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Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 107
Volume 107, Number 1, January 2019
- H. Joel Trussell
The Best Job in the IEEE. 3-4 - Dmitri Maslov
, Yun Seong Nam, Jungsang Kim:
An Outlook for Quantum Computing [Point of View]. 5-10 - Sankar Basu, Randal E. Bryant, Giovanni De Micheli
, Thomas N. Theis, Lloyd Whitman
Nonsilicon, Non-von Neumann Computing - Part I [Scanning the Issue]. 11-18 - Mohamed M. Sabry Aly
, Tony F. Wu
, Andrew Bartolo, Yash H. Malviya, William Hwang
, Gage Hills
, Igor L. Markov
, Mary Wootters
, Max M. Shulaker
, H.-S. Philip Wong
, Subhasish Mitra
The N3XT Approach to Energy-Efficient Abundant-Data Computing. 19-48 - Justin C. Wong, Sayeef S. Salahuddin
Negative Capacitance Transistors. 49-62 - Douglas M. Carmean, Luis Ceze
, Georg Seelig, Kendall Stewart, Karin Strauss, Max Willsey
DNA Data Storage and Hybrid Molecular-Electronic Computing. 63-72 - Arijit Raychowdhury
, Abhinav Parihar
, Gus Henry Smith, Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, György Csaba
, Matthew Jerry
, Wolfgang Porod, Suman Datta
Computing With Networks of Oscillatory Dynamical Systems. 73-89 - Naresh R. Shanbhag
, Naveen Verma, Yongjune Kim
, Ameya D. Patil, Lav R. Varshney
Shannon-Inspired Statistical Computing for the Nanoscale Era. 90-107 - Wilfried Haensch
, Tayfun Gokmen, Ruchir Puri:
The Next Generation of Deep Learning Hardware: Analog Computing. 108-122 - Abbas Rahimi
, Pentti Kanerva, Luca Benini
, Jan M. Rabaey
Efficient Biosignal Processing Using Hyperdimensional Computing: Network Templates for Combined Learning and Classification of ExG Signals. 123-143 - Alexander Neckar
, Sam Fok, Ben Varkey Benjamin, Terrence C. Stewart, Nick N. Oza
, Aaron R. Voelker, Chris Eliasmith, Rajit Manohar
, Kwabena Boahen:
Braindrop: A Mixed-Signal Neuromorphic Architecture With a Dynamical Systems-Based Programming Model. 144-164 - Eleonora Testa
, Mathias Soeken
, Luca Gaetano Amarù, Giovanni De Micheli
Logic Synthesis for Established and Emerging Computing. 165-184 - Jason Cong
, Zhenman Fang
, Muhuan Huang
, Peng Wei
, Di Wu, Cody Hao Yu
Customizable Computing - From Single Chip to Datacenters. 185-203 - Gerhard P. Fettweis
, Meik Dorpinghaus
, Jerónimo Castrillón
, Akash Kumar
, Christel Baier
, Karlheinz Bock
, Frank Ellinger, Andreas Fery, Frank H. P. Fitzek
, Hermann Härtig, Kambiz Jamshidi
, Thomas Kissinger
, Wolfgang Lehner
, Michael Mertig
, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Giang T. Nguyen
, Dirk Plettemeier, Michael Schröter, Thorsten Strufe:
Architecture and Advanced Electronics Pathways Toward Highly Adaptive Energy- Efficient Computing. 204-231 - Julie Cohn
When the grid was the grid: the history of north america's brief coast-to-coast interconnected machine [scanning our past]. 232-243
Volume 107, Number 2, February 2019
- Ravinder Dahiya
E-Skin: From Humanoids to Humans. 247-252 - Meryem Simsek
, Gerhard P. Fettweis, Chih-Lin I:
Scanning the Issue. 253-255 - Oliver Holland
, Eckehard G. Steinbach
