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IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Volume 9
Volume 9, Number 1, January 2018
- Zhechong Zhao, Lei Wu, Shaohua Zhang
, Xue Li:
An Enhanced Network-Constrained UC Model for Leveraging System Operation Cost and Financial Profitability of Incentive-Based DR Loads. 3-13 - IEEE Task Force on Interfacing Techniques for Simulation Tools, Sven Christian Müller, Hanno Georg, James J. Nutaro
, Edmund Widl
, Yi Deng, Peter Palensky, Muhammad Usman Awais
, Moustafa Chenine, Markus Küch, Matthias Stifter
, Hua Lin, Sandeep K. Shukla, Christian Wietfeld
, Christian Rehtanz
, Christian Dufour, Xiaoyu Wang, Venkata Dinavahi
, M. Omar Faruque, Wenchao Meng, Shichao Liu, Antonello Monti
, Ming Ni, Ali Davoudi
, Ali Mehrizi-Sani
Interfacing Power System and ICT Simulators: Challenges, State-of-the-Art, and Case Studies. 14-24 - Reem Kateb, Mosaddek Hossain Kamal Tushar, Chadi Assi
, Mourad Debbabi
Optimal Tree Construction Model for Cyber-Attacks to Wide Area Measurement Systems. 25-34 - Zhiyi Li, Mohammad Shahidehpour
, Ahmed Alabdulwahab, Abdullah Abusorrah:
Analyzing Locally Coordinated Cyber-Physical Attacks for Undetectable Line Outages. 35-47 - P. J. C. Nel, Marthinus J. Booysen
, Brink van der Merwe:
A Computationally Inexpensive Energy Model for Horizontal Electric Water Heaters With Scheduling. 48-56 - Zhiwei Xu, Tianhu Deng, Zechun Hu
, Yonghua Song, Jianhui Wang:
Data-Driven Pricing Strategy for Demand-Side Resource Aggregators. 57-66 - Lingwei Zhan
, Yong Liu, Yilu Liu:
A Clarke Transformation-Based DFT Phasor and Frequency Algorithm for Wide Frequency Range. 67-77 - Fabrizio Pancaldi, Fabio Gianaroli, Giorgio Matteo Vitetta:
Equalization of Narrowband Indoor Powerline Channels for High Data Rate OFDM Communications. 78-87 - Kai Hou
, Xiandong Xu
, Hongjie Jia
, Xiaodan Yu, Tao Jiang, Kai Zhang, Bin Shu:
A Reliability Assessment Approach for Integrated Transportation and Electrical Power Systems Incorporating Electric Vehicles. 88-100 - Wessam Mesbah
Securing Smart Electricity Meters Against Customer Attacks. 101-110 - Qiuyu Peng, Steven H. Low:
Distributed Optimal Power Flow Algorithm for Radial Networks, I: Balanced Single Phase Case. 111-121 - Taedong Kim, Stephen J. Wright:
PMU Placement for Line Outage Identification via Multinomial Logistic Regression. 122-131 - Mei Su, Zhangjie Liu, Yao Sun, Hua Han, Xiaochao Hou:
Stability Analysis and Stabilization Methods of DC Microgrid With Multiple Parallel-Connected DC-DC Converters Loaded by CPLs. 132-142 - Hebatallah Mohamed Sharaf, Hatem H. Zeineldin, Ehab F. El-Saadany
Protection Coordination for Microgrids With Grid-Connected and Islanded Capabilities Using Communication Assisted Dual Setting Directional Overcurrent Relays. 143-151 - Mauricio Restrepo
, Jordan Morris, Mehrdad Kazerani, Claudio A. Cañizares
Modeling and Testing of a Bidirectional Smart Charger for Distribution System EV Integration. 152-162 - Hui Lin, Adam J. Slagell, Zbigniew T. Kalbarczyk, Peter W. Sauer, Ravishankar K. Iyer:
Runtime Semantic Security Analysis to Detect and Mitigate Control-Related Attacks in Power Grids. 163-178 - Hongming Yang
, Jun Zhang, Jing Qiu
, Sanhua Zhang, Mingyong Lai, Zhao Yang Dong
A Practical Pricing Approach to Smart Grid Demand Response Based on Load Classification. 179-190 - Jingrui Xie, Ying Chen, Tao Hong
, Thomas Laing:
Relative Humidity for Load Forecasting Models. 191-198 - Iman Goroohi Sardou
, Mohammad E. Khodayar, Mohammad Taghi Ameli:
Coordinated Operation of Natural Gas and Electricity Networks With Microgrid Aggregators. 199-210 - Alireza Rouhani, Ali Abur:
Linear Phasor Estimator Assisted Dynamic State Estimation. 211-219 - Hashem Mortazavi, Hasan Mehrjerdi, Maarouf Saad, Serge Lefebvre, Dalal Asber, Laurent Lenoir
An Impedance-Based Method for Distribution System Monitoring. 220-229 - Alfredo Vaccaro
, Claudio A. Cañizares:
A Knowledge-Based Framework for Power Flow and Optimal Power Flow Analyses. 230-239 - Maricica Nistor, Carlos Henggeler Antunes
Integrated Management of Energy Resources in Residential Buildings - A Markovian Approach. 240-251 - Yantai Huang, Lei Wang, Weian Guo, Qi Kang
, Qidi Wu:
Chance Constrained Optimization in a Home Energy Management System. 252-260 - Omar Hafez, Kankar Bhattacharya:
Queuing Analysis Based PEV Load Modeling Considering Battery Charging Behavior and Their Impact on Distribution System Operation. 261-273 - Hung Khanh Nguyen, Amin Khodaei
, Zhu Han:
A Big Data Scale Algorithm for Optimal Scheduling of Integrated Microgrids. 274-282 - Tianyi Li, Min Dong
Real-Time Residential-Side Joint Energy Storage Management and Load Scheduling With Renewable Integration. 283-298 - Rahul Mehta, Dipti Srinivasan
, Ashwin M. Khambadkone, Jing Yang, Anupam Trivedi:
Smart Charging Strategies for Optimal Integration of Plug-In Electric Vehicles Within Existing Distribution System Infrastructure. 299-312 - Song Tan, Wen-Zhan Song
, Michael Stewart, Junjie Yang, Lang Tong
Online Data Integrity Attacks Against Real-Time Electrical Market in Smart Grid. 313-322 - Ying Zhang
, Mohammad Hassan Hajiesmaili, Sinan Cai
, Minghua Chen
, Qi Zhu:
Peak-Aware Online Economic Dispatching for Microgrids. 323-335 - Ozgur Dalkilic, Ozan Candogan, Atilla Eryilmaz
Dayahead Electricity Pricing for a Heterogeneous Microgrid Under Arbitrary Utility and Cost Structures. 336-345 - Adhithya Ravichandran, Shahin Sirouspour, Pawel Malysz, Ali Emadi:
A Chance-Constraints-Based Control Strategy for Microgrids With Energy Storage and Integrated Electric Vehicles. 346-359 - Vignesh Venkata Gopala Krishnan
, Suresh Chandra Srivastava
, Saikat Chakrabarti
A Robust Decentralized Wide Area Damping Controller for Wind Generators and FACTS Controllers Considering Load Model Uncertainties. 360-372 - Adeniyi Abdulrasheed Babalola, Rabie Belkacemi
, Sina Zarrabian:
Real-Time Cascading Failures Prevention for Multiple Contingencies in Smart Grids Through a Multi-Agent System. 373-385 - Chengshan Wang
, Kai Yuan, Peng Li
, Bingqi Jiao, Guanyu Song:
A Projective Integration Method for Transient Stability Assessment of Power Systems With a High Penetration of Distributed Generation. 386-395 - Asmaa R. Abdallah
, Xuemin Sherman Shen
A Lightweight Lattice-Based Homomorphic Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation Scheme for Smart Grid. 396-405 - Joe-Air Jiang
, Yu-Ting Liang, Chia-Pang Chen, Xiang-Yao Zheng, Cheng-Long Chuang, Chien-Hao Wang:
On Dispatching Line Ampacities of Power Grids Using Weather-Based Conductor Temperature Forecasts. 406-415 - Dibakar Das
, Gurunath Gurrala, U. Jayachandra Shenoy:
Linear Quadratic Regulator-Based Bumpless Transfer in Microgrids. 416-425 - Yin Xu
, Chen-Ching Liu, Kevin P. Schneider
, Francis K. Tuffner, Dan T. Ton:
Microgrids for Service Restoration to Critical Load in a Resilient Distribution System. 426-437 - Haoyu Yuan
, Fangxing Li
, Yanli Wei, Jinxiang Zhu:
Novel Linearized Power Flow and Linearized OPF Models for Active Distribution Networks With Application in Distribution LMP. 438-448 - Filbert H. Juwono
, Qinghua Guo
, Defeng David Huang
, Yifan Chen, Lu Xu, Kit Po Wong:
On the Performance of Blanking Nonlinearity in Real-Valued OFDM-Based PLC. 449-457 - Yu-Wen Chen
, J. Morris Chang:
Fair Demand Response With Electric Vehicles for the Cloud Based Energy Management Service. 458-468 - Ceyhun Eksin
, Hakan Deliç, Alejandro Ribeiro:
Demand Response With Communicating Rational Consumers. 469-482 - Arnab Bhattacharya
, Jeffrey P. Kharoufeh
, Bo Zeng:
Managing Energy Storage in Microgrids: A Multistage Stochastic Programming Approach. 483-496 - Qinran Hu, Fangxing Li
, Xin Fang
, Linquan Bai:
A Framework of Residential Demand Aggregation With Financial Incentives. 497-505 - Jianhui Wang:
Best Reviewers 2017. 506
Volume 9, Number 2, March 2018
- Dae-Hyun Choi, Le Xie
Economic Impact Assessment of Topology Data Attacks With Virtual Bids. 512-520 - Tamer S. Abdelgayed, Walid G. Morsi
, Tarlochan S. Sidhu:
A New Harmony Search Approach for Optimal Wavelets Applied to Fault Classification. 521-529 - Diego Arcos-Aviles
, Julio Pascual
, Luis Marroyo
, Pablo Sanchis
, Francesc Guinjoan:
Fuzzy Logic-Based Energy Management System Design for Residential Grid-Connected Microgrids. 530-543 - Jean-Baptiste Fiot
, Francesco Dinuzzo:
Electricity Demand Forecasting by Multi-Task Learning. 544-551 - Reza Yousefian, Sukumar Kamalasadan
Energy Function Inspired Value Priority Based Global Wide-Area Control of Power Grid. 552-563 - Adrian Albert
, Ram Rajagopal:
Finding the Right Consumers for Thermal Demand-Response: An Experimental Evaluation. 564-572 - Caroline Le Floch
, Emre Can Kara, Scott J. Moura:
PDE Modeling and Control of Electric Vehicle Fleets for Ancillary Services: A Discrete Charging Case. 573-581 - Meysam Razmara
, Guna R. Bharati, Mahdi Shahbakhti, Sumit Paudyal, Rush D. Robinett:
Bilevel Optimization Framework for Smart Building-to-Grid Systems. 582-593 - Kunjin Chen, Jun Hu, Jinliang He
A Framework for Automatically Extracting Overvoltage Features Based on Sparse Autoencoder. 594-604 - Kai Ma, Guoqiang Hu
, Costas J. Spanos:
Energy Management Considering Load Operations and Forecast Errors With Application to HVAC Systems. 605-614 - Sina Parhizi, Amin Khodaei
, Mohammad Shahidehpour
Market-Based Versus Price-Based Microgrid Optimal Scheduling. 615-623 - Bo Sun
, Zhe Huang, Xiaoqi Tan, Danny H. K. Tsang:
Optimal Scheduling for Electric Vehicle Charging With Discrete Charging Levels in Distribution Grid. 624-634 - Moosa Moghimi Haji, Wilsun Xu:
Online Determination of External Network Models Using Synchronized Phasor Data. 635-643 - Zhaoxi Liu
, Qiuwei Wu
, Shmuel S. Oren, Shaojun Huang
, Ruoyang Li, Lin Cheng
Distribution Locational Marginal Pricing for Optimal Electric Vehicle Charging Through Chance Constrained Mixed-Integer Programming. 644-654 - Miguel Asensio, Pilar Meneses de Quevedo, Gregorio Muñoz-Delgado
, Javier Contreras
Joint Distribution Network and Renewable Energy Expansion Planning Considering Demand Response and Energy Storage - Part I: Stochastic Programming Model. 655-666 - Miguel Asensio, Pilar Meneses de Quevedo, Gregorio Muñoz-Delgado
, Javier Contreras
Joint Distribution Network and Renewable Energy Expansion Planning Considering Demand Response and Energy Storage - Part II: Numerical Results. 667-675 - Caio C. O. Ramos
, Douglas Rodrigues, André N. de Souza, João Paulo Papa:
On the Study of Commercial Losses in Brazil: A Binary Black Hole Algorithm for Theft Characterization. 676-683 - Longfei Wei, Arif I. Sarwat
, Walid Saad, Saroj Biswas
Stochastic Games for Power Grid Protection Against Coordinated Cyber-Physical Attacks. 684-694 - Gehao Sheng, Huijuan Hou
, Xiuchen Jiang, Yufeng Chen:
A Novel Association Rule Mining Method of Big Data for Power Transformers State Parameters Based on Probabilistic Graph Model. 695-702 - Abbas Kiani
, Nirwan Ansari
Profit Maximization for Geographically Dispersed Green Data Centers. 703-711 - Ying Jun (Angela) Zhang
, Changhong Zhao
, Wanrong Tang
, Steven H. Low:
Profit-Maximizing Planning and Control of Battery Energy Storage Systems for Primary Frequency Control. 712-723 - Urban Rudez
, Rafael Mihalic:
A Reconstruction of the WAMS-Detected Transformer Sympathetic Inrush Phenomenon. 724-732 - Ilenia Tinnirello, Giovanni Neglia, Laura Giarré
, Giuseppe Di Bella, Alain Jean-Marie, Mariano Giuseppe Ippolito:
Large Scale Control of Deferrable Domestic Loads in Smart Grids. 733-742 - Yuefang Du, Lin Jiang
, Yuan Zheng Li, Qinghua Wu:
A Robust Optimization Approach for Demand Side Scheduling Considering Uncertainty of Manually Operated Appliances. 743-755 - Jie Li
, Yikui Liu, Lei Wu
Optimal Operation for Community-Based Multi-Party Microgrid in Grid-Connected and Islanded Modes. 756-765 - Chunyu Zhang, Qi Wang, Jianhui Wang, Pierre Pinson
, Juan M. Morales
, Jacob Østergaard
Real-Time Procurement Strategies of a Proactive Distribution Company With Aggregator-Based Demand Response. 766-776 - Jiakun Fang
, Chi Su, Zhe Chen
, Haishun Sun, Per Lund:
Power System Structural Vulnerability Assessment Based on an Improved Maximum Flow Approach. 777-785 - Qing-Chang Zhong
, George C. Konstantopoulos, Beibei Ren, Miroslav Krstic:
Improved Synchronverters with Bounded Frequency and Voltage for Smart Grid Integration. 786-796 - Zhanshan Wang
, Zhanjun Huang, Chonghui Song, Huaguang Zhang:
Multiscale Adaptive Fault Diagnosis Based on Signal Symmetry Reconstitution Preprocessing for Microgrid Inverter Under Changing Load Condition. 797-806 - Ke Jia, Tianshu Bi
, Zhefeng Ren, David W. P. Thomas, Mark Sumner
High Frequency Impedance Based Fault Location in Distribution System With DGs. 807-816 - Seyed Ali Arefifar
, Martin Ordonez, Yasser Abdel-Rady I. Mohamed:
Voltage and Current Controllability in Multi-Microgrid Smart Distribution Systems. 817-826 - Luis González-Sotres
, Carlos Mateo
