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IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Volume 11
Volume 11, Number 1, January 2016
- Marina A. Oikawa, Zanoni Dias, Anderson de Rezende Rocha, Siome Goldenstein:
Manifold Learning and Spectral Clustering for Image Phylogeny Forests. 5-18 - Johan de Bock, Patrick de Smet:
JPGcarve: An Advanced Tool for Automated Recovery of Fragmented JPEG Files. 19-34 - Tran Viet Xuan Phuong
, Guomin Yang
, Willy Susilo
Hidden Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption Under Standard Assumptions. 35-45 - Pin-Hsun Lin, Eduard A. Jorswieck
On the Fast Fading Gaussian Wiretap Channel With Statistical Channel State Information at the Transmitter. 46-58 - Bernardo Machado David, Rafael Dowsley
, Jeroen van de Graaf, Davidson Marques, Anderson C. A. Nascimento
, Adriana C. B. Pinto:
Unconditionally Secure, Universally Composable Privacy Preserving Linear Algebra. 59-73 - Jun Zhang, Chau Yuen, Chao-Kai Wen
, Shi Jin, Kai-Kit Wong, Hongbo Zhu:
Large System Secrecy Rate Analysis for SWIPT MIMO Wiretap Channels. 74-85 - Shang Li, Xiaodong Wang:
Cooperative Change Detection for Voltage Quality Monitoring in Smart Grids. 86-99 - Yuan Zhang, He Zhang, Siyuan Tang, Sheng Zhong:
Designing Secure and Dependable Mobile Sensing Mechanisms With Revenue Guarantees. 100-113 - Mauro Conti
, Luigi Vincenzo Mancini, Riccardo Spolaor, Nino Vincenzo Verde:
Analyzing Android Encrypted Network Traffic to Identify User Actions. 114-125 - Xufeng Lin
, Chang-Tsun Li
Preprocessing Reference Sensor Pattern Noise via Spectrum Equalization. 126-140 - Xinglei Zhu, Chang Wen Chen
A Joint Source-Channel Adaptive Scheme for Wireless H.264/AVC Video Authentication. 141-153 - Meng Zhang, Yuan Liu:
Energy Harvesting for Physical-Layer Security in OFDMA Networks. 154-162 - Emanuele Maiorana
, Daria La Rocca
, Patrizio Campisi:
On the Permanence of EEG Signals for Biometric Recognition. 163-175 - Xin Ruan, Zhenyu Wu, Haining Wang, Sushil Jajodia
Profiling Online Social Behaviors for Compromised Account Detection. 176-187 - Jung Hee Cheon, Miran Kim
, Myungsun Kim:
Optimized Search-and-Compute Circuits and Their Application to Query Evaluation on Encrypted Data. 188-199 - Zhenjun Tang, Xianquan Zhang, Xianxian Li, Shichao Zhang:
Robust Image Hashing With Ring Partition and Invariant Vector Distance. 200-214
Volume 11, Number 2, February 2016
- Vahid Sedighi, Rémi Cogranne
, Jessica J. Fridrich:
Content-Adaptive Steganography by Minimizing Statistical Detectability. 221-234 - Alireza Jolfaei
, Xin-Wen Wu
, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy:
On the Security of Permutation-Only Image Encryption Schemes. 235-246 - Fuchun Guo
, Willy Susilo
, Yi Mu:
Distance-Based Encryption: How to Embed Fuzziness in Biometric-Based Encryption. 247-257 - Weili Han, Zhigong Li, Lang Yuan, Wenyuan Xu:
Regional Patterns and Vulnerability Analysis of Chinese Web Passwords. 258-272 - Long Cheng, Dinil Mon Divakaran, Wee-Yong Lim, Vrizlynn L. L. Thing:
Opportunistic Piggyback Marking for IP Traceback. 273-288 - Sanjeev Das
, Yang Liu
, Wei Zhang
, Mahinthan Chandramohan:
Semantics-Based Online Malware Detection: Towards Efficient Real-Time Protection Against Malware. 289-302 - Sumeet Bajaj, Anrin Chakraborti, Radu Sion
Practical Foundations of History Independence. 303-312 - Tiziano Bianchi
, Valerio Bioglio
, Enrico Magli:
Analysis of One-Time Random Projections for Privacy Preserving Compressed Sensing. 313-327 - Alberto A. de Oliveira, Pasquale Ferrara
, Alessia De Rosa, Alessandro Piva, Mauro Barni, Siome Goldenstein, Zanoni Dias, Anderson Rocha:
Multiple Parenting Phylogeny Relationships in Digital Images. 328-343 - Fengyong Li, Kui Wu, Jingsheng Lei, Mi Wen, Zhongqin Bi, Chunhua Gu:
Steganalysis Over Large-Scale Social Networks With High-Order Joint Features and Clustering Ensembles. 344-357 - Farid Movahedi Naini, Jayakrishnan Unnikrishnan
, Patrick Thiran, Martin Vetterli
Where You Are Is Who You Are: User Identification by Matching Statistics. 358-372 - Xiaoming Xu, Biao He, Weiwei Yang, Xiangyun Zhou
, Yueming Cai:
Secure Transmission Design for Cognitive Radio Networks With Poisson Distributed Eavesdroppers. 373-387 - Ping Hu, Chi Wan Sung, Siu-Wai Ho
, Terence H. Chan
Optimal Coding and Allocation for Perfect Secrecy in Multiple Clouds. 388-399 - John Daugman:
Information Theory and the IrisCode. 400-409 - Bin Dai, Linman Yu, Zheng Ma:
Relay Broadcast Channel With Confidential Messages. 410-425 - Qiaolin Ye, Jiajia Jing:
Comments on "Joint Global and Local Structure Discriminant Analysis". 426-428 - Quanxue Gao:
Rebuttal to "Comments on 'Joint Global and Local Structure Discriminant Analysis"'. 429-430
Volume 11, Number 3, March 2016
- Antitza Dantcheva, Petros Elia
, Arun Ross:
What Else Does Your Biometric Data Reveal? A Survey on Soft Biometrics. 441-467 - Alok Tongaonkar, R. Sekar:
Condition Factorization: A Technique for Building Fast and Compact Packet Matching Automata. 468-483 - Joseph K. Liu, Man Ho Au, Xinyi Huang, Rongxing Lu, Jin Li:
Fine-Grained Two-Factor Access Control for Web-Based Cloud Computing Services. 484-497 - Chao Shen, Yong Zhang, Xiaohong Guan, Roy A. Maxion:
Performance Analysis of Touch-Interaction Behavior for Active Smartphone Authentication. 498-513 - Weijiang Liu, Wenyu Qu, Jian Gong, Keqiu Li:
Detection of Superpoints Using a Vector Bloom Filter. 514-527 - Xiaokui Shu, Jing Zhang, Danfeng (Daphne) Yao
, Wu-chun Feng:
Fast Detection of Transformed Data Leaks. 528-542 - Cai Li, Jiankun Hu
A Security-Enhanced Alignment-Free Fuzzy Vault-Based Fingerprint Cryptosystem Using Pair-Polar Minutiae Structures. 543-555 - Yi Han
, Tansu Alpcan, Jeffrey Chan
, Christopher Leckie
, Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein
A Game Theoretical Approach to Defend Against Co-Resident Attacks in Cloud Computing: Preventing Co-Residence Using Semi-Supervised Learning. 556-570 - Iuliia Tkachenko
, William Puech
, Christophe Destruel, Olivier Strauss, Jean-Marc Gaudin, Christian Guichard:
Two-Level QR Code for Private Message Sharing and Document Authentication. 571-583 - Maxim Chernyshev
, Craig Valli
, Peter Hannay:
On 802.11 Access Point Locatability and Named Entity Recognition in Service Set Identifiers. 584-593 - Zhengmin Kong, Shaoshi Yang
, Feilong Wu, Shixin Peng, Liang Zhong, Lajos Hanzo
Iterative Distributed Minimum Total MSE Approach for Secure Communications in MIMO Interference Channels. 594-608 - Hang Zhang, Tianyu Wang, Lingyang Song, Zhu Han:
Interference Improves PHY Security for Cognitive Radio Networks. 609-620 - Oleg Komogortsev, Alexey Karpov
, Corey Holland:
Oculomotor Plant Characteristics: The Effects of Environment and Stimulus. 621-632 - Qian Zheng, Ajay Kumar, Gang Pan:
Suspecting Less and Doing Better: New Insights on Palmprint Identification for Faster and More Accurate Matching. 633-641 - Riccardo Lazzeretti
, Tommaso Pignata, Mauro Barni:
Piecewise Function Approximation With Private Data. 642-657 - Yong Yu
, Yannan Li
, Jianbing Ni, Guomin Yang
, Yi Mu, Willy Susilo
Comments on "Public Integrity Auditing for Dynamic Data Sharing With Multiuser Modification". 658-659
Volume 11, Number 4, April 2016
- Alberto Giaretta
, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam
, Mauro Conti
Security Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures for Target Localization in Bio-NanoThings Communication Networks. 665-676 - Weiwei Liu
, Guangjie Liu, Jiangtao Zhai, Yuewei Dai, Dipak Ghosal:
Designing Analog Fountain Timing Channels: Undetectability, Robustness, and Model-Adaptation. 677-690 - Jaroslaw Duda, Pawel Korus
, Neeraj J. Gadgil
, Khalid Tahboub, Edward J. Delp
Image-Like 2D Barcodes Using Generalizations of the Kuznetsov-Tsybakov Problem. 691-703 - Boyang Wang, Ming Li, Haitao Wang:
Geometric Range Search on Encrypted Spatial Data. 704-719 - Tiago Jose de Carvalho, Fábio Augusto Faria
, Hélio Pedrini, Ricardo da Silva Torres, Anderson Rocha:
Illuminant-Based Transformed Spaces for Image Forensics. 720-733 - Weixuan Tang, Haodong Li
, Weiqi Luo, Jiwu Huang:
Adaptive Steganalysis Based on Embedding Probabilities of Pixels. 734-745 - Yang Yang, Maode Ma:
Conjunctive Keyword Search With Designated Tester and Timing Enabled Proxy Re-Encryption Function for E-Health Clouds. 746-759 - Pascal Schöttle
