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Telecommunication Systems, Volume 52
Volume 52, Number 1, January 2013
- S. M. Riazul Islam
, Kyung Sup Kwak:
Preamble-based improved channel estimation for multiband UWB system in presence of interferences. 1-14 - Claudio Sacchi
, Massimiliano Panizza:
Multi-rate group-orthogonal OFDMA-CDMA for broadband mobile transmission. 15-29 - Faisal S. Al-Kamali, Moawad I. Dessouky
, Bassiuny M. Sallam, Farid Shawki, Fathi E. Abd El-Samie:
Impact of the power amplifier on the performance of the single carrier frequency division multiple access system. 31-38 - Ivana M. Petrovic, Mihajlo C. Stefanovic, Petar C. Spalevic, Stefan Panic
, Dusan Stefanovic:
Outage analysis of selection diversity over Rayleigh fading channels with multiple co-channel interferers. 39-50 - Guido Maier, Achille Pattavina:
Deflection routing in IP optical networks. 51-60 - Hefdhallah Sakran
, Mona Shokair:
Hard and softened combination for cooperative spectrum sensing over imperfect channels in cognitive radio networks. 61-71 - Bálint Dávid Ary, Sándor Imre
Partial CDR database dimensioning. 73-83 - Yuna Kim, Ki-Young Jung, Tae-Hyung Kim, Jong Kim:
A distributed energy-efficient clustering scheme for deploying IDS in MANETs. 85-96 - Neng-Chung Wang
, Young-Long Chen, Chia-Hsin Cheng, Yung-Kuei Chiang, Ying-Yuan Wang:
Improving TCP performance with fast adaptive congestion control during soft vertical handoff. 97-104 - Michael Pascoe
, Javier Gomez
, Víctor Rangel, Miguel López-Guerrero, F. Mendoza:
A mobility-based upper bound on route length in MANETs. 105-119 - D. S. Ilcev:
Development and characteristics of African Satellite Augmentation System (ASAS) network. 121-137 - Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor
, Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakar
, Martijn van Eenennaam, Rashid Hafeez Khokhar, Alberto J. Gonzalez:
A fuzzy logic approach to beaconing for vehicular ad hoc networks. 139-149 - Xiaonan Wang, Shan Zhong:
An IPv6 address configuration scheme for wireless sensor networks based on location information. 151-160 - Cosimo Stallo, Ernestina Cianca, Sandeep Mukherjee
, Tommaso Rossi
, Mauro De Sanctis
, Marina Ruggieri:
UWB for multi-gigabit/s communications beyond 60 GHz. 161-181 - Sabbir Ahmed, Makoto Kawai:
Interleaving effects on BER fairness and PAPR in OFDMA System. 183-193 - Mohammad Fathi
, Samaneh Rashidi-Bajgan, Alireza Khalilzadeh, Hassan Taheri:
A dynamic joint scheduling and call admission control scheme for IEEE 802.16 networks. 195-202 - José M. F. Craveirinha
, João C. N. Clímaco
, Lúcia Martins
, Carlos Gomes da Silva
, Nuno Ferreira:
A bi-criteria minimum spanning tree routing model for MPLS/overlay networks. 203-215 - Bo Gu, Xiaoyan Hong, Pu Wang:
Analysis for bio-inspired thrown-box assisted message dissemination in delay tolerant networks. 217-227 - Nazbanoo Farzaneh
, Reza Monsefi
, Mohammad Hossein Yaghmaee
, Amir Hossein Mohajerzadeh:
A novel congestion control protocol with AQM support for IP-based networks. 229-244 - Chung-Ming Huang, Ming-Sian Lin:
The unreliable-concurrent multipath transfer (U-CMT) protocol for multihomed networks - U-CMT. 245-259 - Sheng-Wei Wang
Allocation of light splitters in all-optical WDM networks with sparse light splitting capabilities. 261-270 - Abdolkarim Mardanian Dehkordi, Vahid Tabataba Vakili
An improved equation based rate adaptation scheme for video streaming over UMTS. 271-283 - Jen-Yi Pan
, Tsung-Yin Lee, Wen-Sung Lee, Chin-Ya Tsao:
Improving the R-score of an adaptive VoIP codec in IEEE 802.16 networks. 285-297 - María Canales, José Ramón Gállego, Ángela Hernández-Solana
, Antonio Valdovinos:
An adaptive location management scheme for mobile broadband cellular systems. 299-315 - Peng Xu, Xuming Fang, Rong He, Zheng Xiang:
An efficient handoff algorithm based on received signal strength and wireless transmission loss in hierarchical cell networks. 317-325 - Jinglong Zhou, R. Venkatesha Prasad, Yue Lu, Ignas G. Niemegeers:
Simulation-based analysis of a multi-hop integrated UMTS and WLAN network. 327-340 - Nuno Vasco Lopes
, Maria João Nicolau
, Alexandre J. T. Santos
A QoS-enabled resource management scheme for F-HMIPv6 micro mobility approach. 341-357 - Jong Hyuk Park, Qun Jin:
Erratum to: Effective session key distribution for secure fast handover in mobile networks. 359
Volume 52, Number 2, February 2013
- Sudip Misra, Mischa Dohler, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
, Petros Nicopolitidis:
Guest editorial - Challenges in next-generation and resource-constrained networks. 361-362 - Jinoo Joung, Jeongmin Choi, Seungwook Min, Sunghoon Son, Younglok Kim, Jongtae Song, Young Boo Kim, Chul Soo Kim:
A flow admission control in Next Generation Networks with flow aggregate information exchange. 363-374 - Jesus Alonso-Zarate
, Elli Kartsakli
, Marcos D. Katz, Luis Alonso
, Christos V. Verikoukis:
Multi-Radio Cooperative ARQ in wireless cellular networks: a MAC layer perspective. 375-385 - Dániel Krupp, János Levendovszky
Open-loop overload control algorithm for signalling traffic. 387-396 - Marios-Polychronis Drakos, George I. Stassinopoulos, Irene Sygkouna, Apostolos E. Nikolaidis:
A QoS-aware admission control scheme for bottleneck mitigation in Next-Generation Networks. 397-411 - Chia-Hsin Cheng:
A subspace-based blind detector with rapid channel tracking structure for TH-UWB systems over time-varying multi-path channels. 413-422 - Yang Xiao
, Yanping Zhang:
A critical line based boundary surveillance strategy in wireless sensor networks. 423-434 - Jahangir H. Sarker, Hussein T. Mouftah:
Self-stability of slotted ALOHA by limiting the number of retransmission trials in infrastructure-less wireless networks. 435-444 - Jen-Wen Ding, Der-Jiunn Deng, Yu-Kang Lo, Jong Hyuk Park:
Perceptual quality based error control for scalable on-demand streaming in next-generation wireless networks. 445-459 - Yun-Sheng Yen, Lyang-Yu Chen, Ting-Yun Chi, Han-Chieh Chao
A novel predictive scheduling handover on mobile IPv6. 461-473 - Debarshi Kumar Sanyal, Matangini Chattopadhyay, Samiran Chattopadhyay
Recovering a game model from an optimal channel access scheme for WLANs. 475-483 - Jun Wang, Min Chen, Victor C. M. Leung
A price-based approach to optimize resource sharing between cellular data networks and WLANs. 485-496 - Li-Sheng Chen, Hwang-Cheng Wang, Isaac Woungang, Fang-Chang Kuo:
EOBDBR: an Efficient Optimum Branching-Based Distributed Broadcast Routing protocol for wireless ad hoc networks. 497-512 - Muhammad Khurram Khan
Editorial - Chaotic cryptography and its applications in telecommunication systems. 513-514 - Xiaomin Wang, Wei Guo, Wenfang Zhang, Muhammad Khurram Khan
, Khaled Alghathbar:
Cryptanalysis and improvement on a parallel keyed hash function based on chaotic neural network. 515-524 - Shahram Etemadi Borujeni
, Mohammad Eshghi:
Chaotic image encryption system using phase-magnitude transformation and pixel substitution. 525-537 - Houcemeddine Hermassi
, Rhouma Rhouma
, Safya Belghith
Improvement of an image encryption algorithm based on hyper-chaos. 539-549 - Amit Pande, Joseph Zambreno:
A chaotic encryption scheme for real-time embedded systems: design and implementation. 551-561 - C. K. Huang, Chin-Wen Liao, S. L. Hsu, Y. C. Jeng:
Implementation of gray image encryption with pixel shuffling and gray-level encryption by single chaotic system. 563-571 - Fahad Bin Muhaya:
Chaotic and AES cryptosystem for satellite imagery. 573-581 - Burkhard Stiller, Bruno Tuffin, Peter Reichl, Tuan Anh Trinh:
Editorial. 583-585 - Peter Reichl, Bruno Tuffin, Raimund Schatz:
Logarithmic laws in service quality perception: where microeconomics meets psychophysics and quality of experience. 587-600 - Eitan Altman, Pierre Bernhard, Stéphane Caron, George Kesidis, Julio Rojas-Mora
, Sulan Wong
A model of network neutrality with usage-based prices. 601-609 - Hélia Pouyllau, Giovanna Carofiglio:
Inter-carrier SLA negotiation using Q-learning. 611-622 - Dominique Barth, Loubna Echabbi, Chahinez Hamlaoui:
Stock provisioning strategies for QoS at the interdomain level. 623-632 - Jason J. Jung
, Yue-Shan Chang, Zhiwen Yu:
Advances on intelligent network management. 633-634 - Jie Pan, Frédéric Magoulès
, Yann Le Biannic, Christophe Favart:
Parallelizing Multiple Group-by queries using MapReduce: optimization and cost estimation. 635-645 - Wei-Jen Wang:
Conservative snapshot-based actor garbage collection for distributed mobile actor systems. 647-660 - ChongGun Kim, Mary Wu:
Leader election on tree-based centrality in ad hoc networks. 661-670 - Takeshi Usui, Yoshinori Kitatsuji, Hidetoshi Yokota:
A study on traffic management cooperating with IMS in MPLS networks. 671-680 - Chung-Ming Ou:
Multiagent-based computer virus detection systems: abstraction from dendritic cell algorithm with danger theory. 681-691 - Xuan Hau Pham, Namhee Lee, Jason J. Jung
, Abolghasem Sadeghi-Niaraki
Collaborative spam filtering based on incremental ontology learning. 693-700 - Jacek Rak
, David Tipper
, Krzysztof Walkowiak
Reliable networks design and modeling (foreword). 701-703 - James P. G. Sterbenz, Egemen K. Çetinkaya
, Mahmood A. Hameed, Abdul Jabbar, Shi Qian, Justin P. Rohrer:
Evaluation of network resilience, survivability, and disruption tolerance: analysis, topology generation, simulation, and experimentation - Invited paper. 705-736 - Teresa Gomes
, Carlos Simões, Luis Fernandes:
Resilient routing in optical networks using SRLG-disjoint path pairs of min-sum cost. 737-749 - Egemen K. Çetinkaya
, Dan Broyles, Amit Dandekar, Sripriya Srinivasan, James P. G. Sterbenz:
Modelling communication network challenges for Future Internet resilience, survivability, and disruption tolerance: a simulation-based approach. 751-766 - János Szigeti, Tibor Cinkler:
Evaluation and estimation of the availability of p-cycle protected connections. 767-782 - Ming-Lee Gan
, Soung-Yue Liew
Effective algorithms for finding optimum pairs of link-disjoint paths in α+1 path protection. 783-797 - Korn Vajanapoom, David Tipper
, Sira Akavipat:
Risk based resilient network design. 799-811 - Ahmed Haddad, Elias A. Doumith
, Maurice Gagnaire:
A fast and accurate meta-heuristic for failure localization based on the monitoring trail concept. 813-824 - Tibor Cinkler:
Some more aspects of resilience - Multi-domain, multi-cast, physical impairments. 825-846 - Eugene S. Myakotnykh, Otto J. Wittner, Bjarne E. Helvik
, Atef Abdelkefi, Jon Kåre Hellan, Olav Kvittem, Trond Skjesol, Arne Øslebø:
An analysis of interdomain availability and causes of failures based on active measurements. 847-860 - Wouter Tavernier, Dimitri Papadimitriou, Didier Colle, Mario Pickavet
, Piet Demeester:
Packet loss reduction during rerouting using network traffic analysis. 861-879 - Aubin Jarry:
Fast reroute paths algorithms. 881-888 - Jacek Rak
, Krzysztof Walkowiak
Reliable anycast and unicast routing: protection against attacks. 889-906 - Fernando Solano
, Michal Pióro
WDM network re-optimization avoiding costly traffic disruptions. 907-918 - Gayan de Silva, Ondrej Rysavý, Petr Matousek
, Miroslav Svéda:
On formal reachability analysis in networks with dynamic behavior. 919-929 - Michal Pióro
, Jacek Rak
, Krzysztof Szczypiorski
Networks for the e-society. 931-933 - Mateusz Zotkiewicz, Walid Ben-Ameur:
Volume-oriented routing and its modifications. 935-945 - David Hock, Matthias Hartmann, Michael Menth, Michal Pióro
, Artur Tomaszewski
, Cezary Zukowski:
Comparison of IP-based and explicit paths for one-to-one fast reroute in MPLS networks. 947-958 - Dorabella Santos
, Amaro de Sousa
, Filipe Pereira Alvelos
, Michal Pióro
Optimizing network load balancing: an hybridization approach of metaheuristics with column generation. 959-968 - Noriaki Kamiyama, Tatsuya Mori
, Ryoichi Kawahara, Shigeaki Harada, Haruhisa Hasegawa:
Analyzing influence of network topology on designing ISP-operated CDN. 969-977 - Miroslaw Kantor, Piotr Cholda
, Andrzej Jajszczyk
Least Cost Routing (LCR) solution for inter-domain traffic distribution - Performance and cost-efficiency improvement. 979-991 - Hiroshi Yamada, Takeshi Yada, Hiroto Nomura:
Developing network configuration management database system and its application - data federation for network management. 993-1000 - Go Hasegawa
, Takuro Horie, Masayuki Murata
Proactive recovery from multiple failures utilizing overlay networking technique. 1001-1019 - Tomasz Mrugalski, Józef Wozniak, Krzysztof Nowicki:
Dynamic host configuration protocol for IPv6 improvements for mobile nodes. 1021-1031 - Raja Zahilah, Yuta Ogino, Soichiro Nishiuma, Md. Nooruzzaman
, Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, Osanori Koyama, Yutaka Katsuyama:
Lightpath design & management system for IP-over-CWDM networks with ROADMs, employing parallel processing. 1033-1042 - Krzysztof Walkowiak
