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Production Engineering, Volume 7
Volume 7, Number 1, January 2013
- Berend Denkena
, Jürgen Gausemeier, Bernd Scholz-Reiter
Special issue WGP: "System-integrated intelligence: new challenges for product and production engineering". 1 - Tim Griesbach, Marc Christopher Wurz, Lutz Rissing:
Development, fabrication, and test of a modular eddy current micro sensor on a flexible polymer foil. 3-8 - Berend Denkena
, K. M. Litwinski, Dominik Brouwer, H. Boujnah:
Design and analysis of a prototypical sensory Z-slide for machine tools. 9-14 - Simon Kibben, Miron Kropp, Gerrit Dumstorff, Michael Koerdt, Walter Lang
, Frank Vollertsen
Bend sensor based on fibreoptics and concept for a compact evaluation unit. 15-22 - Cheng Yee Low
, Norheliena Aziz
, Mustafa Aldemir, Roman Dumitrescu
, Harald Anacker, Martin Mellado:
Strategy planning for collaborative humanoid soccer robots based on principle solution. 23-34 - Christian Klose
, Gregor Mroz, Gian Luigi Angrisani, Kai Kerber, Wilfried Reimche, Friedrich-Wilhelm Bach:
Casting process and comparison of the properties of adapted load-sensitive magnesium alloys. 35-41 - Stefan Bosse
, Florian Pantke:
Distributed computing and reliable communication in sensor networks using multi-agent systems. 43-51 - Rafal Dorociak, Tobias Gaukstern, Jürgen Gausemeier, Peter Iwanek, Mareen Vaßholz:
A methodology for the improvement of dependability of self-optimizing systems. 53-67 - Stefan Groesbrink:
Basics of virtual machine migration on heterogeneous architectures for self-optimizing mechatronic systems. 69-79 - Noor Ayuni Che Zakaria
, Takashi Komeda, Cheng Yee Low
, Mohri Makoto, Masayuki Kobayashi, Ahmad Yusri Ismail, Roman Dumitrescu
Development of foolproof catheter guide system based on mechatronic design. 81-90 - Robert H. Schmitt
, Yu Cai, Philipp Jatzkowski:
Estimation of the absolute camera pose for environment recognition of industrial robotics. 91-100 - St. Sowade, L. Chan, Bernd Scholz-Reiter
Modelling of requirements and technical enablers of the infrastructure of autonomous logistic processes: a prerequisite for their configuration. 101-110 - Roman Dumitrescu
, Harald Anacker, Jürgen Gausemeier:
Design framework for the integration of cognitive functions into intelligent technical systems. 111-121 - Bernd-Arno Behrens
, Najmeh Vahed, Matthias Kammler:
Functionalisation of PM components by integration of inherent data carriers and sensory elements. 123-129
Volume 7, Numbers 2-3, April 2013
- Steffen C. Eickemeyer, Tim Borcherding, Sebastian Schäfer, Peter Nyhuis
Validation of data fusion as a method for forecasting the regeneration workload for complex capital goods. 131-139 - Marion Merklein, Thomas Svec:
Hot stamping: manufacturing functional optimized components. 141-151 - C. Becker, Guillem Quintana Badosa, Matthias Hermes, B. Cavallini, A. Erman Tekkaya
Prediction of surface roughness due to spinning in the incremental tube forming process. 153-166 - Bernd-Arno Behrens
, Klaus-Georg Kosch:
Characterizing the buckling behavior of cylindrical hollow and hybrid specimens by experimental upsetting tests. 167-176 - Fritz Klocke, Thomas Bergs, Florian Degen, Philipp Ganser:
Presentation of a novel cutting technology for precision machining of hardened, rotationally symmetric parts. 177-184 - Eckart Uhlmann, L. Hochschild:
Tool optimization for high speed grinding. 185-193 - Christian Brecher, Jens Rossaint, Jens Falker:
Evaluation of an internally spring preloaded four contact-points bearing for spindle units. 195-201 - Uwe Heisel, Michael Storchak
, Dmitrii Krivoruchko:
Thermal effects in orthogonal cutting. 203-211 - Alexandra Werber, Mathias Liewald, Winfried Nester, Martin Grünbaum, Klaus Wiegand, Jörg Simon, Jürgen Timm, Walter Hotz:
Assessment of forming limit stress curves as failure criterion for non-proportional forming processes. 213-221 - Christian Brecher, Fritz Klocke, Markus Brumm, Ario Hardjosuwito:
Simulation based model for tool life prediction in bevel gear cutting. 223-231 - Zheng Sun
, Alexandru Dadalau, Alexander Verl
Component oriented and automatic generation of FE models for parallel kinematics. 233-237 - Ioannis Tsoupis, Sven Hildering, Marion Merklein:
Prediction of damage in small curvature bending processes of high strength steels using continuum damage mechanics model in 3D simulation. 239-249 - Raphael Holtermann, Sebastian Schumann, Andreas Menzel
, Dirk Biermann
Modelling, simulation and experimental investigation of chip formation in internal traverse grinding. 251-263 - Christian Brecher, Markus Brumm, Florian Hübner, Jannik Henser:
Influence of the manufacturing method on the running behavior of beveloid gears. 265-274 - Bernd-Arno Behrens
, Christoph Michael Gaebel:
Formability of an anti-fingerprint clear coating on satin stainless steel sheet metal. 275-281 - C. Eichenseer, I. Wittmann, C. Hartig, G. A. Schneider, N. Schell, Wolfgang Hintze:
In situ measurement of lattice strains in mixed ceramic cutting tools under thermal and mechanical loads using synchrotron radiation. 283-289 - Michael Lütjen
, Patrick Dittmer, Marius Veigt:
Quality driven distribution of intelligent containers in cold chain logistics networks. 291-297 - Berend Denkena
, F. Charlin, M. Merwart:
Competence-based process planning for the workshop production. 299-308 - Christian Brecher, Christian Krella
, Florian Lindner:
Simulative investigation of point diffraction interferometry with regard to machine tool calibration. 309-318 - Bernd-Arno Behrens
, Lennard Lippold, Julian Knigge:
Investigations of the shear behaviour of aluminium alloys. 319-328 - Christian Brecher, Thomas Breitbach, Christian Ecker, Wolfram Lohse:
Environment sensing for the creation of work cell models. 329-338 - Alexander Eckert, Markus Israel, Reimund Neugebauer, Markus Rössinger, Martin Wahl, Frank Schulz:
Local-global approach using experimental and/or simulated data to predict distortion caused by mechanical joining technologies. 339-349
Volume 7, Number 4, July 2013
- Marie Jonsson
, Andreas Stolt, Anders Robertsson, Sebastian von Gegerfelt, Klas Nilsson:
On force control for assembly and deburring of castings. 351-360 - Christian Brecher, Fritz Klocke, Florestan Schindler, Andreas Janssen, Bettina Fischer, Jan-Patrick Hermani:
Finishing of polycrystalline diamond tools by combining laser ablation with grinding. 361-371 - Eckart Uhlmann, C. Bäcker, N. Schröer:
Surface structuring using kinematic modulation in grinding. 373-381 - Ekkard Brinksmeier
, Oltmann Riemer, Stefan Kirchberg
, Carla Brandao:
Injection molded spherical grinding tools: manufacture and application of a novel tool concept for micro grinding. 383-389 - Jiann-Cherng Su, Keith A. Young, Shesh Srivatsa, John B. Morehouse, Steven Y. Liang:
Predictive modeling of machining residual stresses considering tool edge effects. 391-400 - Eckart Uhlmann, S. Henze, Robert Gerstenberger, Katrin Brömmelhoff
, Walter Reimers, Torben Fischer, N. Schell:
An extended shear angle model derived from in situ strain measurements during orthogonal cutting. 401-408 - A. Santangelo, Philipp Blanke, Tarik Hadifi, Franz-Erich Wolter
, Bernd-Arno Behrens
Fast 3D inverse simulation of hot forging processes via Medial Axis Transformation: an approach for preform estimation in hot die forging. 409-416 - Dirk Biermann
, Tobias Surmann, Petra Kersting:
Oscillator-based approach for modeling process dynamics in NC milling with position- and time-dependent modal parameters. 417-422 - Bernd-Arno Behrens
, A. Santangelo, Christian Buse:
Acoustic emission technique for online monitoring during cold forging of steel components: a promising approach for online crack detection in metal forming processes. 423-432 - Kun Zheng, Dunbing Tang, Wenbin Gu, Min Dai:
Distributed control of multi-AGV system based on regional control model. 433-441 - Christian Brecher, Tobias Breitbach, Dennis Do-Khac, Stephan Bäumler, Wolfram Lohse:
Efficient utilization of production resources in the use phase of multi-technology machine tools. 443-452 - Reimund Neugebauer, Martin Kolouch:
A deformation model of a parallel kinematic machine tool. 453-463
Volume 7, Number 5, September 2013
- Jens Peter Wulfsberg, Benny Röhlig:
Paradigm change: small machine tools for small workpieces. 465-468 - Ekkard Brinksmeier
, Bernd Orlik, Rodion Groll
, Carla Brandao, Alexander Norbach, Kristopher Leach:
GrindBall: an advanced micro-grinding tool. 469-476 - Wanqun Chen, Qingshun Bai
, Kai Yang, Qiang Zhang, Yingchun Liang:
Dynamics design optimization and experimental validation of a miniaturized machine tool for micro-milling. 477-482 - Jens Peter Wulfsberg, Alexander Verl
, Karl-Heinz Wurst, Silka Grimske, Christoph Batke, Tobias Heinze:
Modularity in small machine tools. 483-490 - Kenny Pagel
, Welf-Guntram Drossel, Wolfgang Zorn:
Multi-functional Shape-Memory-Actuator with guidance function. 491-496 - Thomas Bödrich, Fabian Ehle
, Michael Süßenbecker, Jens Lienig:
Novel moving-magnet electrodynamic feed units for small machine tools. 497-501 - Jens Peter Wulfsberg, Rolf Lammering, Thomas Schuster, Nanxi Kong, Malte Rösner, Elisabeth Bauma, Robert Friedrich
A novel methodology for the development of compliant mechanisms with application to feed units. 503-510 - J. Bauer, Dominik Kern
, Serdal Ayhan, Steffen Scherr, Jürgen Fleischer
, Wolfgang Seemann, Thomas Zwick
Planar positioning stage for micro machining. 511-516 - Shishir Kumar Singh
, Aneissha Chebolu, Soumen Mandal
, Nagahanumaiah:
Development of a pantograph based micro-machine for nano-scratching. 517-525 - Hans-Werner Hoffmeister, Arne Gerdes:
Development and design of micro machine tool components via numerical simulation. 527-533 - Berend Denkena
, Haydar Kayapinar:
XY-table for desktop machine tools based on a new fluidic planar drive. 535-539 - Andreas Stephen, Frank Vollertsen
Compact machining module for laser chemical manufacturing. 541-545 - Horst Meier, Jan Pollmann, Alexander Czechowicz:
Design and control strategies for SMA actuators in a feed axis for precision machine tools. 547-553 - Jan C. Aurich
, Christopher Müller, Michael Walk:
High-frequency tool-spindle for multifunctional, replaceable rotor-modules. 555-560 - Gregory H. Teichert, Brian D. Jensen:
Design and fabrication of a fully-compliant mechanism for control of cellular injection arrays. 561-568
Volume 7, Number 6, November 2013
- Jan C. Aurich:
Günter Spur. 569-570 - Gregory A. Hyatt, Masahiko Mori, Tobias Föckerer, Michael F. Zaeh
, Nils Niemeyer, Michael Duscha:
Integration of heat treatment into the process chain of a mill turn center by enabling external cylindrical grind-hardening. 571-584 - Bernd-Arno Behrens
, Ludger Overmeyer, Alexander Barroi
, Conrad Frischkorn, Jörg Hermsdorf
, Stefan Kaierle
, Malte Stonis, Adis Huskic:
Basic study on the process combination of deposition welding and subsequent hot bulk forming. 585-591 - Fritz Klocke, P. Vogtel, Sascha Gierlings, Dieter Lung, Drazen Veselovac:
Broaching of Inconel 718 with cemented carbide. 593-600 - A. Erman Tekkaya
, Matthias Kleiner, Dirk Biermann
, Lars Hiegemann
, Sascha Rausch, V. Franzen, Lukas Kwiatkowski, Petra Kersting:
Friction analysis of thermally sprayed coatings finished by ball burnishing and grinding. 601-610 - Joachim Seitz, Vahid Jenkouk, Gerhard Hirt:
Manufacturing dish shaped rings on radial-axial ring rolling mills. 611-618 - Ekkard Brinksmeier
, Frank Vollertsen
, Oltmann Riemer, Michael Koerdt, Axel Meier, Simon Kibben, Jan Möller:
Ultraviolet lithography on sloped surfaces utilizing diamond turned holograms. 619-627 - Bernd-Arno Behrens
, Anas Bouguecha, J. Rosenberger, Thorsten Matthias:
Numerical analysis of draw bending of load-adapted sheet metal profiles. 629-637 - Uwe Heisel, Wiliam Zaloga, Dmitrii Krivoruchko, Michael Storchak
, Liubov Goloborodko:
Modelling of orthogonal cutting processes with the method of smoothed particle hydrodynamics. 639-645 - Hendrik Tetzel, M. Grden, Frank Vollertsen
Stress analysis based on strain measurement in sheet metal laser bending. 647-655 - Dirk Biermann
, Jürgen Gausemeier, Stefan Hess, Marcus Petersen, Tobias Wagner:
Planning and optimisation of manufacturing process chains for functionally graded components - part 1: methodological foundations. 657-664 - Renaud Jourdain, Marco Castelli, Paul Shore, P. Sommer, David Proscia:
Reactive atom plasma (RAP) figuring machine for meter class optical surfaces. 665-673 - Robert Weidner
, Nanxi Kong, Jens Peter Wulfsberg:
Human Hybrid Robot: a new concept for supporting manual assembly tasks. 675-684

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