, Pablo Frias, Carlos Rodríguez-Morcillo
, Javier Matanza
Replicability Analysis of PLC PRIME Networks for Smart Metering Applications. 827-835 - Wann-Jiun Ma, Jianhui Wang
, Vijay Gupta
, Chen Chen
Distributed Energy Management for Networked Microgrids Using Online ADMM With Regret. 847-856 - Yun Yang
, Siu-Shing Ho, Siew-Chong Tan
, Ron Shu-Yuen Hui
Small-Signal Model and Stability of Electric Springs in Power Grids. 857-865 - Kab Seok Ko, Sekyung Han, Dan Keun Sung
Performance-Based Settlement of Frequency Regulation for Electric Vehicle Aggregators. 866-875 - Steven De Boeck, Dirk Van Hertem
Integration of Distributed PV in Existing and Future UFLS Schemes. 876-885 - Ahmad F. Taha
, Junjian Qi
, Jianhui Wang
, Jitesh H. Panchal:
Risk Mitigation for Dynamic State Estimation Against Cyber Attacks and Unknown Inputs. 886-899 - Chong Wang, Zhijun Qin
, Yunhe Hou
, Jie Yan:
Multi-Area Dynamic State Estimation With PMU Measurements by an Equality Constrained Extended Kalman Filter. 900-910 - Joe-Air Jiang
, Jie-Jyun Wan, Xiang-Yao Zheng, Chia-Pang Chen, Chien-Hsing Lee, Lin-Kuei Su, Wen-Chi Huang
A Novel Weather Information-Based Optimization Algorithm for Thermal Sensor Placement in Smart Grid. 911-922 - Chengshan Wang
, Yang Mi, Yang Fu, Peng Wang:
Frequency Control of an Isolated Micro-Grid Using Double Sliding Mode Controllers and Disturbance Observer. 923-930 - Zhengshuo Li, Qinglai Guo, Hongbin Sun
, Jianhui Wang:
A New LMP-Sensitivity-Based Heterogeneous Decomposition for Transmission and Distribution Coordinated Economic Dispatch. 931-941 - Emiliano Dall'Anese
, Andrea Simonetto:
Optimal Power Flow Pursuit. 942-952 - Cong Wang
, Andrey Bernstein, Jean-Yves Le Boudec, Mario Paolone
Explicit Conditions on Existence and Uniqueness of Load-Flow Solutions in Distribution Networks. 953-962 - Nicolas Gensollen
, Vincent Gauthier
, Monique Becker
, Michel Marot:
Stability and Performance of Coalitions of Prosumers Through Diversification in the Smart Grid. 963-970 - Jie Li
, Wenbo Qi:
Toward Optimal Operation of Internet Data Center Microgrid. 971-979 - Mohammad Heidari Kapourchali
, Mojtaba Sepehry, Visvakumar Aravinthan:
Fault Detector and Switch Placement in Cyber-Enabled Power Distribution Network. 980-992 - José A. Aguado
, Antonio Jose Sanchez Racero, Sebastian de la Torre
Optimal Operation of Electric Railways With Renewable Energy and Electric Storage Systems. 993-1001 - Gibran Agundis-Tinajero
, Juan Segundo-Ramírez
, Rafael Peña-Gallardo
, Nancy Visairo-Cruz
, Ciro A. Nuñez-Gutiérrez, Josep M. Guerrero
, Mehdi Savaghebi
Harmonic Issues Assessment on PWM VSC-Based Controlled Microgrids Using Newton Methods. 1002-1011 - Desti Alkano
, Jacquelien M. A. Scherpen
Distributed Supply Coordination for Power-to-Gas Facilities Embedded in Energy Grids. 1012-1022 - Jonatas Boas Leite
, José Roberto Sanches Mantovani
Detecting and Locating Non-Technical Losses in Modern Distribution Networks. 1023-1032 - Bahman Alinezhad, Hossein Kazemi Karegar
On-Line Thévenin Impedance Estimation Based on PMU Data and Phase Drift Correction. 1033-1042 - Qilong Huang, Qing-Shan Jia
, Xiaohong Guan:
Robust Scheduling of EV Charging Load With Uncertain Wind Power Integration. 1043-1054 - Grzegorz Benysek
, Jacek Bojarski
, Robert Smolenski
, Marcin Jarnut
, Szymon Werminski
Application of Stochastic Decentralized Active Demand Response (DADR) System for Load Frequency Control. 1055-1062 - Wenxuan Yao, Lingwei Zhan
, Yong Liu
, Micah J. Till, Jiecheng Zhao
, Ling Wu, Zhaosheng Teng, Yilu Liu:
A Novel Method for Phasor Measurement Unit Sampling Time Error Compensation. 1063-1072 - Saber Falahati Aliabadi, Seyed Abbas Taher
, Mohammad Shahidehpour
Smart Deregulated Grid Frequency Control in Presence of Renewable Energy Resources by EVs Charging Control. 1073-1085 - Manohar Chamana
, Badrul H. Chowdhury
, Farbod Jahanbakhsh:
Distributed Control of Voltage Regulating Devices in the Presence of High PV Penetration to Mitigate Ramp-Rate Issues. 1086-1095 - Omar Hafez, Kankar Bhattacharya
Integrating EV Charging Stations as Smart Loads for Demand Response Provisions in Distribution Systems. 1096-1106 - Yichuan Niu, Surya Santoso
Sizing and Coordinating Fast- and Slow-Response Energy Storage Systems to Mitigate Hourly Wind Power Variations. 1107-1117 - Javad Mohammadi
, Gabriela Hug
, Soummya Kar
Agent-Based Distributed Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow. 1118-1130 - Bolun Xu
, Alexandre Oudalov, Andreas Ulbig
, Göran Andersson, Daniel S. Kirschen
Modeling of Lithium-Ion Battery Degradation for Cell Life Assessment. 1131-1140 - Wenxuan Yao, Yong Liu
, Dao Zhou, Zhuohong Pan
, Micah J. Till, Jiecheng Zhao
, Lin Zhu, Lingwei Zhan
, Qiu Tang, Yilu Liu:
Impact of GPS Signal Loss and Its Mitigation in Power System Synchronized Measurement Devices. 1141-1149 - Zhixin Miao, Lingling Fan
A Novel Multi-Agent Decision Making Architecture Based on Dual's Dual Problem Formulation. 1150-1160 - Wuhua Hu, Ping Wang
, Hoay Beng Gooi
Toward Optimal Energy Management of Microgrids via Robust Two-Stage Optimization. 1161-1174 - Vamsi Krishna Tumuluru
, Danny H. K. Tsang:
A Two-Stage Approach for Network Constrained Unit Commitment Problem With Demand Response. 1175-1183 - Junjian Qi
, Kai Sun
, Jianhui Wang
, Hui Liu:
Dynamic State Estimation for Multi-Machine Power System by Unscented Kalman Filter With Enhanced Numerical Stability. 1184-1196 - M. Ehsan Raoufat
, Alireza Khayatian
, Aslan Mojallal:
Performance Recovery of Voltage Source Converters With Application to Grid-Connected Fuel Cell DGs. 1197-1204 - Abdallah K. Farraj
, Eman M. Hammad
, Deepa Kundur
A Cyber-Physical Control Framework for Transient Stability in Smart Grids. 1205-1215 - Yu Fujimoto
, Hiroshi Kikusato
, Shinya Yoshizawa
, Shunsuke Kawano, Akira Yoshida
, Shinji Wakao
, Noboru Murata
, Yoshiharu Amano, Shin-ichi Tanabe
, Yasuhiro Hayashi
Distributed Energy Management for Comprehensive Utilization of Residential Photovoltaic Outputs. 1216-1227 - Zhengshuo Li, Qinglai Guo, Hongbin Sun
, Jianhui Wang:
Coordinated Transmission and Distribution AC Optimal Power Flow. 1228-1240 - Thanasis G. Papaioannou
, Vassiliki Hatzi, Iordanis Koutsopoulos:
Optimal Design of Serious Games for Consumer Engagement in the Smart Grid. 1241-1249 - Shaik Affijulla
, Praveen Tripathy:
Development of Phasor Estimation Algorithm for P-Class PMU Suitable in Protection Applications. 1250-1260 - Muslim Mustapa, Mohammed Y. Niamat
, Atul Prasad Deb Nath, Mansoor Alam:
Hardware-Oriented Authentication for Advanced Metering Infrastructure. 1261-1270 - Timothy M. Hansen
, Edwin K. P. Chong, Siddharth Suryanarayanan
, Anthony A. Maciejewski
, Howard Jay Siegel:
A Partially Observable Markov Decision Process Approach to Residential Home Energy Management. 1271-1281 - Pouya Babahajiani
, Qobad Shafiee, Hassan Bevrani:
Intelligent Demand Response Contribution in Frequency Control of Multi-Area Power Systems. 1282-1291 - Jin-Young Choi, In-Sun Choi, Geon-Ho Ahn, Dong-Jun Won
Advanced Power Sharing Method to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Multiple Battery Energy Storages System. 1292-1300 - Yuanxiong Guo
, Chaoyue Zhao:
Islanding-Aware Robust Energy Management for Microgrids. 1301-1309 - Farzam Nejabatkhah
, Yun Wei Li
, Kai Sun:
Parallel Three-Phase Interfacing Converters Operation Under Unbalanced Voltage in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid. 1310-1322 - Van-Hai Bui
, Akhtar Hussain
, Hak-Man Kim
A Multiagent-Based Hierarchical Energy Management Strategy for Multi-Microgrids Considering Adjustable Power and Demand Response. 1323-1333 - Ehsan Nasrolahpour, S. Jalal Kazempour
, Hamidreza Zareipour
, William D. Rosehart:
Impacts of Ramping Inflexibility of Conventional Generators on Strategic Operation of Energy Storage Facilities. 1334-1344 - Izudin Dzafic
, Rabih A. Jabr
, Sylwia Henselmeyer
, Tarik Donlagic:
Fault Location in Distribution Networks Through Graph Marking. 1345-1353 - Wenchao Meng, Xiaoyu Wang
, Shichao Liu:
Distributed Load Sharing of an Inverter-Based Microgrid With Reduced Communication. 1354-1364 - Ehsan Dehghanpour
, Hossein Kazemi Karegar
, Reza Kheirollahi, Tohid Soleymani Aghdam
Optimal Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays in Microgrids by Using Cuckoo-Linear Optimization Algorithm and Fault Current Limiter. 1365-1375 - Elham Akhavan-Rezai, Mostafa F. Shaaban
, Ehab F. El-Saadany
, Fakhri Karray:
New EMS to Incorporate Smart Parking Lots Into Demand Response. 1376-1386 - Xiandong Xu
, Kang Li, Hongjie Jia, Xiaodan Yu, Jing Deng, Yunfei Mu
Data-Driven Dynamic Modeling of Coupled Thermal and Electric Outputs of Microturbines. 1387-1396 - Peter He, Mushu Li
, Lian Zhao
, Bala Venkatesh, Hongwei Li:
Water-Filling Exact Solutions for Load Balancing of Smart Power Grid Systems. 1397-1407 - Reza Gholizadeh-Roshanagh
, Sajad Najafi Ravadanegh
, Seyed Hossein Hosseinian
A Framework for Optimal Coordinated Primary-Secondary Planning of Distribution Systems Considering MV Distributed Generation. 1408-1415 - Abbas Ehsanfar
, Babak Heydari:
An Incentive-Compatible Scheme for Electricity Cooperatives: An Axiomatic Approach. 1416-1424 - Xinwei Shen
, Mohammad Shahidehpour
, Shouzhen Zhu, Yingduo Han, Jinghong Zheng:
Multi-Stage Planning of Active Distribution Networks Considering the Co-Optimization of Operation Strategies. 1425-1433 - Haidar Samet
, Ehsan Azhdari, Teymoor Ghanbari:
Comprehensive Study on Different Possible Operations of Multiple Grid Connected Microgrids. 1434-1441 - Shanshan Ma, Bokan Chen, Zhaoyu Wang
Resilience Enhancement Strategy for Distribution Systems Under Extreme Weather Events. 1442-1451 - Themistoklis C. Xygkis, George N. Korres
, Nikolaos M. Manousakis
Fisher Information-Based Meter Placement in Distribution Grids via the D-Optimal Experimental Design. 1452-1461 - Jaber Alipoor
, Yushi Miura, Toshifumi Ise:
Stability Assessment and Optimization Methods for Microgrid With Multiple VSG Units. 1462-1471 - Mauro Biagi
, Simone Greco, Lutz Lampe
Geo-Routing Algorithms and Protocols for Power Line Communications in Smart Grids. 1472-1481 - Katayoun Rahbar
, Chin Choy Chai, Rui Zhang
Energy Cooperation Optimization in Microgrids With Renewable Energy Integration. 1482-1493 - Chao Luo
, Yih-Fang Huang, Vijay Gupta
Stochastic Dynamic Pricing for EV Charging Stations With Renewable Integration and Energy Storage. 1494-1505 - Miadreza Shafie-Khah
, Pierluigi Siano
, Desta Zahlay Fitiwi, Nadali Mahmoudi
, João P. S. Catalão
An Innovative Two-Level Model for Electric Vehicle Parking Lots in Distribution Systems With Renewable Energy. 1506-1520 - Nilufar Neyestani
, Maziar Yazdani Damavandi, Gianfranco Chicco
, João P. S. Catalão
Effects of PEV Traffic Flows on the Operation of Parking Lots and Charging Stations. 1521-1530 - Pengwei Du
, Julia Matevosyan
Forecast System Inertia Condition and Its Impact to Integrate More Renewables. 1531-1533 - Yi Tan, Yong Li
, Yijia Cao
, Mohammad Shahidehpour
Cyber-Attack on Overloading Multiple Lines: A Bilevel Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model. 1534-1536
Volume 9, Number 3, May 2018
- Nariman Mahdavi
, Julio H. Braslavsky
, Cristian Perfumo:
Mapping the Effect of Ambient Temperature on the Power Demand of Populations of Air Conditioners. 1540-1550 - Hui Lin, Chen Chen
, Jianhui Wang, Junjian Qi
, Dong Jin
, Zbigniew T. Kalbarczyk, Ravishankar K. Iyer:
Self-Healing Attack-Resilient PMU Network for Power System Operation. 1551-1565 - Miao Wang
, Muhammad Ismail, Ran Zhang, Xuemin Shen
, Erchin Serpedin
, Khalid A. Qaraqe
Spatio-Temporal Coordinated V2V Energy Swapping Strategy for Mobile PEVs. 1566-1579 - Yinliang Xu
, Jiefeng Hu, Wei Gu, Wencong Su
, Wenxin Liu
Real-Time Distributed Control of Battery Energy Storage Systems for Security Constrained DC-OPF. 1580-1589 - Hongyu Wu
, Mohammad Shahidehpour
Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks for Area Coverage in Microgrids. 1590-1598 - Xiaonan Lu
, Jianhui Wang
, Josep M. Guerrero
, Dongbo Zhao:
Virtual-Impedance-Based Fault Current Limiters for Inverter Dominated AC Microgrids. 1599-1612 - Nader A. El-Taweel
, Hany Essa Zidan Farag
Voltage Regulation in Islanded Microgrids Using Distributed Constraint Satisfaction. 1613-1625 - Yaxiang Zhou, Moosa Moghimi Haji, Wilsun Xu
, Jing Yong:
A Novel Open-Loop Method to Synchronize an Islanded System With the Main Grid. 1626-1635 - Aditya Ashok
, Manimaran Govindarasu, Venkataramana Ajjarapu:
Online Detection of Stealthy False Data Injection Attacks in Power System State Estimation. 1636-1646 - Tim Schittekatte
, Michael Stadler
, Gonçalo Cardoso, Salman Mashayekh, Narayanan Sankar:
The Impact of Short-Term Stochastic Variability in Solar Irradiance on Optimal Microgrid Design. 1647-1656 - Luca Fabietti
, Tomasz T. Gorecki, Faran A. Qureshi
, Altug Bitlislioglu, Ioannis Lymperopoulos, Colin N. Jones
