer:
A survey on the distance-colouring of graphs. 422-426 - Yanxun Chang, Giovanni Lo Faro
, Antoinette Tripodi
Tight blocking sets in some maximum packings of lambdaKn. 427-438 - Yanxun Chang, Giovanni Lo Faro
, Antoinette Tripodi
Determining the spectrum of Meta(K4+e>K4, lambda) for any lambda. 439-456 - Meinard Müller
, Masakazu Jimbo:
Cyclic sequences of k-subsets with distinct consecutive unions. 457-464 - Terry S. Griggs, Giovanni Lo Faro
, Gaetano Quattrocchi:
On some colouring of 4-cycle systems with specified block colour patterns. 465-478
Volume 308, Number 4, February 2008
- Raimundas Vidunas:
Askey-Wilson relations and Leonard pairs. 479-495 - Frédéric Havet, Min-Li Yu:
(p, 1)-Total labelling of graphs. 496-513 - Christian M. Reidys:
Combinatorics of sequential dynamical systems. 514-528 - Markus Kuba, Alois Panholzer:
On edge-weighted recursive trees and inversions in random permutations. 529-540 - Wenchang Chu, Chuanan Wei:
Legendre inversions and balanced hypergeometric series identities. 541-549 - Sheng-Liang Yang
An identity of symmetry for the Bernoulli polynomials. 550-554 - Hye Kyung Kim, Jaeun Lee:
A generalized characteristic polynomial of a graph having a semifree action. 555-564 - Rumen N. Daskalov
On the maximum size of some (k, r)-arcs in PG(2, q). 565-570 - Jia Huang
, Jun-Ming Xu:
The bondage numbers and efficient dominations of vertex-transitive graphs. 571-582 - Koko Kalambay Kayibi:
A decomposition theorem for the linking polynomial of two matroids. 583-596 - Kiyoshi Ando, Atsushi Kaneko, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi:
Contractible edges in minimally k-connected graphs. 597-602 - Arash Behzad, Mehdi Behzad, Cheryl E. Praeger
On the domination number of the generalized Petersen graphs. 603-610 - Hatem M. Bahig:
On a generalization of addition chains: Addition-multiplication chains. 611-616
Volume 308, Numbers 5-6, March 2008
- Keith Edwards:
Preface. 619 - Ian Anderson, Donald A. Preece:
A general approach to constructing power-sequence terraces for Zn. 631-644 - Anthony J. W. Hilton:
(r, r+1)-factorizations of (d, d+1)-graphs. 645-669 - Peter Dankelmann
, Henda C. Swart, Paul van den Berg:
Diameter and inverse degree. 670-673 - Robin W. Whitty:
Rook polynomials on two-dimensional surfaces and graceful labellings of graphs. 674-683 - Ian Anderson, Leigh H. M. Ellison:
Further results on logarithmic terraces. 684-695 - Elizabeth J. Billington, Dean G. Hoffman:
Equipartite and almost-equipartite gregarious 4-cycle systems. 696-714 - Zoran Radosavljevic, Bojana Mihailovic, Marija Rasajski
On bicyclic reflexive graphs. 715-725 - Arrigo Bonisoli
, Simona Bonvicini
Primitive one-factorizations and the geometry of mixed translations. 726-733 - Henning Fernau
, Joseph F. Ryan, Kiki A. Sugeng:
A sum labelling for the generalised friendship graph. 734-740 - Nicholas J. Cavenagh, Diane M. Donovan
, Emine Sule Yazici
Minimal homogeneous Steiner 2-(v, 3) trades. 741-752 - Selda Küçükçifçi, Güven Yücetürk:
Maximum packing for perfect four-triple configurations. 753-762 - Nicolas Lichiardopol:
Cycles in a tournament with pairwise zero, one or two given vertices in common. 763-771 - Charles J. Colbourn:
Strength two covering arrays: Existence tables and projection. 772-786 - Gil Kaplan, Arieh Lev, Yehuda Roditty:
Bertrand's postulate, the prime number theorem and product anti-magic graphs. 787-794 - Janka Rudasová, Roman Soták
Vertex-distinguishing proper edge colourings of some regular graphs. 795-802 - Douglas R. Woodall:
The average degree of an edge-chromatic critical graph. 803-819 - Melita Gorse Pihler, Janez Zerovnik
Partial cubes are distance graphs. 820-826 - Ervin Györi, Mirko Hornák
, Cory Palmer
, Mariusz Wozniak:
General neighbour-distinguishing index of a graph. 827-831 - Tatsuya Maruta, Maori Shinohara, Mito Takenaka:
Constructing linear codes from some orbits of projectivities. 832-841 - Mito Takenaka, Kei Okamoto, Tatsuya Maruta:
On optimal non-projective ternary linear codes. 842-854 - Christina M. Mynhardt
Trees with depression three. 855-864 - Méziane Aïder
Bipartite almost distance-hereditary graphs. 865-871 - Ron Shaw:
The polynomial degrees of Grassmann and Segre varieties over GF(2). 872-879 - Andrei Gagarin, Vadim E. Zverovich:
A generalised upper bound for the k-tuple domination number. 880-885 - Qingde Kang, Hongtao Zhao:
More large sets of resolvable MTS and resolvable DTS with odd orders. 886-895 - Graham A. Case, David A. Pike:
Pancyclic PBD block-intersection graphs. 896-900 - C. A. Baker, Anthony Bonato, Julia M. Nowlin Brown, Tamás Szonyi:
Graphs with the n-e.c. adjacency property constructed from affine planes. 901-912 - Luis Cereceda, Jan van den Heuvel
, Matthew Johnson
Connectedness of the graph of vertex-colourings. 913-919 - Peter J. Cameron
, Bill Jackson, Jason D. Rudd:
Orbit-counting polynomials for graphs and codes. 920-930 - Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
On 2-factorizations whose automorphism group acts doubly transitively on the factors. 931-939 - Jini Williams, Fred C. Holroyd:
Semi-total graph colourings, the beta parameter, and total chromatic number. 940-954 - Shin-ichi Iwai, Kenjiro Ogawa, Morimasa Tsuchiya:
A note on chordal bound graphs and posets. 955-961 - Andrea C. Burgess, David A. Pike:
Colouring even cycle systems. 962-973 - Elena V. Konstantinova
On reconstruction of signed permutations distorted by reversal errors. 974-984 - Jianliang Wu, Ping Wang:
Equitable coloring planar graphs with large girth. 985-990 - Abdón Sánchez-Arroyo:
The Erdos-Faber-Lovász conjecture for dense hypergraphs. 991-992 - Vladimir I. Levenshtein:
A conjecture on the reconstruction of graphs from metric balls of their vertices. 993-998
Volume 308, Number 7, April 2008
- Marcel Wild:
Weakly submodular rank functions, supermatroids, and the flat lattice of a distributive supermatroid. 999-1017 - Alice Hubenko:
On a cyclic connectivity property of directed graphs. 1018-1024 - C. C. Huang, S. S. Yu:
Prefix-primitivity-preserving homomorphisms. 1025-1032 - Ethan Berkove, Jenna Van Sickle, Ben Hummon, Joy Kogut:
An analysis of the (colored cudes)3 puzzle. 1033-1045 - Vladimir P. Korzhik:
Exponentially many nonisomorphic orientable triangular embeddings of K12s. 1046-1071 - Vladimir P. Korzhik, Jin Ho Kwak:
A new approach to constructing exponentially many nonisomorphic nonorientable triangular embeddings of complete graphs. 1072-1079 - Johannes H. Hattingh, Elizabeth Jonck
, Ernst J. Joubert, Andrew R. Plummer
Nordhaus-Gaddum results for restrained domination and total restrained domination in graphs. 1080-1087 - Chia-Fen Chang, Bor-Liang Chen, Hung-Lin Fu:
Near automorphisms of cycles. 1088-1092 - T. L. Alderson
, Keith E. Mellinger:
Classes of optical orthogonal codes from arcs in root subspaces. 1093-1101 - R. Julian R. Abel, Esther R. Lamken, Jinhua Wang:
A few more Kirkman squares and doubly near resolvable BIBDs with block size 3. 1102-1123 - Justie Su-tzu Juan
, Gerard J. Chang
Adaptive group testing for consecutive positives. 1124-1129 - David Collins, Tamás Lengyel:
The game of 3-Euclid. 1130-1136 - Nolan McMurray, Talmage James Reid, Laura Sheppardson, Bing Wei
, Haidong Wu:
On deletions of largest bonds in graphs. 1137-1141 - Mariusz Grech
, Artur Jez
, Andrzej Kisielewicz:
Graphical complexity of products of permutation groups. 1142-1152 - Daphne Der-Fen Liu:
Radio number for trees. 1153-1164 - Jean R. S. Blair, Wayne Goddard, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Steven B. Horton, Patrick Jones, Grzegorz Kubicki:
On domination and reinforcement numbers in trees. 1165-1175 - Bostjan Bresar, Aleksandra Tepeh Horvat:
Crossing graphs of fiber-complemented graphs. 1176-1184 - Paolo Dulio
, Virgilio Pannone:
Joining caterpillars and stability of the tree center. 1185-1190 - Michael Drmota, Thomas Stoll:
Newman's phenomenon for generalized Thue-Morse sequences. 1191-1208 - Nancy S. S. Gu, Nelson Y. Li, Toufik Mansour
2-Binary trees: Bijections and related issues. 1209-1221 - Daniël Paulusma
, Kiyoshi Yoshimoto:
Relative length of longest paths and longest cycles in triangle-free graphs. 1222-1229 - Mark S. MacLean, Paul M. Terwilliger:
The subconstituent algebra of a bipartite distance-regular graph; thin modules with endpoint two. 1230-1259 - Nawarat Ananchuen, Watcharaphong Ananchuen, Michael D. Plummer:
Matching properties in connected domination critical graphs. 1260-1267 - Mirko Hornák
, Mariusz Wozniak:
On arbitrarily vertex decomposable trees. 1268-1281 - Toru Kojima:
Bandwidth of the strong product of two connected graphs. 1282-1295 - Yaojun Chen, T. C. Edwin Cheng
, C. T. Ng
Hamilton-connectivity of 3-domination critical graphs with alpha=delta+1 >= 5. 1296-1307 - Carlos M. da Fonseca
, E. Marques De Sá
Fibonacci numbers, alternating parity sequences and faces of the tridiagonal Birkhoff polytope. 1308-1318 - Vladimir P. Korzhik:
Minimal non-1-planar graphs. 1319-1327 - Young-Ming Chen
The Chung-Feller theorem revisited. 1328-1329 - Cheng-Kuan Lin, Hua-Min Huang, Jimmy J. M. Tan, Lih-Hsing Hsu:
On spanning connected graphs. 1330-1333 - Xueliang Li, Jianhua Tu
NP-completeness of 4-incidence colorability of semi-cubic graphs. 1334-1340 - Rumen N. Daskalov
A geometric construction of a (38, 2)-blocking set in PG(2, 13) and the related [145, 3, 133]13 code. 1341-1345
Volume 308, Number 8, April 2008
- Stefan Felsner, Marco E. Lübbecke
, Jarik Nesetril
Preface. 1347-1349 - Jun Tarui:
On the minimum number of completely 3-scrambling permutations. 1350-1354 - Javier Barajas, Oriol Serra
Distance graphs with maximum chromatic number. 1355-1365 - Francisco Javier Zaragoza Martínez
Series-parallel graphs are windy postman perfect. 1366-1374 - Noga Alon, Jaroslaw Grytczuk
Breaking the rhythm on graphs. 1375-1380 - Martin Charles Golumbic, Marina Lipshteyn, Michal Stern:
Representing edge intersection graphs of paths on degree 4 trees. 1381-1387 - Tomasz Bartnicki
, Jaroslaw Grytczuk
, Hal A. Kierstead:
The game of arboricity. 1388-1393 - Márton Makai:
Matroid matching with Dilworth truncation. 1394-1404 - Daniel Gonçalves
On the L(p, 1)-labelling of graphs. 1405-1414 - Peter Frankl, Gyula Y. Katona
Extremal k-edge-hamiltonian hypergraphs. 1415-1424 - Audrey Lee, Ileana Streinu:
Pebble game algorithms and sparse graphs. 1425-1437 - Ross J. Kang
, Tobias Müller, Jean-Sébastien Sereni:
Improper colouring of (random) unit disk graphs. 1438-1454 - Gordana Manic, Yoshiko Wakabayashi
Packing triangles in low degree graphs and indifference graphs. 1455-1471 - Gyula Pap:
Packing non-returning A-paths algorithmically. 1472-1488
Volume 308, Number 9, May 2008
- Sapna Jain:
CT bursts - from classical to array coding. 1489-1499 - Sergey V. Avgustinovich, Sergey Kitaev
On uniquely k-determined permutations. 1500-1507 - Maurice Queyranne, Fabio Tardella:
Sublattices of product spaces: Hulls, representations and counting. 1508-1523 - Vincent Vatter
Reconstructing compositions. 1524-1530 - Norbert Seifter
Transitive digraphs with more than one end. 1531-1537 - Guy Louchard, Helmut Prodinger:
On gaps and unoccupied urns in sequences of geometrically distributed random variables. 1538-1562 - Emlee W. Nicholson, Bing Wei
Long cycles containing k-ordered vertices in graphs. 1563-1570 - Jill R. Faudree, Ralph J. Faudree, Zdenek Ryjácek:
Forbidden subgraphs that imply 2-factors. 1571-1582 - Václav Linek, Nabil Shalaby:
The existence of (p, q)-extended Rosa sequences. 1583-1602 - Ruihu Li
, Xueliang Li:
Binary construction of quantum codes of minimum distances five and six. 1603-1611 - Jun Fujisawa
, Tomoki Yamashita:
Degree conditions on claws and modified claws for hamiltonicity of graphs. 1612-1619 - Tomoki Yamashita:
Degree sum and connectivity conditions for dominating cycles. 1620-1627 - Shinya Fujita:
Vertex-disjoint copies of K1+(K1 v K2) in claw-free graphs. 1628-1633 - Yuanqiu Huang, Tinglei Zhao:
The crossing number of K1, 4, n. 1634-1638 - Tomás Feder, Pavol Hell:
On realizations of point determining graphs, and obstructions to full homomorphisms. 1639-1652 - Gustav Nordh:
Perfect Skolem sets. 1653-1664 - Jian Wang, Beiliang Du:
P5-factorization of complete bipartite graphs. 1665-1673 - Masahiro Hachimori
, Masataka Nakamura:
The max-flow min-cut property of two-dimensional affine convex geometries. 1674-1689 - Martin W. Bunder, Keith P. Tognetti, Glen E. Wheeler
On binary reflected Gray codes and functions. 1690-1700 - Seul Hee Choi:
The Robinson-Schensted correspondence for skew oscillating semi-standard tableaux. 1701-1709 - Lutz Volkmann, Stefan Winzen:
Almost regular c-partite tournaments contain a strong subtournament of order c when c >= 5. 1710-1721 - Béla Bollobás, András Gyárfás:
Highly connected monochromatic subgraphs. 1722-1725 - Liqiong Xu, Xiaofeng Guo:
Removable edges in a 5-connected graph and a construction method of 5-connected graphs. 1726-1731 - Geetika Narang, A. K. Agarwal:
Lattice paths and n-colour compositions. 1732-1740 - Guizhen Liu, Lanju Zhang:
Toughness and the existence of fractional k-factors of graphs. 1741-1748 - Artem V. Pyatkin
Subdivided trees are integral sum graphs. 1749-1750 - Daqing Yang, Hal A. Kierstead:
Asymmetric marking games on line graphs. 1751-1755 - Victor J. W. Guo
Bijective proofs of Gould's and Rothe's identities. 1756-1759 - Pablo Spiga, Qiang Wang
An answer to Hirasaka and Muzychuk: Every p-Schur ring over Cpp is Schurian. 1760-1763
Volume 308, Number 10, May 2008
- Marek Niezgoda:
Remarks on convex functions and separable sequences. 1765-1773 - Josef Niederle:
Forbidden retracts for finite ordered sets of width at most four. 1774-1784 - Mostafa Blidia, Mustapha Chellali, Frédéric Maffray:
Extremal perfect graphs for a bound on the domination number. 1785-1791 - Rafael R. Kamalian, Vahan V. Mkrtchyan
On complexity of special maximum matchings constructing. 1792-1800 - Stephen W. Hruska:
On tree congestion of graphs. 1801-1809 - Marién Abreu
, Martin Funk
, Domenico Labbate
, Vito Napolitano
A family of regular graphs of girth 5. 1810-1815 - Daniel C. Slilaty, Hongxun Qin:
The signed-graphic representations of wheels and whirls. 1816-1825 - Ronald C. Read, Earl Glen Whitehead Jr.:
A note on chain lengths and the Tutte polynomial. 1826-1829 - Haicheng Ma, Haizhen Ren:
The chromatic equivalence classes of the complements of graphs with the minimum real roots of their adjoint polynomials greater than -4. 1830-1836 - Weidong Chen, Enmin Song:
Lower bounds on several versions of signed domination number. 1837-1846 - Andrej Vodopivec:
On embeddings of snarks in the torus. 1847-1849 - Junling Zhou, Yanxun Chang, L. Ji:
The spectrum for large sets of pure Mendelsohn triple systems. 1850-1863 - Matías Menni:
Combinatorial functional and differential equations applied to differential posets. 1864-1888 - Stephen J. Curran:
Further results on the enumeration of hamilton paths in Cayley digraphs on semidirect products of cyclic groups. 1889-1908 - Michael A. Henning, Jacob Elgin Maritz:
Total restrained domination in graphs with minimum degree two. 1909-1920 - Jun Guo, Suogang Gao:
Lattices generated by join of strongly closed subgraphs in d-bounded distance-regular graphs. 1921-1929 - Feng Ming Dong
, Khee Meng Koh:
Domination numbers and zeros of chromatic polynomials. 1930-1940 - Bernardo Gabriel Rodrigues:
Self-orthogonal designs and codes from the symplectic groups S4(3) and S4(4). 1941-1950 - Henry Escuadro, Ping Zhang:
Extremal problems on detectable colorings of trees. 1951-1961 - Gábor N. Sárközy:
On 2-factors with k components. 1962-1972 - Severino Villanueva Gervacio, Yvette Fajardo-Lim, Hiroshi Maehara:
Planar unit-distance graphs having planar unit-distance complement. 1973-1984 - Camino Balbuena, Pedro García-Vázquez
, Xavier Marcote:
Connectivity measures in matched sum graphs. 1985-1993 - Daniel C. Slilaty, Hongxun Qin:
Connectivity in frame matroids. 1994-2001 - Kia Dalili, Sara Faridi
, Will Traves:
The reconstruction conjecture and edge ideals. 2002-2010 - Michael Cavers, Jacques Verstraëte:
Clique partitions of complements of forests and bounded degree graphs. 2011-2017 - Binod Kumar Sahoo
New constructions of two slim dense near hexagons. 2018-2024 - Mohamed El-Zahar, Sylvain Gravier, Antoaneta Klobucar:
On the total domination number of cross products of graphs. 2025-2029 - Weidong Gao, R. Thangadurai, Jujuan Zhuang:
Addition theorems on the cyclic groups of order pl. 2030-2033 - Carey E. Priebe, Walter D. Wallis:
On the anomalous behaviour of a class of locality statistics. 2034-2037 - Minghui Jiang:
On the sum of distances along a circle. 2038-2045 - Hasmawati
, Edy Tri Baskoro
, Hilda Assiyatun