, R. Venkatesha Prasad
, Qian Liu
, Zaher Dawy
, Adnan Aijaz
, Nikolaos Pappas
, Kishor Chandra Joshi
, Vijay S. Rao
, Sharief Oteafy
, Mohamad A. Eid
, Mark A. Luden
, Amit Bhardwaj
, Xun Liu
, Joachim Sachs
, José Araújo:
The IEEE 1918.1 "Tactile Internet" Standards Working Group and its Standards. 256-279 - Xiaolin Jiang
, Hossein Shokri Ghadikolaei
, Gábor Fodor
, Eytan H. Modiano, Zhibo Pang
, Michele Zorzi
, Carlo Fischione
Low-Latency Networking: Where Latency Lurks and How to Tame It. 280-306 - Chong Li
, Chih-Ping Li, Kianoush Hosseini
, Soo Bum Lee
, Jing Jiang, Wanshi Chen
, Gavin Horn, Tingfang Ji, John E. Smee, Junyi Li
5G-Based Systems Design for Tactile Internet. 307-324 - Joachim Sachs
, Lars A. A. Andersson
, José Araújo, Calin Curescu, Johan Lundsjö, Göran Rune, Eckehard G. Steinbach
, Gustav Wikström
Adaptive 5G Low-Latency Communication for Tactile InternEt Services. 325-349 - Juan A. Cabrera
, Robert-Steve Schmoll, Giang T. Nguyen
, Sreekrishna Pandi
, Frank H. P. Fitzek
Softwarization and Network Coding in the Mobile Edge Cloud for the Tactile Internet. 350-363 - Sharief M. A. Oteafy
, Hossam S. Hassanein
Leveraging Tactile Internet Cognizance and Operation via IoT and Edge Technologies. 364-375 - Kwang Soon Kim
, Dong Ku Kim
, Chan-Byoung Chae
, Sunghyun Choi
, Young-Chai Ko
, Jonghyun Kim
, Yeon-Geun Lim
, Minho Yang
, Sundo Kim
, Byungju Lim, Kwanghoon Lee, Kyung Lin Ryu:
Ultrareliable and Low-Latency Communication Techniques for Tactile Internet Services. 376-393 - Meryem Simsek
, Tom Hößler
, Eduard A. Jorswieck
, Henrik Klessig
, Gerhard P. Fettweis
Multiconnectivity in Multicellular, Multiuser Systems: A Matching- Based Approach. 394-413 - Adnan Aijaz
, Mahesh Sooriyabandara:
The Tactile Internet for Industries: A Review. 414-435 - Falko Dressler
, Florian Klingler
, Michele Segata
, Renato Lo Cigno
Cooperative Driving and the Tactile Internet. 436-446 - Eckehard G. Steinbach
, Matti Strese
, Mohamad A. Eid
, Xun Liu
, Amit Bhardwaj
, Qian Liu
, Mohammad Al Ja'afreh
, Toktam Mahmoodi
, Rania Hassen, Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik
, Oliver Holland
Haptic Codecs for the Tactile Internet. 447-470 - Sami Haddadin
, Lars Johannsmeier
, Fernando Diaz Ledezma:
Tactile Robots as a Central Embodiment of the Tactile Internet. 471-487 - Alexander B. Magoun:
Why Frankenstein Became Electric. 488-498
Volume 107, Number 3, March 2019
- Jean-François Bonnefon
, Azim Shariff, Iyad Rahwan:
The Trolley, the Bull Bar, and Why Engineers Should Care About the Ethics of Autonomous Cars. 502-504 - Wendell Wallach, Gary E. Marchant:
Toward the Agile and Comprehensive International Governance of AI and Robotics. 505-508 - Alan F. T. Winfield
, Katina Michael
, Jeremy Pitt, Vanessa Evers:
Machine Ethics: The Design and Governance of Ethical AI and Autonomous Systems. 509-517 - Greg Adamson
, John C. Havens, Raja G. Chatila
Designing a Value-Driven Future for Ethical Autonomous and Intelligent Systems. 518-525 - Michael Anderson
, Susan Leigh Anderson, Vincent Berenz