Experimental Implementation of Frequency Regulation Services Using Commercial Buildings. 1657-1666 - Nadjwa Chettibi, Adel Mellit
, Giorgio Sulligoi, Alessandro Massi Pavan
Adaptive Neural Network-Based Control of a Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid. 1667-1679 - Jingrui Xie, Tao Hong
Temperature Scenario Generation for Probabilistic Load Forecasting. 1680-1687 - Chunyu Zhang, Qi Wang, Jianhui Wang, Pierre Pinson
, Jacob Østergaard
Real-Time Trading Strategies of Proactive DISCO With Heterogeneous DG Owners. 1688-1697 - Yuzhang Lin, Ali Abur
A New Framework for Detection and Identification of Network Parameter Errors. 1698-1706 - Mohammad Rastegar, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad
, Moein Moeini-Aghtaie:
Developing a Two-Level Framework for Residential Energy Management. 1707-1717 - Jun Xiao
, Ting Zhang, Guo-qiang Zu
, Fangxing Li
, Chengshan Wang
TSC-Based Method to Enhance Asset Utilization of Interconnected Distribution Systems. 1718-1727 - Dante F. Recalde Melo
, Annette Trippe, Hoay Beng Gooi
, Tobias Massier
Robust Electric Vehicle Aggregation for Ancillary Service Provision Considering Battery Aging. 1728-1738 - Kanghang He, Lina Stankovic
, Jing Liao, Vladimir Stankovic
Non-Intrusive Load Disaggregation Using Graph Signal Processing. 1739-1747 - Kunjin Chen
, Jun Hu, Jinliang He:
Detection and Classification of Transmission Line Faults Based on Unsupervised Feature Learning and Convolutional Sparse Autoencoder. 1748-1758 - Mehmet Hazar Cintuglu
, Tarek Youssef
, Osama A. Mohammed
Development and Application of a Real-Time Testbed for Multiagent System Interoperability: A Case Study on Hierarchical Microgrid Control. 1759-1768 - Xiaorong Xie
, Yonghong Guo, Bin Wang, Yipeng Dong, Liufeng Mou, Fei Xue:
Improving AGC Performance of Coal-Fueled Thermal Generators Using Multi-MW Scale BESS: A Practical Application. 1769-1777 - Jinhong Liu, Hui Zhang, Yuzhi Zhang:
Coordinated Control Strategy of Scalable Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage. 1778-1786 - Abdoulmenim Bilh
, Kshirasagar Naik, Ramadan El Shatshat:
A Novel Online Charging Algorithm for Electric Vehicles Under Stochastic Net-Load. 1787-1799 - Paria Jokar
, Victor C. M. Leung:
Intrusion Detection and Prevention for ZigBee-Based Home Area Networks in Smart Grids. 1800-1811 - Ahmed M. Gaouda, Atef Abdrabou
, Khaled Bashir Shaban
, Mutaz Khairalla, Ahmed M. Abdrabou, Ramadan El Shatshat, M. M. A. Salama:
A Smart IEC 61850 Merging Unit for Impending Fault Detection in Transformers. 1812-1821 - Xin Wang
, Xiaojing Chen, Tianyi Chen, Longbo Huang, Georgios B. Giannakis
Two-Scale Stochastic Control for Integrated Multipoint Communication Systems With Renewables. 1822-1834 - Leian Chen, Shang Li, Xiaodong Wang
Quickest Fault Detection in Photovoltaic Systems. 1835-1847 - Alison O'Connell
, Alireza Soroudi
, Andrew Keane
Distribution Network Operation Under Uncertainty Using Information Gap Decision Theory. 1848-1858 - Jiangmeng Zhang, Alejandro D. Domínguez-García
On the Impact of Measurement Errors on Power System Automatic Generation Control. 1859-1868 - Ahmad Salehi-Dobakhshari
Wide-Area Fault Location of Transmission Lines by Hybrid Synchronized/Unsynchronized Voltage Measurements. 1869-1877 - Saeed D. Manshadi
, Mohammad E. Khodayar
Expansion of Autonomous Microgrids in Active Distribution Networks. 1878-1888 - Aziah Khamis
, Yan Xu
, Zhao Yang Dong
, Rui Zhang:
Faster Detection of Microgrid Islanding Events Using an Adaptive Ensemble Classifier. 1889-1899 - Vanga Odelu, Ashok Kumar Das
, Mohammad Wazid
, Mauro Conti
Provably Secure Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme for Smart Grid. 1900-1910 - Ahmed Abel Hafez, Walid A. Omran
, Yasser G. Hegazy:
A Decentralized Technique for Autonomous Service Restoration in Active Radial Distribution Networks. 1911-1919 - Muhammad Tariq
, H. Vincent Poor
Electricity Theft Detection and Localization in Grid-Tied Microgrids. 1920-1929 - Amin Ghazanfari
, Mohsen Hamzeh
, Yasser Abdel-Rady I. Mohamed
A Resilient Plug-and-Play Decentralized Control for DC Parking Lots. 1930-1942 - Tianbo Yang
, Kwan-Tat Mok
, Siew-Chong Tan
, Chi Kwan Lee, Ron Shu-Yuen Hui
Electric Springs With Coordinated Battery Management for Reducing Voltage and Frequency Fluctuations in Microgrids. 1943-1952 - Kwami Senam Sedzro
, Alberto J. Lamadrid
, Mooi Choo Chuah:
Generalized Minimax: A Self-Enforcing Pricing Scheme for Load Aggregators. 1953-1963 - Stavros Ntalampiras
Fault Diagnosis for Smart Grids in Pragmatic Conditions. 1964-1971 - Hossein Akhavan-Hejazi, Hamed Mohsenian Rad
Energy Storage Planning in Active Distribution Grids: A Chance-Constrained Optimization With Non-Parametric Probability Functions. 1972-1985 - Yuji Takenobu
, Norihito Yasuda, Shunsuke Kawano, Shin-ichi Minato, Yasuhiro Hayashi
Evaluation of Annual Energy Loss Reduction Based on Reconfiguration Scheduling. 1986-1996 - Bolong Cheng
, Warren B. Powell:
Co-Optimizing Battery Storage for the Frequency Regulation and Energy Arbitrage Using Multi-Scale Dynamic Programming. 1997-2005 - Virginia Pilloni
, Alessandro Floris
, Alessio Meloni, Luigi Atzori
Smart Home Energy Management Including Renewable Sources: A QoE-Driven Approach. 2006-2018 - Ahmad Reza Malekpour, Anil Pahwa
, Balasubramaniam Natarajan
Hierarchical Architecture for Integration of Rooftop PV in Smart Distribution Systems. 2019-2029 - Shunbo Lei
, Jianhui Wang
, Chen Chen
, Yunhe Hou
Mobile Emergency Generator Pre-Positioning and Real-Time Allocation for Resilient Response to Natural Disasters. 2030-2041 - Ankur Majumdar
, Bikash C. Pal
Bad Data Detection in the Context of Leverage Point Attacks in Modern Power Networks. 2042-2054 - Ikbal Ali
, S. M. Suhail Hussain
Communication Design for Energy Management Automation in Microgrid. 2055-2064 - Xiaohua Wu
, Xiaosong Hu, Xiaofeng Yin, Scott J. Moura:
Stochastic Optimal Energy Management of Smart Home With PEV Energy Storage. 2065-2075 - Ramon Zamora
, Anurag K. Srivastava
Multi-Layer Architecture for Voltage and Frequency Control in Networked Microgrids. 2076-2085 - Khalid Abdulla
, Julian de Hoog, Valentin Müenzel, Frank Suits
, Kent Charles Barton Steer, Andrew Wirth, Saman K. Halgamuge
Optimal Operation of Energy Storage Systems Considering Forecasts and Battery Degradation. 2086-2096 - Iman Sadeghkhani
, Mohamad Esmail Hamedani Golshan
, Ali Mehrizi-Sani
, Josep M. Guerrero
, Abbas Ketabi
Transient Monitoring Function-Based Fault Detection for Inverter-Interfaced Microgrids. 2097-2107 - Hong Wang, Wen Zhang
, Yutian Liu:
A Robust Measurement Placement Method for Active Distribution System State Estimation Considering Network Reconfiguration. 2108-2117 - Zaibin Jiao
, Heteng Gong, Yifei Wang:
A D-S Evidence Theory-Based Relay Protection System Hidden Failures Detection Method in Smart Grid. 2118-2126 - Akhtar Hussain
, Van-Hai Bui
, Hak-Man Kim
A Resilient and Privacy-Preserving Energy Management Strategy for Networked Microgrids. 2127-2139 - Shaojun Huang
, Qiuwei Wu
Dynamic Subsidy Method for Congestion Management in Distribution Networks. 2140-2151 - Xiaoshun Zhang
, Qing Li, Tao Yu
, Bo Yang
Consensus Transfer Q-Learning for Decentralized Generation Command Dispatch Based on Virtual Generation Tribe. 2152-2165 - Maher Abdelkhalek Azzouz
, Ehab F. El-Saadany
Multivariable DG Impedance Modeling and Reshaping for Impedance Stabilization of Active Distribution Networks. 2166-2179 - Mohsen Rafiee Sandgani, Shahin Sirouspour
Energy Management in a Network of Grid-Connected Microgrids/Nanogrids Using Compromise Programming. 2180-2191 - Pau Martí
, Manel Velasco
, Enric X. Martín, Luis García de Vicuña
, Jaume Miret, Miguel Castilla
Performance Evaluation of Secondary Control Policies With Respect to Digital Communications Properties in Inverter-Based Islanded Microgrids. 2192-2202 - Haytham M. A. Ahmed
, Ayman B. Eltantawy, Magdy M. A. Salama:
A Planning Approach for the Network Configuration of AC-DC Hybrid Distribution Systems. 2203-2213 - Zhongguan Wang, WenChuan Wu
, Boming Zhang:
A Distributed Quasi-Newton Method for Droop-Free Primary Frequency Control in Autonomous Microgrids. 2214-2223 - Ruifeng Yan
, Yong Li
, Tapan Kumar Saha
, Licheng Wang
, Mohammed Imran Hossain:
Modeling and Analysis of Open-Delta Step Voltage Regulators for Unbalanced Distribution Network With Photovoltaic Power Generation. 2224-2234 - Liang Liang
, Yunhe Hou
, David J. Hill
, Ron Shu-Yuen Hui
Enhancing Resilience of Microgrids With Electric Springs. 2235-2247 - Ming-Hao Wang
, Kwan-Tat Mok
, Siew-Chong Tan
, S. Y. Hui
Multifunctional DC Electric Springs for Improving Voltage Quality of DC Grids. 2248-2258 - Mohammad Farajollahi, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad
, Amir Safdarian:
Deployment of Fault Indicator in Distribution Networks: A MIP-Based Approach. 2259-2267 - Sajeesh Babu
, Patrik Hilber, Ebrahim Shayesteh, Lars E. Enarsson:
Reliability Evaluation of Distribution Structures Considering the Presence of False Trips. 2268-2275 - Konstantinos Kampouropoulos, Fabio Andrade
, Enric Sala
, Antonio Garcia Espinosa
, Luis Romeral
Multiobjective Optimization of Multi-Carrier Energy System Using a Combination of ANFIS and Genetic Algorithms. 2276-2283 - Saeed Peyghami
, Hossein Mokhtari, Poh Chiang Loh, Pooya Davari, Frede Blaabjerg
Distributed Primary and Secondary Power Sharing in a Droop-Controlled LVDC Microgrid With Merged AC and DC Characteristics. 2284-2294 - Seyedmostafa Hashemi
, Jacob Østergaard
Efficient Control of Energy Storage for Increasing the PV Hosting Capacity of LV Grids. 2295-2303 - Guillaume Le Ray, Emil Mahler Larsen, Pierre Pinson
Evaluating Price-Based Demand Response in Practice - With Application to the EcoGrid EU Experiment. 2304-2313 - Jiangliang Jin, Yunjian Xu
, Yawar Ismail Khalid, Naveed Ul Hassan
Optimal Operation of Energy Storage With Random Renewable Generation and AC/DC Loads. 2314-2326 - Sijie Chen
, Qixin Chen
, Yin Xu
Strategic Bidding and Compensation Mechanism for a Load Aggregator With Direct Thermostat Control Capabilities. 2327-2336 - Daham Min, Seog-Joo Kim, Sangsoo Seo, Young-Hwan Moon, Kai Sun
, Joe H. Chow
, Kyeon Hur
Computing Safety Margins of a Generation Rejection Scheme: A Framework for Online Implementation. 2337-2346 - Yang Yu
, Guangyi Liu, Wendong Zhu, Fei Wang, Bin Shu, Kai Zhang, Nicolas Astier, Ram Rajagopal:
Good Consumer or Bad Consumer: Economic Information Revealed From Demand Profiles. 2347-2358 - Leandro T. Marques
, Alexandre C. B. Delbem, João Bosco Augusto London Junior
Service Restoration With Prioritization of Customers and Switches and Determination of Switching Sequence. 2359-2370 - He Ruiwen
, Jianhua Deng, Loi Lei Lai
Reliability Evaluation of Communication-Constrained Protection Systems Using Stochastic-Flow Network Models. 2371-2381 - Yu Min Hwang, Jun Hee Jung
, Jongkwan Seo, Jae-Jo Lee, Jin Young Kim:
Energy-Efficient Transmission Strategy With Dynamic Load for Power Line Communications. 2382-2390
Volume 9, Number 4, July 2018
- Jianye Hao
, Eunsuk Kang, Jun Sun, Zan Wang
, Zhaopeng Meng, Xiaohong Li
, Zhong Ming:
An Adaptive Markov Strategy for Defending Smart Grid False Data Injection From Malicious Attackers. 2398-2408 - Jungsuk Kwac
, June A. Flora, Ram Rajagopal:
Lifestyle Segmentation Based on Energy Consumption Data. 2409-2418 - Morris Brenna, Federica Foiadelli, Michela Longo
, Dario Zaninelli:
Energy Storage Control for Dispatching Photovoltaic Power. 2419-2428 - He Cai, Guoqiang Hu
Distributed Nonlinear Hierarchical Control of AC Microgrid via Unreliable Communication. 2429-2441 - Rabih A. Jabr
, Izudin Dzafic
, Sami H. Karaki:
Tracking Transformer Tap Position in Real-Time Distribution Network Power Flow Applications. 2442-2452 - (Withdrawn) Consensus-Based Distributed Control for Accurate Reactive, Harmonic, and Imbalance Power Sharing in Microgrids. 2453-2467
- Ming Zeng, Supeng Leng
, Yan Zhang, Jianhua He
QoE-Aware Power Management in Vehicle-to-Grid Networks: A Matching-Theoretic Approach. 2468-2477 - Young-Jin Kim
, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Marina Thottan:
Resilient End-to-End Message Protection for Cyber-Physical System Communications. 2478-2487 - Mohammad Reza Salimian
, Mohammad Reza Aghamohammadi
Intelligent Out of Step Predictor for Inter Area Oscillations Using Speed-Acceleration Criterion as a Time Matching for Controlled Islanding. 2488-2497 - Seemita Pal, Biplab Sikdar
, Joe H. Chow
An Online Mechanism for Detection of Gray-Hole Attacks on PMU Data. 2498-2507 - Guo Li
, Hsiao-Dong Chiang
Toward Cost-Oriented Forecasting of Wind Power Generation. 2508-2517 - Seokjae Moon, Jang-Won Lee
Multi-Residential Demand Response Scheduling With Multi-Class Appliances in Smart Grid. 2518-2528 - Shan Zhong, Xiaodong Wang
Decentralized Model-Free Wind Farm Control via Discrete Adaptive Filtering Methods. 2529-2540 - Ying Chen, Junho Hong
, Chen-Ching Liu:
Modeling of Intrusion and Defense for Assessment of Cyber Security at Power Substations. 2541-2552 - Thamer Alquthami
, A. P. Sakis Meliopoulos:
Smart House Management and Control Without Customer Inconvenience. 2553-2562 - Pengwei Chen
, Shun Tao, Xiangning Xiao, Lu Li:
Uncertainty Level of Voltage in Distribution Network: An Analysis Model With Elastic Net and Application in Storage Configuration. 2563-2573 - Amin Kargarian
, Javad Mohammadi
, Junyao Guo, Sambuddha Chakrabarti
, Masoud Barati, Gabriela Hug
, Soummya Kar
, Ross Baldick
Toward Distributed/Decentralized DC Optimal Power Flow Implementation in Future Electric Power Systems. 2574-2594 - Hongcai Zhang
, Scott J. Moura, Zechun Hu
, Yonghua Song:
PEV Fast-Charging Station Siting and Sizing on Coupled Transportation and Power Networks. 2595-2605 - Giovanni De Carne
, Giampaolo Buticchi
, Marco Liserre
, Constantine Vournas:
Load Control Using Sensitivity Identification by Means of Smart Transformer. 2606-2615 - Kab Seok Ko
, Sekyung Han, Dan Keun Sung
A New Mileage Payment for EV Aggregators With Varying Delays in Frequency Regulation Service. 2616-2624 - Jesus E. Contreras-Ocaña
, Mushfiqur R. Sarker
, Miguel A. Ortega-Vazquez:
Decentralized Coordination of a Building Manager and an Electric Vehicle Aggregator. 2625-2637 - Saeed Teimourzadeh
, Mahdi Davarpanah, Farrokh Aminifar
, Mohammad Shahidehpour
An Adaptive Auto-Reclosing Scheme to Preserve Transient Stability of Microgrids. 2638-2646 - Hao Wang
, Jianwei Huang
Incentivizing Energy Trading for Interconnected Microgrids. 2647-2657 - Junbo Zhao
, Gexiang Zhang
, Zhao Yang Dong
, Massimo La Scala:
Robust Forecasting Aided Power System State Estimation Considering State Correlations. 2658-2666 - Arijit Bagchi
, Lalit Goel
, Peng Wang:
Generation Adequacy Evaluation Incorporating an Aggregated Probabilistic Model of Active Distribution Network Components and Features. 2667-2680 - Esmaeil Mahboubi Moghaddam, Majid Nayeripour, Jamshid Aghaei
, Amin Khodaei
, Eberhard Waffenschmidt:
Interactive Robust Model for Energy Service Providers Integrating Demand Response Programs in Wholesale Markets. 2681-2690 - Jia Ying Yong
, Vigna K. Ramachandaramurthy, Kang Miao Tan
, Jeyraj Selvaraj:
Experimental Validation of a Three-Phase Off-Board Electric Vehicle Charger With New Power Grid Voltage Control. 2703-2713 - Areg Karapetyan
, Majid Khonji
, Chi-Kin Chau
, Khaled M. Elbassioni
, Hatem H. Zeineldin
Efficient Algorithm for Scalable Event-Based Demand Response Management in Microgrids. 2714-2725 - Xiaoqing Lu
, Xinghuo Yu
, Jingang Lai
, Yaonan Wang, Josep M. Guerrero
A Novel Distributed Secondary Coordination Control Approach for Islanded Microgrids. 2726-2740 - Abdullah S. Bin Humayd
, Kankar Bhattacharya
A Novel Framework for Evaluating Maximum PEV Penetration Into Distribution Systems. 2741-2751 - Ming Yang
, Jianhui Wang
, Haoran Diao, Junjian Qi
, Xueshan Han:
Interval Estimation for Conditional Failure Rates of Transmission Lines With Limited Samples. 2752-2763 - Xiangyu Wu
, Chen Shen
, Reza Iravani:
A Distributed, Cooperative Frequency and Voltage Control for Microgrids. 2764-2776 - Minghao Xu
, Ran Li
, Furong Li
Phase Identification With Incomplete Data. 2777-2785 - Young-Jin Kim
, Jianhui Wang
Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation Study on Frequency Regulation Through Direct Load Control of Thermal and Electrical Energy Storage Resources. 2786-2796 - Jacob A. Mueller
, Jonathan W. Kimball
Accurate Energy Use Estimation for Nonintrusive Load Monitoring in Systems of Known Devices. 2797-2808 - Mehdi Hosseinzadeh
, Farzad Rajaei Salmasi:
Fault-Tolerant Supervisory Controller for a Hybrid AC/DC Micro-Grid. 2809-2823 - Long Wang
, Zijun Zhang
, Jia Xu, Ruihua Liu:
Wind Turbine Blade Breakage Monitoring With Deep Autoencoders. 2824-2833 - Amin Mohammadali
, Mohammad Sayad Haghighi
, Mohammad Hesam Tadayon, Alireza Mohammadi-Nodooshan:
A Novel Identity-Based Key Establishment Method for Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grid. 2834-2842 - Catalin Gavriluta
, Raphaël Caire
, Antonio Gómez Expósito
, Nouredine Hadjsaid:
A Distributed Approach for OPF-Based Secondary Control of MTDC Systems. 2843-2851 - Tianqi Hong
, Francisco de León
Centralized Unbalanced Dispatch of Smart Distribution DC Microgrid Systems. 2852-2861 - Sajjad Amini
, Fabio Pasqualetti
, Hamed Mohsenian Rad
Dynamic Load Altering Attacks Against Power System Stability: Attack Models and Protection Schemes. 2862-2872 - Biling Zhang
, Chunxiao Jiang
, Jung-Lang Yu, Zhu Han:
A Contract Game for Direct Energy Trading in Smart Grid. 2873-2884 - Asja Derviskadic
, Paolo Romano, Marco Pignati
, Mario Paolone
Architecture and Experimental Validation of a Low-Latency Phasor Data Concentrator. 2885-2893 - Matias Negrete-Pincetic
, Ashutosh Nayyar, Kameshwar Poolla, Florian Salah, Pravin Varaiya:
Rate-Constrained Energy Services in Electricity. 2894-2907 - Heng-Yi Su
, Feng-Ming Kang, Chih-Wen Liu:
Transmission Grid Secondary Voltage Control Method Using PMU Data. 2908-2917 - Prabodh Bajpai, Sayonsom Chanda, Anurag K. Srivastava
A Novel Metric to Quantify and Enable Resilient Distribution System Using Graph Theory and Choquet Integral. 2918-2929 - Can Wan
, Jin Lin, Wanfang Guo, Yonghua Song:
Maximum Uncertainty Boundary of Volatile Distributed Generation in Active Distribution Network. 2930-2942 - Jichun Liu, Jie Li
Interactive Energy-Saving Dispatch Considering Generation and Demand Side Uncertainties: A Chinese Study. 2943-2953 - Ahmed ElSamadouny
, Ahmed El Shafie, Mohamed M. Abdallah
, Naofal Al-Dhahir:
Secure Sum-Rate-Optimal MIMO Multicasting Over Medium-Voltage NB-PLC Networks. 2954-2963 - Ali Mortezaei
, Marcelo Godoy Simões, Mehdi Savaghebi
, Josep M. Guerrero
, Ahmed Al-Durra
Cooperative Control of Multi-Master-Slave Islanded Microgrid With Power Quality Enhancement Based on Conservative Power Theory. 2964-2975 - Zhihao Li, Guangchao Geng
, Quanyuan Jiang
Transient Stability Emergency Control Using Asynchronous Parallel Mixed-Integer Pattern Search. 2976-2985 - Haoran Zhao, Qiuwei Wu
, Shaojun Huang
, Hengxu Zhang
, Yutian Liu, Yusheng Xue
Hierarchical Control of Thermostatically Controlled Loads for Primary Frequency Support. 2986-2998 - Jian Ye
, Hoay Beng Gooi
, Fengjiang Wu
Optimization of the Size of UPQC System Based on Data-Driven Control Design. 2999-3008 - Javad Khazaei
, Zhixin Miao
Consensus Control for Energy Storage Systems. 3009-3017 - Karthik Thirumala
, M. Siva Prasad, Trapti Jain
, Amod C. Umarikar:
Tunable-Q Wavelet Transform and Dual Multiclass SVM for Online Automatic Detection of Power Quality Disturbances. 3018-3028 - Panayiotis Moutis
, Pavlos S. Georgilakis
, Nikos D. Hatziargyriou:
Voltage Regulation Support Along a Distribution Line by a Virtual Power Plant Based on a Center of Mass Load Modeling. 3029-3038 - Michael Ross
, Chad Abbey, François Bouffard
, Géza Joós
Microgrid Economic Dispatch With Energy Storage Systems. 3039-3047 - Gregorio Muñoz-Delgado
, Javier Contreras
, José Manuel Arroyo:
Reliability Assessment for Distribution Optimization Models: A Non-Simulation-Based Linear Programming Approach. 3048-3059 - Bo Chai
, Alberto Costa
, Selin Damla Ahipasaoglu
, Chau Yuen
, Zaiyue Yang
Optimal Meeting Scheduling in Smart Commercial Building for Energy Cost Reduction. 3060-3069 - Hamid Radmanesh
Distribution Network Protection Using Smart Dual Functional Series Resonance-Based Fault Current and Ferroresonance Overvoltage Limiter. 3070-3078 - Weicong Kong
, Zhao Yang Dong
, David J. Hill
, Jin Ma
, Junhua Zhao, Fengji Luo:
A Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model Framework for Home Appliance Modeling. 3079-3090 - D. Solati Alkaran, M. R. Vatani
, Mohammad Javad Sanjari
, Gevork B. Gharehpetian
, Mehdi Salay Naderi
Optimal Overcurrent Relay Coordination in Interconnected Networks by Using Fuzzy-Based GA Method. 3091-3101 - Shahrokh Akhlaghi
, Ning Zhou, Zhenyu Huang:
A Multi-Step Adaptive Interpolation Approach to Mitigating the Impact of Nonlinearity on Dynamic State Estimation. 3102-3111 - Zhechao Li
, Shaorong Wang, Xuejun Zheng, Francisco de León
, Tianqi Hong
Dynamic Demand Response Using Customer Coupons Considering Multiple Load Aggregators to Simultaneously Achieve Efficiency and Fairness. 3112-3121 - Pankaj D. Achlerkar
, S. R. Samantaray
, M. Sabarimalai Manikandan:
Variational Mode Decomposition and Decision Tree Based Detection and Classification of Power Quality Disturbances in Grid-Connected Distributed Generation System. 3122-3132 - Zhao Yuan
, Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh
, Darryl Ross Biggar:
Distribution Locational Marginal Pricing by Convexified ACOPF and Hierarchical Dispatch. 3133-3142 - Tao Wang, Yunjian Xu
, Chathura Withanage
, Lan Lan, Selin Damla Ahipasaoglu
, Costas Courcoubetis
A Fair and Budget-Balanced Incentive Mechanism for Energy Management in Buildings. 3143-3153 - Chen Zhao
, Shufeng Dong, Chenghong Gu
, Furong Li
, Yonghua Song, Narayana Prasad Padhy
New Problem Formulation for Optimal Demand Side Response in Hybrid AC/DC Systems. 3154-3165 - Vahe Seferian, Rouwaida Kanj
, Ali Chehab
, Ayman I. Kayssi:
Identity Based Key Distribution Framework for Link Layer Security of AMI Networks. 3166-3179 - Hamed Valizadeh Haghi
, Zhihua Qu:
A Kernel-Based Predictive Model of EV Capacity for Distributed Voltage Control and Demand Response. 3180-3190 - Yingshuai Hao
, Meng Wang
, Joe H. Chow
Likelihood Analysis of Cyber Data Attacks to Power Systems With Markov Decision Processes. 3191-3202 - Weifeng Zhong
, Rong Yu, Shengli Xie
, Yan Zhang, David K. Y. Yau:
On Stability and Robustness of Demand Response in V2G Mobile Energy Networks. 3203-3212 - Evangelos Vrettos
, Emre Can Kara, Jason S. MacDonald
, Göran Andersson, Duncan S. Callaway:
Experimental Demonstration of Frequency Regulation by Commercial Buildings - Part I: Modeling and Hierarchical Control Design. 3213-3223 - Evangelos Vrettos
, Emre Can Kara, Jason S. MacDonald
, Göran Andersson, Duncan S. Callaway:
Experimental Demonstration of Frequency Regulation by Commercial Buildings - Part II: Results and Performance Evaluation. 3224-3234 - Yong Zhan, Mahdi Ghamkhari, Du Xu, Shaolei Ren
, Hamed Mohsenian Rad
Extending Demand Response to Tenants in Cloud Data Centers via Non-Intrusive Workload Flexibility Pricing. 3235-3246 - Qobad Shafiee
, Vahidreza Nasirian, Juan C. Vasquez
, Josep M. Guerrero
, Ali Davoudi
A Multi-Functional Fully Distributed Control Framework for AC Microgrids. 3247-3258 - Bert J. Claessens, Peter Vrancx, Frederik Ruelens
Convolutional Neural Networks for Automatic State-Time Feature Extraction in Reinforcement Learning Applied to Residential Load Control. 3259-3269 - Mostafa Farrokhabadi, Claudio A. Cañizares
, Kankar Bhattacharya
Unit Commitment for Isolated Microgrids Considering Frequency Control. 3270-3280 - Farshad Rassaei
, Wee-Seng Soh
, Kee-Chaing Chua:
Distributed Scalable Autonomous Market-Based Demand Response via Residential Plug-In Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids. 3281-3290 - Chanaka Keerthisinghe
, Gregor Verbic
, Archie C. Chapman
A Fast Technique for Smart Home Management: ADP With Temporal Difference Learning. 3291-3303 - Junbo Zhao
, Zhaoyu Wang
, Jianhui Wang
Robust Time-Varying Load Modeling for Conservation Voltage Reduction Assessment. 3304-3312 - Jia Zhao
, Jiqiang Liu, Zhan Qin, Kui Ren:
Privacy Protection Scheme Based on Remote Anonymous Attestation for Trusted Smart Meters. 3313-3320 - Giovanni Artale, Antonio Cataliotti, Valentina Cosentino, Dario Di Cara, Riccardo Fiorelli, Salvatore Guaiana, Giovanni Tinè:
A New Low Cost Coupling System for Power Line Communication on Medium Voltage Smart Grids. 3321-3329 - Daniel Julius Olsen
, Mushfiqur R. Sarker
, Miguel A. Ortega-Vazquez
Optimal Penetration of Home Energy Management Systems in Distribution Networks Considering Transformer Aging. 3330-3340 - Huaiguang Jiang, Yingchen Zhang
, Eduard Muljadi
, Jun Jason Zhang, David Wenzhong Gao
A Short-Term and High-Resolution Distribution System Load Forecasting Approach Using Support Vector Regression With Hybrid Parameters Optimization. 3341-3350 - Fabian Knirsch
, Günther Eibl
, Dominik Engel
Error-Resilient Masking Approaches for Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation. 3351-3361 - Weicong Kong
, Zhao Yang Dong
, Jin Ma
, David J. Hill
, Junhua Zhao
, Fengji Luo:
An Extensible Approach for Non-Intrusive Load Disaggregation With Smart Meter Data. 3362-3372 - Shiva Poudel, Zhen Ni
, Wei Sun:
Electrical Distance Approach for Searching Vulnerable Branches During Contingencies. 3373-3382 - Amirthagunaraj Yogarathnam
, Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri
Wide-Area Damping Control Using Multiple DFIG-Based Wind Farms Under Stochastic Data Packet Dropouts. 3383-3393 - Anurag Sharma
, Dipti Srinivasan
, Anupam Trivedi:
A Decentralized Multi-Agent Approach for Service Restoration in Uncertain Environment. 3394-3405 - Maryam Bahramipanah