The Ramsey numbers for disjoint unions of graphs. 2046-2049 - Martin Kochol, Nad'a Krivonáková, Silvia Smejová, Katarína Sranková:
Counting nowhere-zero flows on wheels. 2050-2053 - Branimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic
A note on atomistic weak congruence lattices. 2054-2057
Volume 308, Number 11, June 2008
- James G. Lefevre
The volume and foundation of star trades. 2059-2066 - Sergei L. Bezrukov, Miquel Rius, Oriol Serra
The vertex isoperimetric problem for the powers of the diamond graph. 2067-2074 - Bo-Jr Li, Gerard J. Chang
Clique coverings and partitions of line graphs. 2075-2079 - Alexander W. Dent:
Point-weight designs with design conditions on t points. 2080-2093 - Dingjun Lou, Wei Wang:
Characterization of graphs with infinite cyclic edge connectivity. 2094-2103 - Víctor Dalmau
, Andrei A. Krokhin
, Benoît Larose:
Retractions onto series-parallel posets. 2104-2114 - Dirk Meierling, Lutz Volkmann:
All 2-connected in-tournaments that are cycle complementary. 2115-2133 - Jack Huizenga:
Chromatic capacity and graph operations. 2134-2148 - Karola Mészáros:
On 3-regular 4-ordered graphs. 2149-2155 - Jin Ho Kwak, Young Soo Kwon:
Classification of reflexible regular embeddings and self-Petrie dual regular embeddings of complete bipartite graphs. 2156-2166 - Néstor E. Aguilera, Valeria A. Leoni:
Characterizations of postman sets. 2167-2174 - Ardeshir Dolati, S. Mehdi Hashemi:
On the sphericity testing of single source digraphs. 2175-2181 - Tomislav Doslic, Darko Veljan:
Logarithmic behavior of some combinatorial sequences. 2182-2212 - Yongxi Cheng, Xiaoming Sun
, Yiqun Lisa Yin:
Searching monotone multi-dimensional arrays. 2213-2221 - William Y. C. Chen, Eva Yu-Ping Deng, Laura L. M. Yang
Riordan paths and derangements. 2222-2227 - Italo Simonelli:
Optimal graphs for chromatic polynomials. 2228-2239 - Michael J. Fisher, Garth Isaak:
Distinguishing colorings of Cartesian products of complete graphs. 2240-2246 - Ákos Kisvölcsey:
Weighted cross-intersecting families. 2247-2260 - Jean-Pierre Duval, Tero Harju
, Dirk Nowotka
Unbordered factors and Lyndon words. 2261-2264 - David Défossez:
A sufficient condition for the bicolorability of a hypergraph. 2265-2268 - Dingjun Lou:
Characterizing minimally n-extendable bipartite graphs. 2269-2272 - Yasuhiro Nakashima:
The transitivity of Conway's M13. 2273-2276 - Adriana Hansberg, Lutz Volkmann:
On graphs with equal domination and 2-domination numbers. 2277-2281 - Mingchu Li, Liming Xiong, Haitze J. Broersma
Connected even factors in claw-free graphs. 2282-2284 - Feng Ming Dong
, Khee Meng Koh:
A maximal zero-free interval for chromatic polynomials of bipartite planar graphs. 2285-2287 - G. Ayik, H. Ayik, Y. Ünlü
On semigroup presentations and Adian graphs. 2288-2291 - Chao Wang, Guofei Zhou:
Note on the degree sequences of k-hypertournaments. 2292-2296 - Tomislav Doslic:
Counting perfect matchings in n-extendable graphs. 2297-2300 - Melody Chan, Anant P. Godbole:
Improved pebbling bounds. 2301-2306 - Masahiro Hachimori
Decompositions of two-dimensional simplicial complexes. 2307-2312 - Michael A. Henning, Liying Kang, Erfang Shan, Anders Yeo:
On matching and total domination in graphs. 2313-2318 - Nadia Brauner
, Vincent Jost
Small deviations, JIT sequencing and symmetric case of Fraenkel's conjecture. 2319-2324 - Dieter Rautenbach:
A note on domination, girth and minimum degree. 2325-2329 - Melody Chan:
The distinguishing number of the augmented cube and hypercube powers. 2330-2336 - Minh Hoang Nguyen, Mirka Miller:
Structural properties of graphs of diameter 2 with maximal repeats. 2337-2341
Volume 308, Number 12, June 2008
- Evelyne Flandrin, Tomás Kaiser
, Roman Kuzel, Hao Li, Zdenek Ryjácek:
Neighborhood unions and extremal spanning trees. 2343-2350 - Zsolt Patakfalvi:
Line-graphs of cubic graphs are normal. 2351-2365 - Karola Mészáros:
Generalized Latin squares and their defining sets. 2366-2378 - Masahiro Hachimori
, Sonoko Moriyama
A note on shellability and acyclic orientations. 2379-2381 - Jun Fujisawa
, Tomoki Yamashita:
A degree sum condition for long cycles passing through a linear forest. 2382-2388 - Yota Otachi
, Koichi Yamazaki
A lower bound for the vertex boundary-width of complete k-ary trees. 2389-2395 - Keith Edwards, Graham Farr:
Planarization and fragmentability of some classes of graphs. 2396-2406 - Adam Nadolski:
Compact cyclic edge-colorings of graphs. 2407-2417 - Karola Mészáros:
On low degree k-ordered graphs. 2418-2426 - Zhongyuan Che, Zhibo Chen:
Forcing faces in plane bipartite graphs. 2427-2439 - Heather Jordon, Joy Morris
Cyclic hamiltonian cycle systems of the complete graph minus a 1-factor. 2440-2449 - Miloud Mihoubi:
Bell polynomials and binomial type sequences. 2450-2459 - Hortensia Galeana-Sánchez, Ricardo Gómez:
Independent sets and non-augmentable paths in generalizations of tournaments. 2460-2472 - Joanna Raczek
Distance paired domination numbers of graphs. 2473-2483 - Gabriela Araujo-Pardo
, Camino Balbuena, Pedro García-Vázquez
, Xavier Marcote, Juan Carlos Valenzuela
On the order of ({r, m};g)-cages of even girth. 2484-2491 - Augustine O. Munagi
Pairing conjugate partitions by residue classes. 2492-2501 - Sven Hartmann, Uwe Leck, Volker Leck:
More orthogonal double covers of complete graphs by Hamiltonian paths. 2502-2508 - Anthony Mendes, Jeffrey B. Remmel:
Descents, inversions, and major indices in permutation groups. 2509-2524 - Srichan Arworn, Ulrich Knauer, Sorasak Leeratanavalee:
Locally strong endomorphisms of paths. 2525-2532 - Zeev Nutov:
On extremal k-outconnected graphs. 2533-2543 - Martin Aigner:
Enumeration via ballot numbers. 2544-2563 - B. P. Tan:
On semicomplete multipartite digraphs whose king sets are semicomplete digraphs. 2564-2570 - Atsuhiro Nakamoto
5-Chromatic even triangulations on surfaces. 2571-2580 - R. Sritharan:
Chordal bipartite completion of colored graphs. 2581-2588 - John L. Goldwasser, William Klostermeyer:
Tight bounds for eternal dominating sets in graphs. 2589-2593 - Kiyoshi Yoshimoto:
Edge degrees and dominating cycles. 2594-2599 - Iwao Sato:
Weighted Bartholdi zeta functions of graph coverings. 2600-2606 - Rangaswami Balakrishnan, S. Francis Raj:
Connectivity of the Mycielskian of a graph. 2607-2610 - Amy M. Fu:
A combinatorial proof of the Lebesgue identity. 2611-2613 - Min Tang:
Partitions of the set of natural numbers and their representation functions. 2614-2616 - Miwako Mishima:
The spectrum of 1-rotational Steiner triple systems over a dicyclic group. 2617-2619 - András Gyárfás, Gábor N. Sárközy:
Size of monochromatic components in local edge colorings. 2620-2622 - John S. Caughman IV
, Clifford R. Haithcock, J. J. Peter Veerman:
A note on lattice chains and Delannoy numbers. 2623-2628 - An-Hang Chen, Jou-Ming Chang
, Yuwen Cheng, Yue-Li Wang:
The existence and uniqueness of strong kings in tournaments. 2629-2633 - Dengxin Li, Hong-Jian Lai, Yehong Shao, Mingquan Zhan:
Hamiltonian connected hourglass free line graphs. 2634-2636 - Jiaojiao Wu, Xuding Zhu:
Lower bounds for the game colouring number of partial k-trees and planar graphs. 2637-2642 - Hongming Yan, Suohai Fan:
Weakly s-arc transitive graphs. 2643-2646 - András Frank
, Lap Chi Lau, Jácint Szabó:
A note on degree-constrained subgraphs. 2647-2648 - Eli Berger, Ran Ziv:
A note on the edge cover number and independence number in hypergraphs. 2649-2654
Volume 308, Number 13, July 2008
- Warwick de Launey:
Combinatorial Designs: A tribute to Jennifer Seberry on her 60th Birthday. 2655-2656 - Spencer P. Hurd, Dinesh G. Sarvate:
On c-Bhaskar Rao Designs and tight embeddings for path designs. 2659-2662 - Spencer P. Hurd, Dinesh G. Sarvate:
Group divisible designs with block size four and two groups. 2663-2673 - Gennian Ge, Malcolm Greig, Alan C. H. Ling, Rolf S. Rees:
Resolvable balanced incomplete block designs with subdesigns of block size 4. 2674-2703 - Gennian Ge:
Construction of optimal ternary constant weight codes via Bhaskar Rao designs. 2704-2708 - Myra B. Cohen, Charles J. Colbourn, Alan C. H. Ling:
Constructing strength three covering arrays with augmented annealing. 2709-2722 - Christos Koukouvinos, Stella Stylianou
On skew-Hadamard matrices. 2723-2731 - Petteri Kaski, Patric R. J. Östergård, Svetlana Topalova
, Rosen Zlatarski:
Steiner triple systems of order 19 and 21 with subsystems of order 7. 2732-2741 - Vassili C. Mavron, T. P. McDonough, Vladimir D. Tonchev
On affine designs and Hadamard designs with line spreads. 2742-2750 - Nicholas C. Wormald, Sanming Zhou
Large forbidden trade volumes and edge packings of random graphs. 2751-2755 - Jim A. MacDougall, Walter D. Wallis:
Strong edge-magic graphs of maximum size. 2756-2763 - Yu Qing Chen, Kathy J. Horadam, Wei-Hung Liu:
Relative difference sets fixed by inversion (III) - Cocycle theoretical approach. 2764-2775 - Yutaka Hiramine, Noboru Ito:
On left Hadamard transversals in non-solvable groups. 2776-2780 - Deborah J. Street, Leonie Burgess:
Some open combinatorial problems in the design of stated choice experiments. 2781-2788 - Rudolf Mathon, Anne Penfold Street, Greg Gamble:
Classification of partitions of all triples on ten points into copies of Fano and affine planes. 2789-2795 - Wolf H. Holzmann, Hadi Kharaghani, Behruz Tayfeh-Rezaie:
All triples for orthogonal designs of order 40. 2796-2801 - Ang Miin Huey
, K. T. Arasu, Siu Lun Ma, Yoseph Strassler:
Study of proper circulant weighing matrices with weight 9. 2802-2809 - Mirka Miller, Rinovia Simanjuntak
Graphs of order two less than the Moore bound. 2810-2821 - Hung-Lin Fu, S. L. Logan, Christopher A. Rodger:
Maximal sets of hamilton cycles in K2p-F. 2822-2829 - Nicholas J. Cavenagh, Diane M. Donovan
, Abdollah Khodkar, G. H. John van Rees:
When is a partial Latin square uniquely completable, but not its completable product? 2830-2843 - Elizabeth J. Billington, Dean G. Hoffman, Christopher A. Rodger:
Resolvable gregarious cycle decompositions of complete equipartite graphs. 2844-2853 - Alexander Pott:
Two applications of relative difference sets: Difference triangles and negaperiodic autocorrelation functions. 2854-2861 - Jennifer D. Key, P. Seneviratne:
Permutation decoding for binary codes from lattice graphs. 2862-2867 - Robert Craigen, R. Woodford:
Power Hadamard matrices. 2868-2884 - Alphonse Baartmans, Sharad S. Sane:
Blocker sets, orthogonal arrays and their application to combination locks. 2885-2895 - Abdollah Khodkar, Warwick de Launey:
On the range of influences in back-circulant Latin squares. 2896-2900 - Chin-Mei Fu, Hung-Lin Fu, Christopher A. Rodger, Todd Smith:
All graphs with maximum degree three whose complements have 4-cycle decompositions. 2901-2909 - Warwick de Launey, Richard M. Stafford:
On the automorphisms of Paley's type II Hadamard matrix. 2910-2924
Volume 308, Number 14, July 2008
- Sejeong Bang, Hyun Kwang Kim, Jack H. Koolen
, Mitsugu Hirasaka, Sung Yell Song:
Preface. 2925 - Anna Draganova, Yukiyasu Mutoh, Richard M. Wilson:
More on decompositions of edge-colored complete graphs. 2926-2943 - Tatsuya Fujisaki:
A construction of non-isomorphic amorphous association schemes from pseudo-cyclic association schemes. 2944-2948 - Amir Rahnamai Barghi:
Common properties of table algebras and association schemes. 2949-2958 - Yukiyasu Mutoh, Vladimir D. Tonchev
Difference systems of sets and cyclotomy. 2959-2969 - Akihide Hanaki
Clifford theory for commutative association schemes. 2970-2975 - A. De Wispelaere, Hendrik Van Maldeghem:
Some new two-character sets in PG(5, q2) and a distance-2 ovoid in the generalized hexagon H(4). 2976-2983 - Jose Maria P. Balmaceda
, Rowena Alma L. Betty
, Fidel R. Nemenzo:
Mass formula for self-dual codes over Zp2. 2984-3002 - Brian Curtin
Inheritance of hyper-duality in imprimitive Bose-Mesner algebras. 3003-3017 - Koichi Betsumiya:
Minimum Lee weights of Type II codes over I. 3018-3022 - Rongquan Feng, Yangxian Wang, Changli Ma, Jianmin Ma:
Eigenvalues of association schemes of quadratic forms. 3023-3047 - Masashi Shinohara:
Uniqueness of maximum planar five-distance sets. 3048-3055 - John S. Caughman IV
, Elizabeth J. Hart, Jianmin Ma:
The last subconstituent of the Hemmeter graph. 3056-3060 - Weixia Li, Hao Shen:
Simple 3-designs of PSL(2, 2n) with block size 6. 3061-3072 - Izumi Miyamoto:
A combinatorial approach to doubly transitive permutation groups. 3073-3081 - E. J. Cheon, Takao Kato, Seon Jeong Kim:
Nonexistence of a [gq(5, d), 5, d]q code for 3q4-4q3-2q+1<=d<=3q4-4q3-q. 3082-3089 - Arlene A. Pascasio:
A characterization of Q-polynomial distance-regular graphs. 3090-3096 - Mikhail E. Muzychuk, Paul-Hermann Zieschang:
On association schemes all elements of which have valency 1 or 2. 3097-3103 - Denis S. Krotov
On diameter perfect constant-weight ternary codes. 3104-3114 - Jon-Lark Kim, Judy L. Walker:
Nonbinary quantum error-correcting codes from algebraic curves. 3115-3124
Volume 308, Number 15, August 2008
- W. M. B. Dukes
, Toufik Mansour
, Astrid Reifegerste:
Wilf classification of three and four letter signed patterns. 3125-3133 - Baogang Xu:
On minimally circular-imperfect graphs. 3134-3142 - Xiao-Dong Zhang:
The Laplacian spectral radii of trees with degree sequences. 3143-3150 - Miki Hermann:
On Boolean primitive positive clones. 3151-3162 - Wenchang Chu, Chuanan Wei:
Set partitions with restrictions. 3163-3168 - Christopher Carl Heckman:
On the tightness of the I independence ratio. 3169-3179 - Kinkar Chandra Das, R. B. Bapat:
A sharp upper bound on the spectral radius of weighted graphs. 3180-3186 - F. Dahme, Dieter Rautenbach, Lutz Volkmann:
alpha-Domination perfect trees. 3187-3198 - Francisco Larrión, Miguel A. Pizaña, R. Villarroel-Flores
Equivariant collapses and the homotopy type of iterated clique graphs. 3199-3207 - Vladimir P. Korzhik, Jin Ho Kwak:
Nonorientable triangular embeddings of complete graphs with arbitrarily large looseness. 3208-3212 - Odile Favaron, Michael A. Henning:
Total domination in claw-free graphs with minimum degree 2. 3213-3219 - Denis Chebikin:
Graph powers and k-ordered Hamiltonicity. 3220-3229 - Michael S. Cavers, Randall J. Elzinga, David A. Gregory, Sarah E. Vanderlinde, Kevin N. Vander Meulen
Clique partitions of distance multigraphs. 3230-3240 - Chengye Zhao, Yuansheng Yang, Linlin Sun:
Domination dot-critical graphs with no critical vertices. 3241-3248 - Yuqing Lin
, Camino Balbuena, Xavier Marcote, Mirka Miller:
On the connectivity of (k, g)-cages of even girth. 3249-3256 - Yutaka Hiramine, Chihiro Suetake:
A contraction of square transversal designs. 3257-3264 - Angelika Hellwig, Lutz Volkmann:
Maximally edge-connected and vertex-connected graphs and digraphs: A survey. 3265-3296 - Andrzej Czygrinow, Glenn H. Hurlbert:
On the pebbling threshold of paths and the pebbling threshold spectrum. 3297-3307 - Eric Sundberg:
Economical tight examples for the biased Erdös-Selfridge theorem. 3308-3314 - Oscar Ordaz, Domingo Quiroz
Representation of group elements as subsequence sums. 3315-3321 - Denis S. Krotov
On decomposability of 4-ary distance 2 MDS codes, double-codes, and n-quasigroups of order 4. 3322-3334 - R. Julian R. Abel, Ahmed M. Assaf:
Modified group divisible designs with block size 5 and even index. 3335-3351 - Teresa Sousa
Friendship decompositions of graphs. 3352-3360 - José Gómez:
Two new methods to obtain super vertex-magic total labelings of graphs. 3361-3372 - Erfang Shan, T. C. Edwin Cheng
Remarks on the minus (signed) total domination in graphs. 3373-3380 - Nick C. Fiala:
Shortest single axioms for commutative moufang loops of exponent 3. 3381-3385 - Shexi Chen, Bolian Liu:
Matrices with maximum kth local exponent in the class of doubly symmetric primitive matrices. 3386-3392 - Guoce Xin:
Constructing all magic squares of order three. 3393-3398 - Pawel Pralat
The diameter of protean graphs. 3399-3406 - Hua Wang:
Extremal trees with given degree sequence for the Randic index. 3407-3411 - Frédéric Havet, Stéphan Thomassé
, Anders Yeo:
Hoàng-Reed conjecture holds for tournaments. 3412-3415 - Huajun Tang
, Yaojun Chen:
Upper signed domination number. 3416-3419 - Xinmin Hou
A characterization of (2gamma, gammap)-trees. 3420-3426
Volume 308, Number 16, August 2008
- Tian-Xiao He, Leetsch C. Hsu, Peter Jau-Shyong Shiue:
A symbolic operator approach to several summation formulas for power series II. 3427-3440 - Juan José Montellano-Ballesteros
, Victor Neumann-Lara, Eduardo Rivera-Campo:
On a heterochromatic number for hypercubes. 3441-3448 - Kiyoshi Ando, Yoshimi Egawa:
Edges not contained in triangles and the distribution of contractible edges in a 4-connected graph. 3449-3460 - Francisco Larrión, Miguel A. Pizaña, R. Villarroel-Flores