, Rainer Böhme:
Game Theory and Adaptive Steganography. 760-773 - Xiaoyu Chu, Yan Chen, Matthew C. Stamm, K. J. Ray Liu
Information Theoretical Limit of Media Forensics: The Forensicability. 774-788 - Rongmao Chen, Yi Mu, Guomin Yang
, Fuchun Guo
, Xiaofen Wang:
Dual-Server Public-Key Encryption With Keyword Search for Secure Cloud Storage. 789-798 - Luca Caviglione
, Mauro Gaggero
, Jean-François Lalande
, Wojciech Mazurczyk
, Marcin Urbanski:
Seeing the Unseen: Revealing Mobile Malware Hidden Communications via Energy Consumption and Artificial Intelligence. 799-810 - Kamal Taha
, Paul D. Yoo
SIIMCO: A Forensic Investigation Tool for Identifying the Influential Members of a Criminal Organization. 811-822 - Xiaoyu Chu, Yan Chen, K. J. Ray Liu
Detectability of the Order of Operations: An Information Theoretic Approach. 823-836 - Andrey Garnaev
, Wade Trappe:
A Bandwidth Monitoring Strategy Under Uncertainty of the Adversary's Activity. 837-849 - Arcangelo Castiglione
, Alfredo De Santis
, Barbara Masucci, Francesco Palmieri
, Aniello Castiglione
, Jin Li, Xinyi Huang:
Hierarchical and Shared Access Control. 850-865 - Hui Ma, Rui Zhang, Wei Yuan:
Comments on "Control Cloud Data Access Privilege and Anonymity With Fully Anonymous Attribute-Based Encryption". 866-867 - Taeho Jung, Xiang-Yang Li, Zhiguo Wan, Meng Wan:
Rebuttal to "Comments on 'Control Cloud Data Access Privilege and Anonymity With Fully Anonymous Attribute-Based Encryption"'. 868
Volume 11, Number 5, May 2016
- Zdenka Sitova, Jaroslav Sedenka, Qing Yang, Ge Peng, Gang Zhou, Paolo Gasti, Kiran S. Balagani:
HMOG: New Behavioral Biometric Features for Continuous Authentication of Smartphone Users. 877-892 - Abdulmohsen Almalawi
, Adil Fahad, Zahir Tari
, Abdullah Alamri, Rayed AlGhamdi
, Albert Y. Zomaya
An Efficient Data-Driven Clustering Technique to Detect Attacks in SCADA Systems. 893-906 - Neetesh Saxena
, Bong Jun Choi
, Rongxing Lu:
Authentication and Authorization Scheme for Various User Roles and Devices in Smart Grid. 907-921 - Ramachandra Raghavendra
, Kiran Bylappa Raja, Christoph Busch
Exploring the Usefulness of Light Field Cameras for Biometrics: An Empirical Study on Face and Iris Recognition. 922-936 - Yunlian Sun, Kamal Nasrollahi, Zhenan Sun, Tieniu Tan:
Complementary Cohort Strategy for Multimodal Face Pair Matching. 937-950 - Tao Xiang
, Shangwei Guo
, Xiaoguo Li:
Perceptual Visual Security Index Based on Edge and Texture Similarities. 951-963 - Naoufel Werghi
, Claudio Tortorici
, Stefano Berretti
, Alberto Del Bimbo:
Boosting 3D LBP-Based Face Recognition by Fusing Shape and Texture Descriptors on the Mesh. 964-979 - Yuan Zhang, Qingjun Chen
, Sheng Zhong:
Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation in Mobile Phone Sensing. 980-992 - Chi Cheng, Jemin Lee, Tao Jiang, Tsuyoshi Takagi:
Security Analysis and Improvements on Two Homomorphic Authentication Schemes for Network Coding. 993-1002 - Guang Hua
, Ying Zhang, Jonathan Goh, Vrizlynn L. L. Thing:
Audio Authentication by Exploring the Absolute-Error-Map of ENF Signals. 1003-1016 - Qi Xiong, Ying-Chang Liang
, Kwok Hung Li
, Yi Gong
, Shiying Han:
Secure Transmission Against Pilot Spoofing Attack: A Two-Way Training-Based Scheme. 1017-1026 - Vireshwar Kumar
, Jung-Min "Jerry" Park, Kaigui Bian:
PHY-Layer Authentication Using Duobinary Signaling for Spectrum Enforcement. 1027-1038 - Fan Zhang, Shize Guo, Xinjie Zhao, Tao Wang, Jian Yang, François-Xavier Standaert
, Dawu Gu:
A Framework for the Analysis and Evaluation of Algebraic Fault Attacks on Lightweight Block Ciphers. 1039-1054 - Ravikant Saini, Abhishek Jindal
, Swades De:
Jammer-Assisted Resource Allocation in Secure OFDMA With Untrusted Users. 1055-1070 - Mengyuan Zhang
, Lingyu Wang, Sushil Jajodia
, Anoop Singhal, Massimiliano Albanese
Network Diversity: A Security Metric for Evaluating the Resilience of Networks Against Zero-Day Attacks. 1071-1086
Volume 11, Number 6, June 2016
- Cong Chen, Thomas Eisenbarth
, Ingo von Maurich, Rainer Steinwandt:
Horizontal and Vertical Side Channel Analysis of a McEliece Cryptosystem. 1093-1105 - Shaza Zeitouni, Yossef Oren