A Value-Driven Eldercare Robot: Virtual and Physical Instantiations of a Case-Supported Principle-Based Behavior Paradigm. 526-540 - Paul Bremner
, Louise A. Dennis
, Michael Fisher
, Alan F. T. Winfield
On Proactive, Transparent, and Verifiable Ethical Reasoning for Robots. 541-561 - Stephen Cave
, Rune Nyrup
, Karina Vold
, Adrian Weller
Motivations and Risks of Machine Ethics. 562-574 - Arisa Ema
, Hirotaka Osawa
, Reina Saijo, Akinori Kubo, Takushi Otani, Hiromitsu Hattori, Naonori Akiya, Nobutsugu Kanzaki, Minao Kukita, Kazunori Komatani
, Ryutaro Ichise:
Clarifying Privacy, Property, and Power: Case Study on Value Conflict Between Communities. 575-581 - Lindsay J. Robertson
, Roba Abbas
, Gürsel Alici
, Albert Munoz
, Katina Michael
Engineering-Based Design Methodology for Embedding Ethics in Autonomous Robots. 582-599 - Sarah Spiekermann, Jana Korunovska
, Marc Langheinrich
Inside the Organization: Why Privacy and Security Engineering Is a Challenge for Engineers. 600-615 - Jana Horáková
, Jiri Mucha:
computer graphic re-visited: the virtual reconstruction of one of the first computer art exhibitions [scanning our past]. 616-629
Volume 107, Number 4, April 2019
- Ralf Steinmetz
, Ioannis Stavrakakis
, Christian Esteve Rothenberg
, Boris Koldehofe
Adaptive and Scalable Communication Networks [Scanning the Issue]. 635-638 - Michael Zink
, Ramesh K. Sitaraman
, Klara Nahrstedt
Scalable 360° Video Stream Delivery: Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities. 639-650 - Xiuquan Qiao, Pei Ren
, Schahram Dustdar
, Ling Liu, Huadong Ma, Junliang Chen:
Web AR: A Promising Future for Mobile Augmented Reality - State of the Art, Challenges, and Insights. 651-666 - Paarijaat Aditya, Istemi Ekin Akkus, Andre Beck, Ruichuan Chen, Volker Hilt, Ivica Rimac
, Klaus Satzke, Manuel Stein:
Will Serverless Computing Revolutionize NFV? 667-678 - Florian Metzger
, Tobias Hoßfeld, André Bauer
, Samuel Kounev, Poul E. Heegaard
Modeling of Aggregated IoT Traffic and Its Application to an IoT Cloud. 679-694 - Amr H. El Mougy
, Ismael Al-Shiab
, Mohamed Ibnkahla:
Scalable Personalized IoT Networks. 695-710 - Wolfgang Kellerer
, Patrick Kalmbach, Andreas Blenk
, Arsany Basta, Martin Reisslein
, Stefan Schmid
Adaptable and Data-Driven Softwarized Networks: Review, Opportunities, and Challenges. 711-731 - Claudio Fiandrino
, Hany Assasa
, Paolo Casari
, Joerg Widmer
Scaling Millimeter-Wave Networks to Dense Deployments and Dynamic Environments. 732-745 - Leonardo Linguaglossa, Stanislav Lange, Salvatore Pontarelli
, Gábor Rétvári, Dario Rossi, Thomas Zinner, Roberto Bifulco
, Michael Jarschel, Giuseppe Bianchi:
Survey of Performance Acceleration Techniques for Network Function Virtualization. 746-764 - Haewon Jeong
, Pulkit Grover
Energy-Adaptive Error Correcting for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Networks. 765-777 - Tianyi Chen, Sergio Barbarossa
, Xin Wang
, Georgios B. Giannakis
, Zhi-Li Zhang:
Learning and Management for Internet of Things: Accounting for Adaptivity and Scalability. 778-796 - Jörg Liebeherr, Majid Valipour, Tony Yu Zhao:
