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Encyclopedia of Information Systems 2002
- Hossein Bidgoli:
Encyclopedia of Information Systems. Academic Press 2002, ISBN 978-0-12-227240-0 - Hossein Bidgoli:
Preface. xxix-xxxi - Uday S. Murthy:
Accounting. 1-19 - Brenda J. Moscove, Robert G. Fletcher:
Advertising and Marketing in Electronic Commerce. 21-30 - Günter Neumann:
Artificial Intelligence Programming. 31-45 - Sergio de Agostlno, Raymond Greenlaw:
Automata Theory. 47-63 - Bengt Karlöf:
Benchmarking. 65-80 - Jae Kyu Lee:
Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce. 81-97 - Jiang Guo:
C and C++. 99-111 - Mohammed B. Khan:
Cobol. 113-126 - Dale Shaffer:
Cohesion, Coupling, and Abstraction. 127-139 - Seth D. Bergmann:
Compilers. 141-170 - George Gustav Savii:
Computer-Aided Design. 171-186 - Anita Lee-Post:
Computer-Aided Manufacturing. 187-203 - Donna Weaver McCloskey:
Computer Assisted Systems Engineering (CASE). 205-211 - Ata Nahouraii:
Computer Hardware. 213-228 - Asghar Sabbaghi, Ali R. Montazemi:
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 229-242 - Judith S. Olson, Gary M. Olson:
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. 243-253 - Robert M. Slade:
Computer Viruses. 255-265 - Stanislaw Raczynski:
Continuous Simulation. 267-286 - Mary S. Doucet, Thomas A. Doucet:
Control and Auditing. 287-305 - Allsha D. Malloy, Kannan Mohan, Detmar W. Straub, Amrit Tiwana:
Copyright Laws. 307-317 - Robert J. Thierauf:
Corporate Planning. 319-331 - David L. Olson:
Cost/Benefit Analysis. 333-344 - M. E. Kabay:
Crime, Use of Computers in. 345-363 - Asterios G. Kefalas:
Cybernetics. 365-378 - Ming Wang:
Database Administration. 379-387 - Ming Wang, Russell K. Chan:
Database Development Process. 389-402 - Catherine M. Ricardo:
Database Machines. 403-410 - Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan:
Database Systems. 411-422 - Khalid Sayood:
Data Compression. 423-444 - Timothy R. Anderson
Data Envelopment Analysis. 445-454 - Sagjin Yoo:
Data Flow Diagrams. 455-468 - Eduardo Gelbstein:
Data, Information, and Knowledge. 469-476 - Marietta J. Tretter:
Data Mining. 477-488 - Salvatore T. March:
Data Modeling: Entity-Relationship Data Model. 489-503 - Michalis Vazirgiannis:
Data Modeling: Object-Oriented Data Model. 505-520 - Zhengxin Chen:
Data Warehousing and Data Marts. 521-533 - Theodor J. Stewart:
Decision-Making Approaches. 535-549 - Clyde W. Holsapple:
Decision Support Systems. 551-565 - Herbert A. Simon:
Decision Theory. 567-581 - Reza Azarmsa:
Desktop Publishing. 583-602 - Elia Chepaltis:
Developing Nations. 603-613 - Randal D. Pinkett:
Digital Divide, The. 615-633 - Claudia Loebbecke:
Digital Goods: An Economic Perspective. 635-647 - Ata Nahouraii, Trevor H. Jones, Donald Robbins:
Disaster Recovery Planning. 649-661 - Jerry Banks:
Discrete Event Simulation. 663-671 - M. Tamer Özsu:
Distributed Databases. 673-682 - Thomas T. Barker:
Documentation for Software and IS Development. 683-693 - Kevin J. Stiroh:
Economic Impacts of Information Technology. 1-14 - Hossein Bidgoli:
Electronic Commerce. 15-28 - Manish Agrawal, Chun-Jen Kuo, H. Raghav Rao, Kichan Nam:
Electronic Commerce, Infrastructure for. 29-46 - Izak Benbasat, Paul Chwelos, Albert S. Dexter, Clive D. Wrigley:
Electronic Data Interchange. 47-55 - Michael Sampson:
Electronic Mail. 57-70 - Jane K. Winn:
Electronic Payment Systems. 71-86 - Jeff Gilchrist:
Encryption. 87-100 - Joseph B. O'Donnell, G. Lawrence Sanders:
End-User Computing Concepts. 101-113 - Eduardo Gelbstein:
End-User Computing, Managing. 115-126 - Jose Stigliano, Marco Bruni:
End-User Computing Tools. 127-139 - Peter C. Y. Chen, Aun Neow Poo:
Engineering, Artificial Intelligence in. 141-155 - Mark P. Sena:
Enterprise Computing. 157-167 - Sowmyanarayanan Sadagopan
Enterprise Resource Planning. 169-184 - Waldemar Karwowski, Francesca Rizzo, David Rodrick:
Ergonomics. 185-201 - Patrick Verlinde:
Error Detecting and Correcting Codes. 203-228 - Effy Oz:
Ethical Issues. 229-237 - Richard O. Mason:
Ethical Issues in Artificial Intelligence. 239-258 - Zbigniew Michalewicz, Marc Schoenauer:
Evolutionary Algorithms. 259-267 - Raymond McLeod:
Executive Information Systems. 269-276 - Jay E. Aronson:
Expert Systems. 277-289 - Victoria Y. Yoon, Monica Adya:
Expert Systems Construction. 291-300 - Deborah Bayles Kalman:
Extranets. 301-312 - Kaushal Chari:
Firewalls. 313-329 - K. B. Lloyd, J. Solak:
Flowcharting Techniques. 331-344 - Donna Wielbo, Kevin L. Lothridge:
Forensics. 345-355 - Michael Metcalf:
Fortran. 357-369 - Ray Hunt:
Frame Relay. 371-390 - Marlei Pozzebon:
Future of Information Systems. 391-401 - Theodore L. Turocy, Bernhard von Stengel:
Game Theory. 403-420 - Peter B. Keenan
Geographic Information Systems. 421-432 - Robert G. Fletcher:
Geographic Information Systems in Real Estate. 433-441 - Magid Igbaria, Murugan Anandarajan, Charlie Chien-Hung Chen:
Global Information Systems. 443-458 - Jennifer DeCamp:
Globalization. 459-474 - Jatinder N. D. Gupta, Sushil K. Sharma:
Globalization and Information Management Strategy. 475-487 - James P. Ignizio, Carlos Romero:
Goal Programming. 489-500 - Marshall Scott Poole:
Group Support Systems. 501-507 - Joey F. George:
Groupware. 509-518 - Joseph K. Tan:
Health Care, Information Systems in. 519-536 - Michael Bedell:
Human Resource Information Systems. 537-549 - Carmen de Pablos:
Human Side of Information, Managing the Systems. 551-561 - Imre J. Rudas:
Hybrid Systems. 563-570 - William I. Grosky:
Hyper-Media Databases. 571-582 - Lakhmi C. Jain, Zhengxin Chen:
Industry, Artificial Intelligence in. 583-597 - Dean Kashiwagi:
Information Measurement Theory (IMT). 599-610 - Patrick Verlinde:
Information Theory. 611-626 - Gene Mesher:
Integrated Services Digital Network (Broadband and Narrowband ISDN). 627-637 - Rahul Singh:
Intelligent Agents. 639-647 - Michael L. Rodgers, William E. Snell, David A. Starrett:
Internet Homepages. 649-666 - Raymond Greenlaw, Ellen M. Hepp:
Internet, Overview. 667-681 - Deborah Bayles Kalman:
Intranets. 683-692 - Andrew F. Seila, John A. Miller, Senthilanand Chandrasekaran:
Java. 693-714 - Blaine T. Garfolo:
JavaScript. 715-735 - William P. Wagner:
Knowledge Acquisition. 1-12 - John H. Heinrichs, Lonnie J. Hudspeth, Jeen-Su Lim:
Knowledge Management. 13-31 - Amit Das:
Knowledge Representation. 33-41 - Brian McNamara, William Go:
Law Firms. 43-54 - Johanna Olson Alexander:
Library Applications. 55-76 - Bryan Pfaffenberger:
Linux. 77-90 - Judy L. Wynekoop
Local Area Networks. 91-102 - K. Yoshida, A. Sakurai:
Machine Learning. 103-114 - William R. King:
Management Information Systems. 115-128 - Kenny K. F. Lee:
Manual Data Processing. 129-135 - Robert R. Harmon:
Marketing Information Systems. 137-151 - Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, Abraham Kandel:
Medicine, Artificial Intelligence in. 153-163 - Dong-Wan Tcha:
Mobile and Wireless Networks. 165-179 - Robert W. Blanning:
Model Building Process. 181-191 - Krishnamurty Muralidhar:
Monte Carlo Simulation. 193-201 - J. P. Shim:
Multimedia. 203-211 - Curt M. White:
Multiplexing. 213-224 - Daniel Felsenstein:
National and Regional Economic Impacts of Silicon Valley. 225-237 - H. Michael Rauscher, Keith M. Reynolds:
Natural Resource Management. 239-265 - Frederick N. Springsteel:
Network Database Systems. 267-277 - Ray Hunt, John Vargo:
Network Environments, Managing. 279-301 - Melody Y. Kiang:
Neural Networks. 303-315 - Behrooz Parhami:
Number Representation and Computer Arithmetic. 317-333 - Vladimir I. Zadorozhny:
Object-Oriented Databases. 335-345 - Raymond Greenlaw, Y. Daniel Liang:
Object-Oriented Programming. 347-361 - Robert J. Thierauf:
On-Line Analytical Processing. 363-376 - Hossein Bidgoli, Andrew Prestage:
Operating Systems. 377-390 - Chen H. Chung:
Operations Management. 391-402 - David L. Olson:
Optimization Models. 403-411 - George P. Hikera, C. Brad Crisp:
Organizations, Information Systems Impact on. 413-426 - Eduardo Gelbstein:
Outsourcing. 427-437 - Bill M. Catambay:
Pascal. 439-457 - Sergios Theodoridis:
Pattern Recognition. 459-479 - Pedro David Pérez:
People, Information Systems Impact on. 481-493 - Jin H. Im:
Privacy. 495-504 - Michael Rosemann:
Procurement. 505-516 - Jaak Jurison:
Productivity. 517-528 - Ruth A. Guthrie:
Program Design, Coding, and Testing. 529-543 - Charles Shipley, Stephen M. Jodis:
Programming Languages Classification. 545-552 - Bennet P. Lientz, Kathryn Rea:
Project Management Techniques. 553-564 - Merle P. Martin:
Prototyping. 565-573 - Lesley Anne Robertson:
Pseudocode. 575-588 - Sean B. Eom:
Psychology. 589-599 - Mary S. Doucet, Thomas A. Doucet:
Public Accounting Firms. 601-606 - Denis J. Protti:
Public Health. 607-629 - Fatemeh Zahedi:
Quality Information Systems. 631-646 - Vikram Sethi, Kevin P. Duffy:
Reengineering for Business Processes. 647-659 - Catherine M. Ricardo:
Relational Database Systems. 661-680 - Ulla K. Bunz, Howard E. Sypher:
Research, Electronic. 681-691 - Ken Hultman:
Resistance to Change, Managing. 693-705 - Minopu Asada:
Robotics. 707-722 - Douglas C. Pence:
RPG (Report Program Generator Language). 723-734 - Brenda J. Moscove:
Sales. 1-11 - George A. Marcoulides, Laura D. Massrcoulides:
SAS (Statistical Analysis System). 13-21 - Thomas M. Parks:
Search Engines. 23-29 - Richard E. Korf:
Search Techniques. 31-43 - Elizabeth Rhodenizer:
Security Issues and Measures. 45-55 - Shu Zhang, Ming Wang:
Server Classifications. 57-69 - Choon Seong Leem:
Service Industries, Electronic Commerce for. 71-87 - Dennis Guseman:
Service Industry. 89-103 - Edward J. Dudewicz, Zaven A. Karian:
Simulation Languages. 105-120 - Kenneth Nyberg, Laura Hecht, James Ross:
Sociology. 121-129 - A. Graham Peace:
Software Piracy. 131-142 - David L. Olson:
Software Process Simulation. 143-153 - John-Paul Hosom:
Speech Recognition. 155-169 - Shashidhar Kaparthi, Daniel J. Power:
Spreadsheets. 171-186 - M. L. Plume:
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). 187-196 - Magid Igbaria, Conrad Shayo:
Staffing the Information Systems Department. 197-204 - William A. Shay:
Standards and Protocols in Data Communications. 205-226 - Pandu R. Tadikamalla, Alexandra Durcikova:
Statistical Models (Non-Optimization Models). 227-241 - Yehia Mortagy:
Strategic Information Systems. 243-252 - William R. King:
Strategic Planning for/of Information Systems. 253-265 - Konrad Morgan:
Structured Design Methodologies. 267-278 - Catherine M. Ricardo:
Structured Query Language. 279-297 - Yong Jin Kim, Edward J. Garrity, G. Lawrence Sanders:
Success Measures of Information Systems. 299-313 - Mo Adam Mahmood, Leopoldo A. Gemoets, Adriano O. Solis:
Supply Chain Management. 315-327 - Constantinos J. Stefanou:
System Development Life Cycle. 329-344 - Tonya Barrier:
Systems Analysis. 345-349 - Gordon B. Davis:
Systems Approach. 351-360 - Jeremy Rasmussen:
Systems Design. 361-377 - Merle P. Martin:
Systems Implementation. 379-389 - George J. Klir:
Systems Science. 391-401 - Amitava Dutta:
Telecommunications Industry. 403-417 - Sathiadev Mahesh:
Telecommuting. 419-435 - Michael H. Böhlen, Christian S. Jensen:
Temporal Data Model and Query Language Concepts. 437-453 - Bengt Klefsjö:
Total Quality Management. 455-478 - Sasan Rahmatian:
Transaction Processing Systems. 479-488 - Ray Hunt:
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). 489-510 - George J. Klir:
Uncertainty. 511-521 - Marc P. Thomas:
Unix Operating System. 523-534 - Theo Mandel:
User/System Interface Design. 535-549 - Jamshid C. Hosseini, Richard J. Barnes:
Value Chain Analysis. 551-560 - Maryam Alavi, Dorothy Elliott Leidner:
Virtual Learning Systems. 561-572 - Magid Igbaria, Pruthikrai Mahatanankoon:
Virtual Organizations. 573-587 - William R. Sherman, Alan B. Craig:
Virtual Reality. 589-617 - Rod Stephens:
Visual Basic. 619-632 - John Vargo, Ray Hunt:
Voice Communications. 633-647 - June S. Park:
Wide Area Networks. 649-660 - Andrew Prestage:
Word Processing. 661-671 - Joseph C. Otto:
XML (Extensible Markup Language). 673-680 - Steven H. Goldberg:
Year 2000 (Y2K) Bug Problems. 681-694

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