, Dimitri Torregrossa, Rachid Cherkaoui, Mario Paolone
A Decentralized Adaptive Model-Based Real-Time Control for Active Distribution Networks Using Battery Energy Storage Systems. 3406-3418 - Thomas Morstyn
, Branislav Hredzak
, Vassilios G. Agelidis
Network Topology Independent Multi-Agent Dynamic Optimal Power Flow for Microgrids With Distributed Energy Storage Systems. 3419-3429 - Noemi G. Cobos
, José Manuel Arroyo
, Alexandre Street
Least-Cost Reserve Offer Deliverability in Day-Ahead Generation Scheduling Under Wind Uncertainty and Generation and Network Outages. 3430-3442 - Faran A. Qureshi
, Ioannis Lymperopoulos, Ali Ahmadi-Khatir, Colin N. Jones
Economic Advantages of Office Buildings Providing Ancillary Services With Intraday Participation. 3443-3452 - Robert Basmadjian
, Juan Felipe Botero, Giovanni Giuliani, Xavier Hesselbach, Sonja Klingert
, Hermann de Meer:
Making Data Centers Fit for Demand Response: Introducing GreenSDA and GreenSLA Contracts. 3453-3464 - Kaveh Dehghanpour, M. Hashem Nehrir
, John W. Sheppard
, Nathan C. Kelly:
Agent-Based Modeling of Retail Electrical Energy Markets With Demand Response. 3465-3475 - Soroush Shafiee
, Hamidreza Zareipour
, Andrew Michael Knight:
Considering Thermodynamic Characteristics of a CAES Facility in Self-Scheduling in Energy and Reserve Markets. 3476-3485 - Wei Feng
, Kai Sun
, Yajuan Guan
, Josep M. Guerrero
, Xi Xiao
Active Power Quality Improvement Strategy for Grid-Connected Microgrid Based on Hierarchical Control. 3486-3495 - Zhiyuan Sui
, Michael Niedermeier
, Hermann de Meer:
TAI: A Threshold-Based Anonymous Identification Scheme for Demand-Response in Smart Grids. 3496-3506 - Javad Mohammadi
, Gabriela Hug
, Soummya Kar
A Fully Distributed Cooperative Charging Approach for Plug-In Electric Vehicles. 3507-3518 - Enxin Yao, Vincent W. S. Wong
, Robert Schober:
Optimization of Aggregate Capacity of PEVs for Frequency Regulation Service in Day-Ahead Market. 3519-3529 - Sérgio Barreto Andrade, Marco Pignati
, György Dán
, Jean-Yves Le Boudec, Mario Paolone
Undetectable Timing-Attack on Linear State-Estimation by Using Rank-1 Approximation. 3530-3542 - Jie Duan
, Wente Zeng, Mo-Yuen Chow
Resilient Distributed DC Optimal Power Flow Against Data Integrity Attack. 3543-3552 - Chih-Lun Chang
, Jimmy C.-H. Peng:
A Decision-Making Auction Algorithm for Demand Response in Microgrids. 3553-3562 - Tao Chen
, Bowen Zhang, Hajir Pourbabak
, Abdollah Kavousi-Fard
, Wencong Su
Optimal Routing and Charging of an Electric Vehicle Fleet for High-Efficiency Dynamic Transit Systems. 3563-3572 - Yongjie Li
, Guangchao Geng
, Quanyuan Jiang
A Parallelized Contour Integral Rayleigh-Ritz Method for Computing Critical Eigenvalues of Large-Scale Power Systems. 3573-3581 - Mehdi Zeraati
, Mohamad Esmail Hamedani Golshan
, Josep M. Guerrero
Distributed Control of Battery Energy Storage Systems for Voltage Regulation in Distribution Networks With High PV Penetration. 3582-3593 - Zeyu Wang, Jianhui Wang
, Chen Chen
A Three-Phase Microgrid Restoration Model Considering Unbalanced Operation of Distributed Generation. 3594-3604 - Hussein Suprême
, Louis-A. Dessaint, Innocent Kamwa
, Annissa Heniche-Oussedik:
Development of New Predictors Based on the Concept of Center of Power for Transient and Dynamic Instability Detection. 3605-3615 - Ke Wang
, Rongxin Yin, Liangzhong Yao
, Jianguo Yao, Taiyou Yong, Nicholas DeForest:
A Two-Layer Framework for Quantifying Demand Response Flexibility at Bulk Supply Points. 3616-3627 - Manuel Garcia-Plaza, Joaquin Eloy-Garcia Carrasco
, Jaime Alonso-Martinez:
Dynamic Minimum Voltage Tracking in Electrochemical Batteries for Power Capability Estimation in Microgrids. 3628-3634 - Sudarshan Dahal
, Nadarajah Mithulananthan
, Tapan Kumar Saha
Enhancing Damping Performance of Emerging Distribution Systems by Load Controller. 3635-3642 - Gino J. Lim
, Seon Jin Kim
, Jaeyoung Cho, Yibin Gong, Amin Khodaei
Multi-UAV Pre-Positioning and Routing for Power Network Damage Assessment. 3643-3651 - Thomas Morstyn
, Branislav Hredzak
, Vassilios G. Agelidis
Control Strategies for Microgrids With Distributed Energy Storage Systems: An Overview. 3652-3666 - Annette Werth
, Alexis André, Daisuke Kawamoto, Tadashi Morita, Shigeru Tajima, Mario Tokoro, Daiki Yanagidaira, Kenji Tanaka
Peer-to-Peer Control System for DC Microgrids. 3667-3675 - Young-Jin Kim
, Jianhui Wang
, Xiaonan Lu
A Framework for Load Service Restoration Using Dynamic Change in Boundaries of Advanced Microgrids With Synchronous-Machine DGs. 3676-3690 - Fanjun Meng, Badrul H. Chowdhury
, Manohar Chamana
Three-Phase Optimal Power Flow for Market-Based Control and Optimization of Distributed Generations. 3691-3700 - Nguyen Hoang Tran
, Chuan Pham
, Minh N. H. Nguyen, Shaolei Ren
, Choong Seon Hong
Incentivizing Energy Reduction for Emergency Demand Response in Multi-Tenant Mixed-Use Buildings. 3701-3715 - Manoj Gulati, Shobha Sundar Ram
, Angshul Majumdar
, Amarjeet Singh:
Single Point Conducted EMI Sensor With Intelligent Inference for Detecting IT Appliances. 3716-3726 - Liang He
, Zhe Yang, Yu Gu, Cong Liu, Tian He, Kang G. Shin:
SoH-Aware Reconfiguration in Battery Packs. 3727-3735 - Mauricio Restrepo
, Claudio A. Cañizares
, Mehrdad Kazerani:
Three-Stage Distribution Feeder Control Considering Four-Quadrant EV Chargers. 3736-3747 - Liang Yu
, Tao Jiang
, Yulong Zou
Distributed Real-Time Energy Management in Data Center Microgrids. 3748-3762 - Hui Liu
, Junjian Qi
, Jianhui Wang
, Peijie Li
, Canbing Li
, Hua Wei:
EV Dispatch Control for Supplementary Frequency Regulation Considering the Expectation of EV Owners. 3763-3772 - Lei Sun
, Shi You
, Junjie Hu
, Fushuan Wen
Optimal Allocation of Smart Substations in a Distribution System Considering Interruption Costs of Customers. 3773-3782 - Bin Wang
, Jianzhao Geng, Xinzhou Dong:
High-Impedance Fault Detection Based on Nonlinear Voltage-Current Characteristic Profile Identification. 3783-3791 - Frederik Ruelens
, Bert Claessens, Salman Quaiyum, Bart De Schutter
, Robert Babuska
, Ronnie Belmans:
Reinforcement Learning Applied to an Electric Water Heater: From Theory to Practice. 3792-3800 - Yu Liu
, Guangchao Geng
, Shan Gao
, Wilsun Xu
Non-Intrusive Energy Use Monitoring for a Group of Electrical Appliances. 3801-3810 - Giovanni De Carne
, Giampaolo Buticchi
, Zhi-Xiang Zou, Marco Liserre
Reverse Power Flow Control in a ST-Fed Distribution Grid. 3811-3819 - Gaoqi Liang, Steven R. Weller
, Fengji Luo
, Junhua Zhao, Zhao Yang Dong
Generalized FDIA-Based Cyber Topology Attack With Application to the Australian Electricity Market Trading Mechanism. 3820-3829 - Ajay Gupta, Suryanarayana Doolla
, Kishore Chatterjee:
Hybrid AC-DC Microgrid: Systematic Evaluation of Control Strategies. 3830-3843 - Xiaoyu Wu
, Jinghan He, Yin Xu
, Jian Lu
, Ning Lu
, Xiaojun Wang:
Hierarchical Control of Residential HVAC Units for Primary Frequency Regulation. 3844-3856 - Salah Bahramara
, Maziar Yazdani Damavandi, Javier Contreras
, Miadreza Shafie-Khah
, João P. S. Catalão
Modeling the Strategic Behavior of a Distribution Company in Wholesale Energy and Reserve Markets. 3857-3870 - Ozan Erdinç, Akin Tascikaraoglu
, Nikolaos G. Paterakis
, Ilker Dursun, Murat Can Sinim, João P. S. Catalão
Comprehensive Optimization Model for Sizing and Siting of DG Units, EV Charging Stations, and Energy Storage Systems. 3871-3882 - Miadreza Shafie-Khah
, Nadali Mahmoudi
, Pierluigi Siano
, Tapan Kumar Saha
, João P. S. Catalão
A Comprehensive Model to Integrate Emerging Resources From Supply and Demand Sides. 3883-3896 - Fang Zhang
, Lin Cheng
, Wenzhong Gao
Prediction Based Hierarchical Compensation for Delays in Wide-Area Control Systems. 3897-3899 - Mohammad Hassan Amirioun
, Farrokh Aminifar
, Hamid Lesani:
Towards Proactive Scheduling of Microgrids Against Extreme Floods. 3900-3902 - Georgios C. Kryonidis
, Eleftherios O. Kontis
, Andreas I. Chrysochos
, Konstantinos O. Oureilidis
, Charis S. Demoulias
, Grigoris K. Papagiannis
Power Flow of Islanded AC Microgrids: Revisited. 3903-3905 - Yi Wang
, Qixin Chen
, Mingyang Sun
, Chongqing Kang
, Qing Xia
An Ensemble Forecasting Method for the Aggregated Load With Subprofiles. 3906-3908 - Saeed Teimourzadeh
, Farrokh Aminifar
, Mahdi Davarpanah, Mohammad Shahidehpour
Adaptive Control of Microgrid Security. 3909-3910 - Lingyu Ren
, Peng Zhang
Generalized Microgrid Power Flow. 3911-3913 - Yi Cui
, Feifei Bai
, Yong Liu
, Yilu Liu:
A Measurement Source Authentication Methodology for Power System Cyber Security Enhancement. 3914-3916 - Rabindra Mohanty
, Ashok Kumar Pradhan
A Superimposed Current Based Unit Protection Scheme for DC Microgrid. 3917-3919 - Zhiyuan Tang
, David J. Hill
, Tao Liu
A Novel Consensus-Based Economic Dispatch for Microgrids. 3920-3922
Volume 9, Number 5, September 2018
- Uttam Adhikari
, Thomas H. Morris
, Shengyi Pan:
Applying Non-Nested Generalized Exemplars Classification for Cyber-Power Event and Intrusion Detection. 3928-3941 - Raffi Avo Sevlian
, Ram Rajagopal:
Actively Calibrated Line Mountable Capacitive Voltage Transducer for Power Systems Applications. 3942-3953 - Bassam Moussa, Mourad Debbabi
, Chadi Assi
A Detection and Mitigation Model for PTP Delay Attack in an IEC 61850 Substation. 3954-3965 - Ahmed S. Zamzam
, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
, Emiliano Dall'Anese
Beyond Relaxation and Newton-Raphson: Solving AC OPF for Multi-Phase Systems With Renewables. 3966-3975 - Sandip Ghosh
, Komla A. Folly, Abhilash Patel
Synchronized Versus Non-Synchronized Feedback for Speed-Based Wide-Area PSS: Effect of Time-Delay. 3976-3985 - Bhim Singh
, Maulik Kandpal, Ikhlaq Hussain
Control of Grid Tied Smart PV-DSTATCOM System Using an Adaptive Technique. 3986-3993 - Satoru Akagi
, Ryo Takahashi, Akihisa Kaneko, Masakazu Ito
, Jun Yoshinaga, Yasuhiro Hayashi
, Hiroshi Asano
, Hiromi Konda:
Upgrading Voltage Control Method Based on Photovoltaic Penetration Rate. 3994-4003 - H. S. V. S. Kumar Nunna
, Swathi Battula, Suryanarayana Doolla
, Dipti Srinivasan
Energy Management in Smart Distribution Systems With Vehicle-to-Grid Integrated Microgrids. 4004-4016 - Yuanxiong Guo
, Hongning Li, Miao Pan
Colocation Data Center Demand Response Using Nash Bargaining Theory. 4017-4026 - Guanchen Zhang
, Shaoqing Tim Tan, G. Gary Wang:
Real-Time Smart Charging of Electric Vehicles for Demand Charge Reduction at Non-Residential Sites. 4027-4037 - Yikui Liu
, Jie Li
, Lei Wu
Distribution System Restructuring: Distribution LMP via Unbalanced ACOPF. 4038-4048 - Uttam Adhikari
, Thomas H. Morris
, Shengyi Pan:
Applying Hoeffding Adaptive Trees for Real-Time Cyber-Power Event and Intrusion Classification. 4049-4060 - Yang Han
, Hong Li, Lin Xu, Xin Zhao, Josep M. Guerrero
Analysis of Washout Filter-Based Power Sharing Strategy - An Equivalent Secondary Controller for Islanded Microgrid Without LBC Lines. 4061-4076 - Mosaddek Hossain Kamal Tushar
, Chadi Assi
Volt-VAR Control Through Joint Optimization of Capacitor Bank Switching, Renewable Energy, and Home Appliances. 4077-4086 - Bo Zhao
, Zhicheng Xu
, Chen Xu, Caisheng Wang
, Feng Lin
Network Partition-Based Zonal Voltage Control for Distribution Networks With Distributed PV Systems. 4087-4098 - Ke Jia
, Chenjie Gu, Zhenwen Xuan, Lun Li, Yaoqi Lin:
Fault Characteristics Analysis and Line Protection Design Within a Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Plant. 4099-4108 - Anmar I. Arif
, Zhaoyu Wang
, Jianhui Wang
, Chen Chen
Power Distribution System Outage Management With Co-Optimization of Repairs, Reconfiguration, and DG Dispatch. 4109-4118 - Muhammed Fatih Balli, Suleyman Uludag
, Ali Aydin Selçuk
, Bülent Tavli
Distributed Multi-Unit Privacy Assured Bidding (PAB) for Smart Grid Demand Response Programs. 4119-4127 - Licheng Wang
, Ruifeng Yan
, Tapan Kumar Saha
Voltage Management for Large Scale PV Integration into Weak Distribution Systems. 4128-4139 - Jiajia Yang
, Junhua Zhao
, Fengji Luo
, Fushuan Wen
, Zhao Yang Dong
Decision-Making for Electricity Retailers: A Brief Survey. 4140-4153 - Siyan Liu, Amir H. Etemadi
A Dynamic Stochastic Optimization for Recharging Plug-In Electric Vehicles. 4154-4161 - Hamid Reza Esmaeilian
, Roohollah Fadaeinedjad:
A Remedy for Mitigating Voltage Fluctuations in Small Remote Wind-Diesel Systems Using Network Theory Concepts. 4162-4171 - Tiankui Sun, Jian Lu
, Zhimin Li, David Lubkeman
, Ning Lu
Modeling Combined Heat and Power Systems for Microgrid Applications. 4172-4180 - Yunpeng Wang
, Walid Saad
, Arif I. Sarwat
, Choong Seon Hong
Reactive Power Compensation Game Under Prospect-Theoretic Framing Effects. 4181-4193 - Yile Liang
, Feng Liu
, Shengwei Mei
Distributed Real-Time Economic Dispatch in Smart Grids: A State-Based Potential Game Approach. 4194-4208 - Maziar Vanouni
, Ning Lu
A Reward Allocation Mechanism for Thermostatically Controlled Loads Participating in Intra-Hour Ancillary Services. 4209-4219 - Hieu Trung Nguyen