, Christian Wachsmann, Patrick Koeberl, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi:
Remanence Decay Side-Channel: The PUF Case. 1106-1116 - Wen Tao Zhu, Jingqiang Lin:
Generating Correlated Digital Certificates: Framework and Applications. 1117-1127 - Yansha Deng
, Lifeng Wang, Maged Elkashlan, Arumugam Nallanathan
, Ranjan K. Mallik
Physical Layer Security in Three-Tier Wireless Sensor Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Approach. 1128-1138 - Peng Xu, Zhiguo Ding, Xuchu Dai, George K. Karagiannidis
Simultaneously Generating Secret and Private Keys in a Cooperative Pairwise-Independent Network. 1139-1150 - Bo Wang, Leibo Liu
, Chenchen Deng, Min Zhu, Shouyi Yin, Shaojun Wei:
Against Double Fault Attacks: Injection Effort Model, Space and Time Randomization Based Countermeasures for Reconfigurable Array Architecture. 1151-1164 - Huaqun Wang, Debiao He
, Shaohua Tang:
Identity-Based Proxy-Oriented Data Uploading and Remote Data Integrity Checking in Public Cloud. 1165-1176 - Iris Safaka, László Czap, Katerina J. Argyraki
, Christina Fragouli:
Creating Secrets Out of Packet Erasures. 1177-1191 - Jingwen Zhang, Fanggang Wang, Octavia A. Dobre
, Zhangdui Zhong:
Specific Emitter Identification via Hilbert-Huang Transform in Single-Hop and Relaying Scenarios. 1192-1205 - Rodrigo Frassetto Nogueira
, Roberto de Alencar Lotufo
, Rubens Campos Machado:
Fingerprint Liveness Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks. 1206-1213 - Hassan Salmani, Mark M. Tehranipoor:
Vulnerability Analysis of a Circuit Layout to Hardware Trojan Insertion. 1214-1225 - Assia Hamadene, Youcef Chibani
One-Class Writer-Independent Offline Signature Verification Using Feature Dissimilarity Thresholding. 1226-1238 - Hassan Zivari-Fard, Bahareh Akhbari, Mahmoud Ahmadian-Attari, Mohammad Reza Aref:
Imperfect and Perfect Secrecy in Compound Multiple Access Channel With Confidential Message. 1239-1251 - Ke Xu, Yingjiu Li, Robert H. Deng
ICCDetector: ICC-Based Malware Detection on Android. 1252-1264 - Shulan Wang, Junwei Zhou
, Joseph K. Liu, Jianping Yu, Jianyong Chen, Weixin Xie:
An Efficient File Hierarchy Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme in Cloud Computing. 1265-1277 - Xiaofu Wu, Zhen Yang, Cong Ling, Xiang-Gen Xia:
Artificial-Noise-Aided Message Authentication Codes With Information-Theoretic Security. 1278-1290 - Abdelkarim Cherkaoui, Lilian Bossuet, Cédric Marchand
Design, Evaluation, and Optimization of Physical Unclonable Functions Based on Transient Effect Ring Oscillators. 1291-1305 - Rong Jin, Liu Shi, Kai Zeng, Amit Pande, Prasant Mohapatra:
MagPairing: Pairing Smartphones in Close Proximity Using Magnetometers. 1306-1320 - Abolfazl Diyanat, Ahmad Khonsari
, Seyed Pooya Shariatpanahi
A Dummy-Based Approach for Preserving Source Rate Privacy. 1321-1332 - Andrea Abrardo, Mauro Barni, Kassem Kallas, Benedetta Tondi:
A Game-Theoretic Framework for Optimum Decision Fusion in the Presence of Byzantines. 1333-1345 - Xun Yi
, Russell Paulet, Elisa Bertino, Guandong Xu:
Private Cell Retrieval From Data Warehouses. 1346-1361 - Jia Yu, Kui Ren
, Cong Wang
Enabling Cloud Storage Auditing With Verifiable Outsourcing of Key Updates. 1362-1375
Volume 11, Number 7, July 2016
- Zhe Liu, Hwajeong Seo, Johann Großschädl, Howon Kim:
Efficient Implementation of NIST-Compliant Elliptic Curve Cryptography for 8-bit AVR-Based Sensor Nodes. 1385-1397 - Shouling Ji, Weiqing Li, Neil Zhenqiang Gong, Prateek Mittal, Raheem A. Beyah
Seed-Based De-Anonymizability Quantification of Social Networks. 1398-1411 - Hiranmoy Roy
, Debotosh Bhattacharjee
Local-Gravity-Face (LG-face) for Illumination-Invariant and Heterogeneous Face Recognition. 1412-1424 - Cecilia Pasquini
, Giulia Boato, Naif Alajlan
, Francesco G. B. De Natale:
A Deterministic Approach to Detect Median Filtering in 1D Data. 1425-1437 - Neetesh Saxena
, Bong Jun Choi
Authentication Scheme for Flexible Charging and Discharging of Mobile Vehicles in the V2G Networks. 1438-1452 - Kan Chen, Balasubramaniam Natarajan
Evaluating Node Reliability in Cooperative MIMO Networks. 1453-1460 - Rohit Kumar Dubey