Elements of Application-Layer Internetworking for Adaptive Self-Organizing Networks. 797-818 - Simon Dobson
, David Hutchison
, Andreas Mauthe
, Alberto E. Schaeffer Filho
, Paul Smith, James P. G. Sterbenz:
Self-Organization and Resilience for Networked Systems: Design Principles and Open Research Issues. 819-834 - Bastian Alt
, Markus Weckesser, Christian Becker, Matthias Hollick
, Sounak Kar
, Anja Klein, Robin Klose, Roland Kluge
, Heinz Koeppl, Boris Koldehofe
, Wasiur R. KhudaBukhsh
, Manisha Luthra, Mahdi Mousavi, Max Mühlhäuser, Martin Pfannemüller
, Amr Rizk, Andy Schürr, Ralf Steinmetz
Transitions: A Protocol-Independent View of the Future Internet. 835-846 - Alexander B. Magoun:
Jim Brittain and the Allure of Electrical History [Scanning our Past]. 847-855
Volume 107, Number 5, May 2019
- Ian F. Akyildiz, Massimiliano Pierobon
, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam
Moving Forward With Molecular Communication: From Theory to Human Health Applications. 858-865 - Ian F. Akyildiz, Massimiliano Pierobon, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam
, Jiankang Zhang, Taihai Chen, Shida Zhong, Jingjing Wang, Wenbo Zhang, Xin Zuo, Robert G. Maunder, Lajos Hanzo, Jiayu Chen, Jingyu Liu, Vince D. Calhoun
, Alexander B. Magoun:
Scanning the Issue. 866-867 - Jiankang Zhang
, Taihai Chen
, Shida Zhong
, Jingjing Wang
, Wenbo Zhang, Xin Zuo, Robert G. Maunder
, Lajos Hanzo
Aeronautical $Ad~Hoc$ Networking for the Internet-Above-the-Clouds. 868-911 - Jiayu Chen
, Jingyu Liu
, Vince D. Calhoun
Translational Potential of Neuroimaging Genomic Analyses to Diagnosis and Treatment in Mental Disorders. 912-927 - Alexander B. Magoun:
The Electrical Engineer Who Clarified Glass. 928-932
Volume 107, Number 6, June 2019
- Stefano Vitturi
, Thilo Sauter
, Zhibo Pang
Real-Time Networks and Protocols for Factory Automation and Process Control Systems. 939-943 - Stefano Vitturi
, Claudio Zunino
, Thilo Sauter
Industrial Communication Systems and Their Future Challenges: Next-Generation Ethernet, IIoT, and 5G. 944-961 - Max Felser
, Markus Rentschler, Oliver Kleineberg
Coexistence Standardization of Operation Technology and Information Technology. 962-976 - Ines Alvarez Vadillo
, Alberto Ballesteros
, Manuel Barranco
, David Gessner
, Sinisa Djerasevic
, Julián Proenza
Fault Tolerance in Highly Reliable Ethernet-Based Industrial Systems. 977-1010 - Nikolaus Kerö
, Andreas Puhm
, Thomas Kernen
, Anton Mroczkowski
Performance and Reliability Aspects of Clock Synchronization Techniques for Industrial Automation. 1011-1026 - Federico Tramarin
, Aloysius K. Mok
, Song Han
Real-Time and Reliable Industrial Control Over Wireless LANs: Algorithms, Protocols, and Future Directions. 1027-1052 - Wei Liang
, Meng Zheng
, Jialin Zhang, Huaguang Shi, Haibin Yu
, Yutuo Yang, Shuai Liu, Wenhua Yang, Xuefeng Zhao:
WIA-FA and Its Applications to Digital Factory: A Wireless Network Solution for Factory Automation. 1053-1073 - Michele Luvisotto
, Zhibo Pang
, Dacfey Dzung