, Long Bao Le
Bi-Objective-Based Cost Allocation for Cooperative Demand-Side Resource Aggregators. 4220-4235 - Cuo Zhang
, Yan Xu
, Zhao Yang Dong
, Kit Po Wong
Robust Coordination of Distributed Generation and Price-Based Demand Response in Microgrids. 4236-4247 - Yingmeng Xiang, Lingfeng Wang
, Nian Liu
A Robustness-Oriented Power Grid Operation Strategy Considering Attacks. 4248-4261 - Samaresh Bera
, Sudip Misra
, Durba Chatterjee:
C2C: Community-Based Cooperative Energy Consumption in Smart Grid. 4262-4269 - Da Wang
, Gaspard Lebel, Catalin Gavriluta
, Raphaël Caire:
Impacts of Virtual Primary Frequency Regulation on Electromechanical Oscillations. 4270-4281 - Luis M. Lopez-Ramos
, Vassilis Kekatos
, Antonio G. Marques
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Two-Timescale Stochastic Dispatch of Smart Distribution Grids. 4282-4292 - Yinliang Xu
, Zaiyue Yang
, Jingrui Zhang
, Zhongyang Fei
, Wenxin Liu
Real-Time Compressive Sensing Based Control Strategy for a Multi-Area Power System. 4293-4302 - Snehamoy Dhar
, Rajesh Kumar Patnaik, P. K. Dash
Fault Detection and Location of Photovoltaic Based DC Microgrid Using Differential Protection Strategy. 4303-4312 - Chathurika P. Mediwaththe
, Edward R. Stephens, David B. Smith
, Anirban Mahanti:
Competitive Energy Trading Framework for Demand-Side Management in Neighborhood Area Networks. 4313-4322 - Neetesh Saxena
, Santiago Grijalva:
Efficient Signature Scheme for Delivering Authentic Control Commands in the Smart Grid. 4323-4334 - He Hao
, Di Wu
, Jianming Lian
, Tao Yang
Optimal Coordination of Building Loads and Energy Storage for Power Grid and End User Services. 4335-4345 - Shaojun Huang
, Qiuwei Wu
Real-Time Congestion Management in Distribution Networks by Flexible Demand Swap. 4346-4355 - Albert Y. S. Lam
, James Jian Qiao Yu
, Yunhe Hou
, Victor O. K. Li:
Coordinated Autonomous Vehicle Parking for Vehicle-to-Grid Services: Formulation and Distributed Algorithm. 4356-4366 - Khaled A. Saleh
, Ali Hooshyar
, Ehab F. El-Saadany
, Hatem H. Zeineldin
Voltage-Based Protection Scheme for Faults Within Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Arrays. 4367-4382 - Xingxing Jin
, Ramakrishna Gokaraju
, Rudi Wierckx, Om Nayak:
High Speed Digital Distance Relaying Scheme Using FPGA and IEC 61850. 4383-4393 - Teklemariam Tsegay Tesfay
, Jean-Yves Le Boudec:
Experimental Comparison of Multicast Authentication for Wide Area Monitoring Systems. 4394-4404 - Chee-Wooi Ten
, Koji Yamashita, Zhiyuan Yang
, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
, Andrew Ginter:
Impact Assessment of Hypothesized Cyberattacks on Interconnected Bulk Power Systems. 4405-4425 - Chongtao Li
, Hsiao-Dong Chiang
, Zhengchun Du:
Online Line Switching Method for Enhancing the Small-Signal Stability Margin of Power Systems. 4426-4435 - Hongjun Gao
, Junyong Liu, Lingfeng Wang
Robust Coordinated Optimization of Active and Reactive Power in Active Distribution Systems. 4436-4447 - Vladimir Stanojevic
, Gary Preston, Vladimir V. Terzija:
Synchronised Measurements Based Algorithm for Long Transmission Line Fault Analysis. 4448-4457 - Christof Deckmyn
, Tine L. Vandoorn, Jan Van de Vyver, Jan Desmet, Lieven Vandevelde
A Microgrid Multilayer Control Concept for Optimal Power Scheduling and Voltage Control. 4458-4467 - Valentin Robu
, Meritxell Vinyals, Alex Rogers, Nicholas R. Jennings
Efficient Buyer Groups With Prediction-of-Use Electricity Tariffs. 4468-4479 - Ioannis Zenginis
, John S. Vardakas
, Nizar Zorba, Christos V. Verikoukis
Performance Evaluation of a Multi-Standard Fast Charging Station for Electric Vehicles. 4480-4489 - Yongdong Wu
, Zhuo Wei
, Jian Weng
, Xin Li, Robert H. Deng
Resonance Attacks on Load Frequency Control of Smart Grids. 4490-4502 - Saeed D. Manshadi
, Mohammad E. Khodayar
, Khaled F. Abdelghany, Halit Üster:
Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles in Electricity and Transportation Networks. 4503-4512 - Nadia Ahmed
, Marco Levorato
, G. P. Li:
Residential Consumer-Centric Demand Side Management. 4513-4524 - Yijian Zhang, Mingyi Hong
, Emiliano Dall'Anese
, Sairaj V. Dhople
, Zi Xu:
Distributed Controllers Seeking AC Optimal Power Flow Solutions Using ADMM. 4525-4537 - Xiaoyuan Fan, Liang Du, Dongliang Duan
Synchrophasor Data Correction Under GPS Spoofing Attack: A State Estimation-Based Approach. 4538-4546 - Yaqin Zhou
, David K. Y. Yau, Pengcheng You
, Peng Cheng
Optimal-Cost Scheduling of Electrical Vehicle Charging Under Uncertainty. 4547-4554 - Yunfeng Wen
, Xiaobin Qu, Wenyuan Li
, Xuan Liu
, Xi Ye:
Synergistic Operation of Electricity and Natural Gas Networks via ADMM. 4555-4565 - Changsen Feng
, Zhiyi Li
, Mohammad Shahidehpour
, Fushuan Wen
, Weijia Liu
, Xiaolei Wang:
Decentralized Short-Term Voltage Control in Active Power Distribution Systems. 4566-4576 - Jiangmeng Zhang, Alejandro D. Domínguez-García
Evaluation of Demand Response Resource Aggregation System Capacity Under Uncertainty. 4577-4586 - Cong Zhang
, Haoyong Chen
, Zipeng Liang
, Manlan Guo, Dong Hua
, Honwing Ngan:
Reactive Power Optimization Under Interval Uncertainty by the Linear Approximation Method and Its Modified Method. 4587-4600 - Muhammad Shoaib Almas
, Luigi Vanfretti
, Ravi Shankar Singh, Gudrun M. Jonsdottir:
Vulnerability of Synchrophasor-Based WAMPAC Applications' to Time Synchronization Spoofing. 4601-4612 - John F. Franco
, Luis F. Ochoa
, Rubén Romero
AC OPF for Smart Distribution Networks: An Efficient and Robust Quadratic Approach. 4613-4623 - Nian Liu
, Xinghuo Yu
, Wei Fan, Cungang Hu, Tao Rui, Qifang Chen, Jianhua Zhang:
Online Energy Sharing for Nanogrid Clusters: A Lyapunov Optimization Approach. 4624-4636 - Jovica V. Milanovic
, Wentao Zhu
Modeling of Interconnected Critical Infrastructure Systems Using Complex Network Theory. 4637-4648 - Diptargha Chakravorty
, Balarko Chaudhuri
, Ron Shu-Yuen Hui
Estimation of Aggregate Reserve With Point-of-Load Voltage Control. 4649-4658 - Eman M. Hammad
, Ahmed Mostafa Khalil
, Abdallah K. Farraj
, Deepa Kundur
, Reza Iravani:
A Class of Switching Exploits Based on Inter-Area Oscillations. 4659-4668 - Shikha Singh, Angshul Majumdar
Deep Sparse Coding for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring. 4669-4678 - Javad Heydari, Ali Tajer
Quickest Localization of Anomalies in Power Grids: A Stochastic Graphical Framework. 4679-4688 - Bo Sun
, Xiaoqi Tan
, Danny H. K. Tsang:
Optimal Charging Operation of Battery Swapping and Charging Stations With QoS Guarantee. 4689-4701 - Martine Chlela
, Diego Mascarella, Géza Joós
, Marthe Kassouf:
Fallback Control for Isochronous Energy Storage Systems in Autonomous Microgrids Under Denial-of-Service Cyber-Attacks. 4702-4711 - Shahab Bahrami
, Vincent W. S. Wong
, Jianwei Huang
An Online Learning Algorithm for Demand Response in Smart Grid. 4712-4725 - Farhad Farokhi
, Henrik Sandberg
Fisher Information as a Measure of Privacy: Preserving Privacy of Households With Smart Meters Using Batteries. 4726-4734 - Thomas Morstyn
, Andrey V. Savkin
, Branislav Hredzak
, Vassilios G. Agelidis
Multi-Agent Sliding Mode Control for State of Charge Balancing Between Battery Energy Storage Systems Distributed in a DC Microgrid. 4735-4743 - Qing Ye
, Ran Mo, Hui Li:
Multiple Resonances Mitigation of Paralleled Inverters in a Solid-State Transformer (SST) Enabled AC Microgrid. 4744-4754 - Kevin P. Schneider
, Francis K. Tuffner
, Marcelo A. Elizondo
, Chen-Ching Liu, Yin Xu
, Scott Backhaus, Dan Ton:
Enabling Resiliency Operations Across Multiple Microgrids With Grid Friendly Appliance Controllers. 4755-4764 - Jinghuan Ma
, Lingyang Song
, Yonghui Li
Optimal Power Dispatching for Local Area Packetized Power Network. 4765-4776 - Hong Peng
, Jun Wang, Jun Ming, Peng Shi
, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez, Wenping Yu, Chengyu Tao:
Fault Diagnosis of Power Systems Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Spiking Neural P Systems. 4777-4784 - Yipeng Dong, Xiaorong Xie
, Wenbo Shi, Baorong Zhou, Qirong Jiang:
Demand-Response-Based Distributed Preventive Control to Improve Short-Term Voltage Stability. 4785-4795 - Mohammad Mohammadi
, Hooman Basirat, Amin Kargarian
Nonparametric Probabilistic Load Flow With Saddle Point Approximation. 4796-4804 - Javier Saez Gallego, Juan M. Morales
Short-Term Forecasting of Price-Responsive Loads Using Inverse Optimization. 4805-4814 - Fernando V. Cerna, Mahdi Pourakbari-Kasmaei
, Rubén A. Romero
, Marcos J. Rider
Optimal Delivery Scheduling and Charging of EVs in the Navigation of a City Map. 4815-4827 - Jianqiang Miao, Ning Zhang
, Chongqing Kang
, Jianxiao Wang
, Yi Wang
, Qing Xia
Steady-State Power Flow Model of Energy Router Embedded AC Network and Its Application in Optimizing Power System Operation. 4828-4837 - Tamer S. Abdelgayed, Walid G. Morsi
, Tarlochan S. Sidhu:
A New Approach for Fault Classification in Microgrids Using Optimal Wavelet Functions Matching Pursuit. 4838-4846 - Yajuan Guan
, Lexuan Meng
, Chendan Li
, Juan C. Vasquez
, Josep M. Guerrero
A Dynamic Consensus Algorithm to Adjust Virtual Impedance Loops for Discharge Rate Balancing of AC Microgrid Energy Storage Units. 4847-4860 - Rodrigo Henriquez
, George Wenzel, Daniel E. Olivares
, Matias Negrete-Pincetic
Participation of Demand Response Aggregators in Electricity Markets: Optimal Portfolio Management. 4861-4871 - Anthony Papavasiliou
Analysis of Distribution Locational Marginal Prices. 4872-4882 - Weifeng Li
, Pengwei Du
, Ning Lu
Design of a New Primary Frequency Control Market for Hosting Frequency Response Reserve Offers From Both Generators and Loads. 4883-4892 - Yijia Cao
, Xingyu Shi, Yong Li
, Yi Tan, Mohammad Shahidehpour
, Shiliang Shi:
A Simplified Co-Simulation Model for Investigating Impacts of Cyber-Contingency on Power System Operations. 4893-4905 - Pannala Sanjeev
, Narayana Prasad Padhy
, Pramod Agarwal:
Peak Energy Management Using Renewable Integrated DC Microgrid. 4906-4917 - Subham Sahoo
, Sukumar Mishra
A Multi-Objective Adaptive Control Framework in Autonomous DC Microgrid. 4918-4929 - Ramin Moslemi
, Afshin Mesbahi, Javad Mohammadpour Velni:
A Fast, Decentralized Covariance Selection-Based Approach to Detect Cyber Attacks in Smart Grids. 4930-4941 - K. Mahendra Reddy
, Bhim Singh
Multi-Objective Control Algorithm for Small Hydro and SPV Generation-Based Dual Mode Reconfigurable System. 4942-4952 - Iraklis P. Nikolakakos
, Hatem H. Zeineldin
, Mohamed Shawky El Moursi
, James L. Kirtley
Reduced-Order Model for Inter-Inverter Oscillations in Islanded Droop-Controlled Microgrids. 4953-4963 - Dinh Hoa Nguyen
, Tatsuo Narikiyo, Michihiro Kawanishi:
Optimal Demand Response and Real-Time Pricing by a Sequential Distributed Consensus-Based ADMM Approach. 4964-4974 - Chenxi Xu
, Ali Abur
A Fast and Robust Linear State Estimator for Very Large Scale Interconnected Power Grids. 4975-4982 - Chenhui Lin
, WenChuan Wu
, Xin Chen, Weiye Zheng:
Decentralized Dynamic Economic Dispatch for Integrated Transmission and Active Distribution Networks Using Multi-Parametric Programming. 4983-4993 - Tao Ding
, Qingrun Yang, Yongheng Yang
, Cheng Li, Zhaohong Bie
, Frede Blaabjerg
A Data-Driven Stochastic Reactive Power Optimization Considering Uncertainties in Active Distribution Networks and Decomposition Method. 4994-5004 - Javier Saez Gallego, Mahdi Kohansal, Ashkan Sadeghi-Mobarakeh, Juan M. Morales
Optimal Price-Energy Demand Bids for Aggregate Price-Responsive Loads. 5005-5013 - Hassan Moussa
, Ahmed Shahin
, Jean-Philippe Martin, Serge Pierfederici, Nazih Moubayed
Optimal Angle Droop for Power Sharing Enhancement With Stability Improvement in Islanded Microgrids. 5014-5026 - Qiushi Cui
, Khalil El-Arroudi
, Géza Joós
Islanding Detection of Hybrid Distributed Generation Under Reduced Non-Detection Zone. 5027-5037 - Lizheng Chen, Hengxu Zhang
, Qiuwei Wu
, Vladimir V. Terzija
A Numerical Approach for Hybrid Simulation of Power System Dynamics Considering Extreme Icing Events. 5038-5046 - Alsharif Abuadbba
, Ibrahim Khalil
, Xinghuo Yu
Gaussian Approximation-Based Lossless Compression of Smart Meter Readings. 5047-5056 - Seemita Pal, Biplab Sikdar
, Joe H. Chow
Classification and Detection of PMU Data Manipulation Attacks Using Transmission Line Parameters. 5057-5066 - Vincenzo Trovato
, Fei Teng
, Goran Strbac:
Role and Benefits of Flexible Thermostatically Controlled Loads in Future Low-Carbon Systems. 5067-5079 - Abbas Esmaeili Dahej
, Saeid Esmaeili, Hossein Hojabri:
Co-Optimization of Protection Coordination and Power Quality in Microgrids Using Unidirectional Fault Current Limiters. 5080-5091 - Fadi Elghitani
, Weihua Zhuang
Aggregating a Large Number of Residential Appliances for Demand Response Applications. 5092-5100 - Lin-Yu Lu, Chia-Chi Chu
Consensus-Based Droop Control of Isolated Micro-Grids by ADMM Implementations. 5101-5112 - Satya Jayadev P.