, Jonathan Goh, Vrizlynn L. L. Thing:
Fingerprint Liveness Detection From Single Image Using Low-Level Features and Shape Analysis. 1461-1475 - Jianxu Chen
, Feng Shen, Danny Ziyi Chen, Patrick J. Flynn:
Iris Recognition Based on Human-Interpretable Features. 1476-1485 - Qiben Yan
, Huacheng Zeng, Tingting Jiang, Ming Li, Wenjing Lou, Yiwei Thomas Hou
Jamming Resilient Communication Using MIMO Interference Cancellation. 1486-1499 - Nicholas Kolokotronis
, Alexandros Katsiotis, Nicholas Kalouptsidis:
Secretly Pruned Convolutional Codes: Security Analysis and Performance Results. 1500-1514 - Song Fang, Yao Liu, Peng Ning:
Mimicry Attacks Against Wireless Link Signature and New Defense Using Time-Synched Link Signature. 1515-1527 - Fei Huo, Patrick Mitran, Guang Gong:
Analysis and Validation of Active Eavesdropping Attacks in Passive FHSS RFID Systems. 1528-1541 - Sílvia Cristina Dias Pinto, Petra Urbanova
, Roberto M. Cesar
Two-Dimensional Wavelet Analysis of Supraorbital Margins of the Human Skull for Characterizing Sexual Dimorphism. 1542-1548 - Yang Hu
, Konstantinos Sirlantzis
, Gareth Howells:
Signal-Level Information Fusion for Less Constrained Iris Recognition Using Sparse-Error Low Rank Matrix Factorization. 1549-1564 - Alberto Compagno, Mauro Conti
, Antonio Alberto D'Amico
, Gianluca Dini, Pericle Perazzo
, Lorenzo Taponecco:
Modeling Enlargement Attacks Against UWB Distance Bounding Protocols. 1565-1577 - Marius Senftleben, Ana Barroso, Mihai Bucicoiu, Matthias Hollick
, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Erik Tews:
On the Privacy and Performance of Mobile Anonymous Microblogging. 1578-1591 - Xuan Liu, Zhiyi Li, Xingdong Liu, Zuyi Li
Masking Transmission Line Outages via False Data Injection Attacks. 1592-1602 - Hong Zhao, Yifan Chen, Rui Wang
, Hafiz Malik
Anti-Forensics of Environmental-Signature-Based Audio Splicing Detection and Its Countermeasure via Rich-Features Classification. 1603-1617 - Maria V. Ruiz-Blondet, Zhanpeng Jin, Sarah Laszlo:
CEREBRE: A Novel Method for Very High Accuracy Event-Related Potential Biometric Identification. 1618-1629 - Samarth Bharadwaj, Himanshu S. Bhatt, Mayank Vatsa
, Richa Singh
Domain Specific Learning for Newborn Face Recognition. 1630-1641
Volume 11, Number 8, August 2016
- Takao Murakami
, Hajime Watanabe
Localization Attacks Using Matrix and Tensor Factorization. 1647-1660 - Shulan Wang, Kaitai Liang
, Joseph K. Liu, Jianyong Chen, Jianping Yu, Weixin Xie:
Attribute-Based Data Sharing Scheme Revisited in Cloud Computing. 1661-1673 - Mohammad Reza Khalili Shoja
, George Traian Amariucai, Shuangqing Wei, Jing Deng:
Secret Common Randomness From Routing Metadata in Ad Hoc Networks. 1674-1684 - Ziad Ismail
, Christophe Kiennert, Jean Leneutre, Lin Chen:
Auditing a Cloud Provider's Compliance With Data Backup Requirements: A Game Theoretical Analysis. 1685-1699 - Jian Chen, Xiaoming Chen, Wolfgang H. Gerstacker, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng
Resource Allocation for a Massive MIMO Relay Aided Secure Communication. 1700-1711 - Xiaofen Wang, Yi Mu, Rongmao Chen
One-Round Privacy-Preserving Meeting Location Determination for Smartphone Applications. 1712-1721 - Yuanman Li, Jiantao Zhou
, An Cheng, Xianming Liu, Yuan Yan Tang:
SIFT Keypoint Removal and Injection via Convex Relaxation. 1722-1735 - Tomás Denemark
, Mehdi Boroumand, Jessica J. Fridrich:
Steganalysis Features for Content-Adaptive JPEG Steganography. 1736-1746 - Saman Feghhi
, Douglas J. Leith
A Web Traffic Analysis Attack Using Only Timing Information. 1747-1759 - Juan E. Tapia
, Claudio A. Perez
, Kevin W. Bowyer
Gender Classification From the Same Iris Code Used for Recognition. 1760-1770 - Maria Fueyo, Javier Herranz
On the Efficiency of Revocation in RSA-Based Anonymous Systems. 1771-1779 - Zohaib Hassan Awan
, Abdellatif Zaidi, Aydin Sezgin
On SDoF of Multi-Receiver Wiretap Channel With Alternating CSIT. 1780-1795 - Matthew Edman, Aggelos Kiayias, Qiang Tang
, Bülent Yener:
On the Security of Key Extraction From Measuring Physical Quantities. 1796-1806 - Richard Jiang
, Somaya Ali Al-Máadeed
