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IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 39
Volume 39, Number 1, 1992
- Yu Tang, Danmin Chen, Louis-Gilles Durand:
The synthesis of the aortic valve closure sound of the dog by the mean filter of forward and backward predictor. 1-8 - Jia-Jin J. Chen, Richard G. Shiavi, Li-Qun Zhang:
A quantitative and qualitative description of electromyographic linear envelopes for synergy analysis. 9-18 - Donald G. Childers, Keun Sung Bae:
Detection of laryngeal function using speech and electroglottographic data. 19-25 - Michio Nakashima, Satoshi Yamada, Satoru Shiono, Mitsuo Maeda, Fumihide Satoh:
448-Detector optical recording system: development and application to Aplysia gill-withdrawal reflex. 26-36 - Stephen A. Boppart
, Bruce C. Wheeler, Christopher S. Wallace:
A flexible perforated microelectrode array for extended neural recordings. 37-42 - Paulo José Abatti
, Toyosaka Moriizumi:
Development of a new geometrical form of micropipette: electrical characteristics and an application as a potassium ion selective electrode. 43-48 - Liyou L. Li, Nour H. Ismail, Leonard S. Taylor, Christopher C. Davis:
Flanged coaxial microwave probes for measuring thin moisture layers. 49-57 - Dominique Durand
, A. Stwart Ferguson, Tayfun Dalbasti:
Effect of surface boundary on neuronal magnetic stimulation. 58-64 - Howard S. Oster, Yoram Rudy:
The use of temporal information in the regularization of the inverse problem of electrocardiography. 65-75 - Lianne A. Cartee
, Robert Plonsey:
The transient subthreshold response of spherical and cylindrical cell models to extracellular stimulation. 76-85 - H. Loertscher, W. Q. Shi, Warren S. Grundfest:
Tissue ablation through water with erbium: YAG lasers. 86-88 - Michael L. Daley, Robert C. Watzke, Matthew C. Riddle:
A model for the apparent decrease in optical transmittance of the diabetic eye. 88-94 - Jason H. T. Bates, Anne-Marie Lauzon:
A nonstatistical approach to estimating confidence intervals about model parameters: application to respiratory mechanics. 94-100
Volume 39, Number 2, 1992
- Tohru Kiryu, Yoshiaki Saitoh, Kiyoshi Ishioka:
A muscle fatigue index based on the relationship between preceding background activity, and myotatic reflex response (MRR). 105-111 - Peter B. L. Meijer:
An experimental system for auditory image representations. 112-121 - Jan H. Meier, Wim L. C. Rotten, Arne E. Zoutman, Herman B. K. Boom, Piet Bergveld:
Simulation of multipolar fiber selective neural stimulation using intrafascicular electrodes. 122-134 - George K. Hung:
Quantitative analysis of associated and disassociated phorias: linear and nonlinear static models. 135-145 - Harold R. Underwood, Andrew F. Peterson
, Richard L. Magin:
Electric-field distribution near rectangular microstrip radiators for hyperthermia heating: theory versus experiment in water. 146-153 - Hong Zhou, Adriaan van Oosterom:
Computation of the potential distribution in a four-layer anisotropic concentric spherical volume conductor. 154-158 - Fred Greensite:
Some imaging parameters of the oblique dipole layer cardiac generator derivable from body surface electrical potentials. 159-164 - Ramesh K. Kushwaha, William J. Williams, Howard Shevrin:
An information flow technique for category related evoked potentials. 165-175 - Metin Akay, Yasemin M. Akay
, Walter Welkowitz, John L. Semmlow, John B. Kostis:
Application of adaptive filters to noninvasive acoustical detection of coronary occlusions before and after angioplasty. 176-184 - Roger Wolthius, David McCrae, James C. Hartl, Elrie Saaski, Gordon L. Mitchell, Kathi Garcin, Robert Willard:
Development of a medical fiber-optic oxygen sensor based on optical absorption change. 185-193 - Weijia Cui, Lee E. Ostrander:
The relationship of surface reflectance measurements to optical properties of layered biological media. 194-201 - E. M. Charlson, E. J. Charlson, Roya Sabeti:
Temperature selective deposition of Parylene-C. 202-206
Volume 39, Number 3, 1992
- Jin-Yuan Chen, Om P. Gandhi:
Numerical simulation of annular-phased arrays of dipoles for hyperthermia of deep-seated tumors. 209-216 - Steve Evans, Melanie J. Rachman, D. E. Pegg:
Design of a UHF applicator for rewarming of cryopreserved biomaterials. 217-225 - Melinda J. Piket-May, Allen Taflove, Wei-Chung Lin, Daniel S. Katz
, V. Sathiaseelan, Bhuvan B. Mittal:
Initial results for automated computational modeling of patient-specific electromagnetic hyperthermia. 226-237 - Bryan J. James, Dennis M. Sullivan:
Creation of three-dimensional patient models for hyperthermia treatment planning. 238-242 - Makoto Yoshizawa, Hiroshi Takeda, Takeshi Watanabe, Makoto Miura, Tomoyuki Yambe, Yoshiaki Katahira, Shin-ichi Nitta:
An automatic control algorithm for the optimal driving of the ventricular-assist device. 243-252 - R. H. Mitchell, A. H. Bailey, John Anderson:
Cellular automaton model of ventricular fibrillation. 253-259 - Lianne A. Cartee
, Robert Plonsey:
The effect of cellular discontinuities on the transient subthreshold response of a one-dimensional cardiac model. 260-270 - John J. Mastrototaro, Hisham Z. Massoud, Theo C. Pilkington, Raymond E. Ideker:
Rigid and flexible thin-film multielectrode arrays for transmural cardiac recording. 271-279 - Tohru Kiryu, Yoshiaki Saitoh, Kiyoshi Ishioka:
Investigation on parametric analysis of dynamic EMG signals by a muscle-structured simulation model. 280-288 - Elearnor V. Goodall, Kenneth W. Horch:
Separation of action potentials in multiunit intrafascicular recordings. 289-295 - Kevin Eng, Rangaraj Mandayam Rangayyan, Robert Charles Bray, Cyril B. Frank, Linda Anscomb, Pamela Veale:
Quantitative analysis of the fine vascular anatomy of articular ligaments. 296-306 - Mark W. Groch, James R. Domnanovich, William D. Erwin:
A new heart-sounds gating device for medical imaging. 307-310 - Leslie A. Geddes, W. Janas, S. F. Badylak:
Use of impedance ratio for the continuous measurement of stroke volume of a valveless pouch used as a cardiac-assist device. 310-313
Volume 39, Number 4, 1992
- Qiuzhen Xue, Yu Hen Hu, Willis J. Tompkins:
Neural-network-based adaptive matched filtering for QRS detection. 317-329 - Wilfried Philips, Geert De Jonghe:
Data compression of ECG's by high-degree polynomial approximation. 330-337 - Carlos E. Davila, Mohammad S. Mobin:
Weighted averaging of evoked potentials. 338-345 - Daniel W. Stashuk, Rodrick K. Naphan:
Probabilistic inference-based classification applied to myoelectric signal decomposition. 346-355 - David R. Vera, Paul O. Scheibe, Kenneth A. Krohn, Walter L. Trudeau, Robert C. Stadalnik:
Goodness-of-fit and local identifiability of a receptor-binding radio-pharmacokinetic system. 356-367 - Peter H. Veltink
, Howard Jay Chizeck, Patrick E. Crago, Ahmed El-Bialy
Nonlinear joint angle control for artificially stimulated muscle. 368-380 - James F. Martin, Alan M. Schneider, Michael L. Quinn, N. Ty Smith:
Improved safety and efficacy in adaptive control of arterial blood pressure through the use of a supervisor. 381-388 - James F. Martin, Alan M. Schneider, Michael L. Quinn, N. Ty Smith:
Supervisory adaptive control of arterial pressure during cardiac surgery. 389-393 - Glenn K. Klute, Uri Tasch, David B. Geselowitz:
An optimal controller for an electric ventricular-assist device: Theory, implementation, and testing. 394-403 - David S. Berger, John K.-J. Li:
Temporal relationship between left ventricular and arterial system elastances. 404-410 - Cornelis J. Slager, Anton C. Phaff, Catharina E. Essed, Nicolaas Bom, Johan C. H. Schuurbiers, Patrick W. Serruys:
Electrical impedance of layered atherosclerotic plaques on human aortas. 411-419 - Don N. Krieger
, Theodore W. Berger, Robert J. Sclabassi:
Instantaneous characterization of time varying nonlinear systems (neurophysiological responses). 420-424 - Robert V. Shannon:
A model of safe levels for electrical stimulation. 424-426 - Dejan Tepavac, James R. Swenson, Jerome Stenehjem, Ivan Sarjanovic, Dejan B. Popovic
Microcomputer-based portable long-term spasticity recording system. 426-431
Volume 39, Number 5, 1992
- Doron Kwiat, Sobhi Saoub, Shmuel Einav:
Calculation of the mutual induction between coplanar circular surface coils in magnetic resonance imaging. 433-436 - Robert D. Sidman, Diana Joan Vincent, Dennis B. Smith, Lu Lee:
Experimental tests of the cortical imaging technique-applications to the response to median nerve stimulation and the localization of epileptiform discharges. 437-444 - Ascher Shmulewitz:
Ultrasonic multifeature maps of liver based on an amplitude loss technique and a conventional B-scan. 445-449 - Larry Y. L. Mo, Richard S. C. Cobbold:
A unified approach to modeling the backscattered Doppler ultrasound from blood. 450-461 - K. Kirk Shung, Guy Cloutier, Chee C. Lim:
The effects of hematocrit, shear rate, and turbulence on ultrasonic Doppler spectrum from blood. 462-469 - Eric R. Lee, Tawna R. Wilsey, Peter Tarczy-Hornoch, Daniel S. Kapp, Peter Fessenden, Allen Lohrbach, Stavros D. Prionas:
Body conformable 915 MHz microstrip array applicators for large surface area hyperthermia. 470-483 - Shin-Tsu Lu, Dennis O. Brown, Clarion E. Johnson, Satnam P. Mathur, Edward C. Elson:
Abnormal cardiovascular responses induced by localized high power microwave exposure. 484-492 - Wassin Adnan Ali-Hassan, Gerald M. Saidel
, Dominique Durand
Estimation of electronic parameters of neurons using an inverse Fourier transform technique. 493-501 - Hitten P. Zaveri, William J. Williams, Leonidas D. Iasemidis, J. Chris Sackellares:
Time-frequency representation of electrocorticograms in temporal lobe epilepsy. 502-509 - Alan V. Sahakian
, Glenn A. Myers, Nicos Maglaveras:
Unidirectional block in cardiac fibers: effects of discontinuities in coupling resistance and spatial changes in resting membrane potential in a computer simulation study. 510-522 - Giovanni De Mercato, Francisco J. Garcia Sanchez
Correlation between low-frequency electric conductivity and permittivity in the diaphysis of bovine femoral bone. 523-526 - Alistair A. Young
, Peter J. Hunter
, Bruce H. Smaill:
Estimation of epicardial strain using the motions of coronary bifurcations in biplane cineangiography. 526-531 - Roger A. Wolthuis, David McCrae, Elric Saaski, James C. Hartl, Gordon Mitchell:
Development of a medical fiber-optic pH sensor based on optical absorption. 531-537
Volume 39, Number 6, 1992
- John C. Mosher, Paul S. Lewis, Richard M. Leahy:
Multiple dipole modeling and localization from spatio-temporal MEG data. 541-557 - Kensuke Sekihara, Yukiko Ogura, Masao Hotta:
Maximum-likelihood estimation of current-dipole parameters for data obtained using multichannel magnetometer. 558-562 - Erik A. Cheever, Kenneth R. Foster:
Microwave radiometry in living tissue: what does it measure? 563-568 - Hal S. Tharp, Robert B. Roemer:
Optimal power deposition with finite-sized, planar hyperthermia applicator arrays. 569-579 - Francesco Montecchia:
Microstrip-antenna design for hyperthermia treatment of superficial tumors. 580-588 - Philip R. Troyk, Martin A. K. Schwan:
Closed-loop class E transcutaneous power and data link for MicroImplants. 589-599 - Mohamad Sawan, Francois Duval, Magdy Hassouna, Jin-sheng Li, Mostafa M. Elhilali, Joel Lachance, Marc Leclair, Soheyl Pourmehdi, Jaouhar Mouine
Computerized transcutaneous control of a multichannel implantable urinary prosthesis. 600-609 - Anne E. Hines, Nell E. Owens, Patrick E. Crago:
Assessment of input-output properties and control of neuroprosthetic hand grasp. 610-623 - Christine R. Voorhees, William D. Voorhees III
, Leslie A. Geddes, Joe D. Bourland, Marvin Hinds:
The chronaxie for myocardium and motor nerve in the dog with chest-surface electrodes. 624-628 - Ofer Barnea
, Brian T. Smith, Stephen E. Dubin, Thomas W. Moore, Dov Jaron:
Optimal controller for intraaortic balloon pumping. 629-634 - David J. Edell, Vo Van Toi, Vincent M. McNeil, Lloyd D. Clark:
Factors influencing the biocompatibility of insertable silicon microshafts in cerebral cortex. 635-643 - Kenneth R. Lutchen, Andrew C. Jackson:
Confidence bounds on respiratory mechanical properties estimated from transfer versus input impedance in humans versus dogs. 644-651 - Padma Akkiraju, D. C. Reddy:
Adaptive cancellation technique in processing myoelectric activity of respiratory muscles. 652-655 - Masahisa Saburi, Masahiro Yamada, Yukifumi Shigematsu:
A multimicroelectrode system composed of independent glass micropipettes with an eccentric tip structure for simultaneous intracellular recording. 656-658 - M.-Z. Liu, D. A. Silvern, P. M. Gupte, M. A. Inchiosa Jr., V. Sanchala:
Development of a real-time algorithm for predicting sufentanil plasma levels during cardiopulmonary-bypass surgery, using a systems approach. 658-661
Volume 39, Number 7, 1992
- Jia-Zhu Wang, Samuel J. Williamson, Lloyd Kaufman:
Magnetic source images determined by a lead-field analysis: the unique minimum-norm least-squares estimation. 665-675 - Dean L. Derfus, Theo C. Pilkington:
Assessing the effect of uncertainty in intracavitary electrode position on endocardial potential estimates. 676-681 - David A. Ksienski:
A minimum profile uniform current density electrode. 682-692 - Karu Priyathama Esselle
, Maria A. Stuchly:
Neural stimulation with magnetic fields: analysis of induced electric fields. 693-700 - Kurt A. Kaczmarek, John G. Webster, Robert G. Radwin:
Maximal dynamic range electrotactile stimulation waveforms. 701-715 - S. Srinivasan, Robert E. Gander, Hugh C. Wood:
A movement pattern generator model using artificial neural networks. 716-722 - Amir F. Atiya
Recognition of multiunit neural signals. 723-729 - John C. Wood, Andrew J. Buda, Daniel T. Barry:
Time-frequency transforms: a new approach to first heart sound frequency dynamics. 730-740 - Ivaturi S. N. Murthy, G. S. S. Durga Prasad:
Analysis of ECG from pole-zero models. 741-751 - Gerald L. Cote, Martin D. Fox, Robert B. Northrop:
Noninvasive optical polarimetric glucose sensing using a true phase measurement technique. 752-756 - Eung Je Woo, Ping Hua, John G. Webster, Willis J. Tompkins:
Measuring lung resistivity using electrical impedance tomography. 756-760 - P. G. Madhavan:
Minimal repetition evoked potentials by modified adaptive line enhancement. 760-764
Volume 39, Number 8, 1992