, Nirav P. Bhatt, Ramkrishna Pasumarthy, Aravind Rajeswaran:
Identifying Topology of Low Voltage Distribution Networks Based on Smart Meter Data. 5113-5122 - Mohammad Reza Salimian
, Mohammad Reza Aghamohammadi
A Three Stages Decision Tree-Based Intelligent Blackout Predictor for Power Systems Using Brittleness Indices. 5123-5131 - Hamid Gharavi
, Bin Hu
Space-Time Approach for Disturbance Detection and Classification. 5132-5140 - George Wenzel
, Matias Negrete-Pincetic
, Daniel E. Olivares
, Jason S. MacDonald
, Duncan S. Callaway:
Real-Time Charging Strategies for an Electric Vehicle Aggregator to Provide Ancillary Services. 5141-5151 - Yuxun Zhou
, Reza Arghandeh
, Costas J. Spanos:
Partial Knowledge Data-Driven Event Detection for Power Distribution Networks. 5152-5162 - He Wen
, Chengcheng Li, Wenxuan Yao
Power System Frequency Estimation of Sine-Wave Corrupted With Noise by Windowed Three-Point Interpolated DFT. 5163-5172 - Zhaoxi Liu
, Qiuwei Wu
, Shaojun Huang
, Lingfeng Wang
, Mohammad Shahidehpour
, Yusheng Xue
Optimal Day-Ahead Charging Scheduling of Electric Vehicles Through an Aggregative Game Model. 5173-5184 - Xue Han
, Kai Heussen
, Oliver Gehrke
, Henrik W. Bindner
, Benjamin Kroposki:
Taxonomy for Evaluation of Distributed Control Strategies for Distributed Energy Resources. 5185-5195 - Thanchanok Teeraratkul
, Daniel C. O'Neill, Sanjay Lall
Shape-Based Approach to Household Electric Load Curve Clustering and Prediction. 5196-5206 - Xialin Li, Li Guo
, Shaohui Zhang, Chengshan Wang
, Yun Wei Li
, Anwei Chen, Yibin Feng:
Observer-Based DC Voltage Droop and Current Feed-Forward Control of a DC Microgrid. 5207-5216 - Cong Zhang
, Haoyong Chen
, Ke Shi, Ming Qiu, Dong Hua
, Honwing Ngan:
An Interval Power Flow Analysis Through Optimizing-Scenarios Method. 5217-5226 - Johann Leithon
, Teng Joon Lim
, Sumei Sun
Online Demand Response Strategies for Non-Deferrable Loads With Renewable Energy. 5227-5235 - Jianxiao Wang
, Haiwang Zhong
, Qing Xia, Chongqing Kang:
Optimal Planning Strategy for Distributed Energy Resources Considering Structural Transmission Cost Allocation. 5236-5248 - Amin Ghazanfari
, Yasser Abdel-Rady I. Mohamed
Decentralized Cooperative Control for Smart DC Home With DC Fault Handling Capability. 5249-5259 - Georgios C. Kryonidis
, Eleftherios O. Kontis
, Andreas I. Chrysochos
, Charis S. Demoulias
, Grigoris K. Papagiannis
A Coordinated Droop Control Strategy for Overvoltage Mitigation in Active Distribution Networks. 5260-5270 - Heng Shi
, Minghao Xu
, Ran Li
Deep Learning for Household Load Forecasting - A Novel Pooling Deep RNN. 5271-5280 - Yuzhang Lin, Ali Abur
Strategic Use of Synchronized Phasor Measurements to Improve Network Parameter Error Detection. 5281-5290 - Abolfazl Mosaddegh
, Claudio A. Cañizares
, Kankar Bhattacharya
Optimal Demand Response for Distribution Feeders With Existing Smart Loads. 5291-5300 - Yanbo Wang
, Xiongfei Wang
, Zhe Chen
, Frede Blaabjerg
Small-Signal Stability Analysis of Inverter-Fed Power Systems Using Component Connection Method. 5301-5310 - Bishnu P. Bhattarai
, Iker Diaz de Cerio Mendaza, Kurt S. Myers, Birgitte Bak-Jensen, Sumit Paudyal
Optimum Aggregation and Control of Spatially Distributed Flexible Resources in Smart Grid. 5311-5322 - Mohammad H. Moradi
, Ali R. Reisi, S. Mahdi Hosseinian
An Optimal Collaborative Congestion Management Based on Implementing DR. 5323-5334 - Hassan Moussa
, Ahmed Shahin
, Jean-Philippe Martin, Babak Nahid-Mobarakeh
, Serge Pierfederici, Nazih Moubayed
Harmonic Power Sharing With Voltage Distortion Compensation of Droop Controlled Islanded Microgrids. 5335-5347 - Yue Chen, Ana Busic
, Sean P. Meyn
Estimation and Control of Quality of Service in Demand Dispatch. 5348-5356 - Tianyang Zhao
, Yuanzheng Li
, Xuewei Pan
, Peng Wang, Jianhua Zhang:
Real-Time Optimal Energy and Reserve Management of Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Station: Hierarchical Game Approach. 5357-5370 - Sheng Chen
, Zhinong Wei
, Guoqiang Sun, Yonghui Sun
, Haixiang Zang
, Ying Zhu:
Optimal Power and Gas Flow With a Limited Number of Control Actions. 5371-5380 - Ehsan Pashajavid
, Arindam Ghosh
, Firuz Zare
A Multimode Supervisory Control Scheme for Coupling Remote Droop-Regulated Microgrids. 5381-5392 - Stefan Leitner
, Mehrdad Yazdanian, Ali Mehrizi-Sani
, Annette Muetze
Small-Signal Stability Analysis of an Inverter-Based Microgrid With Internal Model-Based Controllers. 5393-5402 - Mohammad Hossein Yaghmaee
, Alberto Leon-Garcia, Morteza Moghaddassian
On the Performance of Distributed and Cloud-Based Demand Response in Smart Grid. 5403-5417 - Bowen Han
, Haifeng Li, Gang Wang, Dehui Zeng, Yuansheng Liang
A Virtual Multi-Terminal Current Differential Protection Scheme for Distribution Networks With Inverter-Interfaced Distributed Generators. 5418-5431 - Dimitrios Tzelepis
, Grzegorz Fusiek
, Adam Dysko
, Pawel Niewczas
, Campbell Booth
, Xinzhou Dong:
Novel Fault Location in MTDC Grids With Non-Homogeneous Transmission Lines Utilizing Distributed Current Sensing Technology. 5432-5443 - Guannan Lou, Wei Gu, Jianhui Wang, Jianhua Wang
, Binshi Gu:
A Unified Control Scheme Based on a Disturbance Observer for Seamless Transition Operation of Inverter-Interfaced Distributed Generation. 5444-5454 - Haifeng Qiu
, Bo Zhao
, Wei Gu
, Rui Bo:
Bi-Level Two-Stage Robust Optimal Scheduling for AC/DC Hybrid Multi-Microgrids. 5455-5466 - Saeed D. Manshadi
, Mohammad E. Khodayar
A Tight Convex Relaxation for the Natural Gas Operation Problem. 5467-5469 - Zohreh S. Hosseini
, Mohsen Mahoor
, Amin Khodaei
AMI-Enabled Distribution Network Line Outage Identification via Multi-Label SVM. 5470-5472 - Xiaoyu Cao
, Jianxue Wang
, Bo Zeng
Distributed Generation Planning Guidance Through Feasibility and Profit Analysis. 5473-5475
Volume 9, Number 6, November 2018
- Eduardo Lenz
, Daniel J. Pagano
, Josep Pou:
Bifurcation Analysis of Parallel-Connected Voltage-Source Inverters With Constant Power Loads. 5482-5493 - Tiankai Yang
, Yixin Yu:
Static Voltage Security Region-Based Coordinated Voltage Control in Smart Distribution Grids. 5494-5502 - Kyung Woo Min
, Surya Santoso
DC Offset Removal Algorithm for Improving Location Estimates of Momentary Faults. 5503-5511 - Jingkun Liu
, Ning Zhang
, Chongqing Kang
, Daniel S. Kirschen
, Qing Xia:
Decision-Making Models for the Participants in Cloud Energy Storage. 5512-5521 - Meng Song
, Ciwei Gao
, Huaguang Yan, Jianlin Yang:
Thermal Battery Modeling of Inverter Air Conditioning for Demand Response. 5522-5534 - Yutaka Sasaki
, Naoto Yorino
, Yoshifumi Zoka
, Farid Imam Wahyudi
Robust Stochastic Dynamic Load Dispatch Against Uncertainties. 5535-5542 - Fernando Ornelas-Tellez
, J. Jesús Rico-Melgoza, Elisa Espinosa-Juárez
, Edgar N. Sánchez
Optimal and Robust Control in DC Microgrids. 5543-5553 - Hessamoddin Jouybari-Moghaddam
, Tarlochan S. Sidhu, Mohammad R. Dadash Zadeh, Palak P. Parikh:
Shunt Capacitor Banks Online Monitoring Using a Superimposed Reactance Method. 5554-5563 - Moayed Moghbel
, Mohammad A. S. Masoum
, Alireza Fereidouni, Sara Deilami
Optimal Sizing, Siting and Operation of Custom Power Devices With STATCOM and APLC Functions for Real-Time Reactive Power and Network Voltage Quality Control of Smart Grid. 5564-5575 - Chengshan Wang
, Beihua Liang, Jinwei He:
An Enhanced Power Regulation and Seamless Operation Mode Transfer Control Through Cooperative Dual-Interfacing Converters. 5576-5587 - Boubacar Housseini
, Aime Francis Okou, Rachid Beguenane:
Robust Nonlinear Controller Design for On-Grid/Off-Grid Wind Energy Battery-Storage System. 5588-5598 - Aslan Mojallal, Saeed Lotfifard
Multi-Physics Graphical Model-Based Fault Detection and Isolation in Wind Turbines. 5599-5612 - Saber Falahati Aliabadi, Seyed Abbas Taher
, Mohammad Shahidehpour
Grid Secondary Frequency Control by Optimized Fuzzy Control of Electric Vehicles. 5613-5621 - Wenxuan Yao
, Yingchen Zhang
, Yong Liu
, Micah J. Till, Yilu Liu:
Pioneer Design of Non-Contact Synchronized Measurement Devices Using Electric and Magnetic Field Sensors. 5622-5630 - Konstantina Christakou
, Mario Paolone
, Ali Abur
Voltage Control in Active Distribution Networks Under Uncertainty in the System Model: A Robust Optimization Approach. 5631-5642 - Kun-Long Chen, Xiangguo Yang
, Wilsun Xu
Contactless Voltage Distortion Measurement Using Electric Field Sensors. 5643-5652 - Ahmed Saber
, Ahmed Emam
, Hany Elghazaly:
A Backup Protection Technique for Three-Terminal Multisection Compound Transmission Lines. 5653-5663 - Shujun Xin
, Qinglai Guo
, Jianhui Wang
, Chen Chen
, Hongbin Sun
, Boming Zhang:
Information Masking Theory for Data Protection in Future Cloud-Based Energy Management. 5664-5676 - Mohammadreza Fakhari Moghaddam Arani
, Yasser Abdel-Rady I. Mohamed
Cooperative Control of Wind Power Generator and Electric Vehicles for Microgrid Primary Frequency Regulation. 5677-5686 - Navid Azizan Ruhi
, Krishnamurthy Dvijotham
, Niangjun Chen, Adam Wierman:
Opportunities for Price Manipulation by Aggregators in Electricity Markets. 5687-5698 - Adel Merabet
, Labib Labib
, Amer M. Y. M. Ghias:
Robust Model Predictive Control for Photovoltaic Inverter System With Grid Fault Ride-Through Capability. 5699-5709 - Mateo R. Mengis, Ali Tajer
Data Injection Attacks on Electricity Markets by Limited Adversaries: Worst-Case Robustness. 5710-5720 - Brandon Foggo
, Nanpeng Yu
Improved Battery Storage Valuation Through Degradation Reduction. 5721-5732 - Tohid Soleymani Aghdam
, Hossein Kazemi Karegar
, Hatem H. Zeineldin
Transient Stability Constrained Protection Coordination for Distribution Systems With DG. 5733-5741 - Mohammadreza Fakhari Moghaddam Arani
, Yasser Abdel-Rady I. Mohamed
Dynamic Droop Control for Wind Turbines Participating in Primary Frequency Regulation in Microgrids. 5742-5751 - Muhammad Buhari
, Victor Levi
, Alexandra Kapetanaki:
Cable Replacement Considering Optimal Wind Integration and Network Reconfiguration. 5752-5763 - Changgang Li, Yaping Zhang, Hengxu Zhang
, Qiuwei Wu
, Vladimir V. Terzija
Measurement-Based Transmission Line Parameter Estimation With Adaptive Data Selection Scheme. 5764-5773 - Hung Khanh Nguyen
, Amin Khodaei
, Zhu Han:
Incentive Mechanism Design for Integrated Microgrids in Peak Ramp Minimization Problem. 5774-5785 - Bin Zhou
, Da Xu
, Canbing Li
, Yijia Cao, Ka Wing Chan
, Yan Xu
, Menglong Cao:
Multiobjective Generation Portfolio of Hybrid Energy Generating Station for Mobile Emergency Power Supplies. 5786-5797 - Mahmoud A. Allam
, Amr A. Hamad
, Mehrdad Kazerani, Ehab F. El-Saadany
A Novel Dynamic Power Routing Scheme to Maximize Loadability of Islanded Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids Under Unbalanced AC Loading. 5798-5809 - Mushfiqur R. Sarker
, Jianhui Wang
, Zuyi Li
, Kui Ren:
Security and Cloud Outsourcing Framework for Economic Dispatch. 5810-5819 - Ramin Moghaddass
, Jianhui Wang
A Hierarchical Framework for Smart Grid Anomaly Detection Using Large-Scale Smart Meter Data. 5820-5830 - Chong Wang
, Chee-Wooi Ten
, Yunhe Hou
Inference of Compromised Synchrophasor Units Within Substation Control Networks. 5831-5842 - Michal Sztykiel
, Steven D. A. Fletcher, Patrick J. Norman, Stuart J. Galloway, Graeme M. Burt
Electro-Thermal Analysis of Power Converter Components in Low-Voltage DC Microgrids for Optimal Protection System Design. 5843-5853 - Hilary E. Brown
, Christopher L. DeMarco:
Risk of Cyber-Physical Attack via Load With Emulated Inertia Control. 5854-5866 - Mahnaz Moradijoz, Mohsen Parsa Moghaddam
, Mahmoud Reza Haghifam:
A Flexible Distribution System Expansion Planning Model: A Dynamic Bi-Level Approach. 5867-5877 - Juncheng Wang
, Guangchao Geng
, Kun-Long Chen, Hao Liang
, Wilsun Xu
Event-Based Non-Intrusive Home Current Measurement Using Sensor Array. 5878-5886 - Sung-Guk Yoon
, Seok-Gu Kang, Seungbeom Jeong, Changwon Nam:
Priority Inversion Prevention Scheme for PLC Vehicle-to-Grid Communications Under the Hidden Station Problem. 5887-5896 - Yun Yang
, Siew-Chong Tan
, Ron Shu-Yuen Hui
Mitigating Distribution Power Loss of DC Microgrids With DC Electric Springs. 5897-5906 - Yinliang Xu
, Zhicheng Li
, Junhua Zhao, Jingrui Zhang
Distributed Robust Control Strategy of Grid-Connected Inverters for Energy Storage Systems' State-of-Charge Balancing. 5907-5917 - Arnob Ghosh
, Vaneet Aggarwal
Control of Charging of Electric Vehicles Through Menu-Based Pricing. 5918-5929 - Hajir Pourbabak
, Jingwei Luo, Tao Chen
, Wencong Su
A Novel Consensus-Based Distributed Algorithm for Economic Dispatch Based on Local Estimation of Power Mismatch. 5930-5942 - James Merrick
, Yinyu Ye, Robert Entriken:
Assessing the System Value of Optimal Load Shifting. 5943-5952 - Siddharth Bhela
, Vassilis Kekatos
, Sriharsha Veeramachaneni:
Enhancing Observability in Distribution Grids Using Smart Meter Data. 5953-5961 - Ali Arefi
, Farhad Shahnia
Tertiary Controller-Based Optimal Voltage and Frequency Management Technique for Multi-Microgrid Systems of Large Remote Towns. 5962-5974 - Zhehan Yi
, Wanxin Dong, Amir H. Etemadi
A Unified Control and Power Management Scheme for PV-Battery-Based Hybrid Microgrids for Both Grid-Connected and Islanded Modes. 5975-5985 - Anmar I. Arif
, Zhaoyu Wang
, Jianhui Wang
, Barry Mather
, Hugo Bashualdo, Dongbo Zhao
Load Modeling - A Review. 5986-5999 - Kia Khezeli
, Eilyan Bitar
Risk-Sensitive Learning and Pricing for Demand Response. 6000-6007 - Farzad Ferdowsi
, Hesan Vahedi
, Chris S. Edrington, Touria El Mezyani:
Dynamic Behavioral Observation in Power Systems Utilizing Real-Time Complexity Computation. 6008-6017 - Michael Diekerhof
, Florian Peterssen
, Antonello Monti
Hierarchical Distributed Robust Optimization for Demand Response Services. 6018-6029 - Wenyuan Tang
, Rahul Jain
Aggregating Correlated Wind Power With Full Surplus Extraction. 6030-6038 - Jingrui Xie, Tao Hong
Variable Selection Methods for Probabilistic Load Forecasting: Empirical Evidence from Seven States of the United States. 6039-6046 - Chengquan Ju
, Peng Wang, Lalit Goel
, Yan Xu
A Two-Layer Energy Management System for Microgrids With Hybrid Energy Storage Considering Degradation Costs. 6047-6057 - Juan Camilo Lopez
, John F. Franco
, Marcos J. Rider
, Rubén Romero
Optimal Restoration/Maintenance Switching Sequence of Unbalanced Three-Phase Distribution Systems. 6058-6068 - Nikolaos D. Doulamis