, Jacek Rak
Simultaneous optimization of unicast and anycast flows and replica location in survivable optical networks. 1043-1055 - Jean-Philippe Joseph:
PSTN services migration to IMS. Are SPs finally reaching the tipping point for large scale migrations? 1057-1065 - Ulrich Menne, Roland Wessäly, Maren Martens, Andreas Bley
Integrated optimization of aggregation and core for varying NGN architectures. 1067-1079 - Kurt Majewski
, Michael Koonert:
Analytic uplink cell load approximation for planning fractional power control in LTE networks. 1081-1090 - Damian Parniewicz, Maciej Stasiak
, Piotr Zwierzykowski
Analytical model of the multi-service cellular network servicing multicast connections. 1091-1100 - Bartosz Jankowski, Wojciech Mazurczyk
, Krzysztof Szczypiorski
PadSteg: introducing inter-protocol steganography. 1101-1111 - Wojciech Mazurczyk
, Milosz Smolarczyk, Krzysztof Szczypiorski
On information hiding in retransmissions. 1113-1121 - Eleni Palkopoulou, Dominic A. Schupke, Thomas Bauschert:
Quantifying CAPEX savings of homing architectures enabled by future optical network equipment. 1123-1129 - Karima Ragoubi, Minglu Jin, Geetali Saha, Yan Yang:
Recent advances in UWB systems: theory and applications. 1131-1132 - Bo Zhou, Woogeun Rhee
, Dongwook Kim, Zhihua Wang:
Reconfigurable FM-UWB transmitter design for robust short range communications. 1133-1144 - Luca De Nardis
, Jocelyn Fiorina
, Dorin Panaitopol, Maria-Gabriella Di Benedetto:
Combining UWB with Time Reversal for improved communication and positioning. 1145-1158 - S. M. Riazul Islam
, Moshaddique Al Ameen, Kyung Sup Kwak:
Channel estimation in ECMA-368-based UWB systems with unknown interference. 1159-1169 - Rezaul Azim
, Mohammad Tariqul Islam
, Norbahiah Misran
Printed circular disc compact planar antenna for UWB applications. 1171-1177 - Lih-Chang Wung, Szu-Lin Su, Chyi-Fan Jhun:
Novel signaling and detection schemes for ultra-wideband transmitted-reference systems. 1179-1190 - Ho-Lung Hung:
Interference cancellation for HNNPSO multiuser detection of UWB systems over multipath fading channel. 1191-1203 - Sangmin Lee, Yunho Jung, Jaeseok Kim:
A frequency domain coherent detection scheme to realize DAA technique for WiMedia UWB systems. 1205-1210 - Frank Leipold, Dimitri Tassetto, Sergio Bovelli:
Wireless in-cabin communication for aircraft infrastructure - A holistic approach for on-board high data-rate UWB network. 1211-1232 - Rongbo Zhu
, Zhili Sun
, Tapani Ristaniemi, Jiankun Hu
Guest Editorial - Special Issue on Green Telecommunications. 1233-1234 - Liang Zhou:
Green service over Internet of Things: a theoretical analysis paradigm. 1235-1246 - Sergio Ricciardi, Davide Careglio
, Germán Santos-Boada, Josep Solé-Pareta
, Ugo Fiore
, Francesco Palmieri
Towards an energy-aware Internet: modeling a cross-layer optimization approach. 1247-1268 - Juanli Hu, Jiabin Deng, Juebo Wu:
A Green Private Cloud Architecture with global collaboration. 1269-1279 - Jun Wang, Min Chen, Victor C. M. Leung
Forming priority based and energy balanced ZigBee networks - a pricing approach. 1281-1292 - Ming-Yi Liao, Chun-Wei Tsai, Chu-Sing Yang, Ming-Chao Chiang, Chin-Feng Lai
Energy efficiency based on high performance particle swarm optimization: a case study. 1293-1304 - Jing Zhang, Xiaohu Ge
, Min Chen, Minho Jo
, Xi Yang, Qu Du, Jinzhong Hu:
Uplink energy efficiency analysis for two-tier cellular access networks using kernel function. 1305-1312 - Pan Deng, Jianwei Zhang, Xiaohui Rong, Feng Chen:
A model of large-scale Device Collaboration system based on PI-Calculus for green communication. 1313-1326 - Jing Wu, James Yiming Zhang, Michel Savoie:
Lightpath scheduling and routing for green data centres. 1327-1340 - Jong Hyuk Park, Ching-Hsien Hsu, Naveen K. Chilamkurti, Mieso K. Denko:
Advances in security and multimodality for pervasive computing environments - TS Special Issue. 1341-1342 - Gongfu Peng, Yanxiang He, Naixue Xiong, SooCheol Lee, Seungmin Rho:
A context-aware study for sentence ordering. 1343-1351 - Jianxin Li, Xudong Liu, Lu Liu
, Dazhi Sun, Bo Li:
HiTrust: building cross-organizational trust relationship based on a hybrid negotiation tree. 1353-1365 - Taek-Young Youn, Eun Sook Kang, Changhoon Lee:
Efficient three-party key exchange protocols with round efficiency. 1367-1376 - Jangseong Kim, Kwangjo Kim:
A scalable and robust hierarchical key establishment for mission-critical applications over sensor networks. 1377-1388 - Jonggu Kang, Jae-Pil Lee, Chungtae Hwang, Hangbae Chang:
The study on a convergence security service for manufacturing industries. 1389-1397 - Manhyun Chung, Younghoon Lee, Taeshik Shon, Jongsub Moon:
A security model for IPTV with one-time password and Conditional Access System for smart mobile platform. 1399-1407
Volume 52, Number 3, March 2013
- Ibrahiem M. M. El Emary, S. Ramakrishnan
Preface to the special issue on "Signal Processing Applications in Human Computer Interaction". 1409-1412 - Anderson Pierre Passos:
Transformation of whispering voice to pseudo-real voice for unvoiced telephony and communication aid for voice-handicapped persons. 1413-1422 - Moses Ekpenyong
, Eno-Abasi Urua:
Agent-based framework for intelligent natural language interface. 1423-1433 - Surya Prakash
, Phalguni Gupta:
An efficient ear recognition technique invariant to illumination and pose. 1435-1448 - R. M. Farouk, M. G. S. Ali:
Ultrasonic digital signal processing simulation in viscoelastic medium with generalized parametric function. 1449-1456 - Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal, Mayank Dave
Performance evaluation of sequentially combined heterogeneous feature streams for Hindi speech recognition system. 1457-1466 - S. Ramakrishnan
, Ibrahiem M. M. El Emary:
Speech emotion recognition approaches in human computer interaction. 1467-1478 - Tomàs Pallejà, A. Guillamet, Marcel Tresanchez
, Mercè Teixidó
, Alicia Fernández del Viso, Carlos Rebate Sánchez, Jordi Palacín
Implementation of a robust absolute virtual head mouse combining face detection, template matching and optical flow algorithms. 1479-1489 - Azzam Sleit
, Yacoub Massad, Mohammed Musaddaq:
An alternative clustering approach for reconstructing cross cut shredded text documents. 1491-1501 - Karol Molnar, Norbert Herencsar
, Attila Vidács:
Guest Editorial. 1503-1504 - Slavisa Aleksic
Optically transparent integrated metro-access network. 1505-1515 - Kimio Oguchi, Tomoki Sakai, Dai Hanawa:
WDM passive network design for small wavelength-count in local area/home applications. 1517-1523 - Ahmad Yassine, Peter Farkas:
One hybrid ARQ for broadcasting or multicasting in wireless erasure channel. 1525-1532 - Darina Jarinová
On autoregressive model order for long-range prediction of fast fading wireless channel. 1533-1539 - Hristo Gochev, Vladimir Poulkov
, Georgi Iliev
Improving cell edge throughput for LTE using combined uplink power control. 1541-1547 - Patrik Moravek, Dan Komosny
, Milan Simek, Mojmir Jelinek, David Girbau, Antonio Lázaro
Investigation of radio channel uncertainty in distance estimation in wireless sensor networks. 1549-1558 - Iztok Humar, Matevz Podnar:
Implementation and performance evaluation of IGMP snooping supporting multicast functionality on Linux-based Ethernet switches. 1559-1572 - Michal Skorepa, Richard Klugl:
Enhanced analytical method for IP mobility handover schemes cost evaluation. 1573-1582 - Miroslav Voznák
, Jan Rozhon
Approach to stress tests in SIP environment based on marginal analysis. 1583-1593 - Jiri Hosek
, Karol Molnar, Lukás Rucka, Milan Bartl:
SNMP-based acquisition system for DiffServ parameters. 1595-1604 - Brikena Statovci-Halimi, Gerald Franzl
QoS differentiation and Internet neutrality - A controversial issue within the future Internet challenge. 1605-1614 - Gregor Rozinaj
Editorial. 1615-1616 - Radovan Ridzon, Dusan Levický
Content protection in grayscale and color images based on robust digital watermarking. 1617-1631 - Jin Heo, Yo-Sung Ho:
VLC table prediction for CAVLC in H.264/AVC using correlation, statistics, and structural characteristics of mode information. 1633-1641 - Rafael H. C. de Melo, Aura Conci
How Succolarity could be used as another fractal measure in image analysis. 1643-1655 - P. M. Papazoglou, Dimitrios A. Karras
, Rallis C. Papademetriou:
On Multi Agent based modeling and control in large scale wireless communication systems for improved resource allocation performance. 1657-1675 - K. Kotuliaková, D. Simlastíková, J. Polec:
Analysis of ARQ schemes. 1677-1682 - Juraj Kacur, Gregor Rozinaj
Building accurate and robust HMM models for practical ASR systems. 1683-1696 - Pavel Mach
, Robert Bestak
, Zdenek Becvar
Optimization of association procedure in WiMAX networks with relay stations. 1697-1704 - Radoslav Vargic
, Ivan Kotuliak, A. Vrábel, F. Husák:
Provisioning of VoIP services for mobile subscribers using WiFi access network. 1705-1711
Volume 52, Number 4, April 2013
- Dimitrios G. Stratogiannis, Georgios Tsiropoulos, Alexey V. Vinel, Yevgeni Koucheryavy
, Eirini-Eleni Tsiropoulou
Special Issue on Mobile Computing and Networking Technologies. 1713-1717 - Vipin Balyan
, Davinder S. Saini:
Vacant codes grouping and fast OVSF code assignment scheme for WCDMA networks. 1719-1729 - Chi-Sheng Lin, Che-Kang Sun, Jia-Chin Lin, Bo-Chiuan Chen:
Performance evaluations of channel estimations in IEEE 802.11p environments. 1731-1742 - Cagdas Atici, M. Oguz Sunay:
Capacity of practical wireless multihop broadcast networks. 1743-1755 - Maria Striki, Tony McAuley:
Using novel distributed heuristics on hexagonal connected dominating sets to model routing dissemination. 1757-1775 - Usman Ashraf, Slim Abdellatif, Guy Juanole:
Route selection in IEEE 802.11 wireless mesh networks. 1777-1795 - Wassim Ramadan
, Eugen Dedu, Dominique Dhoutaut, Julien Bourgeois
RELD, RTT ECN Loss Differentiation to optimize the performance of transport protocols on wireless networks. 1797-1817 - Reza Holakouei, Adão Silva
, Atílio Gameiro:
Multiuser precoding techniques for a distributed broadband wireless system. 1819-1829 - Apostolia Papapostolou, Vasilis Friderikos
, Tara Ali-Yahiya, Hakima Chaouchi:
Path selection algorithms for fault tolerance in wireless mesh networks. 1831-1844 - George T. Karetsos, Elias Z. Tragos, George Tsiropoulos:
A holistic approach to minimizing handover latency in heterogeneous wireless networking environments. 1845-1858 - Peter Dedecker, Jeroen Hoebeke, Ingrid Moerman
, Joris Moreau, Piet Demeester:
Network virtualization as an integrated solution for emergency communication. 1859-1876 - Fatemeh Afghah, Abolfazl Razi, Ali Abedi:
Stochastic game theoretical model for packet forwarding in relay networks. 1877-1893 - Wei Wang, Kejian Wu, Haiyan Luo, Guanding Yu, Zhaoyang Zhang
Sensing error aware delay-optimal channel allocation scheme for cognitive radio networks. 1895-1904 - Lambros Lambrinos
, Constantinos Djouvas
Improving quality of experience in wireless VoIP through novel call scheduling. 1905-1916 - Yan He, Dmitri D. Perkins
Achieving seamless handoffs via backhaul support in Wireless Mesh Networks. 1917-1930 - Jaeho Chung, Yusuk Yun, Seungwon Choi:
Experiments on MIMO-OFDM system combined with adaptive beamforming based on IEEE 802.16e WMAN standard. 1931-1944 - Yejun Liu, Qingyang Song, Lei Guo
, Xingwei Wang:
Efficient scheduling algorithms for mixed services in wireless OFDMA system. 1945-1960 - Thomas Lagkas
, Dimitrios G. Stratogiannis, Periklis Chatzimisios
Modeling and performance analysis of an alternative to IEEE 802.11e Hybrid Control Function. 1961-1976 - Yindong Zhang, Liusheng Huang, Hongli Xu, Zhen-Guo Yang:
An incentive energy-efficient routing for data gathering in wireless cooperative networks. 1977-1987 - Kyoung-Hee Lee, Hyun-Woo Lee, Won Ryu, Youn-Hee Han:
A scalable network-based mobility management framework in heterogeneous IP-based networks. 1989-2002 - Stavroula Vassaki, Athanasios D. Panagopoulos
, Philip Constantinou:
Evaluation of channel dependent bandwidth allocation in wireless access networks: centralized and distributed approach. 2003-2013 - Durbadal Mandal, Sakti Prasad Ghoshal, Anup Kumar Bhattacharjee:
Optimized radii and excitations with concentric circular antenna array for maximum sidelobe level reduction using wavelet mutation based particle swarm optimization techniques. 2015-2025 - Pampa Sadhukhan
, Pradip Kumar Das, Sayantani Saha:
Hybrid mobility management schemes integrating mobile IP and SIP for seamless invocation of services in All-IP network. 2027-2046 - Adnan Nadeem
, Michael P. Howarth:
Protection of MANETs from a range of attacks using an intrusion detection and prevention system. 2047-2058 - J. M. Luna-Rivera
, Daniel U. Campos-Delgado