High-Performance Wireless Networks for Industrial Control Applications: New Targets and Feasibility. 1074-1093 - Lucia Lo Bello
, Wilfried Steiner
A Perspective on IEEE Time-Sensitive Networking for Industrial Communication and Automation Systems. 1094-1120 - Dietmar Bruckner
, Marius-Petru Stanica, Richard Blair, Sebastian Schriegel
, Stephan Kehrer
, Maik G. Seewald, Thilo Sauter
An Introduction to OPC UA TSN for Industrial Communication Systems. 1121-1131 - Dave Cavalcanti
, Javier Perez-Ramirez, Mohammad Mamunur Rashid, Juan Fang, Mikhail Galeev, Kevin B. Stanton:
Extending Accurate Time Distribution and Timeliness Capabilities Over the Air to Enable Future Wireless Industrial Automation Systems. 1132-1152 - Xavier Vilajosana
, Thomas Watteyne
, Malisa Vucinic
, Tengfei Chang
, Kristofer S. J. Pister
6TiSCH: Industrial Performance for IPv6 Internet-of-Things Networks. 1153-1165 - Yongkang Liu
, Mohamed Kashef
, Kang B. Lee, Lotfi Benmohamed, Richard Candell
Wireless Network Design for Emerging IIoT Applications: Reference Framework and Use Cases. 1166-1192 - Gang Wang
, Mark Nixon, Mike Boudreaux
Toward Cloud-Assisted Industrial IoT Platform for Large-Scale Continuous Condition Monitoring. 1193-1205 - Donald F. McLean
Seeing Across Oceans: John Logie Baird's 1928 Trans-Atlantic Television Demonstration. 1206-1218
Volume 107, Number 7, July 2019
- Gabor C. Temes
Thoughts on Engineering Creativity [Point of View]. 1223-1226 - Ian F. Akyildiz
, Massimiliano Pierobon
, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam
Molecular Communications and Networking [Scanning the Issue]. 1227-1229 - Ian F. Akyildiz
, Massimiliano Pierobon
, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam
An Information Theoretic Framework to Analyze Molecular Communication Systems Based on Statistical Mechanics. 1230-1255 - Vahid Jamali
, Arman Ahmadzadeh
, Wayan Wicke
, Adam Noel
, Robert Schober:
Channel Modeling for Diffusive Molecular Communication - A Tutorial Review. 1256-1301 - Murat Kuscu
, Ergin Dinc
, Bilgesu Arif Bilgin
, Hamideh Ramezani
, Özgür B. Akan:
Transmitter and Receiver Architectures for Molecular Communications: A Survey on Physical Design With Modulation, Coding, and Detection Techniques. 1302-1341 - Christopher Rose
, Ismat Saira Mian, Mustafa Ozmen
Capacity Bounds on Point-to-Point Communication Using Molecules. 1342-1355 - Tramy Nguyen, Timothy S. Jones, Pedro Fontanarrosa
, Jeanet V. Mante
, Zach Zundel
, Douglas Densmore
, Chris J. Myers
Design of Asynchronous Genetic Circuits. 1356-1368 - Cameron McBride
, Rushina Shah, Domitilla Del Vecchio
The Effect of Loads in Molecular Communications. 1369-1386 - Josep Miquel Jornet
, Yongho Bae
, Christopher Raymond Handelmann, Brandon Decker, Anna Balcerak
, Amit Sangwan
, Pei Miao
, Aesha Desai, Liang Feng, Ewa K. Stachowiak, Michal K. Stachowiak
Optogenomic Interfaces: Bridging Biological Networks With the Electronic Digital World. 1387-1401 - Eun-Kyoung Kim
, Jinyang Li
, Mijeong Kang, Deanna L. Kelly, Shuo Chen, Alessandra Napolitano
, Lucia Panzella