- Clement Yu, Rob J. Roy, Howard Kaufman, B. Wayne Bequette:
Multiple-model adaptive predictive control of mean arterial pressure and cardiac output. 765-778 - Werner Waldhäusl, Paul Bratusch-Marrain, Martin Komjati, Felix Breitenecker, Inge Troch:
Blood glucose response to stress hormone exposure in healthy man and insulin dependent diabetic patients: prediction by computer modeling. 779-790 - Jan C. de Munck
, Peter C. M. Vijn, Fernando H. Lopes da Silva:
A random dipole model for spontaneous brain activity. 791-804 - Louis Lemieux
, Andre Leduc:
Equivalent source estimation based on the calculation of the electric field from depth EEG data. 805-817 - Paulo Costa Riberiro, Antonio C. Bruno, Pedro L. Saboia e Silva, Carlos R. Hall Barbosa, Eduardo Parente Ribeiro
, Elisabeth Costa Monteiro
, Ayres Fonseca Costa:
Detection of reentry currents in atrial flutter by magnetocardiography. 818-824 - Robert J. McGough, Emad S. Ebbini
, Charles A. Cain:
Direct computation of ultrasound phased-array driving signals from a specified temperature distribution for hyperthermia. 825-835 - Gregory T. Martin, Michel G. Haddad, Ernest G. Cravalho, H. Frederick Bowman:
Thermal model for the local microwave hyperthermia treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. 836-844 - Bryan J. James, Dennis M. Sullivan:
Direct use of CT scans for hyperthermia treatment planning. 845-851 - Margaret Cheney
, David Isaacson:
Distinguishability in impedance imaging. 852-860 - Guido Avanzolini, Paolo Barbini, Angelo Cappello:
Comparison of algorithms for tracking short-term changes in arterial circulation parameters. 861-867 - Youngcheol Park, K. Y. Lee, Dae Hee Youn, N. H. Kim, W. K. Kim, S. H. Park:
On detecting the presence of fetal R-wave using the moving averaged magnitude difference algorithm. 868-871 - Patrick E. Crago:
Muscle input-output model: the static dependence of force on length, recruitment, and firing period. 871-874 - David B. Geselowitz, Howard D. Simms Jr., Stephanie M. Smith, Fred Greensite:
Comments, with reply, on "Some imaging parameters of the oblique dipole layer cardiac generator derivable from body surface electrical potentials" by F. Greensite. 874-875
Volume 39, Number 9, 1992
- Gary T. Anderson, Jonathan W. Valvano, Ronald R. Santos:
Self-heated thermistor measurements of perfusion. 877-885 - David Lipson, Nicolas G. Loebel, Kevin D. McLeaster, Benjamin Liu:
Multifiber, multiwavelength, fiber optic fluorescence spectrophotometer. 886-892 - Gregory T. A. Kovacs, Christopher W. Storment, Joseph M. Rosen:
Regeneration microelectrode array for peripheral nerve recording and stimulation. 893-902 - Johannes J. Struijk
, Jan Holsheimer, Gerlof G. van der Heide, Herman B. K. Boom:
Recruitment of dorsal column fibers in spinal cord stimulation: influence of collateral branching. 903-912 - Patrick D. Wolf, Anthony S. L. Tang, Raymond E. Ideker, Theo C. Pilkington:
Calculating endocardial potentials from epicardial potentials measured during external stimulation. 913-920 - Geok A. Tan, Friedemann Brauer, Gerhard Stroink, Christopher John Purcell:
The effect of measurement conditions on MCG inverse solutions. 921-927 - David B. Geselowtiz, Quynh T. N. Hoang, Roger P. Gaumond:
The effects of metals on a transcutaneous energy transmission system. 928-934 - Charles W. Jr. Manry, Shira L. Broschat, Chung-Kwang Chou, John A. McDougall:
An eccentrically coated asymmetric antenna applicator for intracavitary hyperthermia treatment of cancer. 935-942 - Diego Liberati, Stefano DiCorrado, Stefano Mandelli:
Topographic mapping of single sweep evoked potentials in the brain. 943-951 - Isak Gath, Claude Feuerstein, Dinh Tuan Pham, Gerard Rondouin:
On the tracking of rapid dynamic changes in seizure EEG. 952-958 - Sanjeev Tavathia, Rangaraj Mandayam Rangayyan, Cyril B. Frank, Gordon Douglas Bell, Katherine O. Ladly, Yuan-Ting Zhang
Analysis of knee vibration signals using linear prediction. 959-970 - Yuan-Ting Zhang
, Cyril B. Frank, Rangaraj Mandayam Rangayyan, Gordon Douglas Bell:
Mathematical modeling and spectrum analysis of the physiological patello-femoral pulse train produced by slow knee movement. 971-979 - Stephen B. Connor, Timothy J. Quill, James R. Jacobs:
Accuracy of drug infusion pumps under computer control. 980-982 - K. F. Pitsillides, J. D. Symons, J. C. Longhurst:
Biotelemetry of cardiovascular hemodynamic measurements in miniswine. 982-986 - Jan Casper de Munck
A linear discretization of the volume conductor boundary integral equation using analytically integrated elements (electrophysiology application). 986-990 - J.-S. Lin, C.-C. Tai, C.-W. Mao, C.-J. Jen, Kuo-Sheng Cheng:
A PC-based imaging system for automated platelet identification. 990-993
Volume 39, Number 10, 1992
- Warren E. Smith:
Estimation of the spatio-temporal correlations of biological electrical sources from their magnetic fields. 997-1004 - Bharati Kothapalli:
Origin of changes in the epigastric impedance signal as determined by a three-dimensional model. 1005-1010 - Kenneth S. Ginsburg, James C. Lin, William D. O'Neill:
Microwave effects on input resistance and action potential firing of snail neurons. 1011-1021 - Gepffrey K. Aldis, Rosemary S. Thompson:
Calculation of Doppler spectral power density functions. 1022-1031 - Paolo Laguna
, Raimon Jané
, Olivier Meste
, Peter W. Poon, Pere Caminal, Hervé Rix, Nitish V. Thakor
Adaptive filter for event-related bioelectric signals using an impulse correlated reference input: comparison with signal averaging techniques. 1032-1044 - Yuan-Ting Zhang
, Cyril B. Frank, Rangaraj Mandayam Rangayyan, Gordon Douglas Bell:
A comparative study of simultaneous vibromyography and electromyography with active human quadriceps. 1045-1052 - George R. Wodicka, Andres Aguirre, Paul D. DeFrain, Daniel C. Shannon:
Phase delay of pulmonary acoustic transmission from trachea to chest wall. 1053-1059 - Hao Ying, Michael McEachern, Donald W. Eddleman, Louis C. Sheppard:
Fuzzy control of mean arterial pressure in postsurgical patients with sodium nitroprusside infusion. 1060-1070 - Gyu-In Jee, Rob J. Roy:
Adaptive control of multiplexed closed-circuit anesthesia. 1071-1080 - Rory B. Martin, Kok Lay Teo:
A worst-case optimal parameter selection model of cancer chemotherapy. 1081-1085 - Tracy L. Wonnell, Paul R. Stauffer
, Jonathan J. Langberg:
Evaluation of microwave and radio frequency catheter ablation in a myocardium-equivalent phantom model. 1086-1095 - Suzushi Nishimura
, Yutaka Tomita, Toshio Horiuchi:
Clinical application of an active electrode using an operational amplifier. 1096-1099
Volume 39, Number 11, 1992
- Jeffrey L. Duerk
, S. M. Teague, Brian Lawler:
A physiologic regurgitant cardiac valve phantom for magnetic resonance imaging or color Doppler ultrasound study. 1101-1110 - Ilmar A. Hein, William D. O'Brien Jr.:
A flexible blood flow phantom capable of independently producing constant and pulsatile flow with a predictable spatial flow profile for ultrasound flow measurement validations. 1111-1122 - Sherry J. Carter, Cynthia J. Linker, Teri Turkle-Huslig, Lorn L. Howard:
Comparison of impedance at the microelectrode-saline and microelectrode-culture medium interface. 1123-1129 - Shen Luo, Valtino X. Afonso, John G. Webster, Willis J. Tompkins:
The electrode system in impedance-based ventilation measurement. 1130-1141 - Béla Suki, Kenneth R. Lutchen:
Pseudorandom signals to estimate apparent transfer and coherence functions of nonlinear systems: applications to respiratory mechanics. 1142-1151 - Claire D. Koch, Reinhard A. Palovcik, Basim M. Uthman, José C. Príncipe:
Chaotic activity during iron-induced 'epileptiform' discharge in rat hippocampal slices. 1152-1160 - Jean-Noel Helal, Philippe Bouissou:
The spatial integration effect of surface electrode detecting myoelectric signal. 1161-1167 - Paul Ducheyne, Lisa Yost Ellis, Solomon R. Pollack, David Pienkowski, John M. Cuckler:
Field distributions in the rat tibia with and without a porous implant during electrical stimulation: a parameteric modeling. 1168-1178 - Bin He
, Richard J. Cohen:
Body surface Laplacian ECG mapping. 1179-1191 - Dean L. Derfus, Theo C. Pilkington, Edward W. Simpson, Raymond E. Ideker:
A comparison of measured and calculated intracavitary potentials for electrical stimuli in the exposed dog heart. 1192-1206 - Peter J. Basser, Ranjith S. Wijesinghe, Bradley J. Roth:
The activating function for magnetic stimulation derived from a three-dimensional volume conductor model. 1207-1210
Volume 39, Number 12, 1992
- J. Bart MacNeil, Robert E. Kearney
, Ian W. Hunter:
Identification of time-varying biological systems from ensemble data (joint dynamics application). 1213-1225 - Robert L. Galloway Jr., Robert J. Maciunas, Charles A. Edwards II:
Interactive image-guided neurosurgery. 1226-1231 - Herve Hogues, L. Joshua Leon, Fernand A. Roberge:
A model study of electric field interactions between cardiac myocytes. 1232-1243 - Eduardo N. Warman, Warren M. Grill, Dominique M. Durand
Modeling the effects of electric fields on nerve fibers: Determination of excitation thresholds. 1244-1254 - Maciej J. Sowinski, Peter M. van den Berg
A three-dimensional iterative scheme for an electromagnetic inductive applicator. 1255-1264 - J. Kyle Potocki, Hal S. Tharp:
Reduced-order modeling for hyperthermia control. 1265-1273 - Toshiyo Tamura
, Kazuhiko Sato, Tatsuo Togawa:
Ambulatory oxygen uptake measurement system. 1274-1282 - S. P. Srinivas, David M. Maurice:
A microfluorometer for measuring diffusion of fluorophores across the cornea. 1283-1291 - Torbjorn Johansson, Masoud Abbasi, Robert J. Huber, Richard A. Normann:
A three-dimensional architecture for a parallel processing photosensing array (silicon retina application). 1292-1297 - Subrata Saha, Paul Allen Williams
Electric and dielectric properties of wet human cortical bone as a function of frequency. 1298-1304 - Isaac N. Bankman, Vincent G. Sigillito, Robert A. Wise
, Philip L. Smith:
Feature-based detection of the K-complex wave in the human electroencephalogram using neural networks. 1305-1310 - Carmelo J. Felice, Max E. Valentinuzzi, Maria I. Vercellone, Rossana Elena Madrid
Impedance bacteriometry: medium and interface contributions during bacterial growth. 1310-1313 - Ross Wagner, Henrietta L. Galiana:
Evaluation of three template matching algorithms for registering images of the eye. 1313-1319 - Mark Shelhamer:
Correlation dimension of optokinetic nystagmus as evidence of chaos in the oculomotor system. 1319-1321 - Mark J. Hagmann:
Comments, with reply, on "Numerical simulation" of annular-phased arrays of dipoles for hyperthermia of deep-seated tumors by J.-Y. Chen and O.P. Gandhi. 1322-1324

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