Contractibility and the clique graph operator. 3461-3469 - Immanuel Halupczok, Jan-Christoph Schlage-Puchta:
Some strategies for higher dimensional animal achievement games. 3470-3478 - Matthew Elder:
Path bundles on n-cubes. 3479-3490 - Odile Favaron, Michael A. Henning:
Bounds on total domination in claw-free cubic graphs. 3491-3507 - Joaquim Borges
, Josep Rifà
, Victor A. Zinoviev:
On non-antipodal binary completely regular codes. 3508-3525 - Camino Balbuena, Martín Cera
, Ana Diánez
, Pedro García-Vázquez
, Xavier Marcote:
Diameter-girth sufficient conditions for optimal extraconnectivity in graphs. 3526-3536 - Irina Cristea
, Mirela Stefanescu:
Binary relations and reduced hypergroups. 3537-3544 - Julie Haviland:
Independent domination in triangle-free graphs. 3545-3550 - Gus Wiseman:
Set maps, umbral calculus, and the chromatic polynomial. 3551-3564 - Wensong Lin:
Multicoloring and Mycielski construction. 3565-3573 - Ilda P. F. da Silva:
Cubes and orientability. 3574-3585 - R. S. Manikandan, P. Paulraja:
Hamilton cycle decompositions of the tensor product of complete multipartite graphs. 3586-3606 - Jianfeng Wang
, Ruying Liu, Chengfu Ye, Qiongxiang Huang:
A complete solution to the chromatic equivalence class of graph I. 3607-3623 - Tao-Ming Wang, Cheng-Chih Hsiao:
On anti-magic labeling for graph products. 3624-3633 - Dimitris Magos, Ioannis Mourtos
The wheels of the OLS polytope: Facets and separation. 3634-3651 - Michael Giudici
, Cai Heng Li
, Primoz Potocnik, Cheryl E. Praeger
Homogeneous factorisations of graph products. 3652-3667 - Zbigniew Lonc
, Miroslaw Truszczynski:
On the number of minimal transversals in 3-uniform hypergraphs. 3668-3687 - Wai Chee Shiu, Harris Kwong:
Full friendly index sets of P2×Pn. 3688-3693 - Henning Bruhn:
Periodical states and marching groups in a closed owari. 3694-3698 - Massimiliano Caramia
, Stefano Giordani
On the effectiveness of the Harmonic Shelf Algorithm for on-line strip packing. 3699-3703 - Pavel Híc, Milan Pokorný
Integral complete 4-partite graphs. 3704-3705 - Liqun Pu, Hung-Lin Fu, Hao Shen:
Maximal sets of Hamilton cycles in Dn. 3706-3710 - Fengxia Liu, Jixiang Meng:
Edge-connectivity of regular graphs with two orbits. 3711-3716 - Alexander E. Andreev, Stasys Jukna
Very large cliques are easy to detect. 3717-3721 - Manabu Oura:
On the integral ring spanned by genus two weight enumerators. 3722-3725 - Kittikorn Nakprasit:
A note on the strong chromatic index of bipartite graphs. 3726-3728
Volume 308, Number 17, September 2008
- Hairong Kong, Jianguo Lei, Yuan Zhang:
On constructions for two dimensional balanced sampling plan excluding contiguous units with block size four. 3729-3743 - Boris A. Romov:
Extendable local partial clones. 3744-3760 - Khee Meng Koh, Chyan-Yee Goh, Feng Ming Dong
The maximum number of maximal independent sets in unicyclic connected graphs. 3761-3769 - Toru Kojima:
Bandwidth of the corona of two graphs. 3770-3781 - Ryuzo Torii:
Path transferability of graphs. 3782-3804 - Wensong Lin, Peter Che Bor Lam:
Distance two labelling and direct products of graphs. 3805-3815 - Hung-Lin Fu, Kuo-Ching Huang, Chih-Hung Yen:
The linear 3-arboricity of Kn, n and Kn. 3816-3823 - Rohit Ghosh:
Incompleteness of the Giulietti-Ughi arc for large primes. 3824-3835 - Yoshio Okamoto
Local topology of the free complex of a two-dimensional generalized convex shelling. 3836-3846 - Shu-Tao Xia, Fang-Wei Fu, Yong Jiang:
On the minimum average distance of binary constant weight codes. 3847-3859 - Ligong Wang, Xiaodong Liu:
Integral complete multipartite graphs. 3860-3870 - He Chen, Zemin Jin, Xueliang Li, Jianhua Tu
Heterochromatic tree partition numbers for complete bipartite graphs. 3871-3878 - Mustapha Chellali, Odile Favaron, Teresa W. Haynes, Dalila Raber:
Ratios of some domination parameters in trees. 3879-3887 - Hailong Hou
, Yanfeng Luo
Graphs whose endomorphism monoids are regular. 3888-3896 - Feng Ming Dong
, Khee Meng Koh:
On planar and non-planar graphs having no chromatic zeros in the interval (1, 2). 3897-3905 - Ashish K. Srivastava
, Steve Szabo:
The Monochromatic Column problem. 3906-3916 - Joachim von Below, Simon Rénier:
Even and odd diagonals in doubly stochastic matrices. 3917-3929 - Jin Yan:
Disjoint triangles and quadrilaterals in a graph. 3930-3937 - Louis Esperet
, Mickaël Montassier, André Raspaud:
Linear choosability of graphs. 3938-3950 - Guohui Yao, Daming Zhu, Hengwu Li, Shaohan Ma:
A polynomial algorithm to compute the minimum degree spanning trees of directed acyclic graphs with applications to the broadcast problem. 3951-3959 - Hansheng Diao, Gangsong Leng, Lin Si
On a Heilbronn-type problem. 3960-3981 - Daniel W. Cranston
Nomadic decompositions of bidirected complete graphs. 3982-3985 - Emerson L. Monte Carmelo:
Configurations in projective planes and quadrilateral-star Ramsey numbers. 3986-3991 - Zhizheng Zhang, Xin Wang:
A generalization of Calkin's identity. 3992-3997 - Tomasz Luczak
, Miklós Simonovits:
On the minimum degree forcing F-free graphs to be (nearly) bipartite. 3998-4002 - Xiang'en Chen:
On the adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring numbers of graphs with Delta=3. 4003-4007 - Jennifer McNulty, Nancy Ann Neudauer:
On cocircuit covers of bicircular matroids. 4008-4013 - Yingqian Wang
, Ming Chen, Liang Shen:
Plane graphs without cycles of length 4, 6, 7 or 8 are 3-colorable. 4014-4017 - Odile Favaron, Hossein Karami, Seyed Mahmoud Sheikholeslami
Total domination and total domination subdivision number of a graph and its complement. 4018-4023 - Wenjie He, Wenjing Miao, Yufa Shen:
Another proof of the 5-choosability of K5-minor-free graphs. 4024-4026 - Amir Daneshgar
, Hossein Hajiabolhassan
Density and power graphs in graph homomorphism problem. 4027-4030 - Yan-Quan Feng
, Jin-Xin Zhou
Semisymmetric graphs. 4031-4035
Volume 308, Number 18, September 2008
- Timothy J. Hetherington
, Douglas R. Woodall:
List-colouring the square of a K4-minor-free graph. 4037-4043 - Bostjan Bresar, Aleksandra Tepeh Horvat:
On the geodetic number of median graphs. 4044-4051 - Petr Lisonek, Joanna Wallis:
Small proper double blocking sets in Galois planes of prime order. 4052-4056 - Changrim Jang, Hyun Kwang Kim, Dong Yeol Oh, Yoomi Rho:
The poset structures admitting the extended binary Golay code to be a perfect code. 4057-4068 - Victor J. W. Guo
, Jiang Zeng:
Multiple extensions of a finite Euler's pentagonal number theorem and the Lucas formulas. 4069-4078 - Chris Frederick, Chris Peterson:
Ramsey regions. 4079-4085 - Ian Anderson, Donald A. Preece:
Some I terraces from I power-sequences, n being an odd prime. 4086-4107 - Stéphane Bessy:
Paths partition with prescribed beginnings in digraphs: A Chvátal-Erdös condition approach. 4108-4115 - Luciano Panek
, Marcelo Firer, Hyun Kwang Kim, Jong Yoon Hyun:
Groups of linear isometries on poset structures. 4116-4123 - I Nengah Suparta
, A. J. van Zanten:
A construction of Gray codes inducing complete graphs. 4124-4132 - Sárka Hosková, Jan Chvalina:
Discrete transformation hypergroups and transformation hypergroups with phase tolerance space. 4133-4143 - Florent R. Madelaine
, Iain A. Stewart
Improved upper and lower bounds on the feedback vertex numbers of grids and butterflies. 4144-4164 - Davide Baccherini, Donatella Merlini
Combinatorial analysis of Tetris-like games. 4165-4176 - Jorge L. Ramírez Alfonsín:
Gaps in semigroups. 4177-4184 - Chuan-Min Lee, Maw-Shang Chang
Variations of Y-dominating functions on graphs. 4185-4204 - K. Sinha, Z. Wang, Dianhua Wu:
Good equidistant codes constructed from certain combinatorial designs. 4205-4211 - Linda Eroh, Ortrud R. Oellermann:
Geodetic and Steiner geodetic sets in 3-Steiner distance hereditary graphs. 4212-4220 - Marianna Bolla:
Noisy random graphs and their Laplacians. 4221-4230 - Zhi-Wei Sun:
On sums of binomial coefficients and their applications. 4231-4245 - Eduardo H. M. Brietzke
An identity of Andrews and a new method for the Riordan array proof of combinatorial identities. 4246-4262 - Nikolay Rangelov Kolev:
A multiplicative inequality for vertex Folkman numbers. 4263-4266 - Xiaogang Liu
, Yuanping Zhang, Xiangquan Gui:
The multi-fan graphs are determined by their Laplacian spectra. 4267-4271 - Peter Dukes
, Lea Howard:
Small maximally disjoint union-free families. 4272-4275 - Yongzhu Chen, Yingqian Wang
On the diameter of generalized Kneser graphs. 4276-4279 - Houyuan Lin, Jianglu Wang:
Hamilton paths in {K1, 4, K1, 4+e}-free graphs. 4280-4285 - Nechemia Burshtein:
All the solutions of the equation ELEMENT OF 3alpha5beta7gamma. 4286-4292 - Hong-Jian Lai, Yanting Liang, Yehong Shao:
On s-hamiltonian-connected line graphs. 4293-4297 - Takumi Saegusa:
The trace-minimal graph with 2v vertices and regularity v+1. 4298-4303
Volume 308, Number 19, October 2008
- Zoltán Füredi, Ervin Györi, János Pach, Attila Sali:
Guest Editors' Foreword. 4305 - Airat Bekmetjev, Glenn Hurlbert:
The pebbling threshold of the square of cliques. 4306-4314 - Jan Kyncl
, János Pach, Géza Tóth:
Long alternating paths in bicolored point sets. 4315-4321 - Béla Csaba
On embedding well-separable graphs. 4322-4331 - Béla Bollobás, Ervin Györi:
Pentagons vs. triangles. 4332-4336 - Ryan R. Martin
, Endre Szemerédi:
Quadripartite version of the Hajnal-Szemerédi theorem. 4337-4360 - Alexander A. Sapozhenko:
The Cameron-Erdös conjecture. 4361-4369 - Andrew Thomason:
Disjoint unions of complete minors. 4370-4377 - Márk Horváth, Antal Iványi:
Growing perfect cubes. 4378-4388 - Izolda Gorgol
, Andrzej Rucinski
Planar Ramsey numbers for cycles. 4389-4395 - Jonathan Cutler, Balázs Montágh:
Unavoidable subgraphs of colored graphs. 4396-4413 - P. Horak, K. McAvaney:
On covering vertices of a graph by trees. 4414-4418 - Jaroslaw Grytczuk
Thue type problems for graphs, points, and numbers. 4419-4429 - Dhruv Mubayi, Oleg Pikhurko:
Constructions of non-principal families in extremal hypergraph theory. 4430-4434 - Alexandr V. Kostochka, Noah Prince:
On Ks, t-minors in graphs with given average degree. 4435-4445 - Robert B. Ellis:
Density of constant radius normal binary covering codes. 4446-4459 - Noga Alon:
Problems and results in extremal combinatorics - II. 4460-4472 - André Kündgen
, Michael J. Pelsmajer:
Nonrepetitive colorings of graphs of bounded tree-width. 4473-4478 - Ch. Sobhan Babu, Ajit A. Diwan:
Subdivisions of graphs: A generalization of paths and cycles. 4479-4486 - Paul N. Balister
, Ervin Györi, Jenö Lehel, Richard H. Schelp:
Connected graphs without long paths. 4487-4494 - Zoltán Füredi, Jeong-Hyun Kang:
Covering the n-space by convex bodies and its chromatic number. 4495-4500 - Brendan Nagle, Vojtech Rödl, Mathias Schacht
Note on the 3-graph counting lemma. 4501-4517 - Hao Li, Jianping Li:
Long paths with endpoints in given vertex-subsets of graphs. 4518-4529
Volume 308, Number 20, October 2008
- Bing Chen, Shenggui Zhang, T. C. Edwin Cheng
Heavy cycles in k-connected weighted graphs with large weighted degree sums. 4531-4543 - Robert E. Jamison, Beth Novick:
Turán theorems and convexity invariants for directed graphs. 4544-4550 - Thomas Britz
, Keisuke Shiromoto:
A MacWilliams type identity for matroids. 4551-4559 - Zhao Zhang:
Extra edge connectivity and isoperimetric edge connectivity. 4560-4569 - Toufik Mansour
, Simone Severini:
Enumeration of (k, 2)-noncrossing partitions. 4570-4577 - Shiri Artstein-Avidan, Aviezri S. Fraenkel, Vera T. Sós:
A two-parameter family of an extension of Beatty sequences. 4578-4588 - Seog-Jin Kim, Kittikorn Nakprasit:
Coloring the complements of intersection graphs of geometric figures. 4589-4594 - Edward Dobson, Dragan Marusic
An unusual decomposition of a complete 7-partite graph of order 28. 4595-4598 - Hortensia Galeana-Sánchez:
Kernels in edge-coloured orientations of nearly complete graphs. 4599-4607 - Shu-Guang Guo:
Ordering trees with n vertices and matching number q by their largest Laplacian eigenvalues. 4608-4615 - Waldemar Szumny, Iwona Wloch
, Andrzej Wloch
On the existence and on the number of (k, l)-kernels in the lexicographic product of graphs. 4616-4624 - Slobodan K. Simic, Zoran Stanic
Q-integral graphs with edge-degrees at most five. 4625-4634 - Rahul Mukerjee, Peter Z. G. Qian, C. F. Jeff Wu:
On the existence of nested orthogonal arrays. 4635-4642 - Lijun Ji, Jianguo Lei:
Further results on large sets of Kirkman triple systems. 4643-4652 - Ko-Wei Lih, Chen-Ying Lin, Li-Da Tong:
Non-cover generalized Mycielski, Kneser, and Schrijver graphs. 4653-4659 - Jean-Christophe Aval:
Multivariate Fuss-Catalan numbers. 4660-4669 - Daniel Berend
, Ephraim Korach, Vladimir Lipets:
Minimal cutwidth linear arrangements of abelian Cayley graphs. 4670-4695 - Kiyoshi Hosono:
Cells in any simple polygon formed by a planar point set. 4696-4709 - Maria Axenovich, Perry Iverson:
Edge-colorings avoiding rainbow and monochromatic subgraphs. 4710-4723 - Ivan Chajda, Radomír Halas, Helmut Länger:
Congruence kernels of orthomodular implication algebras. 4724-4733 - Yoshio Sano:
Rank functions of strict cg-matroids. 4734-4744 - Andrei Asinowski
Suballowable sequences and geometric permutations. 4745-4762 - Jaromy Scott Kuhl, Tristan Denley:
On a generalization of the Evans Conjecture. 4763-4767 - Iwona Wloch
Trees with extremal numbers of maximal independent sets including the set of leaves. 4768-4772 - Jacob Fox, Mohammad Mahdian, Rados Radoicic:
Rainbow solutions to the Sidon equation. 4773-4778 - Zhang Lili, Elaine M. Eschen, Hong-Jian Lai, Yehong Shao:
The s-Hamiltonian index. 4779-4785 - Xuegong Tan, Jin Han Park:
Some topological properties of folded Petersen graph. 4786-4790 - David Cariolaro:
An adjacency lemma for critical multigraphs. 4791-4795 - Martin Knor, Jozef Sirán:
Regular hamiltonian embeddings of Kn, n and regular triangular embeddings of Kn, n, n. 4796-4800 - R. Gray, James D. Mitchell
Largest subsemigroups of the full transformation monoid. 4801-4810 - Dancheng Lu
, Tongsuo Wu:
On endomorphism-regularity of zero-divisor graphs. 4811-4815 - Béla Bollobás, Vladimir Nikiforov:
Graphs and Hermitian matrices: Exact interlacing. 4816-4821 - Anne Sinko, Peter J. Slater:
Queen's domination using border squares and (A, B)-restricted domination. 4822-4828 - Dean Crnkovic
Symmetric and resolvable lambda-configurations constructed from block designs. 4829-4832 - Dieter Kratsch, Jeremy P. Spinrad, R. Sritharan:
A new characterization of HH-free graphs. 4833-4835
Volume 308, Number 21, November 2008
- Zhe-xian Wan, Karping Shum, Guiyun Chen:
Preface. 4837-4838 - Congxin Wu, Xuekun Ren:
Fuzzy measures and discreteness. 4839-4845 - Qian Li, Bolian Liu:
Bounds on the kth multi-g base index of nearly reducible sign pattern matrices. 4846-4860 - Wieslaw A. Dudek
, Kazimierz Glazek:
Around the Hosszú-Gluskin theorem for n-ary groups. 4861-4876 - Pál Dömösi, Masami Ito, Solomon Marcus:
Marcus contextual languages consisting of primitive words. 4877-4881 - Zhifang Zhang, Mulan Liu, Liangliang Xiao:
Rearrangements of access structures and their realizations in secret sharing schemes. 4882-4891 - Elena Deza, Lidiya Varukhina:
On mean values of some arithmetic functions in number fields. 4892-4899 - Masami Ito, Kayoko Shikishima-Tsuji:
Shortest directing words of nondeterministic directable automata. 4900-4905 - Ivan Chajda, Miroslav Kolarík
Nearlattices. 4906-4913 - Zhe-Xian Wan:
A shorter proof for an explicit formula for discrete logarithms in finite fields. 4914-4915 - Leonid A. Bokut, V. V. Chaynikov:
Gröbner-Shirshov basis of the Adyan extension of the Novikov group. 4916-4930 - Hongtao Zhao, Qingde Kang:
Large sets of Hamilton cycle and path decompositions. 4931-4940 - Cunsheng Ding
, Jianxing Yin:
Constructions of almost difference families. 4941-4954 - Shaofang Hong, Jianrong Zhao:
Analysis of sharp polynomial upper estimate of number of positive integral points in a five-dimensional tetrahedra. 4955-4971 - Radomír Halas:
On extensions of ideals in posets. 4972-4977 - Fang Li, Haijun Cao, Guojun Wang:
A special class of tensor categories initiated by inverse braid monoids. 4978-4991 - Lv Heng, Guiyun Chen:
On Cernikov p-groups. 4992-4997 - Ch. Ratanaprasert, Klaus Denecke:
Unary operations with long pre-periods. 4998-5005 - Kar Ping Shum, Pingyu Zhu, N. Kehayopulu:
III-Homomorphisms and III-congruences on posets. 5006-5013
Volume 308, Number 22, November 2008
- Vladimir Samodivkin
Changing and unchanging of the domination number of a graph. 5015-5025 - Ioan Tomescu
Discrepancies between metric dimension and partition dimension of a connected graph. 5026-5031 - Martin Baca
, Christian Barrientos:
On super edge-antimagic total labelings of mKn. 5032-5037 - Wanzhou Ye, Xianjun Li:
A discrete problem on d-dimensional symmetric weighted median filters. 5038-5048 - Yunqing Xu, Yanxun Chang, Gennian Ge, Hantao Zhang:
Frame self-orthogonal Mendelsohn triple systems of type hn. 5049-5063 - Xuelian Wen, Dingjun Lou:
Characterizing defect n-extendable graphs and (2n+1)-critical graphs. 5064-5069 - Renzo Sprugnoli:
Negation of binomial coefficients. 5070-5077 - Dongseok Kim, Jaeun Lee:
The chromatic numbers of double coverings of a graph. 5078-5086 - Bhaskar Bagchi, Basudeb Datta:
Uniqueness of Walkup's 9-vertex 3-dimensional Klein bottle. 5087-5095 - Henry Liu, Robert Morris, Noah Prince:
Highly connected multicoloured subgraphs of multicoloured graphs. 5096-5121 - Tongsuo Wu, Dancheng Lu
Sub-semigroups determined by the zero-divisor graph. 5122-5135 - Gab-Byung Chae:
Counting labeled claw-free cubic graphs by connectivity. 5136-5143 - Lan Xu, Baoyindureng Wu:
Transformation graph G-+-. 5144-5148 - R. Julian R. Abel, Frank E. Bennett, Hantao Zhang:
Existence of HSOLSSOMs of type 2nu1. 5149-5173 - Jakayla R. Robbins:
Representable orientations of the free spikes. 5174-5183 - Charles J. Colbourn, Cécile Huybrechts:
Fully gated graphs: Recognition and convex operations. 5184-5195 - Giorgio Donati
, Nicola Durante:
On the intersection of Hermitian curves and of Hermitian surfaces. 5196-5203 - Michel Grabisch, Pedro Miranda
On the vertices of the k-additive core. 5204-5217 - Chunwei Song:
The limiting case of Haglund's (q, t)-Schröder theorem and an involution formula. 5218-5229 - Thierry Gensane, Philippe Ryckelynck:
Producing dense packings of cubes. 5230-5245 - Alexander Berkovich, Hamza Yesilyurt:
New identities for 7-cores with prescribed BG-rank. 5246-5259 - Jun Guo, Suogang Gao, Kaishun Wang:
Lattices generated by subspaces in d-bounded distance-regular graphs. 5260-5264 - Daniel Finkel:
On the number of independent chorded cycles in a graph. 5265-5268 - Jiuying Dong:
k disjoint cycles containing specified independent vertices. 5269-5273 - Nicolas Lichiardopol:
A new lower bound on the strong connectivity of an oriented graph. Application to diameters with a particular case related to Caccetta Häggkvist conjecture. 5274-5279 - Ryuichi Mori:
(3, 3)-Linked planar graphs. 5280-5283 - Geir Agnarsson
On multipartite posets. 5284-5288 - Denis S. Krotov
On reducibility of n-ary quasigroups. 5289-5297 - Hong-Gwa Yeh, Chun-Ying Chiang, Sheng-Hueng Peng:
Steiner centers and Steiner medians of graphs. 5298-5307 - Charles J. Colbourn, Alan C. H. Ling, Gaetano Quattrocchi:
Minimum embedding of Steiner triple systems into (K4-e)-designs I. 5308-5311 - Hong-Jian Lai, Yehong Shao, Mingquan Zhan:
Every 4-connected line graph of a quasi claw-free graph is hamiltonian connected. 5312-5316
Volume 308, Number 23, December 2008
- Bolian Liu:
On an upper bound of the spectral radius of graphs. 5317-5324 - Liming Xiong, Qiuxin Wu, Mingchu Li:
Radius and subpancyclicity in line graphs. 5325-5333 - Xiumei Wang, Zhenkun Zhang, Yixun Lin:
Bipartite matching extendable graphs. 5334-5341 - Baoyindureng Wu, Li Zhang:
The minimum number of vertices for a triangle-free graph with chil(G)=4 is 11. 5342-5348 - Gábor Péter Nagy
Direct construction of code loops. 5349-5357 - Ernest J. Cockayne, Odile Favaron, Art S. Finbow, Christina M. Mynhardt
Open irredundance and maximum degree in graphs. 5358-5375 - Elvan Ceyhan:
The distribution of the domination number of class cover catch digraphs for non-uniform one-dimensional data. 5376-5393 - Gennian Ge, Martin Grüttmüller, Sven Hartmann, Rolf S. Rees:
Mandatory representation designs I with k=2mod3. 5394-5406 - Manuel Maia, Miguel Méndez:
On the arithmetic product of combinatorial species. 5407-5427 - John P. McSorley:
Constructing and classifying neighborhood anti-Sperner graphs. 5428-5445 - Johannes H. Hattingh, Andrew R. Plummer
Restrained bondage in graphs. 5446-5453 - Atsuhiro Nakamoto
, Yusuke Suzuki:
N-Flips in even triangulations on the projective plane. 5454-5462 - Kiyoshi Ando, Yoshimi Egawa:
Edges not contained in triangles and the number of contractible edges in a 4-connected graph. 5463-5472 - Simon Griffiths
The Erdös-Ginzberg-Ziv theorem with units. 5473-5484 - Yaakov S. Kupitz, Horst Martini:
Geometric graphs which are 1-skeletons of unstacked triangulated polygons. 5485-5498 - Minh Hoang Nguyen, Mirka Miller:
Moore bound for mixed networks. 5499-5503 - Bart De Bruyn:
A recursive construction for the dual polar spaces I. 5504-5515 - Lutz Volkmann, Stefan Winzen:
Strong subtournaments containing a given vertex in regular multipartite tournaments. 5516-5521 - Harris Kwong, Sin-Min Lee, Ho Kuen Ng:
On friendly index sets of 2-regular graphs. 5522-5532 - Bor-Liang Chen, Kuo-Ching Huang, Chih-Hung Yen:
Chromatic coloring with a maximum color class. 5533-5537 - Yusuke Higuchi, Yuji Nomura:
Non-separating 2-factors of an even-regular graph. 5538-5547 - Juraj Stacho:
On P4-transversals of chordal graphs. 5548-5554 - Bostjan Bresar, Sandi Klavzar
, Aleksandra Tepeh Horvat:
On the geodetic number and related metric sets in Cartesian product graphs. 5555-5561 - Dieter Rautenbach, Lutz Volkmann:
Some remarks on lambdap, q-connectedness. 5562-5569 - Joanna Raczek
Paired bondage in trees. 5570-5575 - Qingshu Meng, Min Yang, Huanguo Zhang, Jingsong Cui:
A novel algorithm enumerating bent functions. 5576-5584 - Roman Cada
The *-closure for graphs and claw-free graphs. 5585-5596 - Sergei Ovchinnikov:
Partial cubes: structures, characterizations, and constructions. 5597-5621 - Roman Cada
Degree conditions on induced claws. 5622-5631 - Guangguo Han:
Unsolvable block transitive automorphism groups of I designs. 5632-5644 - Hsun-Wen Chang, Huang-Wei Chou, David Kuo, Chun-Liang Lin:
Labeling graphs with two distance constraints. 5645-5655 - Bart De Bruyn, Harm Pralle
The hyperplanes of the near hexagon on the 2-factors of the complete graph K8. 5656-5671 - Charles H. Jepsen, Paul Monsky:
Constructing equidissections for certain classes of trapezoids. 5672-5681 - Camino Balbuena, Martín Cera
, Ana Diánez
, Pedro García-Vázquez
On the girth of extremal graphs without shortest cycles. 5682-5690 - Noga Alon, Adi Pinchasi, Rom Pinchasi:
An isoperimetric inequality in the universal cover of the punctured plane. 5691-5701 - Ji-Ming Guo:
A conjecture on the algebraic connectivity of connected graphs with fixed girth. 5702-5711 - Guantao Chen, Michael Ferrara, Ronald J. Gould, John R. Schmitt:
Graphic sequences with a realization containing a complete multipartite subgraph. 5712-5721 - Severino Villanueva Gervacio, Isagani B. Jos:
The Euclidean dimension of the join of two cycles. 5722-5726 - Imed Zaguia:
Critically prime interval orders. 5727-5734 - Song Heng Chan
Some congruences for Andrews-Paule's broken 2-diamond partitions. 5735-5741 - Chengfu Qin
, Xudong Yuan, Jianji Su:
Some properties of contraction-critical 5-connected graphs. 5742-5756 - Gábor N. Sárközy, Stanley M. Selkow:
Distributing vertices along a Hamiltonian cycle in Dirac graphs. 5757-5770 - David B. Leep, Colin L. Starr:
Estimates of the Pythagoras number of I through lattice points and polytopes. 5771-5781 - Miklós Bóna
Where the monotone pattern (mostly) rules. 5782-5788 - Yufa Shen, Guoping Zheng, Wenjie He, Yongqiang Zhao:
Structural properties and edge choosability of planar graphs without 4-cycles. 5789-5794 - L. Sunil Chandran, Naveen Sivadasan:
The cubicity of hypercube graphs. 5795-5800 - Roman Kuzel:
A note on the dominating circuit conjecture and subgraphs of essentially 4-edge-connected cubic graphs. 5801-5804 - Robert B. Ellis, Vadim Ponomarenko
, Catherine H. Yan
How to play the one-lie Rényi-Ulam game. 5805-5808 - Vadim E. Levit
, Eugen Mandrescu:
The intersection of all maximum stable sets of a tree and its pendant vertices. 5809-5814 - Masao Hara, Junzo Watanabe:
The determinants of certain matrices arising from the Boolean lattice. 5815-5822 - Vahan V. Mkrtchyan
, Vahe L. Musoyan, A. V. Tserunyan:
On edge-disjoint pairs of matchings. 5823-5828 - Jochen Harant, Michael A. Henning, Dieter Rautenbach, Ingo Schiermeyer:
The independence number in graphs of maximum degree three. 5829-5833 - Anna Varvak:
Lattice path encodings in a combinatorial proof of a differential identity. 5834-5840 - Yongqi Sun, Yuansheng Yang, Xiaohui Lin, Yanan Song:
The planar Ramsey number I. 5841-5848 - Mingfei Gao, Qiongxiang Huang:
On generalized theta-graphs whose second largest eigenvalue does not exceed 1. 5849-5855 - Lianying Miao, Shiyou Pang:
On the size of edge-coloring critical graphs with maximum degree 4. 5856-5859 - Chun-Gang Ji, Wei-Ping Li:
Values of coefficients of cyclotomic polynomials. 5860-5863 - Zemin Jin, Xueliang Li:
Graphs with the second largest number of maximal independent sets. 5864-5870 - Wenjie He, Lingmin Zhang, Daniel W. Cranston
, Yufa Shen, Guoping Zheng:
Choice number of complete multipartite graphs K3*3, 2*(k-5), 1*2 and K4, 3*2, 2*(k-6), 1*3. 5871-5877 - Tao-Ming Wang, Cheng-Chih Hsiao, Sin-Min Lee:
A note on edge-graceful spectra of the square of paths. 5878-5885 - Arie Bialostocki, Daniel Finkel, András Gyárfás:
Disjoint chorded cycles in graphs. 5886-5890 - Liming Xiong:
The existence of even factors in iterated line graphs. 5891-5894 - Rubén Albiol, Marc Noy:
Identities for non-crossing graphs and multigraphs. 5895-5897
Volume 308, Number 24, December 2008
- Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Kenta Ozeki
, Tomoki Yamashita:
Long cycles in graphs without hamiltonian paths. 5899-5906 - Robert E. L. Aldred, Michael D. Plummer:
Restricted matching in graphs of small genus. 5907-5921 - Behnaz Omoomi, Ali Pourmiri
Local coloring of Kneser graphs. 5922-5927 - Daphne Der-Fen Liu, Xuding Zhu:
Coloring the Cartesian sum of graphs. 5928-5936 - Richard G. Gibson:
Bipartite graphs are not universal fixers. 5937-5943 - YoungBin Choe:
A combinatorial proof of the Rayleigh formula for graphs. 5944-5953 - Silvia Heubach
, Nelson Y. Li, Toufik Mansour
Staircase tilings and k-Catalan structures. 5954-5964 - Yoshimi Egawa, Shinya Fujita, Katsuhiro Ota:
K1, 3-factors in graphs. 5965-5973 - Jiaojiao Wu, Xuding Zhu:
The 6-relaxed game chromatic number of outerplanar graphs. 5974-5980 - Chang-Xiang He, Jia-Yu Shao, Jin-Ling He:
On the Laplacian spectral radii of bicyclic graphs. 5981-5995 - Pak Tung Ho
The crossing number of K1, m, n. 5996-6002 - Prem L. Sharma:
Packing 1×2×4 bricks in a cubical box. 6003-6008 - Pierangela Veneziani:
Optimality conditions for Hunter's bound. 6009-6014 - Xianglin Wei, Ren Ding:
H-triangles with k interior H-points. 6015-6021 - George B. Sherwood:
Optimal and near-optimal mixed covering arrays by column expansion. 6022-6035 - Hortensia Galeana-Sánchez, Rocío Rojas-Monroy
Kernels and some operations in edge-coloured digraphs. 6036-6046 - Edward Dobson:
On isomorphisms of circulant digraphs of bounded degree. 6047-6055 - Bernardo Llano, Victor Neumann-Lara:
Circulant tournaments of prime order are tight. 6056-6063 - Hajo Broersma
, Gasper Fijavz, Tomás Kaiser
, Roman Kuzel, Zdenek Ryjácek, Petr Vrána
Contractible subgraphs, Thomassen's conjecture and the dominating cycle conjecture for snarks. 6064-6077 - Karen S. Briggs:
A combinatorial interpretation of the p, q-hit numbers. 6078-6103 - Zhongyuan Che:
Uniquely pairable graphs. 6104-6110 - Jun Fujisawa
, Katsuhiro Ota, Takeshi Sugiyama, Masao Tsugaki:
Forbidden subgraphs and the existence of paths and cycles passing through specified vertices. 6111-6114 - Ji-Ming Guo:
On the spectral radii of unicyclic graphs with fixed matching number. 6115-6131 - Yan-ling Peng:
Chromatic uniqueness of a family of K4-homeomorphs. 6132-6140 - Olof Heden:
Perfect codes from the dual point of view I. 6141-6156 - Michaël Rao:
Clique-width of graphs defined by one-vertex extensions. 6157-6165 - Valery S. Gordon, Yury L. Orlovich, Frank Werner
Hamiltonian properties of triangular grid graphs. 6166-6188 - Nicholas J. Cavenagh, Ales Drápal
, Carlo Hämäläinen:
Latin bitrades derived from groups. 6189-6202 - Venkat Anantharam:
A technique to study the correlation measures of binary sequences. 6203-6209 - Jianliang Wu, Ping Wang:
List-edge and list-total colorings of graphs embedded on hyperbolic surfaces. 6210-6215 - Min Chen, Weifan Wang:
Acyclic 5-choosability of planar graphs without 4-cycles. 6216-6225 - Jian-Hua Yin, Gang Chen, John R. Schmitt:
Graphic sequences with a realization containing a generalized friendship graph. 6226-6232 - Genghua Fan, Chuixiang Zhou:
Degree sum and nowhere-zero 3-flows. 6233-6240 - Beniamin Mounits:
Lower bounds on the minimum average distance of binary codes. 6241-6253 - Jianzhuan Wu, Wensong Lin:
The strong chromatic index of a class of graphs. 6254-6261 - Min Li, Xudong Yuan, Jianji Su:
The number of vertices of degree 7 in a contraction-critical 7-connected graph. 6262-6268 - Mariusz Meszka, Roman Nedela, Alexander Rosa:
The chromatic number of 5-valent circulants. 6269-6284 - Endre Boros
, Konrad Borys, Vladimir Gurvich, Gábor Rudolf:
Generating 3-vertex connected spanning subgraphs. 6285-6297 - R. H. Jeurissen:
Raney and Catalan. 6298-6307 - Xia Li, Hao Li, Heping Zhang
Path-comprehensive and vertex-pancyclic properties of super line graph I. 6308-6315 - Riadh Khennoufa, Olivier Togni:
Total and fractional total colourings of circulant graphs. 6316-6329 - Hau-wen Huang, Yu-Pei Huang, Chih-Wen Weng:
More on pooling spaces. 6330-6338 - Morten Hegner Nielsen:
On a cycle partition problem. 6339-6347 - Changqing Xu, Guizhen Liu:
Edge covered critical multigraphs. 6348-6354 - Johannes Hatzl, Stephan G. Wagner:
Combinatorial properties of a general domination problem with parity constraints. 6355-6367 - Vladimir D. Tonchev
Quantum codes from caps. 6368-6372 - Liming Xiong, Qiuxin Wu:
The hamiltonian index of a 2-connected graph. 6373-6382 - Ligong Wang, Hajo Broersma
, Cornelis Hoede, Xueliang Li, Georg Still:
Some families of integral graphs. 6383-6391 - Robert Gray, John Kenneth Truss:
Construction of some countable 1-arc-transitive bipartite graphs. 6392-6405 - Toru Araki
The k-tuple twin domination in de Bruijn and Kautz digraphs. 6406-6413 - Jan Galuszka:
Groupoids with quasigroup and Latin square properties. 6414-6425 - Koji Chinen:
An abundance of invariant polynomials satisfying the Riemann hypothesis. 6426-6440 - Yongxi Cheng:
A new class of antimagic Cartesian product graphs. 6441-6448 - Kenzi Akiyama, Chihiro Suetake:
On I's. 6449-6465 - Weiping Wang
, Tian-ming Wang:
Generalized Riordan arrays. 6466-6500 - David S. Herscovici:
Graham's pebbling conjecture on products of many cycles. 6501-6512 - Dirk Meierling, Lutz Volkmann:
On arc-traceable local tournaments. 6513-6526 - Zoltán Szigeti:
Edge-connectivity augmentation of graphs over symmetric parity families. 6527-6532 - Adrian Dumitrescu:
On distinct distances and lambda-free point sets. 6533-6538 - Keith P. Tognetti:
On self-matching within integer part sequences. 6539-6545 - Wesley Pegden
A finite goal set in the plane which is not a winner. 6546-6551 - David R. Guichard:
Perfect matchings in pruned grid graphs. 6552-6557 - Jinfeng Feng, Yubao Guo:
Hamiltonian problem on claw-free and almost distance-hereditary graphs. 6558-6563 - Changqing Xu, Guizhen Liu:
A note on the edge cover chromatic index of multigraphs. 6564-6568 - Deming Li, Mingju Liu:
Incidence coloring of the squares of some graphs. 6569-6574 - Wai Chee Shiu, Pak Kiu Sun
Invalid proofs on incidence coloring. 6575-6580 - Tobias Müller, Attila Pór, Jean-Sébastien Sereni:
Lower bounding the boundary of a graph in terms of its maximum or minimum degree. 6581-6583 - Tomoki Yamashita:
On degree sum conditions for long cycles and cycles through specified vertices. 6584-6587 - Lili Zhang:
A result on combinatorial curvature for embedded graphs on a surface. 6588-6595 - Iztok Peterin
A characterization of planar partial cubes. 6596-6600 - Odile Favaron, Hossein Karami, Seyed Mahmoud Sheikholeslami
Paired-domination number of a graph and its complement. 6601-6605 - Yanxun Chang, Tao Feng
, Giovanni Lo Faro
, Antoinette Tripodi
Two types of switchable lambda-fold (K4-e)-designs. 6606-6625 - Suohai Fan, Hong-Jian Lai, Yehong Shao, Taoye Zhang, Ju Zhou:
Degree sequence and supereulerian graphs. 6626-6631 - W. M. B. Dukes
Concerning the shape of a geometric lattice. 6632-6638 - Wenping Zheng, Xiaohui Lin, Yuansheng Yang:
The crossing number of K2, mPn. 6639-6644 - Yongzhu Chen, Weifan Wang:
Diameters of uniform subset graphs. 6645-6649 - Manu Basavaraju, L. Sunil Chandran:
Acyclic edge coloring of subcubic graphs. 6650-6653

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