, Xiaowen Shi, Kun Yan, Si Wu, Jana Shen, William E. Bentley, Gregory F. Payne
Redox Is a Global Biodevice Information Processing Modality. 1402-1424 - Mladen Veletic
, Ilangko Balasingham:
Synaptic Communication Engineering for Future Cognitive Brain-Machine Interfaces. 1425-1441 - Tadashi Nakano
, Yutaka Okaie
, Shouhei Kobayashi, Takahiro Hara
, Yasushi Hiraoka
, Tokuko Haraguchi
Methods and Applications of Mobile Molecular Communication. 1442-1456 - Lillian Hoddeson
, Peter Garrett, Guy Wicker:
Stanford Ovshinsky and the Genesis of the Cognitive Computer. 1457-1463
Volume 107, Number 8, August 2019
- Amit Zoran
Cooking With Computers: The Vision of Digital Gastronomy [Point of View]. 1467-1473 - Weisong Shi, George Pallis, Zhiwei Xu:
Edge Computing [Scanning the Issue]. 1474-1481 - Zeyi Tao
, Qi Xia, Zijiang Hao, Cheng Li
, Lele Ma
, Shanhe Yi, Qun Li:
A Survey of Virtual Machine Management in Edge Computing. 1482-1499 - An Wang
, Zili Zha, Yang Guo, Songqing Chen:
Software-Defined Networking Enhanced Edge Computing: A Network-Centric Survey. 1500-1519 - Christos Tsigkanos
, Ilir Murturi
, Schahram Dustdar
Dependable Resource Coordination on the Edge at Runtime. 1520-1536 - Fang Liu
, Guoming Tang
, Youhuizi Li
, Zhiping Cai
, Xingzhou Zhang
, Tongqing Zhou:
A Survey on Edge Computing Systems and Tools. 1537-1562 - Lu Chao
, Xiaohui Peng
, Zhiwei Xu, Lei Zhang:
Ecosystem of Things: Hardware, Software, and Architecture. 1563-1583 - Li Lin
, Xiaofei Liao
, Hai Jin
, Peng Li
Computation Offloading Toward Edge Computing. 1584-1607 - Yinhao Xiao
, Yizhen Jia, Chun-Chi Liu
, Xiuzhen Cheng
, Jiguo Yu
, Weifeng Lv:
Edge Computing Security: State of the Art and Challenges. 1608-1631 - Fang-Yu Rao
, Elisa Bertino
Privacy Techniques for Edge Computing Systems. 1632-1654 - Jiasi Chen
, Xukan Ran:
Deep Learning With Edge Computing: A Review. 1655-1674 - Qingyang Zhang
, Hui Sun, Xiaopei Wu, Hong Zhong
Edge Video Analytics for Public Safety: A Review. 1675-1696 - Shaoshan Liu
, Liangkai Liu, Jie Tang, Bo Yu
, Yifan Wang, Weisong Shi
Edge Computing for Autonomous Driving: Opportunities and Challenges. 1697-1716 - Mohammed Saad ElBamby
, Cristina Perfecto
, Chen-Feng Liu
, Jihong Park
, Sumudu Samarakoon
, Xianfu Chen
, Mehdi Bennis
Wireless Edge Computing With Latency and Reliability Guarantees. 1717-1737 - Zhi Zhou
, Xu Chen
, En Li
, Liekang Zeng
, Ke Luo
, Junshan Zhang
Edge Intelligence: Paving the Last Mile of Artificial Intelligence With Edge Computing. 1738-1762 - Bernd Ulmann
Analog Computer Development in Germany With a Focus on Telefunken [Scanning Our Past]. 1763-1771
Volume 107, Number 9, September 2019
- Claudio A. Cañizares, Jatin Nathwani, Daniel M. Kammen:
Electricity for All: Issues, Challenges, and Solutions for Energy-Disadvantaged Communities [Scanning the Issue]. 1775-1779 - Jatin Nathwani
, Daniel M. Kammen
Affordable Energy for Humanity: A Global Movement to Support Universal Clean Energy Access. 1780-1789 - Taha Selim Ustun, S. M. Suhail Hussain
, Hannes Kirchhoff
, Bissan Ghaddar
, Kai Strunz, Ioannis Lestas:
Data Standardization for Smart Infrastructure in First-Access Electricity Systems. 1790-1802 - Jonathan T. Lee
, Jordan Freitas
, Isa L. Ferrall
, Daniel M. Kammen
, Eric A. Brewer
, Duncan S. Callaway:
Review and Perspectives on Data Sharing and Privacy in Expanding Electricity Access. 1803-1819 - Gwen P. Holdmann, Richard W. Wies
, Jeremy B. Vandermeer
Renewable Energy Integration in Alaska's Remote Islanded Microgrids: Economic Drivers, Technical Strategies, Technological Niche Development, and Policy Implications. 1820-1837 - Indrajit Das, Claudio A. Cañizares:
Renewable Energy Integration in Diesel-Based Microgrids at the Canadian Arctic. 1838-1856 - Rodrigo Palma-Behnke
, Guillermo A. Jimenez-Estevez
, Doris Sáez, Marcia Montedonico, Patricio A. Mendoza-Araya
, Roberto Hernández, Carlos Muñoz Poblete
Lowering Electricity Access Barriers by Means of Participative Processes Applied to Microgrid Solutions: The Chilean Case. 1857-1871 - Pedro Ciller, Douglas Ellman, Claudio R. Vergara, Andrés González-García, Stephen J. Lee, Cailinn Drouin, Matthew Brusnahan, Yael Borofsky, Carlos Mateo
, Reja Amatya, Rafael Palacios
, Robert Stoner, Fernando de Cuadra
, Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga
Optimal Electrification Planning Incorporating On- and Off-Grid Technologies: The Reference Electrification Model (REM). 1872-1905 - Juan Pablo Carvallo, Jay Taneja, Duncan S. Callaway, Daniel M. Kammen
Distributed Resources Shift Paradigms on Power System Design, Planning, and Operation: An Application of the GAP Model. 1906-1922 - Philipp Blechinger
, Catherina Cader
, Paul Bertheau:
Least-Cost Electrification Modeling and Planning - A Case Study for Five Nigerian Federal States. 1923-1940 - Anna Clements, Scot Wheeler
, Alison Mohr
, Malcolm McCulloch
The Service Value Method for Design of Energy Access Systems in the Global South. 1941-1966 - Abubakr S. Bahaj
, Patrick A. B. James
Electrical Minigrids for Development: Lessons From the Field. 1967-1980 - Alberto Berizzi
, Maurizio Delfanti, Davide Falabretti
, Stefano Mandelli
, Marco Merlo
Electrification Processes in Developing Countries: Grid Expansion, Microgrids, and Regulatory Framework. 1981-1994 - Madalsa Singh
, Patil Balachandra
Microhybrid Electricity System for Energy Access, Livelihoods, and Empowerment. 1995-2007
Volume 107, Number 10, October 2019
- Ravinder Dahiya
, Deji Akinwande, Joseph S. Chang
Flexible Electronic Skin: From Humanoids to Humans. 2011-2015 - Ravinder Dahiya
, Nivasan Yogeswaran, Fengyuan Liu
, Libu Manjakkal, Etienne Burdet
, Vincent Hayward
, Henrik Jörntell
Large-Area Soft e-Skin: The Challenges Beyond Sensor Designs. 2016-2033 - Gordon Cheng
, Emmanuel C. Dean-Leon
, Florian Bergner
, Julio Rogelio Guadarrama-Olvera
, Quentin Leboutet
, Philipp Mittendorfer:
A Comprehensive Realization of Robot Skin: Sensors, Sensing, Control, and Applications. 2034-2051 - Mark M. Iskarous
, Nitish V. Thakor:
E-Skins: Biomimetic Sensing and Encoding for Upper Limb Prostheses. 2052-2064 - Sanghun Jeon
, Soo-Chul Lim