, Anastasios D. Doulamis, Emmanouel A. Varvarigos
Virtual Associations of Prosumers for Smart Energy Networks Under a Renewable Split Market. 6069-6083 - Chen Liang
, Peng Wang, Xiaoqing Han
, Wenping Qin
, Yanbing Jia, Tiejiang Yuan:
Battery Energy Storage Selection Based on a Novel Intermittent Wind Speed Model for Improving Power System Dynamic Reliability. 6084-6094 - Chen Qi, Keyou Wang
, Yong Fu
, Guojie Li, Bei Han, Renle Huang, Tianjiao Pu:
A Decentralized Optimal Operation of AC/DC Hybrid Distribution Grids. 6095-6105 - Hao Jan Liu
, Wei Shi, Hao Zhu
Distributed Voltage Control in Distribution Networks: Online and Robust Implementations. 6106-6117 - Muhammad Babar
, Phuong H. Nguyen
, Vladimir Cuk, I. G. Kamphuis, Martijn Bongaerts, Zbigniew Hanzelka:
The Evaluation of Agile Demand Response: An Applied Methodology. 6118-6127 - Jinwei He
, Yiwei Pan
, Beihua Liang, Chengshan Wang
A Simple Decentralized Islanding Microgrid Power Sharing Method Without Using Droop Control. 6128-6139 - Daniel Burmester
, Ramesh Rayudu, Winston K. G. Seah
Use of Maximum Power Point Tracking Signal for Instantaneous Management of Thermostatically Controlled Loads in a DC Nanogrid. 6140-6148 - Meng Yue
, Tami Toto, Michael P. Jensen
, Scott E. Giangrande, Robert Lofaro:
A Bayesian Approach-Based Outage Prediction in Electric Utility Systems Using Radar Measurement Data. 6149-6159 - Seyedamirabbas Mousavian
, Melike Erol-Kantarci
, Lei Wu
, Thomas Ortmeyer
A Risk-Based Optimization Model for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Response to Cyber Attacks. 6160-6169 - Nasim Rashidirad
, Mohsen Hamzeh
, Keyhan Sheshyekani
, Ebrahim Afjei
A Simplified Equivalent Model for the Analysis of Low-Frequency Stability of Multi-Bus DC Microgrids. 6170-6182 - Hanling Yi
, Mohammad Hassan Hajiesmaili, Ying Zhang, Minghua Chen
, Xiaojun Lin:
Impact of the Uncertainty of Distributed Renewable Generation on Deregulated Electricity Supply Chain. 6183-6193 - Dariush Abbasinezhad-Mood
, Morteza Nikooghadam
An Ultra-Lightweight and Secure Scheme for Communications of Smart Meters and Neighborhood Gateways by Utilization of an ARM Cortex-M Microcontroller. 6194-6205 - Guilherme Rolim
, Diego G. Passos
, Célio Albuquerque
, Igor M. Moraes:
MOSKOU: A Heuristic for Data Aggregator Positioning in Smart Grids. 6206-6213 - Olivier Megel
, Tao Liu
, David J. Hill
, Göran Andersson:
Distributed Secondary Frequency Control Algorithm Considering Storage Efficiency. 6214-6228 - Tiago Soares
, Ricardo J. Bessa
, Pierre Pinson
, Hugo Morais
Active Distribution Grid Management Based on Robust AC Optimal Power Flow. 6229-6241 - Yuanming Zhang, Qing-Shan Jia
A Simulation-Based Policy Improvement Method for Joint-Operation of Building Microgrids With Distributed Solar Power and Battery. 6242-6252 - Yu Yang, Qing-Shan Jia
, Geert Deconinck
, Xiaohong Guan, Zhifeng Qiu, Zechun Hu
Distributed Coordination of EV Charging With Renewable Energy in a Microgrid of Buildings. 6253-6264 - Xiaoyu Wang
, Stephen D. J. McArthur
, Scott M. Strachan, John D. Kirkwood, Bruce Paisley:
A Data Analytic Approach to Automatic Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis for Distribution Automation. 6265-6273 - Airán Francés
, Rafael Asensi
, Óscar García, Roberto Prieto, Javier Uceda
Modeling Electronic Power Converters in Smart DC Microgrids - An Overview. 6274-6287 - Aditya Shekhar
, Laura Ramirez Elizondo, Soumya Bandyopadhyay, Laurens Mackay
, Pavol Bauer
Detection of Series Arcs Using Load Side Voltage Drop for Protection of Low Voltage DC Systems. 6288-6297 - Wen-Long Chin, Chun-Hung Lee, Tao Jiang
Blind False Data Attacks Against AC State Estimation Based on Geometric Approach in Smart Grid Communications. 6298-6306 - Omar Alarfaj, Kankar Bhattacharya
A Controlled Load Estimator-Based Energy Management System for Water Pumping Systems. 6307-6317 - Kaveh Dehghanpour, M. Hashem Nehrir
Real-Time Multiobjective Microgrid Power Management Using Distributed Optimization in an Agent-Based Bargaining Framework. 6318-6327 - Rabindra Mohanty
, Ashok Kumar Pradhan
Protection of Smart DC Microgrid With Ring Configuration Using Parameter Estimation Approach. 6328-6337 - Yuntao Ju
, WenChuan Wu
, Fuchao Ge
, Kang Ma
, Yi Lin, Lin Ye
Fast Decoupled State Estimation for Distribution Networks Considering Branch Ampere Measurements. 6338-6347 - Shaik Affijulla
, Praveen Tripathy
A Robust Fault Detection and Discrimination Technique for Transmission Lines. 6348-6358 - Hisham Mahmood
, Jin Jiang
Autonomous Coordination of Multiple PV/Battery Hybrid Units in Islanded Microgrids. 6359-6368 - Camilo A. Cortés
, Sergio F. Contreras, Mohammad Shahidehpour
Microgrid Topology Planning for Enhancing the Reliability of Active Distribution Networks. 6369-6377 - Manas Kumar Jena
, S. R. Samantaray
, Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi
A New Adaptive Dependability-Security Approach to Enhance Wide Area Back-Up Protection of Transmission System. 6378-6386 - Berk Celik
, Robin Roche
, David Bouquain, Abdellatif Miraoui:
Decentralized Neighborhood Energy Management With Coordinated Smart Home Energy Sharing. 6387-6397 - Iman Askarian
, Suzan Eren, Majid Pahlevani, Andy M. Knight:
Digital Real-Time Harmonic Estimator for Power Converters in Future Micro-Grids. 6398-6407 - Jiajun Duan, Hao Xu
, Wenxin Liu
Q-Learning-Based Damping Control of Wide-Area Power Systems Under Cyber Uncertainties. 6408-6418 - Markus Kraiczy
, Thomas Stetz, Martin Braun
Parallel Operation of Transformers With on Load Tap Changer and Photovoltaic Systems With Reactive Power Control. 6419-6428 - Qiang Yang
, Le Jiang, Hailin Zhao, Hongmei Zeng:
Autonomous Voltage Regulation and Current Sharing in Islanded Multi-Inverter DC Microgrid. 6429-6437 - Iman Kiaei
, Saeed Lotfifard
Tube-Based Model Predictive Control of Energy Storage Systems for Enhancing Transient Stability of Power Systems. 6438-6447 - Mohsen Bakhshi
, Reza Noroozian
, Gevork B. Gharehpetian
Novel Islanding Detection Method for Multiple DGs Based on Forced Helmholtz Oscillator. 6448-6460 - Blessy John
, Arindam Ghosh
, Firuz Zare
Load Sharing in Medium Voltage Islanded Microgrids With Advanced Angle Droop Control. 6461-6469 - Saeed D. Manshadi
, Mohammad E. Khodayar
Risk-Averse Generation Maintenance Scheduling With Microgrid Aggregators. 6470-6479 - Saeed Peyghami
, Hossein Mokhtari
, Frede Blaabjerg
Autonomous Operation of a Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid With Multiple Interlinking Converters. 6480-6488 - Avijit Das, Zhen Ni
A Computationally Efficient Optimization Approach for Battery Systems in Islanded Microgrid. 6489-6499 - Teklemariam Tsegay Tesfay
, Jean-Yves Le Boudec, Ola Svensson:
Optimal Software Patching Plan for PMUs. 6500-6510 - Sreenath Chalil Madathil
, Emre Yamangil, Harsha Nagarajan, Arthur K. Barnes
, Russell Bent
, Scott Backhaus, Scott J. Mason, Salman Mashayekh
, Michael Stadler
Resilient Off-Grid Microgrids: Capacity Planning and N-1 Security. 6511-6521 - Eleni Stai
, Lorenzo Reyes-Chamorro
, Fabrizio Sossan
, Jean-Yves Le Boudec, Mario Paolone
Dispatching Stochastic Heterogeneous Resources Accounting for Grid and Battery Losses. 6522-6539 - Xialin Li, Li Guo
, Yun Wei Li
, Zhen Guo, Chao Hong, Ye Zhang, Chengshan Wang
A Unified Control for the DC-AC Interlinking Converters in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids. 6540-6553 - Juntao Chen
, Quanyan Zhu:
A Stackelberg Game Approach for Two-Level Distributed Energy Management in Smart Grids. 6554-6565 - Hossein Sekhavatmanesh
, Rachid Cherkaoui:
Optimal Infrastructure Planning of Active Distribution Networks Complying With Service Restoration Requirements. 6566-6577 - Maher Abdelkhalek Azzouz
, Ali Hooshyar
, Ehab F. El-Saadany
Resilience Enhancement of Microgrids With Inverter-Interfaced DGs by Enabling Faulty Phase Selection. 6578-6589 - Bolong Cheng
, Tsvetan Asamov, Warren B. Powell:
Low-Rank Value Function Approximation for Co-Optimization of Battery Storage. 6590-6598 - Hui Miao, Guo Chen
, Chaojie Li
, Zhao Yang Dong
, Kit Po Wong:
Operating Expense Optimization for EVs in Multiple Depots and Charge Stations Environment Using Evolutionary Heuristic Method. 6599-6611 - Hamed Chitsaz, Payam Zamani-Dehkordi, Hamidreza Zareipour
, Palak P. Parikh:
Electricity Price Forecasting for Operational Scheduling of Behind-the-Meter Storage Systems. 6612-6622 - Dakota Roberson
, John F. O'Brien:
Variable Loop Gain Using Excessive Regeneration Detection for a Delayed Wide-Area Control System. 6623-6632 - Chaoyu Dong
, Hongjie Jia
, Qianwen Xu
, Jianfang Xiao, Yan Xu
, Pengfei Tu, Pengfeng Lin, Xiaomeng Li, Peng Wang:
Time-Delay Stability Analysis for Hybrid Energy Storage System With Hierarchical Control in DC Microgrids. 6633-6645 - Di Shi
, Xi Chen
, Zhiwei Wang, Xiaohu Zhang, Zhe Yu
, Xinan Wang, Desong Bian:
A Distributed Cooperative Control Framework for Synchronized Reconnection of a Multi-Bus Microgrid. 6646-6655 - Alberto Bolzoni
, Giovanni Maria Foglia
, Luisa Frosio, Matteo Felice Iacchetti
, Roberto Perini
Impact of Line and Control Parameters on Droop Stability in Inverters for Distributed Generation. 6656-6665 - Mansoureh Peydayesh
, Ross Baldick
Simplified Model of ERCOT Frequency Response Validated and Tuned Using PMUs Data. 6666-6673 - Subham Sahoo
, Sukumar Mishra
An Adaptive Event-Triggered Communication-Based Distributed Secondary Control for DC Microgrids. 6674-6683 - Giacomo Capizzi
, Grazia Lo Sciuto
, Christian Napoli
, Emiliano Tramontana:
Advanced and Adaptive Dispatch for Smart Grids by Means of Predictive Models. 6684-6691 - Yahya Kabiri Renani, Mehdi Ehsan, Mohammad Shahidehpour
Optimal Transactive Market Operations With Distribution System Operators. 6692-6701 - Navid Kariminejad, Seyed Abbas Taher
, Mohammad Shahidehpour
, Koresh Khateri:
A Hierarchical Governor/Turbine and Electric Vehicles Optimal Control Framework for Primary Frequency Support in Power Systems. 6702-6712 - Zahra Baharlouei
, Hamed Narimani
, Massoud Hashemi
On the Convergence Properties of Autonomous Demand Side Management Algorithms. 6713-6720 - Keyou Wang
, Xin Huang, Bo Fan
, Qinmin Yang
, Guojie Li, Mariesa L. Crow
Decentralized Power Sharing Control for Parallel-Connected Inverters in Islanded Single-Phase Micro-Grids. 6721-6730 - Benjamin Bocker
, Stefan Kippelt, Christoph Weber
, Christian Rehtanz
Storage Valuation in Congested Grids. 6742-6751 - Leian Chen, Xiaodong Wang
Adaptive Fault Localization in Photovoltaic Systems. 6752-6763 - Wei Wei
, Lei Wu
, Jianhui Wang
, Shengwei Mei:
Network Equilibrium of Coupled Transportation and Power Distribution Systems. 6764-6779 - Shahab Bahrami
, Mohammadreza Toulabi, Saba Ranjbar, Moein Moeini-Aghtaie
, Ali Mohammad Ranjbar:
A Decentralized Energy Management Framework for Energy Hubs in Dynamic Pricing Markets. 6780-6792 - Bo Chen
, Chen Chen
, Jianhui Wang
, Karen L. Butler-Purry:
Multi-Time Step Service Restoration for Advanced Distribution Systems and Microgrids. 6793-6805 - Ujjwal Kumar Kalla
, Bhim Singh
, Sreenival S. Murthy, Chinmay Jain, Krishan Kant:
Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of Standalone Single-Phase Microgrid Using Hydro, Wind, and Solar PV Array-Based Generation. 6806-6814 - Jianguo Zhou
, Huaguang Zhang
, Qiuye Sun, Dazhong Ma, Bonan Huang
Event-Based Distributed Active Power Sharing Control for Interconnected AC and DC Microgrids. 6815-6828 - Rabih A. Jabr
, Izudin Dzafic
, Indira Huseinagic:
Real Time Optimal Reconfiguration of Multiphase Active Distribution Networks. 6829-6839 - Mostafa Kazemi
, Hamidreza Zareipour
Long-Term Scheduling of Battery Storage Systems in Energy and Regulation Markets Considering Battery's Lifespan. 6840-6849 - Yang-hong Xia
, Wei Wei, Yonggang Peng
, Pengcheng Yang
, Miao Yu
Decentralized Coordination Control for Parallel Bidirectional Power Converters in a Grid-Connected DC Microgrid. 6850-6861 - Ali Hooshyar
, Reza Iravani:
A New Directional Element for Microgrid Protection. 6862-6876 - Cheng-I Chen
, Yeong-Chin Chen, Yuan-Chieh Chin, Chung-Hsien Chen:
Integrated Power-Quality Monitoring Mechanism for Microgrid. 6877-6885 - Mahdieh Sadat Sadabadi
, Qobad Shafiee
, Alireza Karimi
Plug-and-Play Robust Voltage Control of DC Microgrids. 6886-6896 - Mingjian Cui
, Jie Zhang
, Bri-Mathias S. Hodge, Siyuan Lu, Hendrik F. Hamann:
A Methodology for Quantifying Reliability Benefits From Improved Solar Power Forecasting in Multi-Timescale Power System Operations. 6897-6908 - Mahsa Ghapandar Kashani
, Subhashish Bhattacharya
, Joseph Matamoros, David Kaiser, Mauricio Cespedes:
Autonomous Inverter Voltage Regulation in a Low Voltage Distribution Network. 6909-6917 - Xiangdong Liu
, Luyu Li, Zhen Li
, Xi Chen
, Tyrone Fernando
, Herbert Ho-Ching Iu
, Guoqing He:
Event-Trigger Particle Filter for Smart Grids With Limited Communication Bandwidth Infrastructure. 6918-6928 - Zhiyuan Yang
, Chee-Wooi Ten
, Andrew Ginter:
Extended Enumeration of Hypothesized Substations Outages Incorporating Overload Implication. 6929-6938 - N. Eva Wu
, Morteza Sarailoo
, Mustafa Salman:
Transmission Fault Diagnosis With Sensor-Localized Filter Models for Complexity Reduction. 6939-6950 - Alexandre C. Moreira
, Helmo K. Morales Paredes
, Wesley Angelino de Souza
, Fernando Pinhabel Marafao
, Luiz Carlos Pereira da Silva:
Intelligent Expert System for Power Quality Improvement Under Distorted and Unbalanced Conditions in Three-Phase AC Microgrids. 6951-6960 - Mehdi Rafiei
, Taher Niknam
, Jamshid Aghaei
, Miadreza Shafie-Khah
, João P. S. Catalão
Probabilistic Load Forecasting Using an Improved Wavelet Neural Network Trained by Generalized Extreme Learning Machine. 6961-6971 - Fei Wang
, Kangping Li, Chun Liu, Zengqiang Mi, Miadreza Shafie-Khah
, João P. S. Catalão
Synchronous Pattern Matching Principle-Based Residential Demand Response Baseline Estimation: Mechanism Analysis and Approach Description. 6972-6985 - Wei Liu
, Wei Gu
, Jianhui Wang, Wenwu Yu
, Xinze Xi
Game Theoretic Non-Cooperative Distributed Coordination Control for Multi-Microgrids. 6986-6997 - Yi Tan, Yong Li
, Yijia Cao
, Mohammad Shahidehpour
, Ye Cai:
Severe Cyber Attack for Maximizing the Total Loadings of Large-Scale Attacked Branches. 6998-7000

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