, Ahmed Bouridane, Danny Crookes, M. Emre Celebi:
Face Recognition in the Scrambled Domain via Salience-Aware Ensembles of Many Kernels. 1807-1817 - Zinelabidine Boulkenafet, Jukka Komulainen
, Abdenour Hadid
Face Spoofing Detection Using Colour Texture Analysis. 1818-1830 - Peng Xu, Kanapathippillai Cumanan, Zhiguo Ding, Xuchu Dai, Kin K. Leung:
Group Secret Key Generation in Wireless Networks: Algorithms and Rate Optimization. 1831-1846 - Lichun Li, Rongxing Lu
, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo
, Anwitaman Datta
, Jun Shao:
Privacy-Preserving-Outsourced Association Rule Mining on Vertically Partitioned Databases. 1847-1861 - Trevor J. Bihl
, Kenneth W. Bauer Jr., Michael A. Temple:
Feature Selection for RF Fingerprinting With Multiple Discriminant Analysis and Using ZigBee Device Emissions. 1862-1874 - David A. Karpuk
, Arsenia Chorti
Perfect Secrecy in Physical-Layer Network Coding Systems From Structured Interference. 1875-1887
Volume 11, Number 9, September 2016
- Eryun Liu
, Kai Cao:
Minutiae Extraction From Level 1 Features of Fingerprint. 1893-1902 - Aparna Bharati
, Richa Singh
, Mayank Vatsa
, Kevin W. Bowyer
Detecting Facial Retouching Using Supervised Deep Learning. 1903-1913 - Bin Ma
, Yun Q. Shi:
A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Code Division Multiplexing. 1914-1927 - Hussein Moosavi
, Francis Minhthang Bui
Delay-Aware Optimization of Physical Layer Security in Multi-Hop Wireless Body Area Networks. 1928-1939 - Song Han
, Shuai Zhao
, Qinghua Li, Chun-Hua Ju, Wanlei Zhou
PPM-HDA: Privacy-Preserving and Multifunctional Health Data Aggregation With Fault Tolerance. 1940-1955 - Quratulain Alam
, Saher Tabbasum, Saif Ur Rehman Malik
, Masoom Alam, Tamleek Ali, Adnan Akhunzada
, Samee Ullah Khan
, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
, Rajkumar Buyya:
Formal Verification of the xDAuth Protocol. 1956-1969 - Ajaya Neupane
, Nitesh Saxena, Jose Omar Maximo, Rajesh K. Kana:
Neural Markers of Cybersecurity: An fMRI Study of Phishing and Malware Warnings. 1970-1983 - Mohammad Haghighat
, Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb
, Wadee Alhalabi
Discriminant Correlation Analysis: Real-Time Feature Level Fusion for Multimodal Biometric Recognition. 1984-1996 - Brent MacRae, Amirali Salehi-Abari, Julie Thorpe
An Exploration of Geographic Authentication Schemes. 1997-2012 - Yuxin Liu, Mianxiong Dong
, Kaoru Ota
, Anfeng Liu:
ActiveTrust: Secure and Trustable Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2013-2027 - Marcin Kowalski
, Mariusz Kastek
Comparative Studies of Passive Imaging in Terahertz and Mid-Wavelength Infrared Ranges for Object Detection. 2028-2035 - José Benito Camiña
, Raúl Monroy
, Luis A. Trejo, Miguel Angel Medina-Pérez
Temporal and Spatial Locality: An Abstraction for Masquerade Detection. 2036-2051 - Debiao He
, Sherali Zeadally, Neeraj Kumar
, Wei Wu
Efficient and Anonymous Mobile User Authentication Protocol Using Self-Certified Public Key Cryptography for Multi-Server Architectures. 2052-2064 - Matthias Hiller
, Meng-Day (Mandel) Yu, Georg Sigl:
Cherry-Picking Reliable PUF Bits With Differential Sequence Coding. 2065-2076 - Haoran Guo, Xiaodong Wang, Kun Chang, Ye Tian
Exploiting Path Diversity for Thwarting Pollution Attacks in Named Data Networking. 2077-2090 - Wenhao Wang, Zhi Sun
, Sixu Piao, Bocheng Zhu, Kui Ren
Wireless Physical-Layer Identification: Modeling and Validation. 2091-2106 - Ahmed S. Mansour
, Rafael F. Schaefer
, Holger Boche:
On the Individual Secrecy Capacity Regions of the General, Degraded, and Gaussian Multi-Receiver Wiretap Broadcast Channel. 2107-2122 - Oleg Mazonka, Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
, Michail Maniatakos
Cryptoleq: A Heterogeneous Abstract Machine for Encrypted and Unencrypted Computation. 2123-2138
Volume 11, Number 10, October 2016
- Mauro Barni, Benedetta Tondi
Source Distinguishability Under Distortion-Limited Attack: An Optimal Transport Perspective. 2145-2159 - Heng Cui, Ghassan O. Karame
, Felix Klaedtke, Roberto Bifulco:
On the Fingerprinting of Software-Defined Networks. 2160-2173 - Quang Do, Ben Martini, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo
A Data Exfiltration and Remote Exploitation Attack on Consumer 3D Printers. 2174-2186 - Yingpeng Sang
, Hong Shen, Hui Tian, Zonghua Zhang
Achieving Probabilistic Anonymity in a Linear and Hybrid Randomization Model. 2187-2202 - Zhi-Ming Li, Zheng-Hai Huang, Kun Shang
A Customized Sparse Representation Model With Mixed Norm for Undersampled Face Recognition. 2203-2214 - Victor Prokhorenko, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo
, Helen Ashman
Intent-Based Extensible Real-Time PHP Supervision Framework. 2215-2226 - Yuan Zhang, Min Yang
, Guofei Gu, Hao Chen
Rethinking Permission Enforcement Mechanism on Mobile Systems. 2227-2240 - Xu Wang
, Wei Ni
, Kangfeng Zheng, Ren Ping Liu
, Xinxin Niu:
Virus Propagation Modeling and Convergence Analysis in Large-Scale Networks. 2241-2254 - Wei Tong, Sheng Zhong:
A Unified Resource Allocation Framework for Defending Against Pollution Attacks in Wireless Network Coding Systems. 2255-2267 - Keyurkumar Patel, Hu Han
, Anil K. Jain:
Secure Face Unlock: Spoof Detection on Smartphones. 2268-2283 - Sunpreet S. Arora, Kai Cao, Anil K. Jain
, Nicholas G. Paulter Jr.:
Design and Fabrication of 3D Fingerprint Targets. 2284-2297 - Jingyu Hua, An Tang, Yixin Fang, Zhenyu Shen, Sheng Zhong:
Privacy-Preserving Utility Verification of the Data Published by Non-Interactive Differentially Private Mechanisms. 2298-2311 - Ali Moharrer, Shuangqing Wei
, George T. Amariucai, Jing Deng:
Extractable Common Randomness From Gaussian Trees: Topological and Algebraic Perspectives. 2312-2321 - Haoyu Ma, Ruiqi Li
, Xiaoxu Yu, Chunfu Jia, Debin Gao
Integrated Software Fingerprinting via Neural-Network-Based Control Flow Obfuscation. 2322-2337 - Ajay Kumar
, Zhihuan Xu:
Personal Identification Using Minor Knuckle Patterns From Palm Dorsal Surface. 2338-2348 - Arcangelo Castiglione
, Alfredo De Santis
, Barbara Masucci, Francesco Palmieri, Aniello Castiglione
, Xinyi Huang
Cryptographic Hierarchical Access Control for Dynamic Structures. 2349-2364 - Kaitai Liang
, Xinyi Huang
, Fuchun Guo
, Joseph K. Liu:
Privacy-Preserving and Regular Language Search Over Encrypted Cloud Data. 2365-2376 - Emad Sami Jaha
, Mark S. Nixon
From Clothing to Identity: Manual and Automatic Soft Biometrics. 2377-2390
Volume 11, Number 11, November 2016
- Ximeng Liu
, Robert H. Deng
, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo
, Jian Weng
An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Calculation Toolkit With Multiple Keys. 2401-2414 - Beibei Li
, Rongxing Lu, Wei Wang
, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo
DDOA: A Dirichlet-Based Detection Scheme for Opportunistic Attacks in Smart Grid Cyber-Physical System. 2415-2425 - Yuhao Wang
, Leibin Ni, Chip-Hong Chang
, Hao Yu:
DW-AES: A Domain-Wall Nanowire-Based AES for High Throughput and Energy-Efficient Data Encryption in Non-Volatile Memory. 2426-2440 - Hachiro Fujita
On the Secrecy Capacity of Wiretap Channels With Side Information at the Transmitter. 2441-2452 - Alexandros Iosifidis
, Moncef Gabbouj
Scaling Up Class-Specific Kernel Discriminant Analysis for Large-Scale Face Verification. 2453-2465 - Wei Wang
, Kah Chan Teh, Kwok Hung Li
Relay Selection for Secure Successive AF Relaying Networks With Untrusted Nodes. 2466-2476 - Fagen Li, Di Zhong, Tsuyoshi Takagi:
Efficient Deniably Authenticated Encryption and Its Application to E-Mail. 2477-2486 - Tianlong Song, Kai Zhou
, Tongtong Li
CDMA System Design and Capacity Analysis Under Disguised Jamming. 2487-2498 - Mohsen Zandi
, Ahmad Mahmoudi Aznaveh
, Alireza Talebpour
Iterative Copy-Move Forgery Detection Based on a New Interest Point Detector. 2499-2512 - Ximeng Liu, Robert H. Deng
, Wenxiu Ding
, Rongxing Lu, Baodong Qin:
Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Calculation on Floating Point Numbers. 2513-2527 - Yuan Zhang
, Wei Tong, Sheng Zhong:
On Designing Satisfaction-Ratio-Aware Truthful Incentive Mechanisms for k-Anonymity Location Privacy. 2528-2541 - Manoranjan Mohanty, Muhammad Rizwan Asghar
, Giovanni Russello:
$2DCrypt$ : Image Scaling and Cropping in Encrypted Domains. 2542-2555 - Paolo Gasti, Jaroslav Sedenka, Qing Yang, Gang Zhou, Kiran S. Balagani
Secure, Fast, and Energy-Efficient Outsourced Authentication for Smartphones. 2556-2571 - Jiangtao Li
, Lei Zhang, Joseph K. Liu, Haifeng Qian, Zheming Dong:
Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing Protocol for Low-Performance End Devices in Cloud. 2572-2583 - Abdollah Arasteh
, Mohammad Hassan Moradi
, Amin Janghorbani
A Novel Method Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition for P300-Based Detection of Deception. 2584-2593 - Zhihua Xia
, Xinhui Wang, Liangao Zhang, Zhan Qin, Xingming Sun, Kui Ren
A Privacy-Preserving and Copy-Deterrence Content-Based Image Retrieval Scheme in Cloud Computing. 2594-2608 - Van-Dinh Nguyen
, Trung Quang Duong
, Octavia A. Dobre
, Oh-Soon Shin
Joint Information and Jamming Beamforming for Secrecy Rate Maximization in Cognitive Radio Networks. 2609-2623 - Lilian Bossuet
, Brice Colombier
Comments on "A PUF-FSM Binding Scheme for FPGA IP Protection and Pay-per-Device Licensing". 2624-2625 - Jiliang Zhang
, Gang Qu:
Rebuttal to "Comments on 'A PUF-FSM Binding Scheme for FPGA IP Protection and Pay-Per-Device Licensing"'. 2626-2627 - Wei Fan
, Kai Wang, François Cayre, Zhang Xiong:
Corrections to "JPEG Anti-Forensics With Improved Tradeoff Between Forensic Undetectability and Image Quality". 2628
Volume 11, Number 12, December 2016
- Yiyu Chen, Ayalneh Dessalegn Atnafu, Isabella Schlattner, Wendimagegn Tariku Weldtsadik, Myung-Cheol Roh, Hyoung Joong Kim, Seong-Whan Lee, Benjamin Blankertz, Siamac Fazli
A High-Security EEG-Based Login System with RSVP Stimuli and Dry Electrodes. 2635-2647 - Mohammad Al-Rubaie
, J. Morris Chang:
Reconstruction Attacks Against Mobile-Based Continuous Authentication Systems in the Cloud. 2648-2663 - Cai-Ping Yan, Chi-Man Pun
, Xiaochen Yuan
Quaternion-Based Image Hashing for Adaptive Tampering Localization. 2664-2677 - Lijun Dong
, Kui Wu
, Guoming Tang:
A Data-Centric Approach to Quality Estimation of Role Mining Results. 2678-2692 - Dongrun Qin
, Zhi Ding
Exploiting Multi-Antenna Non-Reciprocal Channels for Shared Secret Key Generation. 2693-2705 - Zhangjie Fu, Xinle Wu, Chaowen Guan, Xingming Sun, Kui Ren
Toward Efficient Multi-Keyword Fuzzy Search Over Encrypted Outsourced Data With Accuracy Improvement. 2706-2716 - Ruohan Cao
, Tan F. Wong, Tiejun Lv, Hui Gao, Shaoshi Yang
Detecting Byzantine Attacks Without Clean Reference. 2717-2731 - Hanif Rahbari
, Marwan Krunz:
Full Frame Encryption and Modulation Obfuscation Using Channel-Independent Preamble Identifier. 2732-2747 - Yongbo Li
, Fan Yao
, Tian Lan, Guru Venkataramani:
SARRE: Semantics-Aware Rule Recommendation and Enforcement for Event Paths on Android. 2748-2762 - Lianying Zhao
, Mohammad Mannan
Deceptive Deletion Triggers Under Coercion. 2763-2776 - Fangjun Huang
, Jiwu Huang
, Yun-Qing Shi:
New Framework for Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Domain. 2777-2789 - Parinaz Naghizadeh
, Mingyan Liu:
Opting Out of Incentive Mechanisms: A Study of Security as a Non-Excludable Public Good. 2790-2803 - Riccardo Bernardini
, Roberto Rinaldo:
Analytic and Simulation Results about a Compact, Reliable, and Unbiased 1-bit Physically Unclonable Constant. 2804-2817 - Wael Louis
, Majid Komeili, Dimitrios Hatzinakos:
Continuous Authentication Using One-Dimensional Multi-Resolution Local Binary Patterns (1DMRLBP) in ECG Biometrics. 2818-2832 - Rongmao Chen
, Yi Mu
, Guomin Yang
, Fuchun Guo
, Xinyi Huang, Xiaofen Wang, Yongjun Wang:
Server-Aided Public Key Encryption With Keyword Search. 2833-2842 - Enrico Bondi, Pietro Pala
, Stefano Berretti
, Alberto Del Bimbo:
Reconstructing High-Resolution Face Models From Kinect Depth Sequences. 2843-2853 - Mohammad Sayad Haghighi
, Sheng Wen
, Yang Xiang, Barry G. Quinn
, Wanlei Zhou
On the Race of Worms and Patches: Modeling the Spread of Information in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2854-2865 - Yu Zhu, Yan Li, Guowang Mu, Shiguang Shan
, Guodong Guo
Still-to-Video Face Matching Using Multiple Geodesic Flows. 2866-2875

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