, Tran Quang Trung
, Minhyun Jung, Nae-Eung Lee
Flexible Multimodal Sensors for Electronic Skin: Principle, Materials, Device, Array Architecture, and Data Acquisition Method. 2065-2083 - Chen Jiang
, Xiang Cheng
, Arokia Nathan
Flexible Ultralow-Power Sensor Interfaces for E-Skin. 2084-2105 - Joseph S. Chang
, Tong Ge
A Fully Additive Low-Temperature All-Air Low-Variation Printed/Flexible Electronics With Self-Compensation for Bending: Codesign From Materials, Design, Fabrication, and Applications. 2106-2117 - R. D. I. G. Dharmasena
, K. D. G. I. Jayawardena, Zakaria Saadi
, Xuhui Yao
, R. M. I. Bandara, Yunlong Zhao
, S. Ravi P. Silva
Energy Scavenging and Powering E-Skin Functional Devices. 2118-2136 - Kilho Yu
, Steven Rich, Sunghoon Lee
, Kenjiro Fukuda, Tomoyuki Yokota, Takao Someya
Organic Photovoltaics: Toward Self-Powered Wearable Electronics. 2137-2154 - Kuniharu Takei
, Wei Gao
, Chuan Wang
, Ali Javey
Physical and Chemical Sensing With Electronic Skin. 2155-2167 - Jiong Yang
, Wenlong Cheng
, Kourosh Kalantar-Zadeh
Electronic Skins Based on Liquid Metals. 2168-2184 - Seungki Hong, Sangkyu Lee, Dae-Hyeong Kim
Materials and Design Strategies of Stretchable Electrodes for Electronic Skin and its Applications. 2185-2197 - Alexander B. Magoun
Corrections to "Jim Brittain and the Allure of Electrical History". 2198
Volume 107, Number 11, November 2019
- Jihong Park, Sumudu Samarakoon, Mehdi Bennis, Mérouane Debbah, Andrea Conti, Santiago Mazuelas, Stefania Bartoletti, William C. Lindsey, Moe Z. Win, Yueping Zhang, Junfa Mao, Peter M. Grant, John S. Thompson:
Scanning the Issue. 2202-2203 - Jihong Park
, Sumudu Samarakoon
, Mehdi Bennis
, Mérouane Debbah:
Wireless Network Intelligence at the Edge. 2204-2239 - Andrea Conti
, Santiago Mazuelas
, Stefania Bartoletti
, William C. Lindsey
, Moe Z. Win
Soft Information for Localization-of-Things. 2240-2264 - Yueping Zhang
, Junfa Mao
An Overview of the Development of Antenna-in-Package Technology for Highly Integrated Wireless Devices. 2265-2280 - Peter M. Grant, John S. Thompson:
Standardization of the Ohm as a Unit of Electrical Resistance, 1861-1867. 2281-2289
Volume 107, Number 12, December 2019
- Bing Zhang
, Zhengchao Chen, Dailiang Peng, Jón Atli Benediktsson
, Bo Liu, Lei Zou
, Jun Li, Antonio Plaza
Remotely sensed big data: evolution in model development for information extraction [point of view]. 2294-2301 - Gianluca Setti:
Editorial. 2302-2305 - Bing Zhang, Y. Zeng, Q. Wu, R. Zhang, A. B. Magoun, Zhengchao Chen, Dailiang Peng, Jón Atli Benediktsson, Bo Liu, Lei Zou, Jun Li, Antonio J. Plaza, Krishna Shenai:
Scanning the Issue. 2306-2307 - Krishna Shenai
High-Density Power Conversion and Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Power Electronics Switching Devices. 2308-2326 - Yong Zeng
, Qingqing Wu
, Rui Zhang
Accessing From the Sky: A Tutorial on UAV Communications for 5G and Beyond. 2327-2375 - Alexander B. Magoun
Could You Have Been a Motoneer? [Scanning Our Past]. 2376-2385

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