Distributed power control with multiuser detection for asynchronous DS-CDMA networks subject to time-delays. 2059-2069 - Lun Tang, Qianbin Chen
, Guangyu Wang, Xiaoping Zeng, Huan Wang:
Opportunistic power allocation strategies and fair subcarrier allocation in OFDM-based cognitive radio networks. 2071-2082 - Christos Thomos, Grigorios Kalivas:
FPGA-based architecture and implementation techniques of a low-complexity hybrid RAKE receiver for a DS-UWB communication system. 2083-2099 - D. Rajini Girinath, S. Selvan:
A novel hierarchical model for vehicular traffic regulation. 2101-2114 - Christos Thomos, Grigorios Kalivas:
FPGA-based architecture and implementation techniques of a low-complexity hybrid RAKE receiver for a DS-UWB communication system. 2115-2132 - Jahangir H. Sarker, Hussein T. Mouftah:
A self-optimized random access protocol for an infrastructure-less mission critical wireless networking system. 2133-2144 - Pampa Sadhukhan
, Pradip Kumar Das, Sayantani Saha:
Erratum to: Hybrid mobility management schemes integrating mobile IP and SIP for seamless invocation of services in All-IP network. 2145 - Aneel Rahim, Zeeshan Shafi Khan
Editorial. 2147-2148 - Mohammad Nauman
, Tamleek Ali, Azhar Rauf:
Using trusted computing for privacy preserving keystroke-based authentication in smartphones. 2149-2161 - Lei Zhang, Honggang Zhang, Mauro Conti
, Roberto Di Pietro
, Sushil Jajodia
, Luigi Vincenzo Mancini
Preserving privacy against external and internal threats in WSN data aggregation. 2163-2176 - Hong Wen, Guang Gong, Shichao Lv, Pin-Han Ho:
Framework for MIMO cross-layer secure communication based on STBC. 2177-2185 - Iftikhar Ahmad, Azween B. Abdullah
, Abdullah Sharaf Alghamdi, Muhammad Hussain
Optimized intrusion detection mechanism using soft computing techniques. 2187-2195 - Krishna Bhowal
, Debnath Bhattacharyya
, Anindya Jyoti Pal, Tai-Hoon Kim:
A GA based audio steganography with enhanced security. 2197-2204 - Songbo Song, Mohamed Abid
, Hassnaa Moustafa, Hossam Afifi:
Performance evaluation of an authentication solution for IMS services access. 2205-2218 - Binod Vaidya, Shiuh-Jeng Wang, Jongsung Kim, Ivan Lee
Special issue on wireless multimedia networks and security services. 2219-2220 - ByungRae Cha, Yong Il Kim, JongWon Kim:
Design of new P2P-enabled Mobile-OTP system using fingerprint features. 2221-2236 - Chin-Feng Lee, Yu-Lin Huang:
Reversible data hiding scheme based on dual stegano-images using orientation combinations. 2237-2247 - Hae-Min Moon, Seung-Hoon Chae
, Daesung Moon, Yongwha Chung, Sung Bum Pan:
Intelligent video surveillance system using two-factor human information. 2249-2257 - Martijn Kuipers
, Ricardo N. Vaz, Mário Serafim Nunes
Video quality protection for real time video streams over wireless networks. 2259-2270 - Md. Shohrab Hossain
, Mohammed Atiquzzaman
Cost analysis of mobility protocols. 2271-2285 - Pasquale Pace
, Gianluca Aloi
WEVCast: wireless eavesdropping video casting architecture to overcome standard multicast transmission in Wi-Fi networks. 2287-2297 - Ivo M. C. Lopes, Binod Vaidya, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues:
Towards an autonomous fall detection and alerting system on a mobile and pervasive environment. 2299-2310 - Bonhyun Koo, Kyusuk Han, James J. Park, Taeshik Shon:
Design and implementation of a wireless sensor network architecture using smart mobile devices. 2311-2320 - Seungmin Rho, Sajid Hussain, Sang-Soo Yeo
, Bernady O. Apduhan:
Advances in wireless sensor communications and applications for smart space. 2321-2323 - Han-Chiang Chen, Y.-M. Huang, Chia-Hung Su
, Te-Wei Chiu
Implementation of SOPC based Telecom & Datacom for monitoring wireless sensor networks. 2325-2333 - Ingeol Chun, Jeongmin Park, Hae Young Lee
, Wontae Kim, Seung-Min Park, Eunseok Lee
An agent-based self-adaptation architecture for implementing smart devices in Smart Space. 2335-2346 - WoongChul Choi, SeokMin Lee:
Implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4 module with CFP in NS-2. 2347-2356 - Yan Yu, Xuefeng Zhao, Yang Wang, Jinping Ou:
A study on PVDF sensor using wireless experimental system for bridge structural local monitoring. 2357-2366 - SungSuk Kim, Sun Ok Yang:
Wireless sensor gathering data during long time. 2367-2373 - Su-Chong Joo, Chang-Won Jeong, K. H. (Kane) Kim:
A study of Context-Based Adaptive Service Model in home environments. 2375-2386 - Pranesh Sthapit
, Jae-Young Pyun:
Medium reservation based sensor MAC protocol for low latency and high energy efficiency. 2387-2395 - Fei Shi, Jaejong Baek
, JooSeok Song, Weijie Liu:
A novel scheme to prevent MAC layer misbehavior in IEEE 802.11 ad hoc networks. 2397-2406 - Lei Shu
, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
, Jaime Lloret, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan
Guest Editorial - Special Issue on Recent Advance on Mobile Sensor Systems. 2407-2409 - Enrico Natalizio, Valeria Loscrì
Controlled mobility in mobile sensor networks: advantages, issues and challenges. 2411-2418 - Guangjie Han, Huihui Xu, Trung Quang Duong
, Jinfang Jiang, Takahiro Hara:
Localization algorithms of Wireless Sensor Networks: a survey. 2419-2436 - Romain Kuntz, Julien Montavont, Thomas Noël:
Improving the medium access in highly mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. 2437-2458 - Bilal Muhammad Khan, Falah H. Ali:
Collision Free Mobility Adaptive (CFMA) MAC for wireless sensor networks. 2459-2474 - Abbas Nayebi, Hamid Sarbazi-Azad:
Optimum hello interval for a connected homogeneous topology in mobile wireless sensor networks. 2475-2488 - Miguel Garcia
, Sandra Sendra
, Jaime Lloret, Alejandro Canovas
Saving energy and improving communications using cooperative group-based Wireless Sensor Networks. 2489-2502 - Long Cheng, Weiwei Jiao, Min Chen, Canfeng Chen, Jian Ma:
Wait, focus and spray: efficient data delivery in wireless sensor networks with ubiquitous mobile data collectors. 2503-2517 - Xiannuan Liang, Yang Xiao
, Jingyuan Zhang, Hongmei Deng, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
Stochastic event capturing with a single mobile robot in rectangular perimeters. 2519-2532 - Yu-Shiang Wong, Yang-Sheng Chen, Der-Jiunn Deng, Der-Chen Huang:
Nonpreemptive priority scheme for the S-MAC protocol in multimedia mobile sensor networks. 2533-2540 - Nidal Nasser
, Anwar Alyatama
, Kassem Saleh:
Zone-based routing protocol with mobility consideration for wireless sensor networks. 2541-2560 - Xinqing Yan, Xuemei Liu:
Evaluating the energy consumption of the RFID tag collision resolution protocols. 2561-2568 - Pedro Cuenca
, Dora Maros:
Wireless and mobile networking (WMNC 2010). 2569-2571 - Jasvinder Pal Singh, Dirk Pesch
Application of energy efficient soft-decision error control in wireless sensor networks. 2573-2583 - Kahina Ait Ali, Oumaya Baala
, Alexandre Caminada:
Revisiting vehicular network connectivity with radio propagation model. 2585-2597 - Jesús Delicado, Francisco M. Delicado Martínez
, Luis Orozco-Barbosa
On the optimization of the contention resolution mechanism for IEEE 802.16 networks. 2599-2609 - Ta Vinh Thong, Levente Buttyán:
On automating the verification of secure ad-hoc network routing protocols. 2611-2635 - Xi Li, Umar Toseef, Dominik Dulas, Wojciech Bigos, Carmelita Görg, Andreas Timm-Giel
, Andreas Klug:
Dimensioning of the LTE access network. 2637-2654 - Rosario Garrido-Cantos, Jan De Cock, José Luis Martínez
, Sebastiaan Van Leuven, Antonio Garrido
Video transcoding for mobile digital television. 2655-2666 - Jong Chern Lim, Chris J. Bleakley
Trading sensing coverage for an extended network lifetime. 2667-2675 - Naoto Kobatake, Yasushi Yamao:
High-throughput time group access MCR-SS-CSMA/CA for wireless ad hoc networks with layered-tree topology. 2677-2685 - Antonio Manuel Ortiz, Fernando Royo, Teresa Olivares, José Carlos Castillo
, Luis Orozco-Barbosa
, Pedro José Marrón
Fuzzy-logic based routing for dense wireless sensor networks. 2687-2697 - Jonathan Petit, Zoubir Mammeri:
Authentication and consensus overhead in vehicular ad hoc networks. 2699-2712 - Przemyslaw Machan, Józef Wozniak:
On the fast BSS transition algorithms in the IEEE 802.11r local area wireless networks. 2713-2720 - Juan I. del-Castillo, Maria Angeles Santos, José Villalón
Evaluation of OFDMA resource allocation algorithms in broadband wireless access networks. 2721-2732 - Ardian Ulvan
, Robert Bestak
, Melvi Ulvan
Handover procedure and decision strategy in LTE-based femtocell network. 2733-2748

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